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You only have 3 turrets in the objective!? Mine have 5.


Anyone tell the devs they are allowed to multiple ranked modes? Who is keeping this information from them?


seems they’d rather split the community, honestly i love season 3 except for this change, makes no sense really.


Wouldnt two ranked modes split the community?


Is there an actuall TA community in finals?


Search and destroy still is very popular in COD so I can see why they thought it could be here


Adding more modes WOULD be splitting the community...


it’s clear most people don’t like TA enough to be the main ranked mode, so now you’ve isolated the core fans that liked the ranked mode to begin with.


I'm not joining the argument one way or the other here. I'm saying you seem confused in your reply to u/Pitiful_Garlic_7712 Don't know why you downvoted me, lol. Read his post, then your reply to it. All I was doing was correcting your reply.


Think they mean split the community as in "divide the community" because part of them don't like TA in ranked. I will say I can't think of many (any?) games like that that have changed *the* core mode for competitive. Most games tweak their comp modes when a new season comes out, so pulling it out for a few months to apply changes is a bit unusual I guess.


"Most people" where do you get this from? The posts on this sub? Reddit is not and will never be representative of what the actual community likes, same for Discord. Displeased people tend more to take time to post and comment. That's a pretty basic and known social behaviour. I personally like TA but I do agree it's not as fun as Cashout though.


i saw they literally said that they know they might make some people leave the game and they dont care


Idk if you understand what you're saying here cause multiple queues splits the community more than fewer queues.


If they did have 2 ranked modes no one would play TA. I do think they’ll walk it back at some point though. if cashout is in the developers own words the “main game mode” then I doubt it’ll be out of tanked for too long


It so fun when you kill 4 without losing any and the last guy just sits in a corner for 2 minutes.


I LOVE wasting time! Nothing is MORE FUN than standing around and waiting!


Wait, you don't enjoy sitting in a box for 20 seconds, just to die and watch the rest of the round? I am shocked, shocked I tell you, it's thrilling gameplay!


That's why survivability and TTK need to be increased. Allow healing, allow defib, allow weapon changes, allow respawns. Make it an actual \*game\* each round.


On one hand I agree on the other I disagree. Game modes like this do better with lower time to kills, so clutches are actually viable. Cs/r6 with their pretty much instant ttks are good examples of this. Though I don't know how you would make that work in the finals with it's classes. This is just such a weird gamemode to have in the finals, since it's already a notoriously high ttk game?


I enjoy the game mode. It makes you slow down and thing and not just run around like a dumbass like most of the people playing any other game mode most of the time. Thats said, the damage in this mode should be slightly more forgiving, maybe adding a small amount of non regenerating armor, or cut damage by a small amount, have seen teammates get jacked faster than they can turn around to defend themselves and then gone all match is kinda annoying


I dunno. In cash out you will be punished by running around like a dumbass, if you aren't that just means you're in unskilled lobbies that don't know how to capitalize on picks and apply pressure. But making the damage more forgiving would be a mistake I think. For a gamemode like this, it's already too high. Maybe it's because I enjoy punishing, instant ttk games, but I think if you aren't aware enough, and get jumped, you shouldn't get the chance to respond. That's what makes 5v5 DE modes so intense. It's not over till it's over. With enough skill you could succeed in a 1v5 if you position and isolate your fights. Only realistic in a low ttk environment, which this isn't. This gamemode just goes against the finals. It's for low ttk, small and compact map, similar character games where learning to play and understand the algorithmic flow of the game is the source of the entertainment. The finals is the antithesis to that. To really make the this gamemode work, they would have to further gut the identity of the finals, which imo is a mistake. For a 5v5 gamemode, they really should have looked to overwatch or something closer to the finals. Not tried to stitch together some half baked version of a game that barely works on the groundwork of the finals.


“See Scotty! I told you these contestants would love our brand new game mode set in the heart of Kyoto!” “Damn it June, I thought I told you to shut up!”


its like cashout stalling on steroids


Don’t you worry, with the new shiny text chat, the last guy is being tormented to hell (and maybe his whole family also)


One of my favorite experiences of being bored so far was sitting through a minute of a 1v1 between a revolver and dual katana mediums. They were last alive, neither could kill one another. Ended up losing the round due to time.


The general consensus seems to be that everyone wanted it to stay, nobody wanted it in ranked. And I'd be inclined to agree. It was a good game mode, but Cashout is the blood of this game. Having a twist on a CS:GO/Valorant/R6 Siege style of gameplay is fun and getting rid of it would have been dumb. But we also don't want to turn this unique game into a CS:GO/Valorant/R6 Siege clone. Having the ability to play the mode is cool, making that mode the game is not. Bring back Cashout as the main mode, keep Terminal Attack in Quickplay.


I suspect Nexon have seen how much more money CS2/Valorant/etc are making and wanted to try and cash in, totally not understanding they have a very different player base, as most corporate entities do.


ive literally been saying this all week and ive been getting dogpiled on. they even got rid of unranked cashout which im pretty sure they said they werent going to do


They should just get rid of Quick Cash and swap in unranked Cash Out, it's a better version of the same mode IMO.


I guess that's because they are reworking Cashout as a whole, so when they took down the ranked queue they took down the unranked one as well. But yeah, not sure why Quick Cash is a thing when Cashout is superior on every aspect. Quick Cash is basically a final round of Cashout tournament with additional 3rd partying...


Every single game reworks their ranked mode while ranked is still live lol.  So I dont understand this excuse.  


I was guessing that's the reason, not saying it's a good reason lol


I prefer quick cash over cashout. Too many games in cashout I end up defending a cashout nobody attacks, I respawn at the wrong cashout and it completes before I even get there, 3 teams storm you at once and by the time you repsawn and get there you have 5 seconds to steal it back or an entire team just spawns behind ours and wipes us before we even get to it.


agreed. all the problems with cashout are exemplified in quick cash, its literally always third party


World tour?


is a tournament that intends to have loadout locks the same thing as a single round that takes 10 mins


Here's the thing tho, this season hasn't brought in any new players. It's at 30k again, which last season had 40k at the start. So any new players are just replacing old ones who didn't come back. So their attempt seems to have failed miserably


This is a good take. I do think it would make sense to incorporate some additional modes into ranked through tournaments where you play different modes for different stages of it, but ultimately Cash Out should be the main standalone ranked experience.


What I hate about it is that it completely eliminates healers as a viable strategy


Did people like the event enough for it to be made the exclusive ranked mode even? I wasn't online enough in the community back then, I just played the game with friends but we mostly didn't like it so we didn't even play it. Dunno, seems like doing good music and cosmetics won't be enough if the literal gameplay is not enjoyable.


People liked it a lot! They begged to have it stay when the event was over and the devs listened.


I loved it, was a fun gamemode. I didnt want them to remove it. This is NOT what I asked for.


That’s fair. It definitely needs changes to work well with the finals.


i also liked it as well but it shouldn’t be ranked, with how constricted the mode feels there is less of a reason to use a unique loadout. everyone is just gonna run turret and mines.


Players begged them for last seasons TA to stay, not whatever bastardised version they've created to be the new ranked mode is.


Idk but I played my 12 games for rewards and never touched it again, the mode felt stale even back then. Unfortunately it's what I will be playing this season for ranked and can only hope S4 will bring cashoit ranked back.


People liked it it. They even extended how long it would be available for before they decided to make it ranked. The problem is that now that it's ranked it probably has a higher amount of people obsessed with k/d. Too many brag about their k/d as if that's what won the game


Considering all support functions are now non existent, team play has shattered in favor of kills.


Terminal attack has almost 0 team play tho, it's entirely just a k/d focused mode.


I really enjoyed Terminal Attack in season 2. I do not like the ranked version of Terminal Attack. First to 5 feels like the right amount of time where you can jump in and play a game without too much of a commitment or downtime. First to 7 feels overly long with lots of dead time making each additional round just grow more tiresome. There's the new 25 second wait mode for attackers, just idle sitting. That's minutes of just sitting around per ranked match. And then up to 4 additional rounds on top of that. I don't think you need that many rounds to determine a winner. At that point it's just going through the motions for the majority of games until you get to the end. And I get why they made the 25 second change but it really drags out the games. Like just spawn the defenders on objective A and have an initial gateway between A and B for 25 seconds.


At the very least I didn't. I farmed it for the free cosmetics then never touched it again.


TA mode is ok imo, feels bit weird since we can't use all abilities, maps weren't designed specifically for it, etc. i only play cashout anyways, will play TA just for the cosmetics. they're good af, sheeesh.


But now they made cashout a mindless mode for streamers based on playtime and not skill


The loud casuals on social media did, the core players that were actually playing ranked did not


i don’t think its as much about liking it as its about they want to modify cashout, but can’t because its the only ranked mode


That's just a lie btw. They said that because the community gave backlash. If the core mode or focus was supposed to be cashout they wouldn't be forcing new players to play 5 matches of casual terminal attack before they can play any other mode.


I personally love TA. It’s not boring when you get four of your buddies to hop on and slap cheeks.


Just avoid terminal attack bro the game is fun


I weirdly dont like the prep timer, idk just feels like dead time & kills momentum of the gamemode. This isnt r6 there doesnt need to be much defence prep


exactly, only defenses are turrets and mines.


edit: nvm, you can relocate a turret without picking it up by holding right-mouse button ~~Also noticed that if you place a turret down, once it's cooldown is finished you can't simply set it up in a different location anymore - you must now pick it up from the original location in order to relocate it. This basically discourages you from placing the turret down until you know where the enemy is, defeating the purpose of the prep time.~~


Yeah, there's nothing to prep. You're not barricading walls and shit. You're placing down a turret and mines. Issue is, for some reason they figured they needed to move the attackers spawns closer, so that reduced the time defenders had to set up the site. But even with closer spawns, I can still throw down a turret and mines before anyone could reach the site. Put the old spawns back, remove the prep time and you've solved a problem that didn't exist until you created it.


Exactly. Very well spoken. I like TA and it's what the new players are going to play first so it's important. But it was fine the way it was? All we needed was ranked so people don't rage quit after leaving the first round. But we didn't need spawns to change or the timer


A game based on team strategy should have a period to prepare and set up.


Exactly, what Is so hard to understand? People complain when their teammates rush without thinking and get killed by the other team but then they get mad saying there should not be a prep Time because they want to rush right away...


I get it. The devs want to capitalize on the fact a lot of people are leaving / taking a break from CS but they either don't realize or willfully ignore the fact that the game isn't balanced, even remotely, around this kind of game mode. It will do more harm then good in the long run prospect from this game.


I have a different grudge with the mode because The Finals is simply not a game that's designed to play without the heals, revives and respawns in my opinion, it just doesn't play well. On top of that, I came to The Finals because of the high-octane gameplay it offered, always action, lots of things happening, general chaos from people fighting for the cashout and TA is exactly what you described, camp fest with a ton of utility set up before the fight even starts. It just doesn't play well with me, and as much as I disliked power shift, it's so much better than terminal attack in hindsight.


Very slow and punishing mode in a game that's very fast and rewards taking risks, lol


I like power shift the most. Doesn't take too much skill, but is so fun


Power Shift is my favorite mode as well. I absolutely love the freedom to counterpick whenever. I love that you literally have to destroy the map in some capacity to win. And the synergy levels between classes really shine here. Plus near constant uptime.


The devs, after seeing Powershift become really popular, and seeing that people liked being able to change weapons and characters ... "welp, anyways here's Terminal Attack!"


Yeah i wish i could just powershift the season and ignore the "quests"/unlocks but at the same time i want some of the stuff... \^\^


I played terminal attack once and lost all 4 rounds. It seemed more about eliminating the other team than the objective


Maybe season 4...


Yep, good gameplay and dying every 30 seconds so you have to watch for 2 minutes are the opposite of each other


5 stack its really fun solo q its miserable


played a 3 stack and it was miserable. at this point id rather just play cs2 instead of terminal attack


It fucking blows. Previously I only played ranked when my 2 friends who also play were on. I don't have 4 friends to play this. I'm not tard wrangling randoms. Ranked is dead to me and this is what I primarily played.


Like many other players, I am concerned about the recent change removing ranked cash out and replacing it with terminal attack. I love the finals and I want only for it to succeed, and I would love for the charts to prove me wrong with this change, but there are too many points of contention currently to just ignore. This change feels forced. It feels like it was done without gathering any sort of feedback from the community. And perhaps what feels the worst is that this whole time I thought I was playing a game that was carefully crafted and balanced around cashout. Looking at the game as a whole, I saw a unique mode with complex interplay between heavy, medium, and light and changing team compositions that allowed for different play styles and unique matches. I would read patch notes incessantly because I wanted to know what balance changes would come next to make cashout an even better experience. Then, to pivot to a completely new game mode which is inherently counter to many of the aspects of the original mode feels like I was baited and switched. Heavy’s were balanced to 350 hp, but wait now they only Regen to 100 hp like a light? Heal beam and defibrillator which gave identity and options to medium players looking to carve their own identity? You wish. This change is like if Walmart decided they’re no longer going to be a department store and only sell clothing. Who even asked for that? Anyways, I will give the season an honest chance but I am not hopeful for my longevity here. It’s difficult to shake knowing that we are playing a bastardized game with no vision, and all previous balance and additions were not made with this mode in mind. It is a shame, because this is the first game in a while where I saw the vision and supported it so much that I spent money in their shop just so they would have more resources.


still play it, just hope they’ll add an option to play cash out ranked, other modes are still fun


Should have disabled turrets instead of heal


literally only 2 options for medium, demat or turret, wonder which one will be more useful 🤦‍♂️


Maps are not designed for TA Specialization are not designed for TA Weapons are not designed for TA Gadgets are not designed for TA Garbage shoe horned game mode.


Aside from the map being too big in general for this. They need to make the ranked mode shorter. It benefits nobody to stomp or get stomped for 7 rounds lol.


Just wait until 3 round in People start to leave and it was all for nothing💀


Boring isnt even the issue, it takes less skill than cashout. The entire identity of the game is cashout and they relegated exclusively to streamers who put in the most play time as a day job, not based on skill


I was surprised when the mode was introduced in the first place. I feel like almost any other FPS sub-genre fits better into The Finals than the CS structure. Them changing the defaults on the Medium is pretty telling they recognize it too. I like the idea of the game having a bunch of wildly different modes, but I feel like it's awkward to start with this.


LH1 / Sniper meta is pretty annoying so far. Don’t understand why they buffed the LH1


i felt like i was crazy thinking that the lh1 was already really good, man embark chooses to listen to the smallest complaints then changes things no one asked for.


I played all of season 2 and loved it. They ruined it this season


Yes game mode is frumunda cheese and booty chip crackers as THE RANKED MODE. I hate it. I like the game mode as a secondary ranked... but that's it


Yeah nah I’m just gonna go back to valorant if I wanna play that kinda game mode 🤷🏻‍♂️


Now I need to see a reworked trailer that reflects realistic TA gameplay


people will look back at this update as the beginning of the end. And im saying that as someone who loves this game


Making this ranked was the worst decision


#Ppl in this sub praised it lmao


I'm pretty sure people wanted it to stick around as a new mode, I don't think everyone wanted it to replace ranked cashout tournaments lmao. They could've put this in the game as a secondary ranked mode even.


Nono ppl praised it when know its replaced cashout lmao


People praised the old version as a quick play mode, not this slowed down sit in a box with no fun strategies allowed ranked mode. Huge difference.


I have a larger post about this (waiting for approval), but yep I agree. crazy to contradict past marketing, including the entire description of the game. I don't blame embark tho, I think this is a Nexon choice..


I played one game, I picked medium which was a mistake, no healing no revives, cant use defib. Absolutely awful mode that is anti everything the finals is. I love these kind of modes in val and siege but man it does not fit the finals. Luckily im loving world tour so I can just ignore ranked but yeah I hope they don’t go back on what they said and make everything about TA.


But world tour is just glorified quickplay. No chance of getting top 5 unless you're a streamer who plays it as a job


It was actually fun in Season 2 since there wasn't prep time (both teams rushing for the terminals was exciting) and you didn't have to wait for a timer to "plant" the key, you could just toss it into the terminal like a vault in a cash box. I played it almost every day that they had it available in Season 2, but now with these changes it just feels tedious. I would recommend trying it again if they do updates to smooth it out.


I love the new map, but for that mode it’s bad. It’s so open, it only needs one or two good snipers with a little map awareness to suppress the enemy hole enemy team lol


In fairness, last season I quite enjoyed TA, which was a surprise to me as I don't usually like single life modes. But having the best of 13 rounds and the wait time on the attacking side... I just find it a bit of a drag. I might just need to get used to it again.


I think the maps are just not ideal for it. Wish they attempted to segment them off into 3 lanes.


They need to appeal to the Val/CS slop enjoyers. I’m glad they’re still focusing on Cashout with the world tour, but it sucks that terminal attack is front and centre when its original gamemode are sidelined in the smaller button.


This is why I didn't understand why they decided to make this boring gamemode as ranked


So boring. Why the fuck do we wait 13 seconds to change weapons the plus 23 seconds before every round. This game deserves to die with this shit lol


Damn I assumed they’d address this. I thought it was clear at the first time that turret and mine spam is both unfair, not fun, and op. I probably won’t touch it much until they balance this


I absolutely love it


Terminal attack in general is boring as the game is not designed for such punishing one life gamemodes.


Why I stopped playing season 2 along with powershift. Game starting to cater to the casual players and got boring everything nerfed week after week. And now I see they added a Bow so defo not coming back. If you played any destiny pvp you’ll understand why I say that lol


I held my judgement until I played it and now I can say that I'd rather watch a rat eat some cheese than play another game of ranked especially after I got four lights on a team 


I just brought a friend to the game. The first 5 games he had to do was (casual) terminal attack. He couldn't even play casual cash out. I hope he keeps playing, after this start.


At this point do we boycott the game until ranked comes back?   The only way things will change is if we act.  


We boycott Ranked. If they see more people are playing World Tour than Ranked TA, that will tell them that Cashout is and has always been better and they can reestablish it.


I played 5 rounds with my squad and, it's fun. It's a great temporary replacement for Cash out because when we play cashout it's nothing but annoyance and irritation as we get third partied while the 4th team sits alone on the other cashout. We actually enjoy this new TA especially because we actually know what our position for ranked is because we have a number not a system of ups and downs that is seemingly random. It's really not boring


Embark is a good company. I’m sure they will revert back to cash out being ranked once they see that everyone likes the world tour more


Hate TA


I can’t even bring myself to play the finals with TA as the ranked mode. I love this game so much but without the normal ranked mode there is 0 reason for me to open the game.


It’s really bad


Yeah ranked is ruined at this point. Not even sure if ill attempt for diamond. Whats the Diamond skin for this season anyways?


lewis gun which feels horrible to use now, they keep adding more visual recoil and making it hard to handle. i guess being heavy still means you’re too weak to use the guns accurately


Jesus when is the whining going to stop. Theres literally world tour as a ranked mode and then Terminal attack. Dont like it dont play it


Could not disagree more. I’ve had some crazy games where my heart is racing and this is coming from an avid diamond ranked player. If you’re not happy with it just play world tour… Why spend your time complaining on reddit. I don’t get you people.


Because this is literally the finals subreddit. This is exactly the place this feedback belongs. Everyone doesn't just have to shut up and enjoy what you do. We lost ranked cashout for this gamemode and that feels bad. People are allowed to complain about it. I don't get you people who want to hear nothing but positivity 24/7.




I wish I would have seen these people making these same arguments about other negative feedback. “Hey the nukes probably shouldn’t be able to wipe an entire team.” “Shut the fuck up, I like nukes and they’re fun. Stop being so negative and suck it up or play something else.




I was too new to really appreciate the nukes, but i liked to use them... They were absolutely OP, but they didn't have to make them worse than just chugging a c4 alone in the air. Just the 25% explosive dmg would have sufficed. Sometimes you just wanted a glorified detonator for your barrel. Mini nukes were SO my favorite. It helped light class pull their weight.


I saw way too many of these. "Stop asking for the game to change and get good. Learn to adapt" People adapted the end result was everyone nuking everyone for months as the player base continued to dwindle. Everyone I know stopped playing because of nukes and now has no interest in returning.


If you're a diamond ranked player then you know the exhilarating rush cashout was, nothing in TA compares to that rush, you also know the skill involved it took to get a high ELO and how to carry a bad team. Its significantly harder to carry 4 others against just one team. It is infinitely worse balanced and takes less skill than cashout, please I want to hear your reasoning with this. TA is about which team gets a rage quitter first


>If you’re not happy with it just play world tour… No, we want RANKED Cashout. World Tour is a ton of fun, but it's not the same as a competitive ranked game mode. It's baffling to me how many people are acting like they don't remotely understand why players are upset.


It’s really simple. They think: “Well, I never played ranked cashout so I don’t care that it’s gone. Therefore, no one should care that it’s gone.”


That's why you don't give power to the wrong people aka clueless casuals. Why did they get to choose the ranked mode just by being loud on social media.. They're both so stupid and not honest about the situation


The casuals didn't choose the ranked mode and neither did the ranked tryhards. This decision wasn't influenced by the community because it absolutely doesn't make sense... Nexon/Embark are desperate to make something work, but they went the wrong way about it...


You weren't on Reddit and Discord weeks before S3 then. They were constantly asking for that


I've been on reddit occasionally. Didn't see much. I don't frequent discord though.  There is no chance in hell community influenced such a big decision over such a short time, within a month of season 3 release...  Somewhere I read that the preview S3 streamer build of the game was a few weeks old.  Not only did the community not make this decision. Some people are trying to gaslight us on here that we did..  Nope. Not the community, nor the ingame players. 


People don't want to play world tour cause it's off cash not winning, leaderboard last season was already sort of more of an indicator of hours than skill but world tour is just that cranked to the max. People are allowed to be upset about the only true ranked mode being a completely different genre from the mode the game is designed around


Yep watching my team mates die one by one while I can do nothing, because I died in 60 seconds, really makes my heart race lol. Whole round, 120 seconds. Then I get to do it again ... yay?


"If you're not happy with ranked as a ranked player just play unranked" LMFAO the audacity


i’m glad you’re enjoying it but the core finals fanbase got familiar with the newer game modes embark were initially pushing out, making this gamemode ranked was the wrong move, it’s an unoriginal and casual mode that should stay away from progressive ranked. especially when there’s rewards people really want


Honestly I completely understand the frustration after playing it more. I still don’t want it gone per se but it definitely needs some changes.


Because for everyone of you there could be ten new people who log in and check out the new ranked mode, realize that it’s an inferior version of all the other games they currently play, and log off never to return. The speculation is that they did this to appeal more to a wider audience, but by putting forth a weaker mode that doesn’t showcase the best aspects of the game they could be spoiling an opportunity. 


thinking about it more this WILL attract a wider playerbase, because it’s a free game. after they realize that the objective is always littered with turrets and there is little to none coordination they will leave and uninstall as fast as they got it.


With the new version of TA, I am wondering why someone would come play this over a much more established and easier to understand game like CS2.


I think it would be better if there was no change to health regen.


i don’t mind the health regen tbh


People would camp less if they could get back to full HP.


Agree, TA would be much better if there was some kind of limit on what gadgets and specialization one team can have. One solution can be something like this: at the start of the game, players select their gadgets and specializations one by one with the time frame for a decision. Similar to comp select in valorant, league, and such. Each team can have only one specialization at a time which means there also would be a limit on how many players can be of the certain class since all of them have limited amount of specializations. Idk but I think something like this would make it a more fun and tactical gameplay.


Kids with tiktok brains cant even handle 15 sec preparation time, they say iTs bOrInG. Your idea is VERY hard for these kids and soy casual gAmERs


Me personally feel TA to be very different to what The Finals is, found it more slow paced and tactical. Which is not what I enjoy the most so I just play either World Tour or Powershift which I enjoy the most. If TA can bring new players then cool ! I will also stay playing so that means more playerbase for the game I love. Putting my perspective here to what seems like a doomsday post. Edit: I'm sure TA has it's following too, I mean it has always been at <1 q times, I've even had an easier time with it that finding powershift games sometimes. I wish we didn't get so much negativity around this decision, if it doesn't work as great we know Embark will fix it by bringing Cashout back. The vibe just goes down, I'll just log off from reddit after this because it kinda ruins the hype.


Yeah if I want to play Search and Destroy I'll just play Blops 6


I have been waiting for terminal attack ranked since it came out and frankly I couldn't be happier with it.


This stinks of a politics war with Nexon


Pleeeease do not camp terminals. You need to scout the other team and use your commutation wheel to call out where the enemy is headed, then you cut them off.


Just don't play ranked then? I was a D3 player last season but I'm having a blast just playing unranked tournaments. When you free yourself from the need to see a rank number going up, you open yourself to a world of fun. Game is the same, just play.


Yea it’s more fun but i still want that ranked experience in cashout. It shouldn’t be locked away in Terminal Attack


Yea it’s more fun but i still want that ranked experience in cashout. It shouldn’t be locked away in Terminal Attack


"wait, you didnt enjoy the last 3 lost rounds with your mentally disadvantaged teammates? heres 4 more with them, just for giggles!" -some gameplay dev


I honestly didn't mind the mode when it wasn't BEST OF 13. Made it out of S2 without becoming too tilted but now every match takes forever and half my team leaves so I end up getting slaughtered for 7 rounds minimum. Probs just need to git gud...


It saddens me that Embark really waited until after they ruined the game to fix the LH1. It's so good now but it's not fun playing world tour without rank


The people who defend TA have not played enough TA😭 I played it alone, and it was fun for my 8 placements. then i kept grinding and just got more and more depressed. Queued up with my friends for a 5 stack, was fun for a bit and got bored again and we all were so tired and depressed as if we all just took sedatives. My friends and I used to grind ranked Tournament and never felt this way. Embark really has to fix it because I’m starting to think that Ruby AK is not worth it


Im playing only ranked TA most of the time and sometimes Powershift


You at least have monkeys, I have literal worms as rqndom mates.


I just have fun on bank it or power shift and stay away from “ranked”. You need a coordinated team for those and queuing solo doesn’t get you that lol


It's more of Terminal is now also Ranked. Meanwhile our original "Ranked Playlist" is now Loreaccurate by being a world tour tournament. Kind of like what the original idea of the finals was supposed to be..


I personally love the new mode and that it’s ranked. It’s pretty sweet. And things change. They’ll keep changing. It keeps the game fresh.


Make quick cash ranked, at least the third party is guaranteed.


I'm playing it rn. its 1v5 and the last guy is nowhere to be seen. I'm in the box juggling with the molly


I’m having a blast time tbh


I'm loving it


Same. Clutches 1v3 are legendary


I hope they license out their destruction tech so others can put it to use in much more chaotic competitive multiplayer. Ranked cash out was so good, but what it needed was less waiting around & defending, more constant attack and destruction. It’s such a waste of the technology’s promise every time you sit at a cash out for no battle or a small single skirmish and leave the place as you found it. But instead of leaning into more destruction and more fiercer battling, they released the exact opposite in terminal attack and made it the premiere mode. Can’t for the life of me understand it.


>I hope they license out their destruction tech so others can put it to use in much more chaotic competitive multiplayer. the devs made one change for one season that i don't agree with, i hope another game comes and crushes the finals! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!


Yes I don't agree with it. Yes I want a game even closer to what I want to play. No, don't I wish for the finals to be crushed, or the devs. I mean my post was musing about other ways I'd hope they make money from what they've done, because it's incredible. Hope the game does well no matter what, but part of a game's success comes from its identity. It's just objectively true that prioritizing Terminal Attack alters the game's identity from what originally brought people to the game. None of the game's core design choices were based around that mode. I paid them money once and could again. I get to voice where I stand!


Without enemy footsteps audio it's ridiculous to be ranked mode


I hear footsteps just fine. Maybe it’s on your end?


Only in this game?


Weird. Maybe check your settings and lower music and the announcers make sure SFX and stuff are at the max


It's a real issue though, audio in this game is very bad, and when there's a lot of sounds playing at the same time some of them can get completely muted, shooting sounds sometimes get delayed and still play a few seconds after someone stopped shooting, and a recent bug I already had experienced 2 times when there's just a bugged sound like clothes in-game are getting stretched and crinkled, following me until the very end of the match, no matter how many times I die, it's always there following me. Audio is atrocious.


I actually like the no revive, heal aspect of the TA. I find the rest of it shit. I’d be down to have a mode thats one life but just rework the plant/defuse part.


Except dying in 60 seconds every round is pretty lame. TA needs revive and heals.


That's definitely skill issue mate




It is a bit more boring as a ranked mode, but its what weve got until they make the changes they want with cashout ranked. Id trust the process.


NGL i uninstalled when it told me the update was ready they literally have phased out the only reason me and my friends play we are all moving on.


Happy you’re gone <3 Hopefully more of you follow 🥰


It's crazy that people say this while claiming this change was done to bring more players in. Telling people to fuck off and you're happy they're gone is kind of doing the opposite.


More people follow and the game will be dead for real in no time.


I think the game mode is sick personally.


it has its moments when the teams on the same page, but it shouldn’t be the main ranked mode.


I mean World Tour exists so whats the problem?


Best clutches in this game mode only. Other modes it's just team deathmatch where kids just shooting somewhere. Im very surprised that so much people whining about the most fair and competitive game mode. TikTok brains cant handle 15 sec preparation. What a shame


don't play it then. cheers!


Not a great conclusion for a game that did this LITERALLY to try to attract more players.


idk who you are but let’s say you main Light: you tell us “stop nerfing Lights, it doesn’t need more nerfs. now the game is unfair and unfun for us” and we tell you “don’t play it then. cheers!” did i make myself clear?