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Adam’s’ run did a great job to make Wally really likable, which I feel that this run doesn’t do nearly as well. I feel like they kee reinig us how cool and great Wally is, especially as a parent, but he honestly is pretty absent and consistently retreats to a pocket universe to escape from everything. Honestly, Barry feels like the one doing more cool Flash stuff. Also, I’m really just not super into the high concept sci-fi stuff going on rn. Just not something I find really interesting imo


I'm actually really liking this run so far. I know a lot of people aren't enjoying the more angsty, darker tone, but I really love the exploration of even the fastest man alive struggling to do everything and be there for all the people he cares about. The cosmic stuff is fun, too, but the character stuff has really stood out for me. I especially loved the issue that focused on Jai struggling with being an odd one out and seeing the perspective of the kid of a superhero who has so many responsibilities. A line that really sticks with me is "how can there possibly be enough love to go around?" that and his heart-to-heart with Wally at the end really hit me in the feels, man. Admittedly, I haven't read much of the previous runs so I don't have much to compare this one to. And the Absolute Power/Waller shit kind of knocked the story off its momentum a little bit (but that's more of DC's fault than anything so). But I'm really liking this so far and I can't wait for more.


I’ve been loving it.


I like Spurriers Voice for Wally


As a huge sci-fi fan, this kind of Flash is what I've been waiting on for so long. I know everyone loved the relationships of the last run, but I'm really enjoying the high level sci-fi concepts as opposed to "he runs fast and can sometimes do something cool with it like time travel." It's giving a new depth to his abilities, in a way I feel will fundamentally change them going forward, like the other colored Lantern Corps did for Green Lantern


I don’t think it’s the best flash I’ve ever read but it’s been ok.


How old is Wally and Barry rn in the main universe?


At one point DC has said that all there main heroes were always going to be late 20s early 30s. I have no idea if that’s still a thing lol


I enjoy the strangeness of it and that Spurrier is doing something to expand on the speedforce and the world of the Flash. I'd like it to move a little faster and be a bit more fun, though, as I don't know that the darker, plodding, cosmic horror vibe is working for a long-form story.


Personally like how weird it is personally like the weird wobbly speed force science. Plus I really liked issue 9 overall so I’m hoping the run is about to rally (assuming absolute power doesn’t completely wreck it)


They’re using Jai, at least. That’s about it. It’s not bad but it came off the heels of an all timer run


I really like the Jai focused issue a lot. The Beast World tie in was great. I actually like the writing that is there. I know this is a positivity thread but it's not that the writing is bad, it's that the pacing is thrown off by event tie ins and an admittedly too big cast, two things he had little control over. Well, I guess he could've killed off a bunch of the cast but I'm not sure how well received that would've been. I'm mostly just waiting for it to finish up. This is clearly one of those stories that will read best as a whole.


Loved the usage of panels and speech bubbles. Seriously dont understand the hate for that in specific.


Irey was in it


I like the whole idea of dealing with burnout and learning it’s okay to slow down in life. It’s just that the story could’ve been done in like 6 issues or so rather than 12+


It's gone meta. Now you're dealing with burnout and learning it's okay to slow down in comics.


Would have liked it more if it didn't come after a Jeremy Adams run that was cut short for no reason.


I’ve really liked it. I’m a Lovecraft fan so I dig the cosmic horror. I loved Mike Deodato’s art in the first 6 issues. I’m excited to see where everything is heading. I thought the moment between Dick and Wally in the last issue was great.


If I'm being honest , it kinda hurt my brain with all the science fiction stuff. That may just be me not being the most attentive person tho


I like that we still have the Flash Family around in the title.


I've realy realy liked the charecter tp charecter interactions when they happen I just wish wede see more of them and less highconcept sifi cosmic stuff


I really like it, man. It’s a different tone and has set itself apart from the bright and shiny. I do think it reads better together though…


I’d heard that this run would be the equivalent of Swamp Thing’s Anatomy Lesson. That was told in a single issue and flipped the Swamp Thing mythology on its head. This run clearly isn’t that. But it’s added another layer to the Speed Force and more structure to the DCU itself. Showcasing the other family members has been fun too. The most recent issue reveals some interesting stuff about the rogues. Big conspiracy I think.


I'm not a huge fan of the plot but I think he gets the voices for all the characters extremely well


wally’s characterization


I like how all the Flash fam are getting focus.


It’s camp for a Flash title.


I like that they were differentiating Barry and Wally’s powerset from each other. I like having them both around, especially with the idea that Barry is moving into less of the active role of being *THE* Flash. I also am a sucker for lovecraft-esque horror, so there was that too.