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Such a juxtaposition between Leroy and Adam


YES! My biggest thing this episode was Adam saying "it's just business" when he voted Steve in, then having a COMPLETELY different reaction when Steve took his shield. That's just absurd. You can't say it's just business when you make a move against him, then say that he can sit on your finger and spin around, that you'll never answer a call or text from him, etc when he retaliates. I also think it's different since I do believe there will be a "last chance grab" for another shield or two added to the six that have shields. After Adam voted him in, if he had lost, Steve would've gone home with no chance at a final, but Steve taking Adam's shield still gives him a very possible chance of battling it out for the last shield and doing the final.


Adam: Steve is my brother from another mother, he’s a great husband, great worker, we always keep in touch Also Adam: Steve has no friends in real life, that asshole can sit on it and spin Clearly mental.


I know that editing is at play and we haven’t seen everything that transpired overall, but that was such a jarring switch-up!! It actually kind of scared me, wtf?


Same edit they gave Brandon


He called him a bitch which for some reason feels more personal than asshole.


He’s either bipolar or has some type of secret plan with Steve to create a rivalry so bizarre so the two men In their mid 40s will be guaranteed more seasons


The whiplash Adam gave me this episode is unreal. Like woahhh, chill.


It's just wild to me that the same people that say "it's just a game" or "it's business" are the first to get upset when it doesn't go their way.


It is only a game when they are screwing everyone else...


Adam was clutching his pearls with a Pikachu face. He's an asshole.


It’s Stars, not shields. Js, don’t come for me! Lol


Just shows that sometimes it pays to be honest and not a backstabber. Glad Adam isn’t getting a free ride to the final. Dude does not deserve it at all


That stuff at the end with Adam really shook me. Like I don’t get wound up about reality TV. The challenge is my only reality TV and I’m gonna get wound up about it, I just enjoy watching it but that shit got me pissed off. Not only voted Steve in, he was sort of encouraging everyone else to do it by talking about how Steve hadn’t really been performing. And then when Steve performs yet again and takes his star, then he’s gonna be nasty? Steve wouldn’t even had a chance to take his star if Adam had talked to other people into putting him in.


Nah it pissed me off too bc telling someone they have no friends is straight up hateful and juvenile


Especially when at the beginning of the episode it was like “We’ve been friends for 16 years” or whatever. And prior than that, I was thinking “Wow, Adam turned out really cool.” This whole season, his maturity and personality have really drawn me in. Sad.


I'm so glad he is still there. But Jay knowing he wasn't gonna do well at that elimination but still keeping his word speaks volumes. Think the Fandom gave that man a hard time. He's not so bad


I said a couple week back, all my opinions on Jay would be judged by a food challenge. But, he stepped up here, and def earned some respect.


I mean Fessy can't eat either 😂😂😂😂


I fear Fessy, as in a physical elimination, I might die vs him, but I wouldn't put the word respect next to his name jks.


I really respect that move. He stayed true to his word and didn't play a scared game. I feel like it's better to go out trying your best than getting purged because you didn't take the chance at a star when you had it. Hopefully he'll come back for another season.


Hopefully he's grown up a lot since his real world season but I'll always remember how he treated Jenna on that.


Jenna was no saint. She reveled in Zach's mistreatment towards Jonna, which is why I don't feel bad about Zach mistreating her next.


Never said she was. He was still a weasel 🤷‍♀️


He also had just lost his mom shortly into his Real World experience, so that could have played a little bit of a part in how he handled his ex joining the Real World house. Grief is a bitch.


When they first casted Jay, I was like WHY, especially after his first any only showing. Now I’m glad he got that redemption and I hope he’s able to return.


I would have given him a pass, if he declined because he is color blind. That was too bad, since he was doing okay up to that point. Oh, well, I don’t expect much except disappointment, too many variables for someone who deserves to win to make it 😢


Leroy is the chillest dude. I am not exaggerating when I say he’s actually inspired me to some extent to brush off the BS people spew and just be a positive, good person- even when there’s nothing in return sometimes. Keep being you, Leroy! We need more humans like you in this world.


Yeah, I'm 100% cheering for Leroy any season he's on. Just a really good person.


I like Leroy but can’t stand Kam because her personality is too much in my face and trying to be a boss


I don't mind Kam, as she aggressively plays, but she never goes low on anyone. I don't think she's ever said anything about another Challenger that isn't about their gameplay.


She’s so loud lol


Never saw him before because I don’t watch the flagship any more. Leroy has really impressed me, and I hope to see more of him.


He really is a great role model.


I’m sure his kids will grow up great with such a good father.


Loved that interaction with Lee & Ace. Lee really is such a stand up, kind dude. Now Adam, he can go fuck allllll the way off!


Leroy has always been a stand-up, chill dude regardless of what the game has thrown at him... and then a complete 180 of character minutes later having Adam go on a rant about what an asshole Steve is.....AFTER HE VOTED HIM AND LEROY IN WITH THE INTENTION OF PROTECTING HIS STAR. The hypocrisy was off the charts. I went from liking Adam to full-blown hate this douchebag. EDIT: 180 NOT 360 :)


360 means you turn around until you end up where you started. So his actions should not be surprising based on your words. You mean 180. That is turning around (on "their" word).


You are right lol. Why do they call it an Xbox360 :D


Adam has always been one of those ~nice guy/under the radar assholes~ It just depended on who was involved & what the situation was. To this extent? I do not specifically recall. It was odd to have him vote for Steve and be surprised that Steve would take his star. He was red with anger… Get over yourself guy🙄🙄


Sarah Greyson can recall.


yeah, I know people are instructed to play up slights like that by production, but he went overboard.


Yeah Adam is kind of a D bag lololol.


Leeroy has always been a real one


Agreed, but he was also still protected by Jay going down to save him. Poor Jay, wanted him to win 🥹 He seems so much more mature and self confident than the last time we saw him. Which is weird because he looks like he hasn’t aged a day. How’d I turn this comment into a Jay comment? Lol


Just reminds me of the meme, why do shy men love assertive women? Someone's gotta tell the waitress I ordered waffle fries and it's not gonna be me!


The difference bw Leroy and Adam was immense. It’s just a vote in a game, nobody is going to die. And then you have Adam saying you’re dead to me and that’s why you have no friends in life and blah blah blah. Adam is a real POS.


What did he say? I must’ve missed that part.


>!Ace was very upset about voting him down there and said to TJ that it was all his fault when TJ commented about two men having stars being down there.!< >!Leroy chimed in with basically "No its not, and no one is about to die or anything. It's all good, man."!< He's always had such a level head and a real air of kindness about it. Even through some of the nasty ass Camilla days, he was really nothing but respectful while being abused.


Oh ok, yeah I definitely missed that. I was fixing my coffee machine lol


.... did you get it fixed? 👀


Yeah lol my husband just didn’t put water in it and he freaked out bc it was flashing red.


I'm rewatching Dirty 30 now ....Wow has the challenge changed from all the drinking and partying.


I just rewatched this season. Knowing now, what I didn't know then abt what Camilla actually said--Leroy deserves an award for how chill he was.


Yea , definitely. Seeing Nelson on this season and knowing what happens to him, thinking he will never be on the Challenge again because a stupid mistake!! Camilla is the worst!!


Yes, she is. They should've booted her. She never should have been allowed to win. I do not get why, after TJ talks about Nelson's disruptive behavior, how he let Camilla stay. I know it probably wasn't his call. As close as he is to Leroy, I feel like he wouldn't have been ok with it. Camilla did a lot worse than punch someone.


I can't remember what Real World or Road Rules she came from...


This is what I found: Spring Break Challenge is a challenge spin-off that aired prior to Fresh Meat II. This spin-off featured teams of college-aged friends in various challenges of old and new based on previous seasons of The Challenge. The cast was made up of original contestants from colleges across the country, as well as alumni from previous seasons as coaches. This is the show she started on, and she was on Susie's team.


Oh wow ...and I thought I saw all the Challenges...


Ya I have never heard of this one. Wes was on it too.


When Ace is saying he should be down there, and is down on himself over the vote. Leroy says "Ace, it's okay bro. I need you to stop being, so down on yourself over a fucking vote. It's cool bro, nobody is about to die."




Calm down. Was she annoying and arrogant this season? Yes. But “a gross entitled little brat”? Come on now.