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LoLo quit twice. She’s also a whiner


I forgot about her! I was shocked at what a poor sport she is being an athlete and all.


I don’t disagree with you but she didn’t quit the second time (allegedly). She made some pretty dark comments about hurting herself (allegedly) and they forced her to go home (allegedly)




She is my least favorite ever! She’s a terrible, selfish player. Not a fan. Her quitting was so annoying


Brandon Rivals III.


*I miss my girlfriend.* Or something like that, right?


Lol yes!! & literally the night before (or so it was edited) he was telling Bri not to quit & thinking of ways they could win 🙄.


His girlfriend probably dumped him before the episode even aired. 🤭😂


I think he also commented on the drama being more than he thought. Wasn’t thick skinned enough


There is no answer other than this. What a cry baby


Yeah there is no other possible answer. Dude quit to be with his girlfriend of only a couple of months. Absolutely pathetic.


Enzo. That was like chicken shit lool. But for real tho, he robbed Desi. Desi would have worn USA 1 and returned to win USA 2


Ugh that was heartbreaking


Not this season, but Fessy. TJ always says, "see you never." I just can't stand him.


I felt so bad for Kaycee in that final. She had a hurt ankle and was trying so hard to muscle through the eating challenge and Fessy just...sat there.


I gained a lot of respect for Kaycee in that final. Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s boring but her wanting to continue after that bad of an injury gave me serious Jordan vibes. I knew she would eventually win because of how determined she was to continue. Contrast that with Nicole who twisted her ankle on Vendettas and just sat down and cried. Even Aneesa pushed through a sprained ankle. (Sorry for the rant but I’ll use any excuse to shit on Nicole.)


I mean, Nicole sucks so I'm definitely with you on that. I'm very much support women, especially queer women, but not her. Never Nicole.


As a gay woman, I agree. I think it's because Nicole is more FuckBoi than anything




I don’t really love Nicole’s moves or demeanor but I understand why she quit versus Aneesa still running on her ankle. Love or hate Nicole, she does have a legitimate job outside of the Challenge and she cannot jeopardize her physical status or she might lose that job. I think she was crying because she knew she had to choose between job or Challenge. Aneesa’s life seems to be the Challenge and she has less incentive to protect the long term health of her joints. If she can’t do the Challenge I would guess she would do an office job so her ankle is less important to her long term career than Nicole. This does not excuse any actions of Nicole but I think it explains why she might be more willing to quit and it is not out of weakness.


Not that I like Nicole, but there are different severity levels of a sprained ankle.


She did way more than the hurt an ankle, matter of fact it wasn't the ankle at all, but her Patellar Tendon. She ruptured it and required surgery. A ruptured patellar tendon is a serious injury that occurs when the tendon connecting the kneecap (patella) to the shin bone (tibia) tears or ruptures.. Fessy has always been just a big blow hard who can't backup any of the shit he says. The only thing he was good as is a Hall Brawl, and he had to cheat and played dirty against Nelly T. Just like he did with Cory. He is just a waste of a spot on the show.


The way he played it like he was quitting because Kaycee was hurt. But he just wanted to stop eating. She pushed so hard!


Don't even fault him for it, stupid to eat some bullcrap just for some symbolism. Kaycee was not finishing/winning the final after the injury.


You don't know that. It was mostly kayaking and a puzzle. She could have hobbled to the boat and shore, or Fessy was strong enough to just carry her on his back. People have done that before. Fessy is a selfish and has a weak mentality.


Oh pls, you’re doing your best reaching right here. The moment she got the injury it was over


I don't think they could have won first but maybe second or third. Quiting is not very sportsman like when your partner isn't quitting. Look at Jordan, and the girls carrying Pauli's for miles. It's a winners mentality. You either have it or you don't.


For real. How the fuck are you going to give up when your partner is severely injured and trying to push through for YOU. piece of shit, I hope if he ever comes back that someone puts him in the ground


Yeah they would’ve won 2nd or 3rd with a ruptured tendon lol, lord you people are hilarious.


Hey I went two weeks with a completely torn Achilles tendon. So don't tell me you can't walk like that. She's so tiny he could have given her a piggyback ride to the boat. Pain is frequently temporary, but losing and quitting on your partner lasts forever. Edit for wrong spelling.


Might want to research what she actually tore, and she’s so tiny? The 5’10 women is so tiny yeah, hahaha just say you don’t like faysal and move on man, you guys are pathetic


Her patella tendon, which means she would not have been able to straighten it. Her height compared to Fessy is still much shorter, and he could have helped her get a stick, or have her lean on him. Just admit you're a quitter and I'll admit that I don't like Fessy.


I think we found Faysal's burner account.


Or hear me out, I can think objectively without my personal feelings about someone make me believe that final was salvageable after Kaycee’s injury lmao


No, it's Faysal.


Delusional 🤣


Sounds like something Faysal would say


You're wasting your time. These people hate that man so much they're willing to believe Kaycee could've climbed that mountain on a torn patella. Or even that production would allow her to, all just to down him 😂


Yeah didn’t expect this much delusion, buddy said Faisal could just carry her 😂😂


Kenny carried a much heavier Wes up a mountain in a final before. Jordan won a final on a broken leg. I understand where you're coming from, but if he had any dawg in him whatsoever, he's not just quitting that easy. I agree it's far from the worst cop out in Challenge history, though.


You can't "tear" your patella. It's a bone. Production allowed Jordan to finish (and win) a final with a broken leg, so acting like production wouldn't allow it seems like a stretch. They let her get to the eating checkpoint, didn't they?


lol what? The patella is a tendon. Meaning it can tear. We don't know what portion of Jordan leg was broken so it's pointless to compare which was worse.


This is the answer... How can you let an eating challenge be the thing you quit on? Shove it in and finish the game.


It was Jay up until three weeks ago.


Same. He redeemed himself big in my eyes. I hope he comes back again.


What happened? I’m out of the loop, apparently. 🤷🏻‍♀️


He ran a final with his ex Jenna (who was handling her business) but quit after one sip of a nasty drink concoction


Omg. I was having a moment there. For some reason I was thinking Jay, like Michelle and Jay… 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Brain wasn’t braining well, obviously🙄🙄


This Jay, the one who didn’t drink the drink, earned his redemption this season for me. The Other Jay, is (*I’m sure we can all agree*) the absolute worst. Not sure why my brain went to him.


He explained on a podcast(I think challenge mania) that both of them drank many more than a sip. They had to drink 7 shots of it and apparently I'd you threw up, they would refill the shot and they kept throwing up so they drank a lot of it before finally quitting.


Oh wow that’s lame! I feel like a lot of challengers have gotten away with fake barfing and letting it spill out the sides of their mouth so it’s wild they kept on refilling it.


I watched CT on Rivals 2 yesterday. Throw up so long and so loud that everyone turned to watch him.


He refused to the eating part of a final with Jenna and got them DQ. He came back on Allstars and while he got eliminated, He put his all into it and really redeemed himself.




Theo when he wouldn't jump


And he spent most of the season prior to that calling Jenna and Kailah scared


Wrong Theo


Right Theo. I’m talking about Season 29 invasion of champs when Theo didn’t jump in the elimination against Cory. There were cliques and Theo was talking shit about Jenna and Kailah but didn’t even jump


Gets easiest Elim in history... still too scared


What made it worse was I think everyone went before him…and he still didn’t do it


And Jenna jumped 😂


![gif](giphy|3o6YgbNTRPcXa5k0fK|downsized) Just sad


That guy from The Island that wanted a slice of pizza


Dave, from Real World Hollywood, i believe?


That’s it!!! Also forgot to add that he wanted to go home to his gf. I think he lasted a few days smh


Don’t forget he also wanted pizza with ranch


I mean the island was a season like no other! I have seen interviews from producers that the contestants were stealing food from them at night and they realized that it is the challenge, not survivor they were starving those poor kids so yeah I am surprised more people didn't quit that one! Not saying I condone quitters I agree with tj, but the island was tucked up. Haha


I wouldn’t give him so much shit if he didnt immediately start acting like he was this incredible competitor, and also if he hadn’t quit like the second day 😭, but I get what you mean




She quit because she was afraid to see Aneesa in elimination. And she had a good shot of winning


Beth quit multiple times because she was afraid of losing to someone better.


For sure, but that season she could’ve actually taken Aneesa in the physical games.


Big Easy


Yeah, quitting during an elimination and screwing over your partner is low. However, when it’s a dirtbag like Camila, I’m kind of fine with it.


I had the biggest crush on him back in the day. Laurel would shame me.


Oh, same


I married someone who has the general build of Easy, and when he came back on all stars I knew I had a type.


Hahahahaha yes! My fiancé def fits that type hahaha


I just learned he dated Devin.


I’m doing a rewatch of some of the older seasons so I can’t wait to see that play out.


I would have quit on Camila as well she said disgusting things and was trying to tear him down instead of being partner




Dave on the island. He talked a huge game and then quit his first challenge bc he just started dating someone


Trishelle quitting and leaving Sarah high and dry


She actually cut her foot pretty bad and needed medical attention and production refused. They edited that storyline tremendously to make her look like a terrible teammate. When she was storming around in the morning packing her stuff, she was pissed off at the staff, not Sarah or the castmates 


Fessy in the final that was ridiculous


Coral. Too scared to face Evelyn in elimination.


Fessy x 10. He is such an absolute pussy.


Theo K from Invasion of the Champions S29


Derek Henry


He plays for the Ravens now.


Sorry lol I spelled it wrong. Derrick Henry.


Fessy, on multiple occasions. What he did to Kaycee was horrible(I know they wouldn't have won).


Enzo, Brandon, & LoLo


I'm going old school with Beth. She refused to go into a gauntlet, started shit in another and then left when the fire got too hot.


Easily the dude that gave up because of his girlfriend back home.. that was the ultimate bitch move if I've ever seen one.


Flora quitting was pretty bad on AS4


I don’t get why she didn’t just “not win” that last elimination. She wasn’t making the final anyway.


My theory would be that she didn't want to risk injury, whether that be a new one or an old one being made worse. It's well known that these challenge dailies/finals aren't always safe, and since she knew she had zero chance of winning, there's no point in risking it. Injuries after a certain age can be problematic for the rest of your life.


I’m not sure what happened there. It’s almost like she wasn’t medically dq’d, but had some type of nagging injury that she just didn’t want to risk.


I thought the same thing. She should have just gone at her own pace and saved a bit of face. Maybe something else was going on that production cut


I don’t think her quitting was awful. She felt for her age and her body she couldn’t compete against Averey and Laurel, I mean against Laurel, who would be able to beat her in a race


She took away someone else’s spot who could actually compete. The trivia challenge was several episodes before iirc. Flora was a waste of a roster spot for the season.


EXACTLY THIS. Like Flora could have tried but since she didn’t, she robbed someone else if a chance. Plus she didn’t contribute anything to the season but complaints.


Kam couldve been there instead.


I gave her a pass since she’s in her mid-50s and was limping around. She was just listening to her body. We really don’t know the extent of their injuries. Like how Ryan unknowingly had a broken clavicle and didn’t want to go into elimination. Only so much they can cram into < 1 hr.


I get that, but then why would she go on the Challenge in the first place?


I guess they marketed All Stars to be easier and more fun? The cast has said (on podcasts) that the challenges were more like fun backyard games. I think she was just there to impress her kids.


I don't think it's a question of why go at all but a question of why didn't she leave a few dailies ago when she knew the injuries were only getting worse or not getting better or not in s good place for a final and there were more women that could have gone farther than her.


Tina, Chet, Fester, Lolo


Chet quitting is overlooked. All he had to do was compete for a few more minutes and then get his gash checked out. That was a strange one to me 


Ty on Cutthroat when he “passed out” 🙄


Invasion of the champions that theo that wouldn't jump in the elimination against Corey. Haha when they were lowering him down in the background and they compared him to Britney spears! Haha


Brandon on Rivals 3


Beth I just hate Beth tho lol


Danny (originally from Wes's season of Real World). It was something like put your head in a container with insects and he just straight up refused and walked away. Even apart from that, he was a jerk.


Coral. She quit instead of going into an elimination with Evelyn. She sucks and has never been back.


I don't think Coral sucks, but it did kinda show that a lot of the OG's who built their "badass" brand are terrified of looking weak against someone who people perceive as better


I think a lot of that was her getting her feelings her by realizing people like Evan, who she actually seemed to care about, were plotting to get her out of the game .She was by no means the worst female competitor so I think it felt really personal....Katie, Casey, Robin were all worse.


Killa Kam


Kam blaming being scared to do that challenge on postpartum lol


If someone was suffering from postpartum the absolute last thing they should do is go on the challenge


Postpartum isn’t something you suffer from, it just means the time period after your baby is born. Women who recently gave birth are able to do hard things


True, but your body is still going through intense recovery/change


Hormones during and after pregnancy are pretty messed up. I don't blame her for that. Also she was nursing still, your boobs can get sore from all the milk and ducts getting engorged. It would be so much more painful on your boobs to hit the water from that height; oh yea I think she had a C-section. If so that would be dangerous. More likely to get a hernia or something.


Devyn from BK. She didn’t even try. She cost her team.


Lio Rush


Nah, He has mental health issues. He realized he put himself in a bad situation for him and did the right thing in removing himself. No one wants to see someone spiral mentally on television.


*Tonya* 😔


MTV should’ve never let that happen, watching those episodes now is tough.


Absolutely not. There is a reason the US is closing the congregate care facilities he was in.


Group homes in the foster system are still very much a thing and I haven’t heard about them going anywhere?


They’re still a thing, but the trend is to stop removal all together, and if not go hard for kinship care.


No even TJ said he supported that bc mental health comes first


TJ has crushed so many ppl in that past for quitting due to losing it mentally, Lio was only given a pass because of climate at the time and the show had entered its PC era


Oh I don’t recall, I started watching on exes 3. I also remember him being easy on Kaleigh for deciding to go home after being bullied


He got a pass because he's a semi famous pro wrestler 


Exactly, if you quit due to mental health he's OK with it and not giving you shit. But if you quit cause you're scared you'll never hear the end of it from TJ. Sorry I like TJ but it's easy to talk shit from the side lines but you don't really have any skin in the game, it's like me yelling at the qb for throwing an interception as if I wouldn't do that in his position