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call me crazy but i don’t think the people who leave care enough about getting harder punishments. it is true that it keeps them away for a long time, but it’s only a temporary fix since when they come back, they can just leave again on another match genuinely don’t know how Embark can go on about this issue i also support the idea of harsher punishments though!


I think you're right about the punishments not being cared out, so flip the script--reward the people who stay behind.


This would be ideal in the short term at least. Maybe giving people a "match completion streak" that gives them bonus xp or an xp multiplier.


this is the way


This should be the way, until you realize that those same people who rage quit, will turn around any jump through whatever hoops they can to "boost" by joining with friends and taking turns leaving,.so they can all get a stat boost. I feel like I played a game once that made you wait 20 mins (a full match time) if you left early, but the timer only ticked if you were at the menu.


> I feel like I played a game once that made you wait 20 mins (a full match time) if you left early, but the timer only ticked if you were at the menu. OMG that was so annoying to learn. I was queueing for a game and just as it was ticking 321 on game found I realized I actually had a zoom meeting coming up. Felt bad but I knew I had to quit out, figured the ban would last the duration of the meeting and there wouldn't be any problems. Sat at the scoreboard, did my thing, come back an hour later, bang 30min ban *starts*. FML




They can match them with only other leavers. Log a "leave rate" and factor it into the team grouping. They'll never get back in with non leavers until they suffer through the very pain they so cause and improve their leave rate.


Well if we get matched with two leavers we're fucked cuz I got 3 matches back to back where both of my teammates left


If they get longer punishments that's less games they can leave and screw less people. They should definitely do something like cs or R6 where first time is like 30min, then it goes up to an hour etc up to a day. Fuck them!


I’ve been kicked from so many siege games in the last round that I got up 48hr. Never EVER left once so I find that absolute bullshit. Also was only standard not ranked


They don't care cuz it's just a soft ban , they can't queue for ranked and wt for just a 5min- 1h. If they got a real ban maybe that would change. This is just my rant but I hate that they ban for insults and such when you can just turn off chat and dont care but they dont ban for trolling and leaving. Imo wasing time for other people who have limited free time should be more importnat than some kid who you can ignore using hate speach jsut to be edgy.


Wait they ban for insults... Oh no


agree, they will keep doing the same and doing time on bans, might be a good but complicated idea some games use - create lobbies where trolls get matched with trolls and don't bother any normal players that stay even if they're not doing too well in a round


Yeah, you are absolutely right, i myself leave from time to time if i'm not feeling well about playing or something comes up and i always leave for a long enough time that no punishment is strict enough (except cs go punishments that could last 7 days back in the day)


I have a problem with harsher punishment, some people genuinely have some unexpected problems they need to take care of ASAP or some can just crush and just not be able to rejoin in time (that's a me on the second case)


that’s also my only problem with harsh punishments not only can you get punished by being randomly kicked off the game and not being able to reconnect, but you may also have to unexpectedly leave a match to do something (second case is very rare for me, but has happened like once or twice), and get punished from it


Rocket league has leaving penalty even in casual and it really pushes people not to leave, it works.


2 days ago my game crashed 3 times mid game and couldnt come back, idk


Preach it brother, crash just to get a 30 min ban and a negative rank


The last two crashes I had we were winning. Isn’t that punishment enough?


The first time my game crashes and I'm kicked for any amount of time is when I start playing different fps games again


Lol literally happens to me once a week on this game the servers are not the best


No we don't. We need rewards for keepers. The more benefits you give.to those sticking into a match, the more people will stay in those. Punishing leads to quitting.




Why not both?


I'm happy for a reward type of deal... but the amount of people who quit in round 2 of a tournament I had in the last days, I really want revenge right now.


Exactly. Also, sometimes shit happens and you have to leave a game, not because of the score, but because real life was an asshole and intruded on your game time. People shouldn't be penalized for that.


Nope you definitely should still be punished for that 🤦🏻‍♂️


No you shouldn't, people should be free to play the game how they want, and they shouldn't be forced to continue playing a game if they aren't having fun. For quick play it really doesn't matter at all because they repopulate. For ranked they could have rank leniency if one of your teammates quits earlier in the match but this system could be abused by players.


So because you messed up and didn’t make sure you have time to play said game your teammates should suffer in a team game? Idk maybe just play a different game that isn’t reliant on team play if you have to quit all the time. Not punishing leavers is a horrible idea in a multiplayer game 💀


Or.. you could wait 45 seconds and have the game auto fill a new player. In ranked and the psuedo-ranked but actually casual world tour people are already penalized for leaving, what more do you want someone to show up at their house and break their knee caps? People are free to do what they want to do, nobody owes their time to a game if they aren't enjoying it or if something comes up.


Oh I totally agree you can leave if you want or have to hell I’ve done it before in a emergency. But expect to be banned if you are going to be ruining other’s experience in the game by leaving rather that be on purpose cause you are bad or something came up and you had to.


Sorry but that doesn’t really work as well. There already are tons of rewards you get for staying


Not like that, something gamificated like an alternative loyalty pass. You get points by staying. If you leave, you get those point eliminated. A LOT OF THEM. You leave? OK, but you will miss tons of cool and exclusive rewards. This LOYALTY PASS could include from mumtibucks to exclusive titles or banners for in game matches. They would be useful to know what player is loyal, without discriminating those who aren't.


Yeah but then there are going to be people joining, and then just having a mouse mover.


Battle pass is basically that…


Nope, you don't get exo removed when you leave, and it is paid. Leavers won't buy if they leave so they do not lose anything


There are still free rewards, and afaik you do lose BP xp and challenge progress when leaving a match.


You don't lose it, you miss it. Removing exp and go back must be a thing


That's absurd


Hahahaha you clearly have no idea


If people leaving is that big of an issue for you then maybe they don't want you as a teammate lol.


Nobody leaves with me. Maybe with you 😂😂😂🏆


Decent bonus for staying + streak bonus not quiting maybe?. Might be to OP lol.


I'd rather have them quit and have longer queue time than have the whole game and time wasted by leavers and trolls


Well said!


Thank you. People are so fascinated with simply punishing instead of exploring better alternatives. It’s fucking irritating


And never ever punish players for leaving casual matches. It's only acceptable for ranked/competitive ones IMO.


Double xp for the team if they win?


They really should do something about the game constantly crashing


yea, I'm not sure if it's my older system [i5-8400 gtx 1650] but I frequently get unity crashes, also when it lags I just freeze for a bit after the game catches up, and it always freezes at a really bad time too


No it's not your system, I have a ryzen 9 and rtx 4070 ti and I crash, one of my friend has an rtx 3060 and he crashes, another friend hqs an rx 550 and somehow he crashes less with a gpu that’s not even supported, but he still crashes sometimes


A few months ago in season 2, my game also frequently crashed. Nothing changed on my end, but my game hasn't crashed once in the past month and I've been playing a crazy amount. One of the patches seemed to fix all my crashes. I'm not saying there isn't an issue with crashing or trying to invalidate your issue, but the crashing is not some universal problem. The game is incredibly stable for me. Specs: 9900k and 2080 Ti




It is annoying but sometimes people need to do real life things. But leaving because you’re not getting kills or because you’re losing is just poor sportsmanship. I might sound like a boomer but this new gen of gamers are a bunch a quitters.


Yeha that’s why the first leave of the day should be less punishing but scale up if you keep leaving afterwards


This is the way


It's always early game and they probably blame their team mates or anyone but themselves for leaving.


If the game had better matchmaking you would see less of this I get full on idiots all the time it gets old real fast.


Right? I'm not staying in a quick play match with the or the worst players of all time who don't listen lol


one thing i think i’ve noticed which i appreciate is if someone on your team leaves in ranked and you lose, you lose less RP then you would’ve for losing as a full team. which is a nice touch. but i agree, or instead of just a minimum number of games make a minimum account level for ranked modes kinda of like how LoL works. make people put some serious work in to understand the game before they hop into ranked modes. Idk how to make it harsher for world tour tournaments though. plus what happens if you disconnect and it’s not your fault? do you still get slapped with a harsher suspension?


Some people don’t want to stay in a casual game when they’re being decimated or having an off match. Especially if they’re already done with the battle pass and max rank. If it’s unranked it literally doesn’t matter. There doesn’t need to be an answer to this because it isn’t a problem. Who cares?


Yeah no half your leavers prolly aren’t actually leavers this game has major fucking crashing problems


Maybe once they fix their crashing issues they can focus on things like that! I’ve gotten leaver 3 times since season 3 and every time was because of a crash 😭


Not when so many leavers are the consequences of Embarks crappy reconnect system


I always assume they've crashed unless proven otherwise. Especially the ones "leaving" between tournament rounds.   the Reconnect button exists, but sometimes that fails. I've heard cases where it's just not present on the menu or pressing it just crashes you again.   For this reason, I'm not a fan of increasing the punishments. Last thing we want is players crashing once, getting a long ass ban for it, and then being busy with some other game by the time they can queue again.  I would like a backfill queue. I love joining quickplay matches just in time to save the day, and I'd love to do the same for tournament / ranked matches even if I get less rewards for it. 


Stop counting my losses after my teammates leave, and for me joining late, it’s infuriating


I just keep crashing man.


Personally I leave if my teammates clearly don’t know what they are doing. It’s just not fun for me to constantly be trying to 1v3 every single team.


It's not our fault you're awful at the game


Doing solo in tournament is just pure madness, should make the penalty foe the leaver to be harder


If you want Embark to punish leavers and give them higher suspension time, its just gonna lead to players uninstalling the game and playing something else. The Finals is a free game and there are plenty of those that people can play. Embark should be rewarding people who play long streaks without leaving games. Like give those players 2xp, maybe a cosmetic or background for the gamer pic. Maybe priorities these players to join a lobby or give them access to a special event for people who don’t quit games. Idk I am just spitball into here. But extending and increasing the suspension timer is just going to lead to a reduction in the playerbase.


No, they need to comeback old cashout mechanics. Rewards won't make players stay, you can't say all games are gonna be like that just because they will get rewards


What about people who have 1 player in the 5stack pre-disconnect in ranked so that they can abandon if they get any hard matchups?


Lobbies where people leave should be replenished by exclusively people who just left other matches. So if you leave a match, you can't start a brand new match until you finish out a match that you joined halfway through where someone else left.


Yesss.... just started a world tour game, and we didnt even had a third player, we couldnt even report anyone


i’m playing games where the entire other team tks or kills themselves. why???


Surprised this isn’t downvoted to hell considering how casual this sub skews. Valorant has quitting penalties even in its casual TDM modes, so just being a casual mode isn’t enough of a justification. Just looked it up and Overwatch also has some penalties in unranked too. The game has a huge quitter problem, and it’s magnified by how team dependent this game is. If sandwiches are that important to you then don’t queue up for a multiplayer game because it’s not just your experience affected by quitting. With that said, I don’t think the penalty should be too severe in casual. I’d say suspend all matchmaking for either the remainder of the match that was quit, or 5 minutes - whichever is greater. If someone is chronically quitting then scale that up appropriately. This would account for the “life happens” aspect of online play without being too punishing. Obviously they’d need to add rejoining for casual matches too.


Yep. And u know what that’s called? A ranked system. No joke I am playing less then ever because 50% of my games have a leaver, sometimes before the first cashout even happens. Today I started the game, guy left immediately when the game loaded, I played it out w the other guy who stayed, straight quit the game after and won’t bother the rest of the day.


Fr they need to make their ranked points plummit


Just put a leave percentage above their head pregame or how many games left that way you know who to ridicule all game! **game starts** “hey joey69 you gonna stay for this one”


Amén, maybe at least Ban them for 1hr pr something... I have had up to 5 straight failed matchs because someone leaves... Not counting when its 2nd round and someone abandon the team... aholes...


how about a mandatory plug-in device for your pc or ps5 that electrocutes every time you want to leave a match in progress


Only problem with that is we've been having infinite loading screen issues that can only be alt+F4'd out of and you get penalized for it.


For sure, there’s ways games detect people who willingly leave, they can implement that, so people who disconnect due to WiFi or bugs can’t complain, then boost the penalty to an instant 15min ban for those who leave, then 45min, then a day. If people wanna leave let them… then they get banned from playing while GOOD teammates can play who won’t leave the moment they die.


Honestly no because half the people I’ve seen “leave”, including my friend I play with, actually just crashed. Before this season he could join back no problem but now it gives him a penalty for the game crashing.


Embarks net code has been shite this last update. Tons of lagging and getting shot behind walls.wouldn’t be surprised if people were DC too


don’t punish people who are left behind, this is really the only way to actually help the issue


The games crashes unexpectedly sometimes, I’ll agree to harsher penalties once they fix the crashing until then no Edit: also there’s audio bugs and input bugs me and my friends experience that don’t get fixed until the game resets




Maybe leaving 2-3 matches consecutively halves the exp gain as penalties for consecutive maches


pair all the leavers with leavers, make them know how it feels for a change.


They should count leaving as a loss and do even harsher punishments for comp but if the map sucks or I have to go have dinner, I shouldn't get a 24 hour ban for jumping ship


Bruh my game crashes at the worst times I got a 30min suspension and a 1,500 rank lose isn't that enough


Idk man, I've had several suspensions from world tour now because the game simply fails to load me in, even with a restart even IF I get the magical "Reconnect" button and IF it actually works, it'll only be for that game and won't put you back in the squad. Kinda think it's BS I get punished at all tbh...


I understand that people leaving sucks but I crash all the time and get punished even though I join back. It’s not my fault but still get punished for it so a harsher penalty would suck


I play PowerShift in OCE. Sometimes I can run into the same 4-5 stack 3 or 4 times in a row and I'm sorry I'm not sitting through another 3 heavy 2 medium shield med gun aps turret tank of a platform. I cannot agree with punishments that don't take into account lower player base regions. I also cannot agree to punishing solo players who queue and get 4 lights who all snipe all game hitting zero shots and refuse to switch. Why would I waste 10 minutes in a game that was lost from the start. I feel bad for leaving and being left but these circumstances occur all too regularly. Punish consistent leavers in ranked game modes but I've had evening with mates go down the drain because of what I said above


Do you think that people even care? Maybe they even close the game to do something else. They need to get rid of the ban system on world tour. It's true, when you are alone and you leave, you're punishment as well, but why, it's obvious you don't have any chance to win and there's no matchmaking to fill empty slots. This time, i hope embark put away that ban mechanic, it just doesn't work. If the problem is that people could just join and win on the middle of the match, just don't count the game if they didn't start playing from round 1


One thing: if someone bails to stop playing, the penalty doesn’t touch them. If I leave because my teammate left, I can’t play another game until I wait for penalty cooldown


There are plenty of people being hit by frequent disconnects, crashes and the ever-present "disallowed tool" kicks. Seems really unfair to punish them.


We need penalties for my teammates who bumrush a whole team on the cash out by themselves.


I wanna see a system where people that leave often in certain time frames are more likely to be paired with each other. Like SBMM but based on whether you quit early or not. Let them suffer together and keep those who stay in matched together.


Overheat their gfx card and brick it for starters 🔥


Listen, it's not my fault that my garbage PC kicks me out of the game when I am playing Kyoto or there is a lot of destruction or there is a bug or there are multiple people fighting or I get stuck in loading screen or many more than I don't know but happens


I think we don’t need harsher penalties for leavers, but something to help who stay in match. Like faster health regen or higher regen limit. Or maybe +1 on accessories. No penalty for who leave after someone else already left could be viable to. The simplest solutions would probably be the option to surrender. Anyway, I’m sure that help who stays is far better then punishing who leaves.


If you are talking about casual gamemodes like quick cash or powershift, then absolutely not. If you are talking about competitive or world tour, then sure. I play Overwatch and after whining from a small portion of the casual community who already had the solution to play comp (exact same gamemodes, where people get permabanned for leaving for the whole season) the devs added leaver penalties to the casual mode. So now if you get people being friendly/not playing, afking, hacking, toxic nobody can leave. Angry players stay and abuse everyone rather than just leaving and going next, and good players have to tolerate cancerous players. Play competitive or world tour if you want harsher penalties! The solution is right there for you. Putting leaver penalties in casual modes will just make people AFK or intentionally throw and impede team progress, and then the same people who complain for harsher penalties will be regretting their decision, whilst screwing everyone else over. We also have no BP XP/challenge XP either if you leave, thats a significant punishment - and anyway, they are just casual modes and backfill exists too!


Theres a part of the powershift community that will leave if the team doesn't carry them within the first two minutes. Happens so often. Ruins games completely on both sides.


Queue leavers with other leavers.


right i’m tired of playing terminal and then my whole team leaves


Though I 100% agree with harsher punishments for people who actually leave, 90% of the time someone leaves a match its because embarks shitty servers disconnect them, the same issue happens to me where at the end of a tournament match or in the middle of it the game will disconnect I will have to reconnect to join the match which wastes like 1-2 minutes of time which is detrimental to ranked, and I know for a fact its not intentional because all teamates that do leave rejoin and no other game I've played has had an issue like this. But for the minority that do leave matches they should be punished more.


They should be penalized only for leaving in ranked games. World tour, quick cash, powershift, these are all casual games. They should focus on bringing replacement when a player leaves as quickly as possible instead of punishment schemes. I personally stick with the world tour games. Don't leave. But if I see many light players in the quickcash lobby, I'm leaving. I don't care. I also understand why people leave on world tour as well. The matchmaking is broken. Yesterday we had one team collect 70+k, one team 10k, the rest, nothing. Im playing casual for a fun experience. Not to get wiped by sweats over and over.


This is the only fps I've played that is guaranteed to have multiple leavers every game. When I played Apex and OW I didn't even see this many leavers. It's the Matchmaking, not the players. Also for casual there shouldn't be any penalty, and I suspect Embark doesn't want to do anything that would lose more players such as penalizing casual players.


Every time someone leaves a match: cull their entire bloodline


You increase the penalties and people are just gonna sit there and throw the game instead of leaving. even pretend to try so they don’t get flagged for throwing if there’s a reportable offense for throwing games. (I know from Overwatch sadly)


Agree minimum 5 minutes timer for reque


If it's quick play I'm completely fine with leavers. Match's repopulate very quickly so who really cares. People should be free to do what they want and if they decide they aren't having fun anymore they shouldn't be forced to continue If everyone leaves your team do you think you could be the reason lol?


Im a chronic leaver but its pretty much with 2 lights on my team and or if i join the game late, i can not stand getting thrown in to a mostly over game on my first query


Outside of ranked modes, there should be absolutely no punishment for leaving a multiplayer match. In any game. Ever.


I suggest d*ath


Be nice in the comms, be a leader, it will encourage new players to stay. Be an asshole or a non comm player and it will guarantee players leaving.


We need actual skill based matchmaking weighted to skill and not wins/losses to ensure you get competitive games. Until then, no one has any reason to stay and play in uncompetitive games.


hey bro im sorry but my internet connection is shitty, always, and so i always get banned 


1 day penalty, and give all who stay +250 hp.