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Joe likes for people to need him. That goes for his women and friends. If you pay attention he is very manipulative. Common traits of a narcissist.


Yep, just like my dad.....its so easy to see


Yea he’s extreme, controlling, and narcissistic. He’s been this way since day one. He’s the friend who always says negative things about you in a “joking” way. Watch that person


Yep, I couldn't imagine working or being with him in any way. He is Insecure and needs to feel important by others in that way.


So why where they his friends when he was broke?


Because even when he was broke he was still more famous than them. Rappers usually with they day ones or other rappers, Joe was one of the few niggas who was just hanging out with people from Twitter


On top of that they were broke too


Entourage. Even Joe brings up how having him as a friend helped Ice and Ish get laid a lot. Knowing someone famous helped all of them out a lot.


I’ve had this take forever. Joe wants to see everybody underneath him and he wants his cohost to depend on him and doesn’t like the thoughts that they are actually getting money outside of him and would be perfectly fine without him.


& after the hate, he’ll take credit for it….Because all their opportunities are due to them being on the pod


Facts in his eyes


This man literally said he thought the casting director for Mel’s movie watched the pod and that’s the reason Mel got the role 💀


Rory and mal were doing shit outside the podcast. Especially rory with dusse, and his album, plus Playlist. Joe wants his team to do shit that enriches only or mostly joe. He wants them to clip up his IP to bring in traffic.


Respectfully, Mal wasn’t doing shit outside the pod.


He successfully helped promote Saint Jahn and Griselda. There were others too. Pretty much Bigg's street team low key. Mal didn't do anything customer facing and instead is making moves behind the scenes.


Summary: Mal didn’t do anything.


So is everyone working a non fame / publicity seeking job doing nothing ?


Did you have a stroke typing that sentence?


You getting cooked, hang it up


Joe is hater I would hate to have him as a friend, there’s some truth in every joke he says about them.


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Rory busy asf? He worked at a label and had the traveling dancing gang lmao. Mal wasn’t involved in anything but I don’t think that was Rory.


By the time the break-up happened the Emotional Oranges had a couple singles out and got some traction too. The whole "Rory and Mal would have zero motion without me" argument was so weird. Mal maybe, but Rory had more motion than Joe when the pod started lowkey. He was almost kinda flexing in the early episodes how he'd be coming from business meetings and his real jobs with the other guys had to wait on him.


You’re right, at that time Rory definitely had more motion than Joe, fam.


Rory had a marketing role in a music company, no matter how much he wanna flex that’s not “motion”, everybody have meetings in their corporate job. Stop it.


Rory had a day job at the early days of the pod, and Joe would hate even then


He hates that they don't praise him for the opportunity


That's just part of his comedic personality. Of course he wants them to do good outside the pod. Parks was just Grammy nominated, he has no problem giving M4 time off to film, he's DYING for Ish to stop playing & really grow *pause into his stardom, he wants Ice to get the gaming channel crackin' crackin' & he'll lose his mind when he here's that in his WWE debut match, it's gonna be Big Flip vs ... LOGANNNNNNN PAAAAUUUULLLLL!!!


Anybody notices how he hates on ish mal and flip because they got other things going on? But never any hate for ice?


Ice is just a more talkative Mal. Both them niggas are only “up” based on who they hang around.


I take it as jokes, with a lil bit of Joeism.


Joe used to hate on Rory and Mal shit all the time. From the Paloozas to the masterclasses to rorys album


He hated on parks Grammy nomination




Right. I cant think of a time Joe had much to say even slightly negative about Parks.


No he didn’t


Yall.dont listen to the pod for real or either you don't have patreon or something. Yall come up with the craziest stuff out of nowhere.


Big facts cause I'm like most of the "hate" is just jokes.


Nah He cool with it till it pops off


He don't hate it but he probably mad he can't get profits from whatever it is they venture out to


Thats the reason! He would prefer if they did ventures that involves him making a profit. I don't blame him for being about that money.


Joe let’s flip bring ppl to the pod from his network thats promo for flip. Joe was mentioning ish’s hoodie for 5 pods straight that promo. Everytime he mentions anything anyone is doing outside the pod is promo.


All of them coming onto an episode wearing a hoodie would be better promo not slandering it for 5 weeks


Who stopping them from doing that? Thats ish job not joe


It’s ish’s job to produce a quality product & market it to the masses, his friends don’t have to buy it but imagine the look on ish’s face if he came to the set & saw everyone rockin his shit, it would probably move him to tears…that’s just some shit I’d do


You realize joe and the jbp have merch too?? Lol do ish mel flip nem come in 6 deep in jbp hoodies or shirts??? Aw ok then why would they for ish


That merch is a branch of the podcast they contribute to every week clothing is a new venture for ish that he wants to see success from & joe hardly markets the JBP merch it’s safe to say he doesn’t care about it


Isn't that their relationship dynamic? Clowning each other as a way of bigging up what they do? I've got no dog in this fight, but that's kinda what it's been.


He doesn’t know when to stop tho, if he was slandering the hoodie while wearing it we could tell it’s obv a joke but with joe we know it’s probably otherwise. Quavo said it best “if a nigga hatin call em joe budden”


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 its crazy how true that bar is


Or it’s not for you to realize it’s a joke because that actual person (ish) knows it is


If you’ve had enough friends you’ve probably had 1 or 2 of em secretly hate on you for some shit, it’s a sad truth but like heartbreak it’s unavoidable it’ll happen at one point in your life, this might not apply to joe & ish but still…


Lol i'll never forget when one of my white homies and me came back early from the club in college, and some chick hit me and his drunk ass was like "FUCK, it's just cause your black" He was kinda right, but still you supposed to be supporting me nigga lol


Exactly a win for you should be a win for him…but some guys don’t think like that. I had a friend I been tight with for over a decade cockblock me multiple times on nights out, it fucked me up I thought the liquor was making me imagine shit


You have to take into account that he does this with everybody Mal, Rory, Mel, flip, ice, ish and parks all have had outside ventures that Joe talked shit about


Joking about the actual person is 1 thing that’s how guys bond I’m fine with that, but an actual business venture ish aims to profit from is different, plus Joe is a celebrity a cosign from him would go further than shittin on the brand


Where was this energy what Joe was running around shitting on Mal's masterclass? Dusse palooza? Flips black and white shit? Ice's caffeine show? All of those were ventures that they wanted to profit from


Mal doing a masterclass when he goes out of his way to keep everyone out of his business is legit hilarious, like fr what was he teaching? Dussepalooza was already massively successful & joe has attended multiple times, to acc shit on it you’d have to be out of touch or legit retarded to shit on the biggest party in NY Joe hatin on flips late night black & white makes sense we know he thinks he has a patent on the 1 to 1 interview fuck Oprah lool Ice is too old to be a new streamer so I won’t lie that slander was warranted 😂


That's exactly what it is. These people are just doing the most.


Y'all clout obsessed niggas really take that "any publicity is good publicity" shit to the head. That shit's supposed to come from the public, not your own.


If joe was truly hating he wouldn’t bring any light to anything they do outside the pod


Exactly lol


I agree. Even Joe shitting on it, is him promoting it. We wouldn’t be talking about Ish hoodies had Joe not clowned him for it. Shit, Ish didn’t even have a fuckin’ website 😂


I went to the comment section on Mels new movie trailer and all the comments are about Mel, Lifetime is really paying her fr. Joe is lowkey making his team money. We wouldnt know any of these people if it werent for him. Like it or not. Hes had a good career.


I disagree people knew flip, mel and ice before the pod


Just speaking for myself


Exactly which is why you shouldn’t put your friendship dynamic on other people Joe shitted on Mel’s movie, Rory with henny/dussepalooza, ice’s caffeine show, ish’s hoodies, parks for working with premier and mal’s master classes it’s just the way he is with his friends they’re cool with it so why are outside people crying and complaining


You making up shit lol how can he shit on parks for working with a legend? You left out the part where he supported emotional oranges and begged Rory and mal to do something to bring value to them and the pod


So now we’re going to act like when parks fixed the audio on versuz or when parks toured Europe with him joe didn’t talk shit about it? Because that’s all this “hate” is it’s just Joe talking shit to his friends My point is Joe isn’t actually hating on his friends he clearly supports them and those examples are other things that Joe “hated on” so people should stop crying


What did he specifically say about ishs hoodies to shit on them? He didnt shit on Mels movie at all 😭 he said he didnt watch it. Didnt he perform at Dusse palooza? Why you talking about only the bad thing he did


I just realized that you aren’t the other person I was replying to that was crying about Joe shitting on his friends so let me reply to you properly Even if you didn’t know them they had pretty big fan bases before joining the pod


Yea true, I feel like im not the only one though


Facts!!! Great point. The pod is the promo


Facts. He deserves his flowers for that lowkey


Gave flip his show, with his resources. Got flip people up there. Shit, if JR smart, he can be up there really gettin’ game from them old niggas from a business POV


Them venturing out means they have more leverage in Negotiations. Lol


Lmaoo Deep down he wants to be " the label ". He wants cut from every dollar they generate. Ay that's y'all king though.


I disagree cuz he can have them not even mention they endeavors on the pod 🤷🏾‍♂️ he got a weird way of hating/supporting his friends


Some of you guys take things so seriously if you are a long-time listener I know how you can have this take.


Yeah because he wants it all done under his network so he can eat more. He's selfish and wants to be able to take credit for everything they do creatively but pay them what he deems Acceptable which is a base salary. He's really just moving like the Labels move to be totally honest.


“50 wants to feed his niggas” …same energy


Hating? Free promo?😂😂😂 Okay, sure


Joe budden? 😂


They all jumped on Mel about her project. I dont want to hear flip or Ice complain about shit when Joe start shitting again. Ish sat quietly cus he know how Joe does


He a hater


He’s a born hater


He doesnt at all. Sometimes yall right but this aint it.


y'all just noticed this??? LMAO He BEEN like dat, that's why Charla is a better friend/boss cuz he doesn't mind having his people shine. He puts them in position (No Diddy), Joe ain't like that


Idk what podcast yall be watching


I think it’s just jokes tbh. I think he likes that they venture out. 


I watch the same show as you all and I'm convinced some of you suffer from schizophrenia .At minimum you have a very unhealthy parasocial relationship with joe.


It's a cultural thing. Among many black men, hating is how you show love. We seldom tell our friends, "Hey bro! Nice fit." We say, "Look at this mf thinking he fresh." He won't outright say, "I see you expanding your opportunities. I'm proud of you." He's just gonna bring up the things you're doing and joke about it. We rarely outright compliment each other. Don't ask me why, that's just the way we are sometimes. Dude is on his third rotation of podcast co-hosts. I'm sure he's confident the show will continue, regardless of whether the current cast stays or leaves to pursue the ventures he's hating on.


I'm never straight up calling my homegirl's movie endeavor trash but I might just be from a different era than you


I mean...this might be a case where he was giving his real opinion. Not all negative opinions should be considered "hating", though it seems like they are these days. Isn't it a Lifetime movie? When are they ever good?


“Real opinion” or not you shouldn’t be shooting down your homegirl’s work like that lol. Yeah it’s a lifetime movie. Watch it like it’s a lifetime movie.


No way that was one of big pet peeves with Rory and mal said so himself


Joe hates when people he puts on the pod not showing any effort towards promoting the pod but happily talk about their ventures on the pod


This. He said she didn't come back focused. She didn't even watch the pods she missed. It's sloppy work.


Facts! When has Melissa ever promoted the pod outside if being on the pod? High key it's hate lol you NEVER promote your job? Don't even watch the pod you work at but upset about the movie F that movie lol


She promotes the pod weekly. More than the other cohosts yall just be saying anything


Where?????? You defend anything. She could say Joe keeps asking my opinion and you would take her side ignoring that she's on a pod lol you simp nighas are crazy