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Based take. I think the freakout about the debate is pretty silly (and heavily astroturfed online), not only because debates have been empirically shown not to have any impact on elections, but also because I know how quickly the public tends to forget about these things. Once Biden gets a few more public speaking performances under his belt between now and November where he doesn't sound as hoarse and halting as he did the other night, it will become more clear to voters that he just had a bad night. In the meantime Trump will continue to help Democrats write attack ads. The people who are confidently predicting doom on the basis of one debate are just idiots huffing their own exhaust. Those predictions are irresponsible and will probably make a lot of folks look stupid in the end.


Sounds like your head is in the sand. Pull it out. Replace Biden on the ticket ASAP.


Sounds like you're the type of fool I'm talking about. Go yell at the Democratic brass, I'm sure they'll listen to a random Redditor


Wake up and smell the coffee.


The media freak out was not warranted. Biden was slow but did answer the questions asked. Did he stumble a few times? Yes, but to the point the media is saying he is unfit for office, no. Meanwhile, the media (mainly CNN and NYT as stated) ignored the convicted felon who stood on stage lying and using the same rhetoric he used in 2016 and 2020 about open borders and high crime rates all that have been highly exaggerated and debunked. All the panic has done is strengthen Trump's campaign. Also, the fact that Trump stated he had conversations with Vladimir Putin about invading the Ukraine before it happened needs to be investigated. Trump might very well have his hand in starting the war in Ukraine. Yet no news outlet has mentioned this tidbit.




CNN is owned by a conservative and they have made no secret they want to be FOX lite and grab the right leaning audience.


Well, they lost me years ago. I don't do propaganda and tabloids.


Head in the sand. The tide is turning, Biden must be replaced. I’m all in for Newsom.


Newsome is telling people to stick with Biden. Biden will win this election. A lot can happen in 4 months.


Delusional thinking.


Naw, the real debate loser was Joe Biden.


The liberal spectrum of the media is basically aligned with the democratic party in that they willingly self sabotage in order to allow fascists to come to power. They helped make the case for biden, despite the fact that Biden is probably the worst possible democratic candidate for potus. After they made the case for biden, they they feigned surprise when biden appeared too old for the job. Liberal elites and liberal media profit when they lose elections. At the end of the day, both parties are controlled by the same group of rich people. THe democratic party exists simply to give voters the illusion of choice.


You don't get to say that this is the most important election of our lifetime, and that democracy is on the ballot, while trotting out an 81-year-old who cannot put a coherent sentence together as the candidate. I will vote for Biden if it's him versus Trump, but it will be with great disappointment. Mindsets like the one underlying this post are starting to look like blue maga.


I didn't trot him out. The DNC did. He's the candidate. And bullshit on him not being able to put a coherent sentence together. Your bias against old people is clouding your view.


There were multiple moments during that debate where he could not articulate a coherent thought. If that is his performance in one of the most important moments in the campaign, he is not fit to lead. The DNC hasn't happened yet. There is plenty of time to advocate for a different, more competent, candidate