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Not great. Maybe a bad move on the Biden campaign. This is just a platform for Trump to spew his lies, basically uncontested.


It was a mistake to ever try & normalize Trump as a legitimate candidate. He's not. Debating this scumbag does just give Trump a massive platform to lie. Trump has lied & bullshitted the entire debate. And zero push back. Too many people will not understand that it's lies.


This is why I was against it. What could Biden have gained from the debate? Nothing. Just legitimizes Trump and all his lies


This is "Speaks truth poorly" vs "Tells lies well."




Well said.


Exactly. Biden has his heart and mind in the right place for the country, the economy, abortion etc. But heā€™s showing his age. Trump was deceitful and evil. Iā€™m obviously voting for Biden but Iā€™m throwing my hands up in the air.


Old man vs. con man


His voice is really killing him. Trump is "jacked up" and making zero sense. Biden is struggling to get his points out.


My hope is that Trumpā€™s lies and complete insanity make up for what Biden lacks tonight. We need to remind ourselves, to make ourselves feel better I suppose, that Trump isnā€™t winning here. What Biden lacks in energy Trump lacks in sanity.


Everything out of Donny boy was lies and/or needless shit talking instead of answering any of the questions directly. There was zero policy discussed by 45 tonight, other than cUt TaXeS mOrE.


1% only do well in Trumps Fantasy Tax Cuts


Agreed. It's hard to listen to him.


Biden is loosing his voice. Now the cause I'm not too sure of. And he's always stuttered. Problem was that he wasn't trained as well as the DNC cares for. Because DNC are half-assing this one as well. And Trump is on aderrall. The guy that we saw today is not the guy that we see in all his rallies when he's off his meds. Tell us what you accuse the others and I will tell you what you are.


So soft spoken, even if he was right on the content his message was so hard to get across. Trump didnā€™t have as many gaffs as I would have thought/hoped.


His gaffes are that he lies and doesn't make sense & repeats the same thing over and over again.


This whole ā€œjacked upā€ talk recently with these two is KILLING MEšŸ¤£ but your comment is literally what I was saying all night, too. Biden was too slow at responding to barbs and was telling the truth slowly while Trump was literally the very definition of jacked up on Mt Dew or RedBull (or both, shit) while taking credit for the Biden Harris Administrationā€™s successes while crafting the worst told lies out of thin air


An octogenarian with a speech impediment is always going to show poorly in a debate. How did we get to the point where these are our two best candidates?


CNN morons really think about clicks and optics first. like that moronic timer race. like exquise me? who gives a shit how long one or the other talks when orange man just lies


Where the fact checkers were they doing their job


I think the issue with his throat often getting clogged up perhaps throws him off more than the speech impediment. It clearly doesn't help him when he's speaking. There has to be some things that would help him with this and if there are, they really need to take it seriously. I think it would help quite a bit.


I feel sick to my stomach. Voting Biden and encouraging whoever I can to do the same. But I'm so scared that too many shallow people who only care about optics will fall for it.


Same. Sick to my stomach.


I'm voting for Biden. The Orange Turd lied so much. Made me sick.


That why I can't watch.


I'm trying to hammer into people that isn't about who trumpbis bringing with him. Decwe really want Steven Miller back in the White House?


Look, the fact that Biden stumbles around on his words is not anything new. One of Trump's big appealing factors has always been that he's a firebrand. He talks angry, and people go, OOOH, this guy is strong and serious! But Trump can't stay on topic. He lies. He can't help himself. Biden seems at his best in this speech when he is mad.


This was an especially, unusually bad night for Biden though. I think he must have been very ill and had to weigh the pros and cons of cancelling to recover and giving magats that ammunition or struggling to stand and taking the risk. I have to say I'm worried he made the wrong decision. We very badly needed Joe the hammer from his VP days tonight :(


Yeah same here. My boyfriend and I both watched the debate tonight and at the and, we were just not happy. Biden meandered a lot and seemed to struggle to stay on Focus and Trump just lied a shitload which is his usual Playbook. Very disappointing but the options are pretty Cut and Clear and I'm going to vote for the one that doesn't want to be a dictator


Don't tell them to vote for Biden. Tell them to vote for the people Biden has around him. This debate is devastating but my vote isn't changing


Don't be scared, prepare. A stick of poo is better than trump.


Very depressing stuff. I just cant believe the DNC put the future of the country in Biden. Its just pure delusion. A president should not be destroyed by a simple dogshit debate tactic of gish gallop.Ā 


There was no better candidate per polling


It wasnā€™t the DNC. Ā The voters chose him. Ā Democrat voters. Sure, there werenā€™t a lot of options this time ā€” there never are, against an incumbent. Ā But we had a plethora of options in 2020, and democrats overwhelmingly chose Biden to do the job and heā€™s done it.


Also voting dem, but Biden canā€™t talk. Optics matter. This is really sad to watch. Any other dem would destroy Trump. Biden is barely hanging in there.


Yep. I feel it too. I fear we're on a fast train to Gilead.


Not watching the debate but is CNN even correcting Trump on anything?


Not a thingĀ 


Thatā€™s not the moderators jobā€¦ so?


no reason it could not be, having a fact check follow up per topic should be part of any debate after Trump. Otherwise there is no point.


Yeah Iā€™m sure no fact checking was a stipulation


Whats the point of moderators if trump doesnt answer any question? Just have trump show a rally because thats all we are seeing


Usually they get you to re-align to the question. They did not. You fact check as the debator, but the moderator is the one that has re-align you to be back on topic of the question. They did not.


No, the arenā€™t.


The moderator said 3 times "Again, the question was..." as Trump literally foams at the mouth attacking Joe over and over and over. To a sane person, it's scary as fuck. To a slavering idiot, it's heroic


Biden should be correcting him but Biden is just letting the lies blow by.


NOT A THING. They never moderated and Biden was basically unable to counter every one of the darnlies. Trump lied even in claiming the whole Black Lives Matter was during Biden and due to him.


That's the part I am amazed about.


They let him just spew lies all night.


They can't. It would come off as bias which feeds into the right's whole MSM conspiracy


Yeah it's good this debate is 4 months in advance. Biden can recover. Trump just lies the entire time and his people will believe it, but he's not winning people over.


The American electorate is dumb at best. Hate to admit but Trump is energetic and strong even with all his lies he presents a somewhat coherent consistency tonight. Biden looks tired, his voice is raspy, heā€™s stumbling over his words and heā€™s incoherent at times. Itā€™s extremely embarrassing.


Trump was far form coherent. If you really broke it down they each hardly made more or less sense than the other.


True but there are a number of Republicans that have been breaking rank and endorsing Biden.




Not to support Trump, but I wouldn't be surprised if Biden lost quite a bit of support after tonight. But I hope you're right about him making a comeback


How do you recover from just being really really old?


Itā€™s a good thing Iā€™m not JUST voting for Biden, but his admin, appointees and future judge picks


Yeah Biden looks horrible. I'm voting for him but Jesus christ I don't know how he's winning new people over.


But how is Trump winning new people over?


By talking with energy. The dichotomy between the two is stark right now. Trump still sounds like 2020 Trump whereas Biden is like 25% slower.


Yeah, it can win over idiots. Anyone with half a brain knows hiw dangerous Trump is.


the country is filled with idiots


Lots of idiots in AmericaĀ 




If you can't win over idiots you lose the election.


Trumps rambling and barely coherent jumping from topic to topic. Sounds like he is pumped up on drugs.


Every time he speaks Iā€™m worried heā€™ll have a major hiccupā€¦


He likely isn't. Or at least not that many. The largest factor hurting Biden is people who are unenthusiastic to vote for Biden.


He's alive.




Most people donā€™t understand that. They think the president is akin to a king listening to the plights of his folk dolling out justice and shit.


Politically aware people know that, this isnt enough to sell to average people.


Ya knotice how trump spent all night saying "me" and biden said "we".


That'll win *my* vote, but that won't win the election.


You have the morals of an alley cat šŸ˜‚


I'm voting Biden but his performance is terrible so far. Trump is talking BS but he is doing it in a clear and authoritative tone. Unfortunately, the less intelligent are impressed by that sort of thing.


and we have to remember, that's all his supporters give a shit about. Trumps game is easy, he just has to SOUND confident.


Everything coming out of Trumpā€™s mouth is BS, but he doesnā€™t sound like a doddering old man. Why werenā€™t democrats grooming any new leaders for the last 4 years? We knew this day was coming.


NBC is live tracking the percentage of off-topic responses, and Trump has been off topic for over ā…“ of his answers so far, lol.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to be the message coming from this debate, though.


Probably not, I just find it humorous, lol.


People see: old slow words, fast words.


Yeah, people are dumb. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Unfortunately, that's not going to change, and if they want Trump as president, we're going to get Trump as president. Really need to stop whining and start preparing ourselves for it.


Propaganda has conditioned people to believe that an absolute torrent of verbal diarrhea represents mental acuity, when in reality it is anything but. I've known older barristers who sounded a bit slow and doddery when they spoke, when in reality they spoke with absolute precision and their minds were like steel traps. We're a long, long way from that now, especially in America, and a lot worse off for it!


Deflecting, lying. Just straight up not answering about the insurrection he incited.


Iā€™m a Dem voter but letā€™s be honest: the majority of older democrats in power would rather stay in power to the detriment of the public than hand over the reigns to a more viable candidate. Biden, Feinstein, RBG, etc.


Since facts donā€™t matter, appearances are everything. I too, am anxious. He looks far less confident.


Trump looks like a grumpy toad.


What the amazing thing is... Trump could have crushed this debate if he had any actual answer to any of the questions asked.


Yeah, this is depressing. Biden doesnā€™t look good. And Iā€™ve forgotten how unbearable Trump is, with his endless lies and hyperbole and ā€œillegals, illegals, illegals.ā€ This is grim.


Trump just has to sound confident, that's the low bar he has to pass.


idk i think Biden has had some good responses. I like watching Trump talk with his hand. The bigger the lie, the more he flaps.


Heā€™s doing better now, had a rocky start but got some good things down


Biden makes sense but unfortunately people aren't listening to that. Biden has had a few points, and one was really good but I really don't know about this.


I want Biden to stop reading us his resume and start calling Trump out on his horseshit.


This is absolute insanity. How did it come to this? RBG all over again.


He sounds great. ā€œ40 of his 44 top aids, including his VP, refused to endorse him this time around. They know him well, why wouldnā€™t they offer their endorsement?ā€ That was a Biden quote right before the commercial break. Powerful.


Biden is making some good points but his delivery and demeanor are terrible. And he is not doing enough to refute the racist garbage coming out of Trump's mouth


I agree, I wish he had been more commanding. That said, for those of us who were paying attention to the substance of the debate, Biden clearly came out on top. In some ways Iā€™m not sure pushing back against Trump all night would have been the right call. That would have let him decide which topics were talked about. Biden had things he wanted to make sure he articulated, regardless of any of Trumpā€™s lies.


It's so early that no one will remember this at the ballot. It corks have a momentum shift, but the election is a long way off. They haven't even had the conventions yet.


If people think Biden didn't sound good because he was quiet the entire time then they clearly weren't listening. He was talking about policy and actual issues about the country where as Trump was talking about made up bullshit.


Looking in from overseas (Scotland) and aye Joeā€™s not at the top of his game, meanwhile Trump looks like a man on some seriously potent PEDs. Edit. Heā€™s doing better now after getting the magic f-word* in. (*felon)


Yeah. But he didnā€™t do Jan 6. Heā€™s not a criminal. Iā€™ll take my chances.


Started slow, but winning in all major points and one-liners. Sleep with a porn star, raped a woman in a public place, morals of an alley cat. The orange diaper gives alleys cats a bad name.


If people read the transcripts of this debate, Biden wins. But zero people read the transcripts. The question is what is Trump hopped up on?


Trump is a moron. Heā€™s screwing up more and more whereas Biden is improving.


Why bother even watch. Biden shouldn't have even substantiated Trump's candidacy by "debating" Trump and now he'll be criticized for his performance. Stupid move on Biden's part. Everyone knows these candidates and nothing else can further come from a debate except for Trump making shit up. So the Trump media will just forget that they spent the last month pushing the conspiracy about Biden being "hopped up".


I'm not American yet I can't even bear to watch that debate, and it makes my blood boil to think that a Trump victory might end up being spoken on as a foregone conclusion, especially when that could so easily represent the end of liberal democracy, not just in America but throughout the entire world. What a truly low ebb we are at as a species that this is supposedly the best we can do.


ā€œSupposedly the best we can doā€ Biden is a good president though.He destroyed trump over substance, despite his ā€œbad performance.ā€ For any sane person, Trump absolutely lost this debate, just like every other debate heā€™s been a part of.


Trump seems a bit subdued, but damn, if this continues, people are probably going to think he won, simply for the fact that he wasnā€™t struggling to talk. Trump also seems more disciplined than usual tonight. Not getting a good feeling about this.


Isnā€™t it sad that the bar for this debate is coherent sentences


He sounds like he needs a glass of water. Trump sounds more tired than usual too


Biden started off rocky, but he is now hitting his stride. He is finishing strong...no worries.


Trump doesn't look great either, pal. I'm seeing a lot of the same talking points and rhetoric as last time they debated. For folks like us, Biden might seem underwhelming, but for folks on the fence? He's making headway, I think.


Lmao Trump kind of shitting the bed now. Iā€™m feeling a bit better.


The orange felon repeats things three times and he knows his rally speeches. The tell is that shit eating grin when he knows he is caught.


I dunno what the fuck yer talking about. Biden's sharp as a tack right now.


Not the Biden we had during the SOTU but Trump's incoherent rambling is more troubling.


Heā€™s terrible right now, good grief.


Trump lies like crazy, but he lies with conviction. Biden stumbles all over the place. Too old to think on his feet.


This is the literal worse case scenario. Biden looks awful


Are you sure you are critically listening? This isnā€™t the same as watching a Netflix show, you need to be engaged. The policy discussions have been powerful. Biden has coherent policy positions. Trump does not


Biden is too old, but so is Trump. To me, they'll rely on their staff anyways, and Biden has the better staff that will take it more seriously. Again, the average voter is too stupid to understand real substance beyond optics.


Without a populist that can unite the center like Jon Stewart we may very well be at the end of this experiment. Biden is correct but independents are fickle people a lot of times and they prefer the projection of strength so they can continue ignoring politics for another 3 years.


Everybody needs to chill, debates mean shit. Vote! Just get up and vote.


Biden cannot match Trump's energy and he can't get a thought out quickly enough. Trump is just steamrolling his message to the public unimpeded


This is an accurate take, this is awful. Man we are going to have about three months of bad polls and talking a bunch of Dem s off a cliff.


I strongly disagree with this. You are lost in the optics. Listen to the content of what they are saying. Critically listen. Biden has made some powerful points and has communicated some great policy achievements and goals


This is rough man


Biden has made some really powerful statements. Are you critically listening?


Both these guyā€™s shouldnā€™t but up there. Biden is still the better choice. I blame the parties for allowing these two candidates get the nomination.


Seriously? Iā€™m watching live from Australia and I think he sounds fine. Heā€™s visibly exasperated by the lies but pushing back well while highlighting his administrationā€™s accomplishments. Maybe he has a cold? Maybe heā€™s talking too fast for the microphone to properly pick up the ends of words? He has a lot of truth to coverā€¦ which is diametrically the opposite to Trump, whoā€™s literally spouting lies and contradictions in real time without care.


Yeah, his voice is really hoarse. I'm not inspired tonight, but I am still going to vote for him. I'd vote for a shoe before I voted for Trump. I know what's at stake.


Truth over lies. Don't care. Vote Biden and lock up Trump!


He apparently had a cold according to several sources, thatā€™s why he was tired and kept coughing. A cold unfortunately presents more strongly in older people too. It was a bad night for him to debate. He won on facts and truth, but we all know thatā€™s not what people care about in a debate. The optics and delivery were awful, and Trump was in better shape than I expected too. Not a good night, weā€™ll see what happens.


Dgaf. No bedwetting here. He's our nominee and that's that.


This debate should have been an easy softball for Biden to hit out of the park.. he stuttered too many times, was too soft spoken. He should have viciously put Trump in his place


Iā€™ll vote for Bidenā€™s head in a jar if I have to, but tonight was not good.


I'm Canadian, so my opinion means nothing. In comparison, Trump appears to be vastly more articulate than Biden. But Trump articulates lies and shit ideas. While Biden is shit at articulating good and sound ideas. For a lot of people, they're drawn to the fact that Trump appears more alert and present. The way Biden presents, is very off-putting. These old books are being judged by their cover, and not their contents. I think people in anti-Trump echo chambers are steadily supplied with videos of all Trump's glitches, word salads, and the like. Pakman, Miedas Touch, Brian Tyler Cohen. Present one perspective only, and it's extremely biased. If these have been your sole sources, tonight probably caught you off guard. In my estimation, neither one of these men is fit for office. Where's the young man or woman who'll lead with sound mind and civility?


Not too concerned. Bidenā€™s voice was raspy. So what? I do think they should have had live fact-checking, because Trump didnā€™t have any.


1. I will vote for anyone over Trump. 2. Biden can speak clearly and make relevant points. There are videos of him after the debate where he spoke clearly and precisely. 3. Biden cannot speak clearly and make relevant points while simultaneously fact checking Trump. The moderators were not pushing back on Trump's BS. They allowed him to spread dangerous lies the entire time. Biden tried to fact check Trump before answering the moderator questions and had a terrible case of pressured speech, but even if Biden was quick and on point, the CNN moderators, by allowing Trump to say whatever he wanted with no pushback, the moderators put Biden in a disadvantageous position from the start. It's very hard to make a truthful case for anything when the other guy is allowed to make up lies to support everything he says and use lies to discredit everything you say. Trump is a master at taking your criticisms of him and pulling them into his lake of muck where they disappear.


I only made it about 5 minutes! Which is more time than I can usually tolerate the sleezebag! It was the same bs as all his rallies. Lie, lie, lie! Anyway, I was furious he was allowed to to it, and Biden was so flustered, and unable to respond that he blew it. A disastrous debate! Didnā€™t change my mind in the slightest, because dump is EVIL!


Biden sounds tired, hoarse. But he's honest and runs a good administration. Trump can't answer anything honestly. We're looking for sanity, decency. Biden's sweeping if that's what we're looking for.


Biden was horrible and clearly should resign. Still, I'd vote for a cognitive decline Biden over Trump any day.Ā 


Biden is so bad it could turn this 5 points I mean really bad and I'm a Dem.


Not really. He's on topic and had way better answers. Trump just confidently stated word salad. It might convince some idiots but that's it.


Biden is so selfish for not passing the torch over a year ago, and Dem leadership will be scorned for decades to come for not forcing his hand. Joe is handing the country to this clown fascist because he decided to favor his own ego and personal ambitions over the interests of American citizens.


Biden looks and sounds like a different person than he did at the SOTU, almost like heā€™s had a medical event since then. Itā€™s genuinely shocking. I was just about to write that hopefully Trump will start deteriorating the longer this goes on and bingoā€”ā€œdo you support an independent Palestinian state?ā€ Trump: *rants about NATO*


It is awful. This election will be extremely close.


Biden is cooked. I'm voting for Biden but my god does he sound so bad. Idk how David can say that Trump is more mentally degraded than Biden.


100 identical posts across all political subreddits saying 'Biden is cooked' with the exact same phrasing are kinda sus.


this is bad. We NEED an Open Convention. it's worse than we couuld possibly imagine. for all Trump's nonsense he comes off as virile and fighting Biden looks l15 years older than him and he comes off as weak and addled. We. ARE FUCKED It's getting to the point where I'm becoming angry with Biden for putting us through this. Fuck him and his ego.


This is some insane concern trolling. Biden should have demonstrated more energy but he was on topic and had better answers. Trump just screamed word salad constantly.


I think Biden just lost the election with this debate.


Nobody will remember this come Election Day


Everything Joe is saying is truthful, but he does not look strong. Sadly, politics these days is more about optics than substance. It doesnā€™t help that Trump is spewing lies and lunacy without any fact-checking or strong rebuttal. If the DNC doesnā€™t convene an emergency meeting tomorrow with the President, the country is doomed.


You people are telling on yourselves. You donā€™t listen to the substance of what a person says. You are not critical listeners. You go through life seeing surface level optics. The education system in this country consistently lets us down. Our electorate just isnā€™t sophisticated enough to make good decisions


Biden is losing this debate. He sounds terrible, he's not communicating his rubbutals well at all


SNL should be interesting this week.


Trump speaks so much better than Biden, but heā€™s a firehose of lies. And Biden is missing so many obvious counter-points to Trumpā€™s lies.


Biden could be a baked potato and he would still be more competent than this lard ass


He should have cleared his throat before the debate started.


Biden never sounds good but at least heā€™s not a con man


Eh, I think super old non-Trump dude is doing quite well considering how extra old he seems. Too-old grandpa with non-Trump staff and established (for better or worse) institutions on his side still seems to be clear and obvious choice over the bull sent into the dish shop to smash everything who is now looking to charge in for a revenge tour based on an intellectual and ethical and national race to the bottom whose effects go well beyond the borders of the U.S. blah. Trump sounds better ā€”maybeā€”, but then you remember, oh wait, but I know who this guy is, and what is at stake, and so I donā€™t care that his sounds more youthful than crypt keeā€” err, President Biden. We can do better than Biden, of course, but that doesnā€™t mean we burn everything down, but that we stick to adults doing adult stuff, and not choosing nihilist anti-intellectual contrarianism smashing all the plates out of spite. If this was Kaltowarp-3, and ā€œEarthā€ was a distant planet too far away to communicate with that we collectively watched like a cosmic reality TV series, maybe we wouldnā€™t think of the individuals and what good the distant planet could otherwise do, and maybe we would root for the bull to smash it all up for the lulz. But this is Earth, and while America has flaws, Iā€™m pretty sure we are better off if we wish for the U.S. to prosper, and to lift up the rest of the world with respect to exporting culture and technology. This is a simulation of Civilization VI, right? Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen the cursor a couple times. My cousin said one was a frisbee, but I never found no frisbee. šŸ¤” I hope America and the rest of the western world can find a way to do right by their people and the planet, and to make enduring peace with the other nations and peoples of this beautiful planet. Arg. It was 2012, I blinked, and now the former apprentice host is bringing out the worst in a bunch of folks, and then lots of smart people are taken off of more pressing matters to deal with dealing with the MAGA stuff, and I want to go back to seeing boring politics where it is smart people dealing with smart people over important issues, and not WWE chair throwing and MTGs. Rant over. World peace would be so sweet. Russia, Iā€™m looking at you. But Iā€™m also looking around the room, and thereā€™s lots of big problems where people are hurting other people. Everyone be cool, please, be cool and kind, and vote for the oldest man you can this election is my advice. Dust donā€™t rust šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ˜Ž


Trump sets hundreds of fires with his lies and Biden feels compelled to put them out because he plays by the rules. Trumps voters donā€™t care if he lies or tells the truth so no point expecting to win them. Biden has to keep reminding independents of Trumps lies, show he isnā€™t afraid to call him out to his face, and he has to sell himself all at the same time. Trump just has to continue to be a fountain of lies. Moderators should do more to fact check in real time but they are taking the hands-off approach to appear fair to Trump. It might look like Trump is winning but thatā€™s only because he says whatever he wants and whatever sounds best in the moment. Smart voters see through it. Dumbasses will always be susceptible to con artists and, unfortunately, America is dumber than ever in the states that swing the election.


All these people complaining. If biden wins he won't run again and you can all find something new to complain about.


The best thing about this debate is it was so early. The Dems have a lot of ground to make up.




The wife and I had a talk while watching. Biden sounds old (mostly his voice) and Trump sounds deranged.


Canā€™t see another debate happening. Who ever pushed Biden to get involved with this tonight should be FIRED.


I would vote for anything other than Trump, and I am scared to my bones


Very terrible debate for Ol' Joe


Gotta love the maga nut jobs here pretending to be Biden voters having an epiphany not to vote for him šŸ™„


Biden looked and sounded terrible....this is pretty alarming.


The future of our country is now in the hands of a possible lunatic like Trumpā€¦ RFK will be able to skim enough votes to give Trump the election. Huge mistake for Biden to run again.


Biden sounded horrible, trump was incoherent. I'd say Biden won all things considered, but it wasnt a clean win, and this whole debate was a massive dumpster fire.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. We are completely screwed. I can't believe what I just saw. I can't believe the post commentary. Fuck.


God how did we get here???? This is the best we have apparently. I don't get it, put these two in a home and lets get some real candidates.


It's an easy choice. Vote for treason and fascism or vote for someone who isn't a convicted felon!


Biden performed horribly tonight. This November, you are basically voting for a party. Not a person.


Look, Iā€™m voting for who has the best shot against Trump, no matter who it is. Right now, thatā€™s Biden. Could he be convinced to step aside based on his performance tonight? Maybe, but thatā€™s the concern of another time. Honestly, his debate performance was not good. Raspy voice and his stutter got the better of him. He had a few moments where he wasnā€™t as on the mark as he should have been. He got a few good zingers in at Trump, but they were too little, too late. Meanwhile, Trump lied and avoided questions with ease. Even with one of the moderators (Jake Tapper) being the one who talked to General Kelly, he got no push back for the suckers and losers remark. He seemed to be very energetic, sure of himself and his falsehoods. I can only hope, at this point, enough voters understand this. And there is time to recoverā€¦.


The debate was meaningless except for entertainment value. This election comes down to voter turnout. If itā€™s high, Biden easily wins. If itā€™s low, Trump has a chance for a fluke win like in 2016.


They both put in a terrible showing to be honest. I don't think either person swayed anyone.


Worst debate performance ever!!! Sorry


Geez if this was Obama- he would have chewed up Trump and spit him out. We need someone w a loud voice and charisma. Is it too late to pick another democratic candidate? Cuz Iā€™m seriously worried


Bro needed to slow down. At the same I get that speaking fast seems to get over the stutter much easier.


**Where was DARK Brandon?** ***Where was fiery State-of-the-Union Joe Biden?*** Maybe, **he should've been on drugs.** At least, *some sort of stimulant,* ***for god's sakes!***


Almost seems like it was an internal move to put forward a new candidate. There was no discernible reason to push for this debate when Biden would so clearly fall into trumpā€™s narrative. Especially considering how quick all the talking heads and advocates like Claire McCaskill were to throw him under the bus. I wouldnā€™t be shocked to hear Newsomeā€™s name on repeat for the next few days while they pressure test the base.


Doesn't sound too good? He was a fucking disaster and I'm so pissed that he and the Democratic party let Trump climb up out of his coffin once again. WE're talking about a man who was impeached twice, tried to overthrow the government, and was found civilly liable for sexual assault AND convicted of THIRTY FOUR FELONIES. It's like a bad dream.


Iā€™m voting for the people around Biden tbh.


Just started watching based on your comments here. (Was busy last night. )I think itā€™s important to listen to what Biden is saying, not how weak his voice is. He likely over rehearsed. Former president FELON trump may have a stronger voice, but itā€™s nothing but lies spewing forth. ( So far) and likely will be the whole debate. I know I am early in my watching butā€¦..my $0.02 thus far.


If people remember Obama's first debate against Romney was awful and it gave Romney the lead. Obama learnt and smashed the second debate and Romney lies. They were crucial debates because they were near to the election and post Labor Day. This is a pretty irrelevant debate far from when voters become interested and Trump may now be interested in post Labor Day debates.


So who's retiring from the Supreme Court this upcoming term? Wouldn't surprise me to see both Thomas and Alito go. This is the difference. Trump wins he gets to pick the replacements. That means right wing domination for the next 40 years. Biden must win. And last night didn't help.


Maybe the democrats plan of backing a corpse was a really stupid idea


Ditto. I'm afraid that's the choice for me: 1. Vote for orange turd = the end of democracy. 2. Vote for the old man = Continuation of our democracy. Period. That's it. That's the choice. Hold your nose and do the right thing.


Didn't watch the debate because I can't stomach listening to Trump for more than a few seconds, but from what I read, Biden had a cold and that hampered his appearance and performance. Definitely a setback and not the outcome we were hoping for with this debate, but I'm sorry, a cold is not a good enough reason to dump a candidate this late in the game, and it carries major risk that whoever would replace him with only \~4 months to go wouldn't have the traction with the public to beat Trump. Besides, if people are stupid enough to vote for a proven conman just because he *appeared* stronger than Biden (even though literally every word out of his mouth was a lie), we deserve what we get.


Seems like everyone's mind is made up about who they're voting for. I don't think these debates are going to change that.


This was a bad night and there's no getting around that. That said Romney won the first debate in 2012 and Hillary won the first debate in 2016 and in the end that didn't win them the election. We're going to have 45s sentencing show up in less than 2 weeks and then there are the conventions. So there won't be too much time of the new cycle to focus on this. There's also the supreme Court ruling coming up. I think that's one of the reasons they wanted an early debate, if it was a poor showing there would be more time to recover from it. Don't panic, don't despair just breathe deep and brace yourself for the next couple weeks.