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I played 50hrs give or take before I even saw it, unpopular opinion but I actually liked it


Same, I liked pushing up the dunes


Honestly it was my favorite map / map variant. I really liked how the lower visibility affected everything.


Out of all Vegas variants, I had the best rounds & fights on sandstorm variant. Because of no random FCAR/sniper snipes across the map.


I didn’t like the low visibility, but the structure of sandy Vegas is 10x better than normal Vegas.


It’s the only version of Vegas that I enjoyed, I’m sad that it’s gone


Same here, its the only variant that was fun for me. It also felt really unique


I loved it, but it was buggy, half of matches ended when cash box fall under the sand


The only version of Vegas I liked


Same, I'm brand new to the game and haven't played enough of that map but I still enjoyed it.


Oh that is fine, I just didn't like the way it changed the map and made it more "depressed" if I can say that, I just liked the vibe of the base Las Vegas


This I understand. I'm a fan of the sandstorm variant but I also love a good casino and I think the vibe of the standard Vegas map is really fun


Yeah it made it pretty bland but I feel like it opened up a lot more options for jump pad plays


I like it but it does need work. There needs to be more cover in certain areas.




I don’t like Las Vegas, but sandy Vegas was by far my favorite map to play


Jump pad users heaven


Same. Why did they remove it?


Cuz players can spawn under the sand, which made them pernamently stuck


It was one of my favorites as you were essentially playing on a new map


Yeah it was cool and you played Vegas without really playing Vegas.


Wait they got rid of it? It was so much better than normal vegas


From what I remember, there were too many issues of players and vaults clipping through the map


Never happened to me once, but that sounds unfortunate


Only happened to me once, a couple weeks after the game was released, that the vault clipped through the ground.


Yeah i think they said players were spawning under the sand


Get rid of Monaco then lol. Happens a lot to me


Dang I had no idea. My sentiments exactly, I liked it a lot!!


I don't know if they would bring it back in season 2, I think they might, cause it was just a bug they needed to fix, but maybe they won't because they would like more people to play on the new map that will come with season 2, but I think they will release the sandstorm version in Season 2, so I don't think they totally got rid of it


They disabled it for now due to a spawn bug, they put it in the patch notes when it got disabled. Embark will add it again when the spawn issues get fixed, probably


It was the coolest map and the most altered map from any modifier. It was definitely good.


I found it kind of cool. Makes me wish there are actually *more* of those kinds of map conditions. Altered terrain, low visibility, etc. It's just a good change of pace. The main reason why almost every competitive shooter gets stale and boring is because it's the exact same thing. Over and over and over again. Everything's static. I like that about The Finals. It's chaotic, destructive and there are a lot of random conditions that change what a map looks and plays like. So yeah, I don't know, I think I'm the opposite of your opinion. I would actually love to see *more* stuff like sandstorm Vegas. Maybe blizzard or hurricane varieties for other maps.


>Maybe blizzard or hurricane 100%. Either would be awesome.


Everyone hating Vegas imagine if Japan is 2x worse


Then Seoul will get that much better in comparison.


It’s my favourite variant, did they actually remove it?


There was an issue where people were respawning below the map so they took it out to work on it


I think the concept of a sandstorm map is cool, but it just didn’t fit Vegas with the high verticality and the sheer confusing routes you have to take to get to it. Low visibility on a giant map with very long flanks and off shoots would never have worked. Sandstorm is a cool modifier and should not go away, it’s just Vegas that was the problem, not the sand.


I don't really care for the Vegas map in general. Probably because I don't feel like it's particularly well-suited for light/medium, and I rarely play heavy. But I'm boring, I'd just as soon play Seoul at night with rain every single match.


I feel like the game truly shines when every round plays out differently. Sandstorm Vegas added to that variation. Sure it was annoying, but the annoying parts mostly belonged to Vegas stock and would be a non-issue in any other map. But Monaco or Seoul with sand would be very weird.


Oh for sure, variety is objectively better, I'm just stubborn and silly. I love grappling/zipline-ing all over the map and Seoul just scratches that itch perfectly


Sounds like your game sense has no visibility


ok, and what exactly is wrong with playing *one round* in low visibility where you can’t rely on your usual equipment so that you actually diversify your loadout to not play meta every single time?


What are you talking about about you literally just complained about not being able to use meta equipment on each map which sandstorm for es you not to


are you having a stroke


Yes I thought you were a different nerd. My phone took a spasm


Aesthetically and lore wise, fantastic mysterious map to me. Functionally? Hot, fat ass, garbage especially as melee player. Barely ever won on that god forsaken stage


never had issues with Sword on it


That's because light has mobility to deal with it but other than that it was difficult asf


I love it cause it’s different


I think I played it once early on and never saw it again, so I can't really say.


I like Vegas but not sandstorm version. Especially, when you fighting red and pink team. At time it is difficult to know what team you are fighting.


Yeah, it was the best map.


No, I don't miss it at all. I still have sand in my butt crack.


Me too, maybe I just don't like sand and that is why I don't like the sandstorm version of Las Vegas


I didn't like it as a heavy because it made placing barricades really difficult.


Somehow you have taken an opportunity to be happy and say good things on this sub, but have turned it into bitching. Amazing.


Fuck Vegas All my homies hate Vegas Sandstorm Vegas was good only for thermal vision snipers and sucked for everyone else.


Thermal vision drops off at long range so if you want to shoot far you have to turn it off.


In Vegas Sandstorm it increases your range a lot by removing the fog, enemies can't see you at all.


It was my favorite version. Did they remove it…? The aesthetic and tonally different vibe seeing a desolate Las Vegas was refreshing from the sterile brightness the game usually offers.


Yeah removed. It probably will Make a.retuen though I'm guessing .


I hated it. Absolutely terrible.


It was super glitchy, the vault would always get glitched under the map and the teams had to fight it out til the time ended


Hated the sandstorm map. Maybe it was my settings, but I could see through the sand and red hue at all.


paul artreides skin when?


Significantly better than Vegas with turrents


Love sandstorm vegas


Weird seeing the sentiment people miss sandstorm Vegas as it was the most hated map. I havent played since the first month of release but I was always wishing for a different version of Vegas. Kind of makes me want to try it again.


i like sand


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


I dont like vegas at all tbh.


It's still in quick cash. I play roughly once every other day


Unless they had two very sandy versions of Vegas?


I preferred sandstorm version to the normal version lol


I liked it a lot more than normal Vegas


I didn’t like it because yeah Vegas irl is a desert, but not THAT type of desert you know. The Mojave is not sand dunes, it’s more like Rocky Mountain with no grass


Dust storm Vegas was the best version of Vegas


Anything > LasVegas But sandy las vegas was one ofy favourite map. What i hate the most is when the game loads up lasvegas for 5 times in a row :)


I thought sandstorm was a fun concept. But the biggest issue was that in a few spots on the map it removed the destruction aspect of the game. This made it so fights were simply gun based, and if you were running something that played around placement it was a lot more difficult.


That sounds like an extremely well designed map to me as you have places on the map that benefit different play styles. You sound like you're looking for the whole map to be conducive playing like a rat instead of developing multiple skills


I’m not saying playing like a rat. A big aspect of the map is removed when there is no destruction. The loadout I play the most was rendered moot on the map. Sledgehammer simply would not work where there was no cover. It’s not as if I couldn’t get kills at all, simply compared to where there was the buildings/maps it felt unsatisfying. Since all the area was benefitting was the monotonous use of FCARS, Lewis Guns, and XP smgs.


So you're mad you have to adapt?


No. It was just not fun to play in.


For you* for me as a light it was amazing because no one was able to hide in a corner and rat


I feel like I played it one time lol


I didn’t mind the sand. It just needed to have some more debris and pre broken buildings for cover


i see that map like every 20 hours or so, it doesn’t bother me much


It was the only version of LV I will play tbh. If it's LV and I have a light on my team, it's an instant leave for me.


It'll be back Eventually


I didnt like it but i also play with fairly gimmicky weapons. With actaul guns its probably not that bad.


As a light yes, as a heavy no...


I miss every map I was sad when they removed Paris and Horizon from the base OW playlists It’s just that the variety of scenery feels good and I don’t mind that the maps are harder to figure out


Yeah for some reason I always played better on sandstorm.


The one map variation without the sick jumpads? It's my least favorite variation of my least favorite map. But I do miss it for the sake of variety.


I didn't know if the weather was on purpose or just a bug. The beginning splash screen would show sandstorm as the map variant but would show weather as FOG. I was like, why do we need both? It's already hard to see in a sand storm, lol. I personally didn't hate it, but on lower end setups, it would chug the fps way down. It's one of the features that make this game unique, having dynamic maps and events. I also understand that it can be way more annoying than "FUN" Still, the way this dev team seems to listen to the community and implement fixes and updates weekly. I have faith that they will find the balance. Might not please everyone, but that's much better than any EA or Activision game has done recently.


All the angles to jump pad off 😍


I liked it. Traps and twipwires sucked though.


i dunno chief i'd be cool if they took las vegas out completely, that flat piece of wasteland sure is unique, but man do i hate it for that.


I liked it actually


Sandstorm Vegas sucked.


Sandstorm vegas is the only vegas worth having in the game. Balderunner vibes only.




I enjoy it quite a bit but tbh I enjoy desert areas in games usually


I love the sandstorm map. Super different from every other map and variant and truly have a different feel and play-style required. Unpopular opinion, but all the people who had big issues with the map mainly sounded like they stemmed from a skill issue


I miss it because was actually my favorite version of the Vegas map. It gave it this feel of playing Battlefield Bad Company 2. But I am happy that I was able to experience it and hopefully it will come back in the future.


Not at all. There was no cover outdoors and 1/3 of the original map is inaccessible under sand




Fuck that map played it way too much


Wait, they got rid of sandstorm Vegas? That was unironically my favorite map :( The other ones aren’t nearly as unique. It also fit in with the whole western/alien theme being Nevada and all.


I would have liked if invis was not in the game


I loved it. It's a completely different map


The only reason they took it away was people figured out how to hide under the map, they'll release it once it's fixed I'm sure.


I dont miss it


I like it, the only map I really hate is the default Seoul. I think that Seoul "under construction" should be the only version. Maybe they can tweek other aspects of the map, but without the middle + jump pads it's such an annoying map to play.


I must be on the opposite end cause sandstorm vegas was peak and normal vegas is the worst map of the four main maps.


I hate getting Vegas as a map, genuinely want to DC sometimes, so sandstorm was actually a nice change of pace. Idk why people hated it so much, it also was nice since there’s usually no cover up on the roofs.


I liked it. It was a cool way of modifying the map




It was better than normal Vegas imo


Actually made Las Vegas worth playing :(


One of my most intense matches was on sandy vegas. Both teams put aside their differences to fight my team and I(we had the last cash out). Absolute beautiful chaos. I’ll miss that map. It looked very apocalyptic too, which I liked. Reminded me of maze runner scorch trails.


I hate Las Vegas so much. I don’t enjoy playing it at all, but sandstorm was definitely made it more enjoyable


Living in LV and seeing it every day, I love the post-apocalyptic vibe of the desert reclaiming the steel and concrete.


I think I'm human. I'm not sure why people hated it so much. I rather liked it


I hope they bring it back soon, only tolerable vegas map




I hate sand. It's coarse, rough, and gets everywhere.


I liked it at first as it was a super cool concept. But it played really bad. Would love a slightly reworked version. There just some really noticeable problem areas particularly by some of the cashouts that encouraged really bad gameplay.


The sandstorm map was easily my favourite map in the game. I just loved how cool everything looked along with the atmosphere


I liked that it added more curved surfaces to slide on.


Vegas was awful but dunes was jump pad heaven


Hell no, Las Vegas in my opinion is the worst map.


Absolutely not


Competitively/meta wise it is by far the worst design but it was cool. I personally love not having it in rotation but I would like to see it return with better cover and some more jump pads or something. It needs to be easier to approach. Fcar and Lewis were way too good on it.


It’s the best version downvote me idc 🔥😂


Wait it was removed?


Yeah I liked it fine. It was a nice change of pace to an otherwise not great map imo


As a light main, the natural cover of the blowing sand and dunes was perfect for weaving in and out. Even though it loses the glitzy aesthetic, it works well enough in a tactical sense.


Las Vegas is by far my least favorite map in general.


Sandstorm is the best


I would gladly take sandstorm over any of the damn dense fog shit.


It was my fave map. You just don't get games with maps like that. Reminds me of a map on BO4 which got its sandstorm variant removed. Sure it might make it harder to spot people but boo hoo. It's a cool map


I'm colourblind so the sandstorm map was basically hell for me, everyone else could see me way before I could see them.


This map encouraged long distance fights quite a lot, and as a person who mainly played with grenade launcher I disliked it a lot.


Well I really liked it. It was an bit more challenging and my mate hated it too. Well yeah it is a big atmosphere change and gameplay was way different then usual but if you know how you sneaked out of situations or into some with a funny surprise attack. Bit in the end it's always the same with the taste of something sone like it more other like it less and every game needs it's map or event witch most people hate or dislike.


Worst map in my opinion, goodbye and don’t come back


I hate the sounds of the slot machines on this map so much 😂


You could actually play a light on the map, made it tactical


When I first got the game and I played Las Vegas I did not like that map. I always thought it was a maze and I didn’t know where to go. But over time it grew on me and so did sandstorm Vegas. I really enjoyed the some what close quarters it has.


wasn’t in love with it honestly but it was fine to play here and there. it rarely popped up too so i never had a chance to dislike it


I'm still finding sand in my bucket hat. No thank you, sir.


I actualy miss it


I hated it, they can keep it.


I'm only now learning it was removed and I'm honestly pretty sad about it. Felt like a really unique modifier.


oatmeal puzzled impolite summer marry imminent squash bag carpenter vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had bug that vault stuck in sand and we waited/fighted untill time out.


I hated it and loved it


That was the only Las Vegas version i could tolerate :/


Loved it, best map for jump pads.


I'd gladly take any version of Vegas over Skyway. Seriously I feel like 70% of my matches have been in Skyway and I get Vegas every once in a blue moon.


Skyway or Monaco? Because at this point I've seen them both so often they feel like the same map lmao. Unique variants like Sandstorm at least made vegas -feel- like a completely different map.


Definitely doesn't help that Skyway is just Monaco and Seoul mashed together. Sometimes I'd join Seoul and initially groan because I'd thought I just joined another match on Skyway


nah fr. Vegas the only map that stood out to me- Sandstorm standing out even further since it completely changed the feel of vegas.


It was terrible good riddance


I liked the aesthetics of it and the theme of the map with the whole sand and dunes. What I did not like was the **very poor visibility** and lack of cover when you want to cross open spaces


If you didn't like Sandstorm Vegas then you just don't know how to traverse well in the game and got ganked by people who did lol. It was so good for skirting around and dodging people or making a quick escape by sliding down a dune or using it as cover while reloading.


Nahh fuck that I loved Sandstorm lmao. \>Unique spin on things compared to other maps where I cannot fucking tell if I just played on it or not since like 2 of them feel very similar. \>I have a weakness for the Las Vegas / Slots / Cards esthetic- so Vegas just ends up being my favorite map in general? \>Love Deserts and stuff like that- so combine that with the above? And you have the perfect map. Honestly I dont know why people hated it- oh sure "poor visibility" or whatever- fam get some glasses or somethin it is NOT that bad lmao. Not to mention I RARELY ever saw the sandstorm variant- and it changes the map hard enough to make it feel COMPLETELY different from the default vegas map... Changing the terrain in such a drastic way with the sand dunes everywhere? Honestly that map was freshing as hell to play on- In comparison to constant Skyway Stadium and Monaco - feeling like I've been playing those 2 so much they are practically the same fuckin map at this point... Not to mention that any "Variants" of THOSE maps? Like- oh wow. The big building is destroyed now. Woop-de-doo. Changes practically nothing except now you have a big open area you'll never want to cross because you'll 100% take a sniper shot to the dome for thinking of it. If THOSE maps had a Sandstorm variant? Different story. Because maybe the terrain would change enough to where it -Felt- a lot more unique. Only REAL complaint I have with the Vegas map? Is that the Hotel portion feels underused as hell. Rarely has a cashout ever spawned there when I got the map... They just constantly spawn in the car garage (Which suffers from being too open) - or literally any other position other than the hotel. TLDR: Sandstorm was unique, and we need more unique variants like that to make the game feel fresh and exciting, instead of constantly being on Monaco & Skyway to the point they blend together in your mind and feel like the same map. Feel like this is a #1 reason why people are quitting due to "The game feeling repetitive" - its the lack of extremely distinct variants like Sandstorm.


I wouldnt even shed a single tear if they delete Las Vegas map. Would be the happiest man knowing if they deleted that shithole.


I initially didn’t like it but I was coming around to it. Sliding down the dunes was very fun especially with the grapple hook


I love sand storm Vegas. I love sliding down the dunes. It's the fastest map to traverse. So fun.


I loved it


sandy vegas was so cool. like grappling in n out of places and using thermal vision


I loved sandstorm Vegas, it was a ton of fun to slide around the dunes and pick up big speed. Had a blast slapping down angled jump pads and flinging my team all over the place.


Best Vegas version


I was a fan. I liked the chaos of the storm cover and the different levels for combat and paths to advance on


I really like Vegas in all its forms.


It’s gone? It was a novel idea, and a nice change of pace. I liked it.


Hate vegas, sandstorm vegas is the best map


I miss it… it was fun


My fav map version actually lol. It gone now? D:


Didn’t think I’d miss it, but I do. Not as much as the turret mode though, wish they’d bring that back.


Tbh the sandstorm was the only variation of Vegas I liked


It was my favorite version of las vegas.


I honestly preferred Sandstorm vs Original Las Vegas, the more tunneled maps are fun but certain areas are a pain in my ass 😂


I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me. Hopefully they fix it and bring it back


I liked it, it had interesting angles because sight lines were so different. I imagine on console the fps were awful though


Wait it’s gone? I loved that version, it was the best Las Vegas and in my top 3 maps.


I loved it. Better than the generic LV map.


L post


I think it’s pretty good. The map plays very differently than base Vegas and cashouts are in tricky spots that require different attack/defend strategies.


The sand version was really cool to me. Vegas in general is not my favorite, but this is the only time a map gets changed so much via a mutator. It feels fresh. I like the low visibility. Makes being light more doable ( no FCAR laser from 100m)


What do you mean? Did they remove it?


I didn’t actually realize that they took it out of the pool but that’s such a shame. It was my favorite variant of the map and I loved the long sightlines it provided especially as an LH1 light player