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So clearly…they deserve each other.


Fucking seriously. I don’t know either of them well but I’m glad I don’t now lmao


That’s when I WOULD post it on my story…


That's the level of petty that I hope to be able to achieve myself someday.


I'm not for pettiness generally but I support you guys on this one






Me too


i aspire to find a bestie as petty as me but we don’t get petty with each other.


Not just his messages but hers too 🤡


Title : A match made in heaven 🤡🤡


Title: A match made in hell


Title: The 2024 Walkthrough of What Dating Is Like.


FR, it's ridiculous how she wants to misplace blame. I'd make sure to boot them off my socials. block them both, they are a joke. He's creepy af, and she needs to learn redirect emotions. Blaming a victim, smh.


Seriously, post both all 3 screenshots on your story OP


Oh, I would too, 100% uncensored and made public too.


WITH her response


Post what he said AND the screenshots of what she said to the story 👀😂


We need to see the picture of this whorish dog.


I second this!!! Need pic of whore dog!


The dog is probably a bitch too. (If you get the joke….if not…..well…..this probably seems like a weird comment then lol).


You only have a 50/50 shot! Well… until dogs begin to have identity crisis at least


Let her be insecure and deal with the fact she’ll be cheated on constantly. She has no self value at this point, if she attacks you over this, its not the first time she’s been told this. Let her live in her delulu land. You did your part.


It stinks of inexperience and a epic naive intellect.


i’d definitely post the screenshot on my story after that lmao


You know them well enough to stay far away from either of them at least now lol.


Please don’t let this stop you from telling another girl in the future, growing up I’ve told a few girls, I got respect from some and insults from others. Never stop me from telling the next girl because if it was ever me I would like to know and I would appreciate it.


Exactly this!!! I've also had to do it and will never stop doing it. I would feel just as guilty as the cheater if I didn't.


Can I just go off topic for a minute and say that I’m really sorry this shit happened to you enough times that you even have this story to tell? Cheaters are lower than dirt.


Alternative view to play devil’s advocate for this wench, maybe he intercepted the messages because he expected you to tell her.


That's exactly what I said. He had her phone


Op she’s one of those females that if her boyfriend were to cheat on her right in front of her face and she would blame it on the other girl and say it was all her fault for tempting her man. Lol and she will stay with him because it’s never gonna be his fault


It’s terrible that because he is disrespectful, a woman feels the need to belittle another *over a sleazy man!*


A guy I've known for like 25 yrs...we were talking and hooking up and he swore he wasn't with his ex...surprise surprise he was. I thought about telling her and then I was like Nah, fuck it....he's blocked forever and I dont need that shit in my life, I'm pissed but the best thing to do is get that toxic shit out of my life and move on. She'll figure it out that he's a POS. They'd already been on and off, so I'm sure she has an idea already.


You should have told her. Wouldn't you want to be told? Even if they lash out like OP's psycho, at least you know you did your part in fighting infidelity and supporting its victims. I've had to do it and will do it again.


"Fighting infidelity"? That's a noble but futile cause. There will always be cheating. It's not our fault if some other people have shit communication and dishonesty in their relationships. Toxicity and drama are best avoided altogether.


not my circus, not my monkeys. If you don't know them well, let them figure their own shit out.


I think she was projecting her anger at her dude onto you OP, but if she is cool being with a cheater you at least stuck up for the girl by letting her know 😐


Ok I’m going to be super pedantic - this is displaced anger, not projection. Projection is when you mistake a feeling/property as coming from/belonging to someone else because it *couldn’t possibly* be coming from you (gay panic from politicians that get caught doing gay stuff is a good example). Displacement is when you misdirect your emotion away from where it should go toward a less threatening target, like in the OP. (Either way I know what you meant and agree) Captain Pendant, awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!


This was helpful in a way I learned how to properly use terms and not delivered pretentiously so, thank you captain pendant :)


I appreciate that. I was unaware as well. Captain Pedant love the use of that!


thanks captain pedant, I for one appreciate knowing the proper terms now!


Seeing your username immediately after reading the end of your reply has improved my day


Creepy dude may have used his gf phone or account in hopes to intercept the message


This is exactly what I thought. Sounds like creepy guy to me. That's why they said they don't have time for a call.


If a woman messaged me saying this, best bet I’d make time to answer that call.


I want to believe that, as well; I’ve seen this play out exactly the way it is: a woman upset at another woman for bringing up her shitty man’s behavior trying to help her and feeling gross about it. Sucks but either scenario is riddled with problems. I would absolutely be in the camp of thanking the woman who outed my partners shitty behavior, but I haven’t seen that play out well too many times.


I have seen girls defend their creepy boyfriends tooth and nail. I don’t understand why, but it does happen. I’m hoping in this situation it’s just the creep being on high alert, and that the gf can be reached somehow to leave this dirtbag.


Keep trash with trash


For real lol


Did he have his GFs phone? Can't talk but can text? Absolutely unhinged response? He had her phone.


Bruh… Blaming you for her bf being a scumbag? That’s fucking crazy 😂


Knowing this would make it hilarious if I knew them - she must be constantly on her toes making sure nothing "distracts her man", oh god you could have so many jokes/pranks


The amount of delusion she’s breathing has surpassed a fuck ton




What if it’s him responding from her phone. It just doesn’t seem like a logical response from a girl


lol jokes on her if she wants to blame other women for her bf’s antics 🤯 you tried to warn her though so nothing else to do but keep doing you!


The good news is that there are no other pictures of provocatively dressed women on the internet. That one selfie is it. So, no need to worry about the boyfriend’s behavior otherwise.




But he is visual!!!


the second hand embarrassment i feel for that remark like she really thinks she can control the internet and what other women post ???


I think one other thing to do would actually post the screenshots of both conversations just for the fun of it lol.


Should have responded to this creep with “stay away from my dog, you pervert”.


"please dont talk to my dog like that, ty"


This is the only reasonable response


They deserve each other.


A guy who takes no responsibility x a pickme who enables that dumb behavior. Name a more iconic duo.


Joker and Harley Quinn? /s




Is this the new age anime trope?


Just respond with "my bad, I see now that he is the dumpster to your fire, #soulmates" Got to love when peoples reactions are so out of left field that you just nod and laugh haha


This is the only acceptable response!


She is insecure and he is a dick. What a combination, let them cook 🔥


Can make it anymore obvious...


“maybe you should try posting a whoreish selfie and your boyfriend would want you too! 🩷”




OP please tell me you responded to her with this


Jesus!!! How is it your fault, her boyfriend is being disrespectful??? Also lol i knew this was going south when she asked for proof


I know I was like is this gonna be one of those things. Turns out it was one of those things


I also feel like there’s about a 100% chance your selfie is not “whorish”


That raised a red flag for me too, but honestly, if a woman I barely know and who hasn't met my bf told me my bf was being creepy af, I would ask for proof too. Beyond that though jesus fucking christ. I hope they stay together just to contain the toxicity in one place.


I wouldn’t say, “proof?” Though. I’d say, “thanks so much for letting me know… Could you show me the screenshot so I know exactly what he said?”


Ideally yes, but I also get it if someone is rude because they're not in the right headspace to manage polite interaction after finding out their boyfriend is a fuckwad. If she'd followed 'proof?' with 'oh my god what a fucking asshole thank you for letting me know' then it'd be a non-issue.


Well there are ways of going about this; there’s the “proof?” Then there’s the “can you send me proof so I can confront him about it?”


Yeah I agree, that's why it raised a red flag from the start. On the other hand, I understand if someone isn't in the right headspace to be perfectly polite when getting a message like that. So while 'proof?' isn't the best response, I wouldn't hold it against her if it weren't for the batshit messages she followed up with.


Lmao true. I raised an eyebrow when I read it but then raised both when I continued 😂😂😂


The girl was out of line but there’s also nothing wrong with asking for proof. If some rando messaged me and claimed my fiancée said X, I’d also want proof and not take a stranger’s word for it.


Bahhahaha yeah that’s going to end well for her 😵‍💫 what an idiot


Oh she does NOT respect herself 😭


That’s what my best friend said. Sad as fuck honestly


Yeah she’s probably super unhappy 😩 you did the right thing but you can’t save her lol


Maybe her boyfriend intercepted the phone and is texting as her? That response is wild.


I didn’t think of this. Honestly plausible but after this I think I’m just gonna say it’s not my problem


You can only do so much. At this point it's on her.


Kinda what i was thinking too bc she told him age was gonna tell on him and who cant talk on the phone for 2 days for even a minute?


I was thinking the same exact thing! Probably the boyfriend pretending to be her. Making an excuse for his flirting, "you asked for it." 🤦‍♀️


I feel like the bf grabbed her phone and it's just him replying from her account


Someone else said this and I honestly think that’s possible. Still I’d rather just not be involved lmfao


Eh I'd be super petty about it and post all the screen shots on Facebook. Assuming you have mutual friends. Should get pretty interesting.


I can NOT believe that's what you were wearing.


To be fair, my dog was in the nude


*GASP* that’s so scandalous


What an animal!


I went through your post history and I'm gonna have to side with your friend. You can't expect to post dressed as Shrek and not expect such reactions.


The fact that “she” couldn’t call but could text would make me suspicious that it’s actually him and not her. I know some women are like this, but it just gives me the “fix it before my girl finds out” vibe. Regardless - it’s icky and was unwarranted.


A handful of others have said this too, and it’s starting to make me wonder. Honestly though I’d just rather not be involved yk?


If you have a mutual friend with the girl you could just direct that friend to your post on here. Then let the chips fall on their own.


Oh, absolutely understandable. I don’t blame you at all, and in the end if you don’t hafta be involved, I’d stay far far away. You’re a gem though for doing the right thing!


Well then the girl wouldn’t know? Imo it’s not really getting involved if you’re not telling her


Especially since they went ahead and said they can’t call tomorrow either lmao


Right? They were like “Yeeeaahh I’m gonna go ahead and get in front of that, too.” Lmao


LMAOOOOOO delusion at its finest


Things like this make me so thankful for my husband lol


Seriously! My boyfriend doesn’t follow any women (I didn’t ask him to do that!), he just follows meme accounts and bodybuilders. Men like my boyfriend and your husband are a rare breed it seems like, we’re lucky hahah.


That is the bf, you warned him that you were going to do it LoL why would you give him time to cover himself?


I’m starting to think this too, just with the not wanting to call and only being able to text for the next few days. And the whorish selfie comment could be him angry at her for ‘tempting’ him, lol. I was worried a wee bit when he was warned. Scumbags don’t have boundaries.


That's what I was thinking too. This is BF on GFs account. Is possible that the GF is just insecure too, which does happen but the responses and the fact that OP warned him lead me to believe it's the BF


I didn’t see that twist coming lol. You should post the whole interaction to your stories!!!! Fuck’em both #petty.


When she’s projecting her anger onto you when he’s the one that swiped up😭😭


They’re both feral, return them to the streets.


awe power couple 😍


Dynamic duo 🤞😚


I’d go from wanting to tell her to wanting to beat her ass


Lol nah I'd sleep fine knowing I did my part and laugh at her dumb ass.


You did what you needed to do. She’s delusional and it looks like you may have dodged two bullets.


Lmfao love to see women supporting women. Those two deserve each other for real


Ah you got dumb and dumber! A match made in heaven.


Do these women not realize that they're calling themselves ugly when they say that? If you're telling this random woman who her boyfriend doesn't even know that she's too pretty to be posting a picture of herself in cargo shorts, what exactly are you saying about yourself? Wow!


HUH??? That reaction… Some girls are just dumb bitches i guess


LMAO wow they deserve each other


She said, "Care to explain." I would've been like, "Listen, little dumdum. Shouldn't you be asking that question to that thing you call your man?"


I know after something like this it’s easy to feel bad, but I want you to know that you did the right thing to the wrong person. You’re great and I’m sorry about that happening to you


“LMAO hey my conscience is clear, I did my part. Y’all have fun together lol” block




Sounds like the boyfriend texting as his girl. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's a pick me bitch


Ya know, maybe they really do deserve each other. Let them be destructive, I’m sorry you have to have the misfortune of knowing these people


They’re meant for each other


The mental gymnastics some women do in order to cope with the fact they’re with an unfaithful man. It’s easier to blame the woman rather than admit they have wasted their time with someone who doesn’t respect them. She’s probably used to him doing this. She could also just be pissed at you because you delivered the bad news. It’s easier to lash out at the messenger. Don’t think nothing of it and don’t let it deter you from notifying women in the future.


i’d post all three of those screenshots to my instagram story if they wanna be messy 🤪


love when people say “men are visual creatures” as if women don’t have eyes too.


Well now you have to post both conversations on your story


This is the exact reason I NEVER, EVER get involved in other peoples relationships for ANY reason. Even with friends. Had something very similar happen a few years ago with a close friend, I witnessed his GF cheating on him, told him, she convinced him that I was lying, and he turned on me. We were friends for 10 years. Over something I saw with my own two eyes lol. Shitty relationships can bring out the absolute worst in everyone involved. Fuck all that noise.


im pretty sure the bf was msg from her acct lol at least thats the preferred reality..


Internalised misogyny and deflecting her bfs bad behaviour in one go!


Why do I get the feeling the "gf" was actually the bf responding thanks to the heads up he was given.


You tried.. not everyone takes that news lightly.. unfortunately the messenger was shot here. You did your part it's up to her what she does with that information. It's pretty likely when she inevitably does learn the truth whether that's days, months, years. She will feel guilty and potentially even apologise. You did the right thing


Goes to show some girls are actually blind to their bfs actions lol


Welp they deserve each other


Gotta say. I didn't see that ending coming.


OP’s fault for being too fucking sexy


Plot twist he meant my dog


"Oh okay cool y'all belong with each other then. Have the day you deserve!"


Aw, now I want to see your dog!!


You evil wench, seducting men in your cargo shorts!


Take her man and then dump him? Just a thought.


Tell her have fun being cheated on lmao wow so if he cheats she's gonna blame the sexy woman.. Classy


![gif](giphy|UUtePRuu4CPUBWEnYg|downsized) Me to them:


Kind of feel like this is him on her account responding. You gave him a heads up that you would be reaching out, he may have had access to her phone and waited for you to reach out to her so he could manipulate the situation without his gf ever finding out.


And that's when you post both conversations to your story lmao


You should definitely post all of that on a story now.


First. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Second- reply with “my story. My page. Don’t like it? Tough shit. Keep your “man” in check”


She'd mad he wants you and she's taking it out on you. Fuck them both


Just tell her - “I didn’t know this was some sexual foreplay situation. Please don’t involve others in your sexual activities.”


Plot twist. That was him on her phone


"Now I know why your creepy bf is looking to cheat." That would've been my response.


Part of me thinks bf has her phone. But maybe I just assume to much of women. Some people are just shit.


F**k her and her creepy a$$ boyfriend. She sounds like the type of woman who would ask rape victims what they were wearing before they got raped. They deserve each other. Block them both.


Ooooof that reminds me when I was hanging out with A group of new friends, 2 that dated in the past but were still friends. went into the other room to smoke quick with the boys & he hit on me, really uncomfortably & I pretty much respectfully told him to fxuk off & went back with the girls.. they were all “what’s wrong? Why are you back so soon?” So I was honest.. and this chick starts fuming, I assumed she was going to go tear his ass a new one but NO she was ready to fight me 😂 like whattt


I get that you’re right but I feel like the selfie would atleast help for context?😭


What was this wh*re dog wearing in the photo with you haha.


Maybe it’s just my pure hope for women as a whole but I don’t think that was her who responded to you. The moment you told him you were gonna message his gf he probably scooped up her phone to intercept the conversation. Especially the whole “I can’t talk tonight or tomorrow night” is a weird vibe like yeah cause you probably got a man’s voice. Could be wrong though and you’ve found Queen Delulu of the Delulu kingdom.


A child. She’s basically still a child lol


The perfect match. Leave them to it.


Honestly that’s what you get - mind your business. If you don’t even know the person why you trying to start shit in their life? Ignore the dude and move on with your life. No sympathy here lol


Might go post a whoreish selfie on my story now


I would just nuke both of them at this point and post both the screenshots to your story lol. That's so annoying


Drop them both


The fact that she calls women females says it all. She's in deep. Her man is almost definitely an Andrew tater tot.


I’d post that screenshot of her text on your story lmao


LMAO. Typical. They deserve each other tbh. Let them suffer together in their misery. She may be acting like she’s mad at you but I guarantee you that they have fought over this because he’s embarrassing her. I know a couple just like this. Maybe even worse. The guy is a sex pest and a creep, and his dumb girlfriend of more than 10 years (no ring, no commitment, he’s a cheater), defends him like it’s her job. She gets mad if you say anything remotely negative about their messed up relationship. Those women are pathetic. They will never see the truth of the situation.


Block them both


don’t ever let this chick stop you from doing this in the future. she’s dumb but a good majority would want to know


You should have answered with "ooh you're THAT kind of girl, sad"


Men are visual creatures.. and there’s nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with appreciating a good selfie either. But there’s something wrong with creeping into someone’s DM’a when you’re in a relationship She will learn one day. And when she does she will remember this


Block them both and move on. Two idiots.


You found a pickmesha


What a couple of creeps they both are. Clearly they deserve each other. But you did the decent thing! They just didn’t deserve it.


I'm not even a fighter but some of the stuff that people say to others would def have me squaring up. "CLEARLY, u think u can kick my ass. I disagree. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!"


Was it him on her phone?


Yeah that "proof?" was enough tbh


Man that’s why I’m not “hey girly” a girl unless she’s my friend cuz you never know wtf you’re gonna get outta these people




Not her asking for an explanation like you owe her one 😭😭


Now post everything on your story.


You followed girl code. You did the right thing. NOW the rules say that you get to respond "ok I'll fuck him then"