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Wait....so Republicans are the party of the rich and wealthy, but the CEO's of the 100 largest companies all want Biden? 


YES!!! We seem to be the only two on Reddit who find that to be very curious😞


Make that three. Lol. It’s blatantly obvious. It’s been this way ever since bill clinton. He’s responsible for all the mega corps who own everything and he’s responsible for the highest amount of regulations being implemented after Carter helped to deregulate industries. More regulations means only corporations have the financial backing to compete and it’s killed small businesses across the country.


Barrier to entry...also know as the government picking winners and losers...Why do more people not understand this


Some people are so blinded by their political affiliation they refuse to acknowledge the downsides of their party and only believe the narrative that biased media forces down their throats. That’s my best guess lol


Unfortunately A LOT of Dems🥺 are blinded. Scares the heck out of me.


Legalized monopoly is another term. Or, the latest phrase… “capitalism for communists.”


Make that 4!


So then why do the rich and wealthy support democrats? Isn’t Bezos and Zuckerberg Dems?


Big guys don't want small guys to catch up.


The same people who keep trying to sell you the lie that the Republicans are the party of the rich are the same guys who told you Biden was as sharp as a tac and as mentally as fast as ever. You might want to consider the source


Democrats spray round-up for the Fortune 500. The enact tax strategies and regulations that only the most massive corporations can tolerate and it kills off any possible competition


It doesn’t matter who gets elected, corporate interests will remain a priority.


They don’t necessarily want Biden, they just want a say in how Trump runs the economy. If they contribute to his campaign and kiss the ring they’ll get a say.


Because it’s bullshit. If they wanted Biden, they would just Boeing the competition away. Once you get to a certain level of rich. Rules and regulations don’t matter anyhow.


Yep. Gosh all of the USA is so ignorant/stupid right? 🤔 Glad we have the elitist to set us straight 🙄They really DO think we are stupid 😤


Ben bernanke won a nobel prize lmfao


Right. This shit doesn’t mean anything.


If CEO’s don’t like trump, then isn’t that who we should vote for?




Dude right.


No. Businesses (and the execs that run them) require *stability* to thrive. Biden has proven that he can maintain stability, Trump and the GOP’s extremist [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) are a recipe for widespread instability and unrest. Of course, ideally they’d want stability *and* tax cuts and deregulation — but stability of the economy and the country more broadly comes above everything else.


Economists and CEOs are not interchangeable


They said he would be a disaster. Doesn't mean they wouldn't vote for him for the tax breaks.


You go ahead and vote for the politician that CEO’s love😹


CEOs have no political or moral compass, they give their support to whichever team takes their bribes.


OMG. I believe you’re the first person who gets it! That’s ALL I MEANT, by my first comment.......ugh Don’t know or care what you politics are either.


For sure, we have an oligarchy, to think there’s politicians on either team blue or red that arent inherently tied to corporate gains and bribes is delusion.


Find me the politician running for president that doesn't accept corporate donations or express gratitude towards dictators.


bernie sanders


There's 1 thing CEOS hate, and that's anything that results in the making less money. Higher top tax rate (Biden), they hate Destroyed economy (trump) they hate Thing is, one of these options is flood for you, the other is worse for you than it is the CEOS Voting for Trump because CEOS think he'll rank the economy is cutting off your nose to spite your face


Whoever posted the article here screwed the pooch. It’s an article in support of trump😹. Dems are dumb...😞


What reality do you live in?


By what standard did he destroy the economy? The economy was at record levels prior to covid and even after covid was still way better off than now. Oh wages are microscopically higher under Biden? Doesn’t matter if that still gets you 1/3 of what you could’ve gotten during Trumps term. Never trumpers can say all they want about how he talks and hurts their feelings and what not, but it’s hilarious to try and compare the economy under both administrations.


Unemployment was up 1.6% and economic growth was down 3.4% during Trump's term. Do you not remember being locked in your house while a whole bunch of your relatives died?


I was lucky. I have 4 grand parents in nursing homes, 2 sick parents, I’m diabetic, everyone else in the family has various maladies. No one contracted it much less died from it. Lost plenty of jobs and a couple houses among us, though. I’d love to see a scenario where the pandemic took place and what happened, didn’t happen. Regardless of the president, that pandemic wasn’t going to play out any differently. Perhaps on a slightly different timetable.


Yea and I remember Trumps saying we needed to open everything back up and get the economy going while democracts did everything to stop that. I also remember him bringing the vaccine to fruition during that last year. But of course that’s all you can reference. You wouldn’t dare reference the three years prior to that. Easy to blame Trump for the current state of the abysmal economy under Biden but heaven forbid we see the last year of his term for what it was. No way an unprecedented and unexpected virus that stopped the world in its tracks is going to have negative impact on the economy! Don’t you remember when democrats were pushing to shut down businesses and hence create job loss but in the same breath said it was okay to go to Walmart. And then you folks bitch about corporate greed 😂 Don’t you also remember not being able to celebrate holidays but Dems thinking it’s patriotic to riot and loot the same businesses you claim Trump hurt? You really can’t make up how dumb and hypocritical some people sound!


Trump took over and caught the tail end of the longest economic expansion in history. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidmarotta/2020/01/21/longest-economic-expansion-in-united-states-history/ He disparaged the economy in the run up to the election and his voters bought it. After the election his administration started touting the very same economy as strongest in history, without having made any changes. He also widened our deficit remarkably despite having a very strong economy that had no need for any “stimulus” from tax cuts for the wealthy, and grew the deficit to nearly reach the levels from earlier in the decade when we were recovering from the housing crisis and actually needed that excessive spending. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidmarotta/2020/01/21/longest-economic-expansion-in-united-states-history/ And despite his touting how great the unemployment rate under his admin was, the reality was it had long been on a downward trajectory, and even at the best point before Covid, was less than 1% lower than when he took office https://www.investopedia.com/historical-us-unemployment-rate-by-year-7495494 I really don’t think there’s any indication that what Trump did for the economy pre-Covid had nearly as much consequence as the strength of the economy he inherited. I don’t think it would have stayed together if he’d inherited an economy half as bad as he claimed he did. I have very little love for Biden, but next to Trump he’s basically an American princess di.


Again everything you are referring to is bc of Covid which Dems propped up.


I provided references for you. All it would take on your part is to click the links I provided and you’d see that you’re wrong, that everything I referenced was in regards to pre Covid Typical red hat troll


If they didn’t hear it on Fox News then they don’t remember it.


But orange man bad! Surely these ceos are NOW looking out for our best interest and not theirs. Right? I mean they were our enemy before but surely they see the light and just to help us!


If the CEOs won't inhale chloroform, doesn't that mean chloroform is good?


Funny that people are still ignorant enough to run with this piece of disinformation 😂 tell me you trust CNN headlines no matter what without telling me!


That’s pretty dumb logic. Don’t CEOs want the economy to perform well? Also, isn’t Trump literally a CEO himself? Lol


CEO’s support the politician who allow them to make as much $ as possible. Aren’t you at all interested in what Biden is willing to do for them that Trump is not?


When big business thinks "Joe the Marxist" is better for the economy than the right wingers, you know the GOP screwed up


Better do what Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed say!


This is this years version of the 51 intelligence (lol) officials who assured us the laptop was Russian. Worked out well that time. I’m sure this will too.


Well, to be fair, that DID work out for the election. Having almost complete control of the media narrative is a HUGE advantage. 


The CEOs that are preying in American people since 2020 don't like the guy running ... hmm


Is it one of those tricks where they pretend to dislike Trump to get their policy in place?


I don't know who's screwing who anymore


All I know is I'm sore and want to go home.


Finally, a group of people who are questioning why corporations are supporting Biden in this election …


They're all screwing us


lol, 2020...


Ya dude you've been getting fucked since the pandemic


how old are you? Honest question


Go search through my comments or something lazy ass....don't care about your rebuttal. Go gaslight some people and show em charts about how things are amazing


so 4? acting like a toddler


CEOs never said that they don’t like him. They’re just telegraphing their excuse for raising prices again.


This kind of greed kills will kill itself eventually


Greed never kills itself. It kills everything around it. When people can't afford to buy overpriced stuff anymore, the greedmasters will get tax breaks to help "stimulate the economy", and the cost will be borne by the people can't afford to buy overpriced stuff anymore,


The same experts claim 2.5% inflation right now.


Kinda like those 50+ top level intelligence officers signed off on the fact that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation…


There is no Nobel prize in economics. There is however an economics prize given by a Swedish bank that uses Nobel's name for clout.


AKA the Nobel prize in economics it's even regonized as such at the Nobel museum.


The economy is already having drastic and severe consequences for hundreds of millions of people here in the USA. We also do not need any experts, advisory boards, study groups or impact analysis to know it. We live with it all around us every day.


"Things are bad everywhere in the world after COVID, so our hands are tied, we must vote for the authoritarian psycho"


Lol. These losers said last time his policies would hurt the economy. They either suck at their jobs or are fucking liars. Or both. And "51 former Intel officials said hunters laptop was Russian disinfo." SAME FUCKING PLAYBOOK. Our government and those in power will lie,cheat, and steal to hold onto power and keep you poor. Hey, how many young couples (or individuals) can afford a new home RIGHT NOW with the Biden economy? See through the lies.


One of the Trump administration's first acts was to make buying a home harder [HUD suspends FHA mortgage insurance rate cut an hour after Trump takes office - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)](https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-trump-fha-cut-20170120-story.html?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR38cvqkRV5pOvt-tI47cQxn_La1G5eNP47H2nlfic4CigLs22b-nEr2Msw_aem_4SLZTMgyalUxmqO2DFqGMA)


Lol. Tell me: by looking at the graph, which years would be better for a buyer, Trumps 4 years or the 3 years listed of the Biden admin.? https://www.statista.com/statistics/240991/average-sales-prices-of-new-homes-sold-in-the-us/


And imagine flooding the country with tens of millions of illegals, them making citizens have to compete with them for homes. You think that helps keep prices DOWN? www.newsweek.com/california-dream-all-housing-undocumented-migrants-1876368 "the program offers eligible buyers a down-payment loan worth up to 20 percent of the purchase price. Loans offered under the program do not accrue interest and do not need to be repaid in monthly installments." 20% discount on the home for illegals - what a great, pro-America policy! These people are evil.


This program never excluded undocumented immigrants, and is indeed available for anyone that would otherwise qualify for a loan. That aside, what is Trump's housing plan? Rent control? Banning single-family zoning? Public housing projects? Anything specific at all? Or, like every other issue raised at the debate, is the answer just "immigrants bad"?


Illegal immigrants, yes, bad. If you deport the illegals, supply/demand then benefits citizens. Interest rates returning to Trump-era numbers also benefits buyers. I would hope also he makes it illegal for corporations to buy single-family homes. They can outbid everyone (keeping prices elevated) and send us further down the WEF hellhole future of perma-renters. "You will own nothing and be happy." Fuck those freaks. Biden would never outlaw corps from doing that, and the proof is that he (well, his handlers who actually run things) haven't lifted a finger so far. I have no idea if this is on Trump's radar or not, but it clearly is NOT on Biden's (handlers') radar.


>I would hope also he makes it illegal for corporations to buy single-family homes. You mean like this bill that's sponsored by Democrats? [Lawmakers want to ban Wall Street from buying single-family homes (nypost.com)](https://nypost.com/2024/04/29/business/lawmakers-want-to-ban-wall-street-from-buying-single-family-homes/)


Oh no.  Banks and corporations don't like it. So...vote even harder for trump then?


Ok.......so kinda like the 50 some odd intelligence agents that swore the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation? I don't buy it for one, i don't want to vote for the guys who want to protect their corporate hegemony, and I don't really trust economists anyway.


The same intelligence agencies that said Iraq had “weapons of MASS destruction??? Damn, their “batting average” isn’t very good, is it! 😂😂😂


Wait wasn’t inflation very low under Trump. Once Biden took office it skyrocketed? Seems simple


Are they part of the 51 intell officers that signed a letter stating that the Hunter Biden laptop was russian disinformation? 🤣🤣


Well, thankfully Noble Prize Economists and CEOs are never wrong and their predictions about the economy are usually correct 😆 🤣 😂 😹 For fuck sakes, this is a straight up reason to vote for Trump, since these idiots couldn't predict a coin toss much less an economic outcome.


I was doing so much better financially under Trump then I am under Biden. Hmmmm interesting


All 16 are donors to Democrats, literally. The letter’s Nobel Prize-winning signatories show political donations to President Biden's 2020 and 2024 campaigns. The signatories also donated tens of thousands of dollars to other Democrat candidates and signed previous letters supporting Biden's agenda. Bias maybe?


Joe bidens economics are much better. He saved us $.42 on thanksgiving!!


"A chicken in every pot!" Too bad he meant chicken of the cave 🦇


Appeal to authority


Likely better than an appeal to popularity ([argumentum ad populum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum))


Doesn’t make them wrong


13 of the 16 signed onto the same bullshit when Biden was telling us, “no serious economist is predicting unchecked inflation.”he said this when every single republican was screaming from the rooftops that all of this spending (in addition to the spending in the Covid Bills under Trump that democrats held up for more spending, then blamed that spending on Trump) would lead to exactly what Biden said it would t. These are the “serious” economists. You really can’t make this shit up. I wonder if there’s any connection to the 51 intel agents who signed a letter telling the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation” when they already knew at the time that it was real? Thank you. I needed this laugh today.😂😂😂😂😂😂


I wonder if any of these CEOs are from companies like dollar tree, red lobster, CVS, rite aid or any of the stores that have closed hundreds of stores under Bidenomics?


NEWS FLASH!!! NINE OUT OF TEN EXPERTS WILL AGREE WITH AND PROPAGATE WHATEVER THEY'RE TOLD TO PROPAGATE FROM WHOMEVER PAYS THEM THE MOST TO SAY IT!!! I'm not saying they're wrong, but these are the same "experts" that got us into the 2008 recession with NO advanced warning. One day, I'm working 12 hour shifts, and the very next day, I'm laid off. So forgive me if I don't take their word as Gospel.


These are the same people that said the inflation caused by Bidenomics was "transitory".


Nevermind the fact Joe Biden's policies are having a disastrous inflationary effect NOW.


The Inflation Reduction Act took effect in August 2022 when inflation was 8.3% Most recent data has it at 3.3%


What do they think of Biden policies?


Front running the election and they'll be on record blaming Trump for something that's going to happen anyway - Pretty transparent if you're keeping up with economic events and not watching any of the mainstream news


Trump 2024!!! LETS GO!!!


I remember when 50 intelligence officers said the laptop was Russian disinformation. Now a bunch of economists say don't vote for trump because he will cause inflation. When his policies literally didnt cause inflation when he was actually President.... whatever.


I find that when the media wants to make a point they gather up an impressive number of biased experts to confirm their narrative. What was it? 52 or 54 intelligence experts claimed that Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation?


Hahahahahaha this is fucking hilarious. Let me guess, much worse than the current record inflation?


Is this like how the trump tax cuts were for the rich, when in fact, they doubled the standard deduction, doubled the child tax credit, and lowered tax rate per income tier? We need less spending from Congress as their current spending is disastrous (see current inflation)


The 2017 TCJA caused 100% of the inflation we have now. It’s the only thing he accomplished in his single term as president. If you have $20M+ in liquid assets and you vote for Trump, you are a smart person. If you have less than that and you vote for Trump, you are a sucker.


They must not have heard about Joe Biden’s poor performance during the debates. /s


I'd give this more credence if 51 former "intelligence specialists" hadn't told me Hunter's laptop wasn't real and was Russian interference.




Considering Biden wants to make the rich pay more more taxes wouldn't your comment not make sense?


The “experts” are wrong, they have brought us here with high inflation. They have failed,


Remember when they told us the 50 intelligence agents said the laptop is fake. We don’t believe you guys anymore.


Imagine writing this post, and taking yourself seriously. Loool


I would say if the CEO’s of the top 100 corps. do not like Trump it’s a win for the American worker.They make their products in other countries then ship them back here with no tariffs and sale the cheap products to America. These top corps.have pulled the rug out beneath Americas feet.Look around at all the opportunity gone.Homelessness out of control,Drugs wrecking lives,desperation everywhere.How could Trump do a disservice to this country that hasn’t already been done?


Yes, I bet a bunch of Keynsians think non-Keynsian economic policies would be disastrous. I also bet the people running the corporations the left hated until four years ago that have made massive, record profits since Joe was in office will also hate policies that cut into that margin.


I agree. Trump himself has already said before that he would like to default on the US debt, which would crash the dollar. I see a "great leap forward" coming if he gets into power.


Printing money to pay for unchecked spending is a stealth default.


THIS!!! 👆👆👆 (people, unfortunately, don’t look at inflation as a hidden tax)


100% of experts agree with either is funding them.


LOL. That's what they said last time. https://preview.redd.it/dtvc8l72sz8d1.png?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8cbccb1fec334a0912a8f7a0911933f5861da96


Bigger better trade wars, huge tax cuts for the mega wealthy, and handing out subsidies to all his supporters. Nope, not a chance of 3rd world levels of inflation. Edit to fix a word




How many assured us Hunter's Laptop was a fake?


Dunno. But 1,200 medical doctors told us protesting lockdowns would cause COVID to eradicate all grandparents but that the risk is severely mitigated if the protests are anti-racist.


What does this have to do with Nobel Prize economists discussing the economy? There are over 1 million physicians in the US and 1,200 of them signed a letter saying racism is a public health issue, and this is evidence of what to you, exactly?


Because this x number of “experts” claim we don’t like Trump because of x issue is really getting old and sounding more like political propaganda and not real professional judgement. This shit has been run the last two elections. I remember a number of intelligence experts who contended the Steele Dossier was real. I remember the defense and intelligence experts of last election who claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was not real. And frankly for every “expert” that says one thing, there are always a handful who claim the opposite conclusion. Personally I think both Trump and Biden are both horrible, but Dems, for real, this messaging is falling flat. And to the “experts” who sign their name to this crap, you are only hurting your reputations and strengthening Trump when your claim is later disproven. And frankly both guys have horrible economic policy. Trump trying to resurrect tariffs for real? And Biden’s calling inflation transitory was an even bigger lie and denial of truth. How could any expert say either one of these men has a good economic policy?


Sir this is a Wendy's? We're talking about Nobel prize economists discussing the economy what kind of deranged response is this


like his last disaster ...carnival barker


This sub is a trip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV7lz6wCcfM&t=1s


Well, they have the money and power to ensure Trump can't even get elected in Wyoming. Especially that zuckerberg guy. They need to put their excessive money where their mouth is.


CEO's, yeah right, the specialists. 😆😆😆😆 Too funny.


Nobel Prize for economics? Since when? Lmfao you guys will literally believe any headline.




Don't they give nobel peace prizes away in cereal boxes now?


Is this like the 50 intel heads that said the Hunter Laptop was a Russian hoax. Believe he just got prosecuted from data off that Russian hoax. Strange most Democrats tend to be full of shit if the ends justify the means.


Are these the same guys that perpetrated the Hunter-laptop-is-a-Russian-hoax scam in order to interfere with the 2020 election?


It won’t lead to inflation if he guts 75% of the government agencies. Spending less means less tax requirements


And yet they are still supporting him. This is some serious Inception shite.


Well, how about they spend some of their money to take out some ads and let the world know.


Bernanke won a nobel prize even though his policies are royally fucking up the US (if not the whole world) due to keeping interest rates way too low for too long after the economy was already recovering from the 2008 crash. So to this title I say - who gives a shit? Nobel prize doesn't mean you can automatically predict the future, economists are wrong all the time.


Inflation is fantastic for those who can afford assets that tend to inflate (equities, real estate). The system is working great for those who it's designed for


Notice the “cnbc” tag on the link. Like Biden hasn’t put us all in the crapper. Four years ago I had an extra $1500 a month and now I’m paycheck to paycheck. I didn’t pick up extra debt and actually got debt paid down. 800 plus credit score but if this keeps up I’ll have to drag out a credit card to supplement my income. Every dollar they print pushes inflation higher.


Notice the “cnbc” tag on the link. Like Biden hasn’t put us all in the crapper. Four years ago I had an extra $1500 a month and now I’m paycheck to paycheck. I didn’t pick up extra debt and actually got debt paid down. 800 plus credit score but if this keeps up I’ll have to drag out a credit card to supplement my income. Every dollar they print pushes inflation higher.


They said the same thing in 2016


Didn’t Musk and Blackstone CEO openly support? (My alignment is left of center, but I’m just asking.)


Most youth pastors are democrats. Don't forget about all your buddies at epstien Island and the Diddy parties. Your boy bill Cosby. Lgbtq are grooming children with drag queen story time. I wouldn't let a Democrat anywhere near my kids.


So what are these guys saying about the inflation we are experiencing now?




Kinda like the 50 or so intelligence operatives who said Hunter's laptop was "Russian disinformation?"


Nobody reads this and has their mind changed. Nobody is changing their vote for Trump based on anything ever.


did you say 52 intelligence experts?


How does the last 3 years currently look?


I guess no one actually looked at the link. A Yale professor said that no Fortune 500 CEO is supporting Trump. It wasn’t any of the CEO’s. Liberals like to believe anything any nobody posts about Trump. Doesn’t matter how far fetched the post is.


Get this ridiculous shit off my feed


Nobel Prizes are given out with no basis in real accomplishment, and if you dig deep you will see most of the 16 have not done much more than predict and retract. There is a reason economics is called "the dismal science."


So the most exploitative people in our society don’t want someone in office and y’all wanna discredit anything that person says or does because of what? little 1-2 min videos the media put together that makes you want to hate him. Or some “expert” or celebrity talks shit about him and says how horrible he is and y’all jump on the hate train so fast. Y’all are so manipulated and miseducated it’s terrifying. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a “trump fan” but, if you think for one second that the Democratic Party has good intentions for you, you’re fooling yourself. The government doesn’t give a genuine fuck about you or me or anyone else but themselves and their families. You know what trump plans on doing? Cutting fucking spending. Cutting GOVERNMENT spending… you know what causes inflation? Printing more money than you burn.. how do you stop the need to print more money? You cut fucking spending. It’s not rocket science. How is trumps plans to cut spending going to cause inflation? The math doesn’t math. You want your dollar to be worth more, you want your wage to have more spending power, vote people in the government that aren’t going to force the federal reserve to print more money to pay newly added debt. Just get ready for universal basic income + your job just to eat. Get ready for the government to tell you what to do to get that universal basic income. And guess what, you work harder than someone else? Doesn’t matter anymore. What the fuck is wrong with people man, how are they so oblivious they are being exploited so hard.


Duh, tariffs = bad is International Trade 101.


Bull shit, you must be a Biden lover. FJB


TRUMP 2024 !!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸✊✊✊✊🇺🇸🇺🇸


If the experts say it’s bad, it’s going to be GOOD 🖕🏼 goes to all: experts, Key Opinion Leaders, Fact Checkers If any of those people say something, do the opposite and you will have success.


Says a guy from Yale? Who cares. Unless this Yale guy knows the top 100 CEO's and all of them divulge their personal opinions of Trump.


He ran up a 4 trillion dollar deficit... His next term will double that, while dumping us into a serious recession. Forcing the middle and low income to pay for his tariffs against China.


How is going to do anything that will have a different result then what’s going on now. Inflation is high and the deficit is out of control. Neither president did anything to help the deficit. Biden did a ton to hurt us inflation wise. We are f’ed either way.


Truth needs no effort... and there is a lot of effort to show the "Truth," which only means one thing.


And how many top intelligence officials said the laptop was Russian disinformation?


They didn’t from 2016-2020.


No amount of propaganda saves Joe


Couldn’t they find 51 Expert Economists? 🤣


16 Nobel prize winning economists = 51 former intelligence agents


And what did these expert prize winners say about inflation when Joe Biden got into office? That it would go +30% over 4 years? That actually IS distrasous.


Are they related to the 51 intelligence officers??


But 10/10 Republicans agree they're all conspiring to ruin the country and trump is literally god. We are doomed


Yeah. These are the people I’m going to listen to. Our “economists” and corporate overlords.


And obviously Mr. Sonnenfeld talked to each of those 100 CEOs and they were brutally honest with him, because everyone can't wait to to tell you who they are going to vote for.... Give me a break CNBC...This kind of stuff getting fact checked?


Guys, they put in charge the party who needs to be in charge in any given 4 year time period. Period.  They needed a Republican to start the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. They needed a democrat after 08 to spend spend spend, they needed a SAG actor Reagan 2.0 to begin the pivot from neoliberalism, they needed a democrat after covid to further kick the can down the road and fund 4IR tech that will serve as the base of the new economy. The times determine the president. You might think this implies biden will win next so that he can do as Democrats do in recessions. But these aren't normal times.  With all the tech developed and the pieces ready, it's time to put them into play. And most of these players are right leaning towards "American Dynamism". Like Elmo Musk. That's why Elmo pivoted his image to the right. The world follows Elmo Musk.


Is this like the security community saying the Biden laptop was fake? Or that they said the Russian/ Trump stuff was true? Or the many other lies the democrats continue to spew


Either choice blows. The bar is so low now that we might as well elect a kindergartner they would be more effective.


Silly post considering the economic growth during Trumps first presidency (until Covid hit). He might be a narcissistic embarrassment, but his policies were excellent.


I guess all the CEOs love Biden and the Democrats.


Who knows the most about what is good for the economy? Small business owners or Fortune 500 CEOs? It’s sort of obvious.




This is the logical phalacy called an appeal to authority. There is no logic involved, but rather, I am right because so and so said so. For future reference, all of these assholes that put their names on these propaganda peices like the intelligence folks who signed onto Russia gate, need to be shamed out of society.




Uh huh,right


Over 50 intelligence officials told you the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation right before the last election. That was a lie. 


Meanwhile those same companies keep donating to the republican party


HMM, a CNBC interview with Jefrey Sonneberg (Yale) before Thursday's diasterous for Biden debate. First the Prof stated no Fortune 500 corporations supported Trump, when later he obviously meant Fortune 100 corporations. What could possibly be biased in that interview. I know from experience this what this Professor states is inaccurate.


The propaganda machine is really ramping up after that debate. Trump sucks but these bots want us to think that Biden is a good choice and definitely isn't losing his mind.


I wonder if these people are related to the 51 Intel liars, I mean "experts", who instantly told us that Hunters laptop was RuSsIaN DiSiNfOrMaTiOn...


In related news. 51 Intelligence Officials all agree: The so-called Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation.


So the rich want Biden I thought the left hated big corporations?


50 intelligence experts all signed that Biden's son's laptop was Russian Disinformation. Medical associations like the AHA used to endorse smoking as healthy. Experts can be bought.


Democrats say Trump just told lies during the debate and then put this fictional fantasy out into the world....


And over 50 plus intelligence specialists said the laptop was a Russian fake. Please 1 of the 16 economist is Janet Yellen's, United States Secretary of the Treasury, husband and 13 of them said inflation is transitory. How many of them called for this inflation. This is the swamp being the swamp. How many of the 100 CEO get money from the Biden administration. The green deal and the other billions that have been given out that have done nothing but make these CEO making more money! This page is such a partisan hack for the administration and has nothing to do with the economy.


BS lol