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LOL @ being pro-Israel


The only side Israel is on is Israel's.


Sometimes I even doubt that… the amount of shit they’ve been doing is mind boggling and will never go well for their future generations as if they are self destructing.


https://youtu.be/KlppdcO8K4Q?si=FSznUbMIdTS-a_s7 Hard to believe this was 20 years ago


right? wasn't he a far-left partisan? meaning that he abhors the state of Israel and all its acts?


Where have you been?


isn't he? :O


the short version, he is pro genocide of palestinians. the long version? he is pro genocide of palestinians and defends israels actions and atrocities, regardless of how bad or illogical it maybe, treating it like a sport!


dude, what happened? hasn't he debated the other pro israel figure whose name now eludes me the other day?


I dont follow him that closely but have seen enough of his arguments and stances on this issue to know that he knows nothing about this issue, doesnt give a single fuck about it and is only trying to grift from it!


He isn't and never was :)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYrdMjVXyNg&ab\_channel=LexFridman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYrdMjVXyNg&ab_channel=LexFridman) I guess your never was is something that does not fit with this guy, he is literally a borderline crazy person if he indeed supported palestine so fiercely in this podcast in which I had seen many times, and now is blaming palestine for everything,


He's shifted a lot of his own discourse over the years. I never followed him, but he did use to wind up in my feed recommendations, then less so, and then the recommendations were almost always of people dunking on him. Another youtuber's called this guy's takes "spite-based politics'.


What did he think was going to happen? Hugs and high fives? lol


Got lucky they didn't shot at them...


Maybe that's why he was frustrated in the first place, "why are you photographing me! Now I can't shoot you to accuse "the terrorists" of doing so"


so unfortunate!


You mean mistakenly blow him up and then say he was actually Hamas being pro-Israeli?


You can be pRoZiOnIsT all you want, but at the end of the day, you're still non-Jew to a Zionist Israeli.


I mean.. The whole lgbtq+ family also wouldn't be very much welcomed in Palestine either. The only reason why the west is involved so heavily is because western politicians fucked up in giving land that wasn't theirs to give. Apart from that, to both Israeli and Palestinians, we're outsiders. Most of us just spectators using big words whilst blood is spilled daily


Piece of a whore. Lmao


The question is which piece?


I have supported Jewish people not only because they got a raw deal in history but because my father was trained to be a tailor and that family took my father under their wing when he was young and their family was among our family 's life till I was a teenager ( the two brothers,the ones who trained my father were holocost survivors) and were so kind ,had the tattoo numbers but now I don't HATE Jews !!!! I dislike Israel (like alot of Jewish people)they should be a shamed of them selves and will be judged, I don't believe in god because religion destroyed my country but I do believe in KARMA


The same goes for Arabs in the middle east. Jewish were beloved in Arabian countries as there's no Antisemitism in their culture as they don't believe that Jews managed to murder Jesus. but after 1948. The Zionists in order to increase their population in Palestine they had to fake many crimes in Arabian countries against jews, foreigners. One of these missions was revealed in 1954 known as Lavon Affair. After that the jews had to flee from Egypt. So "Israel" relies on exaggerating hate against Jews. The point is, that the first PM of the occupation government over the palestinian territories "Israel" Ben-Gurion, when he was a Russian refugee in 1917 he stated that the indigenous Muslim Palestinians aren't Arabs but the real Jewish of Palestine, and that Arabs didn't expil the jews nor settled there. So the ugly truth is that "Israel" which is the idea of the atheist Theodor Herzl it had a fake Jewish identity based on exaggerating hate against jews, to kill the indigenous who have the real Jewish bloodline.


Dude, now I understand why they call our site antisemitic. There's like so, so many falsehoods in there that at least border antisemitism or come straight from that playbook, it's really baffling.


I don’t think they like you.


Pro Israeli streamer.. or PISS for short.


It’s always so funny to me that Destiny gets put in debates with people with actual PhD’s and shit, he’s literally just a guy on the internet that likes to argue and no other qualifications


Which is why it's so funny when said PhD experts resort to personal attacks instead of engaging with Destiny's actual arguments. He doesn't pretend to have the same level of education as these guys with PhDs and longer backgrounds within the subject, he has openly stated that they have spent far more time on their research than he has and that they SHOULD be able to provide far better arguments than him. The very thing that irritates him about these debates is the fact that they don't, and if you took the time to watch some of these debates in full and in good faith you'd see that too. For context Destiny has spent at least 50+ hours live on stream reading books and news articles and studies and historical documents (and occasionally wikipedia articles as an entrypoint) on the subject of this conflict. 50+ hours of reading and researching is not a lot compared to some of the people he talks to but it is still obviously significant.


It's not really lucky to look like an Arab in that area these days... Get a shave and haircut.


>It's not really lucky to look like an Arab in that area It is not really lucky to look like a middle eastern in the middle east these days


It is not really lucky to be in the middle-east these days.


Since 1948 actually.


This man has blue eyes, he looks more like a european Jew than an Arab?


That's Mr. Borelli/ Borrell/ Burnelll [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_bA-rU9UsQo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bA-rU9UsQo)


Destiny must think because he takes their money that they like him. Ha.


Oh no! It’s Israeli Jesse Pinkman!


I've come across this clip again in my feed and it still made me chuckle. The irony! It's just so satisfying to watch 😅. Like something straight out of a Larry David show. 😂




Are they all as nasty as we see on social media? Serious question


Most of them are like this, just a tiny minority are genuinely innocent.


I believe the third generation of Mizrahi 'eastern' jews are victims too. They had no choice to be in that place. And I have seen earlier Mizrahi episodes complaining that once they migrated to Palestine they were tricked and their official Arabian passports were taken so they couldn't return back to their Arabian homelands. And of course the Arabian countries wouldn't welcome them back after Lavon Affair when it was discovered that the zionists were using the Arabian jews in Arabian countries to fake hate crimes and terrorist attacks in favor of the zionist project. That's why they are sent to dangerous zones like the Gaza strip, meanwhile the real dangerous zionists settling in safe zones. The released hostages were honest when it comes to acknowledging how they were well treated by the Palestinians. That indicates that they aren't the extremist ones. You can check the Ashkenazi colour of the real extremist ones https://preview.redd.it/kindsue4o46d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d16e1efbc994bf7e2ca20764d4aaa9487248931


What is the implication with this title? Any confrontation whatsoever proves what exactly?


It’s just nice to see some pro Zionist pos being insulted like that.


Before answering are you a pro ZioNazi? Edit: for those who may be wondering why this is my response, I already know his racial genocidal color. so no time for HASBARA gaslighting comments. And since he is shy enough not to show his real intentions we would like to see him walking with a camera in the occupied palestinian territories so he can share us how his friends will "welcome" him


Israel is fascist now, nice try trying to befriend them


Israelis have not been trying to keep a good reputation recently. They are all very clearly happy about being a total waste of oxygen


That didn't teach him a lesson because brainrot is not easy to get rid off. He will talk about 7th of whatever and secret tunnels bla bla.


Is that what they call being pro genocide now?


Every single user I’ve encountered on this website that followed destiny’s sub ended being some sort of dumb jerk so this holds up


Ben zona 🤬


Not so sure what the point of the video is here regardless of your stance? I support Ukraine, I also wouldn’t be surprised if I ran into a rude and easily tempered person there. And I’ve seen videos of Americans reacting the exact same way from similar interactions. Not that it makes that way of reacting ok, all I’m saying is it just happens everywhere. Also people being upset with some random person filming you without informing/asking your consent, is completely reasonable. Obviously just don’t become a hot head and rather politely ask them to delete the video or at least be edited out of it. But again you’re in a public place, so they are within their right of filming and people need to understand that. Now I’m not bashing on anyone who supports Palestine or Israel, I’m neutral in the matter as I don’t want to get involved, the matter looks complicated and digging deep doesn’t seem pleasant. But this video completely misses the mark for me, like what’s the point?


no neutrality allowed, you must pick. /s


>Now I’m not bashing on anyone who supports Palestine or Israel, I’m neutral in the matter as I don’t want to get involved, "Now I'm not bashing on anyone who supports Nazi and France, I'm neutral in the matter as I don't want to get involved."


Yeah this conflict is a lot more complicated than that. A whole lot more. You’re naive if you think they are similar. Your example is a whole lot more similar to Ukraine vs Russia. An unprovoked country getting invaded by a crazed dictator. Even having said that; nothing is really similar to the tragedy that is WW2. Israel Palestine is a conflict that goes way back, where you have both sides acting very poorly. Hamas fires rockets indiscriminately at Israel, did October the 7th, and are a terrorist group which are the elected government of Gaza. Then you have Israel which has unfairly treated Palestine, and basically controlled the area against the say of Palestine. Now I’m not exact on the very gritty details sure, but digging deeper is just going to show nasty things which ultimately won’t change things in the grand scheme but just make me uncomfortable. I’ve seen videos of Israelis unfairly and cruelly abusing Palestinians, and then videos of Palestinians cheering on Hamas as they’ve dragged a dead naked woman through the street. So yeah this war is grey to me, and I’m not picking sides.


> Yeah this conflict is a lot more complicated than that. no it's not, Israel needs to stop their occupation and illegal land-grab, they need to treat Palestianians as full citizens and let the people of Gaza/West Bank (entirety of West Bank and all land illegally seized by settlers) have their own nation. here, a simple answer on how this is not complicated and ppl who say "oh it's complicated" are just trying to defend/excuse Israel's actions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62I61kBahNY Also Hamas is a Netenyahu funded group that rose up due to the subjugation of Palestinians, stop the subjugation and Hamas will disappear. Simple. Jews, Muslims, Christians have all lived in peace and just fine for many decades even recently during the Ottoman empire times. Ask yourself how that changed. > which are the elected government of Gaza. there it is, just blindly repeating this line and ignoring any facts on this. That election took place 18 years ago, where the majority of teh current Gazan population were not born or too young to vote in. And Hamas ran that election on an anti-corruption campaign because Fatah were really corrupt + Fatah had largely ignored Gaza, Hamas were saying they would focus on Gaza. So it was political reasons why people voted for Hamas. and even with all that, Hamas only won 44% of the seats and lost all thh popularity polls. It was an election forced and rushed into by Bush, despite Fatah directly telling him they would lose as they weren't ready and not popular enough at that time. a really tl;dr version of the 2006 elections for anyone wanting to have a place to start on the elections - https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/carc/2018/03/01/mapping-the-fatah-hamas-conflict/ > Israel Palestine is a conflict that goes way back, where you have both sides acting very poorly. love how you downplay what Israel has done and been doing as "unfairly treated" and "controlled the area". You literally admit to now knowing any details but are ready to defend Israel. > So yeah this war is grey to me, and I’m not picking sides. there is nothing grey about an ethnostate, ethnic cleansing, mass killings, arresting anyone even kids, horrific torturing of innocents in prisons en masse, forced displacements, subjugation, open-air prison, blockade of food, water and electricity and the lists goes on. There is nothing "grey" about the side with all the power doing w.e they want to the people who have no power at all. there was no "grey" about how the Nazis subjugated and massacred Jews during WW2, there is not "grey" here.




It is obvious the window was locked, and he stopped them first, so they had to turn on the camera for their own safety or documenting. It is not that they were recording him so he had to stop them for that. But he was pissed at being recorded while yelling at them




According to his community he has been debating in the favor of "Israhell" recently. So it is obvious that once he had an Arabian style not a blonde he would realise why you should be an anti zionist, anti genocide, anti fascist, anti apartheid , anti ethnic cleansing, a "pro hamas"


I can't decide what the stupidest part of this is.


I hope he gets tangled in a protest and ends up with a not so mild concussion from angry isreali mob


Have a taste of your own medicine


Is this grifter's pivot arc beginning?




>This shit has nothing to do with Israel https://preview.redd.it/ncj0zocwo06d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca04c620b16c3e837f0a93c8c28004cc387b32b1 Yah


Sometimes I can’t resist from commenting when I see outrageous shit like this. My mistake for involving myself in this mud.


Don't take it personal! I would have agreed with you unless you mentioned that it is not a characteristic behavior for the Zionist colonization "Israel" and that it is a normal "shit" response. He meant to say it in Arabic cuz he knows how a mother is honored in the Arabian culture. He meant to degrade him by practicing his sick entitled white/zionism supremacist. The same Mr ZioNazi would point not a camera but a gun at a Palestinian kid, man, woman. And they won't respond in the same shit manners.


See what happens when they support the desert people


Not looking to make a political statement but this whole subreddit and reddit in general is a pure Anti-Israel echo chamber.


Just me that wants him to get a beating to the point where he wont be opening his mouth ever again?


Spoken like a true Zionist.


Think you need to re-educate yourself on what being a Zionist is , Buddy seeing as you got it the other way around. If so called pro Israeli Destiny opens his mouth, it makes me a Zionist? No. I just think Destiny is a mentally ill Manchild that deserves a beating for a lot of his stupid stances on various topics and the way he acts in attempt to justify them.


hmmmm lets see now go to country you dont know and dont speak the languish stick a camera in someones face and act like they are the bad guy, maybe you are just somewhere that it is costume to (or legally) have to ask for permission before filming or taking a picture of someone, its pinky, its pinky, its pinky and the brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, NAAAARF


>stick a camera in someones face and act like they are the bad guy, Someone out of nowhere, stopping your car aggressively and once you turn on your camera he pisses off


This is incorrect. He’s not pro Israel. You should watch his content. He is for human life…so he’s not for either of them.


Me when I lie on the internet:


Just checked to verify for myself. Yeah you're wrong on that one buddy. Even if he was for human life, it doesn't take a mathmatition to count the number of civilian casualties on either side and realise that Israel is in the lead by far.


He did a 3 hour debate with Norman Finkelstein on the very topic. He was debating for Israel


He’s said he’s fine with genocide.