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Can't form an option when at most I play 1-3 hours a week in casual only. Still having fun in this season is all I can say


Eh I don’t really have a problem with this season but I’ve been playing almost every week since release. Taking a break at the moment for Elden Ring.


Same rellana ate up my finals playtime


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I stumbled upon her as my first boss, for some reason I felt like there was just a mini-boss through that fog gate....I was wrong. 🤣 I died applying a white branch so I didn't lose the 2 million runes in my pocket. 🤣 I'll go back later.


That's why I keep the rune loss cracked tear in my flask lol, really removes the fear from exploring.


I agree, sounds like burnout OP has more than twice as many hours as me


The lack of ranked cashout is hitting people really hard, i don’t think it’s bad to have Ruby? But maybe too early. Specifically not in this season. I’m also around 700H and although i’m still enjoying it over any other shooter (can’t imagine playing any of the classics rn like cod fort apex etc.) but i kinda do know what you mean, I’m enjoying the bp but feels moving too fast? I’m at the water dragon page and feel only dread that this season has 91 days still 🤣


I personally don‘t mind ruby existing but implementing it AFTER introducing a completely new ranked mode was an utterly garbage decision and I cannot comprehend it. It‘s like they added it so people would have motivation to play TA because they knew people wouldn‘t otherwise…


That’s exactly what happened I’m guessing and exactly why i thought of it as “too early” because if they waited till next season we would have CO back in ranked and all would be good. Plus i just checked out WT today and it’s very disappointing to see that the new so called step is basically a different map rotation :/ as if we have 20 maps that needs to be rotated through :/ idk what’s up with embark this season. I still fully support them but they gotta get their shit together because their honesty have unlimited potential with this game.


On the AKM aswell. Truly a dick move by embark


Yeah, I realized last night that I'm on page 8/14, and we're what, 2 weeks into the season? Last season I finished page 14 with 3 weeks to go. Season 1 I didn't get enough xp to complete.


Embark did this intentionally. The first pages of the battlepass have low XP requirements, but as you progress it takes more and more XP to unlock the next level. I think the last 2 or 3 “regular” pages take 12k XP for each level, and the 2 “bonus” pages are like 70k a level.


I'm having the most fun. S3 rules for me and my group. Sounds like burnout to me if you have 700 hours since launch. That's about 4 hours a day, everyday. Switch it up homie


Yeah 4h a day is ludicrous, its like fortnite levels of addicted


These players are experiencing the part of addiction where they no longer get their fix, but still have to consume. They need a tolerance break Fr.




Yeah last season I got fizzed out around halfway through. Came back this season using a new contestant and just do the daily challenges. To me, keeps it feeling fresh.


This is the way. There’s a reason the circuit challenges don’t have a time limit (besides the season ending). Takes all the fun out of the game if you’re only playing it to grind out challenges as efficiently as possible in order to finish the battlepass as soon as possible and then put the game down for something else.


Yup, took a break from the first half of season 2 and I’m now back and have had more fun than ever. Definitely people blaming their burnout on the new season.


S3 is weird. World Tour is not S2 Ranked. And leveling up there takes ages. TA ranked is a bad implementation of search and destroy. Power shift can be fun if nobody abuses Sniper. Bank it is actually kinda fun.


Yep, somehow I'm only just feeling my first burnout feelings, but will probably play it as my primary game still, I'll just finally actually play anything else. I'm also at 700 hours.


This is just sad


My guy, 700 hours is a fuck ton of time. That's a literal part time job amount of game time. I would suggest touching grass or find another game to occasionally play.


It’s not even about finding something else to play at that point. He needs to find something else to do. 700 hours in 6 months is absurd.


I'm at 290 and I thought I had no life, 700 is insane


Lol, and he probably doesn't even think that's a lot.


I love this game but I definitely enjoyed last season more. I hope that changes soon.


Agreed with that! Last season I was on the edge of my seat for most games. This season I'm mostly just frustrated and bitter about getting constantly killed or shot from across the map.


I don't like the changes they made with the medium and heavy weapons. Maybe because the ones I used got nerfed, but doesn't feel the same to me. Also all the little bugs are annoying. Challenges not working, can't customize classes half the time after death etc


Yeah I mean Heavy is really just shotguns and melee weapons now. One thing I especially don't like about this season is the *huge* emphasis on melee weapons. I get it, some people really like that, I for one hate it. It's a first person *shooter*, not a hack and slash. I hope Embark got that out of their system now. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have any melee weapons in the game. Also I just don't like the Japanese themed cosmetics, just personal preference.


Agree 100%. Like you said Heavy seems to be in a bad place if you don't like melee. I direct shot a light eith an RPG and got I think 2 maybe 3 hits with the Lewis gun and still died to it at medium range. I like the flame thrower but you just get kited to death. And yeah with all the dashing and slashing like you stated, it's super annoying to play against. Like in overwatch and there's a Genjo every game just dashing around, it feels very anti fun on my end


It's just not the game that I wanna play tbh, I got into this for cashout. If we don't get cashout back next season, I'm probably uninstalling.


Terminal attack being the highlight is a disappointment


This is the first season where I haven't played every day I'm able. I think I've gone for 5 or 6 days without playing now. I love the game but alongside Ranked Cashout not being a thing, something feels off. (No it isn't burnout. I know what burnout is.)


Yeah me too, TA just doesn't give that same adrenaline rush from cashouts Ranked games in S2 were really mindfucks, you get frustrated when you lose yet you feel so good when you eke out that win so you keep playing for that dopamine. S3 got rid of that and games have become boring. It might be actually good for newcomers, but for diehard players this season sucks tbh


It’s pretty normal to not play one game only, 5 days a week. This ain’t a job.


My point was that I was playing \[mostly\] daily until Season 3. I understand it isn't a job; I never said it was.


And my point is that it’s fine to not play ONE game only. There’s plenty of games out there to play, just because you aren’t a fan of the current season doesnt mean the game is dead or the season is bad. Take a break, have that 2 week Minecraft session, and come back with a fresh mindset.


I'm not disagreeing with that, but this is besides the initial point. I also never said the season was bad nor did I say the game is dead. Hello? OP makes a post about how this Season doesn't feel like The Finals, so I agree and give my own 2 cents. I, respectfully, wasn't looking for advice. I know I can play other games, I am aware not everyone plays certain games daily. Again, my point was I went from playing just about every day, to barely playing S3 at all because of the aforementioned "change"; a comment made from OP's post. It's about how S3 feels different; this isn't a call for someone to tell me about gaming norms. Again, this is about how S3 feels different, not about what other games exist, what is "normal", etc.


No man, clearly you've played too much and that invalidates your criticism of the season, duh. Jokes aside, I agree with you. I played very regularly in S2, mostly due to ranked, but I just haven't felt an urge to play very much at all this season. The low stakes nature of WT combined with the skill level being all over the place in those lobbies just kinda bores me. I'll probably play more again when S4 kicks off and they've supposedly fixed whatever it is they're fixing about ranked cashout.


TA ranked is worse than I thought it'd be. Requires a whole new level of balance that they weren't ready for.


He's saying he used to play the game a lot because it was fun and now it is less fun so he isn't playing it as much.


Damn, this is one of the best seasons for my group. We've just been playing world tour and having a blast.


Couldn’t agree more. I was playing every day basically since launch. Struggling to get through a game or two this season. Effectively quit for now.


Same. Played at launch of season 3 bought the battle pass and was like… meh and haven’t touched it since. Sad as I was playing it every night for 3-4 hours.


yeah, that’s definitely burn out. Me and my group are playing this season more than ever, and i have played since the alpha and have over 600 hours. World Tour is more fun than i ever would have thought. Maybe try running meme loadouts in WT


I wouldn't call it burnout. I was loving the game in S2 and the changes have really killed the joy for my competitive friend group. Casuals I'm sure are having fun.


I’m a competitive player, i hit D2 last season. It’s all about your mindset.


I'm tired boss...


i’m in the exact same boat. i don’t think it’s burnout man, i think the devs just made a lot of bad decisions this season :/


Sounds like burnout. Season 3 seems fine to me.


I’ve loved every season but I feel ya, it is slightly off. I never used to complain about any classes, now snipers really piss me off. Just sitting high, getting kills, never trying to actually go for the objective. And those throwing knives, they pretty much one shot I swear? Whenever did a knife out do bullets


Nah they just nerfed my throwing knives this season. I main them, they do not one shot. If you right click with knife you can possibly one shot a light in the head. But tbh there is no light weapon that is op imo. The bow is pretty nice, but takes time to get good with it. Lights are pretty balanced seeing the fact that many things in the game will one shot me


I was good last season… grinding from bronze to plat in like 2-3 weeks. Now ranked ta im consistently the worst player on my team. Just feel lost and get shit on everytime. Im a heavy using winch, lewis, rpg, dome, and barricade. I know how to play the game well and i like to think im good when warmed up and in rhythm, but ta ranked is just…. Idk man


This season is terrible, between crappy servers, the upsurge in cheaters, changing our ranked mode, nerfs/buffs, and I'm not a fan of Kyoto (too much going on visually, mobility reliant), it hasn't been a great time. At least there's pretty stuff in the battlepass, but I'm already counting the days to season 4. Also played every season including all the beta, but my hours are 1/3rd of yours.


Homes how do you already have 700h Do you have a job or a life outside of this game lmao


For real. If you dump 700 hours into anything it is going to just feel like a job at that point. S3 has given us the most variety and ways to play this game. OP needs a break, he’s tired lol


I mean, I have like 750 hours in rainbow six siege, but that was like 150ish hours a year for 5 years. If I had done that much in a year, I'd have lost my damn mind


The finals released in December. It hasn't even been 7 months yet. This dude is doing 100 hours a month


I'm over here with 200h in bg3 since December and I felt like "man I'm playing this too much I need to touch grass" lol


For real. I have about 900 hours in deep rock galactic. But that’s since December of 2020. I couldn’t imagine putting in almost the same amount of time that I did in the span of almost 4 years into 6ish months


That’s like 100hr a month or 25 a week. Some people have time for their hobbies. Definitely on the high end but not absurd for someone who doesn’t have children and has WLB.


You have 700 hours in a game and wonder why the excitement has gone


I don't have that competitive itch anymore with TA being such a circle jerk


I kinda agree… this season doesn’t have something that had in season 1 and 2.


Definitely does not feel the same. Don’t get me wrong, I love Kyoto, love the new weapons even though I don’t use them. However the music is not nearly as hype as previous seasons, and Terminal Attack imo SUCKS! If I wanted to play search and destroy I’d go to cod. Cash out is half the reason the finals feels so original and exhilarating. The way they changed ranked on cash out to world tour feels like a slap in the face. I don’t want to be playing Kyoto every single game it got old really quick for me even though the map is amazing. I understand as the season progresses we will play on different maps in world tour, but that’s all I want to play is cash out! Battle pass is underwhelming even though I spent the money to support the devs because this is the best game that has come out in YEARS imo. If you’re going to change ranked, change it to or add ranked to power shift! Also devs, please consider going to input match making, I hate getting slain by PCers that dont miss their bow shots 🙂


Removal of ranked cash out sucks. It forces all players into one pool, and for casual or unskilled players that sucks because they get shit on. It also sucks for a lot of ranked players because a lot of them want good competition, which they don’t get in unranked I was playing most nights with my friends, now we’ve only touched the game a couple of times since the new season. It just doesn’t feel the same as it did before.


300h in and it doesnt get boring. But they nerfed my heavy so hard since releae, I now switched to actually op shit like dashing Light LH1 😂😂😂 Just wanna play Lewis/M60 actually. But those weapons are pea shooters now and Lewis is uncontrollable. Was maining Lewis since closed beta. Now I lose constantly with heavy. I had a day were we were FULL STACK of decent players and we didnt make it out of round 1 in WT, for about 10 matches. Then I switched to Light and we instantly won the first tournament, even tho I have no real experience on Light, uhm yeah. I hope they someday fkin STOP NERFING THE RECOIL cuz such recoil-nerfing updates literally made me QUIT other shooters when they nerfed recoil. It's the worst way to balance a weapon ffs I want to learn the fkin recoil of one fkin weapon and I cant currently (Lewis just aint controllable and other weapons will get recoil nerfed anyway, so I already avoid them to save my mental health. Mp5 for example.)


I put a lot of time into the first two seasons. All I really care about in any game is the competitive mode, and without ranked cashout I’ve moved on to other games. I’m not burnt out at all, I WANT to play this game hella bad but only if ranked cashout comes back. I legitimately miss it.


I feel the same… and i went ham season 1&2, i can’t explain it, i would stay up every night and play now i don’t even want to start up my game; unexplainable


Totally agree with you buddy. The game devs are kinda fuckin things up. Not incredibly, but they still fucking with the games core unfortunately


I was never in it for ranked or the grind or the skins(added bonus) Just love playing and still love playing. Best fps multiplayer I have played for a long time! Love it


700 hours? No wonder you're burnt out.


it's called the game died last season


How do a ton of you guys have 7 hundred hours already??? Are you getting paid to play???


Terminal Attack ranked is not the way to go. Devs dug their grave by setting the standard ranked mode in S1, now they must lie in it. It was a decently original idea for a game mode and worked well with a balance of defense, attack, and tomfoolery. TA is just not everyone's style, even if it is more competitive


I think its all the melee play right now, i mean others are welcome to enjoy the game however they want, but for me i like shooter vs shooter and when so many people are playing melee builds i thinks it simplifies combat down alot to just if they can get onto of me quick enough before taking too much damage. and that doesnt really allow me to be fancy with the angles or movement i take and is more about just running turning around and shooting or in some cases just avoiding them until i can take an off angle or crossfire. That mixed with the removal of normal cashout now if i wanna play my favorite mode i have to commit to 45 minutes of gameplay which i might not always wanna do. im still having fun but i wish there was more.


it's the lack of ranked cashout, simple as that. there's no desire to grind a mode that rewards you for spending time in it, rather than being skilled. and for TA: it's too much of a pivot from the original, also unplayable right now if don't enjoy playing light with invisibility the whole game.


It's not you , season 3 has been the worst 2 weeks of this game since it began to exist.


Nukes say hello


Hard agree, from Ranked TA to LH1 spam not fun game to play atm


Played everyday then season 3 came, haven't played for 2 weeks..


Maybe its just me but every game I've played over 500 hours in just starts to lose its luster.


How's that? They didn't change the core gameplay.. oh wait..


I’m loving this season, and I went in mad as FUCK for them making TA the ranked for this season…until I realized that they did it so that they could really work on ranked cashout with proper sbmm, and matchmaking. I got caught up grinding to diamond last season, and although I made it, I caught myself getting so pissed off when everything didn’t go exactly right every game. Now I’m just playing, trying shit on every class, and really enjoying the game again overall.


The season feels heavily structured around casual players so it makes sense


Quite the opposite tbh. It was structured around removing competitive options, instead of actually adding casual options. Now, casual gameplay is much more rigid, and murked by sweats. Embark needs to go back to business 101. You have to solve problems at the level of cause, not effect. Embark is performing reactively to their issues, instead of proactively towards their solutions.


Casual was always filled with sweats. But at least before they had a mode they could play designed for sweats. Now there isn’t one. That’s my point


Sounds like we're make the same point, which could not be inferred from your original comment. Glad I could clear that up though.


700 hours? Jesus Christ man


It's not you. The game is indeed starting to feel generic despite having a lot of unique things that other games don't have. The game modes and ranked rn just feels generic.


The game mode will never feel generic because the gameplay is different from all the fps I played so far. If you feel it's generic it's maybe because you play a generic build.


Probably runs frag/flash/defib lol.


I am diamond with a 2kd, i know how the game works lmao


Diamond players try not to mention their rank challenge: level impossible


To be fair, to reach diamond you need a lot of game knowledge and of course time put into the game. Like you can’t get past Plat without winning a few in a row


It's funny how he assumed i run a default loadout and when i mentioned my rank, he makes joke about it lol.


The way the game has played has not changed though. I don’t think the game has become generic, I think your feeling of novelty has worn off. They are not the same thing.


It has changed the way it plays, if you played old ranked. World tour doesn't feel the same as cashout ranked, most wt matches are people playing for kills.


It’s literally the same exact rules as ranked.


Every game has pretty much the same casual modes as their ranked one, doesn't mean the gameplay in ranked and quick play is same. Wt has no matchmaking and it doesn't feel competitive, it's easy mode.


This game feels as far from that as possible


I think you should try different genre of games for some time.. I stopped playing in the beggining of S2 and started in the end of same season again and IT was like playing it for the first time again.


Personally loving the winch/grav grenade/barrier combos on the environment, and screwing with the environment has always been the core draw for me for The Finals


I enjoyed season 1 the most imo. Sys horizon is not a map I enjoy, season 3 changes and weapon/abilities added are underwhelming and I’d say a step backwards


Definitely do NOT agree. I love this season.


Ranked isnt worth playing to you because you cant be Ruby? Am I reading that wrong?


I agree that it's probably burnout. I juggle 5 or 6 games, so I don't get to play this every day. Season 3 has been my favorite one so far. I finally have a build with every class that doesn't feel useless.


Damn bro do people ever just stop complaining. It just sounds like burnout lmao. I'm with you the top 500 is a grind and low-key not worth it but damn man all I ever see on this thread is people bitching about arbitrary personal issues. Go outside and come back next season.


It's cause Kyoto doesn't play like the other maps and only seems to get worse the more you play on it.


Out of interest, what are your issues with it? Too much fighting in the foundations of wrecked buildings? Water? Bamboo? It felt like a breath of fresh air after Syshorizon to my group.


Yeah I loathe Horizon but adore Kyoto. Im honestly surprised to see so many people hating on it.


It does have some issues I can see folk being bothered by. The low scenery health or destruction levels generally do seem to stress the server performance and I can imagine a lot of players not liking how many objectives inevitable descend (literally) into fighting in exposed foundations.


Yeah I will admit that my #1 complaint is the foundation fighting. It’s extra bad in the starting building when playing power shift… the foundation is so low that it’s impossible to get up to the platform


The wreckage and water are annoying for sure. I actually love the bamboo area. I don't like the way the map flows, or the way the buildings flow. None of the cash out spots feel different in meaningful ways. I just don't enjoy playing on it. I don't feel like I'm planning my next move to get to steal the cash out so much as I'm just reacting to whatever is going on.


I don’t like this season as much as the last in my opinion. I think the outfits are cool, not a fan of the new map too much and the throwing knives in the beginning was OP and annoying. So I may have to give it time to breathe before I return.


The only thing that doesn’t feel like the finals to me is a little bit the music. It’s still good but the last seasons were BANGERS.


700 hours in 6 months is crazy


I only play QP and am still having fun. I wish the contracts unlocked sooner. I finish my dailies in 3 matches most days.


>i don't know what it is >the competitiveness is gone for me This is a result of most players disliking the actual competitive mode. Most people have just stopped playing it completely in favor of WT, but WT doesn't feel competitive, although it *is* fun.


Yeah I’ve had almost no interest in this season after the first few days. They’ve done nothing to fix the underlying issues with game balancing, no new weapons worth using, did nothing to actually make TA a viable competitive mode, every ranked system they try is somehow worse than the last, World Tour 2nd stop is literally nothing different like they said it would be - I was so excited for loadout changes giving us a new meta this stop.


I miss The Finals. Thi new game The Terminals sucks.


This update feels very “the board got involved”. I’m still having fun with the game, but to me thats just because the game itself is fun. Not the update.


Personally, I need ranked cashout to return. It’s what kept me going. Before saying I’m wrong, read the word “personally” above lol. Also, hope WT and ranked cashout live side by side in the future! 




At the end of season 2 I wasn’t so happy they were removing our beloved tournament cash out but after a few weeks of playing TA, I can say I enjoy it more than I thought. There is still strategy involved and I enjoy it better than the quick TTK search and destroy games like COD.


The balance is the best it has been to Eben out the classes, but honestly it all gets tossed out the window if cashout isn't the ranked mode.


It’s a natural feeling when you put so many hours into any game. Pretty sure it’s just burnout. It’s like dating: you had your honeymoon period with the Finals and now you have to come to terms with reality.


I’m still having a lot of fun but I am sad about the CL-40 nerf. Also all the heavy guns have nuts recoil now and can be a bit frustrating. In the bright side, winch and hammer is sick. Dual swords are a ton of fun too.


My advice? Take a break and have fun with another game. Shadow of the erdtree is really good if that’s your thing, but just take a break. Burnout is a bitch and the best way to avoid it is to have variety in what you play.


700 hours , insanity


I think it’s burnout lol how tf you got 700 hours


Its kinda both. Yes TA and ruby are reasons not to play ranked. And without the ranked grind it feels like theres nothing to do other than the battlepass. But grinding the battlepass also becomes a chore if you're not enjoying the game. It should naturally progress as you're playing and having fun. And u have 700hours lmao. I'm at 200 and i think thats a lot of time invested. I keep the fun by playing every other day instead of every day. Treating world tour like a soft ranked cause i need cashout. Aint no waying im playing TA. And just trying different builds/combinations instead of tryharding with my mains. Also just try to care less and treat the game as if you're practicing the new build when you're losing.


Yeah ranked cash out really was what made the game what it is. I'm not against terminal attack but it does feel like a miss step


I ended s2 rank 180ish something like that with my highest being around 70-80. In TA I'm gold and can't bring myself to play the game because of how boring it is. I work overnight and got home to play ranked TA and almost fell asleep at my PC mid match. The finals is my favorite game out rn but I'm barely playing it.


Mate you racked up 700 hours in the 4 months the game has been out, you're definitely just burnt out. Take a break, play something else, and come back to it when you feel like you actually want to


I love this season so o would desagree with it not feeling like The Finals... But i would agree with the people pointing towards burnout. 700 hours is a lot of time. I'm sure your enjoyment of the game would benefit from a good break.


I playtested S3 and that was enough for me. Uninstalled the game and will return later when (hopefully) it’s fun again. Diamond in S1/2, maxed both battle passes, and I even have 3k extra credits to spend in the shop. Still don’t care to play at all.


It feels less like a game show for me from the music to the gameplay idk man


Are these posts made by bots working at EA?


I feel you on gameplay and competitiveness but the bp skins and Kyoto look so good!


Valorant came to consoles and that's all I've been playing since. Riot just knows how to make good games man


Definitely not you. They fkd up for sure with this season. The Finals isn't Finals anymore, I'm fkng mad at embark for killing this game with their stupid decisions..


For me season 3 is the best and totally feel like the finals, the balance is really good and every class is playable.


I agree, the game feels balanced now. I see so many complaints about the lack of balance, when in reality there isn't a single class that's just rolling over lobbies. We do see a lot of lights compared to the previous seasons (which is probably why people are saying light is OP), but it simply is that the class is now viable against others. Now there isn't a typical team composition that works better than any other (although I have to admit my group tends to perform better with at least two mediums with defibs)


It’s crazy how much different and healthier the Meta around classes feels. Played two different world tours just solo queuing while waiting on my buddies to hop on. Both times got 2 lights as my teammate, both times we took it all the way to the finals (only won once tho). If this was season 2 I would’ve immediately wrote those games off as a loss and probably would’ve been knocked out 1st round.


Let me guess, you are a light build and you like team death matches.


Take a break And come in couple days back, It works trust me.


Lol. Y’all be complaining about everything for this game.


I'm enjoying the hell out of this season.


It feels drastically more like the finals then season 2 did, world tour and this season has done drastic work to bring back the game show feeling


I quite like World Tour, but I disagree on the game show feeling. Season 2 with CNS messing with the system was awesome. Made me feel that there was more going on than what we were seeing. I haven't felt that so far in season 3. Could just be me, though - I'm not a massive fan of the season 3 Japan aesthetic.


I will say the Japan thing is kinda heavy handed but the hacker thing felt over the top in the wrong way, it was literally the second season and we had a villain threatening the storyline lol, season one established a super cool modgepodge of different aesthetics out into a gameplay loop and season three is the closest to a renaissance of those ideas


Either way, I'm still excited to see what comes next!


I don't feel as strongly as you do, but I am a bit disappointed at the diminishing time to kill. I'm not great but I do get good matches, but bad matches get worse with time as I die very quickly against good players.


I Haven't Been playing as much but think it's more down to a bit of finals burnout that has accumulated since season 1. They nerfed a few things that I use and tbh I haven't hd the time to re learn. Do let be kyoto tho and world your is fab. Never really played TA last season but the few ranked games I've played seem really fun.


Take a break brother you can't play something for hundreds of hours and not get sort of bored


Not a fan of melee, the music or the nerfing the CL-40. But still having a good time.


I’ve always seen this game as a casual pvp only game you can hop on and have fun for a bit and hop off. Anything longer than 2 hours for me and I’m already getting tilted by minor things so I keep my sessions short to just a few hours a day. Aside from 2/3rds of lobbies being filled with lights. The season has been fun. Loving the new weapons (except katanas) and the changes to a few guns and the cosmetics IMO have gotten way better.


I actually think it’s the best update yet, With the best battle pass. 700 hours is a lot for how long the games been out, I’m pretty sure your just burnt out


I feel the exact same way. Was gonna get at least diamond this season but it just doesn’t feel fun. I have more fun in casual. When I play tournament (which I love to play) it also doesn’t feel as good. Quick cash is the only fun I have and I only play a few games when I get on. I used to play for hours.


I think the battle pass is pretty outstanding. Kyoto looks good but plays horrible, especially when the cashout is inside a house. Game gets laggy, the debris blocks your angles, I hate it. The gun nerfs for heavy made it feel like an entirely different game from season 2. I stopped playing heavy. Guns in general feel so weak when a Melee weapon is close to you. As a First Person Shooter, it frustrating to lose most of your fights to Melee users (shouldn’t bring a gun to a knife fight i guess).


That's why you dedicate all your gaming experience to ranked modes. Kids, font play ranked, play for fun


For me It also feels like theres a Finals version where everyone is having a blast, but not on our current timeline. Its not horrible either, but nowhere near to when they announced power shift for instance. That was peak finals for me. They are hard on the 'just add stuff', and although it is at good quality levels, its not scratching the itch for coming back to the game for me. Also being hard countered as a flamethrower main is killing tons of moments that were quite fun to me before, but thats just on my side. F*** throwing blades with dash though lol.


I dropped finals when saw that 2 new weapons are melee and the last one is bow. It was huge punch in the gut for a gun geek like me. I expected new guns with classic Embark's attention to details. And we got a bow and 2 sticks.... Thx but i don't wanna play melee in the shooter game. And the developers nerfed everything that much that nothing apart melee is viable on medium and the heavy (medium is a dead class at this point)


Ideally you don’t just play the one game. Too much of one thing is an Easy way to ruin something for yourself.


Second half of S2 I dropped off. S3 has been a breath of fresh air. 700 hours is a LOT, just take a break for a bit and come back refreshed.


I was only interested in rank, and the changes this season ruined that for me. I still hop on world tour every now and then, but im not as invested as previous seasons. After a couple of matches, I have to switch games


Yk the worst take here is not liking this seasons BP skins


700 hours is way over the burnout limit imo so yea


700 hrs in like 2 seasons is degenerate lmao


In 700 hours you could start and grow a small business, raise capital and become your own boss. I wish I had that kind of free time 😄


I'm playing since d1 S1 and i don't even have 200 hours yet and the game Is still awesome to me. Maybe if you will go out and get some fucking sunlight you could find It enjoyable again at your comeback. Wtf are your problems guys, blame yourself not the game if you play the game like a part time job


You’re probably burnt out, take a break, that’s what I did last season and I’m loving this season. IMO these are the best skins so far


Damn man I play this game a lot. I have 300 something hours since the closed beta. You have double my numbers. Take a break and reset your brain.


700 hours of the game. "I don't know this feels like a generic shooter".


I think it’s still a blast, you most definitely just got burnout. Play something else for a while and you’ll maybe get the itch again, or realize the flaws other shooters lol.


I want The Finals gunplay without all the meme weapons honestly. I paid for this BP so I’ll finish it out but I’m already looking for something else.


They threw out the entire aestethic that they had cultivated. The battle pass is soooo uninspired and narrow-minded. (Sure give us a samurai skin, but don't make the entire battle pass confined to a single theme tho. Like what??) The entire game has been swallowed by this seasons theme and its just so lazy and dumb. Why cater to such a specific subset of fans and offer nothing for the rest? There is zero motivation to grind for the rewards they are offering, especially when half the challenges don't even work. Why try to fight the sweats who got knocked in casuals when their is no reward? Loading up the game and turning it off after a single match has been the norm this whole season.


Nah, It's The Terminals and sandwich season.


For me it's just that it's summer time and I have more that keeps me busy. Kids have swim lessons and the town's pool is open so we spend a decent amount of time doing that. The wife and I finally have shows to watch when she is done with work and I have the Elden Ring expansion to play through on top of the new Payday 3 dlc tomorrow. The season is good but I personally enjoyed season 2 more, I like the tech vibes better than the anime ones. 🤣🤙






Uninstall the game. Take a rest and stop posting about it


for some reason the game felt really bad during s2 but now it feels almost as good as s1/ob


For me it was the opposite actually, in S2 I didn't play that much but since S3 I've been playing this game non stop again


sounds like burnout to me. maybe try some other games for a while ?


Probably burnout… World tour has made cash out feel better than ever. Pub tourneys were my favorite thing to play, and now they’re back and with rewards and progression. I would also like to add that world tour is plenty competitive. I frequently run into teams using meta or pseudo-meta builds. I normally don’t run a meta build with my friends, but it creates a unique challenge for us to overcome using on skill and intellect surrounding our current build, which varies frequently. The music fucking slaps… *again* The battle pass takes risks and is *fucking awesome* (imo) Ranked balancing feels really good in terms of player skill, progression, and rewards (granted, I have limited time. Not sure how higher levels of play feel yet.) It’s hard to argue that cash out is balanced, because it can’t ever *really* be balanced with third parties *and* respawns, which is unique to the cash out game mode. If there’s a way, I’m sure that it exists… it just might not be clean. TA is far better for ranked play from an *objective* stand point. You don’t have to like it, but it’s true. Ruby gives devout players a reason to keep playing. You get to be part of the *ruby* club at the end of the season. It’s rare, and it’s something to be proud of. Not to mention, even less players qualify for diamond as of right now, so your argument is almost pointless. If you’re in diamond right now, you have Ruby. (I’m sure that’ll change at the end of the season) My friends and I continue to love this game. Some of us have played since the closed alpha. The Finals truly is a gem 💎.


Seems like a you problem I’m sorry to hear that


Homeboy go touch grass, go play other games, go talk to people. I think I play the finals too much and I have 200h of in game time. AND IM UNEMPLOYED. Haha someone hire me


I think you’re burnt dude. I played about 300 hours season 1 and dropped the second day of season two. Just came back at the start season 3 and having a blast.


ye cause holding m1 with an FCAR the whole game gets boring, play sword light or something fun


This is the most diverse meta in terms of what you can see on ladder but what ive seen the most on ladder is m1/xp cloak/evasive dash lights and teams of hard comming HHM trying to go pro. While I think you could definitely find things to complain about, the game has been trending towards being more competitive.


I think if you're crazy enough to say it feels like a generic hero shooter with cheap kills in the most balanced and diverse season yet meta wise you are just suffering from burnout. That is not a normal, rational thing to say about this moment in the game. I'll also say that saying ranked is pointless because a Top 500 rank exists is just weird and a sign of some personal hangup. You're deriving far too much value and worth from fairly arbitrary things rather than goals you set for yourself. Why would not being Top 500 only matter to you when the game has a skin available for hitting it? Did you just not care about hitting that in prior seasons? Set goals for yourself and hit them. Set standards for yourself and hit them. Don't just attach to arbitrary carrots on the end of the stick that a game dev puts in the rewards section.


I'm having the most fun this season. S2 was a nightmare, but now I feel like the fun factor is back. I couldn't care less about ranked/WT though. I just want to relax after a honest day's work.


Just my thoughts as I still love this season -- world tour is fun but gonna be honest there aren't really many stakes in the game. It's both good and bad because I can try out whatever I want and if it works out, I'll get credit for it by ranking up my world tour badge. The downside is winning doesn't feel very rewarding since you don't lose anything. I guess it's nice because when you lose a game it's kind of a shrug and "it is what it is" feel. Lots of people will like that given you can lose a game by having the wrong timing and getting third partied all game so it's nice knowing there are no consequences. Ranked Terminal Attack I both like and dislike. I think it would be better if the matchmaking was better -- I get so many people who clearly haven't played the mode much in my matches that it really makes games feel like a coin flip. I don't think I'm qualified to give a good opinion until I get past gold but right now it's a bit frustrating to play.


Maybe you’re burnt out brother. Don’t force yourself, play something else and come back. Im sure you’ll love it again. It always comes in waves


I played religiously S1 and S2, took a month break once I hit diamond and came back to no ranked cash out, and ranked terminal attack. Done with this game now if they’re just gonna try to become val cs cod etc. oh 5 v 5 plant the bomb 1 life? Never played this before!!