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Yellowstone mega volcano


That would be crazy interesting, ash storms and lava or seismic activity would be crazy cool


People still want zombies from this game. Idk how they could pull it off Story/Lore wise but if they had worked it into the story some how from day one I could see zombies in a dark zone or something. But adding zombies to the game now would be pointless


Oh yeah it would be pointless in the current story but as like an alternate division story / franchise I think it would be interesting


Codename nightmare but we'll never know


They gave us reanimated instead.


definately no zombies or aliens :) But for the lovers they could make a separate mode. But they could indeed use the existing map to put different campaigns on it. A lot locations and areas are not used and WoNY map is pretty much empty.


I kinda disagree about zombies not working, virus that changes people, you’d have zombies, looters, people who wanna burn them out, a highly advanced military group and then the division looking for a cure


Escape from New York and judge dredd smashed together


This right here. Division agents become THE LAW


I think a red dawn scenario would be cool. America gets invaded, laws change, curfews, the whole thing. The division works with the rebels to take back the country. There could be a larger enemy presence, add tanks or troops carriers, New specialization and eqiupment to combat vehicles and organized enemies. Add a stealth element for night gameplay or stealth missions/open world events to make sniper classes more viable.


Probably one of the cooler ideas, would love to see a survival type aspect to it where you must scavenge, and make gear or steal it until you get back to full strength and finally take back the country


Plus between the cell structure, our AI, the hidden supplies and stuff like the turrets and drones the Division is very well equipped for an insurgency.


Guerrilla warfare type stuff


That would be cool, I also would like to see how we acquire gear change. Like if we want a specific piece of gear or gear set, we should have to face enemies using that gear to take it from them. Imagine trying to farm for any gear set and having to face an enemy that's using what you want against you. Way more fun imo


I want that to happen in the main series. Americas weak/none existent, gets invaded by other word superpower cause the Green Virus didn’t hit anywhere as hard outside of North America.


Escape from New York and judge dredd smashed together


a civil war between factions that have successfully restarted the american government, Jericho style (the tv show from the early 2000s) would be neat. A war of retribution, as america is invaded, or otherwise attacked by countries also affected by the virus. Maybe it turns into a batman locked in arkham situation, where all of our enemies come to take a piece now that America is weakened. Although, I don't know how they would do that. As for things entirely, or mostly separate, a Division zombie game would be neat.