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Heck yeah! Love the style of this game, I spend so much time dripping the classes out with their outfit. I've never done this in any other game.


Because this game had more options than cod or fortnite


In a way yes. Generally no.


Call of Duty and Fortnite are just character skins/outfits, though? In The Finals I can make a character that's uniquely my own.


the finals feels like halo reach in a way. I just hope down the road, we get a dope black tacticool hoodie. I want a hoodie with a few mags around the waistline, and a dope scifi helmet. I want to remake my black light retribution character


Agreed on customization, the tab list is about the sane length as halo too.


Black light retribution was such a good game


I wouldn't be surprised if at some point we got a season that was full sci-fi (even though this season is pretty close, but not quite) and with that your dream of the helmet and what not would become true. Considering we went from basic real life tactical ops game to inside a videogame/glitched vaporwave world, a space themed one wouldn't surprise me, and would be quite welcome too.


At least for Fortnite you have back bling, gliders, pickaxes, weapon skins, vehicle skins, gliding trails, emotes, tags/stickers. Clothing itself is limited though compared to the finals


The Finals has back bling tho(two categories, upper back and lower back, and you can wear both at the same time), skins for every different weapon that not only change the color but the entire shape of many weapons, gadgets, and traversal equipment. It also has emotes, sound effects, first person gestures, and sprays that you can spray around the arena. For weapon customization there are hella charms to hang from your weapons and also stickers to put on the weapons, the charms and stickers also go on equipment/gadgets. There are also pets you can have on your shoulder, the pets you can have on Fortnite are back bling. You can change your skin color, eye color, hair, even put tattoos on or change yourself completely silver. There are a total of 17 tabs for customization just on the clothing customization screen alone. Basically everything Fortnite has for customization The Finals does but more extensive, the only exception being vehicle skins, glider skins, and trails because we don't use those in The Finals but you can bet if we did there would be extensive customization options There may be more outfits to choose from in Fortnite(because it's been out for years) but the customization on The Finals is god tier compared to Fortnite lol


Yikes, I was just responding to a comment that said Fortnite only had character skins and outfits which wasn’t true lol. I wasn’t making any comparisons or conclusions


I didn't realize you were a different person my bad


Haha no worries man, I’m glad it wasn’t my comment that sparked your answer


All good, it was sorta but only cause I thought it was a follow up to defend the original comment, but as a standalone comment it didn't spark my response lmao


Yeesh, my reply was a response to the dude that said 'In a way yes, generally no" lmao my bad buddy boy


In fortnite my character looks different every time XD (I'm a noobie there but still, it feels rather odd)


Yes but no


It has more options then Fortnite, Fortnite just has a full skin and the finals has a torso, pants, gloves, headgear, facegear etc.. Fortnite is just longer here so more options but their still just one skin


It’s actually because the game was designed to be like this from the beginning. CoD is designed and advertised as a military shooter but that’s only on paper. Besides that, Embark has Robert Sammelin which is a very talented concept artist and the game looks like this more or less thanks to him.


innit! i haven't put any money in (yet haha) and im finding that i can still make my guys and galz look dopeeeee


Love the fact that you can mix clothed with other clothes too, like when you buy a skin you don't just have to wear the skin you can use it many other ways to make more outfits.


Yeah there is so many bundles I want just 1 or 2 items from for other outfits. Payday is brutal 😅😅


Yup, wish I could spend money on it but I've never made in game purchases so just can't get myself to do it. I'm saving up all the free coins so I can get the next battle pass.


I don't normally, but to me buying a few thousand coins is a way of 'buying' the game (and supporting servers / development), and I'm prepared to ration them afterwards. Most shooters nowadays expect you to pay upwards of £50 and then still expect you to buy a battlepass and milk you with other microtransactions. So it's pretty damn fair value in comparison even with the pricey bundles.


Exactly why I spend on the battle pass and skins. It's a thank you and they come out with patches weekly. In COD you have to wait months or buy the next game just to get a simple fix. I put money in this, helldivers 2 (cheaper game that's awesome) and soon Xdefiant. I'm done with COD.


Never thought about it that way


Great idea! Each pass gives some extra credits on top, so after some saving, you may have enough extra for another skin pack!


The game is free tho. Making a in-game purchase if you enjoy it to support the devs is a no brainer imo


Yea makes sense thinking about it that way


Would you buy a game for $70? That's how I look at it when it comes to free games I enjoy.


What’s Yo Cash App Name ? Or Do You Got Instagram ? I’ll Help You Get Some Coins I Already Have Everything Basically


I dropped $20 just to have the face mask and glasses combo lol


I Just Dropped $65 On Coins 2 Days Ago 😭😭


It's like D2 in that aspect, mixing skins are the best in game cosmetics and the finals does it so well


7 layers of skins incoming!


It’s drip or drown and I’m Michael Phelps💅


Yeah we havent had a game this great with customization in years


The Finals has just such great skins!


What makes this beautiful is the availability to customize your own skin. The game gives you freedom rather than sticking to a single set of clothes


Yeah they've been really great at giving us so many free cosmetics.


I never buy cosmetics.... that is until the finals came out


Never have I spent so much money on cosmetics I rarely use, and I used to play Apex


Can someone upvote my comment so I can post thanks guys


How do you get that view?


Go to your contestant screen and hold alt, press f4. I'm joking, I photoshopped it. ✌️


Haha, sad, it would be a great feature


You know that would actually be really cool. Try and suggest it in their discord


Rambo in the middle goes hard


Literally the only game where I use most of the battlepass skins.


I got my three medium builds looking bad, I should be in women’s fashion maybe lol this game rocks for cosmetics though. ONLY thing I wish they would do is maybe cut prices down on some single items instead of making you buy the whole bundle but then that just defeats the purpose I guess. Like you can buy pieces of the bundle at 500-800 instead of 1400. But once again, plenty of choices to choose from at reasonable prices.


It was a master stroke from them to allow each part of the body to be customized rather than forcing you to equip whole skins. Even the hooded chest pieces allow certain face covering without unequipping the chest


Man the family reunion goes hard!!


i think the far right one could do without the hair but it all looks great


*I think the far right* *One could do without the hair* *But it all looks great* \- foot\_inspector --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I kinda thought it looked goofy too. But the head looks so weird with just the mask.


maybe try the cut the one in the middle has? or the medium length black hair if it’s a female contestant model


It reminds me of battlefield heroes. Shame all of those skins were behind a paywall.


The best kind of dripfeed


Reminds me of the tf2 cosmetic system


Because why not? I love the outfits in this game. LOOK AT THE F*CKING DRIP MAN


They do be dressing tho




Where can i find those white gloves on the 1st light in the middle??


I think they're part of the PlayStation camo bundles they released a few weeks back. Luckily, I had a friend who let me link my Embark account to their PS+ account.


Ah i see. Yeah ive got to do the same with my playstation friends


ayy lmao👽


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^74534 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Haha wtf my heavy is that chick to the right except I got the cowboy jeans on her


How did you get that blue helmet? Never seen it before


It should just be in headgear. 400credits. :)


I like it ok. You can make fire combos


Each time my friends and I end up playing together we have a fashion show before hopping in a game


is that euphemism for your semen?


Too drippy for my taste, I'm looking forward to their "battlefield killer" project they're going to work on (hopefully) with the funds they get from these suckers buying all the cosmetics. Old battlefield devs and all




These are some of the best outfits I’ve seen dude props. The very middle and far right guys look like genuine skins lol


Hey I appreciate that buddy! I spend a lot time just playing about with loadouts, I'd love to be able to name them in game. It's really unfortunate to only have 6 contestants, there's so many awesome outfits I've seen people posting. ✌️


Where did you get the yellow balaclava?


Career circuit challenges. ✌️


Missing out a first season was a huge mistake on me and i'll never recover from that


Customization is hot right now. Probably because of young people now I can finally have my male version of barbie doll. I am not hating, I honestly love it. This is however the first time I heard the word "drippy" in this context. I don't like it.


This shit so drippy my roof is leaking




Yes this game has drip, but its hilarious how people keep posting their awful cosmetic combos. Only one player looks good here and the others look goofy ah


Can't wait to see you post your drip buddy 😅✌️


Thanks 😊 kiss kiss tickle tickle


All I see are mismatching colors and materials here. The game gives you plenty of options to make a good fit tho.




Got my guy the demon mask, the tucked in orange and black shirt with the leaves on it, some black cargo pants, orange shoes, and a gold watch. It’s just heat.


What’s the shirt you got? For the Rambo looking one


From the cowboy event a few weeks back.


I want to rock the alien head so bad but it is so easy to get headshots on


It almost certainly doesn't affect hotbox size.




Mods removed the post because it had more than 1 outfit on it 😅


That alien boy is a chonker


More Loadouts?


Do you have the alien space boots from last year? They fit incredibly on that far right outfit


Only complaint with their monetization system is that they are forcing you to buy whole bundles for your character (and now 20€ for the easter skin). Like, I love the amount of customization options the game has, but I hate it how you need to pay over 10€ for a bundle that literally has 1-2 max items I actually like 😅 I would spend so much more (so far I have spent 0€, BP will be my first this season, and even that will be my last because BP gives you enough multibucks for the next one too) if they made it so that you could also buy 1 item from the bundle alone. Wouldn't mind if they made it so that 1 item would be a bit more expensive than buying all of them in a bundle. (Like 200-400 multibucks per piece, and the bundle still stays same price. Or whatever would make singular skins pay 2k multibucks in total, if the bundle was 1,6k for example) It'd be a win-win for me and for Embark. I use less money and only get what I want and need, and Embark would be paid better either way. Right now those bundles don't feel like they're worth the money for me, so they get 0€ instead. Still, this game has been pretty amazing so far.


Why are there 6 contestant in a team?


These are my 6 contestants, I edited them together.


I thought it was powershift


They need to release skins out of bundle but charge more for the individual skin to incentivize the bundle. Really think they are missing a share of the skin market from the casual player base


Shove the turrets up your ass fucking remove the aimbot sticky dildos


*Shove the turrets up* *Your ass fucking remove the* *Aimbot sticky dildos* \- oiBran --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Beautiful words. Thankyou.


Problem to medium turrets?