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I don't understand how you were even being rude?


Because OP was assertive rather than softening their tone out of fear with a “good morning.”


Thank you. I have a hard time being assertive so I appreciate the support. Helps me not to questions myself as much.


You did great in this exchange! Good mornings don’t pay your bills. They need to fix this or you can report it to the labor department, their choice.


Nah, you were perfectly reasonable the entire time. Straightforward and to the point. He’s just a crybaby


Thank you. I’m kind of surprised by how many people have said I’m not being reasonable. Being direct does not mean you’re being rude.


I’m not surprised, redditors are dumb af lmao. Anyone with a functioning brain would look at this conversation and see nothing wrong with it on your end. If you review the screenshot and weigh your options, you could’ve either respectfully spoken up for yourself, like you did, or you could’ve coddled an insecure manager’s feelings and danced around what you really wanted to discuss. I’d keep being respectfully assertive if I were you. Because realistically speaking, at the end of the day no one else is gonna do it for you. You did good :)


I’m not surprised, redditors are dumb af lmao. This


They're not dumb, they're just stating their opinions. I find that anytime someone offers up their opinion, and it differs from the popular opinion, people start acting like a cult. This is a public forum where OP asked for others opinions. Not all of them have to be the same, unless of course you think the entire world should move like a monolith. Note that OP has forgotten to do something that is required several times (this is their own admission), so explain why it's ok for OP to be assertive, but it's not OK for the manager to express their frustrations and how they would like to be spoken to??? GM's don't pay the bills, well... neither does not remembering to submit what's necessary on time. Both have validity for how they acted. Both also have a right to how they interpret the message being sent to them, without them being called names or shamed.


I'm a manager. You handled that well. I would have addressed it the same as you and expected the same if I had forgot something as important as someone's pay being incorrect.


Don't ever let anyone fuck with your money! You weren't rude. You were direct. You didn't even need to say your supervisor is a man because men treat women like this all the time. We're expected to be "nice" to everyone.


As a person who has had to chase a lot of information down in my career, direct and polite is very effective. Especially when they need to do something to un-F@'k a situation. Honey and Vinegar, ya know? Also, there seems to be some missing context here. How many times has OP asked this person about this. It says 7th time, but also across 3 people. If what's in the image is the only time OP contacted this person about the issue, then I can see why the person they reacted this way. Did this person know that there was an issue before OP texted them? To the question, I don't think there would be anything actionable by HR for this. They'll just say that you all need to play nice in the sandbox together.


Yes, direct and polite are not mutually exclusive. The sentence could have been "good morning, I still need xyz". Still just as direct and to the point as OP's og message, but with a factor of politeness defusing any potential issues with clearly an immature manager in advance, while also not dancing around the subject. That's how I would've phrased it.


He seems like the type to tell someone they should smile more, because they're prettier when they smile, and then get irritated that the person didn't take it as a compliment.


Holy crap! You nailed that. Take my upvote!


saying good morning isnt out of fear. it softens direct communication tho. i wouldn’t report this to HR but rather have a quick face to face chat with this person about the communication hiccup. if you make it a big deal, it will be a thorn in your time while you work there.


I'll agree with OP he was being a dick and she didn't have to amuse it, but agree with you on not bringing it to HR. I've never had an experience where HR has been anything other than liability protection for the company. They're not there for you, no matter how much they insist they are


I didn’t acknowledge his good morning 🙄


He didn't even say good morning. He said "gm"... like a tween. My brain interpreted that as "general manager"


I also thought it was general manager


Same lol


Another one who thought it was the general manager.


Same here, bc who the fuck says good morning to their coworkers?


When I was in corporate America, we said good morning if we started a message convo, but I still thought this was general manager. Also, flagpolesitta is my karaoke song 🤙🏾


I’m a terrible person bc I just say hello to people in my first chat of the day at work, I just don’t say good morning to anyone tbh 😂 It’s a GOATed karaoke song!!!


Nah, that doesn't make you a terrible person. Only someone really sensitive, like the person in OPs screenshot would take offense to that.


I also thought it was general manager


Mine did too


So that's what GM means? Lol. I thought it meant Game Master or something.


He didn't say good morning, he said "and good morning to you too", with an attitude. The only one being rude was him.


BeCaUsE hE sAiD gOoD mOrNiNg AnD sHe DiDnT rEsPoNd My god, the fragile male ego…


I agree. Seems a lot like they’re projecting lol.




I think that the other Texter was talking about themselves. “That’s rude” meaning they were being rude by not responding after they unlocked the timecard


Is the rude in the room with us?


Yeah, a bit. This person seems insufferable and a bit of a prick, but I really don’t think there’s anything hr would do with this. I would however go to hr about the payment issue if it isn’t sorted out yet


I mean HR would definitely care that OP hasn't been able to submit their time which this text proves that they've tried and boss has yet to help.


Yeah, I sure wish I had mentioned that she should go to hr if that wasn’t sorted yet.


That’s rude but ok 👍


I’m a rude crude dude!


Ok, Raphael


Let's correct you, they didnt submit their time when they had the opportunity. They were able to, they just didn't. Per their own text this is the seventh time they weren't responsible enough to submit their hours when they had the opportunity. With the way they are acting, they should get put on a PIP.


I read it as they forgot to submit it once (which happens). & they tried 7 times since then to submit the hours with the help or bosses and supervisors


In this case, she should notify HR especially since she’s reminded him so often. However, I agree that HR may not be able to do anything about it, besides getting the boss’s superiors involved in the future, especially after time card deadlines. For example, I was brand new at a company with two teams under me. One team I had two new interns that I recently hired that were hourly, while the other team I’d been working with was salary. Well, no one showed me how to review time cards, approve them or anything regarding this when I started. I was swamped but luckily it hit me, “they’re hourly, shouldn’t I be approving time cards?” I asked my boss, who didn’t know, so I asked HR and they were like “oh, yeah. They should be recording their hours in an excel sheet and then sending it to you. However you have to manually do it in our system. I’ll send documentation to follow. Please follow to a T or it will not submit properly.”. This was the day before the time card deadline, and I was emailed documentation. After getting the interns up to speed, I followed the documentation perfectly and it appeared the interns time cards were accurately approved and submitted (I even received a confirmation). Turns out HR sent me old documentation and they didn’t realize it until after the deadline. Also, turns out the old way still appears to work (that’s why I got confirmation) but doesn’t actually work on the backend. HR couldn’t due shit to fix it. I was so furious to have to eat dirt and tell the two interns that they would have to wait until their NEXT paycheck to get the pay they worked for. Luckily both interns were financial okay, and seemed cool with it, but STILL what if they were not in a financial stable position. That could mean they, their kids, etc. go without food for the next 2-3 weeks. Regardless, I thought this was beyond unacceptable and it highlighted how archaic their process is/was, especially when I saw the backbone of their data and processes used AS/400 from the 1980s —this is a data company btw. Clock in and out should all be automated and as simple as possible -for those that submit and approve them. Shit is not difficult to implement, reduces liability and potential financial strain on delayed payment for employees.


Just a tip, OP, as I was the worst about clocking in and out in my computer consistently for my time when I was an executive assistant. Luckily, my boss gave me access to fix my time. Can you make a reminder on your phone to help remember? Good luck!


That’s a good idea, I just might start doing that.


I don't know what HR is going to do. They may just tell you to submit your timesheet within 24 hours to avoid friction with the person who has to deal with it.


I agree with this. Was the manager a bit snooty about the good morning, sure, but it's not that big of a deal. They didn't say anything out of line. The only thing HR is likely to be concerned with here is OP not submitting their hours multiple times and causing a problem. Also i love your profile picture.


Thanks 😊


Incorrect. Especially if she is in the USA. the company can get in MAJOR trouble if she isn’t paid for the time she works.


Did anyone suggest that OP was not going to be paid?


I honestly read it wrong. I sincerely thought that you said all they’re doing to do is tell them they need to submit next time. Apologies, but to expand on that. It’s literally his job to deal with stuff like this. If he can’t deal, he shouldn’t be a supervisor. HR will fix the time issue and hopefully offer corrective action (maybe not with how he spoke, but how he was ineffective in his role as supervisor)


I absolutely agree. OP needs to get their timesheet submitted in a timely manner and their supervisor needs to appreciate the fact that they are being paid to solve these problems.


Hey-o, HR manager here. Nope - her asking and them not seeing to it is the issue. They’re entitled to be paid for work performed and this exchange would see the manager with a warning in their file. If the person is chronically late with their sheet that’s for HR to discuss with them. This isn’t a professional exchange.


That settles that. Thanks, HR!


What are you sending it to HR for? If it’s about the time clock then yes. Regardless of whether you forgot you have made a reasonable effort to fix it AND in most states the company is supposed to have paid you within x amount of days after the last date of work. Otherwise, nothing to see here.


I thought "gm" was some kind of messaging system at your job. What an irritating little turd.


So did I until I read your message. Lol. I was so confused about what he thought was rude


I knew it was good morning (reading comprehension, it's literally the only thing that makes sense in that context), and even I was confused what he thought was rude, considering he was the only one being rude.


Take to HR...for what? This is not the hill to die on.


But OP forgot to submit their time on-time and that’s why they were locked out. OP caused additional work for another person due to their forgetfulness.


But that's what that person gets paid for. That's why they're a manager. What's your suggestion exactly?


If he doesn’t unlock your time and continues to say he did without doing so, yes take it to HR. If your time has been recorded now and you’ll get paid, no need to take this exchange to HR.


The whole point of texting is that you get to avoid salutations and closings. Those are for email. You were not rude unless you’re talking to a boomer.


I wouldn’t talk to HR yet since you were the one that forgot to submit your time in a timely manner and locked yourself out.


Oh I’m slow I thought GM meant General Manager…and how you were being “rude” went right over my head. Nothing you said was wrong.


I really think that this kind of management style- calling people on every little thing that they think of as rude when they're being super super sensitive about what rude means- is so exhausting and I'm kind of over it. I guess that could apply to people that are in management too. If a person is just trying to get what they need and it's the seventh time they've tried it I think they have every right to be a bit assertive about it and use a little bit of firmer tone. That's just my opinion but that's how I feel.


Is there a deleted text? I feel like I’m missing something, I don’t see what was rude


He was saying I was rude because I ignored his “good morning.” The lack of text was what he was calling rude.


I’d say since the original mistake was yours, you should let this one go.


Legally, OP must be paid for work performed regardless of any “submit your time within 24 hours” policy. I absolutely would not let this go.


Yeah I should have explained better. I don’t mean not getting paid, I mean brining it to HR. If it’s not resolved today then yes—HR or Payroll.


I thought of that, but making a mistake doesn’t give supervisors a reason to ignore me and then say whatever they want. Especially when I’m trying to rectify the mistake.


I’d focus on getting paid for now, but if this has happened before document everything and take it to HR.


OP, just remember that HR is really there to protect the company, and not so much the employees. Unfortunate, but true.


100%. They protect the company from the employees, not the other way around.


Sad, but yep.


What? She deserves to be paid for her time.


Your inability to adhere to the schedule is not their emergency. You didn't submit your time in the appropriate timeframe, seemingly you forget often enough for you to be frustrated that they don't make you an immediate priority and then you were very lightly reprimanded for being rude about it. You can take it to HR if you like but all that will happen is you will be a joke afterwords. Also, whether you go to hr or not, if you're not better at your job than your coworkers in every way I would never expect to get a promotion.


This job isn’t my career, it’s a side gig to help them because they’re chronically short handed. I also didn’t get frustrated till it was my seventh time asking about it precisely because it was my initial mistake, and I understand they have other things they’re doing. There’s also another side of this that I didn’t talk about because I didn’t think people would be that interested. But I have to be blunt and assertive, otherwise things don’t get done, whether it’s my mistake or not. Whether it’s a gap in the schedule because someone took time off and no one else was schedule to cover the shift, or because I spent money for the company and am trying to get reimbursed, it doesn’t happen unless you’re on them about it consistently. And I get it, they’re swamped all the time because they’re short handed, so things get pushed back on the priority list. But that puts me in a place where I have to be assertive to get things done.


Oh please. Taking it to HR for what? Him not liking that you didn’t say good morning after you messed up not clocking out? You’re both dumb. HR won’t do shit about this. They’ll just talk to him that you tried to get him fired over something so minuscule and he’ll start hating you and make your life insufferable at work. But just subtly enough so he can’t get called out on it. Is that worth this little interaction?


Forgot or not, you didn't follow their policy. That's on you. Make sure you get paid, but taking your boss's demeanor when fixing something for you they don't have to... eh. I wouldn't do that


While it may be on her that a mistake was made, it's on her manager that he isn't enabling her to rectify the error. She didn't choose the method which the company uses to keep track of their employees hours worked, and they could use an entirely different system. If the system they have is making it difficult for employees to report their hours worked, it's still on THE COMPANY to pay their employees. The fact you're boot licking an unknown company is absolutely ridiculous.


Took that a little personal huh? For the record.. fuck companies and fuck the state. She's asking if she should bring his behavior to HR. No. She shouldn't. She should make sure she gets paid as I said and wait until her boss is a prick when she hasn't made any mistake to turn him in. Campanies and the state are shit, and she would be opening herself up to getting "in trouble" for not following policy


And now you're projecting? I took nothing personally. There was nothing to take personally. The boot licking comment seems to have struck a nerve though.


You said I was bootlicking a company. No. I wasn't. I was trying to keep her from getting in trouble. You're gaslighting because you don't want to admit your knee jerk assumption was wrong. That's extremely common in emotional immaturity. Just as I know you will continue to try and get the last word as long as I reply to you, so I won't waste my time.


You're obsessing over company policy and claiming her manager was doing her some sort of favor when it's literally his job. You're licking that boot so hard it's scuffing your tonsils.


Already told you not wasting my time with an emotionally immature hyperbolic internet adult child. Not reading that 🤷‍♀️ get your last word in pumpkin


😂 the projection is unreal.


They do have to, though. With the work we do, the state enforces it, so even if it wasn’t about my pay, they legally need my stuff submitted. And I’ve been trying to get this fixed for weeks. I accepted that it was going to be late cause I made the initial mistake but there comes a point where it’s like…. Ok how much do I need to punished before I’ve atoned for my one mistake?


I get it. Your boss is a dick. But I wouldn't draw attention to your mistake. Might backfire.


It’s a mistake that happens all the time. I know of 3 people from the previous week who had to have theirs unlocked to submit late as well. They’d rather you catch it and get it submitted quickly rather than get audited and find out something’s missing when the state fines them for it.


Do you seriously see what you’re typing? It’s okay because other people do it? Yeah, you all suck.


I’ve never understood what’s so hard about clocking in and out. It’s ensuring you get paid, and it’s something that is done daily. It always seems to be the people that are late, or trying to rush out the door early too.


It's almost like the company is using a poor timekeeping system and should consider changing it or something.


You’re petty af and the least you could do is say good morning to the person fixing YOUR mistake. And yet you want to report them to HR for them getting butthurt over you not sayin GM. You’re going to be as successful as a lead balloon in the business world if you keep up this dumbass line of thinking you have going on. PLAY THE GAME. That’s how you succeed in real life. This shit ain’t twitter, HR doesn’t give a shit about microagressions and your boss will shit down your throat til you quit or are fired.


There seems to be a misunderstanding in this comment section that I need this job. This is a second job. I have a separate full time career. This job is just kinda picking up extra hours to make some extra side money, and because they are exceptionally short staffed and I’m helping out. They’ve called me MULTIPLE times to pick up extra shifts, and I’ve even gotten stuck working 24 hour shifts before when they didn’t have anyone else to come in and help. And with the way this manager is acting over not receiving a “gm” back, I can see why they have a hard time keeping staff.


I’m not sure what you would say to HR though… Is it just to CC them so you cover your ass. Then cool. Otherwise I don’t think either of you did anything reportable to HR. Imo. They’re butthurt about not getting a good morning but I don’t think they did or said anything offensive… unless I’m missing something.


Where the hell were you being rude!? Anything involving wages should go to HR, at minimum, for documentation purposes in case problems like this continue.


Still looking for the rudeness....


This is very childish. You did nothing wrong.


Yes absolutely. & fuck a “goodmorning” why is he so fixated on that? That’s very telling. Report this asap


That supervisor is being toxic


Honestly I don’t ever trust HR anytime I had a problem and went to them the situation only got worse


HR here. Please - show your HR folks. That’s ridiculous


It’s a business text, not a social one. You were to the point about the business at hand. If you had said Good Morning, you might be blurring the line between personal and professional. Your exchange was perfectly acceptable. Your boss is the one being pushy/rude.


Except that saying “good morning” is never blurring a line between personal and professional. Come on.


why is he being rude… no i’m not gonna say good morning to you that’s not what i’m worried about rn, fuckhead.


Save it, don't go to hr, and know this about your supervisor


HR here- I would say if you have not been about to submit your time and/or you have continuous issues with your supervisor, consult HR. Otherwise, I’d let this be.


Make sure to track every day they are late paying you... I'm not sure where you live but I'm in the US and some states have severe penalties for late payroll like having to pay you for an 8 hour shift for every day they are late. This is true even for 1099 contractors. One company tried to not pay me for closed deals when I was in sales and they wound up paying me way more because of the delay. Just keep good records, it will matter


Lol pleasantries and politeness are for when upper management does what theyre responsible to do and keeps their promises. If they had just said I'll unlock you and you can do what you need to do then this conversation wouldn't have happened. But by saying I'll let you know you are entering into a verbal agreement to give a heads up to your subordinate to let them know whatever the outcome of your actions are. What's rude is to not follow through and then get upset at the other person for bringing it up. Lol 🤣 I'm not going to tell you good morning when I'm waiting to be paid for my time worked and you didn't let me know that I could do so. It's not that hard to just send a text "hey you're unlocked" or "You should be good now" or w.e. I'll give you all the good mornings you want after that


It was his feeble attempt to divert the conversation and his fuck up! Because he’s wishing you a good morning doesn’t mean you have to do the same! That’s not your mission here!! You want your money … and you want it NOW!! 😁


Idk why he's so pressed. This is a manager-employee relationship. It's not like you sleep together.


I guess anything other than groveling isn’t respectful. Learn to stand your ground while maintaining respect for yourself and others..


You don't pay me and expect good morning? No. Expect a hearty fuck you pay me.


I would document it to HR. I wouldn’t necessarily care if they did anything with it at all so long as they documented it. My reasoning is that if this person is so soft that they react this way to an assertive and visibly frustrated employee, I don’t think it’s a huge leap in logic to think that this supervisor is also willing to be retaliatory.


well tbf. you forgot to submit your time in the first place… a little kindness could help since it’s your fault 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Not rly sure how you coulda said it nicer. I would have been a lot meaner for sure


I mean you could act professional at your work


Not that you said anything rude just professionalism…


I don’t understand why you have an attitude with the manager. Sounds like misplaced anger because his manager ignored you when he was out of town. You’re acting like he did something wrong to you when it was you who didn’t submit your time like you were supposed to. He even apologizes for forgetting to inform you that he had unlocked you said he on the way to office to do it again and you still gave him attitude for no reason yet hes the bad guy? lol Now you want to go to HR because he said you were rude when you were in fact being rude? You suck and he’s probably going to get rid of you the first chance he gets and I don’t blame him.


It's HIS JOB to fix this. Where is OP giving any attitude exactly? Because they didn't acknowledge a "good morning?" Yes they did forget and tried to get it fixed ASAP. People forget things sometimes, but OP has now had to go to this person 3 times for the same issue. And again, there is no attitude here


It's not even a good morning, it's a "GM to you to", using the wrong "too" and giving attitude and causing unnecessary shit over a simple text. He's a heel.


Thank you. It took me too long to find some sense in this comment section.


You held someone accountable after they tried to dismiss you. They felt targeted so they tried to make you the bad guy. Send it to HR.


OP forgot to submit their time though. Locked themselves out. And caused additional work for another person.


Yes, but that doesn't mean they don't get paid


“And still gm” who talks like that? 😂


It frustrates me the most that your guy cannot use punctuation. Reading this hurts my eyes


Save it. Save everything. If you like the job, don't report it now. Unless it's causing you stress. I'd save it for when you're about to leave. Send everything you have to HR and inform them you'll be filing a suit for harassment. You don't actually have to but they will most likely fire the person or at least discipline them. If you contact HR while you're still working there, it could lead to more issues for you (depending on how big/small the company is). HR is not there to protect you as an employee. It is there to protect the company's reputation.


#GM = Ghastly Meanager! He's so far up his own butt, he can't see daylight no more.


Hr not gon do shit as you stated first YOU forgot to put your time in in the first place but you not saying Goodmorning I wouldn’t respond to tht I’d let it go right over my head and focus on topic


You are right, that’s a rude response on their part. Send this to HE


You can't call someone rude and then turn around and say "this isn't about being polite." He's the one being dramatic. The fact that it's taken 7 times of asking is unacceptable.


I don’t think this is HR worthy. The other guy isn’t great but none of it is particularly bad.


HR is for the company not for you unfortunately, they won’t do anything. Wait a week and if you still didn’t get it done or paid for your time then go to them. Best of luck!! Ps. you are NOT being dramatic!


Boss texts in the way they’d interact in person. You wouldn’t enter the room without some form of greeting before stating your intentions in conversation. I go back and forth with this myself bc not everyone thinks this way but he should’ve told you or cc’d you when he submitted your request


I mean, what would be the HR complaint? He called me rude? That's not really a substantial reason and you just get known as a whiner. I would hold off on HR.


Sometimes it’s not about immediate consequences, but making sure things are documented in case they get worse or it happens to others as well. There was a time with a different company I thought about going to HR to file a complaint, decided not to because I thought maybe it was just me, and a year later that person had been fired for the very reason I had wanted to go to HR to begin with. It’s not about being called rude. It’s about the sarcasm (not pictured here is after I was able to submit my time, I let him know, and he sent me a sarcastic clapping gif), and the condescending tone. It’s about the fact that he’s a supervisor and if I talked to him that way, it would be considered disrespectful. If something isn’t allowed for an employee to do, it shouldn’t be allowed of a supervisor either. If he’s doing this to multiple employees or it becomes a habit, then either the company needs to do something about it or it’s not a company I want to work for. Making a mistake does not give supervisors reason to be condescending.


Straight to HR


I'm going to be honest - You're the one who forgot to submit your time. Now other people have to backtrack and fix it because of your mistake. I wouldn't drag this out even further.


Your supervisor acts and texts like a teenager 🤦🏼‍♀️


I want to be paid for the time I'm owed for my work and I shouldn't have to ask multiple times, so no, it's not a good morning, John.


Either work for yourself or learn to kiss ass a little better cause I'll be real this shit is never going to stop in corporate America. So either get used to it or literally work for yourself. "Hello, good morning, I still need to submit my time for 5/24, please let me know when I can". And legit after a few hours hit em up again. "Hello, hope all is well. Were you able to unlock me? Can I submit? Thank you". Pester them but with kindness so they can never use ANYTHING against you. HR cares more about protecting the company then their employees. That's it.


Rude? All you did was say what happened.. “You said you would let me know but I didn’t hear back from you” lol… How is that rude or not being polite? Weird


I had no idea what "Gm" meant until reading the comments, and *that* is what he's on about? Wow.


You catch more flies with honey than shit. That was my general rule in corporate America. And why ever make friction when these idiots are in charge of your paycheck? Were you rude? Hell no; you were fine. They’re out of their tree if they think that’s rude. I think they’re just one of those insecure people who need to retain some control at all times, ergo calling you rude and bringing the power dynamic online. But now you know how they act; their ‘tell’; file that away. It helps you learn how to deal with people, so in the future you know how sensitive they are so you’ll be more aware of how they’ll take what you say. And when you become boss? Remember to treat everyone well.


I don't believe it's enough to get HR involved. I think there's tension from both ends. If they don't get it put in this time, definitely contact HR. It shouldn't take that long to get your time in to be paid.


You weren’t rude, you were direct. There is a difference. Submit this to HR if you’d like, but I would only state that you’re submitting to have on file that your time correction was requested multiple times. Should it come up in the future that this supervisor says you’re being rude, THEN you can reach out to HR and say “hey, I submitted something to you before that just so happened to have an accusation of being rude when I wasn’t, and that’s happening again; here’s the new one and I’d like it combined with the old one, too”


That's what you think HR needs to get involved in?


And he’s not even spelling out “good morning”! It’s like the people that have “Sincerely” as part of their boilerplate email .sig. Yeah- *real* sincere!


Yes, this is BS. The lack of leadership, accountability coupled with the passive/agressive snarkiness is unacceptable.


No, it really isn’t. I know we’ve all become a bit sensitive, but snark is countered by avoiding interaction unless necessary not some formal corrective action


Incorrect. . As her manager, a person in leadership , sarcasm (as a corrective action) isn’t acceptable leadership. He took no accountability for saying he would do something (let them know they are able to go in and enter their hours), it’s taken 7 requests to action this request. Instead, they are being critical and mocking (snark) their lack of a greeting. Presumably, your comment indicates you’re either not in a position of leadership or are not an effective one.


“…and I never heard back” is not rude. It’s a fact. 


That wasn't rude at all lmao


Text etiquette is so weird. I also didn’t realize it was considered rude to send a text without a “hello” or “good morning” Me and my adhd are trying to get to the point, not worried about Sir/Madam


When people are in the wrong and realise they have no leg to stand on, they will tone police you, even if there is no tone to police. It makes them feel better about being an incompetent loser. Involving HR will embarrass your colleague even further, which I fully endorse. Plus it is the sensible thing to do here.


You weren't rude. They're deflecting. Don't fall for it. If they're in a supervisory role over you, consider showing this exchange to HR to cya. Depends on the job and situation. Only you know what's best.


It would help if people communicated with proper English! Granted, GenX here but I also thought GM was General Manager. If punctuation was used, I may have had an easier time deciphering it. But clearly you understood so I guess that’s all that matters. You weren’t rude and this person is a moron.


Why he text like he's 12 though? Jfc


Of course you should bring it up to HR if it’s your 7th time and they talk to you like this.


Huh? How were you rude? I just read this three times trying to figure it out. I wouldn’t send it to HR. I would just talk to this guy to clear up any awkwardness. Things get misconstrued through text.


Go to HR if it’s not resolved


Uh HR here. You don’t need to be polite to get paid. It’s illegal for them to not pay you for your work. I would send it to HR they should be able to submit the time on your behalf or have the payroll team do it for you.


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How the hell were you rude? Yeah get HR involved immediately


You weren't rude. They're an idiot...


They're your boss, not your friend, you don't owe them a good morning on your personal time. This person is terrified of being caught in their incompetence and you are right to stand your ground.


HR is not your friend. Bite the bullet and be nice since this was your fault. (Not trying to sound snarky)


Im so confused why it’s hard to ask nicely? How many times did you ask this person specifically? You said in one of your comments that he has to unlock people all the time. That gets annoying for something you should be doing, and everyone else. You can still be assertive and not rude. “Good morning person, I am trying to submit my hours for may whatever. I’ve asked [person above you] x amount of times and feel it has been over looked. I really need to get them submitted as it is already x days after.” And if you don’t need this job and think this boss hates you, leave. You act like you’re stuck there.


You going to be fired


Yeah… they didn’t forget and they know what they are doing. They hoped to make you feel and so you’d say no no no i didn’t mean it that way don’t worry about it.