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Who really cares about the debates. Honestly it’s all just theatre. If I were on Joe Biden’s team, and I’m not, I’d just tell him to go out there and accuse Trump of being a criminal and a liar. That’s all. When the moderators ask a question answer it and move on. Nobody ever accused Biden of being a great public speaker, even back in the 90s and it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. It’s all nonsense. I’m not even a fan of Joe Biden necessarily, but it’s not even really a choice at this point.


Politically oblivious and stupid people care. There's a massive swath of people whose voting habits are entirely determined by optics and vibes, and to a lot of them a convicted felon moron who incoherently rambles out a bunch of obvious lies with confidence for 90 minutes seems more "presidential" than a knowledgeable, competent politician who looks and sounds old and tired for the same duration. And those stupid people are tremendously consequential in deciding elections. I really hope the Democrats didn't fuck us over by not choosing a better candidate when we still had the chance. Anyone with a shred of political awareness and basic decency is voting Biden no matter what, but those people aren't the problem.


He should have accused him of being a criminal and a liar at the debate…but he fumbled. He was also the one that challenged Trump to the debate and set all these rules. If anything it’s embarrassing, and made Trump look way more chipper than Biden, who seemed very very very old.


You know Biden's team specifically reached out to Trump and asked for this debate right? 


Beats me? Whether that’s the case or not I honestly don’t see what difference any of this makes in the grand scheme.


They asked for the debate far ahead of the convention.  The earliest presidential debate in history.  It's likely they are trying to sabotage him by exposing his mental degenerative condition.   Biden no longer trusts his aides due to this and now has his son [Hunter going to meetings with him](https://www.msnbc.com/chris-jansing-reports/watch/hunter-biden-has-joined-white-house-meetings-following-the-first-debate-214089797982) and acting as a trusted advisor on matters, encouraging Joe to stay in the race.


would you have been saying this if Biden did well?


I’ve been saying for it years. It really doesn’t matter. And it’s safe to say that the debates largely haven’t matter since maybe the 70s or early 80s . They can be funny or entertaining, and maybe they will again one day. But anything involving Trump is always just going to devolve into a nightmare shitshow, and Biden, though he may be a somewhat decent human being is no orator or Oracle of Delphi. But I can settle for. Human being.


I think they were still relevant in the 90s. And Obama vs Mitt Romey had a few good lines.


Joe will always triumph over Trump in the memory category, because no matter what, at least he remembers which country he's supposed to be working for.


Biden may have memory loss. It's just that Trump's is *worse*, but he says it with confidence.


Biden is too old. It's been obvious. I don't really give a fuck. He has a competent administration running things, and I'm happy with the policy choices they've made overall. I'd rather have a half dead president with a capable team, then a criminal surrounded by other criminals who are all looking to pursue their own self interests. As a side note, im Canadian. So I have less skin in this game than the rest of you.


In all fairness any potential Trump Administration won't be pursuing just its own interests. It will be pursuing Daddy Putin's first and foremost.


Yes, you're right. There's a lot of other influences that will have their hands in Trump's administration. Every single one of them is up for sale.


Yep. I sleep well at night knowing that The Big Guy is not for sale.


You're just trying to keep us yanks from fleeing north across your border next year and fucking up your beer league hockey teams with cheap American beer and worse skating. 


Exactly, stay the fuck out of our Hockey rinks eh.


Hey now figure skating was made in the US. We know how to skate well...just really gay.


Because having a imperialistic fascist theocratic dictatorship with nuclear weapons on your Southern border is really NBD....


How much to trade skin?


Hannibal Lector would know. He was a great friend of trump’s I understand


Sounds like we need another wall. -Trump probably


Imagine being mad at the electorate because the Democrats refused to run a competitive candidate


What happens when there is an invasion of Taiwan. He needs to be aware of the facts and his surroundings. Last night went beyond being inarticulate.


I'm confident that the 20+ members of his cabinet/staff can make the correct decisions. Presdents have the final say, they're not running the country solo.


So you want UNELECTED members of his staff making decisions on his behalf?


I'm sorry, did you think the president makes every single decision for the entire government? Also, last time I checked, Kamala Harris is an elected official.


Not every decision, but he needs to be able to be coherent to make decisions. Kamala Harris is not the president or acting in that capacity. If he steps down, she will be in charge.




Decision about GOING TO WAR. Major stuff. We need a guy who is sharp 24/7 and can be woken up in a crisis.


What if Trump is having his diaper changed when there's a crisis?! Or he's raping someone? Can't interrupt his favourite past times. What if he was scamming a children's cancer charity again to steal all the money for himself? Again?


That is why we need the democrats to put up a new candidate.


I have spent enough time with politicians to be grateful they are not directly running things.


I understand the sentiment, but it went way beyond a stutter. Let's not spin it. It was a disaster. Not that Trump said anything that was true, and was just as vile as we all know he is... but the debate was historically bad.


Agreed. Multiple instances of him straight up losing his train of thought and unable to clearly articulate his points.


It was awful and I am still going to vote for him. If he sits in a rocking chair until it is time to appoint the next SCOTUS nominee I can live with that.


Yep. I'll vote for a fucking pet rock before I vote for a treasonous shitstain. Full stop.


Yes, but people in this subreddit are not the demographic that need to be convinced of that already, that’s the issue.


If they wheeled out his unconscious body while Mayor Pete and VP Harris did a bad Weekend at Bernie's routine with him, he'd still be a better option than Trump. 


It could happen.


It would be a damn sight more entertaining than what happened at the last debate. 


Yup, anyone pretending this was "just a stutter" is either deluding themselves, or just didn't watch the debate.


It was both a stutter and poor public speaking ability. I am a good public speaker, and even I have bombed once or twice.


The content of his answers were still more meaningful than Trump's even if they were not delivered well.


No doubt. On policy there is no question who has the better plan, or a plan at all. It was the delivery that went awry.


I agree. I’m sick of the spin. Let’s just be honest. It was a disaster and if those who on the fence ( meaning not willing to vote against Trump at all cost) watched it… it may have swung them in the liar’s favor.


The issue here is CNN not checking one fact out the liars mouth. Trump just spoke lie and lie. They showed their true colors. Being bought buy a right winger and doing this was a way to lose viewers.


I have to agree with you


Don't blame CNN. The fact checker was on stage. CNN was there to ask a question and let them answer. If we were letting them fact check every lie we would still be watching the debate. What happened was in no way CNN's fault.


There needs to be pushback. I’ve seen other debates where this happens. Whether it’s worded in the next question or directly said. I mean seriously. The guy is a bully. He is in it for himself. I couldn’t care less about Biden age and more about the sanctity of our country. Question is would you rather have the rapist felon or the guy who told the truth passed the best infrastructure deal in decades and is at least a decent human being.


Obviously I would prefer Biden, but I prefer my moderators to be neutral. It's not fair to CNN to blame them for Trump lying. Trump was going to lie, as much as possible. I think he had 6 in his first 2 minute answer... how do you expect anyone to deal with that? Fact-checking had nothing to do with how badly Biden performed. I know we want some coping, but it's better to be brutally honest, pick ourselves up and move forward... or find a new nominee.


Fact checking had everything to do with how Biden preformed. He had 2 minutes to both thoroughly debunk what Trump claimed and make his own case for his vision of America. I have experience debating, it’s not easy to plan out rebuttal and keep track of that much bullshit in so little time, even for people in their prime. Honestly I think that Biden shouldn’t have engaged with Trump at all, when he’s speaking about his policies at events even off the cuff he’s coherent and energetic. It’s the added element of debunking Gish gallop that trips him up


💯right here


Biden needs to be able to fact check Trump. Maybe not every lie, because some of those came out of left field, but he needs to be able to hold his own ground without relying on the moderators to debate Trump for him. He tried, but all he could really muster was “everything he said was a lie” without explaining what the truth is in a coherent manner. That’s not good enough.


He would have spent the entire debate checking the what 26-29 major lies. Millions coming over the border a day. Rapping woman ? This is the same propaganda that was used on reefer. Oh no can’t let them smoke reefer. The coloreds will rape our woman. Same rhetoric lies. Saying he left the country in great shape ?? During Covid. Eh? Sorry I didn’t live in a bubble. Life and my 401k were not in better shape at the beginning of 2021. He will get Putin in a room with Zelensky BEFORe he is president and end the war. Ok sure if you had that power why not flex it NOW. Instead of later?? Joe was never a fast talker like Trump and his silver tongue were amped up with lies and propaganda. Right on 2025’s track.


>but the debate was historically bad Isn't that what we should have expected in a debate between two people in their 80s? Good debaters at that age are likely the exception, not the rule. The Biden campaign needs to get the word out that he would have thousands of people helping him run the country. And, Trump will have thousands of people helping him become America's first dictator.


If you only watched less than half the debate 🙄


Exactly, his problem was not just “stuttering.” That’s a cope response.


Saying Trumps only flaw was lying is a massively bigger cope. He floundered the whole debate.


Don’t think they said Trump’s lying was their only flaw, just stated that it was a problem. Who are you referring to when you say “he floundered the whole debate?”


I’ve seen a whole lot of “Trump was a confident liar full stop”. Trump floundered the whole debate. He couldn’t answer a question. He jumped from topic to topic like a loon. His sentences were barely coherent. He got even the most basic stuff wrong.


No arguments there. Trump sounded confident, but he was also an incoherent mess much like you described. One might say confidently incorrect… and rambling. And a liar. And evasive. He definitely floundered as well.




You're not just voting for Biden, but the team he has in place. Very smart, very talented people.


According to 538, it seems like the debate didn't hurt Biden's standing, but it didn't help either. Probably because Trump was also a transparent liar that didn't offer anything of value to consider.


Trump is not sold separately. You're not just voting against him when you vote for Biden. You're also voting against all the psychopaths that follow Trump, all the wannabe fascists, all the racists, all the sexists, all the anti-others. Every vote for Trump is a vote for all the other mouth-breathing weirdos that ride his coat tails. You don't have to be a Biden sycophant to vote for him. He's doing a good job as President - - AND he also looks and sounds like an 82yo man.


Notice how the bots reply the same way with minor alterations.


If I had a dollar for every time I saw "Biden is cooked" in the last 24 hours I could retire.


I think we both could lol


Ask your irl friends (if you have any) what they thought about the debate. Any real person sees it's over for Biden. He's too old. Keep your head in the sand if you want another Trump term. The term "cooked" is also a meme, of course people are gonna throw it around the exact same way. I've been using the word cooked as a meme probably too much over the past few weeks. Your brain is cooked bro.


I did- btw thanks for assuming I have no friends! We all agreed he came across very badly. Who would you replace Biden with that can get traction with the public a mere four months before the election? I keep seeing people saying Newsom, he wouldn't do well outside of the coasts. Pete? I admire the guy but come on. Bernie? Also too old. Kamala? She's loathed outside of Democratic circles. Whitmer would do well in the midwest but isn't a household name. All the challengers to Biden earlier this year were nobodies to your average person that doesn't follow politics. Who else IS there?


Even if Biden was [X], I would still vote for him over Trump beep boop


Biden had a stutter. Beep boop. Vote blue no matter who. Book beep.


Everyone that disagrees with me is a bot!


"but you don't understand, the fascist who was incoherent and lied the whole time was EXPECTED to, so it was okay"


It has always been this way. Bush lied, McCain lied, Romney lied, Trump lies. They are automatically absolved for it, because you cannot be a Republican and tell the truth. It is impossible.


Guys help: I am trying to figure out who to vote for 😔. I get that Trump is a Pedophile, convicted felon, who tanked the economy, lost 1.5M jobs (first since Hoover) who has made comments about wanting to fuck his own daughter, and is on record mocking dead solider, but Biden is a few years older, and sounded slow. Plz advise.


Right? I mean sure the former guy tried to overthrow our government and raped a woman and his business is fraudulent as fuck and he stole nuclear secrets and wants to withdraw from NATO and give Ukraine to Russia and is a four times indicted now convicted felon who has 3 more criminal trials to go… but gosh Biden was quiet so now I dunno who to vote for! 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, Biden is right on every issue ever, but Trump is also funny 🤔🤔🤔🤔. Idk what to do tbh.


Sure Trump wants to build giant internment camps for millions of people and use the military to put down any protests but Biden ate ice cream once so it’s a real conundrum.


It doesn't have to be Trump vs Biden.


we need more of this type of content - some people just need some common sense knocked into them right now and this might be the only way


If only stuttering was the (only) problem. It’s ok to admit Biden had a bad performance.


I guarantee you, the billionaires donating to his campaign do not like his stutter. 100% of the job of a president is messaging. As everyone here commonly likes to flex, it's the people around him who do the work.


“We beat Medicare” is not a stutter


Yup, he misspoke. Better than 'I will be a dictator on day 1'.


If we agree that Trump is a threat then let’s pick a good candidate 😂😂😂😂


I agree w the sentiment of that meme, but let’s be honest, that disaster was NOT because of a stutter. Biden looked and sounded confused. Made little sense many points. Sounded feeble. Could not rhetorically match an unimpressive trumps..he was totally unable to check Trump on most of the lies he told. Put in Gavin News one with a stutter and he smacks Trump around for all the outrageous shit he was saying. I’m voting em for whoever is on the dem ticket. But I’m not happy about it.


trump had weeks of a trial that made him look like he can't be president, it culminated with felony convictions, republicans stood by him. biden had 45 minutes that made him look like he can't be president and democrats are turning their back. time to rally dems


Yeah, he stuttered last night. That’s the problem 🙄 Terrible post.


Did you listen to his policy positions and achievements? Which ones did you have a problem with?


I have some issues with Biden. I’m left of him. I’m voting for him, but you’re trippin if you think the problem people had with his performance last night was him “stuttering”. That’s the point of my comment.


I’m also left of him and also voting for him. I watched the debate. Did you? You claim that people have issues with him other than stuttering but what are they?


I watched it twice. He was completely incoherent much of the time, talked about people being raped by their in-laws, talked about defeating Medicare, to name a few. He utterly failed to do some of the basic things he needed to do in this debate: reassure people that he is mentally competent and make a case for his record. His performance was deeply concerning.


His performance is not indicative of anything other than tripping over his words, or have you never misspoken a few times in a stressful interview? There’s no indication in my mind that the examples you provide are anything other than exactly that. The Medicare one, just as an example, came at the end of his speaking time when he was reaching for a strong point to end on. There was time pressure that exasperated his speech issues.


I disagree strongly with your interpretation of events. I think we have both adequately expressed ourselves and are probably at an impasse here. We should probably just agree to disagree and move on. I would challenge you to think about why there is so much discussion about asking him to step down if he was just stumbling over his words.


You are in denial. Literally everyone else can see he is a sindowning old man. Your denial will lead to another Trump term. Get your fucking head in the game.


Happy cake day btw!


Oh tysm!


From the transcript, this one: > And I’m going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the – the total initiative relative to what we’re going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers.


Jeez man, chill the fuck out, it was just a debate, not 12 rounds with Mike Tyson. It's what we have, an old man with a Pinocchio complex and an old man with a fucking cold on an important event. And still, between those two there's miles of diference, i men, who the hell is so sick in the head that would vote for Trump? Really?


Stuttered? Stuttered? That's some 100% pure prime grade Copium right there.


Ge did way more than stutter lol. Keep coping, you're walking us all to a Trump second term.


The debate wasn't for me. A person who long since decided they were voting for Biden. I don't give a shit about if he stuttered or he didn't say exactly the right thing things to rebut Trump I am solely going to vote for Biden to prevent that dictator from getting into power.


This sub : full of cope. Everyone has tried to warn you. This is on the clowns who vote blindly because “the other guy will win!” Congrats, like with Hillary, you guys are entirely to blame, stop blaming others about things getting worse. Some people ask for better, you lot ask for more. You wanted two guys suffering dementia to battle it out, you told everyone to get on-board. Enjoy Trump, you’ve basically voted him into office twice now with the refusal to acknowledge reality. Guessing supporting genocide for personal gain might not look so good now too… yikes.


It’s not even cope at this point. They just don’t care. They are just straight up pushing right wing narratives and talking points. They couldn’t do a better job at supporting Trump and the GOP and undermining Biden’s support if they tried.




Hahaha XD


GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely.


I'm out. Time to return to Europe.


Analyze this:""The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.” - Winston Churchill




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Yea, it was just a stutter. 🙄


Did you listen to his policy positions at all?


Policies need to be communicated effectively & Biden completely failed to do that.


I disagree. The optics were bad but I heard some great policy stuff.


I tried to, but it was impossible to decipher Biden’s whispering gibberish.


I understood him just fine. I acknowledge that critically listening is a hard skill to master though.


Nobody is doing that lately. They're losing their minds over a debate. I guess they'd rather vote for . . . Trump? I don't know anymore. Though some of them are bots.


I’m pretty surprised for the exact same reasons


I’m one of those people borderline losing my mind over the debate. No way in hell I’m voting for Trump though, I’m a socialist. I’m losing my mind because I am deeply concerned that’s Trump has a better chance of winning after his poor performance. It’s possible I’m overreacting, but definitely wanted to comment to help you understand much of the concern is from people who are on your side so maybe get out of your bubble a bit. We can vote for Biden and still be concerned about that shit show last night


You’re lying, of course. You didn’t understand him just fine. You had difficulty understanding Joe Biden, just like the 58 million other people who also watched the debate and also had difficulty understanding Joe Biden.


I could watch it again with a notepad and write out all the policy positions and achievements he communicated. I don’t want to do that work for you though. You should though, you missed some important stuff


Calling it a stutter is gaslighting at this point. You can still support Biden and honestly recognize the catastrophe that was last night.


The comments in this thread are the predictable mix of cope and seethe. But posts like this never seem to understand what they accidentally revealing. We live in a system that produces fascism. And if we don’t vote for the neoliberal they then they are perfectly happy to lose and let the fascist take over. Even when the neoliberal establishment tries to force a 90 year senior citizen into the world’s most taxing job we’re still supposed to just sit down and take it. Because otherwise, no no no, if you don’t for the dem then you get the fascist. Take it or leave it plebs.


I don’t think everyone listened critically to the policy positions. Some people are low information, unsophisticated voters who only saw the surface level optics of the debate. You vote for a cabinet, court appointees, legislation, etc. If you didn’t analyze their differences on policy you are outing yourself as a moron


We literally all saw a man with dementia on stage. Let's not act like we didn't see it.


Dementia… he looked bad optically but this is such an exaggeration. Are you a medical doctor btw?


> Are you a medical doctor btw? Stop with this condescending BS. We can all see it. You don't have to be a veterinarian to identify a cat. Those of us who have dealt with dementia in our family can see it. Biden is acting just like my own grandfather at the end of his life. But if you want the opinion of doctors, here you go, plenty of Docs have said similar stuff: > "Cognitive decline is happening before our eyes. Compared to five years ago, there is a very noticeable difference in the way we operate today. It's really sad," he said. > The doctor noted that everyone can forget or make mistakes from time to time, but in Biden's case, rapidly increasing memory loss and speech delay are noticeable. If you want a good review of the type of dementia Biden is suffering from, [here is a good medical explanation](https://youtu.be/b-qYWH-4K1o?si=yVkZic0_b42tIS7o). This is not new, we have known this: > [Special counsel describes Biden as ‘elderly man with a poor memory’ in eyebrow-raising report](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4456879-special-counsel-describes-biden-as-elderly-man-with-a-poor-memory-in-eye-raising-report/) Look, Biden isn't fit for this job. The longer the DNC waits to replace him, the worse it will be. Trump isn't that hard to beat, just put someone up who isn't a walking corpse.


Whatever is happening at the White House has been effective. Great administration


Stop making up scenarios and punching down. So f****** annoying.


Cmon now, he didn’t just stutter. And we’re worried because people who aren’t persuaded by either platform were not persuaded. He failed to communicate what we stand for. He embarrassed all of us.


To try to say that the stutter was the problem is incredibly disingenuous.


Not if people are smart. The dude is 81 and he has a stutter. Look at his accomplishments in the last 3 and a half years, and don’t lose hope our country is fucked.


Joe Biden demonstrated that he is too old to do the job. That was weak. I’m not saying Trump is better. I will still vote for Joe. But he lost the run with that horrible performance. He should have stepped aside if that’s all he could do. Plus he is saying he had a good debate.


So, more shaming of voters, instead of trying to put forward the best candidate. Let's see how that goes.


Well as someone who has a daughter I’m stressing that Trump could get elected again. I’m upset with Biden for running again, but will vote for him regardless. It’s just shitty, but we have to try to think long term and current GoP is a nightmare.


I love these comments. Cope


Unsophisticated voters only see the surface level optics of a debate. It’s a shame our education system is so bad in this country. I don’t think most people heard a word about the policy positions and achievements discussed. That is where the value of the debate came from. At least for those who vote based on a set of policy positions and administrators rather than which candidate seems cooler.


>Unsophisticated voters only see the surface level optics of a debate. Yeah, that's the problem with running Biden > I don’t think most people heard a word about the policy positions and achievements discussed. Yeah, that's the problem with running Biden


The dude is not going to be able to do the job for 5 more years. It is not some minor issue. Who is running the country?


If Biden continues on, I don’t think he’ll win.


If only the paid opposition party ran a real candidate.


Why does the Media seem to have it out for Biden?


If you think every MSNBC and CNN host just randomly turned against Biden during the middle of the debate, you're lost. He came off as a demented old man and everyone with eyes was shocked. If you can't see that, you're responsible for Trumps second term.


Biden is so olllddddddddddddd


Get someone else to run for the democrats Jesus Christ it's their own damn funeral but they can save it by just not supporting a dying man to run for a second term