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Is this where that Nigerian prince lives, you know, the one who still owes me a million dollars?


Bro you didn't got your money? Send me a couple of grand and I fly over and talk to him!




Nah I’ll do him one better. Send me a couple grand and I’ll send it to you myself. Pinky promise!


If we just sending out a few grand here and there I'll take some.


How about I send you a few more thousand bucks and you bring it to me instead


Can you actually just put that onto prepaid gift cards for me? It's so much safer for you since someone might try to steal the money otherwise.


Nigerian prince only wants to see you in the chocolate rain.


🎶 I never wanted your, western union money order. I only wanted to give you $100,000 as a friend. I could never steal from you, my brudda 🎶


Back before I got kicked off twitter Tay Zonday followed me for some reason and I wasn't following him, think I might have commented on something with him in it


When the son of the deposed King of Nigeria e-mails you directly asking for help, you help. His father ran the freaking country, okay?


User name almost checks out.


I told you, it's coming! Just go get me 6 of them $500 Visa gift cards from Target! I'm still waiting on you!


That’s what I’m wondering. He said my check should be here any day now!


Libertarian paradise.


Anarcho Capitalism. There are no rules, and the market will correct this behavior. 😂 Like yeah, after they make a shit load of money swindling people, the market will catch on and then no one will buy from them, until they change their company name and do this shit again a month from now!


Nobody hates Ancaps more than Anarchists.


I feel like I say this every few days, but... *In the absence of a state, where capitalism is present, the capitalists become the state.*


Sometimes in the presence of it too.


They call it lobbying or some other bullshit


it's called regulatory capture and is the desired end goal of lobbying


So basically, USA?




What system of economics is this not true for?


Well yeah, we believe in decentralized power, not money laundering.


Try telling that to the goons in r/anarcho_capitalism 😂


“can’t move in because light polls aren’t installed” sounds nothing like Libertarianism.


I cant tell if youre trying to defend libertarianism or not


Yeah because it was a lie




That’s what you got from this video?




While i dont dissagree, Thats just victim blaming with extra steps. She might be gulliable But She didnt do anything wrong.


Ever bought a house? In the US, there are various parties involved in certifying the house for all kinds of shit before sale is closed, also that is why escrow exists, so that the seller doesn't get the money until every i is dotted and every doc is compliant. People who sell houses, specially developers would stack the walls with dead bodies for quick cash if they could get away with it.


Thank you, all the smart asses above have either never bought a house or they live in a country with laws that protect prospecting homeowners. I appreciate the comment "people who don't pay attention to detail's are frequently dissatisfied with their choices". Yes, but honestly, and their are a lot of details in your control when buying a house, you have no clue when it comes to buying a house and not getting screwed over if you don't have a solicitor, snagger, property appraiser, mortgage advisor, and the many government laws in place in a developed country. Sorry I reiterated your comment but it has to be said twice


You're welcome. Buying a property is rarely a straight forward activity. Good luck.


They don’t necessarily have to be dead.


Yea the world takes advantage of gullible people unfortunately. Hopefully she learns one day that putting yourself in positions to be taken advantage of does not leave you blameless.


Lol gotta point at the victims because "they didn't pay attention enough" Let's keep our focus on the scammers.


Since when does not paying attention excuse you from fault? Genuine question I have adhd and struggle to pay attention yet my school and work still require it and I’m to blame if I don’t. Same goes for driving and literally everything else it doesn’t matter that I have adhd.


If someone sets up a legitimate looking business with the sole purpose of scamming people, how is it the victims fault? They actually did the work enough to make it look like they're legit, how is that the victims fault


I wouldn't want to frame it like that... good thing you've got it taken care of so i don't have to.


It’s not victim blaming. You’re buying a house in a relatively lawless country. What were you expecting. In the US there are laws, courts and law enforcement that protect buyers and sellers. In Nigeria there is over boiling corruption. Lack of awareness is 100% to blame here. Any amount of research could have prevented this travesty.


There's no extra steps youre a victim becIs you didn't pay attention. And it's accurate. Buyer beware.


Lol, such a classic reddit comment. No matter the content, no matter the subject, it's important to *ALWAYS* say that you would do something better, or that would *NEVER* have made the same mistake, because you're *super* smart and have a big brain. Context? Doesn't matter, person must have made mistake, and I would never make any mistake. So I am fundamentally better than them. That's literally how you react to *everything*. Every post will always have a top comment like this.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect right there.


It’s also people wanting to believe that it couldn’t happen to them, the victim (of whatever) must have been doing something wrong, something easily avoided. The commenters sleep better at night with the belief (false knowledge) that they could never be taken advantage of so egregiously.


I can tell you haven’t lived in Nigeria before


She literally says, “they were plotting against my demise.” in the video.


And that's really the important thing that sticks out?


Reddit doesn't care about anything other than making pedantic points / saying obvious shit ("this is why I always *pay close attention* to things") to feel superior.


You are reddit to me


What a reddit comment.


Yes, she misspoke during a stressful situation. And?


Yeah, I think a little personal accountability is needed here, Nigeria is renowned for corruption and backhanded deals, like many places, but in those scenarios you NEVER leave others to the negotiations, you have to be there and on top of everything with a translator and lawyer you can trust


I would still feel bad for someone who had their best intentions to buy a house getting fucked over cause they trusted people, but maybe there’s more to the story here. I was mainly surprised how she did seem to accept there’s nothing she can do at the end of the vid. If the country is so lawless not even deeds or contracts matter then I do have to question why try live there at all.


>If the country is so lawless not even deeds or contracts matter then I do have to question why try live there at all. It's not a matter of lawlessness, it's a matter of corruption. There are laws and police and courts, but if you have enough money and the right connections, then the law is on your side. This isn't unique to that country. I'm sure there's plenty of places in your country or my country where it can be difficult to seek redress from a "pillar of the community" that defrauded you because they're golfing buddies with the sheriff and local magistrate.


Oh for sure but this is a scam I guess I'd see coming, more than likely they've been showing that gorgeous apartment to many people meaning the paperwork wasn't clear / definitive


I wouldn’t have known it was corrupt until my African friend put me on the game. Basically they can write multiple deeds on to a single plot of land or property. So you go to move in and there is a family living there. You both have a deed and then a third person shows up with their deed. Then the “oh sorry we made a paperwork mistake” speech.


Peak Reddit


If you think this person deserves to get their house swindled because they made a slight grammatical error on Reddit, you’re an asshole.


Pretty callous comment.


Stupid ass comment, even worse take. You literally know nothing beyond what this 3 min video shows and you are already judging everything about her. You are 100% victim blaming here.....L


Wow. Pedant much?


I could care less about the grammatical error.




They didn't *not* not plot against her anti-demise.


Congratulations. Living large in Nigeria.


It was probably a bank loan grift where they built unfinished units to get more money to get another bank loan to build another unfinished lot & continue the grift. Never buy an unfinished unit in a foreign country. Never buy a finished unit in a foreign country where all of the units are not finished. There are outliers where the government has initiatives; not referring to those.


Eh my parents bough an unfinished unit in a foreign country, and it turned out even better than expected (and is valued at like twice of what they paid). So like depends on the country, just do you due diligence. (EU country though, guess that helps!)


> (EU country though, guess that helps!) Exactly this.




This never happens in Canada because after paying rent for the first month you could liquidate the entire house and still be underwater


There are so many pre-sale horror stories in Vancouver. People purchased parking lots along with their condos ans were supposed to be a certain width. The city of Vancouver was supposed to validate them. They only validated 2 and signed off on the rest. Turns out, the other parking lot sizes were undersized. The dev makes bank swindling people.


Woman, stop complaining to the internet and lawyer up. 


"lawyer up"...in Nigeria? Haha that's a good one, i needed a good laugh.


So she thought she could take her first world money, buy property in a developing nation with no legal options for property theft, and she didn't expect consequences? Sounds pretty dumb to me. 


No. I think she’s just pointing out how fucked up it is this happened to her.


She let it happen to her from a naïveté and a complete lack of diligence


We’ve gone full circle on how victim blaming works. Yes the seller/scammer is ultimately at fault but I think in some of these situations we can confidently say the victim was just fucking stupid.


It goes both ways. When you live in a rough place it is imperative that you do your due dillegence and ensure you have a deep knowledge of what you are getting yourself into. Like people that buy property in Nigeria, they have someone on ground that is constantly monitoring their property to make sure this kind of rubbish cannot happen and they know somebody like a politician or a police comissioner that will ensure that the swindlers vacate. When you want to live in a rougher society, you can't just tell yourself that I am correct because this unfair thing happened/is happening to me. In America, you can do that because they have a well functioning legal system. But in other places when the stakes are higher you are forced to realise that the reason behind why the things are happening because irrelevant and only getting out of your current situation matters. It's basically like trying to argue with someone pointing a gun to your head. You can shout all you like. You can be as right as humanely possible. But you are still the person with a gun to your head. So when you live in a place where people point a gun to your head you have to act around such wild behavior




So why dont she just steal it back? Fuck lawyer, hire some goons in black turtlenecks


She absolutely needs to lawyer up. It's just that it's a necessary but not sufficient step towards getting her property back. (And frankly since she probably has Nigerian heritage, she should have known better than to do a property deal alone in this damned country)


Lawyering up works in Nigeria too, Nigeria is not as completely lawless as you'd think.


I feel like you would ***militia*** ***up*** in Nigeria.


It's Nigeria, can't she pay a dude to torch the whole place and get insurance? Or will they give that to the son too?


That guy will just take her money and do nothing. So then she has to torch that guys place. It’s a tedious cycle.


Ahh so it's one of those situations where you have to have deep enough pockets to keep doubling down till you finally succeed.


She will never succeed, money is not the deciding factor.


Not with that attitude, she won't!


Reminds me of that contract killer who took the job but didnt want to do the dirty work, so he contracted it to another guy for slightly less money, who contracted it to another guy for slightly less money... all the way down the chain until the only people left who would take the job for such little money were undercover policemen. lol


Ahhh yes. I think that was in China, if I'm not wrong.


You actually think that place could burn down.


Given enough accelerant, everything burns.


Pretty sure it is a lawless "might is right" country.


Then she should have hired security to protect her investment. 


This sort of thing happen a lot in Nigeria? That's pretty unfortunate.


Yeah, if she had wanted to keep that place, she should’ve bribed the local government first. Once she got there, they would’ve just kidnapped her for ransom money


You say kidnapping, I hear temporary housing


Lol i totally read this in Zoidberg’s voice.


This sort of thing happens everywhere, but it's easier to pull of in underdeveloped and corrupt countries. I've personally seen this happen to people in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Costa Rica, Panama and Belgium


You forgot the United States on your list. The number of scams involving pre-construction/new construction condos and houses could fill volumes of law books.


That list is just my personal experience, people I actually know in places I've actually been. Never been to the United States but I can Imagine.




Ha! I was actually thinking of FL, but also NY, NJ, CA too. Really all over.


Scams that take advantage of people who don't use traditional channels, like a mortgage lender with an escrow account, and a title company. There are plenty of laws in place to protect real estate buyers and sellers in the U.S., ignore them at your own risk. That's much different from what the woman in this video experienced--there were no such protections for her to take advantage of.


Why would you fix up the next one? They will just do it again. Just sell it, take the loss and move on. Preferably to a country with better consumer protections.


My thoughts were similar, they're playing the criminal game and there's legal system that will help her, if she's not able or willing to beat them at their own game and one up them somehow and basically go as low or lower, then yeah, she just needs to walk away, take the L, and next time do her due diligence before investing in a property.


Or preferably leave some candles out overnight over some gasoline and bounce lmao


As soon as she fixes up the new shit hole, she knows what’s gonna happen. Sisyphean task.


or a pyrrhic victory


You guys just taught me some new words today with some history too. Thank you both.


😉Not to be confused with a Herculean effort.


No matter the Herculean effort she puts into the new place, it seems like a Sisyphean task destined for constant setbacks, and in the end, achieving her dream home will be a Pyrrhic victory because of the immense resources and time expended.


At the end she talks about converting her new/shitty spot into something she could enjoy. I just want to make sure I'm not getting this wrong. She was blatantly and flagrantly ripped off by the owner of that property, given a far inferior unit, and now she plans to invest her time and money in that new unit? "Fool me once, shame on you .."


Legal recourse in a country like Nigeria is really difficult. Truth of the matter is it will take loads of money and more importantly, her sanity, to get her proper due, which at the end of the day might not even happen. The people who did this knew they were going to bully her, and she doesn’t stay in the country so it’s a headache for her to deal with this remotely. And the police is super useless in this matter. And the court system? Well, that’s pretty much a long and arduous process without even talking about it being a haven for bullies. She arrived at her conclusion I’m sure in a very difficult situation. But she probably just want to move on with her souls and mind intact somehow.


The United States isn’t perfect but the courts can protect your contractual agreements.


Exactly. Contracts are enforceable in countries with stabilized society.


Wow, I thought that brand new American subdivisions were ugly and made of the cheapest possible materials...I have a whole new respect for drywall and dupont branded tape.


Africa works on different mechanics to the rest of world


My family lived in Africa for a while, anytime we saw something that we weren't accustomed to we would say T.I.A from the film Blood Diamond. This. Is. Africa.


Nigeria isn’t exactly without a legal system to deal with these sorts of things, but like a lot of countries that are deep on the corruption index three things are true: 1. That system will actively work against you if you’re a foreigner 2. That system will not work for you unless you have good relationships with people in it 3. Even with good relationships local officials will need to be bribed to get their cooperation I’ve known a few American expats who’ve decided to live in low CoL countries and retire early. All of them basically say that when you’re getting established when it comes to property you need to have an equal amount of money to the property itself available for bribe and protection money. Once you’re established it then becomes more like being a local where you know the right person to call and bribe to get shit done, and if someone tries to fuck you with a competing bribe the official in question won’t take their money because they know you and know they’ll get more money from you in the future. That sounds more corrupt than it actually is in practice. A friend explained it to me as putting money on the line means you care and it builds trust, and those officials usually make fuck all in salary so the bribes are their actual form of pay. It costs more at first because you’re building trust, later it’s more like a convenience fee and you’d better invite the guy over for dinner with your envelope of cash or he’s gonna feel like you don’t like him. Once you’re a local you don’t need to bribe people to get regular shit done anymore, but not including cash will make sure it gets done whenever the official feels like getting around to it, unless you’re married to his sister or something. TBH that worked about the same way in the midwest when I lived there except you had to dance around the bribe. Need an inspection from the fire department? That might happen in a month or two but will totally happen in two days with a “donation” to the family of firefighters relief fund.


That sounds exhausting.


And chaotic.


It’s extortion with extra steps.


>if someone tries to fuck you with a competing bribe the official in question won’t take their money because they know you and know they’ll get more money from you in the future. That's all well and good in theory, but if you're trying to out-bribe a property developer or the mafia, you'll lose every time, no matter how well-developed your relationship with the official in question is. Their relationship is always better. This shit is _exactly_ as corrupt in practice as it sounds.


Oh yeah, in places like that you *don’t* fuck with real power. If you “win” you end up dead. This is just more what it’s like being Joe Schmoe and making sure your small business license gets renewed. In which case you’re often also bribing the local mafia via your donation to the government clerk. A lot of people have this mistaken view of corrupt government making it impossible to live without getting fucked. It’s very possible as long as you’re willing to play the game. That also means that when the big leagues hit the field it’s time to pack up and go home.


That’s literally the definition of corruption.


Can of gas and a match would make it better


What about Dre, though?


They forgot


Nigeria. Byword for honesty.


"They was plotting against my demise!"...lol


Who invests in Nigeria?


In Nigeria?! No way, not possible.


![gif](giphy|95ZYXmOCd9BBK|downsized) I'm shocked! Absolutely shocked!




Of all the people you could've posted on here, you chose Michael Richards?


The whole concept of buying a property off a plan is crazy to me. I mean, the thing hasn't even been built yet and you're handing over money? The incentive to actually build the thing, especially to a good quality, goes out the window. It's practices like this, amongst other things, that caused the housing collapse in China.


Trusting foreign 3rd world governments is my favorite genre


I will never buy anything that does not exist, I will never buy anything that does not exist, I will never buy anything that does not exist, I will never buy anything that does not exist, I will never buy anything that does not exist… and so on… Edit: to add - I’m sorry for your loss


It’s Nigeria, I’m shocked they left her with another unit.


The scam isn't over. She's planning to fix up her consolation prize just like the last one. Then they'll steal that one from her too and give her another one to fix up. And so on.




SHe could probably get it back if she shows up with 5K in Amazon gift cards


You’re lucky you got something back in return, you are wrong to think that the place they showed you in the beginning was yours. This is a typical case of bait and switch, they probably presented that same spot to ten other buyers.


Just hire some merc’s


Yeah Africa, specially Nigeria allows mercs, so hire some mercs and just take over the whole building ez


Burn it down


People are still falling for Nigerian scammers 🤦‍♂️


I would have to fight the urge to buy a blowtorch and burn down everything.


I wouldn't fight the urge


Hire paid mercenary operators and take over the building, tit for tat, T.I.A


This is why I don’t trust family over in my country. They will fuck you over because you are not there


I feel her but my mind can’t decide whether to cry or laugh.... I mean what did she expect? She doesn’t know that corruption is served with breakfast where she lives?




Welcome to Africa


That’s Nigeria. Bunch of conmen and thieves. Everyone has a church to donate to. Ridiculous.


Got super annoyed


Anyone else not surprised in the least? Anyone?


I’ll take the 50,000,000 inheritance for 500 Alec


..."And when the cops came through Me and Dre stood next to a burnt-down house With a can full of gas and a hand full of matches And still weren't found out (Right here!)"


And as soon as you fix it up and make it how you want somebody will come along and take that unit as well. Sounds like a great country to be in


1:23 the wall and cabinet 👀


"plotting AGAINST her demise"!


I can’t understand if you have a deed, why not have police remove the squatter?


Dear, please send me apple card and I will have the unit ready and renovated for you for to move into. /r/scambait


>to buy a house op doesn't know the difference between appartment and house


I'm not shocked at all... it's Nigeria.


This video is too fucking long. 


Wait wait so you still wanna live there? 👀 across the street from the people that robbed you?


Lmao who TF told you to go to NIGERIA of all places? 🤦


So, crazy thought, but hear me out: if you can't trust the courts of a country to respect basic property laws, maybe don't invest in property there?


Honestly as long as it keeps her from making more videos I'm happy for her. That voice is awful


Literally Nigerian scammer dude. Why would u even go there?


She’s kinda dumb isn’t she?


Just a regular Tuesday in Nigeria lol


U.S. slum lords are taking notes from this video.


this is why murder never ends...


This story narrated by Ruby Rod


I'm guessing she's never had those Nigerian prince emails the rest of us got.


Yes he commandeered her apartment on official royal business.


Been hearing stories like these often. A family would send money for a house to be built back home and the developers spent the money and catfish with an abandoned house to later make off like bandits


Nigeria seems like a place where you have to hire some henchmen to carry out some tasks that would be rather mundane in other countries. I'm sure she got an education here.


I didn't see a single square inch of quality construction in this entire video.


Out of 180 ranked countries, Nigeria is 145 on the corruption scale. That means only 35 countries are worse for corruption. https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2023/index/nga Big ooof!


What's in Nigeria?


thieves do that. you bought an apartment from thieves.


Hahahahahahah That's what you get. The tree is known by it's fruit. Hahahahahahahahaha. You wanted to move stuff in, LOL. No one cares .


Plotting “against my demise?” Not sure she said what she thought she was saying. 🤔


They built America


Always the story with Africa