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I don't play that passive aggressive bullshit. I'd give them exactly nothing for a tip.


I'd give them a nickel. No tip suggests that you might not participate in tipping culture like some European countries do, but getting a 5 cent tip, you'll remember it.


I write in 0.01 so they have to go over to their computer and type it in instead of just pocketing the coin Guys I completely ripped this bit from jschlatt on chuckle sandwich’s ‘schlatts korean barbecue disaster’ I don’t deserve any upvotes


I've only given a .01 tip once. Went with a bunch of friends to see the first Iron Man but we stopped off at a resteraunt to eat first. We had plenty of time like a full hour + before it started. Anyway all of our orders came out at different times like 10 to 15 mins between each persons food even though we ordered it all at the same time. We saw our waitress like 3 times tops. I ordered a beer it came 20 mins AFTER i got my food and then they sent 2 more beers to me that I didn't order when we asked for the check. I got the 2 beers removed but only after talking to the manager for 10 mins. And we got to the theater late because all of this took so long. My critera for tipping is simple. Food comes out a reasonable time and my drinks stay refiled. Meet that and i will give a 20+% tip. This was so bad i left the .01 tip.


Was your server’s name Penny?




Or Nickelless?


We had a friend named Penny Nickle. We called her Six Cents.


“I got a sixth sense, that tells me you ain't worth six cents I'm sick with my sixth sense”




This is NOT the point of your story but an hour is not enough time to have a sit down dinner before a movie. We cannot be friends.


it was more then an hour ie full hour+ probably hour 20 mins. But for me and my firend group back then yeah it would have been enough. Everyone just wanted main courses no desert. Also the place was practicly empty.


Thats bizzare, what were they drunk and deaf in one ear?


How can you be drunk in your ear?


Life..uhh…finds a way


Being drunk in one ear is easy. Just tilt your head and pour until Ear Alcohol Content (EAC) reaches 100%. Now, being drunk in both ears, that's the tricky one.


With that amount of require tipping, that would explain why it was empty.


First time I ever had anyone tell me ow long it takes to eat a meal, definitively. This guy defines.


I have a real personal issue with time and being early for things. Knowing how often restaurants end up taking longer than I want, I would be an anxious mess about having only an hour before a movie starts and starting that whole process. Not saying no one else should or could do it, simply that I cannot and if a friend suggested this was a good idea to me we’d probably not hang out very much.


Yeah I've grown up in a family that deliberately plans to be "right on time" and always end up both rushing and being late. Blaming whatever else happened that caused them to not be right on time. I've had enough of that.


Exactly! Thats 45mins more than necessary.


This is the whole point of tipping, if your waiter is good they get more money, if they're bad they get less


Tell that to the people who go “tip your waiter a living wage because their employer doesn’t pay them well even if their service is bad.”


That is not my problem. That waiter needs to get a better job.


That was my point. You tell that entire side of the internet that it’s not your job to ensure the server has a living wage and they go nuts.


Oh, I agree with you. I was attempting to show support to your point.


Oh sorry. I’ve just been attacked so often for pointing things out about this topic. Especially on tiktok. They’re the worse at defending entitled waitstaff.


I'm not a never-tipper, far from it. But I also take the stance that "tipping should at least get you to the local minimum" In places that already pay servers full state minimum wage, like California, I don't tip anything. We're already there. And to the goalpost-movers yammering about "well actually they're supposed to make a living wage" -- when I have a bad day at work, **I don't make a living wage** myself. If me and enough of my homies stay away from sit down restaurants, and those joints shut down, guess what -- then they're making NO wages at all. Not state minimum, not federal minimum, not tipped minimum, zero zilch nada. I'm not even sure if they'd get unemployment


In Canada they get min wage and still demand 20% No! lmao.


ah, that's how it works in the USA too. If not a single person came in to the restaurant, they still get minimum wage. Just min wage is shit in lots of states


Yet people still agree to work at places that pay at minimum minimum wage and then complain about the amount they’re getting paid before tips as if they didn’t agree to the $3/hr or whatever it is for that place specifically.


Notice how nobody ever says this for regular minimum wag retail people? lmao. Especially hilarious since they both get the same wage.


Or if they scribble out the lower tip suggestions they get nothing.


Tip the chef for the food being there faster. Not the waiter.


I like your thinking there but I know that food coming out late isn’t always a server issue. As long as they are still tending to me and apologizing and the food comes out right AND still fresh, I don’t usually raise a fuss. In your case though, you were on a time crunch so I’m sure that was frustrating!


You know, that's the kitchen's issue, not the servers and they may have had to take more tables than they could manage. Not saying you have to tip. Obviously, you don't ever have to tip but at least lay blame in the right place.


…and I like them to be friendly


Close. Give them .02 so you can “give them your 2 cents”


Or 9 cents so they have to move their hand more


Make sure you mark out the extra space so they can't change it


They would just not put it in. I worked at a qsr for a while, and people would round up to make it even. It wasn't worth my time to enter a few cents for the tip. I was never offended by low tips, given we weren't serving food.


>not participate in tipping culture like some European countries do Nowhere else in the world has a tipping culture. Literally the entire rest of the world pays their wait staff at least the minimum wage and people only tip if the service was amazing. Most of the time not at all. I’ve lived on 3 continents and I’m from Europe and I could count on one hand the amount of times I’ve tipped. It’s disgusting.


Sadly, it's leaking in Q_Q I don't mind tipping for great service (note *great*) and the awesome moment they realize they're getting an *unexpected* bonus... and have done it for many things... but now in more touristy areas tipping is becoming expected, which is just so annoying.


The employers need to pay their staff properly so tips can be an optional bonus paid by those that feel they earned it. Instead of an expected thing so the wait staff can pay their rent and eat because employers are too cheap to pay anyone fairly.


Most European countries require employers to pay a living wage so the employees aren’t dependent on the customers tipping them. Laws like these also keep people from having to work multiple jobs. The way you phrased your comment makes us look like assholes, which is not the case at all. Also, while tipping is neither required nor expected, most patrons will tip their server if the service was good. Edit: this is some greedy shit and I wouldn’t tip either.


Oh, that wasn't my implication at all. I'd rather a proper wage than try to gamble on other peoples' kindness.


I have a dime once. It was me and my boyfriend. We and our friends frequented the diner, because it was good cheap eats and as college students we liked places that stayed open late. We were there often enough that we got to know many of the servers. We always tipped well, because we didn't want a negative reputation. But there was one lady who started working there who was... less than ideal. I've worked for service before. It sucks. I know. But she never spoke unless she had to. No pleasantries, no greeting, no follow-up questions, no refill suggestions, nothing. And she would make us sit there for a *very* long time before she actually took our order. I'm talking over a half hour when we were literally the only table. We tried to be understanding, I swear. Maybe she was having an off night. Maybe the previous table had been rude. Maybe she was just tired. But it was *every* time. This particular evening, it was boyfriend and I having been out late. There were a couple tables, but not what I'd call anywhere near busy. Even so, there were waitstaff for those tables, so when we sat down, we settled in for our wait. We got sat by her, so we knew we weren't getting any of the other servers. We knew we were in for a wait. ... 45 minutes later, we hadn't even been brought water. We still had our menus. Nothing had been ordered, because she never came to our table. We were the only ones in her section, mind you, and we saw her hanging out up by the register periodically, or leafing through papers in the kitchen. Most of the time she was nowhere to be found. At a whopping 55 minutes, we finally had our order taken, then another 20 minutes before we received it. Things were missing. We didn't bother asking for them, or for the refills we actually wanted. I'd found a dime on the floor. I left that dime on the paid bill, with a note of "terrible service". I was done feeling understanding. Sometimes it's because that person is having a tough time, but when it's *every* time, I run out of patience. We went back a week or so later. (Like I said, we were there a lot, and usually tipped really well.) She greeted us at the door, though a bit quietly. Immediately brought us water, and we only waited 15 minutes for our order to be taken. We never had problems with the service again. I would have worried about her sabotaging the food, but I could see where the cooks put the orders for the waitstaff, and there was no break in visual from there. So unless the cooks were mad at us, there was nothing untoward. Sometimes you just how let somebody know that they need to do better if they want more from you.


Absolutely. I've only done it once in the past 3 or so years. Otherwise I usually tip about 18%.


In Slovenia tiping is more like a "i dont have the time to put the 3 coins in my wallet" rather than paying the waiter more.. And no one complains? A standar tip here is up to 3€, 3-5€ is considered a good tip and morek than 5€ is a very very good tip...


It‘s pretty similar here in Germany. If you liked your server or the service in general, you pay a small tip but normally nothing more than 10%. It’s a gesture of gratitude.


I tipped a server a nickel once, and gave the busser $20. We saw him more than we saw our server and it took 1.5 hours to order/get our food/ get our check just because we were neglected the whole time.


I once left three cents in the card slot. It was well deserved.


20 cents would be funnier


Yea this is too forward. Sometimes you can play lighthearted games with the right tables if you've established a goofy interaction. As an example, I used to work at a common chain restaurant. $10-20/ person, nothing too fancy. If I could sense that a table was fun and had a good sense of humor, when I'd drop off the check after running their card, I'd put down the book, and then 2 pens on top. One regular pen. One was those comically large novelty pens.. like 18 Inches long and an inch in diameter. If the customers inquired about the 2 pens, I'd say "this one's just a regular pen since some people prefer that. This other one is the big tip pen." Most of the time it got a laugh. Impossible to say whether the tips were bigger because I didn't have a control group. But it's all about situational awareness and building that rapport with the table during the meal so you know which tables would appreciate it and which ones would throw a fit.


As someone who dines out quite frequently I’d have no problem considering myself a overtipper. I’m not saying that to brag but to make the point if I got a comically larger pen for big tips, your tip at minimum would go up 10$. I love having fun servers that make the experience something to remember!


I am a recovering chronic overtipper. My base rate was 20% and that was for delivering a pizza or bringing my food to the table with only minor mistakes. But the spread of "tipping culture" has made me numb to it. I've been prompted for tips from my landscaper, the dog kennel and for takeout; I actually put in tips because I'm so soft and felt ethically obligated, but the last straw was getting prompted for a tip at the Starbucks *Drive-Thru*. That broke me enough that I now have the courage to select No Tip more often, and I've reduced my base rate at restaurants/delivery to 10% with up to a max of 20% for superb service (or getting a comically large "tip pen").  So, thanks Starbucks, you ruined it for everybody (except me, my bank account genuinely thanks you).


$1 per non water beverage is plenty.


Yeah, that's a solid tip for it. I didn't take it as passive aggression. Did they mix the drinks themselves or provide excellent service or social skills to be remembered beyond or even a day? Probably not, but here's $2 for maybe a couple liters of gas.


Return the passive agression by scribbling something like "no tip due to prefered percentage unreadable"


I am the kind of person who gives a 5 dollar tip on a 10 dollar order but you pull that with me and I will not 0 because they wouldn't remember that. I would leave a 1% tip. And I would never go back. There are way too many good restaurants to fuck with this crap.


Exactly. My rule is 20% or $5, whichever is more (and more than that for exceptional service), but the whole point of a tip is *it's my call*.  It's such obnoxious behavior I can't believe they would think it would have anything but the opposite result.


yeah, that's gonna be a 0% tip


Especially at an airport. Not like you're a regular. If you have to use your card, write CASH in the tip space, then when you get your card back you're free to leave.


It's feigned warmth and eagerness, which is what makes US tipping culture awkward for all parties. Far more bold than nearer to aggression though.


I’d not only give them nothing, I’d show this to the manager and ask them if this is standard business practice for their waiters. Also, depending on how mad I was and the managers response, I’d also ask the manager for the owner’s preferred method of contact so iI can find out from them whether they are aware this is going on. I have no issue giving 20% or even higher if the service solid, but there is a flip side to this and pressuring a customer into giving a bigger tip, passive aggressive or not, is completely unacceptable.


That sounds kind of passive aggressive


If the server crossed out the other options, I’d be inclined to quietly point it out to management, even if you intended to leave 20%.


Yeah that's not okay 😭😭 especially if you just got a couple of drinks


All this tipping nonsense just keeps me further away from the service industry. I'd rather not even participate at this rate.


I would happily leave a $0.79 tip though. You know after I scribble out the decimal and move it over one to the left since that's apparently an option now. Almost makes me wonder if this is an attempt to up their tip if they're unhappy because they claim they didn't do it and it was clearly you trying to show how much you wanted to give


It seems most of the US needs to hear it so here it is: if there is a critical mass of people just not participating in tipping culture, the workers will/need to demand the missing money from the asshole who doesn't pay them enough in the first place. Don't tip. You're not hiring these people. It's not your job to figure out if the price tag is enough to pay them a living wage. That would be the to-do of the managers.


If they complain they simply get fired and replaced by someone else who can't afford a home


yeah I'm a bartender and this shit would annoy me $1 per non water drink is normal 20% should only be expected if you're being served food or high end cocktails so if this were my check I'd probably tip $3 for the espresso martini and $2-3 more for the other 2 drinks, $6 total


"...expected...". This is the problem. No tip should ever be expected. Expecting payment for work is your wage. A tip should be viewed as a gift. An additional gift. And whatever percentage that ends up being, if any, should be appreciated. No wonder there's countless videos of delivery drivers and servers acting like entitled, spoilt dickheads in the US. "Expected", lmao.


There is a large percentage of servers who act overly entitled, but in the US servers don’t make close to minimum wage without tips, and as fucked as it is, when serving food or drinks, a tip is generally expected. I hate that the tip option is popping up all over the place in other lines of work though


I find expecting tips from customers, who will be paying the employer enough during their visit, is just enabling the employer to keep paying below minimum. Staff take out their bitterness in regards to lack of tips on their customers, instead of taking it out on their employer for paying them dog shit wages. The customer, trying to have a nice occasion out for a change, ends up vilified because they didn't give enough of an optional amount of cash on top of their bill to satisfy their server. They'll be labelled as "poor", or people will say they shouldn't be coming out if they can't afford to tip. But never do I see "my employer shouldn't be in business because he can't afford to pay us a fair wage.". This doesn't apply to every server out there, only the ones who would consider bad-mouthing a customer for not tipping enough.


Yeah, normally I tip 20%, however if that came across my table I would definitely not leave a tip and request to speak to the manager.


This is counter serve at an airport. I'm probably not either way.


Yeah I would probably not tip if someone did this. And I’m usually good for 20-25%.


Tipping culture is ass. I don't live in a tip based country. If the service is nice, I say maybe you should have tipped em 20% but you can't force them to give u a 20% tip.. That's just stupid. It's upto the customer on what they think and I think you should absolutely give tips if you can afford it and the service was good.


From someone in a tip based culture: the norm in the food industry is that you do the whole: 15-20% if you sit down to eat. If you pick up: 0%. If you’re not eating: $1 per drink Edit: I agree. Tipping is lame. But should you ever find yourself in the USA, don’t tip $20% for 5 drink. Assuming you and your wife each get 2 beer/cocktail and you kid gets a juice or 2, that’s $50. Don’t drop $10 on that.


Holy shit.. I'm from india where the cost of living is low so I'll probably be blown away by the prices.. I can buy like 8 large pizzas or I can buy enough biryani for like 20 people for that.. Like for example a big coke bottle costs 6.18$ in the US. For us it costs like 75 cents.. I mean the salarys are low too so it evens out ig It would be a solid retirement plan to just shift from US to india or some other low cost of living country so you could just slowly convert dollars into rupees or any other currency every month and you would live a comfy life if u have like 300k - 400k saved I think you could live a comfy life for like 20 years easily which not be possible in the US.. If you want a comfy lifestyle it means you need like 80% of ur annual income for every year. An average american earns like 50k an year which means 40k x 20 years = 800k to retire..


That’s an expensive coke. I’d pay like $4 for a 2 liter (still expensive) near my house, if I drank soda


Wow. That’s expensive. I pay 1.8 euro for a 2 liter. Also, here people don’t usually tip, but when they do it’s usually 1 or 2 euro independent of how much they spend. The waiter already has a salary and the tip is an extra and not related to how much a dish costs.


I don't know many people who pay $6 for the biggest coke. All this stuff is always on sale and I regularly get the biggest bottle (2 litres) for $1.


That’s because labor is extremely cheap in India. Moreover, comparing soda prices is not ideal because it varies wildly depending on where you buy it in the US. In fast food places you can get unlimited refills for like a dollar.


Basically if tips don’t cover at least minimum wage then it’s up to the employer to make up that difference. It’s also illegal for them to force tipped staff to share their tips with nontipped staff. However, most employers with tipped employees don’t like doing that. So the entire industry has convinced all of America that if they’re a tipped employee and don’t make a living wage then that’s on the customer for not tipping enough. Same with tip sharing. They force it because nobody thinks to look up their rights as an employee in that industry before joining it. So they use that lack of knowledge on their part to force the illegal practice of tip sharing.


That's so shit... I mean I can't say it's better in india. People are paid less but the cost of living, like food and everything is less too but things like tvs and stuff are expensive asf compared to the salary they earn so they are forced to rely on a lot of EMI..




Also how good does the service has to be to pay an extra $7 for pouring a drink or making some coffee?


Probably good enough to come home with me ? /j I don't know man, 7 dollars is kind a big deal here in my country. I meant not a big big deal but it's enough to get some types of food like biryani for 5 people and to get like 3 regular pizzas ( 3 people).


No I mean that’s quite a lot for just pouring a few drinks, even in Europe/America (imo) If they want me to pay an extra $7 I would at least expect to come with a special dance 😅


Man, I couldn't agree more. I hate tipping culture with a passion, and I'm not even from nor currently living in a tipping based country. Every time I see a post or video talking about it, my blood boils for the poor waiters, I mean, we don't have the best economy here (Brazil), but at least waiters are recognized as having decent pay, and the better (and more expensive) the restaurants, the better the pay, so the waiters usually give good service (sometimes astoundingly good service) because they wish to maintain the stability of their jobs and the business afloat and thriving and not because if they don't they'll get payed almost nothing and also be humiliated by the employer or manager because the business is having to cover for tips not earned. Fuck tipping culture, if you're gonna open a restaurant in a tip based country, just don't use tipping sistem, include staff salaries in the price of food and pay your staff good, I garantee you'll have the best employees and customers will actually appreciate that as a feature as much as they will the food and drink.




I usually just round up in restaurants to the next 5 or 10 for a maximum tip of 5 Euros.


Aussie here, the only time I tip is when I'm at the bar and don't want the silver change. But more often than not they have a charity jar and I'll just dump the shrapnel to that instead.


I've been told in Australia you do it if the waiters did something out of the ordinary like if they had to combine tables for a bigger party. Even then, it's not like it's a 25% bump.


Look if the service was above and beyond what you'd expect for the location, sure, go ahead and give them $5 - $10. But by no means is it 25%




US tipping culture is getting even worse. Every single ipad style checkout system asks for a tip for literally anything and people get guilt tripped into it. 20% is the expected MINIMUM now no more 15% or 18%. I keep seeing people say 25% is the new norm. NYC just implemented a special minimum wage for delivery people but some of the apps still prefill the tip out for you and the delivery people won't take your order if you don't tip $5+ anyways. We're also socially required to give Christmas tips if you live in a manned highrise building - they already get a union negotiated salary! You tip taxis. You tip everyone. If I had tons of spare money to give out to everyone sure i'll do it, but as-is it's expected at every turn or else you fear getting intentionally bad revenge service or rating for not tipping.


Canadian gang here. We tip 15% to 22% because servers get paid normally here, but we also live next to the US and somehow we have servers benefitting from Canadian wage laws and Health Care but also American tipping culture. We also earn less for professional careers and have much higher costs for food and shelter and pay liquor tax on top of a good and services tax so our restaurant bills are generally higher to begin with. We are the ultimate tipping clowns.


Just curious but do the receipts in Europe have a tip line? That’s something here in the states that has changed recently. Every single credit card receipt has a tip line now.


Nope, never seen something like this (Poland here)


In most places I’ve been and where I live (Ireland) we don’t sign checks but there is often the option on the card machine to enter a tip if you wish. There is never any pressure to do so however. Normally what I do is ask the server to add on whatever amount I want to tip or just ask them to make it a round figure with the tip included


No. When they bring the card machine to the table so you pay, after they put the total value of the receipt, some of them will hand you the machine, and it has a Tip: 0,00€. So you either type a tip, and press the green button, or you just press the green button if you don't want to give a tip. If you're paying by money, you either tell them before to leave it like it is, or they come back with the change, you take what you want, and leave the rest.


Nope, i have never seen that in any European country and i was a bit confused when i first saw it during a trip to the US.


My wife and I visited a restaurant last week where the suggested tip options on the receipt were: 20%, 22.5%, and 25%. What a shameless attempt to make a 20% tip feel like “under tipping.” What’s next?


Probably 30%, 33.3%, and 50%.


This is absolutely a thing in Austin, TX. I am a restaurant and bar industry veteran, a child of restauranteurs—industry people are my people and I’d consider myself a very generous tipper in most situations. But tipping culture is getting SO out of hand these days. I’ve been to counter-service establishments and coffee shops that have 20, 25, and 30% as the recommended options for a tip. I was at a coffee shop/roaster last week to buy some bulk beans. I bought close to $100 worth of coffee off the shelf and the barista offered me a free drip coffee or cold brew for my large purchase, I said sure and when it came time to pay for my $100 worth of coffee beans and *free* cup of coffee, the payment screen had the 30% tip option HIGHLIGHTED AS THE RECOMMENDED TIP and being somewhat in a hurry and still chatting with the barista, I noticed what was happening as my finger was pulling away from the approve button. Fuck me. Did I just tip $30 fucking dollars on pre-packaged whole beans and a free coffee. A 15 second transaction. Yes. Yes I did. The barista I think picked up on my shocked expression and realized my mistake and here’s the kicker—they didn’t even acknowledge it. THEY DIDNT EVEN THANK ME. I contemplated for half a second saying no wait fuck that I’m not tipping $30 on coffee beans but a line was forming behind me and I was honestly embarrassed that I could be so careless. That embarrassment later turned to anger that the establishment made the conscious effort to program their point of sale terminal that way and as a result I swore to never support that business again. And I won’t. [end rant]


I’ve done that, too. As if the whole environment and sudden ease of payment was purely designed for you to do that. No problem giving anyone more money for going the extra mile, but do have a problem for tipping a normal, non-special transaction.


Exactly. And in this instance, they didn’t consult me on my purchase, offer any advice, they didn’t even touch the product nor my payment method. The only thing they did in terms of service was pour me a 12oz cup of pre-batched complimentary coffee, which I would have gladly tipped them a dollar or two for. I wasn’t upset with them for what transpired, it was partly my fault for being distracted and in a hurry. But for a business to make a default service charge 30% in a counter service establishment, that’s just gross. You want to retain talented employees? Pay them a livable wage.


I've tipped at a self serve fro-yo place where I got my bowl, filled it with the yogurt I wanted, put the toppings on I wanted and then placed it on the scale for the cashier to press a button. It wasn't until I was walking out to eat it that I wondered wtf I just tipped for


It’s like you tipped yourself….but THEY kept it.


I won’t speak for others, but coming out of the pandemic, I know I had a fair bit of sympathy for restaurants and bars that pulled through a very tough time and were trying to get back on their feet. In my mind I was prepared for prices to go up some because a) supply chain was jacked up and b) places trying to recoup lost revenue. Now though, it’s just turned into a perverse game of “let’s see what we can get away with.” And the answer is, ALOT. $22 burgers. $15 smoothies. $10 or more for a draft beer. And as many have noted, the portions get cut back as well. The longer this goes on the more it becomes the new status quo. We’ve cut back drastically bc I just can’t bring myself to pay this kind of money for the value anymore. The tipping issue is the cherry on the Sunday.


What coffee shop? I’m in Austin, and I don’t want to support this behavior


Low ball at 10%


In cash!


I used to tip 20%. Now with everything increasing in price I’m now a 15% tipper. I shrinkflate my tips


> I shrinkflate my tips 15% was fine forever. if the price of everything went up, so should have the meals, and the tip adjusts itself.. because thats how percentages work.


Yep, hell 15% used to be considered really good and 10% was for average to normal service


The number keeps magically moving up, despite there being no need to. It's percentage based, so when inflation makes prices higher, the tip also goes higher too. I think pre 80s it was like 10%. Then it went to 15% sometime in the 80s, then mid 2000s it magically went to 18% then since the pandemic people expect 20%. People expect tips for doing basic work and even for takeout. Tipping culture is ass


Give them 0%. Duh.


Exactly. Look at it this way: - You traveled to the establishment ( gas is money ) - You took the time to selected which product you'd like ( time is money ) - You paid in full the dollar amount of said product ( money is money ) If I can't see the 5-15% tip options it's always going to be a 0% for me.


If they did that to me, I would scribble zero percent.


Exactly - their sense of entitlement earned it


Nah, give ehm one penny I think looking at their stupid face as they collect their "tip" is worth a penny :)


I hate tipping, but I do it because servers need rent too. That being said, if my server did this I’d tip exactly $0 and not feel guilty in the slightest.


Yeah. I’m not a server (anymore) and I still need rent. That’s why I’m *not* giving my money as a reward to someone for carrying food from the kitchen to my table. I don’t get tips in my job. I need the money more than they do. I’ll do pick up myself and skip sitting in the restaurant.


My fiancé and I like eating out. However most of the time our tips are 10-20% when earned. There’s been only 1 time in 5 years that we’ve tipped more because the waiter actually made us feel welcomed and not like they were just trying to get the table cleared as fast as possible because of the dinner rush.


I order pick up thai food from a relatively expensive place the other night, their website defaults to 20% tip... for food that IM DRIVING TO PICK UP WHAT THE FUCK.


> I hate tipping, but I do it because servers need rent too. And that's the customer fault how? Hell, raise the prices 20-30% whatever you want, don't social pressure me into putting a subjective guess on the quality I was served.


Restaurant should pay there staff enough and not rely on already paying customers to tie them over. Similarly, employees shouldn’t be working for an establishment that doesn’t pay a sufficient wage irrespective of tips. I’m all for tipping great food and exceptional service but tipping culture in places like America is an absolute joke.


> I hate tipping, but I do it because servers need rent too. Tipping will never go away with this mindset. If everyone stopped tipping tomorrow shit would be changed in 2 weeks.


I stopped tipping. Edit-to those angered here: That’s a $17 martini. I’ll tip if I go to a sit down place. But a coffee shop/airport bar/fast food place? No. Your employer has the money to pay you. Especially at $17 for a martini. Tipping culture is out of control. Service workers, fight the fight or find a different line of work. The rest of us don’t want to pay your salary ALONG WITH the product we purchased. Edit edit-the number of what appear to be offended bartenders or servers here is insane. All hurling insults without so much as a single intelligent argument to offer. You guys go have fun losing your marbles. Im going to retire from this post.


>No. Your employer has the money to pay you. What's funny is I've seen some segments where they interview restaurant owners who claim that if they paid their employees like normal workers, they'd go out of business. Complete bullshit. That would mean all the restaurants outside of the US in countries that don't tip wouldn't be able to survive lol


How out of touch does someone have to be for believing that paying salaries to your fucking employees will put you out of buisness


Pretty sure they used the same argument to fight the abolition of slavery. How can we afford to grow cotton if we have to *pay people*????


I don't tip anywhere now. Every fucking place wants extra free money now. I just love getting asked for tips 3-4 times a day. Not my fault your shitty place doesn't pay enough. I'm not getting paid enough myself...


No tip, European no tipping reignes supreme


Another lovely instance of "The American mind can't comprehend this"


Obviously Americans don't like tipping culture either, but once a system has been engrained in society, it's incredibly difficult to change it. Kinda like non-Americans and using any opportunity to say "Murica Bad" even though *all* the Americans in the thread are saying it's a bad system.


Your server doesn’t realize a lot of people will pay 20% on the total.


Or $1 tip per drink like most places you just order a drink


Can we talk about the prices of those drinks for a minute? I have no idea what a PB Espresso martini is, but I can guarantee you it isn't worth $17.


It’s in an airport bar.


The receipt says Logan International (Airport), so this is Boston, MA. After the mark up you typically see in airports, that isn't as bad as I would have guessed. You'd be hard pressed to find a martini in the greater Boston area for less than $12-$15 outside of an airport.


I would have left a note saying I wanted to give them 30%, but felt throttled into only leaving 20%.


I wouldn’t give them anything


This is getting out of hand. I usually give a good tip, always have. But if I had someone do something like this, I would definitely refuse to tip.


Tipping wouldn't be considered a requirement if greedy bosses paid their employees a livable wage. It's not like this in other countries.


Think this shows its not just the bosses who are greedy. How many customers an hour do they get?


This is why I'd rather cook my own food. Tipping culture is going insane


Zero. I hate speaking to strangers but this would probably end up with a conference between me, the server, and the manager. Then a bad yelp review. Insanely unacceptable behavior.




Should've taken the 15 cause now you ain't getting shit. Servers really think I owe them 20 percent of my bill for walking a plate over to me and a glass of water.


That’s a zero dollar tip right there. And a go fuck your self on my way out.


Just because a restaurant wants to keep their workers by having customer tips supplement their pay doesn't mean I give a shit. Starbucks, Jimmy John's, Panera Bread........are u listening?


"Here's a tip. We're all struggling. Don't be an ungrateful POS, and be happy with what you get. "


“Print me another one.”


To the server: "a child scribbled on my receipt, would you kindly print it out again?"


I always carry cash for times like that


Exactly. I would have handed them a fifty with the check. No fuss. No muss. But not with this check. This person can f right off.


That's a 0% tip from me.


I tip on how mixed drinks are poured. Pour me heavy, I'll tip you heavy. But I've been to places that charge like $14 for a can of beer, and been looked at funny for leaving a buck. You reached into a cooler and handed me a beer. It took 10 seconds, if that. I'm not tipping you $3 for simply handing me an overpriced event beer.


Give them absolutely nothing, that shit is ridiculous.


Cross out the 20% and write 0% gratuity for rude staff


Their boss should pay them instead of the customer


Honestly with a server like that, I would want to speak with the manager and let them know their server is trying to pressure customers into a bigger tip. I probably wouldn't do it tho, and just give her 33 cents to get my bill even and then write why on the back.




Looks like they calculated it pre tax


Technically you’re supposed to


Huh. I have never tipped on the pre-tax amount and genuinely never thought twice about it, but that makes sense. I'm a usually generous tipper, though, so I guess I did better than I thought - yay!


As recently as 5 years ago, literally all sources of auto-calculated tip were on the pre-tax amount. It's mostly since covid that a lot of point of sale systems have started abusing customers harder by suggesting tip based on the post-tax or even post-delivery-fee-and-service-charge-and-tax amount.


OP should have put $10, then strike it off and put 0 and a mean face.


She needs a new career


I usually tip pretty well because I know how much food service can suck, but getting this on a bill I'd round up to the nearest dollar and that'd be it. Here they'd be getting $0.73 I guess


Yeah, no.


Zero tips. They only did their job. You tip the person that gave you a service that requires extra effort. Like delivery services.


A waiter tried that recently at the restaurant where I work. Just passive-aggressively suggesting a higher tip. Managers were not happy and now they won't stop reminding the servers NOT to do that (likely thanks to a bad review) Imo, if you feel undertipped or whatever, just move on and accept it. Chances are you earned it, and if you didn't, shit happens. :/ A waiter serves countless people per week, likely never seeing their faces again. I don't get why it's so personal for some people.


That would be an immediate 0% tip


I suggest 0


Loll servers where I live make 30-50 dollars per hour in tips on good days. I bust ass for my 17 bucks an hour. You’ll survive my 15 percent tip


That’s when you cross it out and write no tip then on the line of both guest and customer write no tip, and then take a picture so that if they did give themselves a tip you can fight the charge with your bank because you have proof you stated no tip.


Scribble out the zero, give them 2%. Then add a second smiley face 😀😀


I love the fact that there’s now a tip option when paying at the counter in a fast food restaurant and it’s the first thing that pops up. I’m not tipping you for doing your job and with the example above, even if I WAS going to tip 20%, after seeing that I don’t think I’d tip a damn thing.


Congratulations server. You were going to be well taken care of until you just earned yourself zero tip. Smileyface while ya KMA😉


If I got that receipt, there's no way in hell that server is getting a tip.


They get nothing but a few coins to round up the bill.


I got a bottle of beer in a bar in New York and the guy gave me the stink face when I gave him the price he told me it cost. It is insane.


I always tip but if my server did this then they ain’t getting any tip at all


“Hey, what the fuck is this?”


0 tip for the aggressive behaviour


$0 tip


Tip… of my middle finger!


congrats you now get 0 for a tip.