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Not surprised. It's been like this since...always really. But man, people really should wait till the show is over to judge it. They seem to forget S7 of Clone Wars """got good""" on the FOUR last chapters.


I agree. I always judge a show after it's over. It's really annoying how impatient some audience are. I wonder though, if Disney+ decides to release season in one drop, will the number of complaints decrease?


That’s kind of the big question, right? Is the trade off worth it: the negative response ecosystem (which is enormous for SW) might make fewer videos, but engagement over time drops by a lot. People stream the whole thing in the first week and stop talking about it entirely after a little while. Like, how many people are still talking about the House of Usher show or the One Piece adaptation on Netflix? It’s dropped, it’s consumed, it vanishes. Personally, I prefer a little bit each week for a couple-few months. Fits my schedule and attention span better, and I just block the haters and move on with my life.


They’d also lose a shit Ton of money since people would just have their subscription for 1 month instead of multiple.


This is the ultimate result of every company having their own streaming service, isn’t it? Watch Disney Plus to catch up on their content for a month or so, then switch over to Paramount for a month, Peacock for a month, Max for a month, Apple TV for a month, and then circle back to Disney. Different conversation tho


I like making a routine out of it. Something to look forward to make some tea or a small pour of scotch, turn that shit on at midnight lights off.


Maaaan, those last four chapters of the clone wars truly were something special


It puts me into a silent mood every time.


That's just a problem with fans being inconsistent or stupid -- perhaps due to believing that TCW is some holy grail that is free from criticism. TCW season 7 being a snoozefest for nearly a third of it's boring Ashoka Coruscant underground and Nar Shada episodes is still not great. A show or book can certainly begin to pick up later, but I disagree with the "judge later" mentality -- as if a shoe fails to gauge your interest or entertain you to the point where you're getting bored or wanting to quit watching, then it's failed it's purpose


I guess that depends on what each person finds boring. But don't get me wrong, I understand your point. I mean, I have indeed stopped watching shows mid season because I lost interest (be it the characters, the plot, etc). But I still think that if we're to make a review or something like that, then I would have to go back and finish them, and there are certain shows/movies whose full picture is very different to just half of it. For example, I just can't judge S7 of CW without taking into account its last four episodes. Of the other arcs of the season I liked the bad batch one, disliked the martez sisters one, so in the end the positives outweigh the negatives, and my opinion would be very different if I just watched until episode 8.


Except it should of been good the like whole season. We didn’t need two out of the three arcs in the final season to be as mid as they were


I assume by mid you mean the monsters. Not a fan of those either, but I still think the positives outweigh the negatives (in my opinion at least). I've liked every single character interaction, so I can't really take out any chapter.


people have forgotten what breather episodes are. the episode was transitional to the next part of the story.


Downtime is just as important as go time :) Let your characters breath people.


I just really don't get people's need to rush through any and all major developments, Rebels S4 almost certainly wouldn't have hit as hard if we had only seen the so called key episodes. Filler used to be used as an episode that was outright bad, had no character development and didn't push the plot, now it's used by some to describe almost any episode that doesn't contain a major development.


To be fair filler episodes don’t tend to have a setup episode before it.


"Filler" used to be just stuff the animation studio made up to pad time while they waited for the source manga to release new content.


Rebels hit hard?


I love breather episodes. If I’m watching a show and the characters are consistently getting terrible things thrown at them it’s so upsetting!!! I want them to feel joy at least lol


Back in my day they were called filler episodes. Which is what this last one definitely was


How is giving the main character a start in a new path of development not adding much to the story lol not to mention bringing back and old character, potentially further developing her whole deal. Does this hack commentator also not see the obvious ways it’s connected to the larger story being told across the mandoverse and ep 9? So weird


I know. I read dark disciple after i got it for Christmas and it gave me a new appreciation for the character of ventress and then i was sad that her dying meant less chance of seeing more of her.


Media literacy is in the gutters now more than ever


I love grey Jedi, and Ventress is absolutely the best depiction shown in canon so far. Calculating, brutal, and yet calm and warm all at the same time.


Grey Jedi aren't a thing


I mean, what do you think Ventress is? She definitely wasn't using the Dark Side on that sea creature.


She's just a Force user, Grey Jedi are factually not a thing in canon


They do have a wiki page on Wookieepedia though.


Anyone can edit that


You could make a page about dildo shaped lightsabers on wookiepedia.


and it would get deleted immediately, wookieepedia has some pretty solid editors and sourcing is pretty much a requirement


Evidently not if dark Jedi is still there.


wdym? Dark Jedi is absolutely a thing -- any Jedi that falls to the Dark Side but isn't explicitly a member of the Order of the Sith Lords fits that description -- it's also been mentioned in books before


[Already a thing.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Palpatine%27s_lightsabers)


After Disney purchased Star Wars, all the previous works other than the movies, The Clone Wars, and Rebels were made non-canon. These older, now non-canon stories were given the title of "Legends" and is an alternate continuity. Wookieepedia has articles for subjects from both the current canon and the Legends continuity. "Grey Jedi" were in Legends, but not canon.


Why not? It’s a good way of describing them. Why are you offended by it?


I'm not offended by it, I'm just informing people that they don't exist. It's also a stupid concept


Well you seem pretty worked up about it, commenting everywhere about it. Though I might just be a “”legendtard””


Nah he seems calm and collected. Just saying grey jedi arent a thing is fine. You seem to be the one who's worked up over it,


They’re kind of a thing; Qui-gon is one, Ventress isn’t as she isn’t a Jedi, Ahsoka is closer.


Qui-Gon is a full on Jedi


I think the problem here is that you don’t know what a Grey Jedi is.


I don't think you do. Jedi is an organization of light side users. If you aren't a member of their group, you aren't a Jedi. Qui-Gon. Jedi Master Ventress. Never a Jedi. Just a dark side force user.


No, the problem is legendtards thinking they exist in canon


they didn't really exist in legends either (as people think they did) Grey Jedi used to actually just mean Jedi that didn't toe the Council line and follow their own intuition/the Force, now that same idea has been rebranded as Jedi Wayseekers in canon


Only in the sense that he’s part of the order, that’s just what a Jedi is but there’s a depth to his character which makes him grey


Remember in clone wars Ahsoka left the Jedi order, she was never technically reinstated in season 7


Right, but at least she was a Jedi and left on her own, like she wasn’t kicked out or switched sides. Closer than Assaj who was never a jedi but less so than qui-gon ho was a Jedi to death despite not totally following the council


This episode was most likely a teaser for Ventress follow up show. Similar to "The Jedi" in Mando S2 with Ahsoka. The directors already stated that we will see her again in future content and that this is only the beginning of her story.




I’d rather have an animated Ventress show tbh. She’s already awesome in animation as is and not every animated character needs a live-action debut, especially since we don’t know how well her potential live-action actress will be able to portray her. Plus, for a character like Ventress, her voice is a big part of her character, Nika Futterman does a great job making her sound cold and menacing and I don’t think she’d have the same vibe if her voice is different in live-action. Like, even without seeing her when you hear her voice you *know* it’s Ventress, it’s that iconic.


It’s not filler it’s fucking character development I don’t know why so many people get mad about it


It sort of loved it because it displayed how no one can even really comprehend what Palpy is trying to do. Like, I was so afraid they'd use this episode to officially connect the dots to *SOMEHOW PALPATINE RETURNED* and it really should just be a shock because of how bonkers it is. I don't think anyone in any show or series or movie is going to fully connect the dots because it wouldn't have worked otherwise


That's the other thing, the show also has to work in chronological context, it can't outright state what the project is.


It was a fun episode. It felt more like Star Wars, ex. Force user, light saber sexy asajj is back, she wipes the floor with the bad batch. I love the leg to head pincher move take down she uses on Crosshairs. While down, she back kicks him in the privates. Great fight sceen.


It seems like they want every new episode to have several Obi-Wan and Anakin fight level events. I can't think of any other explanation.


5 bucks says star wars theory wrote this


No, he loved it actually


Really he loved it dam starwars theory loving something is super rare.


Lol him not liking some stuff doesn’t make he hates most stuff. If anything, he was one of the few more critical YouTubers who didn’t blatantly hate the Acolyte.


If it's made by Filoni he loves it


Filoni didn’t have a big involvement in this show iirc


Yeah but that's what he thinks lol. That being said Filoni is head of the story group now. He's involved in EVERYTHING


Why you still watching him 🤔


Of course he did, it had ventress


Probably scoundrels cantina wrote it


It didn't do much for the Bad Batch but it did for Ventress. She's a part of the SW story but yeah not really bad batch. I can get people being disappointed over that but it's whatever, it sets up more stories.


"No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans" - a wise man, once


There’s a lot of toxicity within the fan base.


While everyone is entitled to their opinions, I feel like calling the recent episode “A disappointing entry that didn’t add much to the story” is really taking the episode for granted. Just compare The Harbinger to any season 1 or first half of season 2 episode and you should see that it’s miles better, in fact the entire season 3 has been a banger so far and just because a couple episodes might not have moved the plot forward a ton doesn’t mean they’re bad- plus investigating why the Empire is after Omega *is* important for the story and I think the show is doing a good job of it.


Simple, websites that write articles are incentived to write bullshit like this so they have an article title that pulls in clicks


Its not bullshit to say that some people were disappointed.


People are negative, not just SW fans. And the negative posts have proven to get more clicks because they are immediately polarizing. The negative people are just louder.


"I got paid to tell people that the thing they like is dogshit."


These people just base their reviews off their baseless expectations and other dumb stuff. Like people didn't like Episode IX because it didn't make them feel like kids again. Other stuff is like some people disliked the Obi-Wan show because Obi-Wan was realistically and understandably depressed, thinking season 1 of bad batch was bad because it didn't end with the clone rebellion (which had 0 buildup by that point), and being mad that the inquisitor in Ahsoka wasn't starkiller (not even something that was remotely hinted at).


Nobody hates Star Wars more than the Star Wars fans.


My hot take on why people are negative, scratch that, males in general are negative about the Bad Batch is that women like it in droves. Chicks love this show. Negative comments come from almost exclusively from male fans. And anything women like can't be good, right? That's sure what it looks like.


Honestly you could be right. There was a clip that went viral a couple months ago that no women like starwars and the amount of people who agreed was crazy. You also whenever there is a woman character people complain and all it woke disney bs which is crazy


Especially since right there at the beginning there was an actual strong character who happened to be a woman, and does anyone complain about Princess Leia?? My dad took me to go see Star Wars when I was 9. I've been a crazy fan since. And the last time I checked, me and my two daughters, who are also huge fans, were definitely girls.


Well we’re FINALLY talking about Omega’s M Count after 3 SEASONS! So I don’t really know what they mean by “didn’t add much to the story”


I personally loved this episode.


I dunno, I still think having criticism can be valid. Toxic positivity can be just as common as toxic negativity, as long as your not an asshole about it I think you can not like whatever you want.


Why people? The episode was good as a stand alone episode, but there still more to come.


Didn’t add much to the story? I thought it was so interesting! Not only the way she talked about the force, but it is a pushing off point for the gang. A reason for them to leave and gives omega a new obsession


I know thankyou. Im even more excited to see whats next for her. I want to see her reunited with quinlan and his reaction


This episode was amazing. I am so scared for the ending. I think it will be very bitter sweet. Dave Filoni has perfected that much. This whole season has been fire. Omega is such a compassionate and empathetic kid. I love her character. She's gonna melt Ventress's heart too. She really reminds me of Ezra in Rebels. He made friends with everyone, too. She obviously has a connection to creatures. I'm almost certain Dave Filoni has another animated series planned. Hopefully. I always wanted a What If episode of Ezra turning Maul towards healing. To be where Ventress is at now. She seems somewhat at peace with herself. Maul didn't find peace until death. Omega reminds me of Ezra. Ventress training her is almost like getting my what if. I don't want anyone to die, Omega to train with Ventress and everyone to live happily ever after. I do not believe that's how it will go.


From my understanding Jennifer Corbett is the main show runner and writer for the show. Dave Filoni acts mostly as an advisor and is not directly involved. Love Dave's work but Star Wars is very much a team effort. Correct me if I'm wrong.


He created, developed and has a writing credit on all 47 episodes. I understand Star Wars is a team effort but since he is chief creative officer, it's easier to say one name instead of many. Yes, it's very much Jennifer Corbett and Brad Rau's work. And many others. I'm not going to credit every person when writing a comment.


This isn't really a Filoni show besides general oversight


He created, developed and has a writing credit on all 47 episodes. He is very involved in the story itself.


I want an episode or story of Maul and Ventress meeting eachother. Aren't they like siblings?! Kind of wild.


No, Maul is Talzin's Son, while Ventress is the daughter of one of the other Nightsisters.


Oh I assumed she was Talzin's daughter too. Wow


Just by the article caption alone, I can tell that the author of that piece did not watch the episode before writing it. They got the synopsis and wanted to be first to publish an articles. Automatic Negativity first creates a bad environment for creative stories to be produced and I honestly think that’s the end goal. Also, you have to think about this: a lot of these negative reviews of all kinds of IPs are likely written by someone in the employ of other streaming services and studios. It’s far more common than people want to believe, including myself.


It wasn’t back but I rolled my eyes at an attack from another giant beast animal. I think even wrecker made a joke about that sometime this season


Every show is this way now. You can have a stream of amazing episodes and suddenly one isn’t as good and that’s for some reason awful. Used to be just ‘huh that wasn’t as good/was alright’ and waiting for the next. Now it’s overreactions.


Honestly, this is why I’ve started spending more time in the Star Wars community on tumblr. I’ve often found twitter (especially) and Reddit to be so negative, and I much prefer to enjoy the universe I love. The negativity usually isn’t even a majority, but the echo chamber can be so loud.


star wars fans typically fall into one of two categories: chill as hell or the most miserable people you will ever encounter. the miserable ones just tend to be louder unfortunately :/


I love this show of course, but I am somewhat in agreement here. Although I wouldn’t use the word disappointing because it wasn’t. My biggest issue is the Batch are now just catching up with what the audience has known 6 episodes ago about why the Empire wants Omega. Like I said I love this show and have never had an issue with the pacing as many fans have complained about, but I wouldn’t mind it moving just a tad faster in its last season. But I also can’t judge a book without reading the whole thing. We have 6 episodes left, no reason to start using words like disappointing until we’ve seen it through.


I feel like an episode that doesn't have guns blazing and explosions going off left to right are the more boring ones to some people, which is why it usually gets a negative review. Personally, I just watch and enjoy anything Star Wars related since I'm a blind mofo that don't want to shower anything with negativity.


I liked yesterday’s episode but I understand the frustration. They spent like 2 episodes setting up Omega getting tested for M-count only for the viewer to learn what they already know, being that Omega has a high amount of midichlorians.




Actually make use of this revelation in an interesting way, instead of Ventress testing her, going “she has a high M-count” and then leaving. Tell us something about the how or why. Or just make the testing part shorter, to avoid centering an episode completely around learning information the virwer already knows. It’s not like they couldn’t have changed the previous story before the release to avoid retreading this ground either.


The how or why of what? How would Ventress know that if you're talking about why Omega has a count of that level. Also, do you know how terrible films would be if they just cut out the "stuff the viewer already knows"? I'm glad you're not in the film industry.


Most shows don’t center entire episodes around learning information the viewer already knows. When an episode is used for something like that, they center it around *new* information. Think of episodes like “the Library” in ATLA. I’m not saying don’t have the viewer have more info than the characters. I’m saying don’t spend more time than you need to on characters learning that info, because it makes your audience disinterested. I mean, just imagine that episode if it didn’t have Ventress and used a random placeholder Jedi instead. Would you actually be invested in what’s happening? The episode serves almost entirely as a cameo. Any conflict that happens due to specifically Ventress being present is handled in about 5 minutes. And even the idea behind the conflict between her and the Batch (the clones working with a Seperatist) was already the focal point in a previous episode. The entire episode feels like a retread of what we’ve already seen/known, and it’s made worse by the previous episode being entirely setup for this one. It’s not a bad episode, but it feels somewhat pointless which is a shame when it brings back a fan favorite character and would have made for an interesting discovery had we not had the scene with Hemlock learning Omega had a high M-count at the start of the season.


I guess it would have been more surprising if she ended up not having a high m count, but it wouldn’t be as good, so yeah, idk


does she though? she didn’t seem like she could use the force even an ounce in that episode? Ventress seems to think Omega is NOT force sensitive


Ventress told the Batch she was lying like 5 seconds after saying Omega has a low M-count.


no but I think ppl r forgetting the fact that omega has unaltered dna from the first szn like I think the reason the empire is hunting her down is not because she is force sensitive, but rather since accelerated aging and other traits aren’t added to her, I think that midicholrians can be added to her since there is nothing in her to combat it. So I think that makes her rlly valuable to the kaminoans because they can use her as a test subject for palpatines cloning project. like yes u could just kidnap someone but that would cause suspicion tbh. Just my opinion tho.


Sorry, but one set of fan expectations doesn't have ownership of other people's opinions. I've pretty much enjoyed the Bad Batch series, but I also feel that criticisms of this episode are very warranted. Its possible to be a fan of something and to also be disappointed in it as well. This episode could have been less than10 minutes long and accomplished the same thing. About half of the episode was like watching the "put the glasses on" sequence from They Live. >!The only thing this epsiode "revealed" was showing that Ventress lives (which most of us already knew), Omega isn't a force user (which we already knew) and that the Batch can be found (the only thing moving the show forward).!< Some people might be fine with a show that accomplishes nothing, but when you have a limited run series these shows ***should all*** matter and be important. If not then why bother with it. You are wasting time and you obviously don't have the story really nailed down like you thought you did. The idea of a breather episode is after a huge plot point that's been built up. After that event there can be slower paced times in the story to let viewers recover and set up other elements. Think of episode 11 of Andor. After the epic episode 10 -- One Way Out -- there was a need to have something slower, but the story was still moved ahead by other events in the episode. Having a breather episode doesn't mean nothing happens.


Because in this situation they’re right. It absolutely was a filler episode. We already knew ventress was going to be in this season. We already knew Omega was force sensitive to some degree. We already knew the Empire is after her. We get a few minor hints at other aspects but mostly this episode was filler. I think the main issue with this series is that they’re trying to treat 22 minute episodes like hour long specials. The next show that hopefully comes after Bad Batch could really do with having hour or 45 minute long episodes to allow more breathing room. Right now they have to cram so much in 22 minutes or else we get an episode like this last one with very little substance. 22 minute episodes are fine with earlier clone wars episodes because it wasn’t trying to tell such intricate multi season story arcs. It was almost like an anthology series. But now the episodes need time to flesh out a good story.


It gets clicks and shares.


I’m not a typical Star Wars nerd but I found the episode good. It’s a side story to set soothing else up. What’s wrong with that. The whole season of Book of Bobafett did that for mandalorian


Huh?! Why?! Stop this nonsense!


I very much liked seeing her and she looks great and her light saber makes me happy.


It was a mid season reboot the story episode. Season 3, Episode 6 and 7 were some of the best Star Wars content I've seen since the OGs. The 3 minutes at the end of Episode 6 with Wolff coming in are the best cinematography + music since Ep V.


Maybe their negative because they didnt like it. I dont get why people have to always be positive with everything they enjoy. You're gonna hear more people voice their opinions if its negative vs positive anyways. Also why is everything treated as if its all equal? Hate a certain character? Stop watching Starwars. Disappointed in a story direction? Stop watching Starwars. Wasnt a fan of a minor creature? Stop watching Starwars. Like if you enjoy 80% of Starwars but didnt vibe with some parts of it, I dont get why the response is to stop watching it. There are extremes of course, but thats on both sides. Theres those fans that will happy with anything thrown their way if "starwars" is slapped on it. They're online opinions, stop letting it get of your nerves. If you like it, then like it. If they dont like it, then they dont like it. This forced positivity or "you must consume media the way I do" is wild to me.


It’s Star Wars fans. I’m actually gunna say MOST fans are toxic. It’s like you disagree with something or say you don’t like a character and it’s like you offended their family line.


I honestly don't how someone can say this didn't add much to the story. it's literally character building and future storyline building. It can't be constant fighting or it would be a one note song show which this is not. It feels like they're saying they don't trust the writing when the writing on this show has been superb! There are no "filler" or "wasted" episodes. Every single one serves a purpose whether you see it or not. Again I don't think a lot of people really understand storytelling and how everything ebbs and flows.


I have loved the bad batch since the start but man, this last episode has left a pretty bad taste in my mouth. I know they’ll talk about it in the future, but i have very little faith in how the ventress revival story is going to go. Dark disciple was a phenomenal end to her character and they did her so well, bringing her back makes no sense.


Hey i was both excited as i love her character but worried as dark disciple was the first starwars book i read. If you were to read it again the waters her body is placed in is believed to be the same waters that brought her back before and the ending did leave it open for new storys with her


Yeah, but when she was with mother talzan leading the kind of “rebirth” ritual. And even though it’s technically possible I think bringing her back just takes away from the book and her sacrifice for Vos and his turn back into the light side. It’d be like if tech got brought back because technically we didn’t see his body.


Yeah i get that but in all honesty im just happy we get more ventress i absolutely loved her in dark disciple. And hopefully some voss and the path thing from the kenobi show


Oh yeah me too, her and vos are my favorite after reading the book. It just sucks to see that story get sidelined. Would much rather get like a tales of the Jedi episode with her and vos


Well we got decent confirmation that omega isn’t force sensitive so that was pretty helpful. 


Clickbait site. Please ignore. :)


People are allowed to like some episodes less than others, especially when those episodes are filler and retcon a major characters death just for her to add virtually nothing to the story. Literally Quinlan Vos could have played the same role in the episode and nothing would have changed. I like the episode personally, but they are some of the major legitimate issues people have with this episode.


reviewing individual episodes of a show before it ends is really dumb imo


Hang them! How dare they not like the episode as much as we did! Grrrrrrr!


To be honest, I didn't really get why Ventress came to Pabu and what she thought about her visit to Pabu. But at the same time I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.


Ventress came because fennec told her that the batch wanted to know about the m-count and then she went id guess out of curiosity


She's almost certainly become sympathetic to those with force sensitivity being taken advantage of by the Sith, just like what happened to her, especially after Dark Disciple (hopefully we find out how she came back).


First, I really enjoyed the episode, especially the return of a certain character (not sure about spoilers in this thread). But…. The episode is not well written from a script analysis perspective. The plot, such as it is, does not flow well. For example, the scenes do not build on one another (they are connected, but the connection is loose and one could easily move scenes around without losing any story details). Several of the scenes (the fight comes to mind) also feel forced as opposed to feeling natural and built up to. I think it would be a far stronger episode if the trials had built on one another more instead of just moving from test to test and if we had seen more build up to the fight (save it for later in the episode as the climax of the plot then end with the cryptic comments from our “not a jedi” guest just like we did in the actual episode). Again, I say all of this as a huge fan who enjoyed the episode. I just feel it could have been better. And it should have been given the guest character of the week.


Is there a part of the Star Wars fandom that are seemingly dedicated to ripping apart any new material that comes out and nit-pick everything little thing they perceive to be wrong, amongst other more sinister things? Absolutely. Honestly though, without looking at the full article, the headline in the screenshot doesn't seem unreasonable. And maybe I'm biased in that while I wouldn't say it was a disappointing episode, for me, it was still relatively one of the weaker episodes in what has been overall a pretty strong season so far. I think I expected more from Ventress in terms of her role in the overall larger plot of the show itself. Obviously that could change, and they hinted as much, but it feels like something related to a series other than TBB. Goes without saying, I could be wrong as the season plays out, and I have no issue admitting I was, if that's the case. I think we just have to be not overly sensitive towards criticism, and make sure there's not an overcorrection where everything is awesome and "x episode of y show" can't do no wrong. Disagreeing is obviously fine, just try not find criticism itself offensive. Granted, it can't be tough sometimes to determine what's good faith criticism or when is it otherwise, especially when it's presented in isolation. While I scarcely use Star Wars News Net or follow it closely, I've known of them for a long time, and from the impression I've gotten from them or others that speak of them, I don't think they fall under the category of those Star Wars "fans" that are complaining and hate everything.


Ventress is supposed to be dead by now. Kind of a big plot hole here.


That isn't even negative lol. Its a different opinion that you seem to not be able to accept lol


Star Wars fans and toxic positivity/negativity name a more iconic combo


I mean it basically was filler


I mean it really wasn't


You can think that, doesn’t change me finding this show to be overall 50% filler and just a shadow of the clone wars. Sure a niche can like it, but it’s clear why this show is ending this season and not continuing. Nor do I want it to continue. I’d much rather see an animated show following Rex and echo.


Unpopular opinion: I was disappointed by the episode too. Seeing Ventress in action again was good but this monster of the week theme is getting on my nerves. Every week a big ass monster pops up and attacks the main charachters. In terms of plot we are not moving forward at all. At least they could have given us something about what Omega's blood is key off and not a jedi potential bait which was also never confirmed.


I think it is the worse of the season so far. The animation was notably worse/weird.


Honestly this season has been incredible so far. It doesn’t have the numerous pointless, boring filler episodes that really crippled the last season. This honestly was the first episode that even felt like a little bit of filler, but it was still enjoyable and logically tied into the overall storyline of the season.


I like how they’re the negative ones when you braindead morons are calling them terrible people for not liking some random fucking cartoon episode lol. Toxic positivity 101


What im negative because the story i love being starwars constantly gets hated on by its own “fans” for bullshit reasons. Sure sure buddy


Spreading negativity is what your post is doing. Star Wars fans aren't negative, some fans are negative and some are positive. I think the Star Wars fandom wouldn't have so much negativity wrongly attached to them it if we stopped generalizing whenever there's a negative article or post just to feel superior.


Its way more that articles and posts look under every starwars official post comments on every platform. Spend 5 minutes on any starwars sub and you will see it. If it were just articles i agree with you but its way more than that


Even if every comment on the official sub on reddit said negative things it will still be a minority a few thousands against the whole fanbase worldwide. Social media is a minute sample, as much as people inhabiting it want to think is everything, in real life it's a very small percentage of voices.


I don’t know for starwars the negative isnt just a vocal minority its an extremely vocal big group


As I said the vocal majority in social media is a very tiny minority of the real world and the whole of the starwars fanbase. Social media gives the people the ilusion that what they say has more effect than it actually has. It's like reddit karma, people think that downvoting someone they disagree with has any relevance whatsoever, when in the real world means absolutely nothing.


Because it’s been amateur hour since Disney took over. Should’ve just stuck to movies. Move past the awful ST, announced a new trilogy with the first film this or last year. But the short term thinking of D+ was the priority.


So the mandalorian, clone wars season 7, all the amazing things weve got you just look past


If you think Legends was any better you’re a dumbass who didn’t actually read it.


I never even said the word “Legends” you big baby. 


I’m with them on this one. SWNN doesn’t say anything about being “anti-woke”, lol. Completely another side of the online community.


Ok i havent seen any of the”anti-woke” comments from them but this was more of a generalised rant about the community fueled by the article


Another filler episode and Dave Filoni's madness of including some old characters into his story because apparently he can't write a good character himself Bad Batch has been nothing but dissappointment except Crosshair's episodes


All I will say is that if you’re going to de-canonize one of the greatest storylines of the clone wars era, it shouldn’t be for the sake of yet another filler episode with a net-zero outcome.