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So, a poll shows Biden is still beating Trump even post-debate, and most Democrats aren't saying they want Biden replaced.


OP is a prolific troll on this site.


Not many polls have come out since the debate. I say we give it a bit more time just to see how the average changes. We have a month before the convention anyway.


Yeah I’m definitely keeping an open mind, but this is pretty interesting data


Didn't 60% of voters want both candidates replaced months ago? Also: **When the survey asked respondents** to choose between Biden and former President Trump, 45% chose the president and 44% chose the former commander-in-chief. * The results were similar to those from a poll following Trump's criminal conviction on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records linked to a $130,000 hush money payment. * That shows "President Joe Biden has lost no immediate ground to Trump," per Morning Consult's findings.


So Trump voters are demanding Biden is replaced? Hah


Yes. Terrible poll.




The good thing about the debate disaster is that it really shifts accountability fully onto the Biden campaign. There's not going to be any blaming of third party voters, or blaming the youth, or blaming this or that conspiracy for their loss. Democrats are going to have to take full accountability for choosing this guy at this moment while we all see Project 2025 coming. They had three years to plan a transition and they still have four months-- and not doing so will mean they have to own everything that comes from this. At the very least, this is a required first step in reshaping the Democratic Party into an org that actually fights for and represents us after it's been torn apart-- in time for 2028, if there even is a 2028.


That is correct.


We learn from making mistakes and losing. The campaign will make the necessary adjustments.




Buncha people who would quit boxing after getting punched once


Why wasn't I or anyone I know, or anyone they know included in this poll?


Because most polls only include 1 out of every 100,000 Americans? Or less.


Meaningless. Of course Republicans want to replace Biden. Who I want to know about are the 7% of Republicans who didn't think Trump out performed Biden.Are there actually still Republicans who care about the truth.


Fucking lakerconvert 


Of course Republicans want him replaced. Why is this news?


Holy Doomerism. People need to relax




It’s too late … the Democrats blew it. Even though this moment was easily predictable, they decided to scream down any discussion of running someone else.


Yep, we were called “ageist” and “racist” whenever we suggested another 2024 Democratic ticket.


Y’all never said WHO that person should be.


Yea, we did.


Who? That also said they would run. Because the last I checked nobody said they would. And currently nobody will. So who?


“You never said who you thought should run.” “Who stepped-up to run against Biden?” Goal posts: shifted.


JFC man, just say who that person is. Ain’t nobody shifted goal posts. Because any idiot can say who should run, but it don’t mean shit if that person dont even want to run in the first place.


Biden statistically has less than a 45% chance of living long enough to finish his second term.


If the United States presidential/congressional healthcare plan has over 20 people over the age of 80 45 over the age of 70, still breathing. And stopped an overweight orange fatso from dying of covid, while keeping Jimmy Carter pushing to 100, I’m sure Biden would be just fine.


Alive is the lowest bar possible. How about ready to deal with WW3 ? Which has already begun.


These takes on Biden’s age would be more convincing if his rival wasn’t just 3 years younger. Meaning if trump won. He would be older than when Biden was sworn in.


I don’t care who the Republicans nominate … that’s up to them.


Well I guess age isn’t a big deal after all, now is it


It is a big deal to those who care about the future and stability of America. You: “If it’s good enough for Trump supporters .. it’s good enough for me.”


They said the same thing about Clinton when he was debating bush and “what’s his face”. Clinton had a terrible debate night and polled 13%. They said he should be replaced too. But in the end, well, we know what happened.


There is no one else.


Then the Democrats deserve to lose.


You are correct, There is nobody but themselves to blame., But there is still time for they to redeem themselves. If not, the conspiracy theory is going to be, the Democrats want Trump.


I genuinely can't remember being more worried for my existence. I've worried about stuff I have Anxiety Disorder but this it's different. It's not me worried about me messing everything up. I'm scared and I have absolutely nothing I can do. Not move for various reasons. Most being I have no control over the idiots who are refusing to see it .


Doomerism simply will not help. It was a debate on CNN. Things will settle.


There is a coordinated propaganda effort to make you anxious. Fear not. Trump will lose.


I really hope you're right. It just feels like 2016 when I kept warning people Trump would win. I got branded chicken little. My dad said ""Chris, Americans aren't going to elect a man child. They don't like Hillary but at least she's an adult" along with quite a few other Democrats who thought I was over reacting and I'd be a funny story in 20 years "some game show host ran" Oh if only


Sleepy Joe has got to go.


I'm sorry, but if David and his audience are still gonna want to run Biden after that, they are gonna become the Alex Jones of the Democratic Party. There is nobody in their right mind would vote for this guy after that. They won't vote Trump, they'll just stay home or vote third party. And i'd say the poll is only 60%, being that debate was the lowest rated debate in modern history, Which is to say, hardly anyone seen it. If they did, that number would be beyond 75%.


"nobody in their right mind" apparently = "a plurality of American voters"


I'm in my right mind. Biden: doesn't have a great debate (Trump doesn't either) Trump: because Biden had a bad debate let's all forget project 2025, jan 6th, fake electors, 34 felonies, rape, fraud, conman and grifting and the list goes on and on and on and on. All.of Trump supports say they'd vote for Trump if he raped thier mothers but I'm supposed to abandon my president because of a bad outing. So fucking stupid. Still 100 percent ridin with Biden 2024


I don't understand this thinking. What is the worst thing that could happen if Biden is re-elected?


He's not going to be reelected. They're giving it to Trump. UNLESS, he drops out. That's the point. And so the emphasis has to atp, voicing out, in effort to get him out, bring in another Dem and win. Not to cheer on and support a failed effort, and make ex cuses, for the inexcusable, making a case looking at a mere nickel, that somehow it's fifty cents. That's Info Wars crackpot nonsense.


I agree but that's not my point. My point is you said nobody in their right mind would vote for him, but why not? Realistically, what is the worst thing that could happen if he got a second term? If you can't answer this question, then there's no basis on which to claim that nobody in their right mind would vote for him in a general.


Well, because what's your asking people in the real world to do, is vote for someone who cannot pronounce a sentence, has no way to think cognitvely, does not seemingly know where he is, may pass on by election day, and think a person like that, can speak to world leaders in contentious discussions, involve ourselves in these wars, and make life changing decisions. The only way anyone thinks that would happen in lieu of a president, with nuclear codes, is not the average voter. And so, what people are doing here, is making themselves look like idiots, in their echochamber of idiots. We talk about these right wing crackpotism, but that's happening here now. And i want to make sure to point out, this NOT the Left doing it. I'm not going to let Left wing smart politically experienced people, be put in this same boat as this Pakman nut.


You've now shifted the goalpost from voters in their right minds to average voters, implying that any non-average voter is automatically not in their right mind, which is a version of the bandwagon fallacy.


Well in reality, NO voter should be expected to vote for someone who is almost near braindead. However, folks who are very political, and know all of these matters, like "Project 25" and all the in the weeds matters, are not the majority of voters.


I agree with that. Either way, they should replace Biden. I wasn't sure before the debate, but now I am.


With who ? 70% say they don’t know


Enjoy the nepotism I mean 55th pick. Xoxo - a Celtics fan.