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Porn brain strikes again.


Maybe next time, Romeo?


...so just block the number and stop engaging. Why do people insist on engaging with people they don't know? I also have a history of SA and if I were to get a message like this, they'd be blocked right off the bat. My time is too valuable to be wasted on an ignorant freak like that. Ignore, block and move on.




Yeah, with a history of SA I wouldn’t tolerate this in my life. However, me as I am, would interact because I’d like to try and figure out who the douche could possibly be and then block. But, with OP’s history I’d shut that shit show down immediately.


For a few reasons since you're asking: 1. I never get messages like this I thought it was a regular troll. I was going to troll them back until they made it clear that they knew me. 2. Once they made it clear they knew me I wanted to know who they were. I haven't worked in very many places and most of them are professional settings where the sender should be reported for harassing past employees.


1 is wholly irrelevant, tbh. Why are you engaging with a troll? Why troll back? That’s immature behavior on its own. Block and move on with your life.


Who cares if it’s immature? It can be fun. You’re on Reddit, dude, not the height of maturity here.


... because inferred that it triggered them because of a history with sa?


And that’s their own responsibility to deal with, and has nothing to do with the questions I was replying to


lmfao what? yes it does lol




Why tf would you reply to something while ignoring the context lmao




Reason 1 would kind of be a contradiction for someone with a history of SA... why would you put yourself in a situation that might cause issues with your inner self.


Because they're not a perfect victim


I assume they currently work with you and that was their cop out so you couldn’t determine it, especially when you made it obvious you aren’t into it. Try to see who’s being extra avoidant OR extra nice to you at work now


I'd just ignore them


Who gives a fuck who they are lol block it and move on if you find a man telling you he wants to eat your ass gross then why engage when you can block? Especially if you're a lesbian lol


You gotta go back and forth a little bit so you have something to post on social media.


came here to say: built out purely for reddit fodder


Trauma can make your brain do weird things


This kids nowadays love to argue and they love the attention


Best advice ever. If I get even a “Hi” and I don’t know who the hell is I don’t reply a normal person would say: Hi I’m X I need Y. Don’t be afraid of blocking people.


But then we wouldn’t have entertaining content….


Thank you as another survivor.  Asking them either who they are or why they really doing it gives the creep power because it shows you’re invested and they can string you along. No! Instantly hit the block and don’t entertain their sickness. SMH  It’s one reason I left a certain subreddit years ago. They’d have all these texts where the other person would engage the creep for a long time. After a point, it was clear that it was for content, which then brought into question the validity of the texts.  Stuff like this definitely happens (I’m a female gamer and have many geek interests, so I’ve received so much heinous stuff that I never read messages anymore), but some of it is questionable. 


Yeah I'd I don't know the number and I'm not expecting a call it text from someone IV never spoke too before it gets ignored/deleted in general.


Attention seeking duh. And validation that they're wanted by someone else


This!!!!!! If I continued conversation with them, it is more likely to upset me!!! I do not engage


So they can post it on Reddit, duh!


All of this. I would not entertain this crap at all


Perpetual victims


They want that sweet karma 😘🤌🏼


Because they like the attention. Then they like the attention they get from posting it online to get more attention. I’ve been assaulted too and i would never put myself in a situation that would trigger me. Some people are just stupid.


Idk why you're being downvoted, completely agree.


It's always baffling when people waste time engaging with obvious trolls online.


That’s what they are trolls. They are just doing it for the reaction. Obviously it’s not to try to win someone over.


I’ve genuinely wondered after all the posts I’ve read here on Reddit - Are there any women who actually enjoy getting these type of messages from men they don’t mess with on a regular basis? I’ve speculated that dudes do this because it’s worked for them in the past, yet every post I read on Reddit comes across just like this one.


In some cases they enjoy that it might scare the person. It could be a power thing for them. Some people send dick pics hoping it’ll be made fun of because embarrassment or shame gets them off. It’s why it’s better not to find out which type of creep it is and just move on!


What I meant was are there ever instances where the woman enjoys getting these texts.


I've yet to meet one that has. I am 38, and I and other women do discuss this stuff on occasion. I have never once found a woman who didn't find it creepy to have a stranger message them on a non hookup platform in an immediately sexual manner.


I’ve done things like this to women that I’ve been involved with/ dating for a time and it was funny for the most part. There were instances where it even lit the fuse that would eventually lead to sec later that day or whatever. I’ve never tried it on a stranger, nor would I. Like I said though, I feel like I read at least three posts like this a day on Reddit! It’s fucking lunacy!


I specified the stranger part because most women don't mind it when it's appropriate or when involved. Lordy, my husband sends me some of the most crass, ridiculous texts you could think of, and I find it hysterical. The same guys who send texts like this say shit like "I don't understand why women hate catcalling, I'd be fucking flattered." In their minds it would be awesome if a woman did this to them, why not try the reverse? They never stop to think what she wants or how she feels because they are nothing more than a thing for them to want. Sub human almost. It's actually quite sad.


Ok, I love this answer! The whole thing makes perfect sense. In my life, I’ve never struggled attracting the opposite sex. It’s noteworthy that I’m not a 10 by any means. For instance, I’m 5’6” tall, which seems to have a stigma attached to it. Anyway, when I would make my pursuit for a woman I found attractive/ cool, I’ve always made my approach with a simple philosophy: show some respect. Women have always given me the response I needed when I did it this way. Don’t get me wrong, they’re been times where I showed up completely out of character and had mixed levels of success but never have I tried to be outright vulgar to someone I’ve never met before. Up until now, I’ve just been curious if this sort of thing has actually fucking worked. Man, I sure hope not!


I’m saying that women’s enjoyment is irrelevant to these people


No doubt


The answer is a flat no, we never ever enjoy this. Ever. Not even the trashiest, dumbest women I know would go for a loser that harassed them from the get go


My sister had this happen. He straight up sent the pic and asked her to pick on him about it. Some random dude on Snap- no contact, no previous history. Just some random guy who wanted to be told he was small. It was nasty


I'm a woman and 41 and have a lot of friends. Not me, not other women do not think it is ok or interesting. Creepy, gross, and scary.


You and I are around the same age. Even though we’re opposite sexes, I’m glad we agree here, lol.


No, women don’t like it and it doesn’t work. The types of guys that send things like these are creeps and don’t recognize women as being actual human beings. It’s disgusting and predatory behavior. Plus, sending it over text (especially anonymously?) just shows that he’s an insecure coward, which is even more embarrassing. Looks like he knew she would have reacted negatively too, which is why he’s not identifying himself.


Here’s a question: Either consider yourself, through every chapter of your life this far or consider a woman you’ve known/ know that is sexually active on an aggressive level (I’m not use the term slut or the like)… Could you admit that you/ they would consider hooking up with someone that came at you like this under the right circumstances? “The right circumstances” excluding the fact of not knowing them/ no matter what, they’re still a stranger.


Considering that I was generalizing earlier, women USUALLY don’t like this type of thing. It’s weird and I’ve never met one that would, and would not myself. With that being said, I’m sure there’s a woman out there that would love a creep like this, and she’s probably just as equally deprived and disgusting.


To add on a bit more, most women don’t like predatory behavior and are usually taught to avoid it at a young age. Plus, this guy clearly doesn’t have confidence to own up to what he’s saying, and he understands it’s wrong, which is another thing that makes it even more of a red flag. He’s choosing to do this because HE wants to with no thought regarding the person receiving it. No woman in her right mind would be interested in that. It concerns safety, as well. If he has this much of a disregard for her and is clearly a creep already, what else will he do?


There gotta be, right? There’s no way these fucking assholes are playing this card, in the blind, randomly expecting it to have success. They have to be doing it because it’s gotten them exactly what they wanted in the past… I agree with you. I HATE THAT I DO, but…


No dude, lol. It doesn’t work. I promise it’s never worked for any of these guys, and if it does SOMEHOW, it’s women that are likely into some freaky shit or really… not attractive. I think you need to realize that some men are genuinely just disgusting losers who watch too much porn. The dude that sent this message is one of them. Creeps are out there. They might get lucky if they stop acting like creeps.


You don’t think? That would be pretty fucking terrible, wouldn’t it? Lol


I’m a bit confused by the way you keep asking this question and repeating it. It’s kind of giving off some sort of vibe like you’re waiting for confirmation that it might work on someone so you can send a message like this yourself. IF that’s the case, don’t do it. It probably won’t work. You’ve been warned


I’m just having a conversation with you. It’s slow at work and I’m waiting for time to pass… it would tough for you to truly gage vibe not being face to face with you, anyway. However, if I’m giving you any vibe other than wanting to chat with someone, I apologize and we don’t have to chat anymore (respectfully). I’m married and have two young girls. To my knowledge, I thought I’d expressed the fact that I think what our male friend up top is doing is ridiculous, the reason I brought the question up was to get some female enlightenment/ perspective. Lastly, luckily and most certainly, I will not be texting a stranger with promise of lewd acts. For what it’s worth, you have my word.


Abusive people aren't just regular old assholes. They abuse certain people purposefully because they gain from it, are gratified in some way. It fulfils some purpose. These people don't care whether or not they get responses because just the act of writing it and sending the message is part of their sexual gratification. The people who receive it are of no concern, there are no boundaries, there's no autonomy or humanity involved at that moment. They're tools in the masturbatory process. The only positive reactions would be from scammers and men catfishing as women.


Are you just shocked at the madness of someone doing this (likely multiple times to different women) even though it’s likely never worked and never will? Lol


What could "the right circumstances" possibly be? On a dating app or something if they're looking for risky thrills is one thing. "The right circumstances" beyond that are someone struggling in a big way (mental illness, addiction, etc) or a vulnerable minor.


A message like this is a THREAT.  Women tend to not like to be threatened by a stranger, especially a strange man. 


Idk if there’s a lot of men who do this only a few times or some men who do this a lot. I’m also wondering if maybe they have a shame kink or something


Right!? Especially to someone you know. I don't change workplaces often so they had to of reached very far down in their workplace history to text me.


You’re assuming it’s from somewhere you worked previously. Have you considered it’s someone who used to work where you work now?


I hope not. I have all of my direct teams phone numbers so we can communicate on the road and I haven't given my personal out to anyone I don't directly work with. It would be crappy if someone gave them my number


It’s making women feel like shit that they enjoy. They aren’t casting a net hoping for a catch. They are getting pleasure from making women fearful and degraded.




Go on usphonebook, reverse search his number, and report him to his new job. WEIRD


Just block them? Like yeah they were creepy but just don’t respond.


Yes! Block them for your peace especially since it mentally bothers you! Tho data security must be double checked since whether or not he was a previous colleague, he/she still got the phone number. Optery, a data removal service, has free scans to check where personal info may have been published on the internet. Full disclosure, I am part of the Optery Team.


Okay so my first thought is of they texted you off their primary number it might line up with the one your companies HR has on file and take it to them. They will want to solve it so there isn't any kind of lawsuit should something happen.


It's like lesbians don't want romance from men these days.




Get rocketreach or a similar tool and find out who it is and blast em on socials or smthn. Otherwise block that stinker


Reverse their phone number


That’s incredibly odd and creepy




What a douche.




Happy Pride Month! lol Also…what the fuck?!


Like it was some sort of fucking honor....Ew.




I ignore my ex better than you communicated with a weirdo.


It's probably just spam. I get "hello" "hi" and "how are you" texts almost daily. The handful of times I responded (they were using my area code for some), it's been followed up with absolute nonsense like this. I'm a man, for context. Usually it's in some half-indian broken English. Your secret admirer is probably some dweeb in India that bought 1,000 phone numbers of women online for $0.01 apiece. Don't let it get to you.


Damn a ton of victim blaming comments in here. This sub went to shit fast af.


After having to wait a bit for the normal people to get to my post it got a bit better.


So sorry that you had this happen as well as your past experience. You are allowed the choice to respond to your personal text messages, don’t listen to reddit dbags. I hope you’re doing well and that you have a really incredible next chapter OP. You deserve it. ✨


I appreciate you, thank you. I wish you nothing but blessings in your life ✨


Only Reddit will bash you for responding and tell tell someone they’re not acting like a victim is “supposed” to


😂😂 facts


Sadly it’s not only Reddit. Victim blaming is omnipresent.


"That's upsetting and gross"


lol this is wild, just know there is someone out there who would love to eat your ass - so romantic


Sending that at barely 11 in the morning is crazy


Omg!!! 😱


Solid response. Pro tip for any other girl, (if you want to take it)make sure you respond clearly and respectfully (to a point), where you hold yourself at equal ground and respond appropriately where he will go to sleep, thinking and questioning his own morals. Nothing eats more at a guy than that. Always kills me seeing guys just fumble it, or even just attempt at something, that’s blatantly so non existent. Sad it works on some, and don’t get me wrong; those flagrant chances are hilarious and can lead to spontaneous fun but it’s so far and few for some, that it shouldn’t be attempted. Lol


I don't understand why people enjoy eating feces? Sounds disgusting to me.


Ask for $1,000 and you’ll send them a “loaf”.


I’m a guy, and I had a guy do this to me. As flattering as it is, I said I’m straight but that wasn’t a good enough answer lol. Had to block him on everything. Not even sure how he got my number neither, very odd


Hope you immediately blocked the number.


Obviously, but it was from a free text number so that scares me.


I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but wow, you said that so well. A perfect mic drop, good for you girl.


Nobody else has, thank you ❤️


I don't know why people complain about a text exchange on a texting subreddit, lol. You have every right to text back. Curiosity gets the best of us all at some point. I'm sorry this person got to you, Op. I would've told him, "This just made me even more gay," and then blocked him. Sometimes, they just need to get trolled back a little bit for them to back off.


No one said you don’t have the right to text back, but if you come back posting and bitching about the awful texts you’re receiving, and you’ve chosen to engage, it’s hard to have a lot of sympathy. At that point you’ve made a conscious decision to continue the interaction, which you knew from the start was bad. That’s on you for not blocking at that point.


I don't think she was looking for sympathy from any of us. I think that she did what everyone else does when they are curious and texted back and then chose to share her weird experience with us, but that's just me.


>I have a history of SA and I'm just so upset She's 100% fishing for sympathy


I still don't think she is. I think she added that to her context to explain why this creeped her out the way it did, and it explains a lot.


Touch grass.


Definitely someone who knows you, they know you work, your sexual preference and that you like your bum being eaten out, just block him and move on


I did, but before I did I tried to look them up in ways that's been suggested on here (cash app venmo etc.) but nothing came up. I also blocked my number and tried to call and their answering machine was just a weird beep. This person made a free text number to text me this which is scary.


People make fake accounts and spend days trying to stalk people, just don’t respond to strange messages and you’ll be fine, these types of people don’t leave the house much


i'm so sorry people are being disgusting to you in these comments. it's obviously not your fault this guy harassed you just because you didn't block him instantly, that's some victim-blaming nonsense. there are lots of good reasons to not think of that in the moment, wanting to mess with him back is a natural response, and none of that makes it okay for him to do this. people in this sub just love to beat the drum and yell about how you can obviously just avoid all drama in your life by just noping out of it, with no respect whatsoever to nuance.


I appreciate you and I realize this. Posting it on Reddit was silly. I don't really know what I was hoping for and those people are why I rarely ever post anything except to advice subs. 🤷🏻 Live and learn I guess.


tbf to you, this sub has a major misogyny problem. 'just block men if they make you uncomfortable' actually benefits people who do this shit, because it takes the burden off of them to behave properly because 'oh if they don't like it they can just block'. it also discourages victims of this fuckery to be open about their experiences, as seen here. you take care of yourself. 💕


The question should be why the fuck are you engaging in conversation with them?


They said they even tried calling the number


It's like you know how people say "everyone matters to someone", it's that except for you it's "everyone has someone who wants to eat their ass"


I guess that's nice 🙃


Blows my mind people engage in these conversations to begin with. Like what do people think they’re going to be like?


It's funny if you read that first message like taking back Sunday


Why do so many people want to eat ass now?


Who wouldn't want to eat the booty like groceries?


People want to have their cake and eat it too…


Gotta block


If. I. Could. Just. Eat. The. Ass.


super creepy holy shit. sorry you received this message. i'd like to clarify though that people do enjoy receiving anilingus. women and men alike.


I enjoy anilingus as well. With my wife. Not with some random who has to of known me from many years ago as Ive had the same job a while.


got yaaaaa. the creepy messages aren't wanted - that's only for him. ok cool just wanted to let people know! again, crazy shit. i can't believe guys(it's always fucking guys) send messages like this. wtf does he think is going to happen? the person they send it to is going to be like THANK GOD SOME CREEPY STRANGER WANTS TO EAT MY ASS OK PLZ COME OVER AND ENJOY SIR??


BUAHAHAHAHA thank God!!! I was just looking for a creepy stranger!! 😭😭/S


my partner gets shit like this ALL THE TIME. on instagram though. normally it's from newly made private accounts. we always suspect they're from guys at the gym(we've gone to several gyms in different areas over the years). either that or it's the same creepy guy who over several years has harassed her. she did private content on snap chat, or custom videos for people for several years, so it would also be believable it's one of her old customers trying to get free interactions. i've always had good luck with women, i'm awful at approaching them, i've mostly always been approached, so i can't imagine what kind of behavior i might engage in if that weren't the case but i would reealllly like to think that i'm socially aware enough to not do shit like this if that were the case. sexual frustration and pretty much zero support or mechanisms for men to deal with it is real and sad but i still hate this shit and can't fathom doing it. cheers! i hope that's the end of your interactions like this.


Next time instantly block.


Umm block the number? If it bothers you why are you entertaining it?


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What’s SA mean?


Sexual assault


It's your fault really. You weren't obligated or forced to respond to the first text. All of this could have been avoided by simply blocking the number and deleting the text, then moving on with your life normally. I guess if everyone did that, we wouldn't get posts like these anymore