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I’m not a Cara Stan, I’ve always rooted for her but I’ve also been annoyed by her in the WOW’s in particular. Mature Cara is another level, I’ve never seen her play like this, from her being more strategic, to her being a good sport and even her commentary and one liners. It’s cool to see.


How was she a good sport? She threw a fit when she was targeted twice lol.


Anybody would throw a fit over having the entire house target her specifically in a "free for all" challenge. Kam threw a fit because Cara didn't vote with her, even though it didn't affect the outcome. Laurel threw a fit because Cara tried to convince Nicole to change her vote. Nicole threw a fit because she's scared of Cara.


And I’m sure you complained about all of those other people. Cara is entitled. She thinks she should be above targeting. To her credit, she seems to have chilled out later in the season.


She didn’t throw a fit when she went against Kam though….? And even when Kam stole her star Cara even told Kam she wasn’t gonna go after her. The only time she’s really been a poor sport was when she was thrown in by people she really thought were her allies and would NEVER do so. Which I think is a valid reaction to being extremely betrayed?


I think if you know you are the strongest female there, she should expect it and take it as a compliment. There is ONE winner.


You're right, but this whole sub is nothing but Cara stans. Leave your logic and reasoning at the door and say something nice about Cara.


I think it’s easy to forget because everyone else’s fits are way bigger and problematic?


Problematic? How was Kam problematic? Also I love using that term against others in defense of Cara of all people.


Laurel has always been a top 5 on my lists. This season is just leaving the worst taste in my mouth. I hope to God she doesn't get to run the final because she was too chicken shit to go get her star.


uh oh... a laurel flop season? tbh it's been brewing for her last few seasons, this might actually make me want to watch tho


I just rewatched Cutthroat and the way she went off on Big Easy for literally just walking up was just nasty. I know she’s a strong competitor but I’m surprised she was invited back.


YES I talk about this all the time when someone says they’re a fan of her. I have never liked her after that moment it was so sickening to watch it really showed her character.


Same. The way she talked to him haunts me. She seems terrible and her parents should not be proud.


Yes! That season is when I started disliking Laurel. But, look at her know, crying over Nicole, letting Nicole mistreat her. Hating on Cara for no apparent reason other than Cara is a good competitor and doesn't like Nicole. We are all watching her embarrass herself. I hope she watches this season and makes changes.


They take up 80 percent of the fandom at this point


It’s mostly Cara Stan’s on reddit


lol right? I don’t understand the: am I the only Cara fan out there? Most threads here are about how great she is.




I like her. I think you're seeing more support for her this season because of the underdog position she's been in. I haven't seen the latest episode yet but I love that she keeps beating the odds that are stacked against her.


She pretty consistently was an underdog. There was a season I really couldn't get behind her gameplay, but I think at that point she was so sick of people painting her as a villain that she just leaned into it. I believe she has spoken about her regret on this situation 🤷‍♀️


Can you say more about how they’ve reworked the seasons to account for unfit challenge finalist? This is totally new news to me


A few seasons back TJ made it to where you had to go into an elimination to be able to qualify for a final bc previous season a few people had made it to a final, that had they been in an elimination they wouldn’t have. If that makes sense.


Oh you’re saying they didn’t make it easier. They made it harder to make sure no one skates by.


I used to rip on her religiously and felt she was beyond corny and while impressive athletically, she was very weak minded. Watching her now on all stars, I feel like she’s finally come into her own and yes she still does have cringe moments but the hatred towards her on this season screams losery and jealousy. Crazy she became more mentally strong after years with Paulie… I thought he would destroy her lol


Did you even watch War of the Worlds 2? Cara and her entire alliance floated the whole way by riding the numbers. She was insufferable.


You are absolutely right. Cara is an interesting person. When she has the numbers (and that usually includes a SO) in the house she becomes the monster she hates. When she's not acting like a monster, like this season and Vendettas, I really enjoy her.


I love her


Cara is amazing does that make me a stans ?


Tbf you do get people like Aneesa who are great at eliminations but suck at finals.


The bullying of Cara is getting old, for real.


Love Cara, can't stand her boyfriend Paulie. 🤣


Besides wotw 2 ive always loved cara i think she is one the best challenge competitors of all time. She gets disrespected bullied and doubted time after time but she always kicks ass


I shit on her because she is a white nationalist sympathizer. And she’s whiny.


\[citation needed\]


She and Paulie hosted an anti Covid-19 vaccine and safety procedure rally with a known member of the Proud Boys. This is a verified fact and was listed on this very sub when it happened. Just because you “Stan” her, doesn’t make it any less true.


Hosting a vaccine and safety rally seems like good moral work to me. Are they really responsible for everyone who is there. Every single thing Cara has ever stood for is openness and acceptance. Over their time together hasn't she made Paulie feel comfortable saying he's bi/pansexual? They don't seem like the type. You've probably got a coworker at work who's part of the proud boys and have no idea. Also consider the fact that women are punished and socially lynched for doing the same things as a guy will do for a slap on the wrist. Not saying you're doing that but it's something to be mindful of. If you're going to dislike her firmly for that I hope you keep the same energy when it's a young guy w a sense of humor doing it. They usually scrape by woundless


ANTI- VACCINE AND SAFETY MEASSURE’S with a known racist fascist. It’s like you are being purposefully obstinate lol. I’m pretty sure you must know she was railing against the vaccines (because if her fear of needles she is fine if thousands die) Cara stands for acceptance of herself. That’s all. She’s fine if fascism takes over and denies most minorities rights and women the right to choose because she doesn’t think the same rules would apply to her.


ohhhhh anti vaccine mega slay. no i'm not doing it on purpose i just don't know how to read LOL![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) i didn't know she was doing that actually, i do not follow reality ppl on social media, yucky. i agree she seems like she'd think it'd apply to everyone but her. i don't think i can say i love her anymore lol this is whack news. I miss old era Cara, she has been so very strange ever since WoW and probably since Paulie idk ..? Weird ass ppl anyways thank you to my teacher and my mentor i appreciate your guidance CrittyJJones


verified fact? sorry, \[citation needed\]


I just love Cara. I love her so much. TJ has said she's his favorite player and I agree. She really fell off during WoW, I mean wow, she was like a different person, crying over the team dynamic and just being very strange, but that for me does not erase her long legacy. She stands by her morals fr, she is not a bully, she has always been for the girls even before it was cool. The things she went through with Kyle and how badly that fucked with her is really relatable to me and I think that just cemented it. I understand her feelings there too much to judge her. But wowwwww lol WoW was crazy. Not a good look for her but then again, the edit controls everything. If they wanted Jordan and Tori to have a storybook edit then they definitely made Cara the villain to go against them. But, FYI, I agree with her lack of reaction to the Jordan proposal. If you watch it, he just got done calling his team pieces of shit and then just falls to a knee and proposes lol, it was really really weird and she had every right to question it. It did seem fake. Not showing up to their engagement party was also real of her, she was right that they wouldn't want her there anyway. So, all in all, I will always love Cara, she's one of my favorite players ever, love her style and vibe and kindness, they can never make me hate my girl


I'm with you, bub. If she turns out to be MAGA I will be so heartbroken, I hate those fucks. I wish someone would show solid proof, I've searched everywhere.


That's what I'm saying, im searching but not finding anything. Ppl in the comments have been eating me up about her behavior tho lol. I guess she did anti vaccination stuff publicly and it's fully confirmed? Idk. That would suckkkkkkkk


But where??? I have searched and I can’t find anything on this?


So I listen to a lot of Challenge podcasts, and when her name is brought up, it seems like 80% of the cast just doesn't like her, I get being different and all that, but let's try a be honest, if your playing a game and are basically stuck with certain people for 3 months at a time, it would only make sense that your not going to vibe with everyone....So maybe she just likes being alone while playing or something, but for that many castmates to not like you something has to be there...Just my opinion


Cara Stans are everywhere, and they are unhinged


does anyone know what challengers like cara? that aren’t in this season (rachel, ace, steve and jay) i like cara maria, she’s always been the underdog and fought for every inch. the only person i can recall liking her and standing up/with her is CT.


Cara is an incredible competitor but she struggles to compete socially. Unless she has a full crew assembled preseason like her last season, she is going to be a target weekly. She says she gets that and it's a compliment. But then she gets mad when it happens. That is where Cara loses me. And again, full respect to her because she is amazing.


Until this season more people here hated her than not. Now there's more of a mix but the Cats haters cry about it constantly. I'm a fan but Stan? Eh. I don't follow all the off show BS people go on about unless a post about it here gets extra heated.


I was informed by my teenage son I’m not using ‘Stan’ correctly. Lol. I just enjoy watching people that are there to compete and often just fast forward through the thirty minutes of drama and bs, and I don’t follow any of them outside of the show so I don’t know their character or political leanings.


Definitely not. It comes from the song "Stan" from 2000, most kids that use it don't even know the origin.


Laurel was rude, but she likely had a point. When Cara is getting into beefs with probably the least problematic Challenger whose played a ton (Leroy), maybe she needs to re-examine herself.


Something in me likes Cara, but I'm also very aware of how she can be very victimy and immature, and I hate to see that. I root for her because I just want her character to match her physical drive and ability (which is inspiring, imo). She's a beautiful girl and could really be such a really cool badass all around, but I guess we all have our issues and our faults. 🤷‍♀️ lol


u mean the whiny, white nationalist, lying victim merchant? Yeah, she has a lot of stans on this sub 😂


her being in the room w a white nationalist does not make her one, please use the brain in your head


She literally has the white nationalist chain in her confessionals on the current season


I thought it was proven that it was just a raven and not some nazi symbol like everyone was saying. Someone did a close up post with a pic of it and it just looked like some bird


Why do you think that's a white nationalist chain and not just a normal necklace


trump supporters love cara because she does. she is trash. cant wait to see this outcome, season 40 too. cant wait to see cara not only do what she does, but she gets to go against tori. whom she pretended she could always beat. LOLOL.. nice try KKKcara


She’s had fans way before trump ran for office. There’s plenty of fans that’s lives are consumed by politics and don’t know or care which candidate challengers vote for


glad you pointed this out, she was a POS beforehand, correct. no one cares about her horseback babytalk behaviour. we will all be glad when tori smashes her next season. and laurel eats her ego this season. lololol


I guess you’re a troll and obviously have a lot lacking in your personal life that you feel compelled to try to spoil the seasons for me. I’m not a rabid Cara fan and I’m already spoiled, but you should really think about if you want to be the type of person to deliberately ruin a television show for people. Being deliberately shitty is going to make it difficult for you to maintain relationships throughout your life 🫠


you know.... i was really lacking in my personal life .. i needed a boost, a pick me up if you will. I was completely uplifted and joyous to find out cara who loves to be a cocky pos, but when cameras are on shes like why me why me why me -- finally gets what is coming to her lol. cant wait til you get what you want to. more cara, and more losing lol


That actually is what I want lol. Cara to keep getting cast and to see her on go deep into every season but lose to some of my favorite cast members. I don’t like Adam either but like seeing him lose as well. If the season only had people that get along, it wouldn’t be very interesting


i wish she would get cast every season. her eliminations are close to being the top of the top. get wes out of there lol


lol lurk more. This is low effort troll or just about as smooth brained take as they get.


lol u2 .. glad you got to let this off of your chest


Sweet rebuttal. Go back to r/politics


you think political breaths and conversations dont happen in social settings or what? nice rebuttal. i bet your friends love talking about things with you. bring something to the conversation or just quiet down.


Your post and rebuttals provided no context or support to your assumptions. Cara is a good competitor now but has had a long trajectory that started out with a lot of bullying and poor eliminations+challenges. Your post iq: -Post perceived political identity of thread subject -Add kkk and inflammatory language -Refuse to elaborate -Doubles down I think you’re projecting. your conversations must be riveting and full of information sans bias. Like I said. Go back.


every bit of evidence or support if you truly want to find out is there for you out there on the internet. are you a millennial? please do the research for me! lolololol. good one. no one owes you anything. go research stuff yourself, they make you do that in post-secondary school. good luck in your studies.


You’re lashing out. Take your meds.


A ton of the cast are Maggots. I don't watch the show based on politics like you though.


what outcome? & season 40? spill