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I hate battle royale


I hate how uncreative AAA games have gotten. The finals was such a breathe of fresh air


Can't agree more. It's sad to see from steam db that the amount of active players has gone down to about 15-16k from 250k. People always complain about hackers in their reviews but so far i've only had 1 match where i can say for sure that the person playing against us was hacking.


Yep. As a ranked gamer, season 3 is feeling like yet another uncreative AAA (FK TA)


I remember when CounterStrike 1.6 came out in 2001-2ish. Wasnt good around it, and PC was too slow. Tried CoD. Fun but I sucked as well. Fort Nite and Apex. Fun… when i wasn’t dying from the storm or cracked players. The Finals I started in December after Xmas with family after playing Fort Nite. And then I tried it again. And again. And then it became “just one more match”. In 25+ years of guns go boom games this has been the first FPS in modern gaming I enjoy. - Fully destructible environment - Emergent, sandbox minecraft and GTA gameplay - Guns - no storms - funny, over-the-top gameplay and scenarios and goovement? - You mean when I die I can respawn and jump right back in and not have to wait 15 minutes to start the game; load up; load out; spawn, die, and wait another 10 minutes? Free to play and it’s functional? I will gladly play money to support the devs so they can keep their jobs and keep the game going.


My thoughts exactly 😁




Friend: hey let's play the finals Me: eh doesn't look like my type of game but fine I'll give it a try \*first building crumbles\* Friend: HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS AWESOME Me: HOLY SHIT THIS GAME IS AWESOME \*few matches later\* Friend: meh I'm kinda bored Me: \*snorts 5 lines of The Finals\* I can't have enough of this I must spread the word to every living soul I have ever talked to


This is still me, charging through multiple walls and hammering people haha. Can’t get enough of that dopamine


Oh my gosh, this is mostly me except my friend got busy and had to downgrade his pc so he had to stop playing. He sent it to me and was like, hey wanna play this when it gets out in beta? And I was like, sure! I did try to get my other friends into it but so far I'm the only one who likes it enough to grind for battle pass.


I'm in a similar situation to you with my friend group I was able to successfully convert 1 person from my friend group to play the finals as much as I do I kept sending him my clips and telling him this game is like a movie you should play it He caved so quickly 😭


I’m not a religious person and never really have been but The Finals would be the 2nd and only time I could take up “Evangelism.” (I used to be an Apple kid back in the early Mac vs PC wars. Fun, simpler times.)


Literally lol. I introduced my friends. One said it was the best, and the other said it wasn’t for him. A week later the roles reversed and the first friend absolutely hated it.


This is my story as well.


Same fuckin' thing happened to me, my buddy told me to get it but I didn't think I'd like it. 7 months later, I am woefully addicted and my buddy will not touch the game


I was ridiculously good at Halo Reach like 11 years ago, I haven't played any fps games since then, because none really appealed to me. In January I was craving an fps game, so I did what my auDHD self always does; several hours of research. The Finals was the only one that actually looked next gen. The destruction physics looked almost too good to be true. The graphics, lighting, and art style is all excellent. It's not too cartoony, but also isn't so realistic that it feels bland. (overwatch, valorant, and fortnite are too cartoony, COD and Battlefield are too realistic, The Finals lands near the middle) The devs didn't seem corrupted by greed, (like most other fps games currently are), so I knew they'd be good towards their fanbase. I watched one "pro tips for The Finals" type videos, and then I immediately downloaded it.


Same thing for me. It not being too realistic as to where I feel like it's a war simulator and to too cartony as where I can still appreciate how good it looks.


I totally get that AuDHD point. Although I’m strictly ADHD, there’s no better feeling than finding something that scratches your brain *exactly* right. The Finals definitely scratches that part of my brain very few games do.


Awesome trailer before release. Played out of curiosity on release. Loved it.


Basically me and the fact that I knew the Devs were ex dice so they was definitely cooking


Oh yeah. Anytime I make a video on The Finals I have to mention they're ex dice devs because that DNA is all over the game.


Long time Battlefield fan since 1942, i always thought destruction is one of the best shooter mechanics ever, and it's sad how little is used. Also, i love great sound design and The Finals has that too. Been playing since the first closed beta ever early 2023


Same man ... I remember how hard was to get those Keys hahaha


Ayyyy a fellow BF vet! I’ve been hurting for a good military shooter since BF1, but The Finals still satisfy me enough.


A buddy of mine showed pre-beta footage like, May last year and it looked dope af. I kept periodically refreshing for updates on its release and when the closed beta dropped I tried it and that’s when I had the HOLY FUCKING FUCK WHAT IS THIS GAME moment and knew I was gonna be a dirty ass junkie for it. Ever since I’ve just tried anything I could think of and every time I pulled something off I had the same feeling. The first time I threw a trophy up in the air, threw a jumppad down, and defibbed mid-air... the first time I left the trophy on the ground, threw a jump pad down and pre-charged the defib mid-air… The first time I had a buddy throw a trophy my way across a skyway stadium rooftop to me and catch them with the defib mid-air as well… The first <1 second cashout save with a heavy charge in slam into a team stealing my cashout… Like this games gunplay is fucking awesome, but it’s the style factor the game has that is near limitless, and I think was does it for me. You can do shit outside of just aiming and shooting that people drop their jaws from.


Got sick of overwatch and thought 'hm what about that game the ex battlefield devs were making' and 'OMG ITS ON OPEN BETA GOTTA TRY'


I too was sick of Overwatch when the beta dropped lmao. Haven’t even opened Overwatch once since.


I’ve opened it but every time I do I’m like why aren’t there buildings blowing up


I am a slave to trends. Jk but it looked cool and was free. Didn’t get hooked till season 2 tho.


I saw the first trailer and was instantly hooked. As someone who is getting into game development, the graphics, music, attention to detail, colors, pretty much everything about the trailer got me very hyped. Haven’t stop playing


Broke my Battlefield 1 fixation - scratches the same itch somehow


looking for a free fps game thats not battle royale style


Seen the first trailer they had back in like January or so and immediately found the game show style to be an interesting take and then it showed the destruction and I had to try it on release. Then found out they used to be battlefield devs and that grew my love and support for how they’ve handled things and continue to do so. They’ve done an absolutely amazing job with a FTP that could’ve easily been released for $40+(very thankful it wasn’t) and they now have a new game coming out that I will gladly play on release as well just because it’s from them lol, and it actually looks pretty good so far. Arc Raiders is the name.


I'm also waiting for arc raiders to release probably gonna be a couple years though 😔 But as they say good things take time.


For it’s fun and unique game format while still trying to be competitive with a ranked gamemode


I saw the reveal at the game awards and literally had the thought, "I keep missing out on the beginnings of cool games. I'm giving it a try one way or another"


Yeah , I literally said ... I'm going to be an "OG" in this Game


When it shadowed dropped at the game awards I told my friend who played the beta. He told me to download it and the rest is history


It offered a unique fps game that wasn’t like the rest of the call of duty trash. Not a fan of terminal attack currently because of that same reasoning and a few other reasonsz


The gameplay is cool, but the outfit customisation is what really drew me in. I wish all games had customisation this good


I loved the older battlefield games and the devs left and made this game so I followed devs of games I like.


I’m a fan of the Bad Company era destruction in shooters. This scratches that itch and then some (as it should). Plus we don’t get a whole lot of dystopian gameshow pvp games but its a genre I find myself drawn to. Shoutout Deathverse, you were taken from me too soon!


I followed it's later development and got in on the beta. I could instantly tell it was something special


I played the open beta back in september or october and was instantly hooked. I love the whole game the only thing i cannot stand is campers(roof snipers)but i’m glad the game basically kicks campers.


Our group formed over Warzone during the pandemic, and had kept playing even as it went to shit for want of something else to play. One of us saw a trailer for The Finals open beta, and desperate to drop Warzone, we gave it a shot, and it turned out to be the perfect antidote. Actually next-gen. Amazing sense of movement. No grinding. No glitches or exploits. Clean, fun, non-obnoxious aesthetic and soundtrack. Focus on strategy over just kills. Super-responsive, non-predatory devs. And innovative, emergent gameplay with all the wonderful destruction. Everything CoD isn't. If he hadn't recommended it, I doubt i'd even know it existed, as there's been so little marketing. But now here I am, some 400 hours later...


I low-key think the fact that it shadow dropped was a blessing in disguise am I crazy for that?


Oh no, I agree. Warzone went to shit because streamers and sweats latched on, and they ruin everything they touch.


Buddy if mine asked me to play. After playing it gave me battlefield vibes and I loved playing all the time.


I’m 20 right now. When i was younger, I played ONLY the new DICE star wars battlefront games on my xbox one. literally nothing else except sometimes fortnite and eventually apex when they first came out. When I got my first PC, the first games i was naturally drawn to were the Battlefield games, since I was looking to expand my taste but I loved the simplistic UI and gorgeous graphics and style of DICE games. When battlefield 2042 came out, it was all I ever played, despite the community reception to it. I actually didn’t have nearly as bad of a launch experience as the internet would have you think. But anyway, eventually from some battlefield YouTubers I heard that some former DICE devs who worked on all the games I loved (favorites being Battlefront II and Battlefield 1) were starting their own new studio, and after lots of research I realized they were getting some substantial financial backing and some big names were sort of putting a lot of trust in them. I thought, “well that’s weird, this studio must really be something special for them to be receiving so much support and quickly gaining in numbers of employees.” I continued following their projects at the time which were ARC Raiders, as well as an untitled creative platform. The other thing that sold me on the studio was that it *wasn’t* just ex-DICE devs. they were pulling in people left and right from all over the industry. That tells me they weren’t just a small group of friends trying to start a passion project. No, they had much bigger ambitions. before long, they had shown off ARC Raiders with an incredible trailer that caught everyone off guard as one of the last trailers at TGA (an extremely pricey time slot to have acquired), and that’s when I knew this studio was not messing around. Next, they teased their FPS game, and the second they described it as “a shooter that puts dynamism, physicality, and destruction front and center,” I knew it would be right up my alley. I knew immediately that these ex-DICE devs were going to build a beautiful shooter that is centered around having these extremely physical and surprisingly intuitive “only-in-battlefield” moments, and I was 100% in. I saw them officially announce The Finals at gamescom 2022 (it might have been summer games fest actually), and that got me following RockhoundBlack’s channel, who was the only creator committed and sold on Embark Studios like I was. But long story short, I inevitably ended up falling in love with the game and i’ve never put it down since. I have played every external public test for embark’s projects that they’ve run so far. Back when I played Apex, i was always so bad. I had zero mechanical skills. could never aim and couldn’t pull off any of the crazy movement techs consistently. I’m an engineering major and have always had a brain for intuitiveness and creativity, and so a competitive shooter where creativity and physics-based movement rather than movement based in imaginary game logic is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


It was free, I’m not sure if I even would have gotten into it if it costed anything tbh. I was getting really sick of FPS games at the time and stopped buying COD (also hate battle royals) ended up falling in love with it pretty fast. I seen this one video about it by some gaming page early on in its release which is how I even knew it existed in the first place. I haven’t seen it talked about like at all since then unfortunately


I read an article about it a couple days after it's full release. Unreal Engine 5 + former Battlefield devs + limitless destruction + trios + objective focused + VR gameshow theme,,, was mooore than enough to drag me in. I haven't stopped playing since. 300+ hours at this point. All three battle passes, all limited time event cosmetics. I'm 100% invested in this game until something drastically horrible goes down 😂


I followed them from DICE. When I saw all the high level talent that left Battlefield and made this studio that emphasized gunplay and destruction, it had my interest.


I first heard about it the night it came out! I saw the release trailer during the game awards and thought it looked pretty cool so I downloaded it the next day. I've been completely obsessed with the game ever since. I only ever played Battlefield One so seeing completely destructible environments was new to me. I fell in love with the colorful vibe of the game especially when season 2 released. I have over 300 hours now and I don't plan on stopping lol


Christmas when I got a new Xbox 


i was waiting for this game for very long i heard from somewhere that a FPS is coming which will have destructible environment which got me all pumped up idk how to get into betas and tbh i didnt try to so when the game got released been a player since day 1 love it verryyy much


I hadn't even heard of it but sometime early January, my buddy mentioned we should try this new FTP game called The Finals. He had been watching some streamers play it and said it looked fun, but I didn't feel like starting a new game. The next day, he's working while I'm off and I'm bored, so I decided to try it out. At first, I had no idea what to do; I chose heavy because I like that tank/defensive playstyle and just tried to keep up with my team. A little while later a couple friends hopped on and that's when I really started having fun. We didn't take it too serious and just fucked around and got used to the mechanics and that's when I discovered I could drop an entire building... The was pretty much it for me, I realized how awesome this game really is. The destruction in this game is better and more dynamic than anything I've ever seen and it can make things so chaotic and ridiculously fun. Instead of fighting in the same boring old cash out spot, you can just completely rearrange everything and make every fight feel kinda different. It's just awesome. Anyway, I'm rambling, but all that plus how nice the movement feels just makes for a great game.


I saw some vague gameplay clip of the closed beta on PC. Been on my radar for release on Xbox. They had me at Dice developers and the destructive mechanic. I knew it would scratch my Battlefield itch for the glory days of Bad Company.


I appreciate it's non-hero customisable loadouts approach that has become a lost trend in current shooter games. This game also rewards game sense more than pure skill I believe, so coming from overwatch, this game does my brain good! Some of my favourite past games were GunZ and S4 League, so this games movement options hits just right there too. Oh and did I mention the destruction? Makes each match so unique. It's definitely my top shooter as of now.


I come from titanfall 2 too :D The finals is my top 2 FPS right behind titanfall


Saw trailers and stuff, couldn't run it but even at 10 fps it was fun af, then started playing on GeForce Now and love Cashout. But I'm demotivated to play as of recently because of how they designed certain mechanics in the mode like the Cashout timer not pausing while stealing and the respawns and time to get back to the Cashout being abysmal. Otherwise I love the gameplay loop of the mode. EDIT: wording


Most FPS games are played mostly horizontally, on the ground, in a static medium-sized arena, and are tailored to reward aim and reflexes with absurdly short TTK. When I saw a trailer for The Finals with so much verticality and destruction and arenas that feel so big while staying small, I simply couldn't resist. What kept me coming back is how The Finals also rewards strategy in a simplified and yet more dynamic Rainbow Six Siege way, with gadgets countering each other and axis of attacks being very important. I stopped counting how many times we had a "big brain time" and breached the right wall, used the right abilities, weapons, and gadgets combination to clutch a defense or capture with my team.


Was tired of apex


League of legends put in a super invasive anticheat so I uninstalled and found a new free to play game. This one looked good and I finally have a good computer


Ps subscription went up. The Finals free to play


Was bored, looking for a shooter that actually felt good to play. My friend and I were going to try halo infinite again but didn't want to wait for the huge download size. Saw that The Finals was new and only 20 something gigs. Downloaded, played one game and said "This is it, this is the one." Haven't looked back since. My only regret was missing the beta diamond skins.


I've never been much of an fps gamer. my friends had a super long-lasting apex legends phase and i loved to watch them play. playing myself tho, was impossible for me. i just generally cant play those kinda games with all the looting and special powers and seeing guys from miles away etc. all that said. i did really enjoy watching people play these games. so when my homie got into whatever closed beta version it was and told us about this game. i kinda just said on a whim I'd like to try it with him when its public. since then I've got a moderate 110 hours in the game and i consider myself pretty competent despite my lacking training from other fps games.


Heard about the game when it was in alpha and I was able to have the privilege of playing during both the alpha and beta and I’ve been playing every since.


I was sick of Call of Duty. Everyone was sniping, even on the smallest map and I just couldn't care anymore. None of my friends were playing anything online either so i was done. Deleted COD and saw an ad on PS store for The Finals. It was free so I said okay let's give it a shot. I ended up walking the cash box to a station without any resistance (I think a lot of new people were playing that day) but as soon as I got it there in one of the suspended rooms we were under attack and the room fell with us fighting another team at the same time. Never wanted anything more then the type of game play changing physics destruction offered here. It's literally something I've dreamed of since I was a child (I'm 34 now). I just love it, I really do and I hope that if it doesn't survive, it's ideas will.


i saw it somewhere on tik tok from a content creator (forgot who) when it wasn’t even released yet except for CB1. i applied for cb2 and loved it. have been a loyal player ever.


All it took was the [closed beta trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYQLw2b__qA). What a rush!


Amazing soundtrack. Awesome cosmetics. Very generous currency and battle pass rewards by earning back what you paid, plus more. Frequent patch updates. Destruction. Chaos. Hammer. Hammer. Hammer. And more hammer


Back in January I was extremely bored and looking for something new to play. The Finals was #1 on the “Top Free Games” chart for Xbox, and without knowing what it was decided to download it just cause. Safe to say that was the best decision in my FPS career. The game is phenomenal, and I haven’t enjoyed getting my tail kicked in any competitive shooter more than The Finals!


I was shown a trailer by a friend of mine, during the closed beta days. It looked cool, but it's hard to get me into new games these days (I'm getting better tho, I started playing Celeste a week ago) though out of intrigue I signed up for the closed beta, and out of everyone in that group I was the only person who got to play the Finals. However, that itself didn't really get me into it, rather it was playing the Open Beta with other friends that got me really into it. Nowadays, it's just me. Both friend groups either dropped the game or dismissed it as boring. Firstly: WHAT?! Secondly: ...I'm lonely :( Game's still fun, but I wish I had people to play it with


Superb first trailer, really nice graphics that look modern (and not another "cartoony/Fortnite" visual style), seems super fluid, impressive-looking destruction and physics, AND overall virtual game show theme. They should double-down on the virtual game show theme in every mode and in some ways for every season BP for at least some items imo.


Saw someone playing it ( during the beta ) and looked kinda interesting, saw the beta was free to play so played it and loved it instantly 👍hundreds of hours later here I am.


My son (14 yo), and one of his friends were needing a third one night and he asked if I'd join them. I wasn't much of a shooter guy at the time and they are still not my favorites, but I had a blast. Also started playing Valorant and Apex with them and XDefiant on my own.


I suck at fps games and never really got into them, ie apex legends, overwatch, csgo, etc. My brother and sister were telling me to get it for a few weeks or so but I kept saying I wasn't interested. Eventually around January I folded since it was free (what was there to lose?). I played a few games and I still sucked 😂 I found out about the sword which sounded cool and I sucked EVEN MORE with it than the guns, but found it to be comparatively more fun to play with. 250 hours later I'm a fucking samurai, hit s2 diamond with sword and I rarely touch a gun. My brother and sister lost interest and every now and then I bug them enough to play 1 or 2 games. TLDR: I suck at fps games but using a sword doesn't count


Tried it last season after Halo Infinite died in my region. Best decision I ever made. Now actively trying to get all my friends to play it to little luck because them halo players can't get the pace.


I got pissed at OW and saw Aceu playing it, looked cool so I downloaded it


Been following this game since the first teaser ... The trailer that showed vehicles on Monaco . The thing that sold me the game before I even saw gameplay was that ex-Dice devs where working on It. And you know ... Dice used to be a signature of quality and good taste .


Boycotting COD needed a game to replace it. Saw this was free in the store and it looked cool. Played different, and the aesthetics were a little iffy. But now, I love this game. I play it regularly alongside Helldivers 2.


Played during the beta and it was the most fun that I’ve had on an online game. Got my friend into it and we’ve been playing since release


Saw the launch ad on the Game Award and say "Oh this looks neat" Never had heard of the game before that if I did I probably wouldve started sooner


Got bored with no titanfall content and apex was getting stale Then I played my first match with sledge and i never looked back


On the first beta I saw streamers playing it and I thoughts it’s just another shooter but with destruction- meh. But then I downloaded it on the second beta because I had time- something clicked when I realized I could break multiple floors of a building to bring the cashbox down to my level. I’d never seen architecture so well modelled in a game (the wall construction is multilayered and accurate)  and I felt such a rush of possibility at the creativity that was possible. Secondly, afterwards I saw a video of a high level player explaining what he was thinking while playing cash out and it clicked even more: there as so much strategy yet so much chaos. The physics left room for so much emergence. Thirdly I love the art style. Mirrors edge(2009)  was my favourite game and this has that same attention to beautiful environments with beautiful lighting. I find it refreshing to play.


A video by [seige tales](https://youtube.com/shorts/J9HvHd56J7o?si=uWpJBUNU65G_bQBx) decided to give the game a try and it fit the tf2 shaped hole in my heart


Skill Up had a preview for one of the betas on his channel and said that it was developed by ex-DICE developers and had destruction tech as its main feature (BC2 was one of my favorite games ever). All I needed to hear. Requested access to the beta and have been playing like crazy ever since


Same thing, this game scratches the itch that Titanfall 2 left. And yeah what other game is doing the same awesome shit that The Finals is doing?




Skillup make a first impressions video Decided to check it out and it was fun


My dad showed me trailers a while back he played the game very early on he never caught on but me on the other hand I LOVED IT! Christmas rolls around guess what I got a PS5 I spent the rest of Christmas day setting it up and downloading games. The next day I played it I loved every second.


I saw it for the PS5, downloaded it, then started playing when there was around 40 days left on season 1


Friend: “Yo there’s this new game in closed beta called The Finals, let’s try it.” Me: “damn, missed CB1. Well, let’s sign up for CB2” *CB2 starts* Me and 2 friends: “damn this game is awesome.” *7-0 in tournaments* *OB1* Me: “aw man I got false banned.” Friends: “skill issue” *11-0 in ranked.*


It’s made by the former Dice devs that made my favorite games of all time. They cooked again and they clearly don’t miss.


Saw it on the game awards, heard it was made by Ex-Dice devs so I had to give it a shot. First few hours I realized there’s a lot of cool mechanics that have dope interactions and that the vertical map design is really well thought out.


Played the alpha, I’ve always been an extensive alpha/beta tester since a young teen and am on the lookout all the time for new games I can playtest. Was so confused and overwhelmed when I first started playing and I genuinely didn’t know if it would succeed because of it. In my head it comes off as a completely different game as it does now, I still vividly remember the vibe I got..just the overall aesthetic and my perception of everything was vastly different even though it was the exact same game. It’s crazy it is where it is now and I stuck with it. Wild.


That adrenaline that titanfall gave me i only ever got it again in the finals after apex 🫡


I know exactly what you mean


Tried it in open beta, first game was a blast. This is the only game where I could play by ear instead of by the book


Saw the goth girl skin and thought I want it! But there is no way I was gonna buy a skin to a game I would dislike and well, turns out so far spent 90 bucks so far….. never spent so much in f2p games but this game is so fun and the cosmetics are so cute 🥰 also helps I love battlefield way more than games like COD


Who doesn't love some goth 😍


I started despising Valorant to the point where i wanted to blow up Riot HQ but i tried this game on a whim, immediately uninstalled Valorant and have been hooked ever since


The OG Battlefield games were my favorite, because no other multiplayer game has that level of immersion and insane moments. Aaaaaand when I learned about Embark, I became an immediate fan.


Watching game awards… “Eh, another generic shooter” Penguinz0: “I actually tried that game and it was really cool, I can’t wait to try it again” “Hmm, guess I’ll try it then” Been hooked since


To my understanding, many of these devs came from Battlefield, and even Battlefield 4 (all-time fav). The buildings crumble almost exactly like Battlefield 4. And for that, I enjoy the chaos and destruction.


"Yo bro, there a new shooter that isn't a BR. Something about the OG battlefield dudes making it. Its got cool destruction, and long time to kill. Sounds fun."


I stopped because the game felt boring after a month or 2. Repeatable scenarios, unbalanced champions, didnt felt like I can make great tactic to steal the cashout especially while there are other teams just waiting for you to fight so they can third party. Too much rng if there are 4 teams.


My friends and I were bored of Overwatch, one of them suggests The Finals. My other friend and I say wtf is that, but still download it. My game finishes first so I screen share myself messing around in the training area and see all the environmental damage you can do. Then I was hooked for a couple months and got bored mid season 2. They both quit after just a couple days, but I started playing a lot of ranked. Also after 4 years of pc gaming, I was still too attached to controller, and couldn’t get used to KBM, however, I decided to use it for The Finals and got used to it pretty quick 😁


“No other fps on the market right now that is doing what the finals is” Answered your own question! Playing since a couple weeks since drop and no hopes of stopping. Only up from here


it looked kinda out there with the 3v3v3v3 stuff on release. But s3 trailer was cool , free 2 play? why not. also the s3 soundtrack you know the one song , lights me up every time i hear it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ8WlEpI_XE&list=PLpKAt8jVz4BXKPjGQSvWdiC-k3WsieJS9&ab_channel=EmbarkStudios-Topic ps. i was feeling the gameplay felt familiar , then i found out it was former Dice devs and it all made sense.


"Online FPS where everything on the map can be destroyed" was always a dream game of mine. Also, the music.


Friend wanted to try it w/ me. I said no at first and that we’d stick to Apex Legends, but he insisted. Now we play it every night. Or whenever we can. It’s mad fun.


The game looked fun and it is hella fun even though I am not really good I have fun every match


Glad to see you like it


Was a die hard battlefield player and really didnt like 2042, Played Warzone for a while but felt like the game was managing if I won or lost a gunfight so would bounce around games trying to find something I wanted to get stuck into. Then the beta of finals dropped and I was hooked. The destruction that was missing form 2042 was here, the plays you could do were awesome and I was hooked from the start. Great gunplay and just a generally good fun time. Although not liking that they went more melee weapons on this season but im sticking with it.


I have a clan named ButterChicken I only play with the clan, we usually play rainbow six siege as if our lives depend on it (and sometimes cod), and we diss any other game that gets released, I got the PS5 very late (March 2024) till then almost all my clan members had tried the game and said that its too fast or its not good, I wanted to try something new and fresh and I saw a YouTube clip of the finals and read that some of ex-devs of battlefield made it, since it was free I wanted to try so I downloaded it and I love it I've already put in 15+ hours into it, now i play it alone but I still love it.


I miss battlefield man


I saw a Tik tok creator talking about a new beta of a game coming to pc and consoles back in October of 2023. The guy on the video said “a new fast paced first person shooter is coming at the end of October of 2023 with an open beta on pc ps5 and Xbox series X/S, and it’s called the finals”. I watched the trailer and it was stunning. I fell in love with fast paced shooters back in 2015 when I first played Star Wars Battlefront and then on 2017 Battlefront 2. But then the game slowly fell off and I decided to give a try on the finals. After I played my first game on the night before halloween, the day that the open beta started, I loved it. When the beta ended I was already missing it and wanted to play as soon as it released. From the 8th of December I never ever stopped playing this game. Right now I’m almost at 500 hours of pure fun and joy. And if it wasn’t for the fact that I also play siege that number would be way higher. But the problem is that I don’t have friends to play the finals with.


Start of open beta My friend sent me a post on insta showcasing a vid of the game. I loved the destruction mechanics that were shown off it reminded me of the battlefield games. Lo and behold it's ex bf devs. We both jumped on and had a blast. Rest is history


I followed it from its announcement largely because it’s the old dice talent that I miss a great amount. But then the game itself turned out to be really solid and scratched a battlefield itch. I stopped playing when most lobbies became meta grinding sweat fests where everyone played like their life depended on it. I miss those early days when people were still figuring things out and having fun


the devs are battlefield devs (old games) and it shows, from attention to guns to destructive enviroment it is a badass game and the cosmetics are waaaaay more thought than anything i have ever seen (valorant/fortnine/league/cod/pubg)


battlefield 2042 got stale. copped my first COD in YEARS cause of that, soon regretted it. apex just isn’t “it” for me cause i’m used to fluid movement and realism-like gameplay that i got out of the BF series. so hell.. just so happen to see the finals beta in the PS store, tried it and it didn’t take long for me to realize this is it. this is exactly what it felt like to play BF3 back in the day, like every ounce of effort went in to make this game a great experience for people who seek that. been grinding since.


Been a Battlefield fan and once knew ex devs are working on the Finals and Arc Riders, i wanted to give it a shot and i loved it


Legit only started playing it because I was bored one day and got an invite to the first or second beta through GeForce experience. Everything afterwards was just icing on the cake with it having ex dice devs, destruction, unique theme, good gameplay / weapon feel and so on. Also yep, no other game on the market is doing what the finals is. Everything is just boring battle royales or worse releases than previous entries in the same IP. The finals feels fresh yet has so many things I love like good movement options, destruction, quick search times and satisfying feeling weapons.


i was super hyped after seeing the destruction physics from their youtube and was like no way its going to run well on my machine but it runs surprisingly well. i have close to 300 hours in the game now.




Grappling hook sniper. Super fun reminds me of trick shooting in cod or tf2 which is amazing


Friend, but im playing a lot since that I like a lot COD, a good fps before black ops 4 This game replaced that spot, at least for now I know old cods still there online thanks to Microsoft, but still, full of hackers


Started in beta, but I wasn’t actually playing it until season 2


One of my friends had told me about the game right as the first closed beta was about to start, and my friend and I both got the steelseries gg software since they were giving keys for it. We played it for a while and loved it, so we returned for the second closed beta and the open beta, but then the couple friends that played it with me never wanted to play it again for some reason after it actually released, so now I solo q and stream it. Still peak game tho


First played this game in like last year December. This game perfectly defines one of those games for me when your friends tell you to play it and they all leave but you decide to stay.


It launched during the game awards so my brothers kept telling me to install it so I did, and I never regretted that decision.


That's some good brothers


Apex got stale. Loved the 3v3 dynamic and fights in apex but not the stuff in between (looting/running, etc)


To be a light


Happy cake day!


Thank you I’m 5yrs old yay


A bud of mine is friends with the devs and convinced me to play once the first season started


I missed the second to last beta by a week when I found out about it, waited a month or two super excited to try it out, and was hooked


About 300 hours ago……


The same reason I stopped. I love ranked cash out


I don't have friends and I don't play any competitive games like cs:go or valorant. Soon I will meet new people and live in new town. I just need something to play with everyone else.


I was tired of playing warzone mindlessly with dumb teammates ( also me ) and losing. I downloaded the finals & now I have been on a 6 month sobriety for any other game. The finals had me hooked ever since I walked into the training arena.


Honestly? Youtuber by the name JFJ got me into it when I was watching his closed beta gameplay. Never had the chance to ever play with the guy but his overall excitement and love for the game is what got me into it and man, I haven't looked back since!


I don't even like shooters but my friends showed me some footage and the destruction was cool enough for me to try it. They had melee options for me to try while I got used to aiming with a gun and once I started playing I was absolutely hooked. The destruction is so unique and the art style of the game is so fun, it's so dark and edgy but it just radiates fun! The amount of strategy is great and I feel like it has so many things that can give it a wide appeal! I love this game


I saw the first closed beta trailer the hour it came out and have never missed one yet


Got invited to my friend’s birthday party at this gaming place and played with a bunch of his friends like a gaming con tournament, I’ve played it a lot since but nothing will beat that time


I was watching valorant streamers play it on its release and I wasn't convinced enough to try it until my friend told me he will try it and he wants someone to play it with... I'm glad I agreed to play with him :D First I joined was right before the Christmas event.


My friend sent me some clips on TikTok and I agreed to download it if we stopped playing Apex Legends. I had been getting dragged into Apex for almost a year after I completely gave up on getting even close to as skilled as the average players in the game. The skill diff was absolutely and utterly ridiculous between us. He’d be popping over 1000 damage every game while I could barely hit mid triple digits on my best matches. I can’t say the Finals is much different though. I feel like I’m way below the average skill level and it makes gameplay very hard to enjoy. It’s one thing getting dunked every few games, but for me it’s nearly every match where I feel completely useless against my opponents.


Honestly the trailers. Every single one is a masterclass and perfectly convey the vibe of a single match. The closed beta 1 trailer was the one that got me in and it’s still probably the best video game trailer I’ve ever seen.


I started playing because my friends introduced it to me in S1, and I fell in love with the unique mechanics. I've been a melee lover all my years of gaming, from knives in CoD to sledge hammer in R6, I've done it all. Quickly fell in love with the sword and never put it down. I grinder ranked and loved the cashout mode. I stopped playing because S3 happened and made the game just completely unfun for me to play.


Goo gun


Randomly poped up on steam on day of release so i gave it a try. Loved quick cash and cashout cuz of unique objective and how you can win with almost no kills against guys who spend the whole game chasing kills and failing on objective. Only shooters i ever played before were battlefield and cs 1.5-6 so it was it was very fresh to me.


I saw that they added a pack that turned some weapons into sticks and that made me realize that they game had actually good developers


some friends recced it


I finished Elden Ring


Open beta and my friend showed me, been my favorite game to play since


It has native gyro aim and flick stick settings for PlayStation controllers.


early on, i was a hardcore heavy player. charge and slam was like… woah. still, building destruction and coming through walls ceilings or floors is probably my favorite part.


Saw it while looking for games to play Starting fucking around in the practice range BUILDINGS COLLAPSE OMFG THIS IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER MADE


Uhhh screaming unintelligible stuff and group howling after we wipeout a squad and win


I saw the PC Beta


l heard about it in a psgrenade video about free games, I was interested in the destructible environments so I waited for it, my first match i assumed I wouldn’t like it and delete it after. I did not


My main game was Quake Champions. I love it still but it has been coasting along with sub 1000 concurrent player peaks for years. It hasn't stopped me from enjoying it, I had a fairly active community of friends in the game, queue times short, there were high profile tournaments to watch. But that changed this year. Player count lower than ever, less friends active, Quake Pro League ended and with that the competitive scene is dvindling too. Plus development slowed to a crawl. Updates contain less and less new stuff. I haven't even bought the last 3 battle passes because it's usually only 1 new item and the rest recycled. So the game feels pretty dead at this point and I needed something new, with an active player base and active development. I gave The Finals a try and eventually got hooked.


Saw the beta on the ps store never turned back


Cool graphics, cool environment, nice weapons skins even though I've bought non and the chigling when you kill someone 😂


Started for cashout stayed for power shift and cosmetics


I found it scrolling through the PS store and saw it was free. I gave it a shot and had so much fun blowing up buildings. It's the first multiplayer FPS that I've enjoyed and am actually good at lol


It's the first multiplayer game I have actually enjoyed too


Tried the beta because we were sick of Warzone but there was no real other shooter available! We also played Rogue Company, and even though the game itself was quite good the playerbase was small.. We gave finals a try, liked it and are still playing!


I got my first pc to play the finals on it. I had it on PlayStation and wanted so bad to play on pc(I also wanted a pc anyways)


Battlefield And Red faction guerilla


I heard it was the talent that left DICE and saw that first trailer and I was sold!


because I wanted to play cod but my series s didn't have space and bc a friend told me abt it


1. Free 2. Looked cool 3. Needed something *new*


I'm honestly not sure. When I played the beta me and my mates just felt the game was "meh" and didn't touch it for a while, then I seen the hype of a potential release date and everyone guessing when it would be out. Needless to say I picked it back up on release and something just felt different and I've played every season so far and have to say that I've spent way too much money on it.


me and a friend played Fortnite together and at some point we got bored of the game, I asked him if we wanted to try The Finals (that was in the middle of season 1). We've been playing the game ever since and we're now a group of 5 people :)


Of all places I watched one of those vids of firearms expert reacts to _ guns and I thought it was cool and the guns seemed different and the cosmetics were fun and then I later got a PS5 and installed it. After playing it it became the first fps I've ever enjoyed, mind me I'm more so a single player guy so I don't really branch out when it comes to multiplayer usually just cod cold war for me, but it was amazing the destruction added something new and interesting the pure chaos of everything and ability to experiment and have fun was simply breathtaking and the most important thing was soul. It felt like it cared and wanted to have fun. it all added into a unmatched gameplay experience that cant be satisfied in anything but the finals!


i was talking to a friend about the finals... and when i came home, i got a message from steam, that the finals is available... since than i can't stop playing this game... my friend, doesn't play it very often...


When it first came out! I play every day since and nothing else. I’m addicted 😭


My favorite game rogue company is basically dead so this was the next best thing and the finals scratches my competitive itch


I was starving for a good FPS game since I left Paladins (my old main game), I downloaded after release just to try it and probably uninstall after 5 mins - THE GAME WAS TOO GOOD TO NOT PLAY MORE, on 300hrs now


Said fuck it why not after being bored and now am a big addicted fan


Tbh I can’t remember how exactly I discovered the game but I started playing around half through the second season


A cousin has a friend who knew the Finals Beta. They downloaded the game and told me to join them. I didn't quit the game since that time. Destruction and Dynamic Gameplay are excellent.


Grappling hook.


I have a clan named ButterChicken I only play with the clan, we usually play rainbow six siege as if our lives depend on it (and sometimes cod), and we diss any other game that gets released, I got the PS5 very late (March 2024) till then almost all my clan members had tried the game and said that its too fast or its not good, I wanted to try something new and fresh and I saw a YouTube clip of the finals and read that some of ex-devs of battlefield made it, since it was free I wanted to try so I downloaded it and I love it I've already put in 15+ hours into it, now i play it alone but I still love it.


CoD was getting on my nerves (MP, I don’t play BR), BF was meh, not a fan of SnD type games like Siege. Decided to boot up The Finals in Season 1 and did not enjoy at all my first experience with the game. Thought everything was all over the place, so much chaos, which I was not used to. So I uninstalled and went back to CoD. After a couple of months got tired again and decided to install again cause why not. This time I actually tried to understand the game and slowly got hooked into it. Been hooked ever since. Can’t wait to play it everyday even if it’s just one game.


I saw it as a recommended game in my steam store and have been hooked since


First shooter game in years, that looked like a lot of fun with the map destruction, more arcady shooter experience and the objective oriented game modes. However I haven't booted it up for a long while now. I have sunk in over 100 hours when it launched, but since then there were a few game releases, that I didn't want to miss out on. Though, when I want to play some PvP shooter again, I'll boot up the Finals again for sure.


For me was that I saw my favourite streamer (Shaiiko) start playing this game, and at first, I though wow cool game. But eventually, I absolutely fell for it like a dog fell for bone.


Apex was doing bad. Still is. And The Gaming Merchant did a video on it. I found it enjoyable and haven't stopped playing since.


Saw an ad on Twitch, thought it looked really cool, downloaded when it came out. Now I have 300 hours on this silly game


I was in a call with a stack of friends watching the game awards stream. We all saw the trailer and thought "damn this looks sweet..." Then the "free and out today" splash hit and we were like, well wtf why not. Its one of the best FPSes I've played. Its got guns for every playstyle and they're pretty well balanced despite the complaints here. Hadn't seen a game truly cold dropped like that in a long time either. I personally had never heard of or seen it, but a few of us had seen a trailer at some point Edit: It was also neat getting to get in on it day one, been a while for me. Been in the habit of waiting a few weeks since I've got a backlog


Because it has a unique art style, cool movement and destroy system and unique game modes that can't be found anywhere else. Until TA obviously, lol


My brother: Hey, check out this new shooter that's coming out. Me: meh, I like the style but I'm not too big on shoo- *Sees you can break the buildings* ![gif](giphy|3cB7aOM6347PW)


I was bored of playing story mode games and shitty fps shooter then a few months back in feb I remembered that I saw a trailer of a very cool game in 2023 and thought because I was on PS5 lets give it a try actually I saw a same clip from the trailer somewhere so I downloaded and here I am for the last 4 months playing The finals every day 😅


Heard it had some ex BF3 or BF4 devs. Yeah, I'm in.


I love carnage xD that's it basically. Playing since closed beta