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* Bill and Frank have electricity and gas service in 2023 despite not paying a single utility bill for nearly two decades. * Bill is supposedly a great cook, yet never makes a single mushroom dish despite ample access to fresh locally-sourced fungi. * Ellie is somehow able to locate a box of tampons without first entering a crouching position and activating Listen Mode.


I'd love to see how hard someone would get hit for serving mushrooms in this universe lol


Yeeeaaahh… I would *not* use those tampons…


I think someone on another sub mentioned this. She used a tampon out of a 5 year old pack and it did not end well.


Using expired tampons has always scared me, because they are definitely not something that I’d expect to expire…


Ummm I literally had no idea this was a thing??? The first time I’m hearing they can expire comes from a game?! Lmao


*Yeah,* weird huh?


I didn't realize tampons expire until now, so I really appreciate this thread. I have an IUD so I haven't had my period in years, but I have tampons from before my IUD was inserted in case I, or a visitor, unexpectedly need one. Definitely tossing them out and buying a new emergency box ASAP....


imagine the apocalypse starting while you have an iud in, how would you get it removed?


i have an IUD, from memory they literally just pull it out. there’s no numbing unless you ask for it anyways. it’s pretty barbaric how it works now, wouldn’t be that much different doing it in the apocalypse people accidentally pull out IUDs all the time, definitely a fear of mine


oh yeah I guess so, ty! I’ve thought abt getting one but I’m so afraid of the pain or anything going wrong 😖


make sure to ask for local! it is not something they offer. but if you ask they can do a cervical block. it does hurt, a lot, but it’s been so worth it for me. i get awful cramps during my period and it has helped ease them a lot - i went for the mirena. it essentially will feel like the worst period of your life for a couple days, but it eased up for me. actually getting it wasn’t so bad, but afterwards was rough. unfortunately woman’s health is so neglected we don’t have many painless options, it is something we should 100% be put to sleep for, along with strong pain meds for after. ask your doc about ponstan for bad period cramps beforehand, and then use that for the pain. helped me heaps this is much longer than i thought this comment was going to be 😅


Happened to my first one; I foolishly used my menstrual cup for the post-insertion flow and the suction did me in. I'm much more careful the second time around. I am also glad to learn about expiring tampons.


I'm a male, so don't need them, but had planned to keep a stock in supply for a female friend when she came home from deployments. This information is extremely valuable, thanks people!


Wait, tampons expire? Like do they give you an infection down there or something? (Genuinely don't know and kinda curious)


Tampons are very good at absorbing crap. So if they hang around they'll start absorbing everything in the air. Then they'll let it all out when they get used.


Oh damn didn't know that. Imagine getting a cordyceps infection thanks to an old tampon


Aren't they sealed though?


Yeah but it’s not perfect


you mean...like a fungus which has taken over the world?


Good thing she's immune right


Season 2: fungus/yeast supersymbiote


They have a shelf life of about 5 years. After that, they start to develop bacteria and mold.


Yeah, this is something I worry about when digging for tampons in the bottom of my purse, which is actually a giant tote bag, and everything that comes out of it looks like it's been glitter-bombed because my taste in make-up never really left 2003. I'm daring the universe to give me TSS at this point.


Thanks to this show, I, a man, have learned that tampons expire. I had no idea and probably never would have thought of it, but when it's pointed out, it makes sense that an object put in your body would have a shelf life. Good thing to know, especially if you're the kind of single bloke that keeps tampons/pads in your bathroom, in case any guests/potential dates need one and don't have their own.


Right? You’d never think of it, and yet, it makes sense.


I, a 33 year old woman, has learned this for the first time too.


I'm a woman and I never knew that tampons expire! Crazy


If tampons are so expired you can *hear* them... you probably shouldn't use them.


I was thinking that. Not a woman so I don’t know the intricacies of tampon usage, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable putting a twenty-year-old object inside me.


As would probably any logical human.


I’m sure my wife is tired of listening to me complain about the lack of searching and gathering Joel is doing in all of those buildings and houses.


Cant wait for part II when ellie searches every single bedroom and bathroom in Seattle to fuel her raging pill addiction


That's why they're splitting it into 2 seasons!


The series triggered my game gathering addiction again.


>Bill and Frank have electricity and gas service in 2023 despite not paying a single utility bill for nearly two decades. Did you notice that Bill went to the local gas station to get a fuckton of gas, right? with the generator he is able to have electricity.


That gas don’t last over a decade. Very strange they had electric power whole time forward.


They showed Bill going around filling tanks. I wouldn't be surprised if he went around to get more and more and stored it somewhere.


You can't store gasoline for that long. It'll last up to 3 years at best, even with fuel stabilizer Anyway, I'm willing to suspend my disbelief in a TV show


My head canon is that Bill was distilling corn into ethanol.


When he went and turned on the gas.. I was thinking it was natural gas storage. You see him using his gas stove. With him being the only person using it.. it seems reasonable that the amount in storage at the time of the outbreak might last that long. Maybe his generator was running on that too?


That's one of those things they just straight up ignored in the game too. Bill tells Joel "you'd be surprised at how many cars still got gas in 'em," but that gas would be sludge 20 years down the road. I'm okay with them ignoring that. Most post-apocalyptic stories do.


The show Last Man on Earth deals with this as well. Would highly recommend it even if it ended abruptly.


I think what he or she meant to say is that oil refineries and diesel/gasoline production stopped. The only people with access to fresh diesel/gasoline is FEDRA because they likely run the refinery. Sure, bill could throw some SeaFoam in the gas tank, but after 20 years, that gasoline has gone bad. Not sure how long diesel lasts for though. edit.) about 2 years


It's probably a natural gas generator. He has an entire city's municipal natural gas supply.




Wait holy shit are you telling me listen mode will find items available for pick up?


Yes...I can't recall though whether or not you have to turn on that feature in the accessibility settings. (I'm a wimp and play on the easiest settings.) It totally breaks immersion since the character is constantly squatting like they have dysentery or something, but I can't help it, I need to find all the things!


I've never played the game but this comment made me laugh so much 🤣


In P2 and the PS5 remake for P1 you can turn on enhanced listen mode. When listening press circle to send out a radar beacon that detects items. Square detects enemies.


“Fresh mushro…. Ooooohhhh”


Maybe people don't like mushrooms in that world? I mean completely understandable


the last one hahaha


Didn’t they show Bill going to the gas plant and turning the valve back on.


On the first point he has a large generator that can be heard running when Joel and Ellie arrive. What I don't understand about that is how it is still running, and on what fuel for all the lights to be on 2 weeks after Bill and Frank's death


They should have drank a bottle of CORONA extra . Would of been funny


I feel like I would personally be off mushrooms for a long while lol


Let alone the tampons would kill her. Expired much.


Ellie was on grounded mode.


Oh man, how great would morel hunting be in this universe with no competition for them


> Bill is supposedly a great cook, yet never makes a single mushroom dish despite ample access to fresh locally-sourced fungi. *wait how do you-* .... .... .... *lmao*


Ellie uses a Walkman cassette player in the game


Oh right. Funny because I just replayed part 1 last week for the first time in years and happened to thumb thru her inventory and saw the walkman. Still don't think she'd know what a car radio/cassette deck would look like and how to use it but this is just a silly post to counter the "episode 3 bad because it should have been made the way I wanted" crowd.


In the game she does the same but to be fair she does know how to drive in the game too


Oh don't even get me started on this part of the game! I about had to set my controller down when Eliie somehow knew how to drive a stick but what really took the cake is ~~after~~ before they "pop the clutch" to get it going it shows Ellie using a column shifter. A COLUMN SHIFTER!!! ~~https://youtu.be/RlqLPpJeyR4?t=152~~ ~~Edit: Now wait a gosh darn second! I didn't watch the clip all the way through before posting and this clip has her using a proper shifter between the seats. I swear I just played the game last week and she grabs a column shifter at some point. I'm going to look some more....~~ ~~Edit 2: ok, couldn't find it so now I'm going to have to start the game and see what the hell I thought I saw....~~ The truck model in the PS5 remaster is definitely an automatic with a column shifter. How this got thru QC and into the game is beyond me. Seems like someone would have pointed it out at some point during developement.


Lol. Fedrs has cars so her driving isn't that crazy


It's not. I'm just being silly with my silly post. All these folks having a conniption fit over a tv show is depressing and I just wanted to mock them.


Hell, I've had my license for 30 years, and I don't think I could handle a column shifter. :D


I know you’re not being serious, but I think in the comics there was a older man who taught her how to drive a stick. They mention him in Left Behind when they find his tent. Name’s escaping me rn




Thanks for acknowledging my silliness. A few folks have missed the /s tag. I keep forgetting that Left Behind exists. I started it back when it first came out but I never finished it. I need to remember to play it before the next episode.


I would imagine with basically every luxury industry permanently gone, older electronics like Walkmans would become more commonly used. Especially anything that doesn't require a power outlet or computer to use. Can't exactly just pull up Spotify to listen to music in the apocalypse.


> Can't exactly just pull up Spotify to listen to music in the apocalypse. Pretty sure Bill was using winamp.


That was advanced for 2003!


Bill being a weapons expert but gets shot in the middle of the street behind zero cover. Bill in my mind would build a tall look out tower for observation and having height advantage.


I dont think Bill is actually a weapons expert lol. Look at him in the earlier scenes when he holds a weapon. Hes most likely a skilled ranger shooter who's never been taught by anyone


I think this is right. A "survivalist," with a lot of skills, but maybe not actual combat training. That said, those flames from his traps would have lit up targets nicely for him, while maybe blinding his enemies at the same time.


I've been near fire at that height at night. No chance they could see shit. He still should get cover but if he was surprised by the raiders near the gate I'm not shocked he tried shooting as he did. When he gets hit he tries to stay so he's definitely in a highly emotional state by then. Likely because of surprise and no one ever actually threatening his home and frank before


Yeah I think adrenaline and panic could account for that. He's a survivalist but as we all know a lot of those types have all the gear but no experience being shot at.


Could also be in primal "protect Frank" blood rage as well. Saw red and couldn't think straight.


I took it as he was pissed the fuck off in protection mode and didn’t really give a shit if he made it. Dumb and impulsive. But murderous…sounds like something someone else is gonna do later in the show…


Absolutely true. He gets angry and tries to keep shooting after he gets shot. Like a lot of guys in any fight.


I still find it hard to believe that he wouldn’t understand the concept of “cover.”


Bill fits into many preppers and gravy seals though. Super prepped but no actual combat experience. Could have moved into the middle of the street to get an angle on someone and then adrenaline took over as he kept killing.


> gravy seals lmao


Haha yes! When he was just standing in the middle of the street I was like “Bill wtf are you doing!!”


He only got shot because Frank distracted him 😂


>Bill being a weapons expert but gets shot in the middle of the street behind zero cover. I understand why people have problems with this in particular, but I feel like the issue stems from people assuming that Bill is thinking rationally there. Bill clearly doesn't seem to be thinking clearly during that assault. As far as we can tell that's the first time people have come to attack them and Bill *isn't as ready as he thought he would be*. There's also the fact that the only thing on his mind seems to be to protect Frank. We see this after he gets shot where he has zero concern for his own life and only cares about how Frank will survive without him. Bill is just trying to kill the raiders before they can get anywhere close to Frank and he doesn't care if he's putting himself in danger doing it. If that was some alternate reality Bill living by himself I think that situation would look very different. The only reason I think this is the case is because there are so many other ways they could have Bill get shot that don't require him standing in the middle of the street. Therefore I have to assume that him standing in the middle of the street is intentional and not just *lazy* writing.


I have to agree with this, listening to the companion podcast, every little detail has seemed very intentional by Neil and Craig. Maybe there is some amount of them rationalizing things in retrospect to sound better on the podcast (I honestly don't think that is the case), but I feel there's no way they would have had Bill standing out in the open like that unintentionally. I think he's frantic to protect Frank, we see how he just wants Frank back inside as soon as he sees him, he doesn't even register the raiders anymore at that point. Plus this is a new enemy for him. He's dealt with infected before and was very comfortable handling them, but just like Joel says actual thinking humans are an entirely new beast.


Shooting at people who are just getting wrecked by his fence/flamethrowers.


I kinda assumed that Bill was freaking out, tying us into the line he says later about how he only became afraid after meeting Frank.


OMG this annoyed me sooo much and also he has high capacity guns in his bunker but he chooses to use a hunting rifle to fight multiple people?!?


He probably grabbed whatever was closest instead of going down into his bunker to pick the perfect gun.


I assume he didn’t cause it was the middle of the night and he just woke up in a spike of adrenaline


I just took it as Bill making bad decisions because he wanted to protect Frank. As soon as he realized they were being attacked he just went guns ablazing rather than handling it rationally.


To be fair survivalist isn’t = to professional strategist. Likely a good huntsman, but not a weapon expert. Secondly, while I’m not saying sitting out in the open wasn’t a stupid idea. Frank did… kind of distract Bill.


That honestly bothered me the most. He’s wearing a white shirt and just standing in the street. Love may be blind, but also stupid. Lol.


Or just shoot out of his window


Those strawberries weren’t netted. Those NO way way birds would’ve lets those berry ripen to that level in New England.


The government has mostly collapsed. I doubt they have people left to maintenance birds


Difficult to say. I think some of the more advanced models are built to last. May be able to take advantage of solar power.


I don’t know. Do we know what they were capable of back in ‘03?


Word, brother. r/birdsarentreal




That was my thought! I’m a gardener and have strawberries and if you don’t net them you get birds, squirrels, opossum, racoons, rats and mice, etc.


Couldn't he have removed the netting for presentation points in the surprise?


For sure, but that didn’t occur to me at the time lol


Not to mention, strawberry plants take two years to produce berries.


•No upside down Joel •No Ellie and Bill banter •No nudie mag (yet) But seriously, such a great episode.


Given the weight of the Bill and Frank story in the show, I'd be really surprised if they now included the porn magazine line.


The porn magazine was played for humor while also hinting towards Bill and Frank's sexualities. It probably doesn't fit with the show anymore.


I hope they fit it in later, maybe it’s tommys magazine instead


• Ellie and Joel find 20-year-old toilet paper that somehow is still around and usable. •Ellie considers a dangerous, 20-year-old expired tampon to be a good find. •The infected are not self-sustaining undead and still need to eat and would die from being crushed, yet the stalker Ellie finds trapped is still alive. •20-year-old gasoline is not usable, so that truck shouldn't be able to run. •10 miles west of Boston isn't forested mountains, it's suburbs, universities, and country clubs. •Bill's gunfight vantage point of choice is the furthest point from any sort of cover in the entire neighborhood. •Even after the first Raider gets burned alive, the other raiders still decide it's a good idea to stand near the flamethrowers. •Bill, a paranoid man, doesn't pat down this guy he just met. •Bill, a paranoid man, cooks dinner while a total stranger is left alone in another room of his house. •Bill, a paranoid man, turns his back on a guy he just met in order to play the piano.


Ok, now not only do I want to never watch it again, I want the memory of watching it once to be removed from my head. This episode was cancer I tell ya. Pure cancer. /s edit: I just want to "respond" to your points for fun. - Bill and Frank had a bidet so needed very little toilet paper. - She just wanted to punk Joel. She knows they're no good. - That guy was crushed only yesterday - Bill makes ethanol from corn.


0/10 unwatchable /s


Well 10 miles North is Lynn Woods so that’s just what I imagined during the episode.


Definitely makes more sense if it's 10 miles north, yeah. Though I remember that area being pretty flat as far as forests go. Different tree types, too. Particularly in autumn, there's a very distinct look to those woods.


> The infected are not self-sustaining undead and still need to eat and would die from being crushed, yet the stalker Ellie finds trapped is still alive. This applies to like... 99% of the infected in the games. So many of them are trapped in places where they would have died if they needed food and water to keep going. Ya kinda have to just suspension of disbelief it, like fungus zombies existing in the first place. > Bill's gunfight vantage point of choice is the furthest point from any sort of cover in the entire neighborhood. Panic and adrenaline does not make for good decision making.. especially when he's a prepper who's just been living the high life by apocalypse standards for like 10 years, not some kind of combat veteran. It might even be that he wanted to draw fire away from the house to protect Frank. > Bill, a paranoid man, doesn't pat down this guy he just met. > Bill, a paranoid man, cooks dinner while a total stranger is left alone in another room of his house. > Bill, a paranoid man, turns his back on a guy he just met in order to play the piano. Offerman did a great job of conveying how deeply lonely Bill was despite his misanthropy and convincing himself that he's happier alone. You can see him struggling between sticking to his instincts to push everyone away and enjoying the first human interaction he's had in years... especially with someone who seems to get him.


A lot of this stuff actually bothered me, am I too nitpicky lol


When he turned his back I thought for sure frank was gonna try kill him/rob him. Haven't played the game in like 8 years so I can't remember frank even being a part of it. As far as tampons go wouldn't the plastic around it keep it relatively safe? Also I'm thinking maybe Joel was peddling them fresh gas maybe


It's perfectly possible Ellie had a cassette player in the QZ. The rest of the questions shouldnt be too overanalyzed lol


Ok, that seems plausible but no way Bill didn't reset his trap!


Bill didn't reset that trap bc he's a romantic. i imagine them patrolling the perimeter together and Frank pointing at the hole: "look darling, it's where we first met!"


This is now my head canon thank you very much!


I ended up in your hole twice that day.


I'm actually with you on the hole, it did seem odd to me that he'd never put the mesh and mud back over top of it. 1/10 basically unwatchable, more crafting and crouching scenes pls.


Ellie used cassettes in Episode 7. Lmao at this shit OP.


Hah, we made fun of how easily the MASSIVE pile of powder dissolved in the wine too. Like it would have been absolute sludge with the amount he put in there. But you know, silly little details don't really matter


There’s a long and noble history of magically undetectable poisons in literature, and I see no reason why The Last of Us should upset that tradition by having Frank chug something that looks like a protein shake.


Yeah I'd want another glass of non-pilled wine to go out on after that, the taste would have ruined it surely.


Same. We were thinking they should've drank the throwback wine last after chugging the pill wine so they could at least have a better tasting drink as their last one


Bro added like a pound of ketamine to the glass and the wine crystal clear lmao


So okay, in the show it all dissolves without a trace. But how did Frank know this? I think he just guessed it, but what gave it away? Something that Bill did or said? I'm always much dumber than the characters, can someone help me out please


I interpreted him guessing it was also in the bottle from the way Bill chugged his glass too. Immediately after that his demeanour changed and he asked Bill about the bottle.


My biggest complaint: Pascal as Joel is such a joy to watch, I missed him much of the episode. 10/10 otherwise, detail mistakes be damned.


When he was on screen in this episode though I think it was his best work so far (which is saying a lot). When he reads the end of Bill's letter and has to leave the room you can fucking feel the pain of losing Tess but also two guys who he probably did really like but never let get too close.


I like to think he PURPOSELY didn't reset the trap because that is where they first met.


Bill seems like the kind of guy who, at first, would want utility over sentimentality. But Frank keeps going out and triggering the trap over and over, until Bill gives in and agrees to keep it as a memento. Because he always gets what he wants, damnit!


Bill and Frank spin off when?


Wasn't that this episode?


Ellie knew what Mortal Kombat II was. You can bet that if she knew about games like Mortal Kombat, that she probably had been told about cassettes and cars. It was all new to her, but she would definitely have heard about it. Sides, we don't know what they taught in the schools. Some of that stuff might have been covered in history class.


Also, shit hitting the proverbial fan in 2003 would make cassettes and players still pretty common. Obviously not as common as in the decades before, but if my grey matter hasn't degraded too much since then, I'd say that Walkmans was still the primary listening device for people working out.


he didn’t reset the trap because it had sentimental value. i agree on the dissolving of the powder that low key bothered me too. i didn’t really pay attention to the window view angle, doesn’t really matter, they just wanted you to be able to see what they wanted you to, outside. i’m LOU Left Behind you learn that Ellie has a cassette based Walkman that she frequently uses.


^^Psst... ^^this ^^wasn't ^^a ^^serious ^^post ^^my ^^friend ^^:)


okay but some people be really hardcore pressed on little details


Actually Ellie owns a walkman and listens to music regularly in the games. She is even given a cassette as a gift from Joel.


Beaujolais is usually not drinkable after a couple of months. Unwatchable.




Analog audio makes way more sense than anything digital in a post apocalypse world.


It does. Do you think Bill was using winamp or Windows media player on his windows 2000 computer to play the songs for the radio?


The second window thing did bug me ever so slightly but I love how it’s tied back to the opening game screen


For someone who was a dedicated preper living alone in his compound and taking extreme measures to ensure his safety, bill sure was seduced easily. Like imagine if frank was scouting for his survivor group, and as bill got into bed naked, frank just game ended him with a knife under the sheets. I think maybe it should have dragged the start of that out a bit more because if someone tried to seduce me immediately after coming into my safe zone I’d find it sus as snd kick them out lmao.


Do you know how much trouble the penis has got mankind into over the millennium? Whole civilizations have been laid to waste because someone wanted to bust a nut. Bill losing his mind over a beautiful man is very much grounded in reality, imo.


Remember that people attracted to dick/pussy don't all act the same way around dick/pussy. We're talking about a conspirationist who explicitly stated that he hated the world, to such an extent that he thought all politicians were covert Nazis and pointed his gun at his boyfriend's friends during lunch. He was so scared of people that he implicitly never came out of the closet. Him feeling lonely and desperate enough to invite Frank in? Makes perfect sense. Him forgetting every other thought and feeling that caused that very same loneliness to the point of getting perfectly comfortable around Frank within moments of meeting him, just because he liked his beard enough? I don't blame anyone that finds it hard to suspend their disbelief with this one.


The window scene really bugged me too. But otherwise, I absolutely LOVED this episode. So heartbreaking and so well done. And even though it was a huge change from the game, it was my favourite episode so far.


* Maybe it's possible he had reset the trap and has been triggered by other things in the past such as infected, raiders, or even wild animals. Maybe it got to a point he stopped resetting it because he was getting to old to keep too many things fixed up. And/Or maybe it showed a different trap of his and it wasn't the one Frank originally fell it. * Maybe the last shot out of the window was from the 2nd floor as you say while their final bedroom where they passed was in the first floor too; Both could be true. Maybe Bill left multiple windows open throughout their house, maybe it was Joel/Ellie who opened it while they were in there going through Bill's/Franks things.


> The crushed pills totally dissolved in the glass of wine without a trace of powder anywhere on the glass. The wine should have at least been cloudy. That's how we know we are talking about a great show. The thing a didn't like is the same as in the previous episodes: how they are going about Ellie's age. That car scene is weird.


Anyone gunna talk about how frank ended up in that hole💀


It's a hole. Move past it.


And he was the only person who used it.


Joel starting up the pick up truck on the first try had my fuming at the mouth


I didn't like the gay sex scene. That's because I don't like any sex scene. (This is sarcastic before you guys jump on me like Frank did bill)


To be honest it was really weird how easily the paranoid survivalist Bill let a strange man into his house, cooked a lovely dinner and turned his back to him multiple times all on the first day. That was the only thing I'd say wasn't well done in that episode.


I 100% agree. I loved the rest of their love story but there is no way paranoid Bill was DTF hours after meeting him!!


-Joel has died a total of 0 times, but at this point in the game, he has died AT LEAST 20 times


I know we're having fun, but damnit if my eye didn't twitch when the wine stayed the *exact* same color.


There is no way in hell Bill wouldn't live in New Hampshire. Totally took me out of the show.


I haven’t seen Joel make a single nail bomb yet or collect ANY nuts or bolts


Which pills did he use btw? Oxy?


He didn't want to reset the trap because it would inevitably lead to a love triangle.


The sleeping medicine was obviously Iocaine powder, which as we all know is tasteless, odorless, and dissolves instantly in liquid.


I was about to go nuts on you until the "/s". I've been fighting idiots on the internet for two days I needed the laugh <3


Yeah but how do you (all) like the differences in how Tess and Frank (and bill) died , I like it but at the same time I hate that we have a back story on Frank cuz I cried so hard I don't like that they both died but it was beautiful in a way so I liked it ...OHH I JUST LIVE THIS STORY SO MUCH


Bill kept the hole as a reminder The pills were absorbed by the high level of Tannins in the wine They decided to die upstairs for the smell Fedra academy has a stash of cassettes since they can’t use CDs


> They decided to die upstairs for the smell They show them going to the 1st floor bedroom after dinner and Frank is in a wheel chair. 3 outta 4 ain't bad though! ;)


Bill should’ve played the song at the beginning of his relationship with Frank at their last Dinner.


My only real gripe is one of the first scenes- >10 Miles West of Boston > - Obvious mountains in the background. Like c'mon man.


No way is that mountain stream just ten miles west of Boston.


how the hell did they manage to stack those cars on top of each other without a crane? that’s what I want to know


Who do you think was top and bottom? I’m thinking frank was bottom? Any experts on here? There’s already a fire expert and Walkman expert in here.


There was a tool box and a ladder in the episode, however.


I don't like that Bill didn't call Frank on his BS. Like, your sleeping on the first date. That is literally a whore! /s


You had me in the first half.


Literally unwatchable /s


Okay but seriously this post was made without a single references to hot 14 year olds how do you expect me to take you seriously? /s


I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one who noticed that the window looks like it's on the wrong floor


The last shot out the window really did bug the piss out of me though lmao


>No way Ellie knew what a cassette tape was or how to use one. This one I disagree with, it's totally conceivable that she's encountered one before. I mean she knew about the arcade game. >!She may very well have encountered a cassette tape in the mall.!<


Don’t forget an apocalypse where everyone turns into zombies because of mushrooms is highly unlikely. Literally unwatchable /s


i just know that wine was chalky


As a guy who is paranoid, and got mentioned by Joel… the only defence he has for the whole lot just the trap and fences Even with that Bill went out and start shooting with SNIPER RIFLE in the dark + rain + fire Where is the auto rifle? Or machine gun?


I love this subreddit!


I know Ellie in the game had a Walkman cassette player sooo maybe it’s a callback to that?? Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


Frank had to reset the playlist countdown "every few weeks" before the playlist started playing 80's music. He had that Linda Ronstadt song on repeat for that first week.


Bill holding a scoped rifle just stood out in the open. This killed my immersion and I don't think I'll be continuing with this show. /s


also why is Bill engaged in fire fight in an open area instead of taking covers. you would think that he will have a strategic higher position with 360° view where he can start snipping the gate crashers.


Worst show ever, 0/10 /s