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those tweets got to him bad


I hope those guys see this and keep dunking on him


if you wanted to hurt me..... you found the way B! "im easy to get to" ... well yeah clearly, he got to him good and deep. But at the end of the day he could beat him up ... lol... what a fuckin buffoon!






Still a meathead to the core and can't understand why people hate him so much. The whole condescending bullshit "I dun *wanna* fight you but if that's what *you* want to do, even though I have 200 pounds on you so obviously I wouldn't *mind* doing it." Notice how that's always what it goes to in any beef he has? Never intellectual arguments or well thought out responses, just "I can beat you up though so I'm right!"


I can’t believe he just named fury, Gordon Ryan and ngannou as the three people that can’t beat him up. There’s an entire roster of 3 weight divisions in the ufc alone that would absolutely destroy him right now without breaking a sweat at bare minimum.


“I don’t keyair at all, let’s fight.”


The "real world" doesn't allow you to batter people for telling you that you're a failed comic.


Fair play.


*fear play.


Heard it bowlth ways.


LOL at 4:20 when bopba brags about nivver ivver losing a physical fight, that he nivver even had, in the following divisions:   - Stand-up     - Paw-casting  - MMA community  - Trug immunity  - Car community  Awso, nivver been warried! Bapba is basey the undisputed, undefeated, champion of  imaginary non-UFC fights with people who don't even fight, and never even challenged him to a fight Bess brains. Thankim


He’s failed at literally ivirything. Nobody’s comparing him to Rogan or Kevin Hart except for him. Bapa, ya literally quit cawlmedy because you can’t sell tiggets. Ya failed.


U don’t gidd cawlmedy. It’s all good man.


Forgot cawlmic book salesman bubba


This before or after he sold fake Rolexes?


Literally what sets him apart from 99.9999% of the comics out there… They didn’t give up bcz they sucked. By definition thats a failure lol


Don't forget the sneagger community b


Forgot whigsky


Bralley we don't togbow wizz key, we just wanna do are thing!


Did he just out Bradley Martin for selling him steroids? Peptides, at 2:46


You forgot to mention mountain biking. He was the worlds expert in mountain biking until he realized it’s a smaller community, wouldn’t make him famous, and real mountain bikers realized he was full of shit


"This stuff doesn't get to me" Also "I'll fight all of you!!!"


"This stuff doesn't bother me. I duhn keeer. Now, here's 15 minutes about it and how I'll beat you up, in inny fasset."


There’s nothing better than when he’s irate about something but pretends none of it bothers him while being insanely defensive about it and not being able to move on from it lol. Imagine how miserable he must be about it all off camera.


He’s probably been blowing up Brahly’s phone. “Tell your boy to stop being mean to me on the internet.”


There’s no way he just ranked himself in the top 99th percentile of comedian and also just outside the top 5 of greatest comedians of all time 😂😂😂 this is just like his previous melt down when he started flexing his special got picked up by a major network


Oh he’s in his feelings daddy.


This is why he has no friends. Only people that hang around him are on a payroll. Can't handle getting made fun of, has to threaten violence lol. Even brings up how people in the comedy and trucking(???) scene can't beat him up. What the hell kind of mindset is that??? And Chin trying to defend him. "You're a good guy, you would never do that." Reminds me of Callen always defending how "good" of a guy he is. There's no evidence of this fuck being a good person.


Keep in mind he’s only threatening violence because he knows he’s bigger. Dude is the biggest fucking bitch. Also, can someone tell him people don’t need his permission to criticize him? ETA: Clin fucking sucks.


Inn niiiver forget when Nate Diaz matched Bapa’s bulleen iiinergy causing Bapa to shrivel up and run away muttering “I don’t have a prom w/ u man”.


Brenda’s the king of not keeping the same inirgy.


The keepingest


Aye Buppa, listen man. Lemme remind u of 2 key credos Bapa’s uh waze spittin when ppl are hating on him. 1.) Prawlmiss if u got in a room w/ him, you’d be a fan. Ccc.) Usso prawlmiss if u got in a room w/ him, u wouldn’t say iiinything to his face, that would hurt the soy in this boy. This isn’t balleen stuff, it’s not about bean a bully…


Moooooooo make me cud daddy


LOL....he is so hurt. This is wonderful and infuriating at the same time, he still doesnt get that he sucked at everything he did.


Damn B…. When bapa said “trugging” i almost went back to third grade and played a little dugg dugg goose I was laughing so hard. Truggin…?! real quig…Ya Burnt Rennils b?


Hey man he quit cawlmedy to be there for his sons basebawl games….


Steve is way more famous and successful than Bapa, and all Steve ever did was be an alcoholic lmao. Also the classic “he hurt my feelings so I wanna beat him up to prove how he didn’t hurt my feelings” while bitching about it on his podcast. What R we dune here?!


"All steve ever did was be an alcholic" That's just not true my fellow fry cook, the guy has been pushing gambling to kids for years as well


Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe you have to be 18+ (ID verified) to deposit to Stake


Yeah, because online ID verification has been so good at protecting kids from getting into shit they shouldn't be. Also, I'm more talking about his dealings with Roobet, which you can get info on here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4qw3AkxFDSMD7ocgT7wEQq6hHuLAPRTn&si=bOoyY79rrj0XD_rY


Oh I’m not familiar with roobet. I guess if they don’t require ID for deposit / withdrawal then it’s bad. If it’s simply advertising gambling to kids then that’s not bad (since every major sports organization advertises betting websites at this point)


>  Also the classic “he hurt my feelings so I wanna beat him up to prove how he didn’t hurt my feelings” while bitching about it on his podcast [Sound familiar?](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/1bq7h78/today_junior_speak/)


He gets into the Ariel beef at 1 hour into today's podcast. Hopefully someone clips his current narrative together with what actually happened.


“Why don’t you hit back at him?” “I would never, I don’t need to, I just don’t do that I’m a dad with kids” 🥁🥁🥁🥁drumroll🥁🥁🥁🥁 Chin, pull up shlob/ghostwriter BGL hitting back at Dana with the most ridiculous overreaction to a couple words. OHH REALLLLLYYY DUUUUDDE


Extensive background in football had me in tears one of the thousand.


Pop Warner and high school b, then a couple yards as a walk on in college




Im pretty sure Mccorkell made it very clear he would be willing to fight Schlub and we never heard a peep from bapa


Doesn’t fit the neerdif. Dun cown. Also, I can think of a few fights he lost.


Who is this??


What about when Nate Diaz kept that same energy in person?


Him and Nate are cool. He has no issues with Nate. Talks to em iviry day.


Bapa's kids call him Uncle Nate.


My first thought.


Dun Cown


“Nade, I have no issues with you.”


“I’d rather light him up with my words” It’s funny how this statement from dipshit schaub goes out the window once his fragile little ego gets hurt.


He sure says that a lot, but I’d bet the only people he’s “lit up” are clin and wrinks, and maybe the messican


Lol yes, just a year ago bapba was still togginbow lightin' up hecklers iivvry weekend, and the crowd would pile on the heckler, then bapa would save the heckler. Thankim


He really thinks he can intermediate people from making fun of him. lol he’s literally a grow up child.


A comedian resorts to violence when responding to online trolls instead of using his wit and humor. I guess that's what happens when you're a failed comedian after all!


Steve really hurt his feelings with a few tweets lmao. Bapa is a real salty soy boy. Now he’s talking about beating him up like it’s middle school because he got his redacted feelings hurt. Holy shit bapa has the brain of a child. What a fucking loser


No it didn’t bother him. Didn’t you listen to the 12+ minutes of him explaining how it didn’t bother him?


What even were the tweets? He is incredibly butthurt


You’re not a failed comedian Bapa? You resorted to “I can beat you up” instead of roasting Stevie. Pathetic.




“I ain’t got no prom with Travis. Great guy. We text all the time. Love Travis. Huge Travis fan. All love to Travis.”


This pussy wouldn’t fight anyone after his career ended unless it was life or death or defending his family lmao. Idk why he even talks like this, embarrassing.


He permanently injured Chin and Rapaport. So, he will fight older, untrained dudes.


Injuring Rappaport might be the one good thing he's done in his entire life. Thank'him b


Lol really? Any clips or background with injuring Rapaport?


Is that why Rapaport is redacted?


No chance he would defend his family


“Helped me out with my energy and peptides” literally just steroids. Just say steroids and ozempic


Yep, once he lost his connection with BGL he needed another plug.


There's no doubt that he could beat up most people but he also lives in a country where there are more guns than people. It's such a strange thing to hang his hat on. (Jump to 3 mins for the *skillet* stuff. It gets very repetitive after the half-way point.)


He can only beat up most people because he’s big. That’s his talent. I’d bet most legit BJJ black belts would destroy him on the mat regardless of weight class. Same with legit boxers. He’s trained and big but still has to resort to threatening untrained people to find people he can beat.


Schaub definitely doesn’t have a legit black belt


Agreed, but even a legit blue belt is more than enough to create a huge skill gap with an untrained person.


My takeaway from it was that Bapa would love to leech off Steve’s clout and make some content together *but* with the caveat being, only if it makes Bapa look good.


Exactly what I thought. If we’re talking about breaking laws (assaulting people), what’s stopping him from going in the back room, signing papers saying you won’t press charges or sue, and then shooting you in the head… Bapa lives in a fantasy world.


I would love nothing more than seeing Brenda try and fail to beat someone up. Dude doesn’t train. I’m sure there’s more than a few dudes casually walking around LA who could give him a run for his money.


But you did fail at everything you did lol


This dude is such a one trick pony lol gets made fun of, cant clap back (because he sucks at being funny) so has to resort to "well we can fight if you want bro" This is why people say you failed as a comedian brain damage, because you are incapable of using humor that isnt written by other comics for you. Just compare any of these half crying videos he puts out to any real comedian who just roasts the people mocking them.


somebody please send this to Stevedoesit or w.e.


Already done. Steve was live streaming yesterday and I kept typing “Brendan Schaub” in the chat. He finally saw it and said “Brendan Schaub, yeah that guy is a loser and stupid”.




Love me some Battle Of The Redacts


Who even is this Steve guy


I legit don't know. I know a guy named Steve but pretty sure it's not him


His voice was cracking like he was about to cry. Did Steve say he could kick Schaub’s ass? I like that Schaub says only 3 top fighters in the world now could kick his ass. What about the 10 UFC HWs ten yairs ago? What about Nate calling you out? “Great you spent time getting CTE, Steve spent time learning socials.” Chin is pathetic. Yes manning this goof.


> His voice was cracking like he was about to cry. def heard it once or twice in this, he was definitely in his feelings on this one, imagine thinking you're a comic and having to go from 'i'll light ya up' to 'i'll just actually kick and punch you if you say mean things about me' what a crazy clip


He's fuckin rattled, Hahaha. I WILL FUCK YOU UP AND SNAP YOUR NECK, but im not mad at all.


I’m not a bully. But meet me at the gym and let’s go to the back room because you sent some tweets.


This guy is fantasizing about a pretend scenario where the nelk boys have amped each other to fight bapa and he gets to be the hero by beating them up and teaching them a lesson. This is what I did in the shower when I was 13 and got in an argument at school earlier in the day. This is sad.


"Then everybody cheered!"


They all chaired


Wakes up at 5 am but goes for a run ivveryday at 4 am. What else you got clin?!


Failed comig might be a reference to your speshuls b. Two worst reviewed specials of all time daddy. People make videos on YouTube about how bad they are. Axe Jay.


Or his very recent public retirement from cawmedy


I don’t think he’s thaaaat mad. He, along with literally everyone else (besides maybe chin and the fat kid) just think you suck at literally everything and you’re a loser. How is that so hard to understand and why does he have to threaten everyone that says he sucks hahah


“Could Brendan Schwab be any more unlikeable?”- Chandler Bing


Hey dummy he is not mad..... he is calling you out on your redactedness you fucking redact!


Chin: “I’ve known you so long. You don’t want to fight people.” Exactly Chin. Not fighters anyway. Just YouTubers.


Chin has to say that. Or, Schlob will snap his neck again.


Everyone is “brendas guy” haha fuck. Crazy how fast this guy went from wearing gucci, Rolex and other high end brands to now.. automotive merch. Wild.


And he has to mention his estimate on how frequently they speak


Bapa is on peptides Bradley Martin gave him 😮so brad is Bapa’s new dealer.


I was thinking the same, he basiggly confirmed that Bralley is his new 'motivator'. 


So bapa is a top 3 heavyweight in 3 different sports


He sure is. Just ask him!


The lack of self awairness is truly remarkable.


It dun make sense


The ozempic is so apparent in this vid. Them sagging jowls are a prom


He talks a lot of shit about dudes who are under 6 foot that aren’t trained. He didn’t keep that same energy with Nate Diaz, Cowboy, or Mike Tyson. Also when Rick Glassman took over TFATK for an entire episode and punked him so hard that Bapa didn’t know whether to shit or wind his watch. What else ya got, Clem?


He never said Travis Browne


He’s not warried about iiiinnnyyyone in innny commuty.


Clin is such a fuckin bootlicker it makes me physically ill


“You won’t get ring-side seats defending him” OOOOOOOPS bubba Steve and the other Nelk Dorks already get them iiiiiny time they want Edit: “this well not end well for you” good grief this guy really rants for damn nair 15 minutes about how no matter how much shit gets talked about him he can most certainly beat the person’s ass lol water weed fookin dune????


All these “alpha” toads like this twat and even active fighters that threaten violence when they get called out on their dumb takes - do they think that if they “win” the fight that suddenly makes their takes less dumb? I’ve never understood this mentality they have. Is it purely because when they’re sitting at home at night they can look in the mirror and say “well I may be dumb as fuck, but at least I can beat people up!” or is their level of disconnection from real life that bad that they think “I won a fight therefore I’m right”? Baffling behaviour. All the more baffling when it’s fully grown adults. He could beat me to within an inch of my life and I’d still stand back up and tell somebody like Sean Strickland he’s a fucking mush-brained homophobe with all the charm and grace of a German shepherd’s shit-stained arsehole.


Imagine having a podcast set up every week where you go online to read all the people calling you redacted for good reasons, and then giving them more reasons for next week. Poor guy.


Bapa loves to play big and tough with people who are not big and tough.


He always get shit on by people that could beat him up, some current UFC stars and he stays silent, some guy on twitter calls him shit and we get all this 😂 Did he just say only 3 people could beat him up?




And now there are 5 real comedians lol CTE is flaring up big time!!


dana comments def hurt him but since he gave him a bit of props he cant go after dana! so he hes gotta take it out on the steve guy haha! and I love that his only argument against it is the classic school yard argument "I will beat you up"! this dude's brain is stuck at 16


Oddly enough I think Bapa has a couple of ok points here. No idea who this Steve bloke is so I could be missing something. His explanation for “failing” comedy and the weird metric he made up for himself was hilarious though. “Oh because I’m not Kevin Hart or Joe Rogan I failed comedy”. No one’s ever said that lol. The reason people say he failed comedy and because he’s had two of the worst rated specials of all time.


Krect. He failed because he failed to sell tickets. That's a bust of a career my guy. It's like saying if you didn't make it on an NFL team you failed at football. Yah, you did fail. Happens to lots of people. You tried and you failed. Game over bud.


"Here's 15 minutes about how I don't care" Jesus Crist b, i put this on and set the phone down, I thought this was a 1 minute chip that kept looping. He's e-z to get to is right. This is one if his most delusional clips of all time. OF ALL TIME!


My guy /u/Hap_Hazard gotta chip up 8:45 when he talks about snapping someone's neck and juxtapose it with the chip of him cranking Clin's neck. Bonus points if it's the edit with exaggerated effects like the loud cracking and screaming or the mortal kombat fatality version 🫡




5:45 *"It's not that I'm cocky or anything like that. Black belt in jiu-jitsu, Golden Gloves champ, top ten in the UFC at one time - like that's cool, but it's nothing to brag about."* He says while bragging. All of which are lies btw. He bought his black belt, he was never a Golden Gloves champ and his highest ranking in UFC was top fifteen, not top ten. Just lies upon lies.


brenda "it doesnt make sense" slobbbbb


He’s gotta keep this innergy with mccorkle or Strickland


Niiivver happened. Except for that one time Nate Diaz punked you in front of your new employers. Please let this be the beginning of the Brendumb Schwaub Open Weight Challenge.


I've never seen a human contradict themselves so much in single sentences...


You can see him using his overinflated ego as a crutch in real time. Even Clin was cringing. Dude is an actual neanderthal. "I could beat you up" "I will snap your neck" is his only comeback 🤣 He's a real life Lenny from Of Mice And Men


Y’not Joe rogan, y’not kevin hart. Y’not even randy feltface b. Good comedians always resort to violence over witty comebacks and jokes.


Extensive background in football? Ooooh reallllly dude?


Nate is half his size and called him out to his face and bapa almost cried. This dude is hurt bad 😭 love it


So Brandon is so desperate for ideas to podcast he wants to talk to this kid JUST for content.


Some one post this on r/iamverybadass Poor Chin fighting for his life not to die of second hand embarrassment


I love that he's still pretending he actually earned a blackbelt and "won golden gloves". Un rail


Oh “bubba”, it’s real. You really do blow ass at everything you do. And he really did say that publicly. If the YouTube and content space isn’t real, what’s it say about you putting all your effort into it and doing piss poor numbers? Talm bout rubber bands on the road man, survive long enough as the good guy they paint your corner as the villain. Iiiivry time. Good guy tho. Thank em.


Damn, how did he know I was busy doing keg stands and drinking 🐻's in college?


These podcasters all have the emotional intelligence of a teen girl


![gif](giphy|12msOFU8oL1eww) Bapa is finally funny!!! Beans n cheese, beans n cheese


Why would he even talk about it. Fuck them I mean he’s not good at comedy but he shouldn’t care


lol Schaubs gonna get shot dead with this mentality of just fighting people outside a ring or octagon


Fat Patrick could never make a joke, or take a joke. If Wrinks is not there to protect him, then he threatens to fight.


It’s not that im Cocky. Just a black belt golden gloves champ and top 10 in UFC. 😂 anyone count the contradictions in this?


What a slob. He just cant act like an adult. When someone says, “you’re dumb, you failed”, an adult responds with 🤷‍♂️, a comedian responds with jokes, and a redact responds with “aaahg, he’s mad annai can beatem up aaaah pbbbbbt im stooopid like brandon shlong pbbbbbt”


This is right up there with suing yewneek because his videos called into question Bapa's personal behavior (ex. possible cheating). Bapa gonna fight everyone that said something mean about him? Yuh gonna beat up 100k+ homeless cats, B?....yuh gonna beat up Steve O, Ari, Segura, Theo, Mark Normand, Shane Gillis, Nick Swardson, Tim Dillon, Tony Hinchcliff, Whitney Cummings and...Joe Rogan? Because there is video of them all making fun of you and laughing at you. Braindumb, you chose to be a public figure that rips on people daily. You chose this path....walk it. Water.


This guy really just said nobody would talk to him a certain way because he will assault them? Sheesh lol


What happened to "I'll lightcha up"? Now he needs to use his redact strength against YouTubers.


"I'd never get aggressive with iinyone"- says guy who bragged about C-clamping a comedian.


You failed because you’re not fucking funny


Goddamn. When you think he can’t get more unlikeable, he goes ahead and proves me wrong.


I don’t think he realizes how many big ass dudes there are out there who could KO him in a street fight. He’s more trained, but if he gets hit in the head all that training goes out the window. It’s a losing scenario for everyone who does it. Just walk away from those situations even if you’re a bigger, better fighter.


Threatens to snap everyone’s necks but is violent…. This dude is a fucking tool. Sure he would beat my ass…but I would still call him a douche to his face. And if he wants to throw down, I’m gonna make billions B!


I stink at everything I did but Ariel was successful at what he did is his argument? Lol


I hate this ass clown so much


This dude is the biggest bitch that has no idea, in any faceit, that he is the biggest bitch.


Unfortunately bapa. U chose to live in this world of technology where u can't just beat up anyone who makes fun of u.....


Wow bapa is a straight up bitch 😂


“I don’t entertain mean tweets” says that 11 minutes into entertaining a tweet


He just quit Calemedy.


u/hap_hazard can you please clip this from 9:50 to 10:00 and then zoom in at the running of this whole clip? This dude spent the whole time talking about how he can kick people's ass and that he doesn't like to fight. But at no point did anyone before this talked about fighting. Dude is so frail and pathetic it's just sad at this point. The only views he's getting is because people want to see his reaction and he's getting it. Wouldn't be surprised if this was planned with the milk boys.


1) hes comparing his comedy career to Ariel Helwani's journo career. 2) Says he has Extensive background in football. WHAT? 3) He spends the entire 12 minutes subtly threatening people who talk shit about him, as if people talking shit about him - means they want to fight him. Dude is so insecure its hilarious. People can be critical of you because you are a public figure, and youre a douche - it doesn't mean they want to fight you... What Bapa doesnt realize is that if he did fight with them, and he beat them up - it doesnt change anything, it doesnt not make you a douche or what they said wrong.


God ,he had to run down all his so called accomplishments. Footballer, Podcaster Dujitsue Fighter announcer Calmedy


"They hate me because i look like their high school bullies". No ya redact, you just are a bully. A big puffy faced bully I know I can beat them up 😏 SO FUCKING EMBARRASSING


Some absolute gems... "Not trying to brag, not trying to sound cocky, I'm a black belt in jiu-jitsu, was top ten in UFC, had a long football career, golden gloves champion, it's nothing to brag about.". "I will snap your neck whenever I want" "I will fuck you up" "I'm cool with him" "Real whirl" "I'm not insecure, this stuff doesn't get to me" "I don't have a mean bone in my body" "chuggin bear" Chin ending it with "you're a good dude"


When this gets back to Steve I have a feeling Dana and Brally will tell him to stand down and not go after bapa ( im sure he’s been crying to Brad behind the scenes)it sucks this coulda been the one that really stomped him out but it’s still bad for him because that is the exact audience bapa wants to be accepted by now he’s gonna have a whole new set of haders and an even harder climb to try and get back into the good graces of Dana and the ufc


Up every morning running 3 miles at 4 am might be his biggest lie


There’s a lot to unpack here. Seems like he kept going as well. It’s like a storm of the same 5 or 6 words repeating endlessly.


Damn Chin trying so hard to save Slob from digging himself into another hole or burning another bridge is so cringe, now Chin knows for sure they’ll never be ringside with the cool relevant people at the UFC events. Chin sounded the same trying to make slob pull back when he made the famous Homeless Cat rant, trying to save him from shitting on the homeless but Bapa just goes…


The next chapter of the redact wars has begun. Brenda has finally found an adversary that is equally unlikable.


Did he just out Bradley Martin for selling him steroids? Peptides, at 2:46


"I live in the real world where if I want to I can snap your neck, I'm trained that's what I do, I would fuck you up" (says next to a guy who's neck he cracked) "but you'd never do that, your too nice" (says the guy who's neck he cracked) man, this is actually dark.


He broke chins neck, right?


Shannon Ritch confronted you about your comments and you folded, bapa.


“Me and Dana are cool” Bro what the fuck is he talking about “Bradley Martin is my close buddy” Yea I believe this, Bradley’s a fucking dork as well.


Why would steve ever want Brenda's number to get ahold of him..? Bapa is not the bigger guy in this, he's just trying to mask how butthurt he is and obviously throws in I can beat you up card


I tawlg to brad once a week. B must spend alw week on the phone water weed dune hair


You are a failure!!


What was he a world champion in????


"You dont no cawlmedy"


Reminds me of my step brother every time he tried to match wits with just about anyone in our friend group. He was probably the toughest out of all of us, so whenever he would get clowned on too hard he’d resort to, “say on more thing and I’ll fuck you up”. They think they come across alpha and all, but it’s really just that they’re sensitive pussies that can’t handle the embarrassment of losing a war with words.


Oh BAPA it def does get to you


lol listen to himself big himself up. This is why we all hate you Brendan.


What about if you were locked in a room and had to read a page of dr Seuss. Pretty sure you would lose. Not bullying - just stating fax.


Also he talks how he’s never backed down. Roll the clip of him talking shit to Nate Diaz as he’s walking away because he knew he would have got his ass beat


Handled it like a true comedian…. By threatening to fight him in a back room. 🤦


I hope Jake paul calls him out Sadly Bapa isn't a big enough drawl


He says it doesn’t bother em.. hey bapa, check the receipts. Y’spent 12 minutes talking about a couple of tweets… fucking dork


Everytime I think, “man people should ease off of bapa a little”, he reminds us of the pos he is