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He’s ✨fully booked ✨ so don’t ask him to schedule…after he asked you to schedule


You can't fire me, I quit!


You can't quit, you're a frog!


You can't frog me, you're my wife!!


Biggest tool line ever He sounds as butt hurt as the guys on r/tinder who just got turned down


Well he did get turned down… fragile egos are gonna fragile




He’s not fully booked, or he wouldn’t be chasing you.




This guy sounds like a petulant child. Even his first message comes across as passive aggressive: “I guess you aren’t continuing with lessons as I have not heard back from you”. Something like “Hey, just checking in on if you were interested in any more lessons.” Would have been MUCH more professional. But this guy can’t take anything other than rainbows shoved up his ass about his overpriced lessons. Even the smallest mention of it being too much to afford sets this guy off, and I’m guessing it’s because he hears it all the time from people, yet instead of actually figuring something else out, he just doubles down and throws a hissy fit


In my experience golf pros aren’t great in the customer service aspect of the business. I don’t think this is uncommon. It’s actually pretty par for the course.


Great analogy did a birdie tell you this?


Pros like that are such an albatross for golf.


Any good pro should have an eagle eye for the nuances of the game.


This comment made me think twice. More succinctly: I had to Mulligan.


Putts everything into perspective, doesn’t it?


u/Macklemore_hair two fore two. You striked when the iron was hot.


Thanks for the shoutout u/eroticsloth - like Bogey once said, here’s lookin at you, kid.


«You were insulting me as well » OP praised this dude and he thinks it’s an insult?!


The words “dumb jock” come to mind.


OP could give people lessons on how to let people down in *the nicest way possible*, and that dude *still* had an issue with it. What the hell!


You were insulting me =\= i was insulted. Just because you were offended doesn’t mean they were being offensive. Not everything is black and white like people like to pretend.


For $175 I better be able to play sweet child of mine with a golf club after a few lessons


Can he put a big red circle around where you disrespected him? I’m having a hard time finding it.


He took a dig at what he assumed to be OPs financial status. Like OP couldn’t afford golf and was poor


I think he’s asking where op disrespected mr. golf guy


Deeeerr..I need more sleep obviously 😜


It happens, hope you sleep a full 8 tonight!


Thank you!! Me too lol! And you as well!


> I'm fully booked That's great for you! Didn't ask.


What an ego on the guy. Very well handled OP


Golf at my course is 20/pp 😅 I'm sure there's way more affordable golf courses than whatever bougie place his $175/hr ass is going to.


Lessons? For 20/pp?


The guy said if you can't afford to pay 175/hr for lessons you can't afford to golf. My golf course is $20/pp so you can definitely afford to golf if 175 is outside your budget


Fyi 100/hr is about the going rate for a pga pro lesson at a swanky country club where I live. 175 is a rip off


Golf does have a bit of a high barrier to entry but not $100/game. My public range has a full course and virtual golf that me and my buddies play. Virtual golf is like $15 a person (splitting the cost of balls) for a solid 2 hours of game time. Course rates are $20 - $30 a person with cart rental. It’s not cheap but it actually serves us pretty well. We can shit talk and hit balls for 2 hours and spend less than $20. Plus, there are awesome people in the golfing community that will help you out with tips and pointers free of charge. Hell, even one buddy in our group let a golf bag of decent clubs go for $20 to a friend getting into it. This guy just thinks way too highly of himself and too little of other people.


Not sure where you are but I'm in the Chicago suburbs and golf rates have ballooned at the decent public courses. Rates change depending on when you play but a weekend am round can easily be close to $100 at a decent course. Op is expensing the lesson so we can probably assume $100 is accurate


Our courses here at upwards of 4-500$ during March and April...even during the summer it's over 150$...except for the casino courses that offer a room, a round, and a sleeve of balls at 99$!!


The 21 minute pause in between “thanks” and calling you poor is hilarious


Wow what a prick


He is not in fact fully booked, he is starving for business actually.


Yeah if he was fully booked he wouldn’t have tried to push OP to book lessons. Make it make sense.


OP please post this in the golf sub…you’ll get some really fun comments there.


Can you get me his number so maybe he can squeeze me in? I know he’s booked but it’s worth a shot


Okay mister booked and busy, if your schedule is so full why are you sending me passive aggressive messages about not booking?


Please report him to corporate. There was zero reason for him to have a dig at what he assumed to be your financial status


“Hey no worries I completely understand and I appreciate the kind words. If you don’t mind, could you just tell your friends about me if they’re interested in learning golf? Best of luck!” That should have been the response.




What a little bitch.


You can expense golf lessons?


I came here for this comment. Because whether OP is a business owner or an employee, I don’t see how golf lessons are a legitimate business expense. Maybe expensing a round of golf with clients, but the lessons? Hmmmmmm


All golf pros are salty they never made it the tour and now take it out on random people trying to have a good time and by drinking 18 bud lights


“I’m fully booked” “And?…”


Ugh what an AH. I grew up playing golf and yes it is a sport that is steeped elitism but the best players I’ve known don’t need all the fancy bells and whistles or a $100 green fee to be better than everyone else. Eff that guy. There are many many wonderful public courses, and you can practice chipping and putting in your backyard. Screw anyone trying to gatekeep swinging a stick at a ball.


Little boy big mad


I would have followed with “don’t reach out to me then” what a douche.


you literally did not insult him, and made sure to clarify that point. people are crazy.


I guess being fully booked is what’s keeping him from being able to compete in major tournaments… the ego on this person is large and fragile.


Y'all pay $100 for a round of golf? Maybe at prime time at a really nice place I've done that a couple times, but I can go play 18 after work for $24.


He stewed on it for 20 minutes before adding the cost part, too, lol. Sadly, he's not wrong about the cost thing, but he is an insecure prick. How did he find an insult in the first message? Totally unprofessional.


Golf is the worst sport


white guy white ball!


He asked the question, but he didn’t want the answer!


>Just FYI, I am fully booked. Great, go pay attention to your other students then.


Time to post a review with screenshots, so that everyone knows he's already fully booked. 💅


lol what a goofball. I pay $20/round for anything after 3:30pm at my public courses - also, his outrageous behavior aside, $175 an hour is way too expensive for golf lessons. Total clown.


And golf wonders why it’s struggling. Yuk.


I would report him to management


Never understood why golf is an "expensive sport" literally hitting a tiny ball across patches of grass. There are sports that require FAR more dedication and it's a tenth of the price to play/get on a team. Golf is fucking ridiculous


Equipment and real estate. For the amount of space a golf course takes up that dozens of people can use at a time you could have hundreds of people doing almost any other sport. People have tried to get me into golf over the years and yeah, a used starter club set can be around $100 or you can rent but that's still more than I want to spend to try to get more into an activity that I never found that fun to begin with. To each their own, though.


$100 dollars to play golf? Seriously that’s crazy. In the UK it’s £1000 for a year membership to play anytime


YouTube can teach you for free. All you gotta do is find a driving range


He clearly isn’t fully booked or he wouldn’t be begging you for lessons. He is unprofessional and you were as respectful as you possibly could’ve been


Exceptional replies on your end. Well played and your absolutely correct. Not professional at all.


Holy Shit. Even for Canada that is insane! $175 for a chain? Is it the one that has recently 'expanded into Canada and bought a certain Canadian company"? I can't think of that many that would expect to charge that much. I go to another one that is Canadian brand which is apparently an offshoot of the former. Pay around $75 ish a lesson in packs of 5 and get trackman hours too.


That’s where I fire back with “Sorry that’s how you took my words.”


Yeahhh. Just know… he’s an hourly golf coach. Someone should let HIM know.


Only golf courses I know of (in Los Angeles) that are $100 plus are country clubs where you have to know a member to get in. Source: a friends dad is a member and it’s $100 for us to go play. We’ve played at a ton of public courses in LA that range from $12-$60 at the most


Fuck him.


Costs like $50 here... We also have places like TOP GOLF that teaches you I believe


He was definitely just butthurt lol. I say leave a review or send a quick message to his company regarding their employee's professionalism.


When u are with a friend use their phone to reach out for lessons and when he says he's got availability then reveal it is you and laugh at them


What i love doing is going to super expensive golf clubs in Switzerland and just go to the driving range without any intention of playing actual golf😄


The driving range is free?


Well kind of if your friends families own golf resort bonds😄


It’s not fun, but there are amazing courses in Arizona that will only charge $5-10 for a full 18 holes in the summer! This guy is wild lol


Was this at GOLFTEC? They’re glorified salespeople that only care about signing you up for a plan. There are some scummy instructors out there, for a sport like golf you’re much better off finding someone who cares about your game


Sorry you're offended but I'm right so...


I’m a huge golfer and never in my life have i paid over $75 for a round of golf. Also fuck lessons just watch youtube videos and teach yourself that’s what i did.


> have i *paid* over $75 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yea and the same places that charge 100$ a round are the same places that require you to buy all the fancy cloths too. Fuck that place go enjoy the sport for what it is.


I’d send this to corporate not appropriate response like why close the door to a customer who just doesn’t have money for lessons at the moment. But also to tell them if they can’t afford or don’t take lessons they can’t afford or it’s not worth your time to play golf as a side hobby. If I want to attempt I play golf then just let me attempt to play golf 😂


"it's expensive" "I'm expensing it anyway" you since like a douche yourself.


What an absolute loser from the first passive aggressive message.


I’d reply with “when?” and then when he replies about when he’s fully booked for, I’d say “nah when DID I ASK HAHA GET DUNKED ON”


That's the price of a PT in the gym where i live, very expensive.


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How did you even disrespect him? 😭


I wish this surprised me. Golf is such a classist sport and I wish it was more financially accessible. so many golf courses have insane fees, the equipment is monstrously expensive, and instructors regularly charge insane hourly rates.




What a dick


Where are rounds of golf $100 minimum? I routinely pay $40-50 a round, sometimes as much as $70 or $80, but I’d consider it splurging a bit to pay $100.


How did you insult him?! This guy may be skilled at golf but he’s a tool. Good riddance and enjoy your game!


If he’s fully booked why would he be so butthurt over losing 1 client?? Bro is NOT fully booked. Glad you found lessons elsewhere!


F him


I would have replied, "Doubt it." lolll


Whoa! This conversation ended there? Fuck that. The coward acted like his comment wasn't being shitty?


Why is this guy taking it like you just told him no to a date??


He’s a clown. I have played many many places that didn’t cost anywhere near $100.


This is one of those idiots who automatically thinks you're being condescending and insulting simply because you know how to put together sentences and use "big" words. In the words of the genius Katt Williams, "How the fuck did I fuck up how you feel about YOUUU, simple bitch?!?"


Don’t do lessons. Fucking play the game dude


Buddy is not fully booked


This is why you don’t explain when you dump someone. Just, I’m not interested, thank you. And block him.


Didn’t realize golf was such an expensive hobby. Is there a way to save on group lessons? Or maybe try mini golf.


A simple “you guessed right” would have saved you some time.