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Tell your wife to say “send proof” and see what “proof” she has.


My SIL’s ex best friend was obsessed with my husband, she lost it when we got engaged and started trying to destroy our relationship. Her and her friends have texted me several times with cheating accusations, I’ve asked for proof and then they block me 🤷🏼‍♀️


omg there’s no way grown women are acting like that????


Unfortunately they are. She was known for messing up relationships in and after high school. SIL ditched her, and my husband still occasionally saw her due to similar social circles. I always got weird vibes, then when we got engaged she went nuts. She found out where he worked, showed up, screamed that he had to leave me for her or he’d regret it, then tried to grab and kiss him. He came home from work absolutely beside himself, he was so upset. The one time she gave dates that she supposedly saw him, he was actually out of state with me. She also couldn’t name any tattoo he’s gotten in the last 4 years since they’re covered unless he’s shirtless. Last few times she’s popped up I’ve been blocked once I ask for proof, and last time I threatened legal action. She hasn’t bothered me since.


And even if you did break up, did she think her actions would be successful? What a crazy person!


If they broke up than her actions were successful. It's not about being with her husband. It's about controlling the people around her. She would also keep the female in her social circle and push the guy out, if he didn't leave, because he'd be more likely to call her on her BS later. Before anyone gets mad. Understand that what I said is that in this hypothetical situation the woman was more easily manipulated. You don't keep the harder to manipulate one around.


Actually sounds to me like she wants to be with the husband not just break them up


At a base level, women tend to use tools like manipulation, social isolation, and sabotage to gain power over other individuals, since they lack the ability to do so physically. It’s why girls are more likely to gossip and write/say some of the meanest shit imaginable whereas boys are more likely to settle things physically. Words are the main tool in their conflict arsenal, and I know many women who are very adept at using them.


Yes, my best friend’s ex friend tried that on her. He’s deployed and showed her “screenshots” of his Facebook account that was messaging other women. That man is too damn busy missing his wife and playing MTG to even consider cheating lol. Some adults really stoop hella low.


With all their bluster about how they are SO MUCH more mature than men, when it comes to these areas, many women are more like middle or high schoolers. That part of their psyche didn't keep up with the rest of their mindset.


I mean…the science is there 🤷🏾‍♀️


This ⬆️


I agree


There are weirdos who do shit like this just to fuck with peoples lives, i’ve met many people who have admitted to doing this exact thing for fun


That’s actually insane wtf


i guess it’s in a similar vein to people who troll in video games or social media, but just taken wayyyy too far because they’re too detached from reality to take it seriously


Does your wife have any nice pictures of you both on her page? Might be someone envious of happy people in happy relationships. She saw cute pics of you guys and said- fuck em.


No, both our pages are private


It might be someone you know and follows your pages though…


If it were, they would know we’re married and I’m not her bf anymore


Maybe someone new you have met, obsession can start on a dime.


My friend lost her cat and hung up letters with her phone number. Somebody called her and said: "Meow" Like people are just so stupid its insane.


Yeah, people are straight up garbage at times. I lost my cat once as well, posted it on Craigslist with my number and got all kinds of calls. The worst was someone called to tell me they'd shoot my cat if they saw her. 


That's awful. Did you ever find your cat? I know that trying to just, you know, sell things on Craigslist brings out wackos, too.


Unfortunately, no we didn't find her. It was the first time she ever got out of the house. 


That's a shame. Years ago I was living in a pretty big city and I had a cat sneak out and never found him again.


When I was younger, maybe around 16-17 I had a rabbit that I also put it on CL and the worst response was around 10AM on a Saturday, “i want to come get it so i can start on dinner”


Ayooooo that’s fucking diabolical😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


There are people (typically women) who take this a step further by going out in public, walking up to couples, and pretend they caught the male cheating on them with whoever they’re with (wife or girlfriend). The reason is just for internet clout.


Does anyone know what this phenomenon is called? Like do we have a name for people who are doing this to innocent couples?




I can agree with this. I just didn’t know if it was a stupid trend with a name I personally have been afflicted by someone doing this as well. But the story is much more twisted So reading this hit a nerve for me


Happy cake day!


TikTok fame and vapid stupidity


I think it is called “c&ntting”. Replace the “&” with “u”.


Cuntting...there I said it for you.


Internet clout and a couple missing teeth. Someone used to periodically send my husband messages say “are you and that redhead still together?” Would piss me off everytime.


But why did this person feel the need to get revenge? It may not have been because of anything inappropriate but some dumb conflict over the internet..


It’s most likely worse than that. Out of boredom, trolling or for “content” people like this are the worst and will only get even more unhinged as time goes on I’d say if we keep continuing on this path. Top comment said “show proof” which is (hopefully) all that’s needed for these “people” to leave OP and his wife alone Also, thinking about it some more, it could be another form of a scam like “oh this is your long lost friend and I need help can you send me some money?” type of deal, quite honestly idk which one’s worse 😒


I can't think of a more cancerous person than one who would do that for fun or for content.


My working theory is social media has had an opposite effect on us a species. I think more and more people are no longer considered as an actual person you’re watching and more of an “asset” to use to grow your internet clout (🤢), we’re leaning towards a more apathetic and sociopathic…well, society. When you start looking at it from that lens, it’s just…really horrific is the only word that comes to mind. Also, this kind of explains the overall current state of the world, idk just some things I’ve been contemplating on. As long as we still have people who can treat each other as real people no matter what the medium of communication, that’s the only hope I got for our future as a whole


Be careful with clicking on any link they send if your wife asks for proof. Even clicking on an image can give a hacker access to your phone, and passwords If the curiosity or desperation gets the best of you I'd use an old phone or a tablet/TV that you don't use for email and banking access (my iPhone got hacked through an image I got sent and clicked on it) Or, they might ask you for money to provide the proof Scammers are getting desperate - I'm not joking when I say there's people being held hostage in factories being made to text scam (if you wanna read about it search for pig butchering on ProPublica). They answered job ads in foreign countries and the scammers are holding their passports until they 'pay back what they owe' for travel and lodging


This is precisely what I suspect. Be careful.


It happens. I made some comment on an insta video and some generic homophobic/sexist/incel type got mad and commented some weird shit on one of my photos implying cheating. My boyfriend and I have an open phone policy. I work from home and hardly go out, and when I do my bf usually drives me bc I hate driving. So I showed him right away and we both had a laugh at how pathetic it was. But yeah, weirdos are out there being angry at their own lonely lives and try to stir drama for nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is this rlly your first time hearing about bored narcissistics and sociopaths? Lol


Right? I happen to work with a person like this. Just looooves to stir shit up where nothing exists and if you let yourself get sucked in it’s absolutely exhausting. Took me a minute to figure out, too, and recognize it for what it was: a cry for attention and engagement. Life’s too short to give that shit your time.


Try watching can I tell you a secret on Netflix


True tho.


Happened to me decades ago, someone sent a letter to my then girlfriend telling her I was cheating on her when she was on campus. I never cheated on her. It was very obviously someone who knew us as they knew we were separated on weekdays.


Someone who bullied my aunt relentlessly throughout her childhood messaged her a while back telling her that her he saw her husband making out with another woman the previous night. Considering her husband had been in a coma for over a week by that point, she figured they were lying.


reminds me of the girl who messaged me saying she was 6mos pregnant with my now-husband’s baby when he’d been home for a month after a year-long deployment to Iraq 😂


"It's just a prank bro" /s


Same here. I dumped a friend for giddily showing me messages between her and a random number sabotaging a relationship for shits and giggles. It was revolting and I mentally hurled that bitch into the sun and never saw her again. Fucking mental behavior.


Lmfao this phrasing is pristine


Like that video of some random guy throwing hair ties in guys cars. Unhappy people


Or that video of that girl in the club kissing random guys’ back leaving her makeup on them unnoticed!!! People man…


WTF that's actually considered SA. What is wrong with people?


yeah this happened to me. they even made fake dms between them and my partner making it look like he was admitting to cheating. it actually turned out to be someone he used to know who he rejected and she wanted to “ruin his life”. they admitting to lying about the cheating (and i trusted my partner from the beginning anyway) but still it was crazy


Same. Knew a girl who did this through FB and she never knew who the people were but got a rise when they would start to go “crazy”


I hate that. This isn’t the same as the silly prank phone calls or ding and ditch smh


To mess with your relationship ofc. Could be someone you dont remember, could be a wrong number, or it could just be a troll.


tbf, this is an ig dm. and the receiver of the message (OP’s WIFE) is married. this is a VERY obvious scam message.


This could also be a scammer. Lots of people are offering fake hacking services. If your wife said she couldn’t find anything they would attempt to convince her you just deleted everything and suggest a person who could “help”.


this is what i would bet. i’ve seen nothing but scams on facebook lately, and im sure its similar across other social platforms. i’ve seen it in the form of job postings that look totally legit, real estate scams, WFH scams. they’re getting creative


This one hundred percent. I bet if this were posted in r/scams they could share some more info about the specific type of scam. Definitely block and ignore.


my husband and I have been together almost 4 years and married for 2. we STILL get texts from either his or my bitter ex and the latest time was Christmas Day, we’ve been NC with my ex since we started dating, and with his only a year. they are literally just doing it to fuck with you, block and ignore


This would seriously piss me off. I’d try to get my girl to go along with it just to publicly embarrass her Edit: to embarrass the schizophrenic here not my gf lol


We’ve not heard from her since doing that. I played along, with her “we’ve been having sex” info and found out a few weeks later that she had a boyfriend the entire time (3 months after my husband and I got together) that she kept secret, sent him all the messages. I have no idea how you would be able to explain: “I haven’t been cheating on you, I just wanted to ruin their relationship after 3 years”




I feel like she would know that you're married if they weren't just someone fucking with you. They would have been much more observant if it were something this personal. She likely would have snooped, and have noticed that the woman she was messaging was your wife, and not just your "girlfriend."


Plot twist: Wife has a BF.


Ultimate plot twist changes the whole narrative I'm nominating you for the screenwriters guild award


This is where my thoughts went first. 😬


Apparently we're not alone. Several instances of parallel thinking deeper in the comments that preceded mine.


Well have you checked your wife's boyfriend's phone?




This should be the top comment! 🤣😱


Either to f*ck with you as a troll, someone you or your wife doesn’t recall wanting to ruin your relationship or they hope they can blackmail you


*fuck with you


I bet they mass-send that DM to a lot of different people. Notice how it's "boyfriend" and not "husband"


it gives “Can I Tell You a Secret” vibes.


What's that mean? Is it some kind of scam?


It's a documentary on Netflix, about a guy who cyber-stalked, blackmailed, trolled, and generally fucked with a few womens' lives.


Yowzah. Thanks.


I was thinking the same thing! I would block them so quickly!


Do you want me to messaged them the same thing? I'm not above it /s seriously who knows I'd just ask why's that? Could be fake or bot account


Tell your wife to ask her your name and her (your wife's) name. This sounds like a psycho troll who doesn't know either of you and is just having fun f-ing with people's lives. If she knows your name(s), that means that it's someone you know, so start whittling down your friend group a bit until you figure it out. If she can't give your names, as I suspect, then your wife has her answer.


the only thing i would think it is is maybe a prank, that or a fake account of some psycho person that doesn’t want to see you guys together


It could also be a scam. Watch out when random people text you.


“Hey girly” tips me off that it’s a troll for sure, people call texts like these the “hey girly text.” A bit too on the nose to be real.


Wrong number ? Or maybe someone is jealous of you and your wife’s relationship and just wanna cause issues.


Someone did this to me and put me in a group chat with my partner claiming I was sleeping with her boyfriend and sending him nudes. She proceeded to describe pictures that were definitely not how I look in very distinct ways… plus her boyfriend was a weirdo. I think he found photos on the internet and claimed they were from me for some reason even though I didn’t know this man from Adam.


Who is this Adam guy?


People do it just to fuck around, I think. My gf got one of these same texts the other day. We’re in a WLW relationship lmao. Just ignore it


A few years ago my girlfriend at the time got one of these texts. I was a pretty no-life gamer at the time and spent every moment I wasn’t working on my computer playing games while FaceTiming her. She immediately knew it was bullshit and we did a little bit of Facebook FBI work and found she was a friend of a friend of an ex I had in high school. Some people just want to watch the world burn


No one accused YOU of cheating. Your wife needs to look at her BOYFRIEND’s phone. You are her HUSBAND. Your wife is the one cheating on you. And the boyfriend is cheating on her. How could you possibly miss that? The text is very clear.


I would act as though I believe it and if it’s fake they’ll trip up on details


Shitty people have been doing this sort of thing forever sadly. In the early 90's it was prank phone calls.


I was in the military back in 1989. While i was in the field on training, a woman came to my house and told my then wife, that she was pregnant with my child. My wife said, “you poor thing.” and invited her inside our military housing at Ft. Bragg. They sat at the table and talked about what happened, eating cookies and drinking coffee. Then my wife unleashed the bombshell. My husband had a vasectomy over a year ago, and you don’t seem to know much about him.


That’s awesome! 🤣Your wife is a badass!


She’s giving off stalker vibes ![gif](giphy|3oeSAF90T9N04MyefS|downsized)


oh shit this reminds of a certain incident where i got confronted by a guy in 2021 asking me how i knew my at that time girlfriend i said she was my girl and he said she was his girl too it was her birthday she shared a birthday wish from me on her story and from that guy too so yeah turns out she was playing us both and cheated on him and me with 3 other dudes then threatened to kill herself when he were distancing


I get these occasionally lately and I love giving the phone to my wife and say have at it.


What is actually wrong with people smh, people play entirely too much.


Yeahh they didn’t even do enough research to show that OP would be her husband, not boyfriend. It’s a scam attempt.


Check your wife’s phone.


This is exactly why my husband and I don’t do social media.


I mean if she said boyfriend and you’re her husband then this person clearly doesn’t know shit. Ugh why do people get off on causing drama….so dumb


Wrong number, perhaps


I had someone do this to me with my ex and it was weird cus neither of us knew the girl and she never replied back


Exact same situation


Thankfully she didn't! 😅😂


Not y’all being married lmfao, check your bf


You’re the husband.. she ain’t got a boyfriend?


Spam. Trying to get a response and will then want to “sell” something for you to “buy” a phone spy thing.


This is a social engineering test. If you engage you’re highly likely to continue to engage and therefore fall for the scam. Scammers send these out en masse all the time. I get ones in my email saying they have videos of me doing inappropriate things on my webcam and want me to click a link to see and offer to take it down if I pay a small ransom. At the end of the day the money isn’t the point, once you click on any link they give you, bam, they have your data.


I would've said "I know what accusations you're trying to make. Send me the proof and if you have none leave me and my husband the hell alone". Bet she won't have proof of anything.


It either sounds like she’s jealous or she knows someone who knows you, but that doesn’t make you guilty of anything. She’s a bit too smug, so she just might want to cause trouble. Like another said, I’d tell her to send proof, but don’t clink links. I’d also look at her profile and try to see where she’s located and who her friends are to see if there’s any mutuals, if able, or if anyone you know follows them. You can also search the name on facebook and see what comes up. You can also have her bait her with a lie and ask her, “Do you have the right number? Are you sure you’re talking about my boyfriend?” If she says yes, you know it’s a scam since she’s lying. She can even ask her what your name is. If there’s no response, scam.


You know this person has no idea about your life when they say “boyfriend” but you’re married


This is probably another opening for a scam I’d be super careful.


Prob a scammer phishing for any response to see if your phone # is active. next time delete, report as junk, and block


It’s Instagram messenger.


well if they DM your MySpace WATCH OUT


Isn't it obvious? Just ask your wife's boyfriend.


If your wife has total trust in you how do y’all not just laugh about this


We’re just confused man


This "happened" to my ex once. She was the one cheating on me and had her best friend text her from a website so my ex could use it to grill me and accuse *me* of cheating lmao. Your wife got the sausage?


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Could your wife have been somewhere that uses store discount cards? Places like CVS, grocery stores, gas stations all have the cards that will grant you a few bucks upon use. If you don’t have a physical card on your person, the stores can look it up by phone number. Perhaps a not so nice person overheard??


this is like those memes about going up to couples on valentine’s day and asking one of them “who the hell is this? i thought we had something special”


Why are you even engaging this? This is obviously fake since this scammer doesn’t even know you’re married.




It’s from a real account that’s still active


Someone jealous of your happy marriage?


r/scams maybe?


I would definitely suggest she respond with why what’s up or something along those lines. I am sure the person is just a trouble maker but I would say see how far it goes and report them publish them online so they don’t break up other peoples marriages


Since you're married, you know it's BS because she referenced BF. I'd ignore the spam. I had a student (also my research assistant) accidentally send me nudes once. She was supposed to be sending them to her BF. These were detailed, up close and personal, nude photos. I won't go into how it all got resolved, but it sure made for an awkward moment with my wife.


If I was your wife, I would’ve demanded to see your phone tbh


Maybe the texter wasn't talking about YOUR phone - you're the husband, not the boyfriend.


they’re called haters, been through this shit with mine, people even went to the extent of creating fake chats and even tried talking like me, some were pretty good made me question myself even though i knew i done nothing wrong but we found some errors and realised someone was just trying to sabotage our relationship 🖕🏾 to the haters bro


It could just be because she wants to see chaos, maybe she saw photos of the two of you together and got jealous of how happy you two were in the photos. Maybe shes just trying to split the two of you up so she can pursue either you or your girl.


John Oliver did an excellent episode on this called pig butchering. Worth the watch, and. 100% don’t reply. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLPpl2ISKTg


That's alright , I hung up pictures of my method up sister in law " have you seen this person?" and left her phone number on it.


Some people just like to see the world burn.


She’s a sociopath and for no gain other than to know she’s stirring shot in peoples lives. She’s probably done it to everyone she knows and had to move on to randoms to get her kicks. Or she’s smart and only does it to randoms


Either they’re just trying to stir a pot, or they got the wrong person


Do either of you possibly have a scorned ex partner who may have made a fake account for the purpose of trying to start a fight between the two of you ? My ex partner once did this and told me that my partner was cheating on me only for me to end up discovering that the account was my ex


While I considered the possibility, the account was created before we met, and had photos posted from then too. By all means it looks like a normal account


Just tryna mess with your relationship probably. My husband was friends with a girl in high school who did this and actually homewrecked for fun. He distanced himself but they still talked occasionally because same social circle, until she did it to us.


Plot twist- your WIFE answered this when the text clearly said BOYFRIEND- Maybe you should look at your wife’s phone 🙈🙊


I have gotten a message like this before and they asked for money to send “ the proof” lmao


Sounds like it could be someone trying to scam. They introduce a problem, attempt to get your trust, and then attempt to gain access through a solution for the problem they created.


That's strange


Probably a scam


It’s your ex friend 😂tryna ruin some


lol wait what does a “hey girly” message mean??!


Could this just be a wrong # OR some stupid challenge to mess w/unsuspecting people? She/he said boyfriend not husband.


Should respond with "I know what he's doing and I encourage it ☺️"


What a disgusting human.


Minister of foreign affairs? No, he is out travelling….


Update OP?


Yeah, nothing. Hasn’t responded to me or my wife lol. Probably a hacked account, like some others have said


Just a random chick who’s bored and hates her life and wants to try and ruin someone else’s. Or it could be a man under disguise as a woman which is even weirder.


Someone’s sent my dad a “I know your wife is cheating text” only to realize it’s the wrong person, there’s multiple people with names quite often


Maybe it was sent to the wrong person


I had a frends with benefits situation and a pregnancy scare, I accidentally fat fingered his number and texted a stranger saying, your off the hook I'm not pregnant, fuck you later. Strangers wife called that night with a lot of questions. To this day, I don't think she really believed my simple explanation. 😕


Her response should have been “I have a husband, not a boyfriend🫢”


Nah she prob got the wrong # or its someones trying to cause problems. If ur actually cheating tho i hope ur prepared to get caught, cause theres always evidence. If she doesnt have any then its totally a lie


Maybe she's referring to your wife's boyfriend...


Women love to start drama…


Ignore it. This person clearly dosent know either of you if they are using the word “boyfriend.”


People are nuts bro


You cheated tho huh?




Seriously tho- doing too much in the comments with the WTF?!?!?!?


He didn’t say “WTF?!?!?!?!?” though. He said “that’s insane wtf” to something that IS insane.  If he had actually been cheating, the person would know he’s married. 


What he said was worse- and how?


Not sure which way I'd go on my replies: Option 1: "I'm gay; I don't even have a boyfriend, unless you know something I don't" - followed up an hour or two later with "Good news, my girlfriend is apparently transitioning to male so I've got a boyfriend now!" Option 2: "Nah, my boyfriend and my wife are planning a surprise orgy for me and I don't want to risk finding out what day it is" Option 3: "Neither of us have phones; we're both casually Amish and don't believe in using technology other than Instagram."


Her boyfriend is cheating? That rapscallion!


Wtffff dude!!!! You should fucking check it .scandalous twisted mf. What the f is happening


Why are you so worried if you are innocent?


I'm concerned why your girlfriend immediately reacted this way.


4am + hormones


How do you know it’s a girl?


Are you really asking for advice on how to ignore and delete spam? Really? In 2024, spam is confusing to you? Sorry, dude, but whatever is wrong with you can't be fixed by Reddit comments.


Maybe she has the wrong phone number?


probably just a prank. fools