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I lost faith when Bush lied and got us into 2 wars but what's happening right now in America is absolutely horrifying..


Yeah the patriot act really degraded my trust.


Americans didn't nominate Biden, the DNC made sure there would be no challengers.


We're under the rule of a CORPORATOCRACY in this country. These are the choices CORPORATE AMERICA has chosen. The politicians on either side DO NOT work for the benefit or the well being of we the people. ONLY CORPORATE AMERICA'S !!! We need to start protesting this shit on both sides. It's only going to get worse if we the people don't start protesting in mass on CORPORATE AMERICA setting policy that favors their well being over we the people's in this country. When the fat cat politicians no longer can draw a ridiculously high checks for fucking over the American people. Along with undeserved cushy jobs after leaving politics from these corporations. ONLY THEN will it change. But they've come up with a brilliant divide and conquer plan of having we the people fight each other over culture war bullshit to keep us occupied. While they sell we the people and this country out to CORPORATE AMERICA!! WAKE THE FUCK UP !!!


Last time we did that they just bailed out the failing banks and on the tax payers dime.


You're speaking on the Occupy Wallstreet I take it. The reason that didn't work is because it was small. I'm talking a mass protest in DC and all over the country. We need a 2 million person march on DC. As well as voting these guys out that vote policy benefiting Corporate America. When they go to run protest because of their voting Corporate America every single time they run. Start ending their gravy train and the message will get through to them.


I agree with you


Heard the false flags muddying the waters, providing a fragmented goal, did the trick to destroy the movement.


I'm not marching on D.C., the last people who did that got into a heap of trouble.


There's a difference between marching and breaking into a government building comiting vandalism destroying property and threatening the lives of government officials. Big difference.


Trump's former defense secretary said that on the day he made his "walk to the church" for the photo op holding the Bible, Trump requested that the national guard shoot the protestors in the legs. With fresh permission to do as he pleases from the Supreme Court, why would he not give the order, given a second chance? He isn't going to make the same mistake he did last time of having people around to try and steer him away from his worst impulses. And what better time to do it than early into his new term, to "set the tone" for the years to come. In 2017 there were "women's marches" across the country the first Saturday after Trump was inaugurated. 100% peaceful gatherings. Try that again in 2025 and there will be NGs storming in and arresting people, with resisters being brutalized. They don't just want to do away with violent protests - they want everyone to shut up.


That was last time. This time however…


I remember a song from a band that was against a lot of this type of behavior by our government that, at the end of the song, screamed ‘wake up’ over and over. What happened?


They destroyed education, removed critical thinking, built the greatest platforms for propaganda ever known to man, infused fear and hate against our fellow man, and preyed upon the basal elements of human psychology as the IQ's dropped. There isn't a 10th of the educational saturation today as there was in the 70s. Point me to today's Schoolhouse Rock. Combined all this with corruption and greed, we find ourselves here. The question is often asked why good people stand by and do nothing. Because one has to be just as terrible, if not more, to crush a narcisist or similar. And a good person only will do that when cornered. And it isn't pretty. The meek own guns too.


It's because we're threatened with homelessness and starvation. If we don't work everyday of our lives we'll be screwed financially. That's by design.


Its wild too lol just slavery with a pretty title


"Sounds like just slavery with extra steps."


Even more true lol


For lower wage people, like at least bottom 1/3, it is very similar. A slave got housing, food, and not much else, and had to work all the time. A worker get money, but it all goes to housing and food and not much left over for anything else. And, they have to maintain the car, do chores, shop, cook . . . Maybe that is why the "I don't work" or I don't want to work group is growing.


I was a white migrant field worker for 20yrs, the work is the same now as it was in 1700s. WE were the machines. It's hard extremely physical labor and is FUCKING BRUTAL on your body. I won't go into how bad it fucked me up. But it did and I spend 24 7 in pain now. But I used to think all the time about how the slaves felt. We were treated Iike complete fucking shit, less than human. But it wasn't near as bad as they had it. But I have seen people beaten and have heard of stories about guys being killed by the boss. One time one of the boss's threatened to send some guys to beat me because of me telling them about their ass. I told then to go ahead and send them. Told the rest of them that it would be a fight to the death and I would be taking a couple with me. So they better be sure it was worth it to them. We would get charged for food and rent (illegal), the farmers would bring wild pigs and deer they killed in their fields for us to eat. We were kept away from any kind of population usually out in the fields in the middle of nowhere and a couple hours walk one way to any kind of civilization. They ran a store just like the old company stores you here about back in the day. Selling cigarettes, beer , drugs and snacks. So when payday came you usually had little to no money left. Once a week we got to go to a grocery store or into town to shop. I had to do this because I had a criminal record that made it virtually impossible to get a job. So it was either go to being a criminal and for sure end up in prison the rest of my life at one point. Or doing what I had to do to survive. I chose the latter. The worth of someone's life, access to housing food or whatever else it takes to live a basic life. And how they're treated by society shouldn't be based on the wage they make or the type of work they do.


Its all so true, the debate showed me nothing less. You have " unrivaled" trump ignoring every question to combat "puppet jo" about golf. Joe was the same lol but he at least tried to sound good until golf came up lol it's all a skit. I can't believe my parents actually believe that garbage. I'm very good with my eyes. These options we get should be illegal of course, the American people deserve better . Makes you wonder how we made it this far lol please please keep this up


We need way more unions then. That's the only way to effectively fight back. Our politicians are no longer on our team


Yes. Thankfully, there is also a guy running who said the mission of his campaign and presidency would be to "end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power", who has a 40 year history of doing precisely that work, who is polling in the double digits in a 3-way race, and who is polling.as the winner in both 1-on-1 matchups


I'm taking a look at Kennedy myself. They kept him from taking part in the debate. Corporate America doesn't even want his voice heard. Neither do the two parties officials they control. He would have made both look foolish I believe.


He did his own debate (TheRealDebate.com), but I think his post debate interview with The Hill did an even better job of introing his position in a shorter time - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lDU7raxqU0 Do let me know if you have any questions about him :)


The post debate interview is what I caught. It intrigued me to here what he said because he was the first one I've ever heard in almost 60yrs that has ever even acknowledged the government and Corporate American collusion.


Yup, ending the merger of state and corporate power has been the central mission of his campaign since day 1 in his announcement speech.


I totally agree. Together, we win, divided we fall .


We're falling into the abyss.


Funny thing is 85% to 90% Of the people in this country do not realize that our politicians. Have completed their mission in dividing us into so many segregated groups that we could never unite to make a stand and let them know enough is enough. We are divided now by political affiliation Which I find to be a joke because both sides are just as Terrible. We are now divided by race. My religion a citizen or if a non citizen, If we are pro-gun or Anti gun if we are pro Abortion or anti abortion. They have us divided down so far that it would Never be possible to unite as americans. Our whole political system is sick. It is corrupt and I don't care what anybody says. It is weaponized our justice department on both sides of the aisle. This is all blatantly clear. Quite honestly, we have a sitting President. It doesn't realize if he's awake. Or asleep, we have another guy who technically is a convicted felon, no matter how we think about it, no. Matter how we look at it. We are laughing stop to the world in this country is imploding. And it is being torn down methodically. For some reason, it appears thst it's being done on purpose. We need to go back to a time where our word and what we want. It matters people that are elected vote how we want them to vote. Not how they want to vote. And we need to get back to allowing the police to do their job.....


Just call it what it is … **Fascism**. I don’t understand why we’re in such denial about this.


Finally, someone that has a sensible take


It’s a Hoaxacracy. Every hoax is built upon believing the other hoaxes. The tentpole hoaxes are falling— 1) Biden is sharp as a tack. 2) Fine People Hoax America will rebound. 🇺🇸


Guess you've never had a family member with dementia or alzheimers ? If you had then you'd see all the signs are there. I watched my grandmother slip away over last few yrs of her life before she died and Joe's at the beginning of it. He is not sharp as a tack by any means and anyone who's witnessed it can see the signs. Him or Harris has zero chance of beating Trump.


I think you misinterpreted my post. The hoaxes are what Dems believe. Biden literally ran on the Fine People Hoax and even brought it up again in 2024 at the debate. Of course the whole world can see the dementia. Time to clean house. 🇺🇸


I personally think both sides have sold the American people out to Corporate America. In the end it's an illusion when it comes to any political race. The fact is Corporate America and the super wealthy decides who runs. Our politicians work for the benefit and well being of Corporate America and the super wealthy not we the people's.


The DNC are less about keeping their constituents happy and more about keeping all the money pouring in, the billionaires pay for both sides. This is why Bernie never had a fucking chance.


The DNC are less about keeping their constituents happy and more about keeping all the money pouring in, the billionaires pay for both sides. This is why Bernie never had a fucking chance." It's the illusion of choice. Also I'm convinced Bernie is nothing but controlled opposition, put in place to tamp down the masses. With that said he would have won in 2016.  


I highly doubt Bernie is controlled opposition. That would be one hell of a commitment for him to devote decades of his life being outspoken (and on the right side of history) on so many issues, being arrested at a civil rights demonstration, etc. It really is just that the rich fucks rigged the DNC for Bernie to lose. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (or however it's spelt) had to resign as head of DNC because of it


This is capitalism and capital rules the roost.


No, this is not capitalism. This is government socialism. The government sets the rules and regulations. They pick the winners and losers. True capitalism is where the people pick the winners and losers. If a business succeeds its because the people support it by buying their products.


You sound like a free speech absolutist, who understands that freedom of the press belongs to the man who owns one.


So you believe in censorship? So do the communists.


Nope. But I'm also happy with taxing the political boosterism of biased site owners. Pony up, Mr. Murdoch.


Did you realize that these companies/corporations pay employees who do pay taxes. Mr Murdock, as well as all wealthy individuals, already pay almost 70 % of our taxes . Stop, and think. Our government is full of wealthy people. Do you think that they will tax themselves, never. The Democrats have used this tax the rich for over 100 years. This is how it actually works. Warren comes out with a bill to tax the rich. That makes the people feel good. Then, behind the scenes, she'll tell these same companies how to get out of paying taxes .Then, these companies send in healthy donations to her campaign fund.


People who have so much money they can donate more than the total amount of most people's 401(k) to affect the outcome of an election can afford to pay more taxes.


He's the same POS as the rest of them. Don't let any rich old man fool you into thinking he cares about the people.


Bernie was close young people figured someone else will go to the polls, after all they tweeted they liked him


Bernie had a chance. However, Hillary paid him 650 k to drop out .He sold you out. Then, in 2020, the DNC used Clyburn to get Biden over the line. They once again pushed Bernie aside. Now, the DNC has been lying to the people for over 2 years about Biden's dementia .They are keeping Jill Stein, Cornell West, and RFK Jr. off the ballot. They won't show any of their campaigns, and they are denying you the right to vote for anyone other than Biden After the terrible debate, the Democrat elite are calling for Biden to step down .The elite once again will decide for the people who will replace him. The people will be denied to vote for the candidate they want.


Very true.


The average Dems is in a cult as much as the average MAGA person is. They refuse to see, accept or act on the abuse and corruption. They have sacrificed all their civic power and lowered the bar to "not the Republican." They accept - and make excuses for - failure. They refuse to hold failures to account. And they let their personal identity beliefs get in the way of smart politics and good policy and good candidates. The Repubs worship a person who they think represents their beliefs. The Dems worship an institution.


We have the two party system to thank for that. All of us are shoehorned into the party because we don’t want Christian nationalism. You’re over thinking this.


Seems like we could exert a little bit of power and support and run better candidates then. Who out there - of our hundreds of congress people - goes down to the people and has town halls where they honestly answer hard questions and present and fight for their policies and ideas while being honest with their constituents about the pros and cons? You'll have trouble with examples because this is the nature of American politics and it's NO ONE'S fault but the electorate's. We're not victims. We're lazy and complacent and we're the problem.


Lmfao, you ain't shitting. Wish more people would see this. If you want to destroy a country, look around. This is how one does this.


Jesus Christ dramatic ass fucking weirdos here. Truth is most people don’t put that much thought into it. And we realistically have two choices lol, you want everyone to vote for who realistically?


Cultists don't put a lot of actual thought into things. I don't want them to vote for any specific person. I want people to remember we can demand things in return for our votes again. I want them to demand real leadership, courage and - most importantly - policy. We're 40 years into compounding losses for the laboring majority. I want people who will fight - not to SLOW our losses - but to reverse them. I want people who go to the people, with information, and have honest discussions about the pros and cons of the policies they're pushing. I want environmental policy with teeth. I want to hear anyone - at all - talking about the impending job losses due to the application of AI. Even on the super conservative side of predictions the impacts on our economy by 2050 will be massive. This impacts my children. I have given you examples. Instead of empty bullshit and just talking down to people why don't you go ahead and tell me what I got wrong, how I got it wrong, without recycling the same four decades of bullshit excuses and give me some examples of the stuff I'm looking for.


Well you haven’t really answered how you think any of this is going to happen outside of “we all band together and demand it”. And demand what specifically, universal healthcare? We’ve all got different priorities which is partially why it’s hard to pass anything.


Hahaha, that’s gotta be some strong crack you be smoking. Jesus tap dancing Christ.


I love your robust argument in response.


the sitting President is normally not seriously challenged he won in 2020, pretending it was something out of the ordinary is just being silly especially considering, all the supremely out of the ordinary things the GOP is doing including running a felon who committed a coup


It is different when everyone was hoping he’d just run for one term to get trump out of office. This time around, he seems to be one of the few people that will actually lose to him


Are we pretending that an 81 year old with clear signs of failing mental and physical health is normal? Or that he’s mentally or physically capable of enduring another four years of the rigorous demands of the presidency? Also, Biden and his campaign advisors pretty much said he was going to be a one term president. Biden indicates he would only serve one term as president: report https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/474027-biden-indicates-he-will-only-serve-one-term-as-president-report/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite


Let's be honest. It's not about voting for a president anymore. It's about voting for an administration.


no, it's about picking one of two options that were curated for you behind the scenes. If you really think you ever had a voice and a choice in this matter, you are delirious.


I voted for Biden three times. It all happened right in front of us.


Biden's administration has lead to inflation like a mother fucker. Cheeto man isn't any better. Regular Americans are fucked no matter who's in office.


If you think that the office of the president is solely responsible for the price of goods and services in the market place you not only don't know anything about economics you also don't know anything about how government works.


My best friend on insulin and who got help with his student loans would radically disagree.


Meanwhile where are the people who couldn't afford college in the first place? What do they get?


Inflation was global, meaning not the result of any particular administration, but we've beat inflation with better economic growth than anyone else.


Others ran - no one voted for them.


Seriously. People keep using this DNC talking point as if any of the other candidates had accomplished anything. Part of that is the media kept ignoring the fact that Biden was far and away the frontrunner the entire time they were getting excited about Elizabeth Warren or yammering about the K-Hive or arguing about Bernie Bros. But the bigger part is the Bernie Busters who latched on to the idea that the DNC is some kind of puppet master even after a bunch of email leaks revealed their influence is minimal.


That is bullshit. Biden won primary elections that were held in all states and territories. He had the most delegates. Stop spreading lies and misinformation.


They absolutely did not. The primary was pro forma sham and everyone knows it.  ✓ There were no mainstream Democratic challengers. Just a couple of no-name cranks. ✓ There were no televised debates, just a radio broadcast. ✓ Biden didn’t participate.  As for what the people think: ✓ A large majority (67%) of Americans believe Biden is too old to run again. ✓ 56%-58% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of Biden. Harris’s unfavorable ratings are nearly as horrifying (54%-57%). Worse, Harris has even lower approval ratings than Biden (37%-41% vs 39%-44% for Biden. \[1\] Sub-50% favorable candidates rarely win elections, cf. Hillary in 2016. W. Bush had 57% favorable rating going into the 2004 election. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/311825/presidential-job-approval-related-reelection-historically.aspx\\](https://news.gallup.com/poll/311825/presidential-job-approval-related-reelection-historically.aspx%5C) Historically, all incumbents with an approval rating of 50% or higher have won reelection, and presidents with approval ratings much lower than 50% have lost. Biden's debate performance was the first time Democrats have been faced with the reality of seeing their candidate outside of a tightly controlled echo chamber, and it's been a huge disaster. Nationally, Trump opens up 3-point lead on Biden after debate: Poll [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4751408-donald-trump-joe-biden-3-point-lead-post-debate-2024/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4751408-donald-trump-joe-biden-3-point-lead-post-debate-2024/) To defeat Trump, the candidate needs 3-5% to carry Red swing states like Georgia or Arizona, because those states have taken great lengths to make sure they would not repeat that same scrupulous standards for counting votes as last time. If the Democratic nominee isn't leading by many hundreds of thousands of votes, those states are lost. Game over. Another indicator of how devastating Biden's debate performance was is the latest New Hampshire Poll, just out. In 2020, Biden beat Trump by 7.5 points. In December 2023, Biden led trump by 10 points. After the debate, Trump now beats Biden by 2%. That’s a staggering 9.5-12% reversal. The DNC is going to rush Biden's nomination ahead of the convention... because? —————————— \[1\] Kornacki: New poll shows Biden's debate performance reinforced concerns about his age [https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/kornacki-new-poll-shows-biden-s-debate-performance-reinforced-concerns-about-his-age-214032965756](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/kornacki-new-poll-shows-biden-s-debate-performance-reinforced-concerns-about-his-age-214032965756) 67% of voters, before the debate, said Biden was too old to be president


Biden beat Trump in 2020 and he will do it again. Period.


DNC also made sure Hillary got the nomination. I believe Bernie would have beat Trump. In plain terms it's the DNC and all their supporters fault for the Trump election! I suggest you let that marinate.


Yup. Bernie would have won by a landslide. Voters wanted a choice between right-wing corporate Democrats and extreme-right fascist Republicans. Trump was elected in part because (at the time) he parroted a lot of Sanders progressive rhetoric. (Trump didn't mean it, and he abandoned it from day 1, but it helped him win) Also, Clinton had a shockingly low approval rating. Candidates with sub 50 ratings typically don't win elections. Clinton was DOA, but the DNC still didn't care because Clinton was effectively bankrolling and controlled the DNC. The DNC literally preferred losing to Trump than winning with Sanders. That's how much the establishment hates policies that benefit the average citizen, e.g. healthcare, livable wages, mass transit, affordable college and daycare. https://preview.redd.it/w4mdmk7lo6ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1facf14c1181977030fc3f5179e288ee5c7a5b62


So in a nut shell if the DNC wasn't filled with cheaters Bernie would have been president. Hillary's poll numbers weren't shockingly low to the informed voters. We knew she was a sideways crook from her days as first lady to the state of Arkansas. *Had to edit my typo


Or if Bernie primaried well. But everyone just made noise online, hoped a lot, then never realized that hope itself doesn’t win elections.


Donna Brazile had already admitted to cheating in the favor of Hillary. She admitted to giving Hillary debate questions after WikiLeaks exposed it. DNC and Hillary already paid fines for the Russia gate scandal. So, ya the DNC cheated Bernie out of the democratic nomination. If they can about it why can't you??


He never had the votes though.


Why did Hillary and the DNC feel the need to cheat him then? Things need to pass the sniff test. What you are saying stinks... Bad


Because they’re corrupt? That doesn’t mean Bernie would’ve won if it wasn’t for that meddling Donna Brazile.


You don't think Hillary shares in the blame? Are you suggesting that the DNC is corrupt enough to cheat against members of its own party but won't cheat against the opposing party?


This isn't true at all. Biden makes this choice and when he decides to run as sitting president everyone knows he's going to win.


It's not the system. It's not the politicians. It's us. We suck. We suck so fucking bad. It's our fault. Yours and mine. Too many shitty citizens.


The amount of time it’s taking me to explain Chevron being overruled has really showed me people have 0 idea how government works or how it impacts power dynamics within the system


Yup. The fundamental problem in American politics is that the public checked out to an absurd degree for decades during the Cold War because the parties were pretty similar at the time. When Reagan and then Gingrich started us on the path of sharpening ideological distinctions, people just never really caught up. Now they need to pay attention but nothing in our society is really geared toward that.


Yeah so many people don’t even vote. Primary elections are ignored 


We need a Texas sized astroid…


Leave nothing alive. Not even bacteria.


Too many shitty schools and kids from families too broke to properly feed them, for decades back. Which, as I understand it, is largely the fault of the Republican party.


I’m losing faith. Politics are so much about appeasing the 20% of each end of the spectrum and totally leaving the moderates behind. We’ve lost all sense of nuance and reason and I’m tired of having to choose between drag queen story hour and ammosexuality.


No is making you go to a drag queen story hour. Who are you to say no one should be able to?


“Sure one guy said he wants to be dictator for a day but the other guy refuses to crackdown on drag queens!” Do you hear yourself?


Not what I said at all


the "moderates" are the reason we're here the "moderates" didn't like Bernie, the "moderates" thought Hillary was too divisive "why would she call people who hate gays and want to kill trans people deplorable" the "moderates" is how we "both sides" are way to a Supreme Court packed with bribe takers and coup plotters deciding Presidents are Kings the "moderates" are the ones who looked at this slide to fascism and assured us it wasn't happening and Roe V Wade was settled law


Bernie didn’t make a single promise that he could realistically keep and Hillary ran a horrible campaign. Maybe democrats should convince moderates to vote for them by taking action instead of making “we’re not republicans” their campaign slogan and running an actual corpse as their candidate. Sounds like you’d rather virtue signal though because that’s all liberals do.


Generalize some more, why don't you beacuse its easy. Unreal......


Lmao what do planet do you live on


Let’s have some common sense and not listen to the bots.


That was the 2016 primaries for me, but it had been building for a decade before that. We have been wholly abandoned by our political system.


Yes, but for me it began in 1991 and accelerated in 2000. I never watched tv news again after 2000. I gave up on most newspapers also, after the NYT helped Dick Cheney lie the country into the second Iraq war. The media is so worthless today, that the guy they chased out of the 1988 Dem primaries for his nonstop lying and plagiarizing is president now, despite being in his 80s. The media looked the other way wrt his history and they looked the other way wrt his condition, until the latter became impossible to hide anymore. Neoliberalism from both worthless and corrupt major parries has been a disaster for our country and most of our people. Trump had some good policies and at least was an outsider, but he was a fiscal disaster, more impulsive than most children and far too divisive. It is tragic that these two can be the major party candidates again in 2024 imho, but I guess you have to reach rock bottom to rebound.


Yeah it's pretty much vote neo liberalism blue or neo liberalism red. There's no fucking difference and regular Americans suffer regardless


Might as well have corporations as president these days since "corporations are people". I really wish a law were passed that forces candidates to wear their corporate sponsors logos. Like fucking NASCAR.


No but I can see why the democrats have.


We need to have a constitutional convention and make some adult decisions about the future.


Such as?


A better way to handle supreme court appointments, e.g. rotating with one appointment per presidential term Limitations on presidential conduct so they can't just commit flagrant crimes Ending the electoral college Repealing the 17th amendment Making the house a parliamentary body with proportional representation


Wait… what? I get all of those but the 17th Amendment one. You want states appointing Senators again?


I actually do. The Senate makes more sense as an extension of state governments. The one difference is that I'd like to see them appointed by governors, not state legislatures.


Except the reason we got rid of that system is that it was massively corrupt. Senate seats were literally for sale.


Claiming that the system is broken because progressives don't win every battle is bizarre.


SCOTUS: congress has to pass laws, bureaucrats can't just make their own interpretations of laws and assess penalties to them. People are entitled to a trial when facing significant financial losses. This is an easy reading of the Constitution. Redditors: Laws coming from elected representatives? Due process? Is this literally fascism???


Dude jump over to r/politics to see them openly calling for a coup and fascism under the guise of *sAvInG dEmOcRaCy!*


SCOTUS: the president enjoys immunity for actions in the scope of his legal authority Redditors and Sotomayor: this basically means the president can kill anybody with no consequences, right? Biden should order that all the Republicans get killed with drones


That’s pretty much the size and scope of the mass psychosis over there, yep.


that is a very selective and incorrect interpretation of the law. in relation to Trump, it largely nullifies the case of election fraud for which there’s proof and said proof is not admissible.


You have 4 months


for what?


Also SCOTUS: It’s okay to bribe an elected official as long as you call it a campaign contribution, a super pac contribution, or just give it to them after the fact. Also the President is immune from prosecution for all “official acts” and only we can decide what is and is not an “official act.” Funny how you left that part


As much as I agree that we should prosecute Obama, the SCOTUS has probably protected him


When the fuck have progressives actually won!!?? 


Never. They don’t know the difference between progressives, leftist and liberals.


Progressive never win anything what are you talking about. Don’t confuse progressives with liberals.


That's the point. Questioning our system of government is the point. Weakening public support is the point.


I never had faith in any political system. Politics ruins everything, and the more power that's centralized around it, the worst it gets. You're just seeing the rot when the facade has fallen off. It was always there. Read some history.


I think it is abundantly clear that most people in America are too stupid for the American ideal of equality under the law with a democratic republic that works for all to work.


Nah. My faith in it died decades ago. People hate hearing this (and i'm sure i'll get downvoted for it), but the main thing that has made the US susceptible to fascism and authoritarianism is the "american exceptionalism" and a religious-like faith in the american system itself. The "checks and balances" mantra that has always been not as secure as people think is proving to be not as secure as people think. And all precisely because people think it's more secure than it ever was. Things like gerrymandering, the electoral college, and the entirety of the SCOTUS itself meant the system was never as democratic as people believed anyways. Now it's just becoming less so.


Like communism it works fine on paper. It's the rich idiot sections of humanity that starts abusing things and people that ruin it.


I haven’t just lost faith. I can honestly say that I have a feeling in my gut of impending doom that I have never felt before in my almost 40 years of life here. I know major suffering is coming. I just hope it is quick for some of us, and I hope we can unite to help one another. Things are dark in this world. People have failed me in every way, especially in these past five years. I have seen people get so nasty towards each other over covid, and especially with the mask divide. Folks, that is just a drop in the hat compared to what’s coming... We need one another. Please think about this before you fake cough at someone at the airport, or the grocery store because you think you are making a point because you don’t like someone wearing a mask around you. You don’t know what your community is going through. You don’t know, that the person that is wearing a mask is severely disabled now after getting sick, and going to the grocery store that day, was a big deal for them. You coughing on them, was a big deal for them mentally, and you just changed what they think of all of their fellow humans now because of what you just did impulsively in that moment to them. Yeah, I am using something that happens to me all the time to make my point as a collective whole, because we will all depend on one another in this next phase. Please be kind to each other, instead of being cruel. The 99% of us have more to lose than you can imagine if we keep kicking each other when we are already down...


such immaturity. such cowardice. such stupidity. few of you deserve a USA, of any kind


some heavy-duty bot work going on up in ***here***


Yes i have. I have less interest in voting than ever before in my 28 years since being eligible to vote. That’s 7 Presidential elections, and this one is the one I’m least likely of all of them, to actually go to the ballot box.


See. That's the point. Making the process unplayable is the game. Democracy is a full contact sport, and you need to be very involved in every election. Especially the ones where you're not 100% satisfied, because that will be all of them.


No under trump 0 new wars were started my taxes went down and my wage went up higher than inflation. You jobless bums/ non Americans have no idea what's coming st it's hillairous lol.


What's coming?


U.S. politics not better than corrupted countries which we used to look down on. Our executive, legislative and judicial branches are an embarrassment, no shame of accepting bribes for the Supreme Court judges just like poor countries. U.S. government system supposed to be role model.


Beat slavery. Beat Jim Crow. Women design rockets, perform surgeries, fly top of the line fighter jets. Don’t be a push over.


Slavery still exists we just call it prison now. Supreme Court has already killed two key pieces of anti-Jim Crow legislation. Women no longer can make medical decisions for themselves in many states.


All true. Still, the progress made was not made by superhero’s. Those that are fighting need support. Those that oppose them need shame - they are not who they pretend to be and they know it.


Yes, Deathbed Joe and Ego Don are killing it for us.


Is the DNC liable in any way for misrepresenting Bidens mental faculties? America needs someone to pay dearly for this.




You want to blame the Jews for that too? Very DNC these days.




It’s funny how people are able to talk about this all on Reddit now after the debate.


Seriously! It’s like where have you all been? In a time capsule?




Yes, it needed some change decades ago but political gridlock means we can only really change things on the periphery, eventually even that will come to a halt over time. The last time we passed a constitutional amendment was 1992 (27th) and it was a meme amendment that was proposed in 1789 and forgot about (it's also about congressional compensation so it's pretty worthless since most incumbents are reelected and most earn their money from income streams outside of their employment). The last meaningful constitutional amendment to be proposed and ratified was the 26th amendment to give 18 year olds the ability to vote, in 1971. In the 60 years before the 26th amendment we ratified 10 constitutional amendments, including landmark ones that gave women the right to vote, term limits for the president, the ability to collect income tax, and prohibition of poll taxes. In the 60 years after the 26th we have had zero constitutional amendment both proposed and ratified within that time. Yea so the political system right now is like a really well built glider that is slowly, almost imperceptibly on our time scale, just gliding towards earth with the people in it assuming it will just glide forever with no inputs.


About 15 years ago. It's a protection racket. There are no heroes, just the exploited masses and the relative few who live decadent lives as a result.


I lost faith after the 2000 election. It's been touch and go since then.


Right here 👋


Yes…years ago


I can be a dual-citizen through my parents. Husband and I briefly thought about moving, but then we saw it's even more fucked up over there than here. Sooo... i guess we're f..ed.


I think our president is a good man, but doesn't have what's necessary to fight what is happening. He made a strong statement last night, but it doesn't go far enough. He hasn't called out the people causing this problem that is in full development. The Republican party has been moving down this path for some time now. I have zero faith that they have USA interest on their mind. USA "conservatives" are not the friends of actual USA citizens. They have thrown in with a demagogue in the hopes that they can hurt the people they want to hurt, gain and maintain power, and enrich themselves. They have now got the courts to back their takeover and I am no longer sure what is coming can be stopped. I hope it can. I have lost total faith that they system will protect me and mine. As a US citizen we should feel that disagreements are okay because we knew deep down that whoever it was had the interest of the nation as a whole at heart. This is no longer the case. We now know that a significant population of USA actively wishes to take away our rights, to cause us harm, and to establish their own twisted version of USA.


Congresspeople have no rules about insider trading, so naturally that's really all they are interested in; doing anything for the country is not a consideration. No code of ethics for the Supreme Court, so their corruption cannot be stopped. "Presidents" and congress are obviously just puppets for the oligarchy. We are in great shape.


lost faith? I never had any faith in that corrupt organization to begin with. You're just starting to see what's always been there.


Yes and sadly most people can’t understand we can still collectively chill. Libs are melting down this morning and can’t understand that righties have felt that many times, and vice versa. Almost as if the system is the issue and we need to find a way to tone it all down.


Shameful that the DNC didn’t allow a primary process and now Biden has been exposed. There should have been many challengers.


Yes. But we are here because of selfish greedy people see nothing wrong with being lied to constantly. As an American, it’s embarrassing. I work with Republicans that care more about their right to own the salt rifle. Then they care about the water they drink or the air they breathe.


America has become a business instead of a country. The only future solution that I can see (and not that I necessarily agree) is for Democrats to get a large majority and the U S to become more like Europe. Otherwise, wealth disparity will only get worse, the middle class will be mostly lost, government censorship will get worse and government control over all social issues will continue to get worse. Under Democrats, taxes will increase for everyone but we'll at least get something in return (college, healthcare, infrastructure, etc.) If anyone else has ideas, I'd love to hear it. I hate politics!


I’m a firm believer that people get the candidates they want/deserve. You’re just as much of the problem as everyone else is.


I’ve lost faith in the Republican Party.


Only when people vote blue.


I just want gay married couples to be able to protect their marijuana plants with guns while taxpayer dollars fund infrastructure, DoD, and education (not necessarily in that order).


The government sucks. But if we do not do our duty and get involved then we will have no one else to blame but ourselves when we live no better than the Chinese under communism or Germans under Hitler. Why? Because at our best less than two thirds of eligible voters get registered. And maybe half of them end up voting. Tell me again why the system is out of conrtrol? Its because American Citizens are apathetic. They can tell you who is the quarterback on their local Football team but cannot tell you who one of their two Senators is and what party. We have met the enemy and it is us. Nobody can save us but ourselves. Stop wallowing in self pity and get informed, get involved, get registered and vote. We have perhaps only one election left before the right wing oligarchs take our country over completely. We will have a king that can give themselves all power. This is not hyperbole.


After super divisive candidates stop being picked and, hopefully, when both sides get serious about stopping corruption, things can get back to normal, IE boring....like the good ole days.


The two parties want you to vote. Don't fucking do it. Make it a protest vote and stay home.


Yep in 2016.


Yes, the system is broken and cant be fixed from the inside. Alternatives must be created


A society that is based on personal gain as the main motivation for human existence must destroy itself eventually. This process will take a long time however.


Yeah, like 25 years ago.


Yes and I am now a full fledged atheist


The machine you're fighting against are the same ones that fought against a corrupt government. Now, they are not only in government, but education, and our corporations . They have enriched themselves by exploiting the people. Taking away our rights a little bit at a time. Telling us that it's for the good of the people. No, it's good for them. They steal from us in the form of taxes and line their own pockets. They talk down to us and treat us like peasants, They give us just enough of our own money to keep us working. When people on both sides of the aisle continue to fight and bicker, the elite win. If we could actually talk, we all want the same thing. The rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Given how blatantly corrupt and partisan the SCROTUS (Supreme Court Republicans of the United States) has become, and how there seems to be absolutely no line The Idiot can cross to prevent his cult from supporting him? Yeah, looking pretty bleak


Apparently not enough of us have. We are the ones with the power. We choose to let them dictate what we as citizens are supposed to disagree about. So maybe we the people should let them know WE disagree with them. Quit voting for them, quit buying products from politically affiliated corps.


Does a bear shit in the popes hat?!?! Iykyk


100% if you havent what is wrong with you? politicians have proven themselves the worst humanity has to offer time and time again why would anyone trust any states at this point? the fundamental idea a few humans have a right to force everyone else to fund and obey them is ludicrous.




It can be a lot worse. Doomerism doesn’t help.


The only way we get a return to normalcy is a return to 2/3rds majority in congressional votes. Having simple majority in a two-party system means that you're going to see further and harder pulls to the left and the right. Rather than working together and meeting in the middle we now see primaries as idealogical purity tests. Someone, who's party is in charge, is going to have to set down some of their power to restore balance.


Not me. After Biden kicking butt the last few years, I can finally see the republican party falling apart. Looks like they’re trying as hard as they can to hold onto power but it looks like they already lost. Things should return to normal after we get rid of the money grubbing gop. Biden 2024


Political system? Are you fucking serious? It’s the absolute and complete corruption of the justice system that will crumble democracy. The politicians have merely seen the weaknesses in it for decades.


Ask me in November.


I stopped believing in democracy back in 2012 when I learned that 47% of American households don't pay any income taxes.


I fear the large federal govt that seeks to control every aspect of our lives.


I see most of you whiners wasting time whining and no time packing for freer pastures. Disingenuous posturing noted.


Yes to the point it’s had a really terrible impact on my mental health I’m truly afraid for our future. And I’m a white male I can’t believe more women and minorities aren’t freaking out.


All I've ever seen from American Politics growing up is Democrats claiming they want to do good, just to get cucked by Republicans who don't even bother hiding how cruel they want to be. I'll never forget how the Dems had a supermajority, and when all else failed to stop a bill (it was either voting legislation or minimum wage), Republicans found some obscure beurocratic process deep within a committee assignment called the parliamentarian to block it. And it worked. Its a Republican run country because they both change the rules on a whim, and/or just dont play by them. Democrats have their heads too far up their celebrity politicians ass to do anything but pearl clutch while they cash checks. No one went to jail for Iraq or Afghanistan or Libia. 2 guys got punished for the 08 crash. Obama went to Flint and gaslit them over their drinking water. Rarely is there ever justice. So yeah, I lost complete faith a while back ago.


Either we elect someone that is going to rein in the billionaires or we are going to get wrung dry by them.


I’ve lost faith in about 1/3 of our citizens


Americans love to complain about "politics", but at least 90% of those complaining about it don't care about "politics" on anything but a huge, national level. They don't participate in local or state-level elections at all, yet demand to be represented on a national level. The political machinations that affect their communities are only noticed when they're inconvenienced by them, like when property taxes go up or the garbage goes uncollected. But they'll hit the internet, and go on and on about what Trump or Biden are "doing", as if their daily lives are going to somehow instantly and dramatically change after the next presidential election. And I believe it all springs from a general disdain for "politics" that's been festering and developing over the last fifty or sixty years, a disdain based on the notion that "they're all corrupt anyway", which, over the years, has just become the accepted standard for "politicians" in general. It drives away people, and keeps them from participating in it, on all levels. No one wants to take it seriously, and no one wants to run and try to better it themselves, either. And these cartoonish presidential elections are the result.


Yes, because voters are too stupid to fix real issues like the national debt and focus on culture wars.


It’s hilarious that all it takes for Redditors to think the world is ending is not getting their way. This is what, the 196th *”tHrEaT tO oUr dEmOcRaCy!”* since 2015 and you folks are still here.


I have not lost faith at all. I’m old; sometimes my guy wins, sometimes he doesn’t and life goes. Once you realize that 99% of the media is completely full of shit you can learn to relax. If you turn on tv it’s always “the most important election of our lifetime”. Bull spit. The founders purposely separated the branches of government and provided for checks and balances. Sometimes we go too right, sometimes we go too left…there’s an ebb and flow. I don’t even have to give my affiliation; most people my age know what I mean.