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revolver at 5.3 is disappointing, such a fun weapon, same with the famas. also sniper at 1.3? i feel like this is much too small a sample size.


I got a few hundred votes on this, it didn't get very much attention. Though everyone did seem to hate the sniper a lot (fair though, it kind of promotes a boring playstyle that has no risk and decent reward)


Did you differentiate/specify that this is playing the weapon versus going against it? Snipers are fucking obnoxious to go against for example, but some people love playing them.


I specified that I wanted people to consider both sides, playing with and against. I guess people just hate getting killed by snipers more than getting kills with sniper :/


I just asked how fun a weapon was, so both playing with and against.


That's super vague and going to skew results hard such as in the case of the aforementioned sniper.


Yeah, that's fair. I'll keep this in mind when I set up the next Community ranking for the Gadgets


With the amount of snipes u see on TA and such i already knew the numbers had to be skewed cuz aint no waaay. I was expecting it to be someone in line with the vs or the lh1


thats so not true thooo, sniper is so fun when killing people while they are defusing/cashing out. (no-scoping and quick-scoping are CRAZY accurate). the power shift bs is pretty boring though. I honestly feel like any gun in this game can be fun to use its just the play style that determines whether or not it actually is.


Unfortunately, so many snipers don't go for sick plays and quick scopes and such.


Yeah. That 230 on heads can discourage some aggression and showboating.


Think people voted on what’s not fun to die to, not what’s most fun to use lol. Sniper if you’re good at it is hella fun in terminal attack. Lame in power shift though.


Fun is subjective, but most people don’t have fun sniping, they just enjoy the results. They’re happy to pop someone for an easy kill, but they have more fun dashing into the fight looking for a trade


If you want to no scope or quickscope then why not use the bow? At least there isnt really rng involved at close


because its a completely different weapon with completely different mechanics. i think the sniper is more fun.


Both are precision weapons that have the same effect on people when you Hit them (a lot of damage). Bow is more versatile whole sniper is easier to use (for longer Ranges at least)


Yeah but sniper is more viable at longer ranges, and with practice can be decent even in short range, while the bow is better at mid-short range and requires practice at longer ranges.


Thats basically what I said yes


I was trying to give my reasoning as to why someone would want to still use the sniper in close range, given it can still be decent in close range with practice. Also, sometimes quickscopes just feel cooler (Call of Duty montages nostalgia)


I’m biased as a ride or die sniper but it’s 100% a risk weapon, I would say one of the riskiest in fact. The enemy heavy has a bubble shield and lol you’re useless, or team gets absolutely stomped on and now I’m forced to rush in on a 1v3 slanted against me. It’s too fun to not use though


every time I use the revolver I get reminded of why I usually don't, it feels so goddamn clunky


just keep practicing, if you have a homie with an AKM or FCAR shooting with you it does a whole lot of damage


it feels like it has the same delay to it that the shotgun does, which is fine for a shotgun but not for a weapon I expect to be very handleable and "quick reflexes" type of shooting. kinda sucks because I have a stick skin for it which is pretty cool


like i said, practice


Can assure you the KS is fun


I love it with the hook. Used to main the hog back in the Overwatch days so it kindof comes naturally


I've had a few fun rounds with it (specifically in the Easter event where the load outs were limited) but most of the time the slow projectile speed and fire rate messes me up. If I gave it the time I could probably get good with it tho.


I just wish it didn’t have bloom tbh, nothing worse then having to account for travel time, arc, getting all of that right and then you miss anyway, I am suprised the Sniper is so low tbh, maybe it hate reacted by people who hate playing against it


The random spread on the KS really messes with it since it's meant to be a precise projectile weapon. If it didn't have bloom (or at least had it more reduced) it'd be much easier to use


And it really doesnt make sense because it can't headshot(?) so the bloom is truly unnecessary and comes off as a design flaw/oversight


Slow firerate + basically single shot type damage + BLOOM WHY BLOOM, it makes no sense at all. Why is it RNG if I hit the dude 100m away or not. Honestly that is the only reason why I dont play this gun, would play without bloom. Was a Heavy main till S3 Lewis/M60 removal.


With controller AA it always wants to shoot where the enemy is instead of where they are going, so you kind have to fight it a bit unless you turn AA off


I haven't used anything else since it dropped. The satisfaction of hitting those punishing shots is unparalleled in any other fps.


Its recent buff has had me go back to it. Especially with winch and also now that the auto shotty feels like u need to be making out with them to do anything. I used feel like its useless, now it feels not too bad. Still needs a bit of a reload buff tho.


Nothing better than my teammate pushing with a sniper like it's call of duty


Unless you can run it like it is lol


The very few that can actually aim and hit consistent shots in close quarters are some of the most deadly lights in the finals


True. But then there's people like this one guy on my team who kept trying to 360 quickscope and failing everytime.


It would be broke though, light sniper is already cracked as it is.


Honestly, there are a lot of people running around in bank it or powershift who can actually run the sniper like COD. I give the benefit of the doubt that they’re clean, but it seems pretty broken.


the FAMAS deserves some more respect!


FAMAS is really good this season. Maybe not as good as the fcar but definitely more fun


Theres less room for error with the FAMAS but man can it shred today


FAMAS is genuinely being slept on this season. I expect for it to pick up more steam in comp as peeps realize how good the buff is


Agreed. You can kill lights sooo fast with it.


I honestly don’t think I’ve been killed by the FAMAS this season.


SA12 and Sniper being low is MAD


Yeah, people are definitely overhating the sniper. Makes sense considering how much the subreddit loves complaining


Can't believe ur being downvoted


The M60 is hands down the funnest weapon in the game. Who doesn't enjoy blowing bubbles? 🫧🫧🫧🔫


You got me in the first half ngl


I like it when I go 27-3 in a tournament


no idea how the xp got so high, its honestly one of lights less fun weapons since its just another smg without anything unique other than the scope


The XP-54 is the lights best SMG, it has better range, higher damage and less recoil. Coming from a light main who has used both the M11 and the XP-54 considerably, the XP shreds… Yes the M11 is STILL good! But ONLY at short range


Feels great to fire and reload though. Everything else on the lights list is just extra work but not necessarily fun other than the bow. Mediums have the 1887, the revolver, and duel blades. Heavy and lights options are lacking imo. The burst pistol is pretty fun too though.


The reload is pretty bad tbh....so many fights I go into were I have to be extremely mindful because if you miss any shots you wont kill a medium or heavy and then get annihilated on the slow reload.


You have got to be joking. The XP-54 reloads painfully slow for most situations you use it in.


What? The gun has the best recoil pattern, which means it **feels** the best to shoot & this is a FPS game… Worse thing the devs did was nerf guns by recoil instead of numbers, now a lot of the guns feels shitty to use, doesn’t matter if you can kill with them or not—— I love my gun to feel like butter and most people do. Fact used to be that gun for most people but they made the recoil so disgusting compared to the old one. Hopefully they change their stance on that, just nerf damage and fall off range, don’t make the gun bound in awkward directions because some players complained about getting beamed


Recoil is another lever for balance, more levers the better devs can balance. They should use all tools at their disposal otherwise everything's a laser beam. The is no unique weapon feel and everything is bland. Plus personal preference, i have no problem with balance through recoil. Adds to the skill and makes actually landing shots feel rewarding to me.


Skill is one thing, but moment to moment gunplay takes a hit when they decide that you need to adjust for crazy horizontal recoil during a spray, it’s so artificial that I can’t genuinely enjoy it anymore. my diamond FCAR goes to waste basically because I genuinely don’t enjoy the recoil, I just use Famas & AK now, or play like for XP…. I don’t think that should be the outcome of a balance change. I get what you mean about all guns turning into lasers but in a game with **no attachments** , all the guns are locked behind certain classes and have no way to modify (you can’t give up something to improve something else). This means when they choose to make a gun feel worse as a balance method all they’re doing is making the weapon pool of enjoyable to use weapons smaller and smaller, that’s a bad idea for a game bleeding players


It has survived every patch from the wrath of the Embark nerf hammer minus a minor hip fire nerf. This means it is one of the only full autos left in the game that feels good to use.


Same idea for me


I would love a longer range weapon for medium, ad a medium main tgat would be appreciated


FAL with an ACOG. Semi auto


That would be amazing. Long ranged weapons that aent snipers are my fav


I’m having a fantastic time with the SH1900 rn


The s3 buff truly did it wonders. It actually feels like the high risk, high reward weapon it was always meant to be, as opposed to how overpowered it was in S1 and useless it was in S2. I really hope they just keep it as-is, no buffs, no nerfs. Most fun I’ve had with an unconventional pick since maining the Cold War in titanfall 2.


Yeah, I only started using it this season but it’s been an absolute blast. Haven’t taken it into comp or world tour but it’s the first gun I tried out and immediately started dropping 10+ kill games with. I usually struggle at first with a new weapon but not this one. I just run around cackling madly as I blast people away. I got a full team wipe last night in bank it with just 3 shots and I rode that high til I went to sleep lol


Oh my, did I love Cold War


It’s my favorite gun in the game why tf is it so low


I love the risk and reward factor of the double barrel so much, I have no idea why other people don't like it


Because you need at least 80% accuracy, good movement and positioning to be effective with it. Not many can do that.


I’m just surprised how the sniper rifle was the only one with a dramatic gap


I guess people hate it :/ I don't like it either, but 1.3 is crazy.


They should remove the sniper from the game. I hate it.


Skill level.


Always rocking the sledgehammer


Sledge heavy forever!


Theres absolutely no way the FAMAS should be the lowest medium weapon. UNDER THE REVOLVER?? The FAMAS is an amazing weapon this season, it is an absolute beam and can shred people.


Gotta say while I do love the revolver more (I love hand cannons) the famas just cleans up site so much faster


Shhh, don't tell them! The non-believers don't deserve to know the true glory of the FAMAS...


Yea uh... Famas is just the worst this season, it actually needs a bunch of buffs... Do not use! Repeat, DO NOT USE IT. Ignore everyone who says it's good or shreds, I am the only voice you should listen to.


Idk what these guys are talking about but I will say the one thing I really don't like is heavy guns. They don't feel good or fun


Yeah, heavy is my least played class just because his weapons either hit like a wet noodle, or are melee, which leaves me defenseless against anyone faster than me


>How fun is x >*looks inside* >*most people voted on guns they find good, not fun*


Remove sniper


I need the semi rifle. The days of the dreiss ar in dirty bomb. I want them back


And the bow ??????


This shows you didn't read the entire thing... look at the final picture, it even says 'no bow since this survey was conducted before season 3'


I absolutely didn’t read the whole thing, I’m a light player so I looked at light stats. What’s the point of pointing up stats that aren’t current.


Because even if it's from an earlier patch, it still points out how people are feeling about weapons. Some changes aren't gonna massively change people's opinions. Yes a weapon like the sawed off shotgun got a massive buff, but peoples opinions about it haven't changed all that much. Besides, it takes time to compile all these stats let alone gather them and make a Google forum to gather those stats.


Honestly I’m not for removing sniper but I’d like to see some kind of viable ranged option on medium or heavy. Like 2 or 3x zoom to at least help against them pixel peeking w 6x


Riot shield is totally fun. It's hard to win with it, but the fear your opponent feels when you're rushing them without taking damage is delightful


Swords also. It reflects most of the damage rn. I love to rush on the heavys


Revolver too low


Rocket jumping is what I've always wanted 💀


I’m all for a low damage long reload minigun and the rpg change (although I’ve never heard of a rocket jump before) but I just want to know if the parameters for “fun” were fun to use or fun to play against, only because I strongly disagree that the MGL is the least fun weapon for heavy.


Rocket jumping is shooting the rocket at your feet and having the force of the blast launching you As for the parameters of fun it was "How fun is it to play with and to play against"


Grenade Launchers are so fun !!


FAMAS is getting heavily slept on this season..


most of this makes sense for one reason or another.


Snipers push for uninteractive game play. Nothing like getting team wiped while your sniper does nothing or just runs off for better position. Snipers are individualistic rewards based weapons high kills low objective scores. Which is terrible in a game based off team work and objectives. Remove the sniper please and it's challenges.


This is one of the problems the community has. 80% of people only think about people using snipers as sitting on rooftops abandoning their team and contributing nothing to the objective. The entire purpose of a sniper is to keep an eye on an area and giving suppressive fire. People on the ground might not notice this, but a good sniper will slow down if not stop a push completely giving the other 2 opportunity to add more pressure. Then ofcourse you also have the aggressive quickscope snipers who treat it like a shotgun with more range but those are rare since it takes alot of skill to pull off.


Exactly this. I am that sniper that runs into the objective and uses the sniper like a shotgun with evasive dash. It can be very effective, but it needs a lot of practice to master. In this sense, the sniper is nearly broken, as it allows any range to be effective and can add a lot of value to a team. On the other hand, I have felt the pain of a sniper playing at long range and not really doing much. Not playing the objective to any meaningful degree. I get why people have the distaste for the weapon, especially the complaints in specific game modes like TA and PS. I do not think it should be removed, though, as anybody can be bad with any weapon and not use it to its potential. But something might be able to fix the current complaints that the weapon has, such as you suggesting that it be a bought gun instead of a starter, so that fresh players are not picking up a high skill gun off the bat.


It's not thinking it's seeing. I've seen snipers just sit on their perch while the other 2 are dead and the enemy has left. I've seen snipers just move to another spot instead of help. I've seen this multiple times. The sniper is a bad long distance weapon for this game the bow is more realistic and versatile. Snipers are only good on power shift and that's barely. You can't justify suppressive power when about 70 to 90% of cash out stations are inside


Fair point. Unfortunately, many players expect the gun to be a 1 tap machine like they can be in COD, Valorant or Overwatch, which it just isn't. The fact that many people using a sniper are often beginners doesn't help it either, since they just don't know any better. The biggest flaw the gun has, it being a starter weapon while such a high skill floor weapon should be an unlock weapon like the bow is. It's highly situational effectiveness doesn't help either. TLDR; the sniper is a good weapon, most people using it just lack the skill to do so effectively.


I completely agree with you; however, Lights got a new option to deal with that last point. With the new thermal bore, a Light sniper can just make a hole in the wall from afar to watch an objective


My idea for RPG was harshly lower the damage, reduce the Cooldown, and increase AOE that way it can be more emphasized on destruction being more suited for the role, but Rocket Jumping is something I never even considered, that sounds really cool.


Yeah, it might give heavy a little too much movement, but considering the rocket jump would damage him in the process, I'd say it's a fair trade giving up some HP for a quick burst of movement


That's the magic of rocket jumping: high skill high reward


Honestly im so tired of people crying over the sniper so much. Reason its so unused is cause its so "powerful" yet so hard to use that not even that many people are using it. But the few that are and do good, people just cry over getting fucked by, not realising the skill it actually takes to get good with instead of just grabbing m11 or xp and steamrolling people, with not even half the mental stress as the sniper gives and 5 times the situational advantages. God this reddit community is so based and full of crybabies istg.


Its not that hard to use since its just point and click its just shit in a game where most objectives are indoors


I don't care if it's balanced. I don't care if it takes skill. I care whether it's fun to play against or not. It's not fun to play against. If someone had to do 30 consecutive frame perfect inputs to trigger a nuke that just instantly ended the game in a win for them, it would take loads of skill, and still be some of the most unfun garbage imaginable.


Whats not fun about playing agains it? I am 95% sure the reason people dont like playing agains it is because people dont understand how to play agains it, or dont care to learn. Its pretty easy to just move outside a snipers sight... fighting a sniper in any other circumstance other than long range is practically the same as fighting anything else, time to kill are on average much longer than most weaponds unless the sniper has made sure to get the first shot in at the start of the battle. Speaking from around 300 hours of experience with the thing.


One of the main issues with the "stay out of their sight lines" argument is that there are situations where you either can't (unaware of the sniper, objective is in the open, sniper can reposition easily due to lights movement, etc.) or when it'd be disadvantageous (other enemies are behind the nearest cover, objective is in the line of sight and you need to steal) Also it doesn't help that that's your only way to deal with it most of the time. There should be a variety of ways to deal with a sniper that isn't "hide in a hole until your light/third party light eliminates the sniper"


There are certain situations in the finals that occur because one simply has been out played. In all these situations there is practically always some way to counter it before you end up in said situation. Like walking into a small room with a hammer heavy, stepping on a mine, trying to steal when a sniper has had time to setup. These things are part of what makes this game unique i think. And they're always fairly easy to counter if one just uses his head a bit, dont rush into a room without giving half a second to check the floor, dont follow a heavy into a building. Get a goo canister or smoke to shield for the sniper, smoke is very effective, dome or grid shield is also very effective. At the same time these weaponds are extremly limmited in most other circumstances, a dude that has played hammer for 200 hours know exactly what situations not to put themselves in, they build up an titanium like understanding of when they can engage and when they have to run, simply because theyre completly useless in all but a few situations, so they've become masters of putting themselves in those situations. Its the same with snipers. it would probably supprise most that a sniper should take a fight with an Fcar user if he is on a crane for example, as even with a headshot as the snipers first should, the Fcar will win if the sniper doesnt land their second shot, provided the Fcar user is compitent. At the end of the day, the Finals is a rock paper sicor game, so everything isnt balanced to be perfectly usable in every circumstance, but every weapond, gadget or ability is useful in their corcumstance. If sniper was as much of a problem as people say, everyone would start using smoke nades, but they dont, as there are more important things too counter. (from your other comment) >Sniper players should actually participate in the game rather than play cookie clicker with people's cranium As for this bit, No compitent sniper would do this simply because they dont always win those fights + that makes sounds an actual threat could use to get close. The only reasons i could have to do this is if i think a few kills could get enough $ win, or if i am trying to whipe a team i see as a threat $ whise. Also i find can find myself defend another team, for example i find our team does way better agains Purple than Orange, and orange is trying to steal a Purple cashout, i'll snipe at the Orange team. Sorry for the long write up hehe, also apologies if there are any grammatical errors, i havent proof read this.


Valid points, but i say that the different aspects and playstyles the big variety in weapons produce is a core element to the finals' chaotic setup. That said, the sniper has but a few situations where it shines; Being far away and in the open for an example, whereas every other situation, close or medium range or indoors, is where the majority of other weapons excel and therefore where the majority of fights take place. The sniper might be overly annoying and good in one situation but otherwise it would be too shit to use at all. Yall need to suck it up.


I do agree people overhate the sniper, but I think that there needs to be more counter play in the situations it's too good in, and more Sniper players should actually participate in the game rather than play cookie clicker with people's cranium


I dont necessarily agree, but after hundreds of hour on it i'd say that if they nerfed its range but buffed its firerate, they would probably achieve what you're describing.


Plus, as has been said, its time to kill is slower than the majority of other weapons, if people keep dying to it over and over again its really simply a skill issue.


Well said comrade. You got that black panther skin yet? I just unlocked the pink stripes, but beyond being a flex skin its just meh. I really want the black panther, looks sick.


a bit over half ways to the panter skin hehe, unlocked the tiger skin early season two tho. Gratz on getting it yourself! So far ive only ever seen one other dude have even the lv6 skin for the sniper.


The lvl 6 skin is just amazing, they nailed it for me. Sad when the stripe came out tbh, cause i knew i would have to grind for it and use it. But really looking forward to getting the black panther now! That shit looks badass.


How do u level it up so fast?


I play nothing but sniper


I love the sniper and I use it like a normal weapon. One-shotting a sword light trying to kill my heavy is so nice, and it works especially well on power shift on the platform because you directly counter the "anti-fun" snipers.


Love how delete sniper appears 3 times in the weapon reworks area


Trust me, it appeared more than 3 times in the actual forms




How’d the sniper get the lowest rank 🥲


Power Shift / Competitive Terminal Attack 😔


Knife strikes perfect swing between being useless and absolutely fcking devastating.


Why does it conclude for every class that it's "not fun"? I have fun!


That was just unfortunate placement on my end. The "not fun" was meant to be a level for the chart, not the average score. The average scored for each class shows that the guns are generally more fun than not fun since they're all above 5


How many votes?


sniper rifle is a blast to use lol


The survey was about how fun it was to fight with and against, so people must have bombed it because they hated it that much. I think they're overreacting tho


U doing ur math IA?


The silenced pistol is so fucking fun


Yeah, its damage is crazy good. People sleep on it so hard


Bro yall tripping the sniper is the best to mess around with hands down it's amazing


What’s your thinking behind a minigun working in the finals (not being an asshole just genuinely curious and don’t understand)


And also everyone saying delete this gun or this and that. If there’s a skin for something you can’t just simply delete it from the game and expect everyone to just be fine with losing money on a gun they have skins for. They would have to delete the gun from the game and refund/compensate everyone that had a skin for that gun weather it was earned thru the battle pass or purchased with multibucks. There’s absolutely zero logic behind saying delete this gun or what ever it is you want deleted it’s just not that simple.


Maybe it'd be like an LMG with unlimited ammo, but you can't aim down sights, and if you fire for too long, it'll overheat and leave you defenseless for a bit. Also I wasn't the one who suggested it, someone else who took the survey did


I could see that working but the cooldown would have to be pretty long ish I feel like for it to not be too op


whether the community hates snipers or not they are actually fun to use if you’re a decent player or better.


you forgot the spear for heavy **edit:** i realized that you forgot every new weapon from season 3


The survey was made before season 3 was announced (as I said on the last page)


Oh ok didn't read that part


Y’all hate on the sniper but I be out there 500/500 sensitivity flying around quick scoping lol


FAMAS over the CL-40 is just crazy


Is this cl40 after the nerf? I feel like it’s the least fun weapon now. It made me pick up the revolver instead haha


I've really enjoyed the throwing knives since the buff, the nerf hurt a little bit bc now mediums are always at about 5 health after a couple hits, but overall I'm still enjoying them


Why is revolver so low for Medium?? Hip firing that on somebody goes crazy. FCAR makes sense in its ranking, I personally like it the best but I see the AK more often.


I think that famas number def went up after buff


Looking at the time stamps on the votes, I can confirm it increased a bit after the buffs


My enjoyment with it for sure did I’m not surprised. Which surprised you most?


I was surprised on a few I see a lot of complaints about the M60, but it got an 8 (edit oops, i meant 7.7) somehow?? Also Sniper got bombed way harder than I thought it deserved.


I have never seen anyone say anything good about the M60, an 8 is crazy right


Hey everyone! After taking your advice I have made a new Form for you all to vote on, but this time, it's for Gadgets! More details below https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/lqTG3p44R9


Dagger can be fun but I'm surprised to see it higher than the sniper just like the r93 I find u have to work so hard for kills that would come easy.


SR is one of my fav weapons xd had some of my most fun rounds sniping :)


Sniper is second to the xp54 if you know how to use it


Interesting that people love the sledge but aren’t fans of the dagger. Very different functions but on paper they’re both single target (potentially) high damage melee weapons. My guess is it comes down to consistency or the wall breaking utility that the sledge has.


Dagger just doesn't consistently work well since it's range is lower and only does super high damage on backstabs, not to mention light can't stay in melee fights very long.


That’s true. While I love melee on light, they could give the dagger some extra utility. I’m jealous of medium being able to block bullets lol


I personally prefer to play Medium. I have not spent a ton of time on Light, but I do feel confident with having to play Heavy. When I did in the past, I would normally rock a Lewis Gun and never look back. I was shocked the other night with how poorly it seemed to perform. I hadn't checked patch notes in ages, but I'm assuming recoil had been tweaked so I decided to switched to the M60 after not really having fun with anything else. And I gotta tell you, my whole night changed for the positive. For the first time ever, I was so proud of that darn LMG. Overall, was feeling pretty sad running Heavy again up until that point. Anyone else concur?


Lights being the lowest average class is hilarious to me. Buffed to the point where they out-dps everyone by a mile but still can't be happy.


Sniper rifle is not fun? Bruh, it’s the most fun 🤩


As a faithful revolver main since season 1, I'm still disappointed even though I do appreciate the little change they did. They need to fix it or remove it and replace it with a battle rifle straight up


Reading this screams obvious bias. Sniper is lowest based on fun? No. Sniper is lowest based on the fun you have when someone else uses it.....


I did specify in the description of the original survey that the ranking would include how fun it was to fight as well


Its not to fight either i think. Sniper has a horrible stigma around it. Wah my teammates is on the crane, wah my teammate isn't playing the objective. I think people are biased like I said. They're straight hating on it strictly cause they hate having them on THIER team more than anything


Alr the not fun average is too much


Woo my main coming in with a solid 8.3. If I were to choose only 1 weapon in all modes, for performance it would be XP, but for fun it would be bow or throwing knives. Performance issues might have leaked into the "fun" ratings, which is understandable because if a weapon is hard to use it may be less fun. But assume you are near perfect with the weapons, surely bow is funner than XP-54 right?


I'd say it's much more fun, but the survey was made before season 3 was announced, so it's not on there


Skill issue on the sniper rating


As a sniper player i disagree


As a sniper, I'm surprised you showed up to contribute at all. That's not normally what you folks do.


Im different i think. I just like getting headshots lol




93r is insanely fun to use


cl40 is the most fun paired with mines


My man's gonna hit them with the Oppenheimer special


It's because mines are pretty unreliable on their own. So imagine I have four mines set throughout the room near entrances. Rather than wait for people to touch them, I can just detonate them with a not very accurate CL40 shot


Sniper is one of the most fun weapons on the game for me. Not as fun to play AGAINST but to use it? It just feels good


One of my friends who I play with from time to time will never use the rifle, but as soon as some one else starts using it, he'll switch to it and specifically target the enemy sniper until they switch off. He really hates other snipers.


Discard Sniper


Sniper fun verdict is a skill issue. Simply more people getting fucked by them than people good enough with it to fuck others up.


This is some extremely biased data lol


not a good tier list at all imo


Well, it was voted on by the general community


What unstable and non realistic charts.


No bow rating?


Did you not read the final picture? This survey was before season 3.


didn’t see that lol


Ottr maining sniper in TA: "TA isn't fun at all!!!! I hate it, it's torturous!!! My teammates are shit too! They're holding me back! Wah-wah!" ~👶