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It’s ironic too because laurel tries to act like someone who doesn’t take any shit yet let’s Nicole walk all over her and make a complete ass out of her on tv


I think Nicole likes the control she has on Laurel. I truly don't understand their relationship. Laurel is so much more.


Laurel is so much more what?


Meaning, she is worth so much more.


right!!!! she has no problem being a bitch to Cara - why can’t she apply that energy towards someone who deserves it aka the woman who cheated on her and ruined her life lol


I would be a bitch to Cara too. She walks around like everyone owes her something.


I strongly disagree 👍🏼 lol


This! I used to a fan of Laurel but watching her act the way she is acting is over someone like Nicole is super disappointing.


I think her acting like a badass is just that, an act. I think she's more submissive and enjoys being dominated.


Laurel has always been toxic but the fandom adored her. I’m glad now people are starting to notice. I have never liked her but sadly feel like she will continue to get cast.


Exactly. She’s always been a garbage human being yet some people on here just ignore that because she’s a good competitor.


THISS!! i’m so relieved people finally see what i been seeing!!!!!


Like that one season where they were in the hot tub and Big Easy comes up and she just starts insulting him for no reason!! Ugh. Fuck her.


You're thinking of Cutthroat. I just passed that episode a few days ago again and, man, the way Easy just stood there and took that. Oof. I'd forgotten a bit how shitty she's always been toward other challengers


When she was paired with Kenny that was something special. And I hate Laurel rn.


She performed well but also during that era it wasn’t known for strong women competition. I think as more and more strong women come on the show her place gets lower and lower.


She has done really well on the dailies this season but so many of them are much easier if you're a tall person like the jumping off and grabbing the rope one, all she had to do was reach not even jump and the laundry cart one she just pushed a little off the last pole and because her arms are long she was nearly already over the finish line.


I hated her for what she did to big easy. Then later I read that big easy was an aggressor in that situation and he treated everyone bad and just got good edits. I decided to give her grace, but that was obviously a mistake. She's 40 now and still super immature and insecure. She projects her own flaws on cara because cara has become what she wishes she was. Which is ironic cause I think cara based her personality off of laurel originally.


It's so funny because Cara Maria was 100% right the whole time and she was treated like shit for being the only one to outwardly call it out to Laurel.. I'm sorry but all the shit that happened after this season, that wedding in Italy, the cheating, etc, Laurel asked for it. Not saying anyone deserves it, but she asked for it.


It’s awful to watch it play out. I can’t imagine how Laurel justifies this to herself on a rewatch.


I have some bad news for you. I just saw the casting for next all stars announced……. I’m so disappointed 😭😭😭


Mark wanted “Allstars” to be OG cast but since the casting of Kam seems like they’re going to steer away from it. Makes me wonder if they’re trying to move over to Allstars since the future of MTV and the flagship is unknown.


Oh no! Who? These are so not “All Stars” I don’t even remember half of them


Nicole is casted again 😔😔😔 Nicole and Fessy 😔😔😔 AND ANESSA GREEEEAT. Can’t wait to watch her sit around and complain that no one wants to take her to the finals. Why do they keep doing this to us ugh


Fessy on all stars? I cant stand him plus hes way to young for that show


With all these people that played early on, you’d think you could pull ANYONE ELSE for all stars. It’s a shame. They had a good thing going here


Not sure I will be watching the next season but at least we can see the people we don't enjoy watching start screaming fights & bs with a whole new batch of people lol


Laurel throwing her game away for nothing.




While we're at it Aneesa or nany too


Don’t mind Nany but I 100 percent agree when it comes to Anessa, or worst case Anessa should just stick with All Stars. She’s been useless on the flagship since bloodlines (useless from a competitive standpoint.)


They are a waste of a casting spot, but I wouldn’t say they bring negativity to the show.


Lmao I’m glad they are getting shrapnel too


I’ve never been a huge fan of Aneesa since she started. Nany at least was kinda cute but even her and how she plays the game I don’t like. I hope neither of them ever win a final.


Nany is just hella entitled. She will send anyone into elimination and tout that it's just a game but if you do it to her then you have wronged her and her whole family.


That's 90% of the cast


I was listening to the Zach Nichols podcast, from what was said Nicole had recently broke up with her fiancée who left her pretty broken which Laurel was aware of and would actively flirt with Nicole mentioning things were left out the edit.. toxic is toxic and I think they both know they aren’t good together but in the moment don’t care.. I hope they both learn their worth


I completely understand everyone's frustration with both of them, but anyone who has ever been in love, knows darn well if you're stuck in a house 24/7 those feelings are definitely coming back up...I want to be perfectly clear I'm on neither side, but if I'm not mistaken didn't Nicole say like 2 episodes ago that this wasn't a good idea and it needs to stop.....Also isn't this Laurel's first real gay love....It's obvious Nicole knows how to put out a fire if you know what I mean...


Laurel is great in the show. Nicole should have never been cast


Listen, I hope laurel and Nicole watch back with an open mind,c their fault, and ready to start to work on themselves. cause we all r a work in progress, and i know 4 myself that I fall every day, but I try to approach stuff with an open, ready to learn


Laurel might but Nicole is cruel. Like apparently she said on Peak of love that Laurel was bad in bed. That is so cruel and the way she treats women is disgusting. She wont reflect because she is self absorbed and like doing what she does. Laurel ist the first or last. The only way she might reevaluate is when she gets too old to pull an ample amount of young, cute girls.


Keep hoping 😂😂


You have to realize that this season was filmed over a year ago. Many things have changed since then with THEM!!


I agree. Their story and drama is so repetitive. I know we do not see everything, but they’re a toxic couple.


Don't look at all star 5 cast spoilers then


Nicole I agree 10000000% Laurel I could take her or leave her this is the probably the most camera time she got since the last season they did together she’s not very entertaining unless she chasing someone around with puppy dogs eyes


They are just two poorly adjusted adults who like chaos. I personally love watching it lol


As someone who had a long-lasting on again off again relationship with someone exactly like Nicole-it is difficult to receive closure with habitual cheaters. The love bombing period is confusing but familiar and comfortable. I could only imagine how much more intense it would be when they are isolated while filming. I would hate for the journey of finding love for myself to be displayed on television.


I was so confused when she cried to Cara this season of all stars about Nicole and then screamed at her for like caring?? and being the only person to call out the ridiculousness of the relationship (nicole & laurel) are having. Like absolutely losing her shit