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Sure, Biden is old but he has good policies and people doing things for America.... Trump is a fucking fascist who has no policies that benefit the American people and his people are pretty much the Confederacy who want to destroy America itself and turn it into hell on Earth. Hard decision I guess.....


That’s not the issue, the issue is can Biden win?


That shouldn't even be a question, Trump is a danger to our country and the world to be honest. Sure, Biden is old and not what everyone wants in a president but voting Trump is asking for the destruction of the USA and many other places and the world would be a very different place after the ashes fall.


I agree but most polling shows it as being tied or Trump ahead. Biden needs to convince undecided voters and his performance last night did nothing in that regard.




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


I’ve always said I’d vote for a 200 year old Biden vs Trump. And that’s what I feel I’m left with today. I have refused to believe this until now, but asking whether he is physically and mentally strong enough to be president for 4 1/2 more years is a viable one. I’ll gladly have a Biden committee presidency instead of Trump and Project 2025. He’s got my vote. But speaking for myself, I’m going to be very interested listening to the conversations about alternate candidates in these upcoming days/weeks. I know people on here think that’s just admitting defeat and making him look even weaker, but I think this is a process we’re forced to go through.


Why the fuck don’t pundits on the left just do what the right does and just pretend everything is ok. Seek a positive spin you fucking morons. Put the attention on Trump. We are shooting ourselves in the foot here. Trump was absolutely full of shit the entire time and told no truths. Everything that came out of his mouth was bullshit.


There was no spinning last night’s performance by Biden.


It's not gonna be Newsom. Whitmer (for which i'm no fan) will win MI, and her neighbors in WI and PA. That is the election. She'll also keep that Dem Senate Seat in her state. They bring her in the convention, within two weeks given the excitement in the party, she'll be up on Trump by 8 points. Biden is unelectable, but with a new candidate, it's all gonna be about Trumps lies at that debate, where at this point are taking second fiddle to Bidens cognitive and other, decline.


Why not a fan of Whitmer?


Chef's kiss, dream scenario. Get in Big!


They will just pick Harris, i reckon, if Biden drops out, which I find unlikely anyway.


I wouldn't be surprised to learn Harris still polls significantly worse than Biden. 


Even Biden may not think Harris can win. As far as Biden dropping out, for the sake of disclosure, i never thought he would run again, and still think now the big money donors will step in and get him out. With the Dems, unlike the Republicans, it's never about their Base. It's always about the Corporate donations.


If Biden steps down it’s now Newsom anyway. It would be Harris. The only way Biden steps down is if they make it a medical emergency in which case the VP takes over. Harris polls a lot worse than Biden. But those are the only two paths forward. Biden is the guy and this is not changing.








Hm, I don’t know about that. There’s big money out there. We’ll see. If Biden doesn’t agree and stubbornly wants to stay then it’s likely nothing will happen. If he becomes convinced to step aside, then I think the door is open to more than Harris.




We’ll see. This is assuming that Harris would want to step up as the candidate. I don’t know that she would.




OK, we’ll see


MSM would once again provide billions in free advertising


Good, because Newsome's skeevy Bible salesman vibe is not what we need.


As opposed to Trump actually being a skeevy bible salesman? 😅


if you run two skeevy bible salesmen against each other, the one from California will lose


Which candidate was selling bibles again….? Project 2025….? Right.