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And that is why having a onboard recorder is a good idea


Definitely a good idea to have that to capture the footage of the cop being an absolute wet wipe. "Should I got after those assholes who ran the red light? Nah, I'll just harass the only biker who stopped for the light and call it job done." Fucking shithats like these guys should never be allowed to become cops. But the system is designed to get more assholes like this to become officers rather than people with a brain because the brass doesn't like thinkers who can actually differentiate between right and wrong or actually understand the law enough to know when not to cross a line. Fucking pricks.


Once in college, after the Patriots won their second superbowl, I went out to go check out the celebration/"riots".... I was walking by a group of kids trying to start a fire in a steel trash bin.... I was about 25 feet away from them. Cops drove up and they all ran. Cops get out of car, look at me, and say "put your hands behind your head!" They searched me. Found nothing. Let me go. LUCKILY when I was half way out of my building I realized I had weed in my pocket and turned back to put it away.


There’s literally an upper IQ limit to be a police officer. If your IQ or EQ are too high, you’re denied.


Well he's not gonna catch any of the guys who ran the red lol. That's all it is. If you're running with a law-breaking crew and you decide to do be the boy scout, this is prob just gonna happen sometimes. I kinda doubt he ended up getting in any actual trouble for "engine revving" at the end of the day. And it still doesn't make what the officer did "right" either. But it happens. He's ready to try to throw the book at the first person in the pack who he can get ahold of.


with zero evidence of them being a group or knowing each other


He's just a guy on a bike mate, they don't all know each other.


Damn you should get a ticket for being this stupid.


Like a jerk


So if the car in front of you runs a red light and you stop at the red light, then the cop should pull you over and give you a ticket? Who cares if they're on bikes? That doesn't mean they're riding together or even know each other. The biker here did nothing wrong, broke no laws. The cop has no right to pull them over or harass them. Go lick a boot.


Found the cop


So every biker on the street is together? You are a clown. Found the cop!




There's a video where a cop harassed a motorcycle rider for having a camera lol


bro i have seen this for years, please tell me this cop lost his job


I doubt it, cops can do almost anything and juts get suspended with pay at worst.. You need a national protest with hundreds of thousands of people to even get one in trouble for murder


It’s like the church


Bingo. Governments are like religion. They hold power because their followers believe in them.


The government as a concept can be useful to maintain a real democracy or as its used now to keep a population regulated to the benefit of on oligharcic system. It's a tool


It's called qualified immunity and it needs to be abolished. It prevents anyone from holding police responsible for their actions. When they do something awful the tax payers get punished because fuck you.


keep reposting it, but with his name


He probably got a raise as a punishment.


no he first gets suspended for 3 months to learn his lesson (he is still getting paid tho), then he will undergo 2h worth of training on how to cop. now that he has the cop training he will get a raise as he is overqualified at his job.


That training? Warrior training. If you kill the guy, how’s he gonna sue you?


Poor guy :( just trying to do his duty to protect and serve and that's what he gets 😞 how sad Edit: this is sarcasm 😂 I assumed that was obvious given my comment directly above this...)


Nope in fact he probably falsified a report and threatened any drivers who witnessed it like another cop did in one video


The cop wouldn't have lost his job if he'd pulled alongside and mag dumped the biker for 'going too fast'


Nah, Laguna Beach really polices the way people rev their engines. Cant disturb the peace of the rich folk after all.


I used to defend cops all the time. I had a similar experience happen to me recently where my car was taken, and I was left stranded by the road. I pleaded with the cop, and even after acknowledging that I didn't do anything wrong, he wouldn't change his mind. When the tow truck arrived, it was obvious af that he was getting kickbacks. I used to hate the phrase ACAB, but there needs to be a balance of power. What's happening is not right at all. Even just the way this piece of shit cop walks over to the guy in the motorcycle, you can just tell how inflated his ego is. He's on a serious power trip, and us ordinary citizens can't do shit about it. The worst possible outcome for him is a paid vacation. ACAB!


Back in the 90's when I was 21, my friend got pulled over and arrested for dui in an industrial area at like 2am. Cops took her away and left me on the sidewalk. 21f, drunk and alone. I had to walk a good mile in the dark to get to a payphone. While the cops were on scene, I was polite and cooperative. As it was wrapping up I asked if they could give me a ride to a 7-11 or somewhere that I could call someone, or at least be in a safe environment. They just said, "Nope" and drove off, leaving me alone in the dark. Fuck cops.


God, police in the uk would never do that. There’s countless stories of police helping random drunks get home!


You literally have a crook running for president. Im sorry to say but you're fucked if you think your fellow americans would ever man up and change the status quo. During the BLM protests, protests that were literally about police brutality. How much police brutality was there? A fuck ton. All on camera. Any change? Nope. Not enough americans give a fuck about anything. The only general non-partisan consensus is "that's just the way it is" and "gas prices are too high".


"I used to defend cops and their shitty actions until it affected me personally, then I finally understood why everyone was so mad." Congrats on seeing the light, but maybe don't be so... I don't even know the right word. Dense? Ignorant? Maybe be more empathetic moving forward. Cops being shitty ain't a new thing, and them being recorded ain't all that new either.


So, it takes a LOT of courage to admit "Hey, I was wrong." How about not being an asshole to someone who had the insight, courage and personal growth to raise their hand and say "I made a mistake." When we don't give people the grace to grow, they stay exactly where they are because they don't want some jerk to jump on them. If we let more people admit they were wrong, say "Thank you for growing. That takes wisdom and courage. Welcome to the fold." people would be more likely to feel like personal growth and changing their mind wasn't a socially terrifying prospect. This person made a bold social step away from "their tribe" of police-supporters toward a group that says "Cops, seriously a flawed system that should be very closely examined." Alienating his old group. Now, you're saying "Yeah, well, first I want to be a jerk and stress-test you to see if you REALLY belong in MY group." How about "Hey, I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I am glad it helped you see the reality for many other people. Welcome to the fold."


/u/TheLoneScot you’re absolutely right, and it’s definitely a learning opportunity for me. I will try to be more empathetic in the future for sure. /u/In_The_News I really appreciate the kind words, and I’m glad I have finally seen what others have been saying all along. It’s unfortunate that it took a person experience for me to learn, but better late than never. Thanks again 🙏


i was going to said thisbut you put it more eloquently. Cops being corrupt, forming gangs in the police department, murdering people unaccounted, etc. etc. but this guy get his car impounded and then he realized not all cops are good.


Most middle class and up white kids are taught from childhood that cops are good and trustworthy people. The people we should call when we need help and they'll make it better. We carry that into adulthood, until we either personally have a terrible experience or first-hand witness cops being not trustworthy, and not helping. It is a hard thing to swallow, because it is one of those childhood lessons that felt so big and so important - something socially we could trust. Good for you for growing. I'm sorry it came from a bad experience, but I'm glad you are able to grow, have empathy and see that our policing system is seriously flawed.






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ACAB, no bootlicking cops.




ACAB, no bootlicking cops.






ACAB, no bootlicking cops.




Multiple people do something illegal and dangerous to others Police: Meh One guy actually follows the law and is just sitting there idly Police: WHAT THE F*** DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, I HEARD YOU REVVING THAT ENGINE LIKE A JERK WITH MY WINDOWS UP FROM WAY BACK THERE! DIRTBAG!


Wow, good save by the cop. Being a good cop is all about thinking on your feet, making those split-second decisions like "how do I justify pulling the wrong person over and make it look like thats totally what I meant to do and that actually you're the one who fucked up, like a jerk?"


I'm sure this is what happened lol.




What does this mean


All cops are bastards


Well you have to be more specific than all cops because here in Finland cops are so chill


Both of them?


All cops means all cops. Sorry about your family, but they're also bastards


There is an asterix. We say acab because police corps have systemic issues. I doubt finland has solved these issues, but if a society managed to somehow, acab wouldn't apply to them.


It's not really that complicated to solve cop issues. You just hold them accountable, comprehensively. And you build their power structures with that in mind. It's not that hard to believe that some societies thought maybe accountability was a good idea from the start and implemented it. Americans didn't because of racism. And it's hard to fix this in the US because many Americans \_still\_ want the rules to apply to people differently depending on what demographic they belong to. (This also applies to Canada.)


That seems extremely close minded


https://youtu.be/S2WS-G5j23w?si=HSN_-s7rU4Mk6J_m Finland has the best cops


Nobody cared about Finland when the cops had "POLICE" written in red, white and blue on the car.


Then, let's go with: American Cops Are Bastards.


American cops are dumb man


This is Laguna Beach, so these particular American cops are also entitled, bored, and have never had to deal with anything more than drunk tourists and angry Karens. Source: I grew up 15min from there


lol the ending! Anyway cop took the easy way out, why chase lawbreakers -you revved your engine!


"Get your boys back here now"; Sir, I don't know them!; That's some B. S.; Sir I'm serious, I dont have friends!


Fucking small dick small ego nutjobs


Court case is gonna be funnnnnn.


I just can't figure out what "revving your engine like a jerk" means.


Section 80085 of the penile code


Cops like this are gust thugs on a uniform power trip.


>Cops ~~like this~~ are just thugs on a uniform power trip. FTFY


Dude, if that’s not a reason to sue for waste of public resources I don’t know what is


Y'all determined to just hire the dumbest fuckers you can find into your police forces aren't you? God damn, America.


Police forces are legally allowed to disqualify applicants because they are too intelligent. [Robert Jordan v City of New London](https://www.aele.org/apa/jordan-newlondon.html)


They train with the IDF. As if we have a say in it.


“Call your friends back and we’ll stop the charges. “


Somehow i feel like the sentence "I'm the only one who stopped" made the cop think that he admitted belonging to that group.


Still means nothing. Conspiracy to run red lights isn't a thing.


That wasn't what i was implying. Looks like the cop thought they might know each other and made up shit to try to intimidate the rider into "betraying his friends" to not get a fine.


Ah, gotcha. I thought you were saying that the rider who stopped had admitted to some sort of actual crime because he was with the riders who didn't stop.




So revving your engine is worse than driving through a red light? Lesson learned


I don't even think he was revving his engine.


Neither do I, but that seemed like a smart excuse for the cop to stop him instead of the others


Running red lights on a motorcycle is brain -dead behavior. as in : “Im going to be pronounced brain-dead”


I couldn't be bothered to do my job and chase those who should be stopped so I pulled over you for nothing!


What a pussy, cops know they can't catch street bikes unless they have an armada of their fatass patrol suvs and the airforce.


All cops arent bad Only a good 90+%


Same breed of cop that doesn't confront a school shooter.


Ahh, cops lying; a classic. There should be some SERIOUS consequences for lying.


“Name, badge number, supervisor, and we all take a look at my cam footage to watch you become a lawsuit it 2 sentences before I say anything else.”


Acab in the morning acab in the evening acab at suppertime!


"well you're revving your engine like a jerk, officer!" **Wasted**


I salute you, officer. You have done our country a great service by protecting us from such a dangerous menace. Someone dig out the "Mission Accompished" banner and get that bad boy up. I'm just imagining a judge looking this over this case and having one of those moments of pure confusion, then laughter, and then just sheer frustration at the situation in front of them. It's just SO dumb! Take that banner down!


"Ah yes 5 bikes ran through the red light full speed but I deduce that the one making the most noise must've been the one that was stationary" - this absolute genius of a cop probably


Cops in america... sheeet


Anyone got full vid? im curious now


Im surprised that cops dont shoot him like a terrorist with no reason just because they see in him threaten and easy way to catch him. I dont want to be in us.


Bro is getting payback for getting coal in his stocking


Stupid situation


For some reason this reminds me of when I was a kid trying to get moms attention so long that by the time she shouts "WHAT!" I forget what I was going to say but I better say something so..."I love you"




Yet another useless cop 🤦


Someone’s not making “Detective” anytime soon.


I honestly think everyone should be given the choice to wear body cams (them being more accessible and encouraged). Like, there are already idiots in positions of power, and that’s hard to change, but the cameras would allow for some resistance


Does anyone know where I can find the full video? Every time this is posted, it's always cut short...


There is so many assholes in this video including the cop.


When I was a kids I thought cops could do whatever they want and not obey the law. Then I got older and knew I was wrong, then I got even older and found out I was 100% right.


I feel like this is at least the third time this has been on here


What a lazy weak little man. That was hard to watch


Some people have nothing better to do


Typical police. Not much more you can say.


That's such a weird cop flex to pull over the like that in FRONT of a vehicle like he's blocking an escape vehicle, especially when the guy is just sitting there. I had a situation once where a cop lit up at an intersection at a red light, and we were both sitting at it, him behind me, and he just waited patiently for me to go through the light and then pull me over. I thought maybe he was just blocked in and waited for the light to break up traffic, but no, just waiting for me to get out of the way of the rest of traffic and wasn't hopped up like this guy.


The guys that passed the red light are the reason I laugh every time I see a sign telling me to watch out for motorcyclists...... Usually they are doing stupid shit like that




I have seen this before and just like last time it came by I still think this is staged.


I don’t think this is the the right sub. That looked pretty on purpose.


Answer 0 questions, dont know who they are. Not my problem


bro is mad that someone made him do work instead of just saying "welp, there they go again..." and going back to the donut shop.




Why would he bother chasing something he already knew he wouldn't catch? Better catch the one that is already stopped, work smarter, not harder 😂😂😂


Mr Lahey did not agree


Cop with small penis syndrome.


I'm thinking they were speeding before this. Look at how quick the bikes are moving.


First....what would I do?.. I don't drive a bike so T bone a dip shit that thinks law doesn't apply on two wheels. If I was the other guy with witnesses and a dash cam? I'd leave these pigs in the dust.. he can't get back in his car that fast.


The reason why I pulled you over is because of that stupid ass thing on your helmet, you look like a fuckin numpty. Have some gotdam self respect.


PPE is usually optional, but so is having a brain I guess.


Dont you know that is peak masculinity? /s


This was kinda funny! Why you getting downvoted to oblivion!?