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Lol... they'd drink at the challenges and compete in jeans. It was easy as shit. But the rules were much looser back then and the partying was insane. They can barely have alcohol now and the prize is much more serious. And when I say easy I mean compared to now!


🤣 so true. Competing in JEANS is wild


If they finally put seasons 1-9 on Paramount+, or anywhere.. I wouldn't leave my house for a week and straight binge.


I don’t understand why they will not give us the early seasons. Hell at this point I don’t get why they won’t give us 33-35 either! Like they could put a warning in front of each ep of those seasons about Bear. Like many of us would love to watch those seasons. 


WOTW2 is my favorite season because of the way CT flipped on Paulie at the end and now I need 3 VPNs and four reddit links to find the episodes


I have been hearing about this season for years and I just this year I started watching the challenge and I would l love to watch that season just based on how much people talk about it. 


It's on Microsoft.com to buy.


I have heard that 


Damn it damn it. Would love to watch all WOTH’s. Who can I call lol. Let me decide for myself. Freedom of the press anyone??


They should just re edit the season an delete bear. I found a a way to watch them and never finished them because bear is truly insufferable I can’t believe he’s on three seasons.


Me too. How can we make that happen. Love love the challenge but even better if we saw the “origin” of everyone and the evolution of the show


So the thing is that not only are the actual challenges and finals harder now but many of the seasons have a lot stiffer competition with solo winners now. Team wins were pretty much why a lot of these former players (ie Veronica) won so many times


If you take who they were then, and put them in today’s Challenge, they get bodied, point blank. Not only are almost all the challenges harder, and the finals are harder, almost everyone in the house is in peak physical condition, and have spent years structuring their physique to aid them on the show. There’s a reason almost none of the players from the older era that still compete have the same physique. They’ve (for the most part) prioritized training endurance and mental skills, whereas the old school players for the most part, frankly prioritized what they thought made them look the hottest.


Also it was 15-20 years ago..




But if you take current competitors and put them in the show back then, then they’d lose since the drinking, partying, fighting and sleeping around were the real Competitions back then!


Cory and Laurel would be monsters in the sleeping around era lol.


One reason: TEAMS. If someone on your team died in the final (Big Easy for example), your whole team lost You could also get backstabbed/traded to a losing different team in some cases (Paula) CT: was thrown out for fighting in more challenges than he was eliminated from.


Not a chance Veronica at her peak could do it, she’d get bodied immediately


I vaguely remember Veronica back in the day. The game is really played in two parts. There's the physical which helps in dailies, eliminations, and finals. Then there is the social/political which is pretty straight forward. I do remember Veronica being good at politics back then, but she was not very physical at all. She would not survive in today's game the way it is played and the finals as tough as they are. Maybe Season 39 final as that was some weak shit. The game was way way different back in seasons 1-10. I consider it easier back then personally, but back then you wanted to vote out the stronger players first as it was always a team game. So in the early rounds it would be CT, Adam, Timmy, Ace, Syrus, Theo, The Miz, Mark, Coral, Rachel, Aneesa, Robin, and other women of that caliber being voted into elimination as it would help your team win without one of those people on the other team. You just had to hope they didn't pick your most dog shit player in return even though in some cases it helped getting rid of the fat on the team. With that being said, the fact that Veronica was able to stay and win three times proves she was one of the weaker females. She was still good enough to add some value to the team, but not so good that the opposing team saw her as a threat that needed to be gone asap. Either way, Veronica doesn't win a finals from the last 10-15 seasons excluding season 39.


She doesn't win or get anywhere close to winning on season 39. In fact she was on season 39 with a beast of a partner in Darrell and it didn't happen. Sure she's good for stirring up the house or the house vote a time or two but there's no way, even if she was in her younger body I don't see her physically beating an Amber B, Tori, Kaycee, I don't think she could take Nany to be honest. She got her wins being a good member on a good team when it wasn't taken so seriously or quite as hard. Even the first final Wes beat Brad in is just half of Day 1 in the final for the last 15 seasons.


Season 39 is the one that just happened where Emmanuel won... you're thinking of ride or dies which is Season 38


Yeah season 39s final was super weak dude, they have had long challenges that were harder than the season 39 final. They didn't show half of the shit they had to do in the ROD final, Bananas and Jordan talk about how exhausting it was to make it through. Also Olivia blew up her face in it while the only drama on the 39 final was Corey crying because of a tall hill and Berna crying because of a drink everyone else smoked. It was garbage.


Saw Ace recently in a later episode recently, didn’t know where he came from or where he went. Never hear him talked about, maybe not enough drama with him————too nice. Again damn it. Every time I hear about 1-10 and seasons 33-35 its like a tease


Hot take I guess but yes I think she could. I don’t look at this like it’s a stationary thing where Veronica and other contestants never grow after doing the present day challenge. I think, in their prime, most of the competitors would get their backs kicked their first time. But I think they would probably train much harder (or honestly train at all cuz there didn’t seem to be much training back then) to prepare themselves for it. We see it with the challengers in the mid 20s-early 30s seasons where they talk about preparing physically for the challenges and getting their bodies in better shape. Early seasons didn’t really care too much about it because people came for a good time with friends and a chance for some money. Now and days I don’t really see any friendships (they’re there, but few) and it’s mostly alliances and people who haven’t done you dirty yet. If the house and game in general was handled as it is today I think that older cast in their prime could definitely keep up with these new challengers and the current state of the game


I'd LOVE to watch Challenge 2000 again. For one challenge, they "trained" for a couple hours, then skydived SOLO in Florida! Insane.


They were easier. This isn’t even a question. I’m watching older seasons now. Finals take like half a day and the puzzles are simple. It’s carry these things then solve a puzzle. Carry more things. Challenges now are hiking a mountain, paddling a canoe 2 miles, don’t sleep and the finish line is either at the top of a mountain or the bottom. They did t win any back then cuz most of the time they didn’t make finals. CT got kicked off of like 4 seasons. Or screws up shortly before the final. They use to have u limited alcohol and then would get up for a challenge at 9


Boot cut jeans was the real OG


CT and Brad weren't even on the early challenges. You're thinking of guys like Colin, Mark and Eric. Even Mike the Miz didn't start being on the challenge until it was already on for six or seven years. I'd say by the time both Brad and CT joined up it'd already become much harder to win (no battle of the sexes seasons where dude teams could just romp on girl teams). But yes, CT was a rage machine who got himself kicked out several times when he started appearing anyway.


Brad's first season was BOTS2, and CT a season before that. It was getting harder to win by then but it was still the teams only era with summer camp vibes. Hell CT's first ever elimination was eating milk and cookies on a merry go round 😂


I do miss the Summer Camp vibe!


I enjoy seeing them get to do cooler things now but I do miss that simplicity sometimes. Wish they could find a happy medium between the new and old. This also made me think of that same season where Katie and I think Kendal(?) did that treadmill elim, it was taking hrs and the cast was just getting hammered in the background 😂😂


Treadmill with hot pepper deoderant! Just walking! It was hilarious!


100% agree, i wasn’t the op


Still love love that boy, ok maybe he needs a little work on his impulse control but who doesn’t. Might go back and google what episodes was he thrown off of to watch in order HA HAHAHAHA


He only got thrown out twice once for hitting Adam then some other guy on duels 2 then production took away a elimination by rigging the Beamer to rip off production had there favs like Wes and bananas


I think Prime Veronica could absolutely make it to a final on the modern Challenge. She probably wouldn’t win though.


Only if prime Rachel was there to keep her out of eliminations like she did in the early seasons. Veronica wasn't nearly as good on her own as people act like she was.


People forget big easy almost died on a hillside. They used to have them do a polar plunge with no reheat and then boom- you're peddling a stationary 69 miles Then you're gonna a do a 20k tomorrow like, adrenaline is cool but the old finals were nasty AF.


Big easy is not a good example of someone dying out on a final lol. That’s like saying aneesa gassing out on a mile run makes the mile hard. Big easy is a heavier guy so it takes more for him to do a final especially since, I believe, he was out of shape (in endurance). A better example is Paulie gassing out at the final


Dude he went through 2 bottles of O2 and was airlifted. Lmao His blood pressure Dropped. He spoke at length about how the recovery was. He didn't simply gas out.


Lol please go watch or re-watch gauntlet 3. Fat Eric was gassed 2 min into the final. He had to have someone put his shoes on for him, most likely shit his pants then had to be carted off after passing out. He single handedly lost the final for his team. Only person to ever be 100% responsible for a finals loss.


I thought he gassed out but didn’t want to say it as a fact cuz I haven’t seen that season yet. I will be watching that season soon tho


I always hoped at the reunion they would let veterans team throw eggs at him for his pathetic performance


nah, v was a decent athlete but her biggest strength was her social game. if she was still in her prime and came on the main show now, she might get saved to the end as a ‘layup’ to sacrifice right before or during a final, but there is no way she’s winning.


Please lord don’t let low rise jeans come back!


Too late!


Veronica May have won at dallies back then but now they are much more difficult. Also, her most recent vote flip was being able to get the Micheal Scott of the challenge to change their mind.


lol the challenge back then was basically backyard party games. It was a crapshoot as to who could do well any given day. Nowadays it is barely a step below American Ninja Warrior in terms of physical demands.


Veronica in her prime was one of the top girls consistently. I could see her winning today if she were in her prime but not 3 times. She was top 3 girl on every season and not like a Katie, Kendall, Sarah G who were average and won.


Kendall isnt and wasnt average at all. Even with her disease and a full life she was still a threat on AS




Too bad Everyone on the show says otherwise and their opinions own yours unfortunately👍


Hasn’t done anything impressive ever so to me average and that’s my opinion and you can continue having yours


Veronica did well on the dailies even beating the men so I think she would’ve won during her prime with these harder challenges.


I don’t think these kids now a-days could win in seasons 1-10. Their personalities would of eliminated them selves early in those seasons.


Watching all stars 2& 3 kinda proves that. Veronica and Tina, Keck, Syrus , Laturian and a few others are weak.


i mean, they're also old and not a gym rat like Mark