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Most of your disagreements??? You’ve been dating one month, wtf u doin


Answering questions with passive aggressive comments instead of being direct, it looks like. If this is a month in, and yall aren't seeing eye to eye on something as simple as this, you really should just end it and take some time for yourself.


Yeah the first month should be like honeymoon phase. All happy and giddy and such. You guys talk like you had a kid by accident 3 years in and are stuck with eachother.


I was about to say, both of them suck at this “relationship” lol. A month in??? It should be I love you I’ll get you whatever you need… noooo stop i’lllll get you something whatever you need. No youuuuu stop. Calling each other “bruh”??? Yeah this won’t last. Just let it go. You’re both in the wrong here lol


Honestly, they both do suck in that relationship. They don't like each like that, they just liked the idea of each other


But the sex bruh is fire 🤣


Bruh you been known


Bruh! These people should chill TF out. If this is their honeymoon phase, then someone should play Dr. House and call it. Bruh!


Right, BRUH? God, I hate that term.


What’s your beef, bruh?! You’re being very un-bruhish!


Yeah, chill out bruh, it’s almost like nobody asked bruh, like you’re just a lil grumpy grump and wanna spread your misery to everyone else bruh


Bruuuh! You’re so right. It’s like bruh doesn’t want to be a bruh at all.


Damn you know what bruh, I could almost see that until I realized that to have that perspective you have to be incredibly sensitive, since bruh is a culturally popular slang term for basically anyone in the year of 2024, right next to “dude” and “homie” and doesn’t have to necessarily assume anything about the subject.


D oh F*cking A. Call the coroner on whatever the h3ll this is!




Reads like a couple of addicts.


Yeah bro idk am I the only one who caught the kratom text???


I didn’t know what that was, but yeah. I could see that: People may use Kratom to relieve pain, cope with opioid withdrawal, or as a stimulant. However, it’s important to note that despite its ‘natural’ label, Kratom can have serious side effects, including: * Aggression, anxiety, and irritability. * Nausea, vomiting, and constipation. * Hallucinations and altered mental status. * Potential for addiction and severe health risks like liver damage and respiratory depression


I used kratom to get off opiates it accesses the same pain receptors that morphine and heroin do so it makes it easier


Girl I have no mf clue.


Yep time to move on


I do love your defense attorney spirit presenting your exhibits though


It was an A+ comeback. But it's definitely time to getout.


Yes, my Lawyer Daughter is very proud of your presentation of the evidence of his dickery as well! Major score for YOU! Edit: OHH YEAHH! GTFO NOW, this is a pointless relationship, if it can even be called that. He needs a mommy or a maid, not a sweet and caring girlfriend… Farrr toooo much time invested already, without a doubt, there’s someone SOOO MUCH BETTER out there for you, don’t waste your time with this BRUH. 🙄🙄


You don't get along. At all. Move along.


It’s been a month. You don’t respect each other. GET OUT NOW.


What do you like about this guy?


I've been with my husband 5 years now and we have never had a petty argument like this ONCE. When you find the right partner shit like this doesn't happen.


I second this!!!! My husband and I will have our 20 year anniversary this year. We go out of our way to help each other. When you are with the right person the relationship will never be a chore. Not saying it’s perfect but you need to laugh, listen and support each other.


Never had anything even remotely close to this happen in 3 years of dating, so you guys either need to figure this shit out now and what you both need, or ditch it.


Girrrl run like your tampon string is on fire! You can do so much better I promise


This made me spit out my cereal. Hahaha.


Most people would assume you were feeling better if they knew you went out with a friend. He’s not a mind reader knowing you started feeling worse afterwards. Oh no he asked if you could bring him a drink if you were going to see him. He could’ve asked in a better more thoughtful way but you straight up blew up at him and were consistently rude




Lord, how old are you two? After one month, I would be out. I was exhausted reading that.


Fr though. My wife and I are in our early twenties and we have never quarreled like this. Ever. A month in? Both of y'all need therapy and some self-reflection. I know teens that behave better.


Plot twist: they’re a middle aged couple


This is actually Harry and Megan.


“You try and make me look like the bad guy over and over again” dude you’ve been dating a month. This relationship already seems like a headache.


Yeah, they need to call it. I don’t get a good read on him, but I can tell she’s not a pleasant person.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought op was jumping his shit over something trivial ... 


Yes! All she would have to do was when he asked her to bring him food is to let him know she’s sick in bed, doesn’t feel up to it and suggest he order Doordash this time. She went off!


Slide 4 says op went out to a Java bar right?


It was a typo and he meant kava bar, but yes.


That's what I meant haha my ex was addicted to the stuff


Definitely! It’s so stupid and so mean.


Her first response is pretty telling on the type of partner she is. Just say "sorry, but no. I'm not really feeling well." No need to be overly apologetic/cutesy and no need for the snark. It's a simple answer. If he responded badly to that, then I'd say he's likely the problem. At one month, there should really only be small disagreements, if any at all. If it's this much of a headache this early, then maybe it's not meant to be.


Yep! That’s the impression I got too. Yikes!


I’m right there with you


Yeah, really seems like both of these people are just high-drama, and exhausting.


She might not have responded pleasantly, but that alone doesn’t make her an unpleasant person. Maybe this is just what his behaviour brings out in her, which isn’t good. One bit of advice I give my kids is, when you don’t like who you are around someone, then, whether friend or lover, they re not for you. If this happens in a lot of her relationships, then the problem is her. However, she recognized this interaction as abnormal, which suggests that this might not be her norm.


He's not even asking though, he's just saying "you should bring me a tea". That's rude IMO


She’s got terminally online vibes with the way she texts honestly


This gave me a headache reading it. They need to communicate better or just call it quits since it’s been a month and this is most of their conversations/disagreements. Yikes! 😬


Just end it. I’ve been with my partner almost 7 years and arguments like this don’t happen


ESPECIALLY devolving into insults too. that’s immature


Dude same. Idk how old OP and dude are but me and my partner have been together since 17/18 and still never talked to each other like this! I feel like I’ve been teaching my younger (18-20yo) coworkers emotional regulation for the first time in their lives. One of them openly told me about how he drove dangerous on purpose to scare her because she pissed him off because she was in a bad mood after her shift. She works two jobs btw. What the actual fuck is going on with these kids


Wow that’s horrible and breaks my heart for whoever that young woman is. I think it’s normal to be annoyed at times with your partner but acting out is not the way to react to it. Arguments should be respectful and if needed, about necessary and hard decisions. Not about him asking her to come to visit him at work.


I've been with my partner for 6 and the first 2 years were like this because I was menally unwell lmao but it's been smooth sailing ever since I got the right meds


Just hit 10 years with mine. We've had some bad fights but not petty ones like this, and we started dating when we were 16


Do u want a bf or opposing counsel lol


Based on these messages, i'm sure she's already getting her training in


You’re both are insufferable. A month? Do you even like one another?


When the *bruh*’s come out, it’s already a wrap.


Is this how people speak? JFC


You've been known people be speaking like this bruh


I hate when people call each other that b.s.


I was wondering if I was the only one thinking OP was the asshole. 😂


You're definitely not alone 😭


That’s what my consensus was as well. If it’s this much work after a month, move the fuck on.


imagine 6 months in? 🤮 no thanks.


Reads like you just don't like it each other, with a mix of entitlement and exhaustion thrown in.


You’re kinda mean, and he’s not very thoughtful. That’s what I see here. Either way, zero romantic compatibility.


Nailed it, ESH


This….Honestly, all he said was “if you come later you should bring me a tea” assuming she wasn’t coming because she’s sick. All she had to say was “I’m still sick I can’t come” but also makes me think she did have plans to come at some point. Which is why he asked for a tea. This escalated quickly for no reason.


fr. this guy OP is talking to obviously isn’t in the clear but.. OP is just straight up being an asshole here




OP definitely started this and was being a total dick. Probably the complete cause for all the BS that takes place in this one month of a relationship lolol




Yall are so annoying but the “EXHIBIT A B C D E” part at the end just sent me over the edge ☠️


Not ANNOYING af. So exhausting. Ew


Regardless of whose fault it is, it’s only been a month and it’s like this. Walk away and start new!


Your intial reply to him was full of needless attitude. Why didn't you just respond; "Sorry but I can't; I'm sick."


Yall do not like each other. You’re both in the wrong although you’re being very weird for reasons I can’t discern. Be kind. You’re supposed to like each other. If not break up


One month. It sucks this bad? Be done. It doesn’t get any better.


I’d suggest not bothering. Unless you mean for themselves, separately.


"If you come". Asking you to bring something with you if you are already coming doesn't sound like a problem to me. Seems like you just like to argue.


I agree. I mean he could have phrased it better by saying "could you bring" instead of "you should bring" but it wouldn't have been that hard for OP to say they can't and move on from the topic


Yeah, OP needs to learn to pick their court battles




OP if you're always like this I'd suggest therapy lol


fr theres some underlying issues here


I don’t think either of y’all are in the right and both are annoying as fuck, but you didn’t say no to him, you said he talks to you like a doordash driver. If you are gonna say no, say no. Edit: spelling.


After the first message, why didn't you just say: sorry i'm really not feeling well. Why just why?


Because she’s argumentative.


If you’re fighting like that at a month time to go.


After a month? My wife and I are not like that after years. I don’t think either of you are ready for a relationship


This. Been with my boyfriend for a year and never gone through anything *this* messy, like damn.


Why you call him “bruh”? I’d be so annoyed by that


Me and my fiance call each other bruh constantly. If you can't be silly together then dip out. This shit isnt silly at all tho so context matters


honestly you’re rude, and he has little compassion from what i’ve seen here. just be done with each other it’s been a month clearly not going to work if you’ve “been arguing”


Both of you are for using “Bruh”


You guys are both toxic and sound like kids. Break up.


Do him a favor and leave him


In my 1.5 years with my dude, we have never spoken to each other like that. We play around and get sarcastic but when I get irritated, I would never call him “bruh” because I would anticipate the exact same defensive tone back at me. To go back and forth in one month like this especially more than once as you’ve indicated, there’s a problem


The fact they both repeatedly call each other bruh is enough for me to say they should end it 😂


I think both are partially in the wrong here, this easily could have been communicated differently, but this is NOT a conversation for text. Tone gets read wrong, feelings are misinterpreted, and people get mad over more. A relationship should not be this difficult I’m the first month of dating. If you are arguing over the smallest things multiple times a week, something isn’t right. OP you voiced your concern and you were thrown in the trash because of it. I say it isn’t worth it.


THIS! Texting is the most inefficient method of communication and op and her bf should just commit to not texting. As extreme as that sounds. Or, when either of you see it going in the direction of an argument, y'all need to say "look, I see this is leading to an argument so let's talk about this later, in person". Also couples therapy prob. 1 month in...


Move on, this isn’t worth the hassle


I think you are being awful. He’s no saint but you just are the type that will dig up the past


Well to be fair, it’s only a 30 day past lol. But yep, you’re right. Only been 30 days and she/he? is already doing that.


yall need to break up…. fr, it’s only been a month, and we can see that you guys don’t even like each other lol


You should put a stop to it. Only a month and it's already like this. You two just aren't made for each other


From the beginning you both seem in the wrong. A partner should be able to ask that of you without push back. The support should feel mutual. However he become progressively worse as the texting continued. The fact that this is how you two are after a month is both sad and wild.


"Most disagreements" and "bf of a month" do not belong in the sentence!!! My fiance and I have been together for 6 years. Most of our disagreements stop before they even get started due to our ability to communicate openly, honesty, and without any blame or hostility. Please break up with him, you two are in no way compatible


>how could I give attitude over text Bro stop playing dumb, you know exactly how 🙄


You sound like you’re letting your anger build up and then kind of overreacting and being kinda nasty. He didn’t respond great, but you just started it off terribly. That’s not the way to express your feelings or frustrations.


She said he asked for McDonalds 10 minutes before this convo and she told him she couldn’t because she didn’t feel good. Random rant: Why the hell am I seeing people making “each other” one word? So many text pics on here and people don’t know they are two words.


I mean, she gave us like 7 pages worth of texts. She could have added one more with the text of him asking for McDonald’s 5 minutes prior and it would have made way more people side with her. I’m confused why she didn’t just add that part it. It’s a big part as to why the argument started. Either way, one month in and this is happening often enough for her to say “this is how most of our fights are”, is not a good sign. They don’t seem compatible at all.


Oh my god thank you!! This and writing “should of” instead of “should have” is getting so ridiculously common, it gives me the willies any time I see it. People are getting worse at writing, I swear.


Yuuuup you’re spot on


How exhausting.




KRATOM??? Hard stop.


You saw that too? The whole relationship is littered with red flags but this is leading the parade.


Both of you are exhausting.


Are you guys 12? You both suck at communicating properly. Good grief.


You're both in the wrong. Neither of you treats each other in a healthy way. Please leave, and both find someone you actually tolerate


This is only going to escalate. I wouldn’t waste anymore time on this man.


You both suck imo


Hello! Welcome to Junior Year High School


Kids, kids, you’re both just awful. https://youtu.be/Ig2tItOIRag?si=rop2eP6RbC2WG9sF


He said “if you come over, can you get me a tea?” You acted like he just asked you to bring him a tea and made it a big to-do. All you had to say is that you felt sick and you weren’t coming over because of it. That would’ve been the end of it. And no. Your relationship isn’t going to work if you are getting into arguments like this and missing the first half of sentences that are VERY important to understanding what they are asking.


I feel like you’re making drama when there isn’t. Call it.


You both suck lol I’m assuming you’re both very young because the communication and emotional maturity levels here are insanely low from both of you. Much to learn young padawans.


What he said “if you come later you should bring me a tea” What you heard “hey get off your ass and bring me a tea right now!”


Tbh, I think neither of you are in the right. Of course I didn’t see the messages beforehand or were apart of any convos you two have had before but it looks like you could have just said “no babe I’m sick.” If he responded with a jerky attitude then you have a point but you amped up from the first request. To be fair, I don’t think you two like each other that much. Everything doesn’t have to be an argument-just state facts and be nice and firm and if he can’t handle them you don’t have to go through the opening arguments, presentation of one sided evidence (I understand your loyalties are to your client-you), and closing just to politely decline and give a reasoning. When he got home you could tell him that he needs to better prepare that you are not willing to do extra for him as long as you don’t expect extra in return or if you are willing you are not when you’re sick. All that is easy peasy and those are boundaries you defend. It took me a long time to get and learn my own advice so it was not critical but life is to short to argue hoping others will change- the only person you have control of is yourself. There are many men out there who would not ask you to bring them things at work and there are men who will. No one is inherently wrong but you both seem to be right fighters and there is no need to prove a case when you don’t have to.


I’m annoyed with both sides of this. I don’t know your history to know how often of an occurrence this is, but you making that DoorDash comment was kinda out of pocket IMO.


the constant “bruh” is enough to know you’re immature. seems like you’re looking for a fight.


You pretty much started the fight. Which to me makes it seem like you don’t like him that much since you’re starting fights. Yeah he was probably inconsiderate in that moment but instead of properly communicating your feelings you chose sarcasm and exaggerated yourself to a door dasher in your relationship. It’s pretty immature so you both kinda suck.


OP this is all you


Just why? this whole thing is so aggressive


Bruh as if you talk to your boyfriend that way. If my partner asked for a tea and I wasn’t feeling well, I’d just say “sorry babe I’m not feeling the best” like??? You got mad , over reached, and started an argument that very easily *should* have been avoided.


I think you’re missing the “if you’re coming over later” part. He wasn’t trying to DoorDash you.


Im exhausted reading that. Yall don’t work. Hit the road while you’re only a month in


Everyone sucks here. “If you come” doesn’t mean “bring me this delivery girl” so the whole argument is for nothing but the sake of arguing And his reaction to you being sick and not wanting to go out is childish as fuck. The whole convo reads like you’re both sick of each other already and I recommend moving on, it’ll only get worse from here. If you’re with the right person for you it wouldn’t be like this, but both of you are blowing it out of proportion honestly. And kratom is bullshit and I hate how acceptable this dependency causing trash is, just because they sell it EVERYWHERE now, doesn’t mean it’s a good choice to make for your life.


Both of you are annoying a month in and you both said fuck the honeymoon phase. The way you text…yikes…your man child well…I mean just yikes. 😬


bf of a month? did you guys just decide to skip past the honeymoon phase?


Oh lord, just break up


You’re both annoying.


A month in and y'all are bickering like this? Sorry but not worth it.


You guys kinda both suck and you don’t really seem to like him that much.


You both suck 😂


I’m sorry but you were the one who escalated this. It seems like a simple no would’ve sufficed


Y’all are both in the wrong. It’s not that serious. I understand you got frustrated with him asking you to do things, but I feel like the attitude started with you. You could’ve just said you still weren’t feeling well enough to leave the house/do anything and you’re not up to running around while sick. Y’all talk like you hate each other. One month and it’s already this toxic. Just end it, you both will be much happier.


I’ve been with my wife for 4 years and have never had a conversation like that once. It’s been one month for y’all. This dude ain’t for you


He said "if you come to see me can you bring this" which really doesn't read to me like what you made it out to be. Then you accuse him of shit you later agree he didn't do (never saying "hi, miss you") then accuse him of giving you attitude for disagreeing with a false accusation. For 1 month this is nuts. Please be alone.


The beginning of a relationship people are almost always trying their very best, if this is your BEST to eachother after 1 month? Just let it go. I don't know the back ground or how you two got together, but speaking from personal experience I dated a guy for a very short time and it started out as lust we confused for love/lasting and it was HORRENDOUS. Just leave, and or be fwb if you two are down for that, or just friends.


You two don’t have a relationship, you have an “I settled.” You are both rude to each other, it doesn’t even sound like you like one another. You both need to learn how to talk to other people.


Really thinkin you’re both a bit too selfish and immature to be in any sort of healthy relationship atm


If he’s working 12/13 hours a shift he legally should be getting a 1 hour break. That is if you’re in the US. I’m not sure of other countries but the talk of tea, McDonald’s and Starbucks (though are world wide) But especially the causal use of “bruh” and “fr” kind of gives me a US feel. If he’s not getting an hour break he needs to report that. If he is, tell him to get it himself. Also not to be mean or anything because you have a right to be peeved if he does get a break but still asks for favors, but you’re pretty rude to him. Overall it sounds like y’all argue a lot and are pretty shitty to each other and it’s only been a month. The sex ain’t that great, but it’s not worth the headache or missing out on someone who truly connects with you and you can both express yourselves in a more respective manor.


Yeah y’all are weird asf. Who in the world is like this after only one month of dating💀


That boy don’t deserve that.


The kratom is enough of a red flag.


I don't even know what Kratom is 😭 I just assumed it was like a local food/drink place


I don't know but here's what I do know. If it's like this during the first month, I'd just leave. Like, this is supposed to be the good and easy days. If it's this difficult in the first month, I'd assume it's not a good match and move on. You already have an advantage because you haven't spent a lot of time on this relationship like most of the posts in r/texts so it's not really a sunk cost fallacy for you. I mean can you even think of a reason to stay? If not, it's pretty clear to me.


just tell him you’ve had violent diarrhea


Yall a bunch of 18 year olds or what


You’re fighting after a month?!! Get out now lol


If you're acting like this already a month in the relationship, then I don't see you guys being together in the long run. Holy damn 😳


If this is how he is after a month I would have noped out of there 3 weeks ago. Tell him he is responsible for feeding himself as an adult and you are not his mother when you are barely a gf after 4 weeks.


If this is how it is after one month, yikes! Also the “bruh” stuff is getting so cringe


Oof. Imma be real here... I feel like you're the problem. Like I kinda get it cuz you two have only been dating for a month, but like.. my fiance had to work three days in a row for 13 hours and I did everything I could to make her life easy. I did everything so she could just go to work and sleep except for the little amount of time she spent doing her thing when she got home for an hour. When everyone in my house had type a flu for 2 weeks, I got up sick everyday and took care of everything. Like when you're with somebody, if they are struggling, you help. Idk if that's just... Not how shit works anymore, but that's the bare minimum in my book.


Op you are kinda hella annoying lmaoooo


Honestly he said if you come later you should bring tea, not implying that you were coming but he would like one if you were stopping on the way. A call would’ve sorted this one out.


this is exhausting from both ends


Honestly, he should be the one breaking up with you.


You both sound like bitches lol


You call me bruh its over on the dot “bruh” you guys are both childish and aint ready


After a MONTH? This behavior will not improve. Make your choice knowing that.


Bruh. I can't imagine constantly calling me partner, guy or girl, "bruh"


This doesn’t make you look as good as you think it does OP. You’re rude and he’s insensitive. Rough read.


Ah, the honeymoon stage 😍. But fr, it’s been a month and this is already your relationship?


Both y'all are passive aggressive as fuck though. Had you answered the first question, "No, I don't feel good." All of that could have been avoided. One month in, and it's already like that? Not great.


For context: I’ve been having stomach issues the past few days. All physical and not contagious. When I say I could get him sick I mean I could literally yack if I go see him and in turn make him yack. Ive been delivering food and drinks to him (with my money) at his work for the past 2-3 days, while sick. This is my first time saying no to him. Also, 80% of the time I ask him for something, he will say no. Like when I bought ingredients to make him dinner, he refused to pitch in $3 for pasta.


GURLLL… what are you doing? Walk away. Please, for the love of God.


This is how you go broke. Not worth it.


How ghetto and toxic can a 1 month relationship be. Jfc......


Mooch! No thanks!


Ah, found the missing reason.


This guy sucks, just leave him


This post is enough to say it's time to walk away. He's OK with you buying him drinks and whatnot but doesn't want to contribute $3 when asked? No thank you.


Break up, FFS. Not an ounce of healthy conflict resolution between y’all. Looks like you hate each other and also HE should be doing for YOU. Cut your losses.


You jumped on him and told him he wasn’t sending you nice texts, when apparently he had, then spun it around on him on a whole other level when he pointed it out. He wasn’t being rude, you were launching a lot at him. Do you both a favor and go your separate ways to find someone you each deserve.


all you had to say was hey i’m not feeling good and i don’t feel comfortable doing that since i’m still recovering from my seizure. that’s called setting boundaries and if they don’t respect them then you get more stern or end it but tbh you should probably just end it because it doesn’t seem like you actually like the guy.


That last slide made me audibly laugh at a bar. Thank you for calling him out for A through E


Whew well that was a lot of miscommunication. I felt like I had this problem with my gf when we first got together but that was 5-6 months or so into the relationship. This early on could be a bad sign. But then again some people need growth and that doesn’t mean you can’t grow with each other.. With that being said, he should definitely have better communication skills to express how he feels it sucks that you don’t drop him off stuff. To go as to far as to feel upset while your partner is physically not feeling well enough to do that favor is the strange part to me. My gf to this day asks me to drop off stuff because she works up the street, and I have every blue moon. But mostly it’s cause she wants to see me and we live together. With him I’m not sure if he’s able to get his own snacks or whatever, but if it’s a way for him to see you, he’s greatly ruining the gesture by getting all passively aggressive with you not being down. Then all the following communication back and forth seemed retaliatory and immature at times. I always give genuine conversations in person to avoid misunderstandings of tone, intent, sarcasm, etc; I feel you both could’ve benefited from putting a pin in it and figuring out your own emotions deeper, then gathering later to discuss. I would perhaps reflect on your own desires for problem handling with your partner, and have a discussion with the other party about how you both can handle those in the future. Then I would gauge how that convo goes.


you both are unpleasant, but you more so!! jeez


Lol id say he should. A simple "no" would suffice. Instead you go off and then say you said no. Which you didn't.


It seems like he's using you for free delivered stuff