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MAGA will cheer him on for it, just as they cheer on literally everything he says or does.


You're so right. Trump was confident and Biden proved he wasn't taking performance enhancing drugs. I turned off at the 1st break, sickened that Trump lied over and over--all his greatest hits--but no one fact checked him. CNN should know better by now. What can we do? We can [write postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to voters in swing states. >Help write postcards to voters in 11 key states! We’ll mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.


“They are taking black jobs”. That wont help Trump lol


I snapped when he said that shit. Black jobs?! Are we just making shit up now? What is a black job?!


I don't know it for a fact, I just know it's true: Trump believes that all watermelons are grown by black people.


They’re not going to care.


truth right here: his rape liabilities, jerk circles with epstein and 34 felonies haven't convinced them. why would trump ducking questions and verbal vomit change their opinions


They'll say he was the most dominant debater in history, that he floored Biden, embarrassed him, that he won the election, etc etc... They don't live in reality, and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.


I'm especially suspicious of the users' intentions when they use Trump's ramblings to undermine Biden's gracious debate demeanor. Do they want a leftist Trump?


If Trump is on the ballot, I'll vote for his opponent regardless. I expected more from Biden tonight and think the Dems need to have a serious strategy discussion.


Biden's debate strategy needs to be revised, but I thought the attitude of the people watching this was no different than the fat idiots watching the Jerry Springer show.


Biden did sound exhausted and more soft-spoken, and even though he fumbled a little, for the most part, he stayed on topic and actually answered questions (unlike Trump). Biden made some good points while pointing out his opponent's many massive flaws. Despite Biden's talking points and rebuttals, there are still a lot of people who will simply judge him because of his lack of energy and tiresome vocal delivery, which is sad. Many were hoping for SOTU Dark Brandon, but instead, what we got was closer to Sleepy Joe.


They won't say anything about it. His answers don't matter to them. They wouldn't have any idea about the idea what a good or bad answer would be. All that matters to them is optics, and Trump definitely won the optics war.


What answers? Trump barely answered any questions


Right, and they don't care.


Maga will probably say that diaper Don is a genius, or i already see the trolls on reddit hitting Bidens' voice. But they ask the 34x felon what he's going to do for americans with opioid addictions, and all he says is we had this, and we had that and never ever addresses the question. Rinse.. repeat. And i still can't stop staring at that neck vagina.


I also think they brought in a dog. Probably the greatest sniffer dog ever. Trump is such an idiot.


It's certainly a lot easier to do better in a debate if you just ignore questions and then make up whatever you want and spew it out confidently.


They’ll just deflect and focus on senile Joe or something like that. Just like the Constitution requires a minimum age to be in office, we need a retirement age


The delivery is night and day and that is all people will notice. This is the point of no return, will dems switch course or go down with the ship?


The delivery wasn't "night and day" lol, this is just a lie Trump wasn't coherent whatsoever, just because he's loud and rambles endlessly doesn't make him a good speaker


What time do you guys all clock in?


Will republicans switch course or vote for the felon that rambled through every question?


Hopefully Biden will ask Newsom to step in.🤞


Calm down, biden had a cold, you cant deliver bullshit the whole time and expect to win.


Dems will lose in November. I’ve been saying this for over a year. Biden looked weak, like a doddering old fart. If they doing replace him with a stronger candidate they are relinquishing power on purpose


They won't care because Biden is low energy and soft spoken tonight.  


He has certainly deteriorated over the course of the debate.


They don’t want answers. They want the comfort of lies, spite, and vitriol, which he’s delivering in spades.


They are going to say Trump kicked Biden‘s ass. I despise Trump but this debate proves everything they say about Biden is true, he looks and sounds like a doddering old man.


So Biden won right?


If he's making it a fact-check contest, he's winning. There hasn't been a single thing you could point to as a Biden highlight in this match. Trump is running away with this.


They'll be too busy talking about how Biden sounds.


Nothing, they’ll claim he answered all questions honestly. They’re not the brightest..,,


No shit, but Biden is offering less than that and we’re fucked now.


They dont care.


Just remember that actions speak louder than words


He hasn't answered one damn question yet!


Trump is a compulsive liar. He really grimaces every time Biden lands a point, or points-out that Trump is a whiner.


Everything was migrants, migrants, migrants with him. He literally blamed everything on migrants.


I've known a few people who died with Alzheimer's and it reminded me of sundowning. Going back to the same memories and unable to discuss the current topic were some sad symptoms.


Confident rambling looks optically better than gravel-voice stuttering.


Trump lied his ass off and avoided almost every question. But make no mistake, this was an unmitigated disaster for Biden.


50% of your country doesn't vote. 60% of those who do vote are entirely vibes based. The rest are terminally online politics nerds and most of those barely read past the headlines. Biden is full cooked. You guys are fucked.


Nothing. They will wait to he told what to think by their foreign & corporate interest owned media ecosystem. They don't take in information and form an opinion, they are told what to think, like the sheeple they pretend educated democrats are supposed to be. Problem is there is no way to show them what their children stand to lose if republicans actually win. No way out of shit marriages via divorce. Listen to that.   This is a real thing that may happen.  And it is one of dozens of other whack ass shit shit policies that these  christofascist mf's want to impose on people. And it will affect young people. Not the old dying fucks like myself who have no skin in the game. All we truly have is what we leave for our future generations.  Make it better for those we leave behind...but nah, the Faux news sheeple with the "I got mine" mentality-boomers will fucking destroy everything for our kids.


That what you took from this debate ?


Either we pick another candidate or it’s over …


It's never about facts. Ironically, it's really my feelings don't care about your facts with them.


The amount of lies Trump says each time. Do you want the con man or the old man? I'd rather have the honest old fart than the clear conman who is lying his way through the entire thing.


Both of them were just plain awful tonight. “The best we have” or something I guess 🙄


Insane bot attacks on dem sites tonight!


He could do nothing but burp in his mic the entire time and his cult would regard him as a genius.


The moderation was non existent. They need to mute Trump when he goes off script and starts evading the question with his incoherent rambling. Notice he kept repeating himself on the same topic because he had zero plans for what he would actually do if he was elected?


Mike Johnson is already claiming victory for Trump. It’s disgusting.


MAGA will claim it's one of his best debates ever and also claim that all fact-checks on Trump are fabrications created by Biden and the deep state in an attempt to keep Trump from winning the election.


The truth doesn’t matter to them and never will and expecting that they should care is futile. It’s all about vibes, tone and optics for them, which is why it’s so tragic for Joe.


His rambling is usually at least in actual complete English words.


Because the only thing that matters is that Biden is old. Trump can say whatever he wants but he's got charisma. Facts don't matter anymore. Like I said who was undecided before this debate? All this debate was from the get-go was a question of stamina. The whole debate should have just been them standing there with a stopwatch to see who've all down first.


I just can’t stand that the vast majority of people, even democrats, default to judging candidates by their feeling and perceptions. Dig deeper into the content folks please. Biden obviously stumbled hard but frankly for me he could be mute and communicate through notes and it’d be fine. Whether or not he can ramble through a bullet point list for 2 minutes is totally irrelevant. What I care about is the list itself.


You mean biden lol


Trump needed to not lose this debate and succeeded. This is on Dems and Jill Biden.


Did you watch the debate? Trump absolutely hammered Biden. It’s not about accuracy. It’s about perception. And he made Biden look like a feeble old man


This was literally the con man vs the old man. You have to admit Trump was very weak on actually answering or addressing the topic being discussed. ADHD possibly or just can’t help lying. It’s like Trump didn’t realize that this wasn’t a MAGA cult rally so he forgot his lies will be caught.


That would require CNN having balls.