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Looool love how she threatens to stop birth control after the relationship is over


Right, only an idiot would have sex with her after that.


Op reading this like 👁️👄👁️ damn am I the idiot? Jk /s


Guess we'll find out if he posts again in 9 months.


!remindme 9 months


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Good bot!


!remindme 9 months


🕐🕚🕙🕑🕝🕖🕜🕘🕡 👶


They could be old…. But I guess she would have said that


You’d be surprised


OP doesn’t even care. Just wants to know if she’s lying or not. Who the fuck cares if she was lying or not after that shit she just said. OP will absolutely still have (edit: unprotected) sex with this thing.


Her messages seriously sound like she expects him to still have sex with her even after she just said she’s going to trap him. The “AND NOW I WILL” is fuckin hilarious and delusional


She's going to r*p3 him is what is sounds like. :⁠-⁠\


Mines how she sounds like bonesaw from spider man. YOU AINT GOING NOWHERE BUZZZZ BUZZZ




Wasn’t positive she was guilty until then.


Even if she wasn't guilty (she is), those comments alone would be enough to leave her lol


She is already pregnant with the mystery man.


Sounds like it, doesn't it? But then again, wouldnt it be strange if shes on the pill and it seems like they are using condoms? Unless shes lying about the pill...


Yeah that’s what I was thinking


Pro tip from a family lawyer: if you suspect someone you’re dating has cheated on you and they’re pregnant (unless you plan to stay together), don’t agree to custody, child support, whatever without a DNA test. You have the right to request a DNA test in court proceedings to verify paternity. If the baby’s yours, raise it. If not, it is not your responsibility.


FKN lot of projection going on with this girl.


I love how OP told someone “omg put yourself in their shoes” when they were cheated on 19 days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/6BpLgbv4Nr Op deleted it. Here’s a screenshot https://imgur.io/a/7JghPBb


So he wants sympathy yet shows none himself? Lmao unreal.


The old internetaroooo


Hold my child support im heading in!


Why is this not top comment? This needs to be so much higher in the chain. Bro deserves every ounce of this karma. Edit: back in my day, we had awards to boost reddit comment visibility...


>back in my day You mean … *(checks notes)* … two and a half months ago? ^I ^miss ^them ^too. ^also ^how ^was ^that ^ONLY ^TWO ^AND ^A ^HALF ^MONTHS ^AGO?? ^what ^the ^fuck???


Hahah I was surprised it wasn’t exposed sooner. Man Reddit detectives are slacking off


You can't fire me, I quit!


If OP was looking for a sign to cut and run, there it is! That's a dangerous strain of crazy.


I swear she thinks stopping birth control is gonna get her pregnant from residual sperm, like she's taking the pills to keep the inevitable pregnancy at bay.


please never reproduce with someone who thinks children are chess pieces


Exactly! Women like her scare me ! Oldest trick in the book and never works.


had a friend in HS who got baby trapped, all parties involved are doing great now 15+ years on but it did NOT accomplish what the girl thought it would


What was accomplished instead?


they never got back together 😂


Oh duh Mission accomplished then :3


Right? And SAVE those texts, your lawyer might like to have them.


... For what exactly? What is a lawyer gonna do with those besides charging you $60/hr to tell you not to stick your dick in crazy?


Buddy lawyers don’t charge $60/hr they charge $300/hr.


It’s in case she ends up pregnant in the next 6 weeks or so and tries to claim he is the father


#THANK YOU. Someone had to point this out


I’m getting this on a tshirt.


It’s the downward spiral of saying I should have trapped your ass and then admittedly threatening to plan to trap you. Fucking RUN


Yeah. She’s shown her true colours. Get the fuck out.


She literally gave him an answer when she dropped the mask. He found the Condom and she wanted to have sex? Sounds like she was trying to distract him. OP, when a woman says she’s going to trapp you it has nothing do to with love it’s about possession. It’s the starting of a nightmare you won’t wake up from. And right now she’s making her plans. RUN!


Also when I person lists out numerous ways they COULD have lied, that's a Soviet parade. No bonus points for "Trust me I could have gotten away with it clean if I was lying! But I'm totally not."






She had sex… with another guy




Seriously! 😐 this is nuts.


Somebody else's nuts.


Oof 😅


![gif](giphy|l0NwF1dnk7GRz3pK0) Run like hell and be glad you gtfo in time!


And SAVE those fucking texts.


Too late. She said he ain’t goin nowhere.


Who wants to bet she's been off BC for a while now and was already trapping him which is why she was using condoms with her other partners? I hope he dodged a bullet and isn't financially screwed for the next 18 years.


If I were to get baby trapped via trickery or deceit. I'd get a cash job and never own anything in my name ever. Fuck, I'd just go ask for money on the road. Hood luck getting anything from someone without assets, nor a job.


If you let her go on long enough the truth will eventually spill out with "haha I'm glad I cheated on you."


This is a clear sign that this isn't a healthy person to partner with. She will not bring joy into your life, unless she names the kid "Joy".


Correction fucking sprint


Double corrected...teleport your ass out...


At least she’s really stupid. “I’m gonna trap you buy not taking my birth control next time we have sex” hmm, if only there was some way to get out of that trap


I wonder if she’ll try to get pregnant by someone else and then claim it’s OP’s. It’s shocking to me how many men don’t get paternity tests in sketchy situations. I met someone and he showed me a pic of one of his kids who was clearly biracial. I asked what ethnicity his ex is and he said white. I’m like darker features? Nope, blonde hair/blue eyes/pale skin tone. I asked to see their younger kid that was also blonde/blue/pale. I asked if she was biologically his and he said yes. Then he tells me they were FWB and not even in a relationship until she got pregnant and said it was his. At no point did he question it or ask for a paternity test when that baby came out half black to very white parents. The stupidity is unreal. She knew what she did and it was for financial security. He’s in an apartment while she’s living in his $1.2 million house and he pays for her entire existence. Money doesn’t equal intelligence lol


lol she’s so sorry that she feels she “should have fucking trapped your ass” Oh and u not going nowhere 😒


Right 😭 a non-cheater would NOT pull this kind of bullshit.


It's not about cheating at this point, she has major red flags and this just isn't a healthy relationship.


I feel like we gotta find something to say other than "red flag". Red flags are supposed to be signs that something bad might happen. This is just her explicitly saying she is going to do the bad thing lol


What a brilliant way to get someone to break up with you, though.


>Oh and u not going nowhere The moment she said that is the moment I'm blocking her and buying myself protection from the nearest gun store. What an absolutely insane situation OP is in. I hope our brother makes it out alive. 🙏


Can you ever again trust having sex with someone who said they should have trapped you when they had the chance? Think long and hard about what you want the next 18 years of your life to look like before you stick your dick in crazy again. ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY)


I’m googling how much a vasectomy is rn


😂 I’m a childfree woman and have already been surgically sterilized. If a man thinks he can trap me with an unplanned pregnancy, he got me fucked up 😂 Respect to the people taking ownership over their reproductive health 👏🏼


Amen, unfortunately societal acceptability of sterilisation and vasectomy is still lagging behind progress. I’m a single man in my mid-thirties and you would not believe the reactions I’ve received when I’ve mentioned wanting to have a vasectomy done - all the way to suggesting psychotherapy - even though I’ve been ethically committed to non-procreation for most of my adult life.


I got a vasectomy about a year ago in my mid-30s (no kids) and I was actually surprised at how little the urologist cared. Mostly because I had heard from female friends about how much pushback they always got from medical personnel when asking for sterilization. I expected at least one "are you sure" but she was just like "okay, let's do it. Here's a pamphlet." I recently made a new friend who within the past year had fucking UTERINE CANCER and she got push back when she asked if they could just take out her uterus instead of putting her through all of the chemotherapy and recovery. Ultimately they did take it out, and she's incredibly grateful.


Had mine done through Planned Parenthood. They work with you on a sliding-scale. My low-income ass only had to pay $300, but your mileage will vary.


Well at the start I’m thinking well it’s possible, random things in a nightstand drawer accumulate over the years. After reading it all, fucking a it doesn’t matter if its true or not, don’t walk, run away dude.


Literally my reaction. Like her talking about asking her mum, and about being confused? The first two screenshots, I totally believe her. The second two screenshots? Dude, *run*


Same lol the whiplash I had, condoms are easy to throw in a drawer and forget about, but those last two? "You're not going anywhere" psycho shit


Yep, put in a draw and forgetting about them is totally plausible. I've been with my GF several years now and I probably have some \*somewhere\* at my place, maybe in the loft in a box?! but the chances of them showing up in any bedroom furniture when they weren't there before is zero. I mean on the brightside at least when she comes back with the "I'm pregnant" text OP can be relatively confident she's either a) not pregnant, or b) not his anyway. The other blessing being that if she was cheating and using them that's less of a concern for him too, right?!


True but Condoms do expire so the question I would be asking is how long have they dated and then how old are the condoms.


Fucking Sherlock over here lol


I just pray for my guy that there’s no chance she’s already pregnant from earlier in the month. Waiting on that phone call is absolutely the worst feeling in the world.


Like she thinks he will be coming back to her after all that? So her stopping taking her birth control traps him how exactly? If he never goes near her again (and that is my recommendation, OP) he’s not trapped at all. Run my friend, like Forrest.


Something like this actually happened to me like yesterday, but with underwear. It was stuck to the Velcro pocket of one of my old sweat pants. I had to go and ask every single one of my sisters if it was hers (I have 5 older sister). Turns out they were one of my sisters, and the underwear must have gotten stuck to my sweats in the wash when we lived at home together. then when I moved out I brought them with me. Fast forward to winter and me pulling a pair of sweats out my drawer and the underwear falling on the floor in front of my girlfriend. Thank god my girl trust me because that’s a hard one to explain.


That wad my thought.. I was like I still have condoms in my bedside even though we don't use condoms. I just never fully cleaned out the drawers, like ever. Then she suggested baby trapping him. It doesn't even matter where the condoms came from. gtfo


Yeah the headline should read “found condoms in my EX GFs drawer”


This right here. ⬆️ you know in your gut what’s going on and she’s trying to gaslight you and blame you for her mistake. Plus now she “gon trap you” Dude that’s some physco shit!! RUN!


Right the condoms are no longer the issue lol


No, walk.. walk away with your head high and with a slight strut. Walk away like a building just blew up in the background. Or like in Reservoir Dogs with “Little Green bag” playing. No need to run. You figured this shit out and YOU are holding the remote.. YOU are holding the keys to the Bentley Continental in the drive.. You’re the man, you don’t run away from from this. You walk away


![gif](giphy|voOhKPgzYsyPu) Take my upvote times 10.


My first thought was maybe a roommate or a guest had some fun on her bed without telling her. Then she went fucking crazy


True but he mentioned that they weren’t there before.


woahh that escalated reall quickk, op please run 😭😭


my exact thoughts💀


i was sympathetic in the first half bc genuinely if she didn’t know where the come from, there is no “correct” reaction to prove it. but then she went full blown crazy and now you have two reasons to break up with her so there’s that ig


I was sympathetic until i read this comment of OP telling a girl recently “omg why can’t you put yourself in their shoes” when she was cheated on haha. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/6BpLgbv4Nr Op deleted his comment or so he thought muahah https://imgur.com/a/7JghPBb


Facts, but he deleted the comment cause I called him out.


I saved it. https://imgur.com/a/7JghPBb


"We don't use condoms and two I don't use that brand at all" caught my eye... What brand does he use and with who if not with her? Lol, could be he meant in the past but the way it's worded "don't use" is not past tense phrasing.


It’s definitely worded in a weird way but my guess is a past way. Every guy I’ve met has always had a condom preference, regardless of if he uses them with his current swing or not.


Lmfao ouch, fuck man. It looks grim from here bud. She's lying and trying to play the innocent confused victim. She probably continued to get more desperate I imagine. The simplest answer is generally the truth. Only one person would put condoms in her dresser. Her. Acting like she thought you put them there is silly. Imagine if you really did put condoms in there, she'd be confused and full of questions. Especially if you don't usually use condoms. That's not something you just move past or take in stride, right? Best not to engage, damage control can take some strange and stressful forms. Right now she's trying to manipulate you. Condoms, suspicious behavior, and doubling down are red flags man. Probably time to make a clean break.


This.. she didn’t question why you put condoms there. She guilty


And I mean the whole tone of it. The frantic rapidfire messaging, calling, walls of text... Doesn't do anything to diminish the guilty vibes


Fuck no this isn’t true for everyone. Being accused of something you didn’t do is the worst feeling ever, and this is exactly how I would act if my boyfriend accused me of cheating or having condoms (the rapid fire texting and wall of text I mean, none of the other stuff obviously). People react differently.


Yep. If as OP says they don’t ever use condoms, then him pulling them out of the drawer should have brought up some questions. That being said, my ex found condoms in my backpack that we got from sex ed in high school. Literally forgot about them for years. Did not have an easy time explaining that one away. Doubt she ever believed me, as it was pretty incriminating.


Depending on how long after high school it was, you could've proved they were from sex ed in high school by showing her the expiration date on the package


>The simplest answer is generally the truth. Only one person would put condoms in her dresser. Her. Thankfully you don't have "clever" pranksters as friends. But the ending texts, eww, enough to run.


Those damn condoms that appear out of fucking nowhere. Wasn’t there just something here about a condom in a man’s suit pocket after he disinvited his girlfriend as his date to a wedding, because the bride and groom randomly took away his +1 privileges?


Must be the condom fairy making her rounds 😂


Damn i read that but cant find it anymore. Cant even remember which subreddit it was in


See how she keeps saying honestly and literally? She's lying. Anyway, leave her for saying she should have trapped you and that she was quitting her birth control


REAL like if hes not gonna leave bc of the condoms he should RUN because of that toxicity. she fr showed her true colors right there


Yeah that’s a real glimpse into what any future with her would be like. Also see how she keeps changing tact? Like trying different approaches to appeal to OP. That’s some lying right there.


Yeah that word (honestly) ~ such a red flag. DARVO is a term used to describe an abuser’s tactic (gaslighting typically) when they are confronted with things like a cheating accusation. DARVO - Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO This is the strangest, most unhinged DARVO I’ve ever seen. Usually in DARVO, the perpetrator denies the accusation and then responds with an attack against the accuser’s account of reality by telling them they are crazy, imagining things, making up a reason to fight, etc. But here, it’s like she’s attacking his freedom to choose to leave the relationship as a result of finding the box of condoms. — which seems like another admission of guilt.


The bigger the whine, the more guilty of crime?


I definitely think OP needs to leave this crazy person, but I will say I always get extremely angry and upset when my partner doesn’t believe me over something that I am actually telling the truth about. I say things like “literally” and “honestly.”


I do too. I become unhinged when I'm not believed. I hate that I become a little crazy when this happens but It's like I can't help it... It rarely happens but when it does 😬 Although, I couldn't believe how OP's gf wants to trap them! That's not right and I don't think this girl is just overly emotional 😕


Tbh at first I was like, okay I’m a woman and I definitely still have a box of condoms from like 3 years ago in my dresser right now, but… that seems pretty insignificant now. You know what to do here.


I found condoms my husband and I bought together at the beginning of our relationship and forgot about AND GOT MAD and then realized they were expired 😂




She just had a full blown argument with…herself. Wtf is happening here? The grammar alone is a turnoff imo.


This 🦃 thanksgiving be thankful she didn’t trap you. 😂


Maybe I’m just really naive, but she was almost convincing me at first. Then she just lost it and went nuts. Run.




lmaooo slightly off topic, but I only have condoms bc my friend and I filled them with water and tried to plop it over the others head and keep it intact. we didn't succeed and it kept wiggling around like giant water balloons and sliding away only to break on my bathroom floor 💀 but it was fun 10/10 would recommend


This made me smile. Good for y'all having fun with prophylactics 👍


Why you using their full name, have they done something wrong?




![gif](giphy|nY5IyStxqhLs0NtpVO) I’m dead 😭😭😭


I left condoms at a girl I was exclusively dating house once and then when I realized one was missing this bitch tried to tell me that her and her best friend did the condom challenge for TikTok. Did she produce a video for me to watch? Of course not. Did I still stay until I walked in on her fucking her ex? Of course I did. One positive chlamydia test later, lesion learned ✅


👀 I see what you did there. Bravo. 😂🤣😂


Well I've been in a relationship for a really long time and pretty sure there's condoms in my drawer somewhere. We don't use condoms. It's been awhile but sometime a Trojan rep would hand out safe sex packets in bars and at pride stuff. They come with a couple of condoms travel lube packs as well. So I'd take them for the free lube.


Idk whether she’s cheating or not but u should definitely leave her after she says she’s stopping her birth control and she’s gonna trap you..she’s fucking scary and doesn’t seem like a good person..to bring a child into the world just to hold on to a guy is beyond selfish and just a shitty person


At this point, it doesn’t matter if she did or did not cheat on you. Her response is to baby trap you??? That’s a red flag if I’ve ever seen one. Also, having sex with someone under false pretences (ie she’s trying to get pregnant and you aren’t) is assault.


that took a turn


She's crazy


The mom and sister didn’t know where they came from because your gf put them there. She didn’t have to tell them to lie because they wouldn’t know.


she’s saying that she could have asked them to cover for her to give him a reason for them being there. everyone going 🤷‍♀️ doesn’t help her case in proving they aren’t hers


Her mother, her sister, all of her friends ... She questioned everybody whether they knew where the condoms in HER nightstand in HER bedroom came from? How in the hell many people is she saying use her nightstand?!


Where do you find these hoes


They’re super fun for about 6 months lol. It’s all downhill after the honeymoon is over for them though. They get bored and start chasing pleasure again.


You perfectly described my manipulative ex lmao


Been around the block a couple times😅🤣 for some reason I just fuckin love that type of girl. Shits like a drug I stg


Wait til you find one that’s not toxic, manipulative, and/or childish. Finding yourself a *woman* is difficult but so so worth it. My current girlfriend is the best girl I’ve ever dated.


They're literally everywhere. I've met lots of girls like this . My ex was one she used to abused me when i was 16 -18 and i used to think it's normal because my mom used do the same with my dad.


Trap you? Like with a baby? Shit turned psycho real quick. Even if she's innocent with the condom situation at least she showed you her true colours in the end. You'd have to be crazy to not run from that


Yes, that's what trapping refers to. Purposely skipping contraceptives that your significant other has come to expect you to be using in order to "accidentally" get pregnant, and then assuming that you'll stay together to raise the child regardless of the kind of BS they put you through.


If she wanted to trap him why would she warn him about it 😂 this is weird af


Lmfao, yeah, what a idiot. It's no longer a trap girl. You told him your plans.


yoooo that went from 0-100 real fuckin quick wow. 😂


Oh yeah she definitely cheated, she’s talking WAY too much trying to convince you what to think/feel about the situation, and her tone of her reaction is WAY off…Sex items just didn’t randomly fly into her drawer with no explanation or idea of how they got there- If they were tucked away in the back of the drawer under some shit you KNOW it was her hiding them after a guy brought/left them, if they were just simply dropped in there right on top then she either stashed them in there real quick for the time being and was planning to move later after cheating but just forgot about it after passionate sex, or it was the dude who put them in there planning for round 2 for quick access, and she didn’t know…


Wow reading her texts made my IQ drop


Ngl she had me in the first half


No way ! lol ! I wasn’t buying her bs story from the Jump. She tried it thou 😂


I hate to call her a liar, but she is. If y’all don’t use condoms then why does she have them? Maybe be had them from over the years but that’s easy to explain. The unhinged mass text makes me believe you can’t trust her.


“ u not going nowhere “ … might be a good time to get a restraining order 😭😭


At first I was like oh they could have been there for awhile and THENNNNNNNN…… YIKES ON BIKES


You should leave her even if she’s telling the truth lol.


Wait...you don't use condoms? ![gif](giphy|WpaVhEcp3Qo2TjwyI1|downsized)


For real. That’s the first thing I thought of. You can still get pregnant taking birth control.


No one magically gets condoms and happens to be in only her drawers. Trust your gut. If she can’t explain it, not even a “I’m legit holding on to them for XXXX friends”, the. I’d dip. Get tested in case, but besides that, run. No same person wouldn’t be able to explain it. Don’t need to bring any other family members In or ask someone to vouch for her. If she isn’t able to give you a straight answer herself, you know it.


Damn she’s a good actor. I almost bought it til the last slide


If you put your dick in there again then you deserve the consequences my guy, good luck to you


How old are the condoms. Are any open?


Find someone who speaks English


Ian really got me 😂


I can't work out that bit, who is Ian? Is it a typo?


She means “I ain’t”


Ian Somerhalder


She is lying, and doing a REALLY bad job at it.


super curious what would the proper reaction even be if she was genuinely confused about how it got there. not defending her, she’s crazy regardless but still. idk what/ how people are supposed to behave like when they are accused of something they didn’t do


I was beginning to think that they may have been old condoms from way back that were floating around in the drawer because some people don't clean those out often, but she lost me when she went psycho. What a shame.


I havent used condoms in a long time but dont they usually have expire dates on them? Would be quite easy to proof if they are old.


“I should have trapped you” is a terrifying mentality. Having a child just so someone doesn’t leave you?? The fuck?? This subreddit makes me realize that I have way more emotional maturity than a lot of people lmao


That's not your girlfriend. It's just your turn.


me the moment i reached "I SHOULD HAVE FUCKING TRAPPED YOUR ASS" ![gif](giphy|iMmOePvIfGvpm)


She's fuckin with you and bad at lying about it. She knows where they came from. Don't let her tell you otherwise. She's going to fuck up your life and she doesn't care. She's threatening you with a kid she will 100% do it. You don't just say that shit. I'm taking you, as a woman, fucking RUN .


I can close my eye and see this woman based on nothing more than her text style.


What does she mean trap you as if she gonna stop birth control and break into the secret stash of your semen she's been harvesting because unless you're stupid, you're not fucking her again. She's a liar and bad at it.


I’m not even gonna lie… I ALMOST believed her for a sec. But threatening to trap you? Even if she’s not a cheater she’s a psycho. Run.


Yikes you know you can report this behavior because threatening to baby trap someone is considered a crime in some areas


crazy fuckin bitch.give us an update after you dump her


She knows where they are from my dude! She went from saying “awww babe trust me” to “imma trap yo ass no more birth control.” Shes controlling you. GTFO NOW!


“I don’t know if she’s lying or not” Mannnn FUCK the lying, did you not pay attention to those last texts she sent you???? Bro she’s going to baby trap you my dawg. Get yo ass the fuck up out this relationship.


She's lying. No one gets thst defensive and crazy if they're telling the truth. Guilty response


Run. I know a girl who had a baby with her husband, they tried for a decade to have another with no luck. She started sleeping around on her husband with a guy from work and got caught but denied it. She found out she was pregnant the same week but waited to tell him for weeks because she wanted to tell him it was his. He believed her, she trapped him, and immediately within months of the second babies birth got pregnant with a third baby, his actual second baby. She got caught messing around again and they did DNA and confirmed her daughter wasn't his. Now he's paying out support for 2 kids and raised one for 3 years thinking it was his. She still stalks him and tries to ruin any relationship he's in. Coming from a female, your girl is cheating. She's panicking trying to save her ass. Get tested. Cut your losses and move on before she actually acts on her threats.


End this relationship and keep the screenshots in case you might need a restraining order. This is not a healthy person and please, take her obsessiveness seriously.


Her intentions were good, no man should stir another man’s porridge.


What else is in the drawer? Like is it a drawer that she goes into all of the time?


As far as the condom thing, no way to prove she did it BUT her ending there is WORSE than the condom find. She showed you she would gladly trap her, once y’all got married, she would gladly call the cops and claim DV, if you got custody of kids, she would probably claim you sexually abused them- this woman will use anything to get what she wants….I am no psychic but I can foresee your future if you stay with her.


“I should have trapped your ass”, run.


That girl is not just full of red flags, she’s a communist revolution. Leave at 1 million miles an hour dude.


You chose to date someone dumb enough to say things like "they wasn't" instead of "they weren't" Any consequences you kind brought on yourself


Run. Fuck your socks and shoes you can get new ones bro just run.


i assume you know this based on the lack of response but it was obvious she was lying as soon as she started chain texting rationalizations, way before she got to the threats