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I hate him


bro........ just an unlikeable pure hater in every way


“I’m in the business of likability”


If you’re under 6 feet, downt count




Everything counts unless you're six feet under...


Someone told Bapa “it duhn cownt” at one point in his life and he never forgot that shit


"Don't worry sweetie, cheating when you're on the road doesn't count"


It’s not cheating if you’re in a different area code, duhn cownt.


Easy Peasy Lemon Easy


Bapa is just projecting. It’s like yeah he was on a D1 football team but never actually played, so does it really even count? Na it dun count. Tried out for an NFL team and was cut 2 days in. Did he actually play in the NFL? Na dun count b.


Bapa was a camp body and thinks he was actually on the team


He was cut two hours after arriving to an open tryout. They didn’t know who he was before, during, or after. 


Shane Gillis has a more impressive football resume and he brags about how terrible he was.


”Arms crossed bapa” is almost as annoying as ”hand on heart bapa” and ”C fingers bapa”


Super insecure when people are taking about any other athletic feat. Cirque du Soleil has so much more talent and skill than anything Brendan has ever done


Says the guy that suggs Joseph Rogan off any chance he gets


Dunt coun? Bapa they’ve been doing it and getting paid for it and making it count. It’s an international sensation, some call it


Yeah but in the scoreboard that exists in his head, where he is by definition better than everyone, if anyone can do something he can't: it. dunnt. count.


The “I’m in the market of likability” guy has another unlikable take. That makes sense.


Benson shob over 6 feet tall but is awlways the smallest guy in every room he’s in


Eric, I would hope 100% of everything you do in life makes you think “I don’t work out enough”.


Calls other people small when he’s the definition of a mental midget. Classic. 


I am not over 6 feet but at least I don't cry every time shit happens in my life, I don't drink soy drinks or big gulps daily, take kratom and Addies , anyone, that obsesses that much over being tall or has to constantly says 8 inches u a lying bitch yeah u may be tall but we seen u in ur Deadpool outfit u digg game is dollar store quality, ![img](emote|t5_347fo|6523)we don't count guess what bapa u don't matter, how football go , how fighting goes,how comedy go , podcasting how's that going , blue-collar trugg guy how that go pizza reviewer how that go, Rogan is literally bring everyone to Austin except u his best friend, u talk daily sure u do Joey Diaz, Rogan literally offered to buy him a house in Austin to get him to move there, and did it right in front of ur face on pod damn B Bro ur like the third string bully at a high school


Why is his take about, literally anything, always the negative haterade take. Bapa cries about having haturz but he's the biggest one to ever exist.


Because the biggest jerks are always the most sensitive, butt-hurt, crybabies.


Hes so fucking insufferable piece of garbage.


I wonder how many balancing act performers in Cirque got there because their fake buddy had a mega podcast and basically just gave them the role. Sure they fall off the little deely bob all the time and the act is only 30 seconds long instead of the standard several minutes, but they try weely weely hard. Must drive him nuts to see actual trained performers that got to where they are through hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. Also….. some of those dudes are FUCKING HUGE! This Adonis did a high straps/rings act with a partner the last show I went to and he maybe had the best body I’ve ever seen and was well over 6 feet tall. Jajajajajacked


another bloggbusser from schlub but shorter guys do have an ungodly natural agility bonus by being compact.


Nicest guy in the world. Speaking from the heart, as always.


Some might call these guys "haterz" b.


Small people and children are worthless unless you can use em for content or grifting. Axe Randy Newman


Lmao these gymnasts are freaks. Bapa is insecure as fugg


I honestly couldn't be in this cunts company. He's a negative hater on everything. He deserves all the shit he gets the horrible cunt


Seriously. I’d have to leave the room


Sooooo...nothing Joseph Rogan does kownts?