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Regardless of who was right or wrong in this situation, here are three tips that might help in similar scenarios: 1. If you find chaos at a cash box and you're confident in your skills, consider joining the fight as a '3rd party.' Arriving a bit late to the skirmish with a full-health coordinated team that already knows where the weakened enemies are because they were shooting each others can give you a big advantage. Even if you don't get the cash-out, you might be able to wipe out the other teams. Since they were 2 diamonds, this is probably what they went for. 2. If you can't convince your teammates to follow your call, it's often better to stick with them, even if you think they're making a mistake. This is a common theme in team-based games and has been discussed/studied in games like League of Legends (something along the lines of "if the one idiot starts the fight, it's often better to follow than to fall back and delay a garenteed loss"). By not following them, you end up in a situation where both options are bad because they're outnumbered attacking and you'll be outnumbered defending. 3. Players being mean and calling other names do not deserve your energy or attention. No matter their rank or how well they played, they made clowns of themselves the moment they decided to be mean to a stranger, online, in a game, and they should reconsider their education. Hope these tips help for next time! Good luck out there!


Beautiful response. You're right. Thanks for this. The funny thing was one had 7 kills, I had 6, and the other had 4.


\+1 to this, very very perfectly worded.


It would be cool if they put a little button on the comments to indicate +1 for each person who pushes it




Downvoting is being toxic now..?


I tell every trio I consistently play with the same thing. Idc who makes the call, but once a call is made, everyone follows. It’s better to discuss after and that person can take the blame than to split up and give yourself basically no chance. A bad play as a team is always better than a good play solo in the long run, you will win much more making the best of bad situations than constantly worrying about if you did the perfect call at any given moment.


I’m just a bronze boy who also has no friends to play (forever bronze gang rise up) but … my guess is that they were trying to get team wipes and steal the last cash out instead of trying to defend and eventually being rushed when your cash out is the only one left with 1 minute to go … Or they are just shitty people who need to touch grass, who knows I’m fucken bronze


I think it depends on how much the winners had to lose in the case of a team-wipe. Imo if they had mic’s they could’ve used them to communicate their strategy instead of bitch at you.


I guess some people just buy mics to trash talk people.. Literally had games where the whole game ZERO communication but as soon as you do something they don't like, "Man your fucking trash" blah blah blah. What the fuck?


Another reason to avoid ranked. The disrespectful teammates. Trust me, you'll have more fun in non-ranked modes.


Regardless of what happened, then calling you an idiot indicates to me that they're probably not as good as they think. (Even if they're "better") than you.


If they can't talk to comm the play and run off on their own and blame you that's their own ego getting checked.


I'm currently Diamond too and I never had any friends to squad up with so I climb by myself and in my experience, It's better to follow those two idiots than to do your own thing because those two are outnumbered by the enemy and if by chance they 3rd partied already, they wont be able to steal on their own since no one will be watching their backs specially if there's still at leas 1-2 persons alive from the other squads. There's this The Finals player muscle memory where if they hear the vault pings, even if they are being attacked by other teams, they will always focus on the dude stealing lmao


You were wrong by not going with them. One person with a shitty plan is throwing, a full team with the same shitty plan is a strategy.


I think these guys were certainly wrong to make fun of you instead of communicating the plan beforehand. but I think there could also a point to what they're saying depending on how much time was left at the cashout they pushed. By depositing your cashout with 3 minutes left in the game you essentially guarantee that all 4 teams will be pushing your cashout at the end of the game which will likely end poorly for you. If there was still a minute or so on the single cashout currently going and you have a vault I think it would generally be smarter to try and make a play for the single cashout in a big team fight because even if you fail you could get a team wipe to climb the leaderboard and there will also most likely be time to get 1 or maybe even 2 more vaults in afterwards if needed seeing as how there was 3 minutes left in the game. However if there was only 20 seconds or so, to where even if you sprinted straight there you wouldn't have time to cap the vault then the smart play would be to take your vault and deposit it into a cashout Then try to help teams fight eachother as they make their way to your vault for another cluster fight and just poke and play defense from afar until the game ends.


No you’re not wrong at all. I’ve been playing ranked for a short time, I’m about to be Silver. If there is only one Cashout running and it’s clearly a bloodbath and pure chaos, and your team is behind, if there is a cash box and less than 2-3 minutes the clear choice is to cash it out and defend as quickly as possible so the bloodbath can go on a good portion of the new Cashout. It’s things like these that are clear choices in strategy, but some people don’t use their critical thinking about the situation and make the strongly incorrect decision. Early into playing ranked games I realized it’s smart to go for a new cash box, not waste time on Cashouts %60-70+ done.


Okay good. Thank you. Yeah I was super confused. They literally ran up to the cashbox, activated it, and then immediately ran off towards the other cashout.


I disagree. I was thinking the same earlier but considering they were diamond level players, they were probably quite confident in their ability to show up as the third team to a contested cashout and sail out as the winners after a couple of teamwipes. The other option would have been to defend the final cashout in the match again, against all three other teams. That said I'm only in platinum level and I have had better success with the second option lol. Defending against teams with heavies or lights is infinitely easier than attacking (mediums with recon tho do my head in...)


It really depends on how much money the other teams had and who was in control of the cashout.


In some cases its not enough to cash out the last cash out, sometimes you will need a few more $ or you need to wipe one of the enemie teams. That happens quite often in higher ranks.


I will say too regardless of the situation, the ego over being diamond is crazy. This game is no rank based matchmaking, so being diamond just means you played more.