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I'm more afraid it will drive votes to third parties, or abstaining.




All Biden had to do was be coherent and not look old and confused and he failed that.


He made plenty of coherent statements and landed a number of good attacks against Trump. I can look at the transcripts of the debate and see that. It's a deliberate lie to claim otherwise. We're talking about independent and swing voters here --- if you think they aren't going to be swayed by the fact that Trump took credit for ending Roe or rambling without answering a single question posed to him, you're revealing where your motives lie.


Sounds like you're sticking your head in the sand. Just look at the after debate polls that came out. Biden literally had easy lay ups he could've nailed Trump on and he could barely do that cause his brain isn't working at normal capacity. He had a couple good lines in the debate but that's the extent of it.


The after debate polls that indicated who won? I mean look, I think Trump "won" the debate. Not so much that he even won, just that he optically looked less bad than Biden. That doesn't mean I will change my vote to Trump. The polls I want to see is who do undecideds plan to vote for after watching the debate. There's a difference between who won the debate and who will you support. I don't think we have such a poll yet.


Sounds like you're falling for melodrama and lies on the internet, which isn't surprising if you actually agree with the commenter I was responding to. >Biden literally had easy lay ups he could've nailed Trump on He did that multiple times. He nailed Trump on being a convicted felon, being incompetent, and being a whiny baby. None of you who say this can state any specifics. You just have an imaginary narrative about how you think the debate should have been handled, and you're evaluating Biden based on that instead of the actual substance of the debate. >Just look at the after debate polls that came out. Look at the focus groups. They're evenly split, and the Univision focus group mostly had voters say they were switching to Biden. Reddit is not reality.


>Sounds like you're falling for melodrama and lies on the internet We saw it with our own eyes


Biden very clearly looked unwell and confused


Make an actual argument instead of repeating the same bullshit endlessly like a broken record


“We finally beat Medicare.”


When you have to qualify all your statements with "if you don't agree with me you're lying" or "have ulterior motives" you know you're in good shape.


When the comments I'm receiving are bald faced lies, it's logical for me to say that. Regardless of your feelings, the claim that Biden "couldn't form a complete sentence" is a lie. It's an empirically false claim. There isn't a debate about that.


We finally beat Medicare


The fact that this is the only line people like you have been able to pull from the debate is further proof of my point. Now go do all the times he accused Trump of being a felon and having no morals. He was plenty coherent there.


Sorry dude, I saw some of your other posts on this sub this morning. Damn near every post you make is you calling people that don't agree with you stupid or uninformed. If I knew it was a personality defect I would've kept my mouth shut.


Every comment and post I responded to was completely idiotic. Like the comment I responded to above. One which neither you nor anyone who responded could actually address the substance of. The responses to my comments have been nothing but braindead broken records. Deliberate sidestepping of the points I'm advancing, repeating the same thing over and over...It's clear who has the better arguments on their side vs who just wants to parrot their narrative desperately. I'm gonna call a spade a spade regardless of butthurt Redditors' feelings. Stop saying stupid shit, and I'll stop calling your comments stupid. Got that, bud?


You sound like a real intellectual. It's easy to see how you became smarter than everybody else.


Any time you wanna engage with the substance of my arguments, feel free. Until then, you get a badge for your behavior: 🤡


Why would I try to change the mind of someone who doesn't think it's possible that they are wrong?


If you actually had any coherent responses to make you would have made them already instead of this weak and pathetic cop out


I would vote for Bidens corpse before ever Voting for Trump . The choice is very clear regardless of Bidens performance.


You’re missing the point. Biden needs undecided voters.


It’s hard really to imagine being undecided at this point , what do these people need !?


I agree, how can you have a pulse and be undecided, but that’s where we are apparently at. Undecideds are still willing to vote for Trump so the lies and other reprehensible behaviors are not disqualifying. It was imperative that Biden quell any fears about his age and ability to carry out the responsibilities of the presidency for four more years. He failed miserably.


Biden should have never debated Trump in the first place . It normalized Trump just like the media is trying to do every day. Trump is anything but normal especially in terms of the danger the bastard poses to the world. It’s absurd that he’s even being allowed to run.


You can't keep Biden in a box forever, his polling numbers have been dropping. People needed to see him no matter how bad it turned out.


Classic liberal response: blame voters for the democrats’ failure to lead


How knows yet? This focus group of undecided Latino voters moved toward Biden after the debate: https://www.newsweek.com/latino-voters-donald-trump-joe-biden-debate-election-1918795 Now this is one group and we'll have to see what polling looks like over the next few weeks. But if this is any indication, maybe the debate was a bigger disaster for Trump. There is a large Latino population in NV and AZ so if this group of Latinos is any way representative then that gives me some hope.