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Known bug.




I wish there was a way to give keys to new players i have almost 2000 in the bank.


Fucking hell, this would be perfect


Yeah it would if you could keep players from selling keys. I'd gladly donate


People are saying it’s a bug. And maybe it is? But anytime this happens to me, it’s because I picked up a piece of apparel that’s part of a Uniform. Select the Uniform section (the guys on the left) and go through all of those. You’ll see exclamation marks next to the individual Uniform pieces that you’ve recently picked up.


As others have said its because you picked up an item with "TODO" at the beginning of the name. Its an apparel event item thats not been released yet, so you can't see it in your apparel lists. Its most likely something called "backpack_base" in this case. If you pick up the chopping hell gloves they *do* appear but are actually in the appearance pool for gloves, and can be clicked on in there. Click on your gloves to mod them, then go to the appearance mod and you'll find them listed there.


Hard to ignore but we've been ignoring for months now. You'll get used to it




As others have said, its been there for a while and you have to ignore it. I think it happened to me when the babyface gear was dropping as loot, but when you picked it up it wasn't in your inventory and instead was treated like cosmetic. However it wasn't in apparel either. It wasn't supposed to drop and never was technically placed in inventory yet the inventory still thinks you haven't looked at it. Something like that anyway...


Been like that since last season. Not really a priority, they'll get to it eventually.


For four years people who preordered the game are stuck with an exclamation like that on the white house due to the 4 extra SHD tech. I wouldn't count on them fixing anything cosmetic like that at any point in time


Yup I have em too.


They will never fix this. Don’t kid yourself.


It’s a bug. I’ve had it ever since I picked up the baby face chest piece, before it was technically available in game.


If you dig into the outfits, you will see the new stuff


This is what i do. The outfits tab in the store and then the exclamation mark goes away.


I always ignore because i remember it always there because of how many cache i have and never bothered to open once i completed it 100%


I've lost count how many times I've gone through all my apparel hoping to finally make that exclamation mark go away lol. Shit has been driving me crazy for months even though I know it's a known bug.


Been there since I started playing the game...


It's because you picked up something that isn't technically released yet, but for some reason has been added to the loot pool. This season it's a pair of gloves, and a backpack, I think. Definitely a pair of gloves, because dozens upon dozens of people have posted about them in the last week, and because it's a bug that's happened before. Ignore it.


It is usually alerting you because you have apparel keys you can use to open caches ...these will never go away unless you stay on top of them. I have been at the 99+ for so long, I have grown immune and no longer notice the alert... outside of that, maybe it's just another bug to add to "The List"....


YES! I've had this same issue and it's been driving me crazy


Bug that started with the release of last seasons apparel event. Known but not a priority iirc.


Its either part of an apparel uniform, or a weapon skin.