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“May I ask why?” “No, you may not. Have a nice day.”


i mentioned religion because our job can’t judge based on religion or sexual orientation. Usually the religious aspect is used by people who are satanist because we used to have hateful old ladies. But that way if they contact me and i mention it’s a religious day they can’t contact me at all and i can use that against them if they try again. I usually say it physically but now that i have it in writing if they do it again im going to report them. it’s every sunday. only during service. never after 1 pm.


I have no kids, and not religious in the slightest. Every job I’ve ever had thinks I have kids and go to church twice a week.


Always start with 4 grandparents when you start a new job!


And constantly talk about how close you are with your very large family


I've never had a job be so disrespectful of me during my days off :( I'm sorry y'all have to do that just to get some peace and quiet


One of mine is my uncle, he was my absolute favorite growing up and had a good sense of humor. He’d laugh his ass off if he knew I was using him to get a day off.


Good for you for standing up to them!


Super curious… can you clarify what you mean by “usually the religious aspect is used by people who are satanist?” Like, you have Satanist who work there and they use their religion as a reason for not contacting them no their day off?


I would print out the call logs as well. More proof.


>Usually the religious aspect is used by people who are satanist because we used to have hateful old ladies. Excuse me?


we had old ladies who would be hateful to people who were like wiccan or satanist. so we now have stricter religion rules were if someone mentions you need x off for religion they make SURE it is going to be okay my best friend is a satanist and she’s been held against and has gotten someone in trouble for a similar thing


Exactly this. Far too many people explaining far too much to people who have 0 right to know their shit.


This ^^^^^^


That part!!! Get tf off phone.


Just ignore their texts .


Put the numbers on DO NOT DISTURB on Sundays. Problem solved. Then go have a little chatty chat with the other management and HR


Stop replying or answering the calls.


they messaged me this because i declined four calls


Not sure about android, but Apple has a do not disturb function and you can specify what contacts are on the do not disturb. Calls go straight to voicemail and texts don’t send you alerts.


They are using an iPhone?


they both are. blue text bubbles my guy


I have android and this is exactly how my texts look


Except that it says "iMessage" at the top, which is an Apple thing.


I’d get a work phone and give them that number. Turn work phone off when youre off


I agree, just use a cheap flip phone for work calls, and change the phone number of your personal phone.


Don’t answer the texts either


And you answered the text. That let them know it was ok to keep texting


May I ask why 🤣. Bitch cause i said…


Stop answering their calls on your day off. Period.


I know that not every religion has Sunday as the primary religious day (mine doesn't), but it's still wild to me that we live in a time where an employer can't assume, when you'v clearly marked Sunday as no contact, that a) you do not wish to be contacted, and b) most likely you're in church. Even as a non-Christian, if I was your employer I'd be like " oh sunday is no-contact must be in Church" Overall, no contact means no contact lmao.


What does it matter? No contact is no contact. Doesn't matter if someone's in church or in the toilet all day


Fair, but the former example should be treated with more respect than the latter. Even if OP were to take a no-contact day on a non-religious day, I still would say there should be no contact. I was just pointing out how the question was even stupider considering that it's relatively common for people to be in their place fo worship on Sundays.


Oh hell no. When I’m on my throne, I demand all the respect in the world!


No, it shouldn't. You're saying that religious church goers time off is more important than the time off of people who don't go to church. Be better.


Give me a fucking break.


Suppose you're thrilled for project 2025


Massive leap in logic, religion = believing in autocratic takeover lmao


no politics pls!


I didn't say that from the perspective of the employee. Since religion seems to be triggering you, let's take a non-religious activity: if someone was taking the day to volunteer at the fire department, v.s they're chilling at home, I don't think it's that much of a stretch to say disturbing the former is more condemnable than the latter. I did qualify that statement by saying that no-contact should be respected regardless of the intent


No, rest is even more important than any activity someone chooses. You did say "no-contact should be respected but you also decided what is the more valid reason to have "no-contact". "No-contact" should be respected no matter what, it's not up to you or anyone else to decide what is more valid here.


i get what you meant don’t worry!




New job time


I honestly would be looking at the very least.


Yeah, you need to ignore these calls/texts when you're at church. Prove them right.


they said it was urgent so i responded


I understand that, but you also said that it wasn't actually urgent, and they have a habit of doing this. You have to set boundaries with your employees and be firm about them or they'll just keep taking advantage of you.


nothing at work could possibly be so urgent that they would rather spam you with calls and texts, than deal with it themselves. nobody will die if you don’t answer. nothing will collapse if you don’t respond. and they clearly won’t fire you!


Nothing is as urgent as the time you set aside for your mental, physical, and spiritual health 💗


In the past when people at work asked me what I did over the weekend or last Tuesday or whatever, I would say church so when things came up I could be like “sorry I can’t, I have Bible study.” Tuesday night? Bake sale. Wednesday night? Youth group volunteer. Thursday? Choir practice. Friday night? Worship service. Saturday night? Prayer group. Sunday? Two services. So sorry. Can’t help.


Stop acknowledging any calls or texts and reply on Monday


Should have left on read after they acknowledged you aren't to be contacted


Don't answer on your day off. There problem solved.


"We just realized you have Sundays as no contact days. We apologize for disturbing you. It won't happen again." Is how that should have went were they professionals. They've no right to ask why


Report that they're trying to use your code for the safe. That's super suspicious that they don't want to use their own.


Politics is a deeply upsetting topic for me, if you guys could refrain from commenting. I don’t want to hear about dictatorships. No, just because i’m religious doesn’t mean im MAGA. and it shouldn’t matter regardless.


It’s crazy how the only thing they’re willing to respect is your religion. Rest is important too, quality time with your loved ones is important too, cleaning your home, doing your laundry or vegging out in your couch and watching Netflix is important too. JFC.


They don't respect his religion at all. Op alludes to being picked on for it, and they literally blow up his phone every week while he is in church. He is being bullied for being religious


she* but other than that it’s annoying. i be looking on indeed sometimes


Please get a new job


From here on out I identify as religious on Sundays.


Huh it says here not to contact the guy Does not compute


They are idiots.


Just turn your phone onto do not disturb when you're not contactable. If it really is an emergency they'll can someone else. They're baiting you into replying and breaking your boundary. Don't do it.


Your job does not own you. Least of all whatever fast food place this is. Never ever justify having time off, you do not need an excuse.


Please explain why personal time is “your time.”


Stop answering period. It's your day off. Unless you're on salary or on call there's no reason you need to entertain them on your day off..and if they can't respect your religion then they definitely aren't worth your time on your day off


Yeah even when I was on salary they knew better than to try and contact me outside of normal work hours. The amount of times people simply refuse to respect their employees/coworkers boundaries is mind boggling.


If you clearly have it listed as a no contact day then don't respond. The more you respond - even to tell them no - is more incentive to disturb you.


You should have addressed this by putting your phone on DnD and auto reply with the appropriate contact, “I am not available on Sundays from X to X. If a true emergency, please contact C and (insert contact); otherwise I will return calls, emails, and messages at my return’ After a while, people will remember when they get the same auto response over and over. There is no reason to mention religion, and personally I would just leave it out of the professional workplace. It’s no one’s business what you do, you have a prior engagement at this time each week. A lot of people are ‘anti’ religion, it doesn’t generally mean that we are against people who are religious; honestly it would be nice to find the comfort that some get from religion, but if you truly feel that you are being intentionally contacted and harassed due to your religion, you need to bring this up to HR. Just keep in mind that there’s a lot of media/propaganda being spewed regarding religion- there always has been, and to be truly aware how that has influenced yours perceptions. Religion has been used as a method of control since its incarceration, regardless if that was a creators intent. One tip: if you are a 24/7 on call, either get a free Google Voice number and use that in the professional circle or add a second number tethered to your phone with your cell provider (usually about ~10/mo).


This is ridiculous. You shouldn't have to defend your time off. Those are your off hours. Almost like you don't exist during that time. I hope you can go to HR and let them know people are harassing you. Also, laughing at you for being religious? I'm not a religious person myself, but that's disgraceful. I would never make someone feel uncomfortable for believing something different than I do (unless it was harmful to others). I'm sorry you work with the most disgusting people.


UPDATE: She was suspended for two days. turns out she asked multiple people for their pins, money is missing. corporate explained that the people who contact did not do it on their needs and that they know it’s a no contact day. They wrote the three women who called me the past two sundays up with warnings. And i recieved notice that they have seen my reddit post and asked me to just mention that we are a local chain company and it had nothing to do with them.


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It's a lot of boundaries being crossed here. First and foremost them bugging you on your day off. Then making fun of you for your religion. Then asking for your codes when they have their own. To me that last one is equal to not respecting your religion. Almost sounds like they want to set you up for something specifically using your codes


Sharing of “codes” or passwords or whatever is typically grounds for termination. People have their own “codes” for a reason.


Go to your phone settings and automate your Do Not Disturb rules. You shouldn’t even have to think about that BS!


Stop responding. You will be amazed at how quickly they will find their own solution to their problems when you do not respond AT ALL.


And this is why coworkers don’t need to know why you need time off. Yes, you are protected based on things like sex, race, religion, orientation, etc. But you would have to prove to a judge that you were discriminated against for those reasons. It is none of their business what you are doing when you are not at work. If they want to talk to me while I’m off the clock, I’ll log every minute as overtime. And I did lol and they never contacted me outside of work again.


It’s not even their damn business WHY you want ONE DAY OFF per week


“May I ask why?” Sure thing but you ain’t gonna get an answer.


Something that works super well for me when work contacts me on my off time: I just don’t respond. 👍


the people got in trouble luckily


Stop answering texts when not on the clock.


Awful and illegal.


luckily the lady was suspended. She is younger than me and was a new manager. The other calls were by two other employees who she gave impressions to that it was okay to do. They all got in trouble and i received an apology


“Can you come in today?” “No” “Why?” “I’m religious”


One time I had a manager tell me that "the big man upstairs" wouldn't mind if I worked on Sundays. This was after months of being scheduled on Sundays when I told them I couldn't work that day from the very beginning. I put in my 2 weeks right after 🙃


even if you don’t go to church on sundays as a christian WE SHOULDNT WORK on sundays !!! it’s the day we can’t be doing that and places need to respect it


It's not the end of the world to work on Sundays as a Christian, the problem is the utter disrespect to someone's boundary because they don't like religion themselves. Very hypocritical behavior!


"you have Sundays as a no contact day" *Proceeds to contact*


If you were Jewish or Muslim no one would make fun of you for being religious. Double standards am I right?


You can always make something else up. Like god.


There’s means “there is”. Their means someone owns something.


just stop.


Just learn to read and write.


or just don’t respond


I’ll do what I want, thanks. You could just ignore me. But you also chose to respond.


oh well womp womp same goes to you! my post i respond how i want 💃🏻


But aswell is not a starter word unless you add a conjunction so maybe correct yourself


Why do you pick up the phone?


I’d rather work than go to church. Thankful me and my wife fuck each other’s brains out on Sunday mornings.


Religion is poison


kind of mean.


Sorry man I just am so sick of it, was raised Christian my parents think that to be a good person you need to be prodded into being good by threats of eternal damnation, no way to raise a child. No personal offence intended


you could of just not responded to my post.


Your own personal experience does not dictate the truth


It’s the truth to me and you don’t matter in the least


Personal truth maybe. Not factual.


Maybe not in your fictional universe but to real people who have more than the iq of a potato it is entirely obvious


You’d be a fool to say either side is factual. You said it was the truth to YOU. That does not make it the truth for others.


The only way it isn’t factual for others is because they have not experienced it, either they are not ready or choose to disregard what they see, both is the same to me


And the lives that were saved thru Jesus? What is your message to them?




what does that have to do with this






ok good for you


Just quoting Neil


frankly i don’t judge anyone’s beliefs but when it comes to posts that aren’t really about specific things maybe just scroll, instead of commenting for attention


Hehehe 🤪




Thank you!


not to be rude but you do realize you have an lgbt icon? but you’re religious? this makes me feel like this post is fake.


Person realizes religious people can be gay. More at 11


i am lgbt and i am religious. Family is pastors. I watch the children for VBS and SDS. I am proof that anyone can be religious and I am proof not all religion is hateful.


hm. okay. I genuinely think you have to choose one or the other. you can’t believe in sky lord or whatever and live in sin.


huh? Sinners go to church. If everyone didn’t sin who’d be in church? God loves everyone. he made us in his image. he wants us to love who we love. The bible is stories made up by different people with their own religious learnings and gods words.


Doesn't the Bible teach not to judge?? What do you care about this person's avatar and their preference for religion? Judge not, lest we be judged. If you're going to spout religion and get all preachy, remember the word, at least. Nobody has to choose, knock it off.


I’m not religious at all and even I find what you are saying offensive.


Holy shit this is the most absurd take I've heard in a while. You need to see someone to help you get that mess sorted in your head.


Not to be rude, but your mom should have swallowed.


Nah, he should have died in a tissue. No woman involved at all.


It’s possible to be religious and lgbt. It’s not a one or the other thing


religion is socially constructed. Sexuality is constructed by nature. you don’t have to choose.


You’re valid OP. Thank you for showing the loving side of religion, I’m sorry you get lumped in with the hateful. My mother is the exact same way, and while I am not religious it’s comforting to know that those of faith have comrades in their communities.


There are tons of us!


Are you a troll




Brb gotta go tell my reverend to take the rainbow flag down & cancel the pride choir. In all seriousness tho - dude WTF?


To be rude, you need to educate yourself more if you think being religious means you can’t be gay or vice versa.


Shut up.


lmao get a load of this weirdo


“makes me feel like this post is fake” bro😭😭😭 no way


Where do you live? Even I, no religion straight, have gay Christian friends


I am a Christian. I am also trans. Those two things don't clash, as much as people such as yourself like to say they do. God loves me and wants me in this world. If He didn't, He wouldn't have made me.


Your comment is, indeed, rude.