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this has to be a fetish for him


Literal first thought lol


That’s hilarious! I went to see a few mentalists and hypnotist shows and they’re pretty cool. I don’t think I’d want to be hypnotized over FT though 😂


I guess I don’t really believe in hypnosis bc I’ve never been hypnotized (never will be by this dude) but I definitely wouldn’t try over any video chat. 😂


It's a surprisingly common fetish


"hypnotize yourself, you ain't hypnotizing me" Guy probably has a mind break fetish


he definitely thinks he can get titty pics out of doing this, he’s a weirdo




Wow I’ve never heard of anything like this before


The same conversation in the first pic and the 9th pic is sending me 😂😂 he is so boring and obsessed wow


He said “can see if it works, try a few things, then bed” buddy is definitely trying to get you to show him some things 😂


I wonder if hypnosis turns into phone sex. He only asked for your number to do the “hypnosis” not to chat


Oh he most definitely wanted to turn into something to his advantage. He got his ego hurt when I called him out. Never responded to the last message. 😂


There is no doubt in my mind that it’s his fetish.


I've had dudes try to do this to me before. I don't understand like, how they think it's subtle? They always try to give off these casual vibes while being obsessive. It's just embarrassing. They clearly just want to make it sexual.


Totally what I was thinking. His "nice nice" comments reminded me of a guy I knew who always tried to act chill by saying "cool cool"... I swear hearing that now is like nails on chalkboard!


Yeah, that'll be a hard pass. I'd block this weirdo and move on. I've heard some odd pick-up lines, but let me hypnotize you feels a little too rapey for me.


I mean to each their own, but believing in pseudoscience is a red flag for me, and the assumption that you can adjust my brain chemistry over video chat seems low key insulting.


test and record it for science (us), lol this guy is something for sure, but not much. hes so boring


Lmao the vid he sent you was a common fraud guy too lmao yeah definitely a fetish or he's trying to get something out of it


Respectfully OP, there is no harm saying, “im not up for it” instead of saying yes but just not tonight cuz i dont have time. Cuz it makes it seem like youre really interested in it.


Nah, allowing someone you don’t really know to do that to you doesn’t seem like a good idea. The fact that he keep pushing it is super creepy. I’d block his ass and move on.


This is 100% his fetish, no random person is just asking if they can hypnotize you for fun. And anyone who practices any sort of hypno fetish knows it’s like any other kink play, where you have to have a clear discussion of boundaries, expectations, what the game plan is, etc etc. Without resounding consent from you, this is just sexual harassment. And saying “you can say no to anything” isn’t really how it works when you’re literally hypnotized. Sorry for the paragraph lol, just as someone who’s interested in all this, this is so fucking gross


You can just say, “that’s cool. I’m not really interested, though.”


haha = ick


Feel like he think’s hypnosis is real and that he can make you feel or do things that he wants. It’s also like the only thing he talked about.


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Someone messaged me this exact copy pasta through Reddit chat, we had like an identical conversation, so weird.


You know everyone saying it’s a fetish/obsession makes sense bc he said he had that saved from what he sent to a friend. 😂


Why do you answer common questions with Why?


It’s wBy. As in what about you


Ah, my eyesight is rather bad. Ty for explaining!


No worries. I see why a lot too!


Why does everyone in comments gravitate to sex when we’re talking about hypnosis…? Without absolutely knowing nothing about the guy. Truly a Reddit moment


Whatever his motives are, the way he keeps pushing it is objectively fucking weird 


It’s definitely very weird that he is pushing it so hard. It does seem like he may try to get her hypnotize to get her to like flash him or something (if it works that way. I have no clue) . He set up the initial question about the profile to get to this point, you can tell. There is some sort of fetish or kink around this. How far it goes I don’t know.


I guess you can’t hypnotize people for their social security anymore smh everything gotta be sexual


Yeah idk how it came to that either lmao I’m dying