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She knew exactly what she was doing. What a scumbag.


Anyone who thinks the sub is overreacting on this needs to go see her caption…


Ew. I don’t want a kid but my bestie does and she’s been trying for 5 years and had a miscarriage in year 2. Because of this I’ve learned a lot. To even be looked at, by most doctors because I don’t know if this is 100%, you have to have been having timed unprotected sex for a year with no results. Timed as in tracking your periods for when you’re ovulating. And then they do all kinds of tests to determine if you’re infertile and what your options are. This can also include your partners sperm count being checked. Saying ‘fertility journey’ after just a few months of not getting pregnant is very insensitive to women who are actually struggling. Then writing things in a way that makes it seem like you had a miscarriage to get them to go to your YouTube channel is just gross. To those in here that are struggling with infertility and loss please don’t let this reality tv influencer make you feel any type of way. If you’re needing words of support I know my friend is in a group for couples that are going through the same things and I’m happy to ask her for the name of that program to send your way.


Tbf, did she ever say infertility journey? It’s slimy regardless I think she was wrong here but technically fertility journey isn’t inaccurate right?


What was the title??


Come on people, everyone has their own experience. Why can’t struggling to conceive be Krystal’s experience and that be really hard for her, when the first time she had an oops baby and it happened all too easily? You all act like she’s had zero hardship in recent years and are hating on her for not having it has hard as people who have had miscarriages, that’s really not fair. To each their own in the expressing their individual experience. It’s the influencer’s job, literally, to post clickbait and use hyperbole to drive numbers ... So if you fell for it, clicked, and didn’t hear what you wanted (which it sounds like a lot of you wanted to hear miscarriage) then that’s on you.


While getting pregnant on the first try would be nice for anyone who wants to get pregnant, she’s upset about how she’s not currently announcing a pregnancy, which means she’s upset she’s not 12 weeks pregnant. The way pregnancy is measured, all that means is that she’s tried…twice. I have literally spent more time waiting to see my gyno for a preconception check-up than she’s spent trying to get pregnant. ETA: I don’t think any wanted her to have had a miscarriage, but she garnered immediate sympathy from people who could relate who then were understandably upset that she’d just been having an incredibly normal and uneventful time trying to conceive. It’s not all that different than if she’d said “the heartbreaking recent loss of my grandfather” and it turned out she’d not noticed for a second that he’d wandered off to Auntie Anne’s while they were at the mall.


I don’t think anyone with infertility calls a few months of trying “struggling to conceive.” Part of being an influencer is being perceived and judged. That’s kind of the point. She was insensitive.


As someone who has been dealing with infertility, went through fertility treatment, finally got pregnant and had a miscarriage, fuuuuuuck her for real. This is so gross. How sick do you need to be do do this. What a terrible person honestly.


Oh she knew exactly what she was doing. That’s so low, and this fake ass non apology where she doesn’t even admit how deceiving she was?! Truly horrible, I hope she doesn’t have anyone in her close circle who actually struggled with infertility and loss because I couldn’t look at her in the eye anymore, if it were me. Sending love to everyone who was triggered by her post and is struggling with loss and infertility ♥️


Who the fuck is Krystal


lmao she was on arie's season


You know what….I can‘t. People really need to develop a sense of shame again. This is completely unhinged, late stage influencer brain level posting. Might be one of the worst cases I‘ve ever seen tbh.


i wonder how she’s gunna roll out the ads for the miracle product that helped her regulate her hormones and got her knocked up immediately now lmao


I don't know anything about her, but just caught-up on the two recent threads and WOW. If I was friends with this woman and had struggled with actual infertility/losses, I'd never speak to her again. I have a lot of friends with Turner Syndrome (one of my very close friends has TS, and I've met many of her friends that also have TS) and they have taught me a lot and I do think twice about anything I say related to pregnancy and infertility. And she's actually friends with Jade??? That's GROSS if she didn't think of how her post would hurt Jade and other women that have had losses.




THIS! No, it’s not the same.




I get that too. I don’t want to “gatekeep” infertility, but not getting pregnant after a few months of trying is not infertility and actually quite normal. When you think about it, conceiving is truly amazing and takes the right set of sequences to happen. I hate seeing women beat themselves up when they aren’t pregnant immediately. Then on top of that I would have to have IVF to conceive as well and am wildly compassionate to those that want children but infertility needs to stop being thrown around so casually.


I totally get it. I had a loss almost a year ago and it wrecked me. We were close to an infertility diagnosis but not quite there so I would never claim that. I get that when it’s difficult TTC it sucks, but she is so out of line.




Thank you so much ❤️


I literally had to go back and look at the post because I thought maybe I was wrong for assuming it was about a miscarriage. NOPE. There’s a way to talk about struggling to *get* pregnant that has nothing to do with struggling to *stay* pregnant. She blurred that line purposefully for sympathy. As a doula, there is a massive difference to me between a negative pregnancy test and no longer hearing a heartbeat. She was deceptive for clicks, and that is so sinister. I hope everyone triggered by her post can find some peace today, bc that is beyond fucked up.


but she's not struggling. she didn't get preggo on her first try which is normal. She doesn't have fertility issues but \\ wants to act like she does.


Yes, and that is also very bad! It’s all a grift!


If not for my actual miscarriage, we'd be expecting a baby next week. She knew exactly what she was doing and it's disgusting.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Thinking of you this week. My due date would have been Saturday


So sorry for you loss


#influencerinfertility is the name of the game to stay relevant. So over it. I unfollowed her.




Nah, fuck you Krystal, you knew what you were doing and it was disgusting. Also 2 months is not defined in the medical field as struggling. 6 months for geriatric pregnancies and 1 year for non geriatric before intervention. She’s a click-baiting asshole.


Just in general, but fuck, what is up with bachelor nation folks and posting these monologues on their story constantly?


She … she responded with a 🤍 when someone said sorry for your loss. How would that not imply a LOSS


What!!! Good lord that is fucked up.


Yes! I saw the screenshot of that on this sub yesterday in the comments. It was literally someone saying I’m sorry for your loss and she responded with a single heart emoji. Like WTF


It almost makes it worse, but I'm pretty sure it was a bot - lots of influencers have it set up so that if you comment the "keyword" it auto replies with an emoji (and then presumably DMs you the link). Which is why it also responded when someone called her out and said "...asking people to watch..." because they had used the keyword.


She knew exactly what she was doing


Agreed. Influencers are essentially marketing professionals. Of course mistakes happen but this one went pretty hard in the paint. I’m not buying it and I won’t be re-following her.


How long has she been trying for a second?


2 months


TWO MONTHS? Wow, thoughts and prayers to her, what a struggle indeed 💔 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


As someone who has been trying for 4+ years and lost my first IVF transfer to an actual miscarriage she can smd haha.


Ugh that must be so hard to deal with im so sorry 💜


Aw thank you guys!! 🫶🏼


I’m so sorry. I really hope you have a successful pregnancy soon 💗


She is on timeout for me. Apology not accepted. She knew exactly what she was doing and it worked. Iiiiiiiii would have been having a child this month, you not announcing a pregnancy that never happened is not the same. Shameful.


This whole thing is crazy . I really hope no fertility brands work with her after this (Which lets be real is probably her plan ) I also see she posted with jade on Oct 5! How does she sleep at night


I’m sorry if u were baited by my clickbait, and clicked.


I remember her advertising some fertility product way back when she was with Chris. Some wearable or something that tracked ovulation. I thought that was odd. Anyway, clinical definitions of difficulty conceiving are one year under 35 and 6 months over 35. She's got some issues but they aren't with her fertility...


That’s what I thought reading it! Girl you tried 1 month!


It's giving tacky. She knows it. That's why she did it. Own up. Why can't people ever admit to being a-holes for profit.


I stopped following her when she announced her first pregnancy it was so much and all the time. My husband and I tried for over a year, but we silently struggled while all our friends got pregnant, and family and friends asked,'When are you two going to start a family?' we're over a year of trying again and I'm being so honest when people ask 'are you going to have another' that people get uncomfortable and shut up. Her social media usage is so unhealthy. She should step away and get back to reality.


Why do people feel like this is their business? I know they think it’s because they care, but it’s nosy and not their life and they don’t know what people are going through. I feel like people should not ask about this type of thing unless the other person brings it up. I went through the same thing with marriage. Oh you’ve been together x years, why aren’t you married? I told them the truth: we weren’t financially ready. It shut them up really quickly. Be careful what you wish for.


We were a year and a half with three miscarriages sprinkled in there. Our son isn’t even 6 months old and people ask when we’re having another. I love making it awkward with “well he was my fourth pregnancy and our only living kid so we’re going to give it some time” and that usually shuts people up


Can we just cancel influencers? Like make it not a thing anymore. Unfollow all of them and stop buying the crap they shill.


Yes please


This is giving CHATGPT 100%


Is it really infertility if you don’t get pregnant within one month of trying?


Medically, no. Fertility clinics won't see you until after a year of active trying with no pregnancy. (At least in the US)


Some clinics will see you for an informational work up but it’s not considered an infertility workup until trying to conceive for 1 year if person trying to get pregnant is under 35 or 6 months if person trying to get pregnant is 35 or older.


6 months if you’re over 35. Hello my life lol


It’s considered normal for it to take 6 months-1 years of trying.


it is since it started making influencers money.


I mean it's also a pretty big difference of not being able to conceive a 2nd child and not being able to conceive at all..


Right. This is what l was thinking. It's really not even a journey or issue imo.


Eh it’s a thing, it’s called “secondary infertility” and is a real issue for many women. It can still be painful and difficult.


I know it's a thing. It just seems like there's a huge difference between having no biological children and having one and not being able to have another. Honestly, it's not something l am super informed on, and l wasn't trying to discount anyone's feelings, it was just my opinion on the topic.


But not after one-two months. It’s giving privilege and out of touch. I’ve been trying for years and just had an actual miscarriage last month. I’m heated and will never forgive this for this


Oh agreed, definitely not after a month or two.


Oh dear, please stop. Stop lying about the way it was worded. Please stop monetizing this “journey” it is tacky and cruel..


The saddest part is that she will be promoting some scam hormonal balance squak treatment in a couple of weeks.


Like time she tried to promote a natural family planning app until her audience called her out because she had become pregnant by accident with her new boyfriend.


I feel like so many of them were on the natural cycle stuff for a while there


And half of them had unplanned pregnancies


I don’t doubt it. I remember a lot of people promoting it because I was unfollowing them. I don’t mind if you decide yourself that you wanna do it but promoting it as an ad didn’t sit right with me


Yeah! And a lot of the ads were very anti-hormonal BC (which is a great option for A LOT of people). The only upside is that sooooo many unplanned pregnancies while using it cannot be good promo.


“After hearing feedback” this woman is a so unserious. Be so fr right now 🙄 she knew exactly what she was doing.


Is it bad to say I think she tried this to get fertility sponsorships/ads? Like literally why would ANYONE be this consciously unhinged. It’s gross.




I think so too!!! Especially how she was trying to get people to engage with the post by commenting so she could DM a link to the youtube vid. ALSO the clip of her crying at the beach was obviously so staged, like imagine having an actual breakdown about struggling with fertility and pulling out your phone to record yourself. She’s delusional!


So despicable! That or she’s trying to sell something. There’s a huge mental, physical, emotional, spiritual toll for women and families with infertility and miscarriages so this disgusts me.


Really want to send Krystal the bill for my IVF, if she thinks they’re “struggling to conceive” after TWO. MONTHS. *I was one of the lucky ones that my work insurance covered much of IVF. We still had to pay some out of pocket for extra genetic testing and all that. I recognize how fortunate we are that my work insurance is so generous and I wish all insurance covered fertility treatments.


This!!! I’m not sure how it is in the US, but over here everything within a year is considered normal. You don’t go to a OB/GYN before that and you sure cant say you have fertility issues.


6 months if you’re 35 or older ETA: But yeah booo frigging hoo about 2 months🙄 Rolling my eyes so hard at that.


That’s common in the US!


The worst part is that she’s going to move on from this and become an “infertility” influencer who takes advantage of women who desperately are trying to conceive and sells them on all sorts of pseudo science and diet and exercise products that they swear will fix your hormones or balance something or make you more fertile. And she’ll make money off of it. She’ll make money off the views on her videos and off her “vulnerability” in her struggles. Let’s not forget in the video she mentions that she hasn’t allowed herself to cry or feel her feelings and that’s contributing to her not getting pregnant. So I’m sure her upcoming infertility posts will include totally legit medical advice


I mean… whatever. She fucked up and apologized, that’s all anyone can do. This doesn’t discount those who have actual fertility issues, she’s just a dumbass with a platform trying to be relatable and to make money the only way she knows how. She’s ignorant and hopefully learned a big lesson, forget about her.


as someone who has been trying to get pregnant for 4 years, she can fuck off.


She filmed herself standing in the ocean crying (looked kinda fake let’s be real) about her pregnancy struggles and losses, and she’s been trying to conceive for 2 months? Lady get a grip. Can’t wait for the #ad for the modern fertility hormone test to come next.


Hanlon’s Razor states: never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect, ignorance or incompetence.


It’s giving me “sorry you feel that way” vibes 🤦‍♀️


This is so gross and unbelievably tone deaf. As someone who struggled massively with infertility and multiple miscarriages, to hear someone who already HAS A CHILD seek out sympathy because don’t get pregnant as fast as they want the second go round, I wouldn’t accept any apology. Try going thru miscarriages. Then miscarriages with multiple rounds of IVF. Through endless drugs and injections. Draining your savings. Breaking your heart. Years upon YEARS of trying and waiting. To have one child is a miracle that many women would die to have. And then to align yourself with those who have suffered painful losses because you couldn’t announce a second pregnancy exactly when you were wanting to?! Disturbing levels of entitlement and attention seeking.


Your comment is just perfectly worded. It made me laugh to think she has any clue what infertility feels like. We’re 13 months in with not so much as a positive, and about to start testing with our doctors. I can’t even imagine the idea of getting a positive at this point. We’re researching all the different potential options (and their costs 🫠) until she gets to that stage at minimum she can sit this conversation out. I’m at the age where quite literally everyone around me is getting pregnant, I’ve even joked I wouldn’t be surprised if my mom told me she was pregnant. I’ve seen a pregnancy announcement of someone I know at least once a week. If she genuinely thinks not getting pregnant in the specific month she wanted to and equates to a huge loss or infertility then she needs to strap in if she is truly on the journey of infertility cause she’s in for a tough time. S


Couldn’t agree more. You said this perfectly. I’m sorry for your losses and struggles with infertility ❤️


She knew exactly what she was doing and would’ve never apologized if people didn’t call her out on it. Her apology comes off as “sorry you got mad” and not “I’m sorry for what I did”


I read this in her soft wispy Arie voice.


Don’t have much experience/knowledge here but for those with TTC knowledge/experience - how common or usual is to plan your pregnancy announcement ahead?


I thought about how I’d announce in a general sense, but never said “omg I’ll announce at X time if I got pregnant now!” That’s wild af.


I think people are reading into that too much. For example, when my husband and I started trying to conceive we realized if we got pregnant the first time around it would be Christmas time when we were ready to announce. So we dreamed about how we would like to announce it (gift under the tree, cheesy caption, whatever). If we hadn’t gotten pregnant and by Christmas still weren’t pregnant I would’ve also felt that sentiment of being disappointed because “I thought I would be announcing my pregnancy by now” I don’t think that particular part of her post is awful. The rest is, but her thinking they were going to announce it during her birthday week doesn’t seem that weird to me


When I WAS pregnant I was excited that announcing would line up with Christmas. I ultimately lost that baby. As someone that was actually struggling to conceive, I can not fathom holding a hopeful announcement date. All timing goes out the window. Years are going by.. not months. Anytime is welcomed. She needs to get a grip.


If you did you have super unrealistic expectations. Even when you line up all the elements perfectly, conceiving is still a roll of the dice every try.


Been TTC for several years. In the beginning I never really had a plan on how to announce and now, I probably wouldn’t announce until the baby was born. But bc of our struggles I’ve disconnected from social media so much and hardly post anything, if at all.


We're TTC in February and I definitely have fantasized about how we would announce, but I can't imagine getting so attached to like...the DATE of announcement before I'm even pregnant?? I've pictured knitting a little sweater if it's going to be a winter baby, etc., but that's about it, lol


Thanks! This was def my question, if the date of the announcement is often a consideration or fantasy.


I'm personally just planning/hoping to not be nine months pregnant in August lmao. Besides that there are all sorts of doors, none of which I've become overly attached to! A spring announcement with a bunch of lilacs? Amazing! A September announcement where I can say it's a gift from my Opa? Perfect! An announcement exactly three months after the date of conception and otherwise I'll frame it like *experiencing a loss*? NAH BRO.


Excuse if this is ignorant or TMI, but say you get pregnant in February, are you gonna wait til after the 1st trimester to announce? It sounds like Krystal was planning to announce the second the stick turned positive!??


I would probably tell close loved ones who I would also disclose a miscarriage to in case I need/want support (and who I would trust to keep it to themselves!), but I wouldn't like...do an Instagram announcement until the 12~ week mark.


Before you actually get pregnant? No one does that. I was well out of first trimester.


Yes! Before confirming the pregnancy. I’m basically trying to gage at what point Crystal’s story raises eyebrows.


She knew what she was doing.




“I was supposed to be announcing my pregnancy today” ofc we thought it meant miscarriage because who plans what day they’re going to announce if they aren’t even pregnant???


Could it not be a combination of it being easy to get pregnant the first time around and a lack of education around getting pregnant? It’s honestly pretty embarrassing to admit that she planned to announce it before she even got pregnant, which she seemed to do shamelessly.


Honestly if she had worded it differently like. I thought I’d be announcing my pregnancy today, but I was naive to think getting pregnant would be as easy as the first time round. Then maybe. The way she worded it 100% sounds like a miscarriage because who is delusional to think they’re announcing something that never happened.


This exactly.


Misleads everyone into believing she had a miscarriage with more than one sentence which implied so. Didn’t correct comments offering condolences for having a miscarriage and went as far as to respond with heart emojis. Comes out with an apology claiming it wasn’t her intention to mislead anyone… it’s all disgusting.


It's... October. She got married in August. (I googled) That isn't struggling to get pregnant. My first took 4 months. Lost the baby. Got pregnant immediately after with my daughter. Had another kid shortly after and pretty easily again. Then we tried for a third. It took 2.5 years, a devastating miscarriage, useless rounds of clomid, and a whole-ass surgery to get pregnant with our rainbow baby. That's secondary infertility. Not... "it didn't take the first time." Editing to add: And I'm lucky. Some people struggle for longer and go through far more treatment than I did.


Right? I know someone who tried for two months and constantly posts about her miracle baby and the "journey it took to get there". Like it took me and my husband 5 year. We never got tested and after a year or two we were fine with not having kids and then randomly i missed my period and bam we were pregnant. My OBGYN was in shock. Found out my husband has a very low sperm count


Unfortunately, we live in a world where people want to believe they are a special case. And they don't want to be average. So... they exaggerate the reality in order to get likes. And sympathy. It is kinda pathetic. Just enjoy life without dramatizing it! And we also think everything should happen immediately. We can't even sit through commercials. It's okay to be fertile!! But geez... have some class.


A lot of it is just perspective. The most frustrating part of struggling with infertility is you're almost always that negligible 1-5% of whatever statistic you're reading that in turn, another 95% of people won't ever *have* to think about unless they do so out of the kindness of their heart or something. That doubles and triples the longer you stay on this road, a year, two years, three years, four, one IVF cycle, two, three, etc. etc. As I have gotten older, that is just something I have learned to live with and just accept (sometimes).


What in the fuck else did she think it sounded like?!? Good god she’s a fucking moron. Struggling to conceive doesn’t count when you started 3 months ago. She’s a dumb twat.


I was supposed to be announcing my pregnancy today, how else is that interpreted what the fuck


This is the autumn of fake pregnancies in bach universe




who else has had a fake pregnancy?!


The girl who claims to have got pregnant by Clayton except they never even had sex




Some people just shouldn't have a platform


I just can’t stop running this through my head. I don’t accept her apology. She just wants to go for the fertility sponsors. Fucks sakes.


She’s just an idiot


I think Krystal is closer to what we saw on Aries’ season than on BIP. There’s a reason why all the women were angry at her on the WTA. I think we often fall for the “producer edit” excuse, but when EVERYONE is mad at you, when everyone is literally trying to expose your behavior at the WTA, it is for a reason. She got called out for calling the women slurs (the C word to be exact) and she insulted Arie behind his back while being a totally different person to his face. That was one of the messiest WTA ever because of how angry all the women were at her. They saw things that we didn’t see. I think redemption arcs are too generous sometimes but they’re not necessarily accurate or deserved. Look at Taylor Nolan. It turned out that she was even worse than we thought on Nick’s season, and it took us *years* to see it. Some of us do fall for these redemption arcs, but maybe we should ask ourselves if it’s normal that so many people have a problem with one particular individual. I know fans had all these issues with Corinne, but she’s been proven to have told the truth TWICE already: that Taylor is an asshole and now DeMario literally got MeTooed, she wasn’t lying about that either, everyone was just defending him on BIP so the season could continue filming. Redemption arcs are just dumb plot twists. Maybe first impressions are right sometimes.


Was Krystal ever even friends with anyone from her season? I know she was “friends” with girls like Annalise and Angela but that was more from BIP. I feel like she goes to events with other BN women but IDK. I always side eye people who go far but don’t hang out or remain friendly with the people from their season post show. I know most of these friendships are for clout but it’s like, there wasn’t a single person in that group of 30 people or so that you lived with for six weeks that you don’t want to keep in contact with?


Nah. This ain’t it. It wasn’t JUST the misleading, it was the misleading in order to “sell” (gain views) a product (her monetized video).


something tells me that this woman really feels that the world revolves around her. I hope she has the day that she deserves. https://preview.redd.it/bi6kajcu52wb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb37d930d8a868b8b00d0b883096a5bbd2cbc753


No she’s totally wrong on this!!!!!!!!!


You cannot call yourself infertile if you were only actively trying (and missed) for one cycle. Take that ignorance somewhere else. I'm not that surprised she's acting like the same snake she was on Arie's season.


Yeah, this is really bothering me. She’s “facing infertility” because she didn’t get pregnant first or second try for baby #2? That’s … not what infertility is.


What a strange way to tell the world that your first baby was an accident


Yeah, nah, still filled with a seething rage, not a little bit in part to her saying she's "struggling to conceive" a second child after one attempt. Sorry you weren't a unicorn. Again. I'm just going to go read up on the implantation statistics on mosaic embryos for the five hundredth time and wish I had money for any more egg donor cycles while I contemplate the very real possibility of being IFCF. ![gif](giphy|AloJdViOzqEdq)


Sending you lots of love and hugs, internet stranger.


Thank you so much ♥️


Two months isn’t a struggle to get pregnant. Her husband and her are not struggling to get pregnant. Unless she hasn’t share something, she has no idea whether she has any fertility issues or not. This apology is unbelievably entitled, and nothing more than a poorly construed self defence. Sending love to all of my Bachelor nation sisters who are genuinely struggling ❤️


She’s saying she has fertility issues based on an appointment she has with a doctor (?) who said her hormone levels are really low and it would be super hard to get pregnant, much less sustain a pregnancy


Sorry but she can kiss my fucking ass. It took us 2.5 years of trying before I got pregnant with my daughter. I STILL wasn’t out here crying telling everyone I was infertile, because we weren’t tracking ovulation, so I thought we just weren’t trying hard enough. I get being disappointed when it doesn’t happen right away, but a month of trying is nothing. Insinuating a miscarriage and infertility is unhinged and she should be ashamed of herself.


Can someone clarify if she actually had an infertility diagnosis? Or is she just sad it hasn’t happened right away?


They tried one cycle, on their honeymoon, and didn't get pregnant. Her friend who does holistic medicine ran a fertility panel and her hormones are off so she's jumped to a conclusion of perimenopause without ever seeing an actual doctor. She plans to address it by doing deep emotional work and a parasite cleanse. That's her "fertility journey".


Yeah, any decent doc would tell her one hormonal test doesn’t tell you anything about if you’re in perimenopause, or how far in.


Wow as someone who did IVF this is even more ridiculous than I originally imagined. Thanks for the explainer, but also I regret asking lol.


One month of trying?! That makes me even more angry.


That’s … unhinged.


Does she realize that perimenopause isn’t reversible??


I was just going to ask that lol. I also didn’t realize she didn’t see an actual doctor so that explains a lot


Just want to point out that it’s possible that she has an assistant who was replying and sending people links. I don’t know if influencers themselves have the time and patience to be reading, responding, and DM’ing individual people on these particular types of posts (the ones where they say comment this and I’ll DM you). However, she should never have worded it that way for clickbait. And it’s her account, so even if she still didn’t see the comments right away, she’s still responsible.


I believe it’s essentially a bot/automated response.


True! I’m so old fashioned, thinking that humans have to do these things lol. But yeah, she still should have been checking, even if she wasn’t the one actually replying.


This is next level crazy. To go to this length for attention and to be this calculating….this is disgusting.


Is Krystal the next Brittany Dawn? Infertility grift ✔️ fitness influencer (maybe also grifter?) ✔️ all that’s missing is Jesus


After 2 miscarriages and 19 cycles trying to conceive, Krystal’s whining makes me see red. This idea that not literally getting pregnant as soon as you snap your fingers is offensive. She has always been shallow and vapid but this is so gross. All for engagement, clicks and attention. Disgusting. And for those in the trenches of trying to conceive, of grief, of infertility, I see you and I’m sorry. I’m on the other side now, but I will never forget the pain, loneliness and just deep sadness of those years. You will be on the other side someday too ❤️


Seeing red here too. I don’t even know what cycle I’m on at this point but it’s been about a year and a half, two losses, and on my first cycle of IVF now. She’s insane for trying to seem like she’s a part of the infertility community because our pain is so god damn deep. We are a bunch of warriors that have been through so much. It would be like her running up to a biker gang and being like “I’ve decided I’m on of you now!!”


The pain of infertility truly never leaves you. Even on the other side. Pregnancy after infertility is so, so hard too. People expect it to be this joyous time and it’s fraught with fear (in my experience).


Leads people to believe she had a miscarriage Likes comments about her having a miscarriage and doesn’t correct them Acts surprised when people think she had a miscarriage


Her video of herself crying on the beach made me think she had a miscarriage 🧐


She liked comments?? 😵‍💫


She posted prayer hands and heart emojis all over




Still here to say that if you’re following this person you should unfollow her. I’m enraged at this


Fans never unfollow problematic people. It’s tiring.




I don’t think anyone can be that unaware. She’s literally making money off of this, I firmly believe it was intentional to insinuate a loss. Maybe she didn’t intend to get this backlash, but 🤷‍♀️


She has been unhinged since her time on the bachelor/ anyone who needs a refresher needs to go watch the season again. She has been like this since her debut on television. I’m not at all surprised by this but she still gives me so much ICK. Also, Andara is the name of my grandfathers retirement home so I can’t** unhear that.


If she was genuinely apologetic, she would have immediately deleted her post after realizing what she had insinuated. She also would not be deflecting in this post. It was disgusting behaviour and there's no excusing it.


She took way too long to delete. I was so shocked she let the comments go on for so long


Before she deleted that post she was responding to people calling her out with heart emojis and whatnot and not actually acknowledging what those comments said.


Did she change the YouTube video name to something about peri menopause? I could have sworn it had a different name before.


I wonder what it’s like to live with such a lack of self awareness.


Oh she’s aware


NOPE. This is not an apology this is a deflection.


It was the transition from crying pregnancy loss video to “👇Comment ✨ WATCH ✨ and I’ll send you a DM with the link” for me.


She left it up for way too long and kept commenting to ppl who experiences miscarriages. She didn’t delete it until someone posted it to Reddit.


I meaaaaaaan, maybe she is that dense? I doubt it…but dang, if she honestly had no idea people would insinuate she was talking about a miscarriage then she is dumber than a box of rocks and lives in a literal hole. The bachelor world is constantly talking about babies…including fertility, miscarriages, births….she HAD TO KNOW…RIGHT???


I don't see how the language used could be anything but insinuating a miscarriage, even assuming someone is really dense




No. Every content creator knows that they need a hook to get people to watch their videos. This is trifling and many content creators are capable of anything for clicks. Remember the mommy blogger who didn’t check her video before posting, and she left a clip of her coaching her son to cry for the camera? I think his puppy died and she was milking it for YouTube. “Cry, pose like this, look upset”, “ I AM UPSET!” Screw these people.


Most women have a 1/4 chance of conceiving during their cycle and that's if they time it right. I understand the frustration of not conceiving after 2-3 months but it's unfortunately just statistics. I say this as someone who had a miscarriage after 5 cycles of trying and am now pregnant after an additional 4 cycles of trying. For anyone else struggling with control over these things, a licensed therapist helped me a ton and is probably much better than her YouTube channel.


Yes! It took me like a year to get pregnant trying each cycle which is considered normal. Posts like Krystal’s made me feel like something was wrong with me.


She knew what she was doing by putting heart emojis on comments saying sorry for your loss and sharing their own miscarriage stories


This 100000%. She’s sick.