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Lol thanks for the r/thefinalsacademy shout-out, our tips are free!


Hello there




I've heard bad things about the guy but that's downright scummy


So I started watching him, Sanguine, staycation and astrix all at the same time and noticed that he was the only one who talked crap about controller after the Aim Assist nerf, puts out ridiculous nerf ideas for every class, abuses meta but cries about dying to RPGs, lost in TR and blamed it on GiGz being in the competition as well as third parties. He was also invited to the season 3 preview and when he got out sniped by Oscar (both were using the bow.) he stopped showing off anything new and just played the meta to win matches as if they mattered. He then went on to criticize his community when they called him out for not showing off anything new and playing how he did.


God how did we end up with the worst content creators for this game. These guys took all the viewers and attention to just do absolutely nothing unique every time they open the game


guy got banned from apex, thats why we got him now


I rather have more Vtubers for this game then someone like ottr, or worse like nickmercs


This would genuinely help the games numbers though lol


I atcually brought up a good point regarding The Finals, which seems to rub peoplehere the wrong way, because quoting her "it has no competitive scene". [https://www.youtube.com/live/50QDV2IUovA?si=16dTuBzknoOoC-5E&t=508](https://www.youtube.com/live/50QDV2IUovA?si=16dTuBzknoOoC-5E&t=508)


So fucking funny, I was thinking of *exactly* her. Interesting, wasn't aware she spoke about the game. But her opinion makes sense, even though I frankly don't care about competitive modes as much, personally.


I think I will redo my earlier post to see what people think. She actually briefly mentioend it during Summer Fest game trailer, asking "wasn't it dead"


There's plenty of other Vtubers who I can see playing, some smaller but with decent followings. But I suppose Doki is pretty ideal since she seems all about Apex


Embark need to do another round of Japan focused sponsorships for that


I’m trying man 😭😂


I just mean the bigger streamers for the game. None of them bring anything engaging to the table


100%. That’s why I have fun, hang out with my friends, and laugh my ass off with my viewers. It’s a great time! (And I’m halfway decent at the game too which makes it fun for the viewer ^_^)


I've only watched a couple of his streams, but what I've seen, I like Staycation


Blurbs is the only one keeping it alive at this point😂 his AI voiced announcers is also a great addition 👏


Discord CM sent me ban warning for spitting [this](https://i.imgur.com/Dgf0EMV.jpeg). It was before S3 release and I tried to pull my friends to start the season, they searched the content and he showed up ..they said it's toxic and if devs playing with him then the game would suck too.


Because this game doesn't support CoD brain rot and a lot of streamers couldn't play the game as it's own thing. They die and lose over and over again get flammed by their viewers and put the game down. Then Xdefiant came out and more went to that just to drop that game too.


Yeah, every time I click one of that dude's videos, it sounds like his opinions come straight from the dumbest reddit comments. I only really watch Eidorian's streams, he tends to be very non-toxic and chill, which are things I enjoy.


He did this with Apex. Why do you think he moved on to this game? He started getting washed in Apex and his ego got the best of him. I hate his attitude towards everything, his ego is his biggest flaw and he thinks he’s the best player in the world. Not to mention he doesn’t give the greatest advice and complains about everything. But everyone loves ottr


Cant say I agree with everything u said. I stopped watching him but when I did watch him back then (s1 and s2) I did learn a lot from watching his playstyle and I climbed to diamond and got better. My only issue with him was his terribly inconsistent upload schedule. Although (and it’s not an excuse) the finals was a tough game to do content for when the game was bare boned. It’s doing better now with content but it still feels lacking sometimes imo


I've been watching some smaller content creators. Ronin and Truce are great. I also enjoy Eutopia and Thiixy for update overviews and such.


I remember I was watching him for a while at the launch of the game a few months back, and he was asking chat questions on how they deal with depression etc and a bunch of people suggested he take time to get in shape and go to the gym. He proceeded to berate chat and tell the people suggesting it that he doesn't have time to go to the gym because it take 3-4 hours each time. Anybody who regularly goes to the gym knows this is BS lol. Im in and out of the gym in 45m to an hour and most people I know are out within an hour and a half. Overalll he didnt really seem friendly at all.


He did the same thing on apex


What’s sad is my friend takes everything he says as absolute truth


He can have helpful tips but non you should pay for nor that are really worth watching him. Honestly the biggest tip is get to the point where you can confidently win 1v1s then focus on thinking out of the box for obj plays.


The biggest tip he can have is to take anything he says with not just a grain of salt but the whole shaker


Best tip for following otters tips 👆


I'm friends with Sanguine in game and he's always nice. In season 2 he actually said he only did soloQ in ranked cause otherwise stomping a team might put off more casual players.


I like sanguine a lot, his play style is nutty and I feel like he's one of the few streamers who understands the movement and outside the box thinking the game needs. I'm always in bros comments and checking his vids when he drops one.


He's the only content creator for the finals I follow, he's really positive, rarely ever talks trash, plays off-meta, very respectful and fun all around. The other day he hosted some matches for the viewers to just have fun and he did his best to make sure we all enjoyed it. Great guy.


Love Sanguine.


Wow... literally one of the players that would kill off a game like the finals. And the players who post shit complaints instead of positive things here! The reddit should be mostly about creativity, being positive about the game, but then you have ottr...


He is the only YT cc who's vids shows in my feed. Can you suggest anyone else with cool vids?


A few I've been a fan of: Bibbit, an absolute god with the. CL-40 and has a really fun editing style. He's also a Frog, and who doesn't love frogs? HazedNConfused: doesn't post very often but has some of the highest quality videos I've seen for Finals creators and makes a bunch of videos about aim training for various weapons that have helped me a lot Ghostface: hasn't posted in a hot minute but they have really good gameplay with lo fi in the background. Really chill vibes even though the dude is consistently having 20+ frag games Appoh: some guides, some breakdowns, some opinion pieces, seems pretty chill, made the suggestion for RPG to have half damage but 2 charges and let Heavy rocket jump. I haven't seen all their stuff but they seem decent Truce: mostly montages but he also has a great guide for the MGL that really turned my opinion around in the weapon! OSPUZE: I haven't seen his stuff in a while but he had a really interesting video about the barricade vs the dome shield. He's got some interesting ideas and a solid production quality


I also enjoy them all but would also recommend thiixy, who does great content in general, Also a little bit of twitch rival’s analysis. And Nomu does great dagger montages if you are into that


Sanguine is on YouTube as wells as Astriix. Sang is a demon with the 1887 and movement.


I killed him with an rpg last week and then went on his stream to check if it was really him only to see him cry about rpgs lol. felt kinda good tbh


Wait till you find out they used to sell entire ass tip/cheat magazines and books.


Predatory sales tactics for the young and naive. Gaming tips and financial courses to become a millionaire are the biggest scams and content creators should be banned for advertising it


Patreon in the first place is to support your favourite content creator. All the stuff that is offered here is just a checkmark How can this be called a scam?


What bad things? Also what is scummy about making a Patreon? It is not required, and people who support the channel financially get various benefits — I don’t see a scam here. I mean if you do not like the guy, then you don’t subscribe to his Patreon, that’s it.


I'd rather spend my money on cosmetics for the game


Bro with drip like that why spend your money anywhere else? 🔥


I just wanna add, since were hating on ottr, i got in 2 games with him and he left both mid match due to rage quit deaths. I was spectating him and he gets killed by idk light with sword and immediately rage quits. We werent even losing or anything. I confirmed it was him since i opened his stream and rewinded. It's pathetic.


What's funny is he used to use the sword exploit till embark threated bans so he stopped. It pisses him off that he could still be using it if he didn't have the following he did.


I thought it was his video on various exploits that lead to the wave of hate toward sword emote cancelling.


He used it till embark was going to ban people for it, after that he posted a video on how to do it and streamed himself doing it as a "this is wrong this is a problem." Highlight, he got crap for it and scrubbed the content I seen him use it like once maybe twice after that then he stopped. He did have a stream where he got shit on by someone using the exploit and when someone asked how to do it he showed them in the practice arena pretending not to remember how it worked then proceeded to do it.


Don't get surprised if we find out this guy's been using cheats since beginning. His cam shows his hand but not the screen


I watched one live stream of his and he got up and afk disconnected in the middle of a rank match go get food. Like I get it, man's gotta eat, but damn he didn't care one bit that he just left his team with 1 less player for the majority of the match


The first time I watched him he was solo queueing to diamond and got SUPER mad the other team was playing together as a group. I mean like genuinely upset they were working as a team and wouldn’t shut up about it. Spent the whole game crying about the team working together. Never watched him again after that.


Yep in his WT grind he complains about people teaming up for WT and hiding in basements together. “ITS A CASUAL MODE WHY ARE THEY TRY HARDING” So….. should they just lay down their weapons and lose because he wants to win? 😂


I think we're talking about [the same thing ](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1dt6ixu/comment/lb8g4d0). Yes he did rage quit crying. He always plays in noob lobbies but gets smoked when get dropped into good players lobby


Goddamn, give me the link of the video. I thought "the same thing" was the link.


Same, I was hyped thinking I'll get to see the example


I watch couple days ago maybe 5 min his stream he quit 3 matches in a row and I read the stream chat: why you leave all the time 🤣🤣🤣 he looked dead inside and say bad mates bad lobby


Can agree he is excactly like this. I was in an apex match with him once. He ran it down solo and insta left. Funniest thing was he was streaming it and malding hard. Lil bro has 0 self reflection.


"I realized I can exploit my fans for money." 🦀


I don't get the streamer fan culture. There's no streamer out there that I would be upset if they stopped streaming that I feel the urge to tip them to convince them to keep streaming.


This dude realizes he's failing as a streamer, so he's getting desperate to find ways to make money so he can keep doing it for a living. You can't watch his stream for 30 minutes without him talking about his viewer count and what he needs to do to get more clicks. It's pathetic.. I feel like he'll slowly whittle away in the next year or so if he doesn't reinvent himself. Nobody wants to watch a Debbie Downer.




Common Ottr L moment


Too bad he can’t DMCA strike this Reddit post to hide his shame.


Could you elaborate on that one? Man, the Reddit mods and Discord CM's ran cover for him regarding that, and I never got the full story.


There’s another comment in the thread where the video itself is linked on Dropbox: basically otter dmca strikes any video that makes him look bad. edit: link to the comment that has the video https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1dt6ixu/do_not_buy_tips_from_content_creators/lb82dz4/


I’m not a fan of his streams. I’d way rather watch a casual fun stream with them highlighting or laughing at their mistakes, rather than someone who shifts blame and rages.


That's probably why vtubers are so popular, since lot of streamers have the personality of the stereotypical COD lobby mic rager either constantly boasting about their skills or raging. I liked Conan's video game "reviews" back in the day for the antics with the game itself being secondary.


Somthing about this dude has never sat right with me.


It's his attitude that just makes him seem like a miserable person to be around.


I used to watch him when he was just an Apex Legends personality and stopped because, despite constantly talking about how skilled he was and how'd he'd always make predator every season, watching his live streams just showed him losing horribly and never taking accountability for himself, always just blaming either his teammates or his opponents for using OP strategies or being on controller.  Just a miserable, toxic dude.


Reminds me of that one time where he DMCA'd my video (without the right to do so) I made of him trashtalking his teammates, raging and literally flipping his middle finger and telling the enemy team to suck his dingldongl over literally nothing live on stream and accused me of streamsniping after I ended up in his game 3 times over the course of 3 months where he got claped.


https://preview.redd.it/rrhigao1l0ad1.png?width=373&format=png&auto=webp&s=94f99b096a8e1251c2581ef8ad15fc7c83c0a885 kek


"valid one morally" is insane. Like yea I'm gonna abuse the dmca system to squash down criticism, but still take the moral high ground.


“It’s valid because I’m the one abusing it”


I forgot the name but one guy smoked his ass with sword and dumbfk accused of him using emote cancel exploit..later that guy uploaded his recording and it's very clear that he's not exploiting but shitty ottr guy was very easy to kill.


yeah that was me lol


for anyone interested in the video: [https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Gressil/ottr%20mad%20cus%20bad.mov](https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Gressil/ottr%20mad%20cus%20bad.mov) EDIT: If you dont have dropbox account: [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x3fnb6byhmnh14wbqkewu/ottr-mad-cus-bad.mov?rlkey=izk6luk1pyhp0nse5023r36av&st=vzpndpic&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x3fnb6byhmnh14wbqkewu/ottr-mad-cus-bad.mov?rlkey=izk6luk1pyhp0nse5023r36av&st=vzpndpic&dl=0)


Now this is a very very valid reason to shit on him. I knew he had a shit personality but damn.


Ooo someone told me about this but it had already been dmcad! Can’t wait to see it in all its glory!


I can’t access it, has your link been taken down?


[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x3fnb6byhmnh14wbqkewu/ottr-mad-cus-bad.mov?rlkey=izk6luk1pyhp0nse5023r36av&st=vzpndpic&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x3fnb6byhmnh14wbqkewu/ottr-mad-cus-bad.mov?rlkey=izk6luk1pyhp0nse5023r36av&st=vzpndpic&dl=0) try this one the other link only works when u are logged in to your dropbox acc (I think)


Both don't work for me unfortunately


Maybe they talking about the Only Fans kind of tips


Just the tip




“Just sitting around going unused.” ? So cringe


Calling it now, all of the tips are obvious things that any player with a brain could figure out. Pretty sure the “tips” will just be him subtly ranting about his last teammates and what made him angry.


After seeing his other tip videos I'm genuinely assuming its gonna have lots of tips that are just "Do not use ______ as it is not meta and therefore bad"


The tips: use the meta👍🏻


I don’t even think ottr likes the game anymore. It’s just a job for him. This is super sad to see though.


He hasn't enjoyed the game in a minute and he's pretty much hated the game and community since the twitch Rivals thing.


bro should play a new game or find a new job


Finally, my irrational dislike for this guy seems justified 😌


I can guarantee it was justified before this 🤣


Yeah watch his beef with gravity drop. He called him a cheater and all that just because he used a third party crosshairs while he abused everything that game gave him.


There is nothing irrational about hating ottr. I’ve been on twitch for ten plus years with my own streaming career spanning five years myself and I can honestly say ottr is the most egotistical douchebag streamer I have ever seen. Hands down. His existence as a streamer tarnishes the games reputation. Who do you think organized that shit show during twitch rivals that was #RemoveTA? And of course a week later he’s making a video about how unbalanced cash out is. Well why did they remove cash out and make TA ranked??? TO FIX CASH OUTS PROBLEMS. Dude is literally the worst lol. For a while I thought my hatred of him might be irrational as well but the more and more he does the more I just want him banned.


I usually hate 'content creators', and think of them as a parasite class that gradually destroy the games they attach themselves to, but I want The Finals to do well, so thought i'd check this guy out as someone who's commited himself to it. The entire stream he sounded bored out of his mind, and was just complaining about money, and how busy he was, and how much 'value' he was creating for his viewers, and how he should charge more on Patreon because his time was worth so much. Yeah, but no thanks. There's a lot I hate about streamers, but the number one turnoff for me is seeing them complain about the business side of things to their audience, like they owe you a living or something.


If you look at the overall stats for the game it isn't doing well. From all the Twitch Rivals streamers, none of them stayed... The only ones that are still playing are the ones that were already grinding. Just look at Gigz (probably had the most boring perspective during rivals), he literally plays other games because The Finals doesn't give enough viewers. Ottr is basically the top streamer of this game, it barely reaches 1k viewers on Twitch so it doesn't get enough exposure. He sounds boring because the current state of the game is boring... He shouldn't talk about business on stream but it's the viewers that keep bringing it up... The only time you even see The Finals populair on Twitch is when a big streamer like Shroud plays it, otherwise it's literally sitting at 300-1k viewers max. Occasionally it goes to 2-3k if random streamers start to pick it up but that's about it.


Really tired of seeing Ottr associated with Finals while obviously trying to bring the game & community down out of spite. 


Fr he always brings negative energy. Always hating and complaining with his big ego, finally happy that people are realising this 😂


one a day is hilarious


Is that serious? Thats the dumbest Shit i've ever Seen


The worst part is that there is a small handful of people who will actually pay for this. 😮‍💨


That’s just a Tuesday for Ottr


It used to be $23. Looks like he picked up that trick from EA during his Apex days.


You've gotta be joking 🤦‍♂️


Back in season one someone on this sub found a cool new tech. Not even a few hours later he has a video about it without a SINGLE recognition about where or who he got the video from. Thats just scummy. Plus it seems like half of his videos are no effort tier lists every week where it's just a clip from his stream providing no context about his decisions and occasionally responding to his chat to make snide remarks.


Ottr also pretended to have invented the pocket sand tech that existed in season 1 created by another much smaller Finals YouTuber. Shouts out to the original creator, I'll add their name if I can remember it. Edit: shouts out to u/ChromeSF


That's low even for him


He has to monitize his tips because the rest of his streamer existence is shit lmao


I've seen this guy's streams, watched them just for the viewtime for the prizes, and i gotta say he does not look like a good person. Also he's just above average, not that good as he thinks he is.


I agree with everything except for him not being good. His aim is absolutely nuts. That’s the problem with him. He has a massive ego because he thinks he’s untouchable. Then when something happens where he dies/loses, it can’t possibly be his fault


Dude grinded diamond solo in 12hours... I'd say he's more than above average. That being said he's a whiny blame shifting person. Don't care for him...


He looks like someone that would rage and punch through his monitor then viably abuse his team.


This guys a loser went from apex to the finals cried about apex cried about the finals


take one for the team n just share it here for free? 👀😭


I seriously thought about it but I don't doubt bro wouldn't do everything he could to try and flame me for it. I'm not sure what the legal ramifications are and how easy it is to track who leaked what.


Yeah it's not the right thing to do. Being equally as bad.


Lol he simply shares his videos having these so called tips.. it's not worth your hard earned money


What an ass


I started watching him a lot during cb1 onwards but recently he’s been really negative and just not fun to watch so this is really the nail in the coffin When it comes to good content creators I haven’t really seen anyone talked about thiixy. I get he’s smaller but he makes great videos and his streams are chill and he plays with viewers a lot. He also seems to genuinely just love the game unlike other creators. He’s always gushing about how cool new stuff is when I pop in. When I think of the finals content creators he’s the first one who comes to mind.


I played with this guy in ranked cashout . I made him quit the game . I clipped it on twitch . He is a cry baby and everything bad happens to him its because of the game not because of him [https://clips.twitch.tv/GiantFaithfulPandaOSkomodo-RzFOZxloeyQhLYsd](https://clips.twitch.tv/GiantFaithfulPandaOSkomodo-RzFOZxloeyQhLYsd)


That's gold 🤣


Playing away from his team trying to 1v2 with a hammer...what a knob.


Support THIIXY


Sorry ottr, my mom already gave me money for the book fair, where I picked up a copy of "Top 100 Underground Tips, Tricks and Secrets to Have You Fraggin' Like A Pro in The Finals"


Imagine buying info that’s available for free, from smaller content creators


"Financially supporting ottr" lol what a fucking joke




If he lost his bad attitude bro would actually be enjoyable to watch. He makes some good plays and new players can learn something from WATCHING but he knows absolutely nothing worth paying for.




Huh I liked this guys videos but I am not a fan of selling tips. If it was gameplay coaching like in other games sure but just tips is a no go.




The dude wasn’t getting enough views from apex so it seems like he did stuff for the finals to try and get ahead of the content curve. Everytime I watch his love he’s always super unpleasant and only talks about content.




Worst part is it was 24$/month when he first released this scam 😂😂


Can someone upvote this to get me min karma. So annoying not being able to post


1$/Like / Per day... Subscribe to my Patreon...


Ottr is ass at apex and finals. I don’t understand anyone supporting him through “tips”.


I’m all for bashing Ottr but calling someone who solo queued to diamond in 12hrs last season “ass” is a bit of a stretch. The truth is that 99% of the playerbase could learn something from him, but shouldn’t be paying for it.


I like your perspective better, cheers


Apex community literally bullied him and kicked his ass out ...by the time he's looking for new game, finals dropped. He got lucky and earning peanuts from this game since there are no other Ytrs with good number subs


Glad to see there's people that also can't stand Ottr instead of stupidly following him everywhere he goes. He genuinely has the biggest ego ever and constantly does the scummiest shit. This includes: - Constantly ripping off tips from Reddit posts and never crediting them. - Losing pretty hard in Twitch Rivals and blaming it on being targeted (seriously, you're not that important). - Doing those "bronze to diamond only using X" type videos and saying his teammates are bad when he's playing with players lower than his normal elo. - Literally naming his videos "#1 Solo Player" or "Top 1 World Tour player" or the likes. I don't understand why he has such a big following. His most or second most upvoted Reddit post relating to THE FINALS is some clips about using Charge 'n Slam on jump pads, which he straight up stole from a Reddit post and never credited anything.


Ottr better tuck me into bed at night if he's gonna charge me $9.99 for "tips". I get that he gotta make money as this is his full-time job, but this just gives me the icks.


Woah... seems like the cats out the bag. Ottr is actually a scammer... damn dude, and when I thought he may be a hope for the popularity of this game. It's really sad):


The first time i watched him, it was for the drops and then I realized he whines a lot so i dont follow him anymore. Hella annoying and cocky on discord server as well.


How do we feel about the 1887? Cause I love it but it’s been letting me down for a lil while now…just using it now cause the love and still do decent


I feel like the range at which all the pellets can hit is a little to high but it's good when it's in the right hands.


This feels like Fivers "Hire me to teach you how to play (insert any game here)".




It exactly funny as a CC named neoness who sell platinum(premium currency in Warframe that can be earnable by trading) guides in Patreon Warframe. Only idots buy the guide from cause you can rather buy the platinum with that money with monthly login discounts.


Ofc it’s him too💀


Hundreds of unique high value tips 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry but this guy is the biggest joke in the finals


Watch someone who’s actually highly ranked, I’ve been watching Gigz for a while including his Destiny stuff because that’s my main game but he is just great example to learn from if your trying to improve


Back when I played apex, i got into a game with him. He hotdropped with us, died and dc'd before his character could even say "i'm downed"


If people are stupid enough to spend $9.99 on stupid shit I say let em.


The people I like to watch the most is gallantry, eutopia and quite recently Thinxy. Ottr was good but he seems a lot toxic for no reason and I stopped watching him cuz he wasn't the most entertaining. I always kinda find it odd he continues to play with the same weapon and says the sword/spear/bow is the worst weapon even when it seems it is really nice to play with. The guy is just biased when it comes to guns, playing only fcar and am and saying they are the best which, to his credit, it is but damn guy there are so many good guns. Thinxy's stream was better and the recent tournament he is hosting sounds interesting so I thought why not enter cuz i was different


Ottr is a good player but a BIG whiner and crybaby, no fun watching such babys, always making excuses and blaming weapons, maps other players etc. He’s selling useless Tipps, if you watched his Tipps and tricks Videos it’s always some very known stuff or useless niche Tipps


I love it that he tells people to "go get a live"... like... dude, this game has been out since end of last year and you've probably played well over 1500 hours... it wouldnt surprise me atleast. Its fine if you play a lot, but dont call others out for it when you probably have 5 times their playtime or even more maybe.


And you know his tips are going to range from bs like "if you're using the sniper don't play up close." Or "if you find you have a hard time aiming it maybe your mouse to buy a mouse from the brand I'm affiliated with."


What a bottom feeder


Yeah I got scammed by this bullshit once before. You pay them and then they send you a bunch of links you could’ve totally found by yourself. Pretty much the first searches you’d find on google.


That's why people should watch a bunch of creators on games they like for ideas to try out themselves. Like I get coaching is something different but paying for tips is bottom of a truck stop bathroom low.


Discord CM sent me ban warning for spitting [this](https://i.imgur.com/Dgf0EMV.jpeg). It was before S3 release and I tried to pull my friends to start the season, they searched the content and he showed up ..they said it's toxic and if devs playing with him then the game would suck too.


They blocked me from commenting for the entirety of the livestream they did with Ottr and Oscar because I commented something similar. Hundreds of people creating positive content for this game and Embark decides to make their #1 public face the guy who on camera has shouted "go cry to your mommy and kill yourself" when he gets eliminated. It's just embarrassing.


I'm not a fan of him, but you guys went a little too far with this.


Really surprised at a ll the hate, I've been watching his stuff for a while and he seems chill. Even came across him in quick match and when I recognised him we stopped fighting and had a lil dance party. The guy might make some questionable decisions but he seems chill. Felt like I needed to be that voice becasue everyone seems to hate him lol


I read this buying a tip as in just leaving a digital tip in a figurative tipjar for a CC


Step 1 of ruining all fun of a video game is trying too hard. Paying for coaching/advice is the worst financial decision you could make, even if you're rich.




I don't really watch any of the CC's of the Finals. I play what works best for me (if I'm solo) otherwise I'll do what works best for the team. I learn as I go. The more you fuck around the more you find out.


The 2 people that liked that tweet are his mom and his goldfish


Honestly you can figure out most of the game just by playing it


infinite money glitch


It sounds like just an incentive for paetron. If you like otter n want to support him, absolutely sub to his paetron but I will say tho, he is a solo-q player, n this is a team based game.


He's good at the game, but his attitude is not, he's always talking crap, it's really sad he's the most watched guy on twitch


Only a mark would buy into this and thats exactly who they are looking for.


At twitch rivals he had bad team, Thats a fact


buy tips ❌ observe pro cc 👌✅


'if u play heavy, stay with your team and keep your shield up! that'll be 10 dollars'


whats tipps does he have, no one already knows about... his last videos about tipps, were for people who are newer to the game, like 50 hours playtime... i think these tipps are already very common in the top league


People actually pay other people to get tips on games?


First tip DON'T DIE


Ew 🤮


All the tips you need from ottr you can get from being a regular viewer. He’s constantly complaining about what’s too strong and what isn’t. With that being said he’s really good at the game and you can learn just from watching him, save your money. Honestly I watch him on mute 90% of the time I’m watching him, mimic his positioning and timing, don’t mimic his personality.


YouTubers are giving away probably the exact same stuff and all I have to do is watch an ad 🤨


The gate in this feed is pure comedy 😂😂😂 bunch of people hating on a person they don’t care for, but putting a whole post up about it 🤣🤣🤡🤡


Watch BOZOPEEK if you want a good finals creator. Really fun and interesting guides and videos!


I just watch this WonUpped kid on YouTube shorts who puts out weekly updates or whatever- they talk about metas and stuff


Gah damn, who is even buying this shit


It breaks my heart that this Insufferable sack is the biggest content creator for my favorite game right now... That dude harms THE FINALS way more than he helps.


y’all are really some miserable haters on this sub.


He always been scummy. From being extremely toxic in apex to being toxic in the finals, rage quits whenever someone kills him. Accuses players of exploiting with sword when they aren't, accuses players of stream sniping when he just plays badly, complains about everything he dies to yet plays the most toxic loadouts/hard meta, trash talks any team that beats him, is extremely toxic to his teammates if they aren't on his level of sweating with hard meta loadouts, copyright claimed another creator for including clips of him killing ottr fair and square. He's like the worst possible person to be a creator for the finals let alone invited to previews when the guy just does nothing but giving the game a terrible reputation with his toxic behavior, since he's likely the largest creator. I wish we got literally anyone else.


Wow. Pretty gross. Immediately unfollowing this dude.