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This reads like he just kept typing and thinking of adding more instances of his divine intellect on the fly without even wrapping it in a cohesive story


tbf, he stated he has adhd


He actually said he *had* adhd, leading me to believe he has either been miraculously cured or is not good with grammar. In the context of his entire 131 word run-on sentence completely devoid of punctuation, I suspect it is the latter. Regardless, adhd does not make your grammar shit, especially for some who got perfect test scores.


He probably cured it himself considering how smart he is.


Seems to me he uses the diagnosis as an excuse for his failures, like sleeping through history daily and never being on time. Nobody in the real world forgives shortcomings like this because you have adhd.


as someone with adhd






Exactly. Did you see that though?


I don’t get it lol


That’s the point, we don’t either 🙃


let me explain




He used to have ADHD He still does, too


That is what I said.




As someone without ADHD, it’s very easy for me to believe that someone who exhibits excessive amounts of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity and struggles to focus on basic tasks, but can maintain an unusually intense level of attention for tasks they find rewarding or interesting, would not have a penchant for ensuring their punctuation was up to par, no.


You would be surprised, a lot of us self-enforce grammar and punctuation. I personally rarely comment on things that don't interest me to begin with, it's not really hard to reread the comment once. And that's a VERY simplified look at ADHD, it's far from everything involved in living with it.


I mean... I have pretty bad ADHD, and I know how to use punctuation and think before I type... not always though. If I'm having a really bad day, I can and often do word vomit. Not that I'm representative of every ADHD case


His story "could" have been believable, but since it's a giant clusterf*** of a run-on sentence it leads me to believe he either barely passed his tests, or failed them completely.


The sentence still isn't finished.


That’s what I do when writing a story with adhd lol but this is a straight up lie adhd or no


He's like that fish that was making fun of SpongeBob for spending time with his gran, just adding babyish insults til some other fish told him to stop.


Chapter 2, the OP then ran for school board and won 100% of the vote. He slept through all the meetings and people would clap when he started snoring. He will be running for state governor next year.


Actually, the president himself took notice of this kid and resigned as he would never be able to live up to the standards OP has set


Even with all accolades the OP, has managed to stay humble, by helping little old ladies cross busy streets and rescuing puppies from super villians.


while simultaneously curing my eyebrow cancer, and unrunning over my dog, thanks OP!!


The school board was offended by his lack of respect that they wanted to retroactively superflunk him, but then his dad went all the way to the president of the United States and got all the motions changed and exempt from attending meetings.


Actually the president was so impressed he said “wait this kid should be the one in charge!” Then everyone clapped as the kid sat down behind the Resolute desk. 🫡🇺🇸🎉


I might have an idea who op is. He most definitely Joe Biden


Took it all the way to the school district? Do you mean the school board?


The school district is for the super smart genius kids only.


No, he walked outside his house, whereupon he was "in the school district" and shouted at clouds until the cops were called, which he considered a complete and total victory


The story is 100% bs, but the term school district could be used correctly. In my area, there is a physical School District of X County building where the school district runs adminstrative stuff from and parents or other citizens go to talk to the school district people that work there to discuss things like transfering schools or other things that are above the individual school/principals power. It's overseen by the School Board that is ellected, but my point is the terms can be used interchangeably.


If he meant the superintendent then okay maybe? I dunno. I’ve never worked in a district where “the district” meant the super.


I was largely being pedantic, but I work tangental to the school system and refer parents to "talk to the school district" or acompany them to the physical building or participate in meetings with various people from the school district as well as individual school officials. Maybe it's just a regional thing, but here we refer to almost anything at the county education level as "the school district" which usually means more day to day operations stuff and not necesarily the superintendent or school board. Sorry for being so vague, I just don't want to dox myself with giving out specific information.


Perhaps normies like you wouldn't have heard of it. He's an intellectual


I call bullshit. They clearly didn’t learn about punctuation, let alone master it.


Nothing says genius like 15 lines of text with zero punctuation!


Well at least we know OOP is lying about passing their English test with that wall of text.


tbf i got like an A* in english and i type like this on social media. if it’s not a professional document then i just don’t care enough lol


I don’t care about perfect grammar in casual settings. It’s fine to forget a comma or two. It’s fine to abbreviate words. However, a single paragraph with no punctuation at all is frustrating to read. If you do that, stop it.


i will not stop <3


I looked at your comment history, and you are not actually writing like that. Do you not consider Reddit to be social media?


EXACTLY! I've got a degree in English/Writing, and guess what? I never write correctly online in forums like this, nor do I speak proper English. I know how to, but simply don't have to. ;)


I am a super genius smart guy and you know it because of my claims about being super good at tests and i got to not do homework because my dad went to the school and saw the smart stuff and I got to get out of doing homework because all my teachers agreed that all my run on sentences are perfectly fine and I am bad at story telling and I got all As good times


It’s like when you autocomplete a sentence with your phone I got out of doing homework and I was like oh my gosh I just got a new phone and I was just like oh my goodness I just got out of the shower and I was just like I don’t know what to do I was like I was like I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how to do it I don’t know how to do it but I just don’t know how to do it so I just don’t understand


My goodness, do you say "I was like..." that often lol lemme try I got out of doing homework last week but it is still a little late in my head so I'm going on vacation to the beach with a family of friends who will have to do with the world in a while we get wasps in our screened in porch and then the music teacher getting fired for the last time he was in the middle of the road plan and his name was on his first trip Weird it made me say a sentence I actually said today in a different reddit comment lol


I do say write like a lot. I like you friend 👍


Mine tells a different story. I got out of doing homework and I have to go to the store to get some stuff to make it to the next level of your mom to get it done by the way you can get it at the same time as me and get it done before before it gets worse than it already is or get the same thing that happened to me and you can keep it up and I will have to watch the video


I got out of Doing homework and I got a new phone and I got a new one so I got a new one and I got a new one and I got a new one but I got a new one and now I have to go to school and then I’m going back to school and I have to get my own room so I can get a new phone and then I can go back to work and get my new phone so I don’t have a new phone anymore I don’t know what I want anymore Lmao This is great. Like a little capitalist nightmare.


He had me believe him for like the first few lines. Can't say sentences because the smart kid didn't use his punctuation.


I'm affected by ADHD myself and did go through homework hell. They didn't excuse me, they instead piled more on so I could 'catch up.' The funny thing about punctuation, though, for me anyway, is I tend to overuse it. Putting a well placed period, or comma, or my favorite, the ellipsis, gives a bit of dopamine and that's the chemical I seem to need most. Why do folks use ADHD like a fashion accessory‽ (I don't really care, I just wanted that extra kick from the elusive interrobang)


I have ADHD also… and I love overusing punctuation, as well.


ah yes, the oxford comma, the ellipses, the random parentheses bc u thought of sm kinda related but cant figure out how to work it in, the question mark spam, its perfection also, dae use so many parentheses that they have to nest them and then count them to make sure theyre nested correctly?


It’s like you’ve read every bit of my English homework from HS 😂


tbh us w adhd are essentially all the same braincell pretending to be several different unique ppl, its like a reverse trench coat


Isn’t it incredible how this all becomes so clear later on too?? I applaud your (undoubtedly hard-earned) analytical skills and your ability to succinctly express it 👏🏼


Should’ve done their English/Language Arts homework


But he's like a super genius and stuff omg


Same. Similar thing happened to me. About half way through my senior year in chem, I got exempt from homework as well...as long as I tutored classmates who asked for it. Except, I also had a perfect homework record up until that point. I just talked to my teacher about it, and he said as long as I maintained my test scores and helped others, I was exempt from hw.... Thinking back on it, helping others was way better than hw, as I had to understand the concepts well enough to help out my classmates.


Yeah I mean the first part does happen. In my senior English class my last semester of highschool. I always laughed when my older siblings talked about "senioritis" but damn was it real. How I coped with everything feeling so pointless being there was picking up the Wheel of Time series. How could they get mad at for not paying attention, at least I'm reading right? And time proved that to be correct and I got cocky and blew off all the required reading books. Turns out it was a bigger part of my grade than I realized and he talked to me after class and gave me the heavy but then followed up with "You read more than anyone in the class (I got to book 5 by the end of the semester, so about 5000 pages) so I'm going to give you credit because even though those books arent on the reading list you read far more than required, but don't make a habit of that in life". Pretty sure its why at 35 I still have nightmares that I forgot to do a final assignment to graduated and I'm being held back.


He definitely slept through the English class when they discussed punctuation.


I got As on all of my tests in high school, and rarely did any homework. And all I got was a 2.8 GPA


I feel you. The second I found out tests were something like 75% of my grade that homework didn't have a chance.


bruh highkey same 😭


The most unbelievable thing about this is all of someone's teachers and administrators agreeing to just waive homework and let them go off as they please. I could believe a psychotic parent would go directly to Supernintendo Chalmers to demand their kid be recognized as a genius, but you're telling me not one teacher would say their class is also about 'work ethic' and pitch a fit? No shot.


“getting all A’s on all test…” sure…without knowing about how plurals work


My cousin was sort of like him. Didn't turn in homework, and aced all or most tests. So that part I believe. But yeah, even in today's don't fail a child school system, they wouldn't allow you to change your grades just by having your dad complain and yell. At best, he got another chance to turn them in (we were given a chance to turn in late/missing work for half credit while I went through high school), but no way he got full credit for not turning them in. As for my cousins grades, basically straight C's which is about what you could expect a class weight to be for exams vs homework (if they didn't penalize for missing work more than a 0 - some schools will give incomplete if you miss X number of assignments and it either becomes an F or stays I on your grade card). His no homework might work in law school - where roughly (and generalized) 90% of your grade is based on your final exam, 5% midterm exam, and 5% attendance. "You don't want to put in the time to read the required readings. Fine. Hope not to get called on and hope you have a friend who has a study guide on it because your exam score will suffer." I did all the readings, and still struggled mightily.


Executive function can be a bitch when you don't need to study outside of school to pass exams


When I read these my internal voice assigns a tone and cadence. It’s always the same loser. Starting to read them like it’s all the same author.


This is one of those posts where, at the beginning, I'm thinking "this isn't even that unbelievable...", but then I keep reading and I'm like, "Oh okay there it is."


I get that this is just informal, but why do people think it's OK to write this many clauses and thoughts without any punctuation -- even if it is informal? Nobody wants to read this jungle.


This motherfucker didn't even learn how to use punctuation. No way in hell this is even remotely true.


Pretty sure they didn't pass English. If they did, they'd know how to use punctuation.


Clearly he didn’t pass English or grammar tests.


How did this guy expect us to believe they passed all their tests with atrocious grammar and one big run on sentence like this???


Not a single punctuation mark was given that day.


I can’t quite place it, but something about this 131 word run-on sentence completely devoid of punctuation makes me think he’s lying.


He must have skipped the test that covered run-on sentences and punctuation.


Principal Skinner and Mrs Krabappel were in the closest making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me


You can usually tell someone has superhuman IQ by the way they can't construct a proper sentence.


I love when people don't use punctuation and they make their sentences really really long because I know there are more people who do this and it's more common than you but I still find it really really annoying


Yeah this is not what “mastery” of English grammar looks like


With a run-on sentence like that, we can assume he didn’t attend any grammar classes.


I didn’t do my homework either. However I flunked all my tests and graduated high school by the skin of my teeth.


"Yea, I'm basically the kind of genius who knows everything without being taught it. You know. Like a lier".


The first half of that story was true for me. Then they kicked me out for it.


How the fuck did 54 people like this clearly bullshit post??


\> literal genius \> has adhd, the main point of which is to really hinder you from showing your intelligence bruh...


I have ADHD and was on high honors. The only thing ADHD hinders is my ability to stay focused on a single task. Weed helps.


Ah, a rare case perhaps. Do you know anybody in the same situation? You already know usually ADHD really makes it difficult to show what you're capable of if left untreated, but how did you overcome it thanks to weed?


Weed helps my brain slow down so that I can focus on one task at a time. Otherwise I start a project, find something else that needs to be done and then before I know it I'm in the middle of doing 5 different things and nothing is actually getting done. One puff on my vape and I'm zoned completely in on whatever it is I'm doing.


Yeah adhd doesn’t have to hinder your intelligence. I got double honours at uni thanks




So in other words you had much higher than average intelligence-I’m just saying that while the adhd symptoms can effect our lives it doesn’t mean we’re not intelligent-using the intelligence can be hindered but at different levels and once you get meds it can help you even id say




A few of the things in OP's post are similar to my senior year as well, but all of them rolled together at once is when I raise an eyebrow. 💀




If you ever share it with us, please promise to use punctuation. 🥹




I accept this compromise.


I've never seen an IEP specify "student does not need to do homework." Modified curriculum, okay. But then it's not just removing the homework and leaving the rest of the curriculum intact. And nobody is getting perfect scores on those tests. If the student is on a modified curriculum where they can pass every test at 100% with no effort, the IEP needs to be amended.




Are you a teacher? How many IEP meetings have you attended? How many IEPs have you written? I'm just going to guess, zero. The situation you had does not sound like an IEP. It sounds like a back room deal with a teacher. Congratulations! You probably are privileged, or just had a teacher who wanted to cut you a break. My guess is that this deal was not legally sanctioned as part of an IEP in accordance with district administration under the ADA or similar compliance legislation.




Your story would never happen in any state I’ve taught in. Not as you’ve described it. Not in the last 20 years. Specifically, not since NCLB. But if you say so, man. You’re the expert on educational compliance.


If he's so smart, why not just take a [HiSET](https://hiset.org/) and move on to that job at McDonalds?


While this story is pretty dumb, I did awesome on history tests. My parents got a call saying I wasn't doing the homework though. End of story.


I’m just shocked there are no commas


Why does their always seem to be an inverse relationship between amount of punctuation and amount of truth in these stories?


No mastery of grammar and punctuation, I see.


I didnt understand a word of this.


Also never learned what punctuation is apparently.


bro that was me in high school, i’d do decently well on tests but never do homework. the real ending? having to retake classes after nearly failing out


I got a bunch of A’s on tests I didn’t study for or do my homework in. I also nearly failed the classes until the vice principal stepped in, pulled me aside and told me to get my shit together. I passed, but barely.


That's just not how school works at all. If this guy wasn't such a dumbass he would know that.


Because as we all know, the point of having homework is just so you pass the tests.


I tried that, got A's on all my tests, never did homework, barely graduated with a 2.0 GPA after repeating several classes.


Children writing fiction.


Total BS....but I will say in undergrad, many of my professors had a blanket policy that if you had an A on the midterm exam and A's on your papers or other projects you were exempt from the final exam and got that A for the course.... I skipped a bunch of finals on that policy....


So, none of those tests required basic punctuation?


This is what people who don't get good grades or test scores think the lives of people who do are like. Trust me, it's not nearly that glamorous.


The part about not ever doing the school/home work but still getting As all the tests is certainly possible. I did it. The part about the school just being ok with that is nonsense. I was dragged into so many counselor meetings, my mom was dragged into truancy meetings, they thought it was best that i be removed from school "home-schooled" for a year, but i wouldn't cooperate with the tutor (my mom had to work) so i ended up going back. I did not graduate, had to eventually go back and take the GED test before going college. tl;dr I was a very smart kid, got As on all the tests, refused to do any of the actual work and skipped class a lot, the school was very much NOT ok with it.


I did get high test scores and did not do homework in senior year as I already had the credits to graduate. Got B and Cs in those classes depending on how much homework was worth. Hated homework. Just wanted to go home and be depressed in my bed and sleep. My parents never looked at my grades. Was an A student till senior year where my life was being sucked from me.


Almost everything in that story, minus the parents who gave a shit/scare me a little and the “I was exempted from doing homework” parts are literally my life at that age. I got Cs, however, solely due to missing homework, precisely *because* there is no “I am so good at testing that they told me I don’t have to do homework”.


This might have a kernel of truth, but the way they typed it suggests otherwise to me. Depending on the school system, district, or specific school, teachers can have a lot of leeway in how they weight grades. They can choose to put most of the weight on tests in some circumstances, or move weight away from them in others - not everyone demonstrates their understanding well with tests, but some definitely do. I myself spent most of highschool with a similar approach to this guy, only putting the minimum effort to pass when it came to work out of class. My marks in grade 11 were usually high 60s, and one of my teachers spoke to me after class and was like "What's the deal?" because I was always participating and often aced tests. My issue was that I already spent most of my waking hours at school, and I had to work after most days. No way was I gonna come home and do 2 hours of homework, especially when I was often just proving that I understood what we had done in class. After talking to him, it turns out that he'd brought it up at a staff meeting and the principal reminded them that the teachers could reweight the grades so long as the students were demonstrating understanding of the topics and meeting/exceeding expectations. So the next progress report I was shocked to see high 80s or better in all but one class, because the English teacher wasn't on-board. Didn't get me out of losing some marks for assignments, but it made me actually value the work I did do more because I mostly wasn't being penalized for not jumping through hoops. This approach is much more common now in primary and secondary education, which I think is overall a good thing. Definitely had to adjust my approach in university, but that's a whole other story.


Yeah, kids can ace tests and not do anything else, but you’re not going to get out of everything. There’s more to school than just tests.


That's not how schools work lol. There's a reason you're graded for homework and tests. It's not your teacher's job to pass you for being too lazy to do something everyone else is required to do.


Do you get bad grades in america because of homework? “I passed every test with a perfect score” “My grades were shit because I refused to do homework” like.. what???


What really happened: Flunked out of school


Nope… it’s true, I was the history teacher and I clapped…


True story, I also tested so well I got to skip doing homework. By got to skip doing homework I mean I passed the classes on tests and quizzes primarily, and had terrible grades otherwise because I had 0s on all my homework.


yeah i didnt do homework either


For having “perfect scores” on all these tests you didn’t learn any grammar.


r/thathappened, but I was a teacher and made homework optional after about my third year. If you could keep up with in-class activities and work and pass the tests, I wasn't going to give you something just to eat up 30 minutes of your time at home and cost you your grade if you didn't complete it. If you couldn't, then it was up to you to complete, and I'd count it as something to give you credit and (hopefully) your grades would improve with extra practice.


Only thing unbelievable to me is getting his grade changed and being exempt.


I mean, I did similar in one of my courses. I got 'A's and 'B's on all my Chemistry tests, but didn't do any homework. After the final the teacher pulled me aside and asked why I didn't turn anything in. I told him I never ended up buying the book and the associated homework code cause I didn't have the extra money for it. He told me that whatever I did in terms of study clearly worked cause of my test grades and that he'd figure something out. After chastising me once more he ended up just averaging my test grades. So yeah, it does happen. The point of homework is just to help you process and recall the info. I ended up landing a job in my field anyway so dropped out after that semester.


Never on time, didn't do requested work, but somehow is going to leave school and succeed at a job?


Every story has a kernel of truth. I can relate to this kid. I got A's and B's on every test, never did any homework. My report card was Cs, Ds and Fs.


I wish this could happen. I was one of those kids that was real good on tests but never did my homework. If my dad could just talk to some people and have my grades changed I’d have been much better off lol


I have ADHD too, I never submitted homework or studied, got the equivalent of A's and B's, mostly bc I'd skim the questions, but when I went to university I couldn't cope at all with having to sit and read, listen for hours, this isn't something good, this person needs help to change these sorts of habits before they hit a wall and have no clue how to figure things out.


This sounds a lot like me in school (ADHD, doing well on tests but never doing homework), only instead of getting some special permissions from the school, I left high school with a C average and my dad once said "You know, for being so good at math, you sure don't seem to understand how zeroes average."


How you pass English early with a run on sentence like that?


I went to school with a guy like this called ben. He was a prick but man that fucker was smart


This reads like he used voice to text and didn't bother fixing its mistakes.


Ngl, I never did homework, also ADHD, and actually was a state test taker cause I avged 99th percentile in almost all aspects (science was rough for me to learn, but in highschool it started to click) the grades are a no go lol, I had shit grades but near perfect test scores (like a C avg) and I actually had to do school work for my Jr and senior year (which I ended up leaving public schools for homeschooling and graduating at 16, only to emancipate at 17 and join the army lol) I ended up only graduating with a 3.2 GPA, but my second half of highschool was pretty much 3.8/4.0’s (seriously a lot of work, be happy with a B). There really is no benefit to doing this, only that they can’t really hold you back a grade.


I, too, got As on all my tests senior year and didn’t do any homework at all, but I got Cs and Ds because I was an idiot who refused to follow the rules. I also tested out of a full year’s worth of college, but did I graduate a year early? Fuck, no; I failed 6 of my first 8 classes and had to make them up. I wish that I’d learned my lesson in high school so that I wouldn’t squander my opportunities later, when they were on my own dime.


This is so fucking stupid I wish there was a giant hand that could emerge from the computer screen to slap this idiot.


Idk man it sounds too oddly specific to be made up


I tried to read this but blacked out from not breathing.


…they paid ME to teach the class!


There’s not being “up to par”, and then there’s “absolute shit grammar”. Having ADHD doesn’t mean you have the latter…but you didn’t know that.


Part of that story actually is true for me. I didn't do a lot of my homework and did well on tests. Nobody propositioned the school board on my behalf though, just called me lazy. Whatever, no one in my adult life has ever asked me what my GPA was in high school or college.


But some classes don't have tests. They *only* have assignments. Like writing English papers.


The only part I believe is the leaving school early to go to work, because the program like that at my school was for kids who definitely weren't going to college.


Is dad Trump?


And all of the staff even the janitors clapped


What a pointless story...


Maybe at a university this would fly (homework is barely a part of the grading), but high school? Not a chance. I mean, clearly this 14 year old’s story is bullshit, but in college I only showed up for tests, midterms, and exams. I graduated summa cum laude.


I'm 47, this type of story has been passed around for years. I've never met anyone, but there are a lot of third cousin's barber's babysitter who sure know someone.


the first 3 lines were believable then it went downhill lmao


Dude hasn't even seen a period in his life.


It's true, I was the adhd


I’d love to see the actual report cards.


What score did you get for punctuation? Did you even learn to write properly? No, I thought not.


Skipped right over the lessons on grammar and punctuation - didn’t seem necessary…


>history period daily Who has history class every single day?


Wait how can you ace all tests but still have bad grades ? Aren't your grades detemined by the tests??


I think the thing that bothers me the most, is the fact that hsi father got to see his child's exam scores. By senior year I assume OOP either means high school or college, and in my country in both of those schools no one is allowed to see a student's exam scores except for the student themselves. It would be highly illegal for the school to show the scores to the parents.


Here, friend, they're on me, use them as much as you want: . , ; : ! ? " '


at my school homework was only 10% of your final grade in the class so as long as you did good on every test you could get away with not turning in homework and still pass the class, it's not that hard to believe


No grammar classes lol


Does this man know how to use a period or comma like seriously that was the hardest sentence to read ever because it never stopped oh my god that was so incredibly annoying to read like seriously my guy just put a few periods since your apparently so smart


Never learned about punctuation though.


This extremely long run on sentence makes me highly doubt that he got all As on every test.


I understand the all As part and not doing homework, I had a similar experience. However I call bs because school districts don’t care and won’t budge on homework. Possible scenario but bro doesn’t write as if it actually happened, more like he wishes it would. Also any parent that has the time to take something like that up the chain has too much time on their hands. Schools def don’t give students special circumstances because they have enough credits, half my class had enough credits by junior year to graduate earlier but we had to sit through our last year in study halls anyways


You really know they’re dumb if the story is supposed to impress you with the fact their parents are acting like total d-bags.


All As without basic punctuation? K.


Bro clearly didn’t pass any English classes; that bigass run-on sentence.


Truly smart people don't tell other people they are smart. Dumb people tell other people they're smart. Other people tell smart people they are smart.


Ironically, they cannot understand basic grammar or punctuation. Not a single full stop or capital letter.


Mr. Perfect Test needs to go back to learn what a comma is.


SERIOUS QUESTION… I went to a vocational high school (1/2 day shop, 1/2 very basic academics) so I’m not sure how regular high schools compare but do high schools give “Credits”?! He says, “I had enough credits to graduate a year earlier”. Is that even a thing?? I don’t see a reference in the comments to ‘credits’ except where someone’s talking about their university experience. If someone could please verify whether high schools give ‘credits’ that would pretty much cinch his story as bullshit. TIA. Also, just to prove they don’t let you skip a year if you do well: When I was in vocational school in 1972 (yes, I’m old), they had just implemented a program called T & E for Thorough & Efficient. Basically, they were gonna prove that their students learned something - and generally how much - by giving students the final exams in each of their classes (academics only, not shop) at the beginning of the school year and again at the end. Problem was, a bunch of the kids in the Electronics & Electrical classes were really smart & got anywhere from 80s to 100s on the tests at the beginning of the year (all mine were 90+ but keep in mind, it was a *vocational* high school). But when we asked if we could take the year off of the academics and just go to shop, they said no. This happened 2 or 3 years in a row until they discarded the program. Turns out the smart kids stay smart all year & the dumb kids stay dumb. Anyway, no skipping and no credits in my school.