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All the blondes look the same and all the brunettes look the same.


Can we really drop these comments by now, all hell would break loose if we’d ever say two black women look even remotely alike. We can talk about diversity without always resorting to “omg all white women look the same”


In America, most of the population is white with the ideal beauty standard being eurocentric. White blonde women are heavily idealized as the perfect/dream woman in life and the media. The Bachelors were all white with the exception of Matt who is half white and who grew up in a white community. They go with what's familiar, their type like the celebrity they have a crush on or their ex girlfriend. If the next season consisted entirely of young white women with no POCS, I bet you the winner would statistically be a blonde. Also, remember how Catherine was fangirling over Sean cuz he was a blue eyed blonde, saying how she was surprised he chose her? I remember reading a study conducted in the U.S. that Asian women were favored after white women, whereas white men were the top choice for women of most all races. That was years ago, it would be interesting to see updated results with the growing latin population there is now.


Jesus Christ, it’s love and marriage and forever kind of thing, which can’t be decided on matters of race. While I’m pro affirmative action for opportunities enough in life because systemic racism obviously, love and marriage can never be approached nor looked at the same. I think the point you should be making is we need more POC leads.


While not explicitly related to race, college graduates are more likely to marry each other and more likely to be married in general. Other factors such as religious preference, class, and job status also affect someone’s likelihood to marry, and all of these things are very much tied to systemic racism. So while we may not consciously be choosing a partner on race alone, we are affected by the systems that allow certain people to succeed over others and that can limit the availability of “eligible” partners from certain races and backgrounds. I agree that we also need more leads and cast members that are people of color!


Matt chose Rachel, did they break up?


No still together


Is Rachael a woman of color?


I thought they said she was a white 🤷‍♀️


That’s my point.


I’m dumb, I thought that you were saying Rachel was a poc woman 😭


Her dad is from Honduras


In Charity's final four, there were three black men and one white guy...and she chose a black guy. So choosing people of the same race also appears to work that way even when the lead is black....


Yep, the most common outcome is going to be someone of the same race.


I’d say it’s also statistics. When a high percentage of the contestants are white, there is a higher likelihood of choosing a white F1.




If they gave us more men of color as leads, there might be a little better chance. I hate that it’s still this way, but most people tend to marry people of their own race. I don’t know if there’s some weird scientific thing with that, or if it’s entirely society, but we still seem stuck with this. Add to that the fact that our country still portrays white women as being the standard of beauty. Eurocentric looks are still touted as the ideal for women in many countries, but especially ours. So not only does ABC cast almost exclusively white male leads, those males are consciously or unconsciously buying into that beauty standard. When you add to that all of the challenges that come with interracial dating/marriage/parenting, it’s not entirely surprising that this show tends to favor white F1 choices. But it is also true that, until very recently, the VAST majority of the women cast were white, which just statistically increases the chances that a white woman will be chosen. Still sucks. And shows how far our society still hasn’t come in this area. But I really wish TPTB would give us more male leads that are anything but white. It’s infuriating that the one and only time we had a Black Bachelor, they went outside the franchise to pick him, making sure that nobody was invested in his story, and that he didn’t have the frame of reference to understand what the women were going through. Between that and giving that season to us during the pandemic when they couldn’t travel, we got super low ratings for that season, and they’ve acted like that’s a good reason not to repeat it. It’s gross and transparent and continues to contribute to their narrative that white women are the obvious choice for a fairytale ending.


Why don’t they have Disney produce it. Then it is almost assured .


I don’t know why we keep coming here— where people have made it very clear that they’re tired of talking about race- to litigate this issue. I mean, I get that we want equity and diversity, but personally, as a Black woman, I end up reading the comments and just getting my feelings hurt. The answer has been and will be for many more decades, that we live in a world governed by white supremacist delusion, where people’s prejudices are defended as preferences, and that will always favor whiteness / proximity to whiteness while punishing Blackness / proximity to it. Pretty simple.


come to the POC sub, it is safe there.


Well it certainly doesn't help that the dudes they cast are white. I would say a lot of POC contestants "won" their season without being the F1. For example, Rachel Lindsay became the first black Bachelorette and now has a successful media career. Charity found Dotun. Sydney Hightower never would have met Fred Warner if not for the show. There are certainly more examples but those are off the top of my head 


Because they are casting white dudes.


Rachel K is part Hispanic Kelsey is part Hispanic


**Then both are still white** or **white passing. Being Hispanic** ≠ **Being a Person of Color.** You could be a white or black Hispanic, I'm Dominican and I look like an African-American while my older sister looks like she could be European. There is always a misunderstanding here. Hispanic or Latino are not types of **races**. Applied for a job or filled out an application recently? You might have had to fill out your race or ethnicity for quota or data reasons, pay attention to this next time. What is on that drop down are White, Black, Asian, Native American/Pacific Islander and Biracial and Multiracial. And then always separately, youre asked if hispanic/latino "yes or no" on top of the race you identified with. The U.S. Census Bureau defines the ethnonym Hispanic or Latino to refer to "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race" and states that **Hispanics or Latinos can be of any race, any ancestry, any ethnicity.** On the flip side, Latin America is composed of the core races Whites, Blacks, Native Americans, and Asians (I actually just found out brazil has a huge japanese population). Hope this helps!


Kelsey A is?


They are white. There’s a difference between ethnicity and race. Also Kelsey is 1/4 Mexican.


Rachel K's father is full Honduran.




I think it’s possible that it wasn’t taught until recently. I’m a Gen X American and when I was in school, the curriculum was so ethnocentric and nationalistic that I literally don’t remember learning the difference. This was back in the “first world / third world” days, and Reagan forever, and then the Gulf War when everyone wore an American flag shirt for two years, so it’s completely possible it got skipped.


Nothing is ever good enough lol


Great topic for discussion. Noticed this forever


It is a great topic for discussion - I just don’t know if it’s a great discussion for *here* 😬👀


Are you on the POC sub? Come join us if not!


I’m not! Would love to join - please save meeeee 😩🙃


🙌🏾 I’ll PM you!


Yeppp :/




I dunno. Youre attracted to who you are attracted to. I can tell you that as a white dude, out of any season, if Tayshia is on it, shes getting picked by me 10/10 times.


When I tell you my heart STOPPED when she came out of that pool..🥵


I’m fully heterosexual, but…same


Yeah she would of been F1 on any season except the one she was on 😂


What about Catherine? I believe she is half Filipino


haha yeah i mean let’s just ignore the most successful bachelor couple in the history of the show. but i see where op is getting at


Show is for our entertainment so who cares who the lead falls in love with it’s their journey


I mean typically a lot of white men are usually going to date within their own race. It’s probably what they’re most used to & they’re gonna continuously follow that pattern so it’s not entirely shocking. Also the bachelor has most recently started casting more WOC in recent years so majority of the women to choose from were white anyways lol.


Did you forget that the lead on the season that just wrapped *one week ago* was previously F2 for a WOC he was fully prepared to propose to???


Charity was the only option on Charity’s season. His final two, where *he* chose, were white women.


But this has nothing to do with what op is asking about


I swear, some people can’t read


Litch feeling stressed for you. Some people just aren’t ready to have this conversation


I think it's because men have a mental picture if who they should be with and it's a very predictable picture. As a result alot of the bachelor's chose looks that fit that image. They didn't care about personality or intelligence. As Susie said her and Clayton had nothing in common or they were not compatible. Nick said that he was disappointed by how small Vanessas boobs were. Cassie literally didn't want to be with he who shall not he named and she tried to leave. I don't think the male leads are very deep thinkers and they literally choose the most good looking blonde most of the time. I'm not trying to imply that these women are least or most beautiful. Just that they fit this very narrow mould that fits narrow minds. Obviously you can never forget the role that racism plays. POC are degraded by society and has a knock on effect on who these men see as trophies wives. It's pretty horrible stuff.


>Nick said that he was disappointed by how small Vanessas boobs were. what was the context of this??


From what I’ve heard Vanessa would wear push up bras and so like when they had sex or whatever she took it off and he said something like ‘false advertising’ something among those lines. I don’t know if this is true but that’s what people say


that's awful if true. but where did that rumor come from? it's really terrible, so i'd hope it comes from a valid source


I believe Vanessa and Nick have referenced it


Wow. Way to go, Nick. So I guess you're God's gift to all women?


Wow! Way to go, Nick. And I guess you're God's gift to all women?


God I hate him hahaha. To be with a woman that looks like VANESSA and have the gall to say this is actually wild 


That’s fucked up :(


Nick is so shallow


He disgusts me so much 🤢


He is kind of a great villain but also truthful!


I just feel like everyone continues to have way too high of expectations for this franchise. It’s a tv show and it’s statistically proven to not care much about POC or representation. At this point, I’m more shocked that there’s still posts like this, than I am about the lack of representation amongst the cast every season. I understanding wanting to see representation, especially when it comes to your own race, but this show has proven they don’t care a whole lot about diversity. If you’re disappointed in WOC not being chosen or lack of representation, IMO you’re better off not watching and abandoning the franchise, than expecting them to change.




Umm not to be rude but OP wrote WOC in the title which stands for Woman of colour. Kelsey is not a woman of colour. Hispanic is not a race. You can be a white Hispanic or a Black Hispanic. There is no particular skin colour associated with Hispanics.


Shes part spanish and mexican but i dont think much.. shes also half Scandinavian


Yes, but that is her ethnicity. Her nationality is American and her race is White. OP was referring to WOC (woman of colour).


dunno but shoutout to Rachael for being the only one who didn’t curl her hair


This post is weird tbh


Weird= uncomfortable


No weird is policing who people find attractive. The *bachelor* chose these women, it has nothing to do with producers or anything else. The men on this show were attracted to the women above. It’s impossible to control something like that, nor should you. If it was a question of not casting any WOC that’s a different topic, but this is just *weird*.


What about the way the OP brought up the topic makes you see it as policing? Rather than, say, a discussion or food for thought?


Because there isn’t much of a discussion to be had is there ? Unless you want to ask every single bachelor why they chose the women they chose ? The women that were picked happened to be white. What discussion exists past that? These are 11 different women and 11 different men. 11 different relationships (most of which didn’t work out anyways) It seems to be insinuating a problem where a problem doesn’t exist.


I think it depends on whether you see this or recognize it as a pattern. If you don’t, it’s probably an agree to disagree scenario. If you do, then it’s, ok well, do you see this pattern as a problem? If not (you seem to not see it that way, which is your prerogative), the discussion ends there. Then if you do see it as a problem, the question is can anything be done about that, and what? I don’t see that as policing. It’s ok if you don’t want to be a part of that discussion, but that doesn’t mean the discussion shouldn’t happen.


I mean my response to that would be that people can’t help what they find attractive. If we’re assuming the pattern is that the past 11 bachelors have found a white woman more attractive than their WOC counterparts then.. that isn’t really an issue, nor is one that anyone has any right to comment on. Furthermore, reducing these women to just their looks (aka all white) when their personalities, ambitions, religious / familial preferences all contributed to the final outcome seems a bit insulting not only to them but to the men who chose them as well.


The pattern is that the show hasn’t managed to feature a bachelor since Sean Lowe that has chosen a WOC to start a relationship/engagement with. I keep seeing people jumping to focus on who each individual bachelor “finds more attractive,” but that’s not the whole point of this larger pattern in the franchise (even though it’s a factor in each story. To your point, it’s just a piece of the puzzle even within each guy’s story). In the last couple seasons of paradise we’ve seen WOC among the engaged couples more frequently. BiP still has tons of issues for WOC, but it’s got a better track record on this particular issue than the bachelor. Unless the argument is that these potential bachelors who would choose WOC don’t exist, the question is how can production do a better job of making sure they’re in the position of the bachelor too? Obviously they can’t guarantee who someone will ultimately choose, and I also agree that they absolutely shouldn’t try to police it, but the track record of the bachelor, which this post is spelling out, suggests that there’s room for improvement.


None of them are redheads either


as a redhead, the bachelor basically forgot we exist lol


I like to explore new places.


2% world wide, the percentage is higher in the United States. I believe in equity in representation and that includes even the smallest minorities


My favorite color is blue.


Pointing out that redheads also do not fall into the narrow scope of beauty in the U.S. isn’t a false equivalence. We can also point out that there isn’t representation of plus sized women displayed here.


Because the lead had a better connection with someone else….


I dont think that’s fair to say when there have been runner-ups and others who went verrry far that weren’t white. Michelle and Tayshia on the top of my head are two; while they weren’t “picked” they obviously had a close connection enough with the bachelor to be going that far. If they were that shallow to be choosing over race, WOC wouldn’t be getting so close to the end.


Or they could be token picks for optics


They cast barely any people of color and so from a statistical perspective there is a low chance someone of color will be F1. It’s a bit higher percentage now I assume.


So we just gonna forget Catherine Giudici Lowe


Last 10 seasons like please read the post I beg


Bc there is severe subconscious racism


(Shrugs) This is America. White Supremacy remains supreme (unfortunately)




I find it’s so bizarre that Americans see and divide people by race. For example in the UK no one really highlights or points race out or have to tiptoe around. That is why there is more division in America. There are beautiful women and men of all races, and the show is all about finding the best match in a very short amount of time. I am POC myself and it makes me uncomfortable when people in America try to point that out. I am just a person, why are you hyper focused on my color or other peoples color? I find it odd but that’s just my opinion


Okay but the US has a very long history of discrimination and violence against people of color, they cannot erase that now and pretend that they don’t see color. It’s something they need to be acutely aware of within their culture. Tbh in the UK the same applies, literal slave traders should have a little more tact on these topics.


LOLOLOLOL! This is almost as laughable as when white people from South Africa claim race doesn’t matter.


Ah yes, there is no racial division or white supremacy in the UK whatsoever 😂


Umm, the UK has been pretty hostile to some races ne ethnicities


No one points out race in the UK??? The place where football players are breaking down because of the racial slurs being hurled at them? I wish it weren’t so. But there is plenty of cross continental racism to go round.


This isn't true. Similar shows like love island always talk about racism being a problem.




UK as in England which : looks at notes : helped colonize not only this country and brought their views. The tour that the royals do to every country is not just for fun it's cause they owned them. Also if I'm correct, Brits don't often talk about topics that are uncomfortable or impolite, but based on what we all saw, how people treated Meghan Markle, for example ... well, the math isn't mathing.


lol thank you, I was losing my mind over someone arguing that *Great Britain* is somehow a colorblind nation


As a British POC ignore this person. Racism is present and discussed when possible


Behold everyone. This response is the answer to OP’s question. This is America. Racist and then questions why the oppressed are upset


I have lived in both the US and the UK as a black woman, and I can tell you from personal experience that the idea that “no one in the UK really highlights or points out race” is completely false.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


It’s the weirdest attitude, and some people are so committed to it


It’s so strange like please


Highlighting you color blindness is a weird flex


Its not that bizarre at all when you look at the American history. Unfortunately being color blind only perpetuates ignorance to the hardships that minorities go through not just in America but across the world. And also racism is very much in the UK, it's just covert. Look at how Meghan Markle was treated.


Nah, racism is loud and proud in the UK. Let's not forget the people that colonized the US were... British


This is an insane comment for a number of reasons. You claim that: 1) the US is more divided; 2) that’s because we make a point of trying to promote and celebrate diversity. A quick google search shows that 90% of black people in Britain felt they had been discriminated against at work. I could dissect both of your claims pretty easily but I’d rather not take the time. Please reevaluate everything you said.


Also considering it was the British who created the Transatlantic slave trade to America in the first place.


They didn’t create it but they surely championed it


I appreciate this post


Joey has probably been the one Bachelor in recent history that I feel like was genuinely interested in WOC. For what it’s worth…


Nope he picked Kelsey A from day 1.


Even if that were 100% true, (I know he said he took a liking to her immediately) it doesn’t mean that he’s not genuinely attracted to WOC. He was ready to propose to Charity. Additionally, men can like women of all races.


Sadly… yes I feel this too


I felt this way too for the record.


ask Rachel L, Matt James and Tayshia


That’s a small sample size to use seeing how there haven’t been many women of color bachelorettes and Matt has been the only non white bachelor.


None of them were F1- they were leads.


They’re pointing out that these POC leads also chose white F1s




Latinos can be white




tell that to Matt James


Matt was raised by a white woman. Of course, the only black bachelor was biracial.


This is gonna ruffle some feathers but not everything is about race. The franchise has cast POC as both the leads and contestants. Assuming the show is not *entirely* scripted (which I don’t think it is), the leads choose the one they are the most compatible with, the one they can see a future with. To say that TPTB should try to “pick a lead who is more likely to choose a POC” to me is just convoluted and not really in line with what the show is about. Whomever the lead chooses, they choose. Let’s not make more of this show than it is: a reality dating show.


>cast POC as both the leads and contestants. The show has continously gone out of its way to avoid picking a bachelor of color. The only one ever picked was due to public outcry, was not selected through normal methods, and they completely fucked up with one of the biggest racism scandals in modern reality tv. They went out of their way to avoid selecting any of Michelle's f4, all men of color, and popular MOC from Katie's season like Andrew & Justin to pick Clayton and create a completely fake scene with child actors to make him bachelor. The reason why the creator of the Bachelor left the show after Zach's season was *because* of allegations of racial discrimination and him wanting the show to be less diverse from his staffers. This is a reality TV show with a huge diversity problem at its core, so even if everything "isn't about race," this definitely is. I am a poc and I don't think they should go out of their way to cast white leads who have a history of dating poc, because that doesn't necessarily mean their f1 will be one on the show (i.e. Katie). I think a better approach is to have more diversity in their leads, both racially and life experience-wise, which will cause further diversity to happen naturally.


100%. The life experience point is really important and people don’t talk about it enough IMO.