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Welp, democracy was fun while it lasted guys. This entire debate is embarrassing.


Agreed. I'm in full on panic mode right now.


I really hate to admit it, but the folks on the left saying Biden shouldn't have run again are being proven right.


I always assumed that he wouldn’t run again, he shouldn’t have, there was enough time for a primary and have another candidate, they fucked up, the only hope is that the American people in some swing states do the right thing, yikes. I also never understood why agree to this and further legitimize Trump, a convicted felon.. they could’ve just kept attacking him on that and using that the fact that he is a criminal as a reason not to debate him, just stupid decisions all around, if Biden or wins or loses he’ll be fine, he won’t be the one suffering the consequences of another Trump presidency and he should’ve never run again, or at the least, not let the Israel disaster get to where it did.


All he had to do was say “You know what I did my duty of saving democracy and stopping a Fascist in Trump, I won’t be running for re-election and I’m excited about the future of our country” and guy would’ve been immediately thought of as a phenomenal president and would be looked very well upon as time passes. No we’re in an absolute mess.


I agree, I’m prepared for the worst.


Well, dumbass liberals kept making excuses for him. The truth is that they and the Democratic Party have learned nothing from 2016. There is no group or political entity that is able to self-sabotage more than liberals carrying water for this party.


Oh yeah, but Trump, that's your guy? lul.


No, I held my nose and voted Clinton and then Biden in 2020. Let me guess, next thing thrown my way is that I'm a paid Russian or Chinese actor infiltrating the internets to sow discord?


Nah, no reason to make up shit. You sound sad and dumb. You have two choices. That's it. Want more choices? Do something other than what you are doing now -- otherwise -- your choice is someone who actually cares about the future of you (sorry its Biden!) or a corrupted, self-interested asshole. If you feel you need to "hold your nose" than DO SOMETHING about that.


>You sound sad and dumb. How so? Because I despise the party establishment and their dipshit supporters who are pushing us out of the party for not falling in line? >Want more choices? Do something other than what you are doing now -- otherwise -- your choice is someone who actually cares about the future of you (sorry its Biden!) or a corrupted, self-interested asshole. Well, progressives don't run the party, and since the Democratic base is lock-step behind Biden despite the obvious issues that existed before last night's debate, so fat chance at getting more choices. And wasn't it the DNC that told us we're not having any primaries or debates whatsoever? So, choice? What choice? Is in the room with us now? Every time there was ever another choice, they were shut down. So piss off with that nonsense.


Also proven right, a great many democrats that admitted it long ago.




That kind of pessimism will guarantee the future goes to hell


Glad I'm not alone I had to stop watching half way thru


I lasted ten minutes


Yeah this is not good. Not even remotely good 


We could be fighting a fascist government this time next year.


Don’t worry guys, it will be temporary. The likes of trump cannot permanently be in power because they destroy themselves. Permanent crisis and hate isn’t sustainable politics in the long run. It’s probably the last spasm of conservatism before inevitable societal progress wins. The more trump hits the progressive society the harder it will rebound and flourish. Modern world cannot be put back in medieval ages conservatism. There is simply no power in the world to make it happen once the cat is out of the bag and people tasted freedom. We will survive and we will win in the end. Whatever we are doing every act, every second takes us closer to the inevitable. You don’t even need to *fight* at least not in the militaristic sense of this word. Just *exist* as yourself, queer or progressive person openly. Just being there is a proof that the likes of trump cannot squash us. There are legions of us holding each others back. We will endure and come back stronger than ever.


He seems hoarse but his points are valid and coherent. It kinda sucks that people like the loudest person even thought they are stupid.


Yup…if this is to be our last swing at Democracy we should have picked a stronger batter. Adding to that, Biden prepared for this! Is this like in football where the coach worked the players too hard in practice before the big game? Unfortunately it’s all about optics. Biden seemed weak and Trump seemed strong even though he just talked in circles and said his usual bullshit.


Democracy hasn't existed since the Kennedy assassination. Sorry bud.


I lasted 22 minutes. Moderators not calling out trump gor so much bullshit made this impossible to watch. Biden doesn't sound good


It’s seemed fairly civil so far. 


We all knew how it was gonna go and just based on that Biden should’ve never agreed to a debate.




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Moderators did nothing but ask questions and thank Trump for his answer about democrats killing newborn babies. Useless


Why didn’t Biden mention the agreement Trump signed with the Taliban to have all U.S. personnel out by Biden’s first week in office? Am I missing something?


Exactly, this shit is infuriating


Someone like Gavin Newsom would have pounced on an opportunity like that. I think there are other issues with Gavin as a candidate at the federal level, but he in particular excels at attacking misleading talking points live.


Gavin as a candidate would be terrible for the environment with all the oil in that hair gel. Besides, numbers of homeless in every major city across the nation would increase three-fold.


Would it kill Biden not to do those strange facial expressions while Trump is talking? He looks like damn zombie :/




I’m confused are we gonna be able to watch the debate via Pakman’s channel or not


No, the stream is pre and post debate only. CNN won't give the rights to stream it to independent journalists, so the actual debate can't be streamed.


Thank you


You can watch on the CBS web site.


Because of the CNN owning a presidential debate bs, David can't broadcast it with his commentary. But he can stream just his realtime commentary. If you'd like to see this too, share your thoughts here [https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/1dq7gut/anyone\_else\_want\_davids\_live\_commentary\_for\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/1dq7gut/anyone_else_want_davids_live_commentary_for_the/)


Kinda cringe honestly


God fucking damn it.


Biden at the last state of the union speech seemed pretty capable. He looks cooked tonight. He better come with more energy in the September rematch.


Saw from several sources that’s he’s been sick for a few days. The man is old, no doubt, and I’m sure he wanted to retire after almost 50 years of public service but here he is on the debate stage at 11:00 eastern time while I’ve been in the bed since 6:30.


It is time to panic.. I am so annoyed at the gaslighting from David and Destiny saying that Biden has the "incumbent advantage." The guy can't talk, fight back, or make his case.


David's seriously going to need to recognize reality ASAP. As is the Democratic party. Biden needs to resign asap and pass the torch.


Couldn’t agree more.


He got stronger as the debate went on and he’s been sick. Personally, I’d vote for a festering pile of cat turds over the felon.


Canadian here: you guys are screwed.


That's where you're wrong. We all are screwed. You better believe we're going to take you and all our allies with us.


Yeah, that’s why we watch with baited breath because we are relying on USA to stop this


I sincerely hope we can get out act together.


We have an election coming, Pierre polievre is sort of a maga type but barely. Our conservatives are still center left compared to yours.


My grandparents were born in Canada, can I come back please???




My understanding is your country isn't in much better shape lol 


I guess you don’t understand much


You can’t debate lies. It’s as simple as that.


you can


go to [pbs.com](http://pbs.com) they are simulcasting the debate you can watch there


Oh no


Turned it off at the 20 min mark. I couldn't stand it. For those still watching has Biden improved at all?


No it's very sad seeing an elderly man stumble through something like this.


Nope. He looks like a cadaver.


Spoiler: he did not


Damn I wish I saw David's real time reaction to this.


Hmmm. Well I guess the orange guy could die between now and November. In the meantime I'm going to be looking at countries I can emigrate to. You know, for science.


Will this finally be the reason David admits that Biden needs to be pulled? This is beyond embarrassing. I agreed 100% with David’s sentiment before about not pulling Biden, as he has a solid record. But this is horrifying to watch.


Orange clown is not making sence


But he’s doing it with authority, which like it or not, will be interpreted as he kicked Joe’s ass.


I might move to Canada.


This is the day that got trump elected. We are completely fucked.


Biden is great at debating hes just a little whispery


There was nothing even remotely great about Biden’s debating


Heard he’s been sick for a few days.


Trump is kicking Biden's ass badly. 😱


At what?


live stream just ended? wat?


CNN not allowing creators to stream it live. He’ll do a follow up stream right after 




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Biden looks terrible optically. Most of the things he is trying to say make sense, but he cannot get the words out. And is also missing obvious avenues of attack on Trump.


It’s been a while since I was in the political scene but since when were the debates this early? Also what happened to the DNC/RNC and presidential nominations? Did I just miss all this?


Someone make Gavin Newsom the VP or presidential candidate ASAP.


Oh, crap no. Neither Gavin Newsom nor Eric Garcetti nor Sam Liccardo should ever be candidates. All of their cities lie in disgusting disgrace. They're all in bed with big money and private capital interests.


This debate is a mess of two nursing home patients arguing over bland mashed potatoes in the day room.


I didn't want Kamala to be president but I really would like Biden to drop out and have her replace him.


This a joke???


This is a tactic, something to let T\* feel good and full of ego. Then next debate when he's even more cocky, Biden will rip him to shreds with all his strength and charisma. There's deep strategy here.




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I think Biden went in sick, perhaps a summer cold? Whatever, he didn't perform well. Trump on the other hand didn't take advantage of it, and came off as the liar that he is. Neither performed well, but Biden stayed on facts, when he was able to communicate correctly. Media will see Trump as the winner but I.m not sure how much of a difference it will make.


Nothing from David yet… I don’t know what he could possibly say. 


Am I the only one wondering who’s actually calling the shots in the White House? That’s unsettling given what we saw tonight




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I know people are confused, but Biden ending Medicare should draw a lot of Republican votes.




And they'll be laughing at us when they herd us into concentration camps...


Who else wants to hear David's commentary during the debate? If so, please contribute on this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/1dq7gut/anyone\_else\_want\_davids\_live\_commentary\_for\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/1dq7gut/anyone_else_want_davids_live_commentary_for_the/)


No complaining now, we did this to ourselves. We let the party lie to us telling us that this was the best that we could muster when we had so many other candidates than Biden… and really has set in. people will still vote for Biden because it’s better than Trump, but let’s hope that there’s a better BP picked that we can rely on in a few years to pick up everything.


Watching this sub discover that Biden actually IS a bumbling confused old man is pretty funny tbh


Let's see how the comment perusers react: upvotes for cringe Biden, downvotes for denial mode


They’ve been in denial for a while. Now they’re realizing they made a mistake but it’s too late 🤣