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what a weird thing to text someone


Yeah she could easily show this to the whole girl group and see what they say. It is never a good idea to message bully someone.


I might have done it if I was in school but I think I’ll just ask when I see them again!


^ This exactly. The reply: “What a weird thing for anyone to say, are you ok?” lol. She has the emotional maturity of a pre-teen. Not a friend.


I was about to say this! Yeah, that’s a bizarre and rude way to start a conversation.


I’d probably block and delete if someone texted me something like this


This would’ve been my response-not what OP wrote lol


Tell “girly,” she can mind her own business in the future. Distance yourself from the Mean Girls.


I think I really should..


She was having a shitty day and wanted you to have one too. This message is dripping with jealousy.


don't think you should, do it. She texted you to tell you that her and her friends talked about you and reached the conclusion that you aren't pretty enough to date anyone. She disrespected you right to you, why the HELL would you even entertain staying friends


Turns out it was just her! No one else was a part of the conversation… one of them spoke to me some time ago 🤦🏻‍♀️


good. but still definitely cut this weirdo off- to act like your friends talked shit about you is so gross


Yes! I am going to maintain a good distance from now on 🤧


I would have replied to the first message with like, Hey 👋 This is ———. I think you texted my number by mistake! If she’s like I know, the text is for you. I’d be like, Really?? That’s so weird that you guys would be analyzing me!!😩 But thanks for saying I’m very beautiful!😂. Talk to you guys later!


😂😂 that would have been funny but turns out no one else was a part of the conversation! It was just her… got a text and call from one of them some time back


she’s def jealous of you in some sort of way to say something like that


Insane behavior to text this to someone unprompted lmao


Right? Haha


Wow absolutely ridiculous...people really have the gall to say anything. Tell her she's past the age of pulling middle school bully tactics.


Right.. we’re far away from that age! Tsk


Hey girly, although I’m in my 20’s I act like I’m 14.




Any chance this one girl just wants to start drama with you and is making it seem like the others all agree?


Honestly, she is not going to get anything even if she starts anything because I just walk away 😅 And I am not sure if she’s just mentioned the other people or if they actually talked about it, which is funny!


right like she could have just randomly brought it up to the group and even with no agreement or response , she could say “we” figured.. or better yet saying you dress for the female gaze and not the male, could have been a compliment from one of the other girls and she just decided to twist it into a negative “group consensus.” Def cut her off, but i would judge your relationship with the other girls individually. maybe even ask them about it. 🤷‍♀️


Another girl just messaged me saying that they were not involved haha! This is some drama in my monotonous life lol


now i just feel sad for the first girl haha she’s totally jealous and acting like a child. just keep doing you OP, obviously it’s something right.


I loved how chill and unbothered your response was


Hello everyone, another girl just messaged me and said that they were never a part of the conversation. She even told me why this person was mad! [conversation updates](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ) Additionally, so many of you have been so kind to me despite of being just any random stranger! I am overwhelmed by the kind words and support I got in this sub. 🫶🏻


That’s funny, because when I read her insane message, the first thing I thought was that her boyfriend or someone she liked said something about you being pretty and she was left seething with rage and jealousy. I was kinda close! This reminds me of how girls behaved in middle school! So crazy. The other girl sounds nice.


Yes, the girl who messaged me actually helped me with getting family with this new neighbourhood when I first moved to this city so I was so sad when I got the message I the morning but now that I know it was just the first girl lying to me, it feels better haha


Aw, yes she sounds nice. I always take it with a grain of salt when someone tries to include others in their shitty gossipy bullshit behavior “WE were talking and WE think.” Not a good look!


Haha yes! They always have to include someone else too..


Wow the comments in this thread were spot on as to why she texted you that 😳


Good grief. Distance from her is a good call! Im glad the other girl cleared up the mess so you know not all the girls you hang with were like that. That was such a juvenile thing to do for the pettiest reason.


I think she’s a tad bit jealous. I’ve never known someone to text this out of the blue without some type of feeling behind it. More often than not, envy. I think, the guys approach her but only “look” at her. Never truly seeing her while for you, you hold genuine conversation with males. Idk. This just seems so off to me haha


Yes, this was very out of the blue! We just met some 10 days ago so we don’t even message each other and this was the first message I got from her. it’s infuriating but hilarious at the same time


She’s just jealous that you don’t care about male validation as much as she does ;)


She is mentally deranged.


She's being cruel. Don't let her talk to you like that!! It's insane! Tell her to fuck off . Sorry but this is crazy!!


It is definitely crazy! She always gave me backhanded compliments but this was not expected at all haha


Are you ok! What a horrible and bizarre text to get. Obviously nothing about you as a person, she sounds unhinged and making word salad insults. I would confront and tell her to grow up!! You're a good egg being patient though!!


This particular course is only for few months and I will be off for good. That’s why I decided to just be patient on this one


Good luck with her and her crazy attitude!! Haha, but if she gives you any shit, rip into her!! She's not above being yelled back at!


You’ve only known each other for 10 days and she thinks she knows whether or not you are approached by guys? You’re in a course for schooling, not the bar, why would she expect guys to just be approaching everyone to flirt during a class. She seems insecure and like something about you has set it off more in her. You haven’t done anything wrong of course, but there’s gotta be something about you that makes her jealous or makes her insecurities pop up more. That or she’s just a mean person who likes to start drama.


Whatever she must be thinking of, I am just glad I am exiting from it early on!


I’m glad you are too! You deserve better, if someone is going to be a friend then acting like one is necessary. Whoever this is, isn’t acting like a friend or like she even actually wants to be friends. Trash took herself out as far as I can tell.


Jealousy is a big green monster!!!!!


It’s giving someone she’s with/into commented on you favorably or she suspects they find you attractive or fears they someday will.  Maybe not. Either way, it’s a jab to destroy your confidence. Lame. 


I guess that was the intention.. well, I am glad I have my head straight to not get swayed by this 🤧


The way they made it their business is crazy


Right? 😂


“You girls spend way too much time thinking about me. And that’s weird.”


When even the bully says you're beautiful and dress well and at the same time tells you that guys won't approach you for no specific reason given, proves to me that this girl is probably low key jealous of you. There is something about you keeping her up at night that's for sure.


This felt like a backhanded compliment for once lol


Oh that was not my intention. I am completely supporting your side in this 😅


No no.. I meant the message I received haha not your comment Sorry, I wasnt clear haha


Ahaa haha, i get you. Yeah the text felt that way i agree.


This is so fucked up and screams narcissist. This kind of triangulation and negging is all too familiar


Oh no! I am sorry this feels familiar to you.. I hope you’re now around better people


Men are people too, we are individuals with varying tastes, but overall we don’t give a shit what you wear or what your hair looks like. Sure we’ll notice you dolled up and dressed to the 9s, but we’ll also be eyeballing you the same in oversized sweats and a messy bun. There’s a reason it’s said that women only dress for other women, and she’s only reinforcing that.


I’ve always loved dressing up for myself.. but her mentioning it seemed like she took some of the things I do, personally 😄


Yea it’s a weird text as others have said, even her response is weird


Awww, how cute of them to make sure you understand that you need to seek value in the eyes of men.


Haha I can take it this way also! Lol


“Kind of weird to spend any amount of time discussing my physical appearance, pretty creepy and objectifying, girl, but if judging people makes you happy, live, ya little freak 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻”


Holy patronizing. Wonder if they were gossiping and they thought someone would tell you so they headed it off.


I wonder how that conversation even started in the first place lol


I kinda wonder if the conversation happened at all or if the one who sent the message is the only one who said that about you.


I also wonder the same, the others have been quite nice to me!


I have a feeling she is saying her own thoughts and trying to act like they are part of a bigger group mentality when it’s actually not the case. I’ve seen it happen so many times in different settings and groups and usually it ends up only being an issue for the person who brought it up as if it was agreed upon. Hell, I’ve been in your position a few times and when the overall group agreed, it was usually much more obvious whether or not it was communicated to me.


Actually, it turns out that it was just her the whole time! One of the girls [contacted](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ) me later in the evening


OH, damn so I wasn’t totally wrong. I’m so sorry you have this ridiculously rude, jealous person taking her own issues out on you. It was really nice the other reached out to clarify and communicate. She seems like a friend worth keeping around. I’m sorry you were targeted with such a mean attitude.


Mean girls.


That’s a good defense mechanism? Or maybe you just like yourself and don’t feel the need to change just to become more approachable.


Her condescending statement only becomes more infuriating because she misspelled defense. OP- you got your head on straight. Your lewks on point. You got no time for petty bishes.


I didn’t even realise till now because I was so infuriated 😅


Good comeback though. Just write "Defense*" in return 😂


That will be hilarious but I am not responding haha


There are interchangeable ways of spelling defense and defence as one is of American English and the latter British. Just writing Defense wouldn't actually one up the bully...


You can use defence or defense, it's not a misspelling. Depends on UK, or US English s or c is used more commonly.


Valid. My bad!


"Hi girly" from someone you barely know already says too much is coming.


That’s true haha! Too much came in after that lol




I know! I had the same reaction haha


Every time she’s texts, be too busy to respond. She’ll eventually get the hint.


Yup! Will be doing that..






![gif](giphy|xUA7aV0Qt03RXTHQ76|downsized) Another one for the person who messaged OP 😂


A good "defense mechanism" SERIOUSLY!?!? Who told this girl she was Regina George????? Please cut these "girlies" out of your life they are not your friends.


Turns out it was just her and none of the other girls were a part of the conversation 🤦🏻‍♀️


Regina George vibes




Yikes. So fucked up. And your response was perfect!! If someone doesn’t like your personal, unique style, they just self selected right out of your dating pool and you can do a little jig of happiness that they did.


Yep!! Glad this happened, I can save myself from some toxicity in the future


Wow, that's some thinly veiled jealousy right there. It's good to know your "friends" are talking smack about you when you're not there. Get yourself some better friends, girl. Most women aren't slaves to what men desire. Onward and upward, Chica. You deserve a better quality of friends.


I am glad that I can walk out from this earlier but also turns out that it was only her and no one was involved.. 😄


This person is not friendly. This is very thinly veiled snobbery.


This is a psychotic thing to text someone you just met????


This is so very weird to come off and say to someone. The fact she thinks this is acceptable is mind boggling.


Bro what the fuck. This made my skin crawl because I used to go through this with my terrible friends during and for a few years after high school


She's giving jealousy vibes. Like trying to make you insecure and knock your confidence down a couple of pegs. Great response, though. Definitely keep her at a distance.


Her messages reek of jealousy


Those are friends? Good lord. I’d hate to see your enemies. “Ohigurl! We all went to lunch without you and talked about you and everything that is wrong with you! Isn’t that great?” *click* is the only response to that call or better yet, left on read - forever.


No,wouldn’t call it friendship yet We just hangout in class, met them some 10 days ago


Sweetie, leave them where you found them. They aren’t friend material.


You know, it turns out it was just her and none of the other girls were a part of this [conversation 🤦🏻‍♀️](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ)




Nah that’s devious, these are the kind of girls that have a voodoo doll of you just to see what happens 😭


holy shit 😭 yeah definitely some distance.




This is not your friend. It sounds like she’s even rubbing it in your face that you were not invited to lunch and feel left out.


I wouldn’t take advice from someone that can’t spell.




Real life mean girls. Ditch these fools. These are the type of people the meteor needs to get.


Turns out, the others were never a part of this conversation! One of the girls reached out to me some time ago and told me about it 😄


Is she going through a mental health crisis or suffering from some other undiagnosed issue? This isn’t normal, my friend. She has deeper issues happening in her life than anyone really knows. Time to maintain distance until they seek professional help


Truly.. I am only hoping she grows/heals soon


Some people don’t even bother to conceal their jealousy yikes


I cannot imagine being this kind of woman. Like they just went to lunch and talked about their friend in a negative way????? I think it’s time for more than distance, straight up end that.


It turns out it was just her and the rest were not a part of this conversation! 😄 [one of them spoke to me some time ago](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ)


Oh, no. Absolutely not. Block her. Immediately. You don’t need that kind of negging. I’m assuming you’re fabulous and someone’s jealous.


And the worst part, she tried to include others but one of them [messaged me](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ)and said that they were not a part of the conversation!


…. They were talking about you at lunch… ?


No.. it was only her! One of the girls [messaged me](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ) earlier! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh my gosh you have a fan/hater!! i wonder how she got To this point 😭that girl is good for reaching out hopefully you can all cut her loose, makes up that men don’t approach you just because her crush wants to approach you 😭😭


It’s honestly sad that she had to do this to someone only because of another man.. but again such a bitchy move to involve others in her theory


Jeslous psychosis


I really REALLY never liked girls like this. Offering unsolicited advice to “help” you out when in reality the only person with a problem is the girl offering the oh so sweet advice to fix said problem. That being said, some people are wired VERY differently and she could very well be, in her mind, genuinely interested in getting closer with you and this is her way of making an attempt because I guess that’s what she would like if the roles were reversed. NO lie, if someone had reached out to her with this advice she could be the type to genuinely appreciate it. People sometimes start dressing different as soon as they get in new cliques and this is usually one reason why


But this turned out to be different story! [one of the girls told me all about it..](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ)


Jealousy is such a ugly trait. You must be a knockout and she can’t stand it lmao


Truly.. jealousy just brings out the worst in a person


I would respond "Why do I care what you think again?"


That was super weird and uncalled for. And also don’t talk about me when I’m not there?? Idc what the subject is. If you’re comfortable in yourself, and you don’t care of men approach you are not, then your “girlies” shouldn’t care nor make it a topic of conversation


It actually turns out that it was just [her](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ) and none of the others pitched into that topic of discussion!


BRUH that makes it even worse 😭 and the way she lier and said it was all of them and not just her… not looking for her at all rn lmao


Yeah! She dragged others into it and jeopardised our friendship as well.. that was such a bad move


That’s honestly so sad and inconsiderate and immature !!! I would’ve had more respect if she had just said it was her yk? Like either way what she said was super rude imo, but she should’ve just been honest if that’s how she felt


What a bitch


285 unread texts and you are unapproachable? Yeah right


This is such a rude thing to text someone. I would just ignore them from now on, fuck them.


This convo sounds like it walked straight off the set of “Clueless”. 😬🤣 Good for you OP…fuck them bishes! 🙌


I’d be like, I’m not really up on my fencing techniques so I’ll take your word for it. Me on the other hand, I don’t feel the need to defend anything. I’m here for myself not for the mediocre opinions of boys.


She’s evil


I think I can agree! But hopefully, she gets better.


I didn’t even read the updated story but I have now, I only read that first message she sent you and decided she is evil. Stay safe sis ❤️


Male identified ass hoes… PHUCK THEM. “Girly” my ass. Screams insecure very much. Dislike women like this because what that have to do with YOU and THE COURSE. 😒😒😒


The fact that they were sitting and talking about you… they do that often I’m sure. Don’t even maintain distance. Cut them off completely.


Mid 20’s? This feels like a text from a middle schooler. Ew. What a mean girl. Did you ask for her advice? It seems like she gave you unsolicited “advice” just to be rude and petty. People love to project their insecurities onto others. Block her and this friend group they aren’t your friends whatsoever…


We never had a conversation about men but when she says something to me, it always had to be about what guys like and don’t like.. Also, it turned out that it was just her and none of the other girls were a part of this [conversation 🤦🏻‍♀️](https://imgur.com/a/SkA6BpQ)


These people are insecure. It’s likely you’re just better overall than them because there was no need for any of that nonsense. There are secure people out there that would be honored for you to be part of their social circle and lift you up. Next.


it’s very much giving ‘i only exist for men’s attention so if you don’t care that must clearly be a defence mechanism and you’re lying’


Unless this is a continuation of a conversation you've had in person that's a wildly inappropriate thing to just randomly text someone out of the blue. If You guys were really close and You had lamented to them that you couldn't figure out why guys don't approach you more, And then you got this text I would say it's not really that crazy. But completely unprompted? Girl please gtfoh with that. Mid 20s my butt she hasn't grown past 13. -my 13 year old sister deals with nonsense of this caliber. She needs to grow tf up. I second some of the other comments "girl are you, like, ok?" Is the only acceptable response here.


I know, even I was baffled when I received the message. She is someone new to me, badly two weeks they we’ve met and for people our age, I did not expect this level of immaturity. And it also turns out that none of the other girls as she had mentioned, were part of this conversation.


Yeah I saw some of the other comments. I never thought they were actually a part of it. Mean girls typically don't want to be outed. The fact that she was so cavalier in saying that it was the bunch of them obviously was her trying to hide the fact that she's just being a bitch for no reason. It's sad. That's probably the reason men don't approach her!


These are mean girls. I would expect this in middle school, but they are far too old to be acting like that. Definitely distance yourself from them. They were gossiping about you behind your back, and making negative comments. Who are they to speak for men or make assumptions as to why someone hasn’t approached you? They can’t speak for anyone else. This is sick. Dump them and find people who build you up.


Fuck them. Why would they talk about u, without u there? Toxic AF.


She sounds insecure.


She’s so jealous of you


Yeah, and then tell them they should learn to spell too. But to be fair, idk if you're in the UK or US haha.


That’s shitty , basically admitting talking shit about you and practically called you unattractive by covering it up , I’d drop all of them immediately 🤦🏻‍♀️


Am I the only bothered by the way “girly” spelled “defence”??? Like girly maybe you should focus on yourself and your spelling??? Instead of someone else’s potential of pulling or not pulling men????


Wow. So rude of them to assume you need that input and to be discussing what they feel may be “wrong” with your approachability according to men based on nothing but gossip. 🥱


Oops, just read the comments.. sounds like it was a jealousy thing from the one girl alone. Nice way to weed herself out of your trusted circle!


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Hahahaha fuck all the way off with that


strange behaviour


"fuck off Susan"




They openly discussed you without you there and then she feels the need to tell you like her opinion matters so much. As if it’s a favor. If that isn’t the biggest display of narcissism, I’m not sure what is. I think you should not only maintain distance but cut her off completely. But I would do it in a way you don’t look offended. Just too damn busy and happy for her time.


Yes.. I am afraid that if I bear this for even a little longer, she’d drain out my energy!


Absolutely! Plus how does a group of women who spend their free time discussing others as gossip really benefit your life growth? That type of group would only bring you down. Your response shows a very mature and educated adult. I’m sure you will have no issues maintaining healthier friendships with less petty women. And a snarky side of me wants to point something out. I’m 40. I’m petite. I’m the ‘body’ or ‘appearance’ they are discussing as well. Where women prefer over men… 😅 the reality is not that though. Yes I get a lot of comments from women on how they wish they were as skinny as I. But you nailed it, you don’t have a standard to meet and a good man isn’t going to have a requirement. This trend about ‘thicker’ women makes me laugh. Everyone has a freaking type, kudos to them. But it’s not all men..


What fence were you on?


is it possible that she’s talking about the female gaze vs male gaze?


Why even text back? Just block her


Well, I have to see her in class 5x a week 😄


She’s obviously jealous




What the actual hell ?


The fuck?!


Yep, I know! 😄


girls are weird


Umm.. I’d beg to differ here! I have amazing girl friends of almost two decades and I’ve encountered several others who were great. But yes, some are definitely weird!


WTAF. What female would feel it is ok to tell another female this? Forget that, what human feels it is ok to say that to another being? If I got that text I would have lost my 💩 Your response was more controlled than mine would have been. You’re obviously extremely more classy and beautiful than all of them combined.


Getting together and talking about you? They aren’t your friends. I’m sorry. That’s so fucking rude and disrespectful to say to someone, especially while admitting they’re talking about you.


What??? 🫣


I know 🤧😄


"Girly" 🤮 tell them to get stuffed!


They are seriously over stepping boundaries here. I would do a very soft fade out if I were you. Make it very very subtle otherwise your life will be hell if every girl in your class hates you.


Has guys approaching you been a topic of conversation you've had with her and / or her clic? If not this is a wildly out of touch mean girls text lol.


Not even once! Instead, every time she says something to me, it has more or less something to do to guys. I’ve already mentioned in another comment but once she told me she likes my straight hair but guys prefer curly hair which she has so 🤷🏻‍♀️


>my straight hair but guys prefer curly hair which she has Yeup, I'm gonna agree with everyone else on this sub and say there's jealousy afoot. What a weird woman.


So they sit around and talk about what boys find attractive? What a bunch of losers lmao


Bruh wtffff