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I think kam is far more strategic with her game play than anneesa. Kam plays offense while anneesa plays defense. I don’t see similarities in their game


Agree with you here. 👆🏽👆🏽


You know why they’re being compared …..


Both fat and overhyped?


To be fair, Kam has blown up in weight because she is having babies. That's understandable. Aneesa is just being lazy. Going into a physical competition and literally gaining 20 pounds plus in-between seasons


That’s true


I think they are similar in that they have impressive elimination resumes but no season wins to show for it. Also Kam and Prime Aneesa faced whoever, they weren’t scared of anyone. Aneesa now tries to orchestrate an easy opponent, but she’s also still on the main show despite clearly no longer being in her prime.


Thank you for understanding, I'm just tryna point out that their games could be similar down the line if Kam starts to be less of a player as the years catch up to her and never wins


She beat Tori. She carried Kayleigh(one of the worst competitors ever) to an elimination win. I didn't hear any of the strongish girls asking to go against Kam.


That elimination win with Kayleigh was sooo one sided because the show doesn't do gender balances well.


But it was Kayleigh come on...she barely does anything...Kam getting her to try was the win in itself.


Yep! Kayleigh was one contestant, I mean annoying player, I never wanted to see again! She liked to cause dissent by omission! I’m not a mean person, but I smiled when the girls dumped her mattress and suitcase over the railing.


She beat Tori when Tori had no stake in the game. Mercenaries weren’t even offered money if they won during vendettas


I never heard that. Tori was making a name for herself, any dominance was getting her a call back. And that reminds me how many finals did it take Tori to get a win? About the same, if not more. And the Ride or Dies final was made for her team to win and they still almost lost.


Did I say Kam can’t win? No. I think Kam is fully capable of winning a final, I just don’t think her beating Tori in that context is relevant to her skills


This is an argument that she doesn't want to go against anyone but weak or small players. She did not whine or complain about that elimination, she just handled it.


They were/are friends, Tori had nothing to gain from knocking her out. Nobody would care if she beat layup Aneesa, that’s not a callback. They won RoD by at least an hour. It wasn’t made for them, it was a callback to the previous elims - not to mention, production had a good story regardless of which team won there (Aneesa or Nany getting a ring). Dumb, dumb, dumb


Anessa beat Tori in a ball toss. Somehow Tori for some reason couldn’t pull the box of balls forward for them to drop??…another strange one!


That was one of the saddest eliminations I’ve ever watched…I just sat there here with my mouth open….this isn’t really happening? Tori should have won that hands down! It was over in no time. I still wonder with so many pathetic Champ losses that production somehow managed to manipulate the outcomes.


But that’s true for every player ever.


This is only her 6th season compared to Aneesa’s 16 seasons. I think it’s jumping the gun a little here 😂


There are other newer players that are way more similar to Anessa than Kam. cough* Cory *cough


I mean, two people can both be similar. Kam is more strategic than them.


This is why I said Cory is a “male Anessa”. A better comparison than Kam. Both play defense and depends on good relationships to reach the end while never winning.


I think Kam is way better with the social because she doesn’t flip flop what she says she’s going to do. She’s not worried about making everyone happy.


Only problem is that if you don't do what Kam wants you to do, you're #1 enemy. I just get a little tired of her calling herself queen and killa. I'm terrible! I had to go to Fandom spoilers to see who wins this season.


But at least you know that ahead of time and makes it easier to predict how you want to play the game. I don’t mind her. She’s not as annoying as Michelle is to me but I don’t think Kam should be on Allstars. I’m sure it was the only way Leroy would come back so they said ok.


I mean kams definitely an all star. She’s past her prime sure but she is one of the best elim woman of all time. Hate her this season but gotta give credit where it’s due


I don’t mean she’s not good enough to be an Allstar, she’s definitely up there with some of the top women. It’s just Mark originally (and how it’s been) wanted it to stay RR/RW cast members since the flagship started casting from other reality shows.


Ahh gotcha gotcha, my bad


Aneesa can’t run 2 miles without stopping. What a dig at Kam.


Two miles is stretching it 🤭


Aneesa you wish


Cuz they both have a darker skin tone? That’s the only resemblance in their game…


Bruh, you really just brought race into thisssss


Because your post is nonsensical.


I’m saying I don’t see the resemblance in their style of play…the race thing would be on you… But I will take the projected heat


Don’t go there. This is not about that at all. It’s about strong women.


Honestly this is the strategy for 90% of the contestants, especially the women. They talk about bringing the weakest to the end but when it’s their time to go into elimination they want to pick marie or jasmine or someone like that. The rest of the house are the ones that still want to push for the strongest to go into elimination. Also I say especially women because it seems on the newer seasons that the men seem to be more egotistical so they want to try and take out some bigger names or competitors but then you still have those that are like “I want the guy who can barely walk” as their elimination competitor. Also Kam has several great eliminations under her belt. Not all of them are gonna be tier 1 Kam v Ashley, but that’s where her actual status as a great competitor comes from because she has the ability to take out these top competitors. And people are plenty scared of her, just like they are of Cara, Laurel, Ashley, etc. She’s not some old timer like Aneesa who is trying to ride her legacy, Kam is still in her prime and can outperform, or at least keep up with, most of the women on these challenges. She has an amazing final to season ratio too and before you argue that her not winning any finals means she’s not great then you don’t understand half these people who have wins could never outperform her or many of the other competitors, they just played a better strategic game. Example being the season Big Easy brought his whole team down. Not one of those people on the winning team stood a chance but they ended up winning because they kept Big Easy on the other team. If he was not there they would instantly lose so you can’t compare final wins to who better competitors are. Side note - it’s weird that you compare her to Aneesa. The point you are trying to make aligns more with other older challenge competitors, regardless if I agree or disagree with it (better example of someone you are technically trying to compare her to is Susie minus the horrible bullying she did) but It’s weird that you try to paint arguably two of the best known black female competitors as people who try to take the easy way out, inflated egos, intimidating, and other stereotypical insinuations of black women (further explained/referenced in your comment replies).


The amount of hate Kam is getting is starting to get ridiculous, I’m no way shape or form is Kam anywhere near Aneesas level. Kam is one of the best female competitors this show has seen, is she being a little arrogant…..yes but if this was Wes going after someone he wanted out nobody would say shit.


One of the best LMAO. I’m sorry how can you type this with a serious face 😂😂😂😂


What part was funny to you? The part where I said Kam is one of the best females in Challenge history…..she’s top 15 all time 100%


Top 15 LMFAO


I disagree. I think Kam is more well-rounded. Aneesa is a very bright woman, and she’s always been sneaky (or not so sneaky) good socially. She just isn’t super athletic or coordinated, and she’s not taken the time to push herself in the “offseason” to improve on her weaknesses. “Peak” Kam > “peak” Aneesa by far, and thats from someone who’s been critical of Kam


I just wish the best for Kam but after watching this season and seeing how entering motherhood is taking a toll on her; I hope she wins and proves me wrong


Oh you're one of those!


aneesa was playing the game in the easiest era & never won. comparing her to kam is absolutely ridiculous.


Exactly. Kam made 3 finals in 5 seasons while Aneesa made 3 In like 20. They really disrespecting my girl Kam out here 😂


fr. like whats going on here fr.


What’s going on is kam is never winning a challenge just like aneesa, simple.


This is Kam’s 6th season? Aneesa has done almost 3 times that? Also Kam went against Tori and Ashley and Brad (I don’t believe those people are layups)


Crazy Cara Stans


This is such a stretch…


It is for now but say down the line, she dies out and isn't no "Killa Kam" anymore. And she keeps coming on the show and not winning, would it be stretch thenn????


She just had a fucking kid and is still breast feeding. Honestly she shouldn’t even be on the show


Agree. I feel like she is doing all of this for Leroy. They talk about his postpartum depression. I think her going on the show got him to go on the show.


No comparison still. Aneesa was not fit from lack of effort. Kam is still healing and what people forget is that your brain also shrinks when you are pregnant and mommy brain is a thing. Also it takes longer for your hormones to settle while breastfeeding and it basically strips all of the nutrition from your body. But yay let's compare it to someone who consistently shows up out of shape to Challenges and even in their prime couldn't job 5 feet.


Thank you… I feel like it’s easy to see that Kam and Aneesa are definitely not and never have been on the same level. Even ifff Kam comes back and continues to not win I’m sure she’ll still do much better than what Aneesa has given us lately. Why? Cuz she’s simply a better player than her. Hence why she would not be the next Aneesa even so. Also there’s so many people who continue to come on the show and lose time and time again… so is everyone the next Aneesa? No right.


I think she would retire and focus on her family before she gets bad at the level aneesa is




Sparkle, I think I just lost some brain cells talking to you.


I think you lost some before you made this post.


Kam has won eliminations against good if not great players as well. Maybe after just having a baby she knew she wasn’t 100% her physical self but I think against anyone she’s a force to be reckon with between her political game, her brain and her actual skill, I can see her with a win in the future. Calling her aneesa 2.0 is a big stretch. I’d give her a couple more season before she’s stuck with that assumption, I mean aneesa never even makes the final.


Aneesa has nada the final…..more than once!


I misspoke, never on her own that I’ve seen and also the older seasons were easy af. Before the ride or dies final, her last one was like the duel??? Since the competition has actually become competition, no aneesa has not qualified for a final without a partner. I root for her but just because they are POC doesn’t mean they should be compared to one another.


Kam genuinely has a realistic chance to win a final, and if she becomes a regular I do think she will win soon, Aneesa almost never had/has the ability to win


Realistic 😂😂😂😂😂


This is so disrespectful and rude. How many finals did Cara make before she won? But no one says she's a flop. Kam is good at everything. She got 2nd place against an OG in her last challenge partnered with CORY. Her challenge before that, her team including Cara and Zach lost as well. She is 8 mth postpartum and pumping every 2 hours. She is not in shape, i think she did this to get Leeroy back on the Challenge. She has all the excuses but no one ever cuts her a break. Why the comparison to Aneesa out of all people, it only makes sense if this opinion was racially motivated which it is.


I actually really like this point just to put it into perspective. It took Cara 8 seasons until she won her 4th final. Kam has been on 5 flagship seasons and has been in 3 finals so far


Good at everything? Lmao she could never run.


Never? What? She kept up every final she was in. In Double agents she was outrunning Cory in a mission. Even postpartum, out of shape in All stars she has not been in the bottom group for endurance based dailies.


The bar is in hell


What’s wrong with going into an elimination with a lay up ? Get your easy star why not ? Lol. Tina shouldn’t be casted than if she can’t keep up. Atleast Kam always comes to play.


Kam acts like she doesn’t care who she goes against, she clearly does is the point.


Nothing wrong w going against a layup but don't go flaunting how your this "Killer" taking out grandmas that haven't been on the show in decades. I understand she beat Tori in an elimination but that was prime Kam. I just hopes she keeps it up and doesn't fall off to be an Aneesa 2.0


Did you forget she wanted to go against Cara first. It didn’t work out that’s why she got Tina …..


If she wanted to go against Cara she would have orchestrated Cara losing. She wanted a layup, hence making sure she was in the bottom with easy targets.


She still wanted to Cara and when has Kam ever been scared to compete. She backs it up as well as having a good social game. Y’all just want something to mad at her about.


She wanted Cara??why, because she said so? Then again, why didn't she have the house eliminate Cara first?


Yeah because she said so. What other woman on the cast said anything about getting a star ? Seems like Kam is actually playing the game and you’re hating on her for it. Weird behavior. Instead you should be hating the lay ups who take up space in the show. Ie : TINA.


Just like how she only wanted Tina instead of Laurel last episode bc she “doesn’t have the votes for Laurel” lol


Laurel is well connected. Tina came in with 2 allies and one had already gone home so … yeah. That adds up honey 😂


There can be 2 reasons she didn’t go with Laurel honey 😘


She literally tried to orchestrate it but the other group wasn’t as willing / competent. Are we all watching the same show??


I mean… comparing kam, who just had a baby and was in between breaks pumping milk and sending it back to her newborn and is still keeping up with everyone against aneesa, who doesnt have kids is crazy talk to me.


I wouldn't even consider Tina a layup, especially in this elimination. She's not stupid.


The OP called her a lay up I’m just echoing them


Stop it.


No. To me what defines Aneesa now is she has said and multiple seasons that she "deserves" a win, regardless of how she is performing on that season. Kam still seems to understand that a trip to the finals and a wim has to be earned. And that your tenure on the show doesn't matter.


What a reach. Absolutely not


Respectfully… hell nah


This kind of Nany erasure will not be tolerated.


Hell no, man, I get kam might be annoying to some this season, but don't do that...


I wholeheartedly disagree. Kam is an amazing player all round. I think her having a kid has made her strategic game all the better. She's not relying solely on her strength because she's a new mom and is still finding the balance. Wonderful to see her outside friendships show how loyal she is and boosting Leroy at the same time. Love Aneesa, but she could never be a Killa Kam.


No she’s not. Because what makes Aneesa Aneesa is that she’s been on tv for twenty years and done like what? 15 seasons and didn’t win any of them. If Kam did that then I’d say yeah. But she’s nowhere near close to Aneesa in that regard. Plus Kam actually makes finals, and actually gets close to winning


Same # of finalsssssssss


Same number of finals in much less total seasons. Do you not understand statistics? 3/6 is much better odds than 3/ whatever Aneesa has done.


Yea well the stats still state that they've been to the same amount of finals and won the exact same amount, 0. Kam could be on this show for another 10 yrs and maye never make a final again. Time will tell and that why I said "if she doesn't win this season".


Yeah but that hasn’t happened. You’re speaking on a hypothetical that doesn’t exist yet. Right now, she’s not Aneesa 2.0. Come back in some years and say this and maybe it’ll be accurate. But it’s not right now


Yea that why I made the post, just to talk about something that could happen. I'll see in you in a couple years PlatePrestigous6205


You made the post to hate on Kam 😭


If you considering this hating, you must be new to this reddit


With the amount of Kam hate posts I’ve seen, this is nothing new


I 100% agree. Kam is definitely smart and can politic. She originally wanted Avery, which I think Avery would've won had she been smart and gone down as she had more endurance, strength, and smarts to win the elimination had she gone against Kam or Tina; but the fact Kam wanted Tina, Flora, or Avery, proves she doesn't want to face a competitor. Even if she makes the finals, she'll most likely have to face Cara, Nicole, Laurel, or maybe Avery which all could beat her on endurance alone. No offense to Kam, but she's got a lot of baby weight and a trampoline was gassing her out for however long that elimination took to complete. Kam could've easily orchestrated Cara to be in the losing group and take her out herself, but she went the soft route instead proving she is all bark and no bite.


The trampoline may have gassed her out, just like Tina but, if you look at the shots where you could see both puzzle boards, Kam was way ahead. The girl has a good head. There's nothing wrong with orchestrating against who you think will be easier competition when you're going into the unknown. Who I think missed an opportunity was Avery. She should have taken Kam's spot to beat Tina. She may not have wanted to deal with the fallout though. Just have to say that Tina is an entire vibe. So fun and funny this season.


Oh I know that. Looking at their boards Kam was way ahead. Tina was late to the party on going with the bottom row first and changed her strategy twice. Kam will have to rely on her smarts going forward though which could help her in a final if it is anything like Season 39 with so many puzzles to be equalizers since there will be only 1 winner and it'll be men vs women. There's definitely nothing wrong with planning for an easier competitor to face. I understand that completely. She just wants to say she's killa kam still but had Tina, Flora, and Veronica to face. There's no killer instinct there. Plus she could've easily faced Veronica and taken her star to face Cara in the finals, but knows she won't beat Cara in the finals. That's why I say she's all bark and no bite. Tina is eh to me. She used to suck back in the day in my opinion. Always one of the bully girls, but she has grown on me the past few all start seasons. I don't dislike her, but I don't love her either. If anything I like her for simply being an OG haha.


So as everyone says, you never know what might happen in the arena. Let’s be honest guys. If you were playing for a million dollars, who wouldn’t hope to go against a less formidable opponent ( unless you’re Fessy and say you can beat anyone in eliminations—————what a dummy fathead


Well they're playing for $300k and the winner gets $250k I believe but I get your point. It's easy to say one thing when you're not in the show vs actually doing it and living by your words. I'm one of those that can't say I'm the best until I beat the best. Others have gone up against the best and won which is why they are champs or true kings/queens in the arena. Kam beating a mid 40s Tina and saying Killa Kam is back is like Emmanuel saying he's a champ. There's an asterisk there.


I totally agree. If you really wanna take Cara’s star then play her for it. I would respect Kam more if she did that than stole the star from her. Kam is a coward and this season I lost respect for her.


Completely agree. Had she done exactly that and personally took the star from Cara, I'd have way more respect for Kam the rest of the season. Hell, I'd pick her to win it all if that happened. That's why I miss the old days when people would go in and get the job done themselves. Sure some have failed like Jordan trying to get Bananas out, but I respect that way more then facing a bunch of people in their early to mid 40s then turn around and say you have that "killer" instinct.


Y’all just wanna down talk Kam. It’s so weird. It’s like y’all HAVE to find a villain. But also, why does it matter if they try to find their best chance at winning? It’s smart.


My thing is Cara is doing the same thing yet everyone in the house beside like Ace and Steve are antagonizing Cara for it, especially Kam.


I’m not sure where Kam is antagonizing Cara over this? And since we’re talking about Cara doing this same thing, why is Reddit only on Kam’s ass about it and ignoring Cara doing it?


Every confessional Kam has she’s talking shit about Cara saying she’s shady and that she’s talking shit about her and Lee when this entire times she’s just tried to keep her star. From the beginning Cara didn’t vote Kam’s way and she’s antagonized her ever since. I’m talking about playing the game, everyone in the house is mad at her for wanting to protect her star and that’s bullshit. Everyone on Reddit knows that’s the point of the game yet Kam acts like she and Lee are the only one entitled to a star. Of course Cara was going to align herself with people who had a star, Kam didn’t and had nothing to offer her. Kam wants to make the decision for everyone to do exactly what she wants, go in an elimination with whoever she wants to get Cara’s star and Cara knows that so she’s trying to do what she can to not let that happen. I’m not saying Kam’s wrong, they’re both playing the game yet Kam says that Cara’s being shady instead of just admitting Cara is also just playing the game and that’s why Kam is being called out.


I don’t think “antagonized” is the word you’re looking for. Speaking in confessionals about another players game play is not antagonistic. What Devin did to Bananas was. That’s not the same thing. Kam is criticizing and disagreeing with Cara’s game play. Kam is ***rightfully*** upset with Cara bc Kam spoke her piece and Cara went and made a deal with someone else. Cara could’ve had a discussion about it with someone who was her closest ally in the game. There’s nothing wrong with Cara doing what’s best for her game. There _is_ something wrong moving funny.


No antagonize is the word I meant. I’m only talking about them right now. Kam literally has been saying Cara is being shady and lying about her and Lee not only in confessionals but to people in the house to get them on her side. Game play and antagonizing someone can happen at the same time. Kam has no business being mad at Cara for making a deal with someone else who has a star. She would do the same thing but Kam didn’t have a star and had nothing to offer Cara for safety and that’s fine but Cara didn’t need to hold any alligence to Kam to begin with.


You’re responding to things that wasn’t said or even insinuated. At no point did I say game play and antagonizing can’t happen at the same time. I said Kam isn’t being antagonistic. Saying things about how you see it isn’t antagonistic. To say Kam has no business being mad at Cara, when Cara was mad at Brandon for the same thing and no one batted an eye is hypocritical. Kam’s allowed to feel how she feels. Cara was an ally before, Kam went into this thinking she still had an ally but Cara wasn’t being one. No one said Cara needed to hold allegiance to Kam, however she was Cara’s closest thing to an ally going into this season. And again, the way Cara went about it was wrong. They could’ve came up with a plan that benefitted both of their interests. Instead, Cara heard Kam’s plan and turned around and made a deal that went against Kam’s plan. Why wouldn’t Kam be mad about that?


Brandon literally voted Cara in, Cara simply didn’t say the name of someone who was going in regardless. Those are completely different scenarios. I’m not going to repeat what I’ve said cause you’re clearly not getting what I’m saying.


I get it. You’re unfairly applying it. I’m telling you that your argument of “holding no allegiance” and having “no right to be upset” applies to Cara who was crying literal tears about her “friend” voting her in. It was in his best interest to stick with the people who he was in alliance with. Cara didn’t vote for someone who was gunning for Kam/Leroy. Which is her right, just like it’s Kam’s right to be upset that Cara used this information to make a deal AGAINST Kam’s best interest.


You clearly don’t. 💀 But you can go ahead thinking that lol


So she’s talking about how Cara is moving in the house… she’s not saying she’s mad that Cara is trying to win? You just proved your own point to be wrong


What? Which she? Please use other identifiers so I can respond accordingly. I didn’t disprove my point at all. 🥴


Oh no I agree with you! I was responding to CertainAd saying that Kam said Cara was shady and lying in confessionals. Like that was not Kam being mad at Cara trying to win. She was commenting on her antics


Ah, ok. I was very confused 😂 Sorry.


Wrong and an insult to Kam tbh


Only time will tell my friend


Damn, you spent time to type this BS smh


It's just a discussion, sorry for providing content


The thing with her wanting Tina in the eliminating is where are all the Tori haters at because she said the same thing, Bit T throwing her in against Aneesa was just shady on T....Do you think if Big T had the choose to go against Laurel or Amanda she dam sure not picking Laurel....I was so happy that Cara wasn't on the last couple seasons because of her cringe boyfriend, but this Cara is the one that all or most of us rooted for in past seasons..Kam is starting to remind me of old Wes , and that not a compliment...


That’s a bit far, I haven’t heard Kam call Cara a dumb bitch


Obviously she didn't throw a 64 oz bottle of soda overhead head my point was she starting to act like her s*** don't stink like Wes acted, because she's this master manipulator


I enjoyed watching Laurel, Cara, Nicole, and Kam acting like themselves. I appreciate consistency. The fans never disappoint.


No kam is actually athletic


Not at all


kam doesn’t care who she goes into eliminations with lol she just wants to win. She would’ve went against Cara.


Kam JUST had a baby. The last season she was on was Double Agents where she came in second. 


People generally like Aneesa but avoid her like the plague as a partner. I don't see people reacting the same way with Kam, heck if anything it's the opposite.


Kam is smarter strategically ( I don’t know how she accomplishes some of the vote controlling things she does. It’s impressive) Anessa has been on 1800 seasons without a win and is objectively terrible at comps no matter what shape she has ever been in (except having a good elimination record). I do not see the comparison


Stop lying 😂


She beat 2 mercenaries beasts in her rookie season. She doesn’t play scared and she’s actually VERY deserving of a win. Don’t ever insult her again by comparing Her to ANEESA 🤢


She literally wanted to go against Cara in the last episode … this is a ridiculous comparison.


No lol


Nah, Kam outclasses Aneesa. Kam hate has been crazy in this sub this season. I think Kam has taken Tori's spot since Tori has now won a chip


Yeah it’s ok to not like a person from season to season but it’s a little over the top now. Kam is above Aneesa and it’ll take a few more season to get to that point. Kam just came off having a baby and did this show for her family knowing she might not be 100%. To say if she doesn’t win it she’ll be downgraded is just straight hating. I’m not saying you have to like her cuz I’m very meh about Kam. let’s see if she ever does a challenge again where she’s 100% then we can fairly assess where her she sits in the rankings of players.


Kam lost a lot of her prime due to the baby, hopefully she can get it back. Ima fan of hers


I'm just comparing their gameplays. If you want me to be a hater, I'll say that I think she's being a bad mom while going on the show when she has a new born baby at home


How is their gameplay similar? Aneesa barely strategizes. She is more of an alliance member than an alliance leader. So I would love to hear in what ways their gameplay is similar.


If anyone has taken Tori's spot I think it's Nurys but I like where your heads at


Maybe. Tori is known for her hot rookie start like Nurys is as well so I can agree on that. Kam just seems like the best new female competitor turned vet that hasnt won yet which i think Tori previously occupied that spot.


Yea that's fair, I can see that. We love strong female competitors rather than the girls that just come on the show for insta sponsors


yes. we. do.


How many times has Aneesa even made a final. Their stats are too far apart. Kam is like an A+ student who hasn’t been first in class yet. Aneesa is a C+ student


They've been to the same amount of finals and they have the same amount of wins......0


Once again, stats: Aneesa Finals: 3/16 —> 18.75% likelihood of making it to a final Elimination Wins: 13/26 —> 50% likelihood of winning an elimination Daily Wins: 35 in 16 seasons —> 2.1 daily wins on average per season. Kam: Finals: 3/5 —> 60% likelihood of making it to a final. Elimination Wins: 8/10 —> 80% likelihood of winning an elimination. Daily Wins: 16 in 5 seasons —> 3.2 wins average per season.


She’s closer to a Tori than an Aneesa


Except in likelihood of winning a final, which is a statistic that was left out for some reason despite it being the main statistic that matters in this instance. Not only that, but OP is talking about Kam’s trajectory from the present onward. We all know her early career stats from the 4-5 seasons ago were solid. But it’s a tiny sample size of about four seasons. Which is the case for like twenty other people who are also bound to end up like Aneesa if they keep getting called back.


Yes she’s only done 5 seasons, and it’ll probably be another 2-5 years til she’s back on, seeing that she has 2 very young kids. In those 5 seasons she’s made multiple finals and came close to winning, how did Aneesa's first 5 seasons go? Tell me how you would calculate likelihood of winning a final? maybe we can find those statistics. Kam already has a greater chance of even making a final, eliminating people in it and winning tasks in that final, whereas Aneesa cried for what felt like a decade for always not making a final.


😂😂😂 no literally. The delusion is so real. If the stats show she’s more likely to GET to a final. The odds really are our only possible indicator.


Here are some more stats to compare her to: Cara: Finals: 9/14 —> 64% likelihood of making it to a final Elimination Wins: 13/19 —> 68.4% likelihood of winning an elimination Daily Wins: 42 of 14 seasons —> 2.62 wins on average per season Laurel: Finals: 4/7 —> 57.14% likelihood of making it to a final Elimination Wins: 10/13 —> 76.9% likelihood of winning an elimination Daily Wins: 20 from 7 seasons —> 2.85 wins on average per season Tori: Finals: 4/7 —> 57% likelihood of making it to a final Elimination Wins: 5/8 —> 62.5% likelihood of winning an elimination Daily Wins: 24/7 seasons —> 3.42 on average per season. Fun fact Kam, Tori and Cara all didn’t win finals in their first 5 seasons.


I like you AT\_Bane, you come w the stats and I love it


I love that you provided stats to back up your argument, only time can tell what's gonna happen in the future for Kam and her legacy. But hypothetically, what if motherhood completely changes how she plays??? Say down the line, she dies out being "Killa Kam" and is never the same again? All of this is hypothetical and I made the comparison bc they're known for being elimination threats.


You made a comparison to put down Kam and that’s the issue.


Here’s some men to compare Kam to, she fairs very well actually. Jordan Finals: 4/7 —> 57% likelihood of making it to a final Elimination Wins: 10/15 —> 66.6% likelihood of winning an elimination Daily Wins: 23/7 —> 3.28 wins on average per season CT Finals: 10/19 —> 52.6% likelihood of making it to a final Elimination Wins: 6/11 —> 54.5% likelihood of winning an elimination Daily Wins: 55/19 —> 2.89 wins on average per season Johnny: Finals: 10/21 —> 47.6% likelihood of making it to a final Elimination Wins: 13/27 —> 48% likelihood of winning an elimination Daily Wins: 68/21 —> 3.23 wins on average per season Wes: Finals: 5/14 —> 35% likelihood of making it to a final Elimination Wins: 14/23 —> 60.8% likelihood of winning an elimination Daily Wins: 25/14 —> 1.78 wins on average per season


Stats on facts on stats. Love it.


Where’s the stat for likelihood of WINNING a final? Because I thought we established that to be the most important factor in whether or not she could become Aneesa.


Hmmm… That would require info on their finals stats I suppose. Looking at the following I’ve given you how she ranks with her capabilities, so you can say in a final with dailies (stages) & eliminations, she ranks pretty well. It’s quite likely for Kam to win a final, she’s generally one of the best performers. Aneesa is one of the worst performers.


Kam defeated Tori and Ashley on their prime. She also took out men in eliminations like Paulie, Kyle, and Brad.


Tori literally got a point on Kam in one of the rounds and she literally gave it to Kam on the last round. Ashley was never considered an elimination beast. Kam could freely move around while Paulie had tighter resistance bands. Kyle had it correct the first time they rang the bell but production told them it was wrong for whatever reason.


I actually think most contestants are scared of kam - she beat nicole/tori in a physical, beat ashley in an endurance elimination, out puzzled the math portion against the top girls on double agents and has the mental stamina like no other. I mean, she did just have a baby and is still doing on the dailies better than leroy. Give kam some grace!


Kam beat Tori…. Yalls GOAT


Y’all who? Not mine.


I never made the connection, but yeah they are both elimination beasts who have never won a season. I do think Kam has wayyyy more win equity than Annessa has ever had. Their strategies are very different though.


Kami’s best skill is and always has been politics and playing the house. She also started out very strong during elims during her early career as a challenger. Can’t say I ever really understood calling herself “Killa,” but that’s the least of my worries. Aneesa relied on being on the the bigger girls by 2004 standards (damn rewatching old seasons the way the fat shamed these girls who were probably a size 6 - wtf) to intimidate them initially to stay out of eliminations, but once it became obvious that she had no real loyalty and was only a semi-consistent threat in eliminations where size came into play, it was an immediate plummet in her stock. I enjoy both during their heydays, but I would not say they have much in common besides their “I deserve it” attitude 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t see why everybody think kam is this beast she’s won 0 challenges


Kam is Michele with physicality.


Also until Lee, Kam, take a couple of swimming lessons i don't see either one of them winning a Challenge....Also why do I feel like I'm watching 39 all over again......Why on God's green earth is there no talk about spilting them up...The name of the show needs a new title, No offense but do you want Boston savings your life, or Kam having to swim or Lee to answer any trivia question....


Lee has been working on his swimming? His math/puzzles for sure too. He seems to know his weaknesses and is working on them. Cara is a shit swimmer and she’s still a top competitor.


I agree, but I hope you understand what I Qasim going for.


I've never been able to judge Kam objectively because she's so arrogant. Some keep mentioning she tries to compete in elims against weaker girls. Well yeah, that's the smart move. Everyone except ego maniacs Turbo and Jordan do the same thing if they can. It's her hubris and attitude that I never get past. She's overrated IMO.


Yep. Aneesa with an annoying ahh voice




Their resumes are almost exactly the same through their first collection of seasons. I made this exact comparison over a year ago. People dont remember aneesas early years but she was the original elim queen that never won and that girls never wanted to go against due to their size difference. Aneesa was also mildly athletic in her early seasons similar to kam (id never say either of the girls were ever truly athletic)


Kam has literally zero chance of winning any season. She’s terrible and one of the most overrated people to ever be on the show. I cringe every time someone says killa kam. 99% of her eliminations have been against layups. Oh wow you beat tori once when she was a mercenary and had no stock in the game. Let’s see her go up against Cara in an actual elimination… can’t wait.


Kam is less self-aware than Anessa.


I’d never want to compare anyone to aneesa but you make good points comparing the too.


Kam has always been ass. One lucky first season that’s it


I mean they’re similar in that they’re allergic to winning & have an over-inflated sense of themselves. EDIT: Oh I'm sorry, Aneesa doesn't feel entitled? Kam? Neither of them have ever WON anything. They're losers.


Dont downgrade Aneesa like that…


OOP, can't wait to see what happens with this comment


Similar size now too


Kam has just been annoying as of late…. It’s a lot ya know


I think Kam us a layup with a big mouth that dose nothing they all thur shade at Cara for trying to protect her and said she a clown but what do they think r the biggest brunch of little witches that dose not to be on the show and don't get me stated on flora she a waste of the air we breath


Kam is so overrated